Well that's what they tell me.

Don't forget to check out SXSW to round out your Austin Friday.
Photos: OMG screencaps, Waiting for Jackson, Lafferty233 both courtesy of ANJ
A Jake and Austin Community
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Special K
2:07 PM
Labels: Austin Austin Friday
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OMG Continuously Updated List of Famous Queer People. Do you have a name to add?
Help for a Real Life Case of Rendition
Austin and that scenery - gorgeous! :)
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN stars JAKE GYLLENHAAL, MICHELLE WILLIAMS and ANNE HATHAWAY are the frontrunners to score big at the Oscars in 2011, according to the leading Academy Awards race website.
The three stars are all tipped to claim leading actor and actress Oscars nominations for the films Blue Valentine and Love & Other Drugs.
Contact Music
Oscar potential: Early screenings have Hollywood buzzing about Hathaway and Gyllenhaal's performances. After previous nominations, this could be their chance to take home the gold.
The Envelope
Wonder when Austin will pop up again.
And why he does he look so different in these pictures compared to the other ones at the bottom? Ohhh wait now I know. ; )
What were the circumstances just before the pics with Sophia? What sort of conversation were they having? What was the photographer saying to him? To them? Oh I know. You have no clue.
Jake answering fan questions:
What drew you to the role of Dastan?
We do have a clue, watch the video.
Snow PG!!!! It was in the 70s here today, took the day off and spent it at the Bronx zoo. It was like going on a mini vacation.
There are a few normal people in HW, but a lot of those live elsewhere, Streep, Damon, Maggie G.
But these people have money, opportunity, time, and time apart during filming. I suspect a lot of the marriages that do last involve people looking the oither way and or having agreements about what is allowed.
I almost feel bad for Tiger, don't think it is right for someone to spill something like that about someone else. And ho knows how much of it is fantasy and getting turned on by the talk. I also think as long as things are between consenting adults and you do not hurt each other--or others by cheating--that personally I am not going to judge people by what they do in bed.
That being said, i do find the choking stuff a bit disturbing.
Wonder how Jake would like it if some of us started texting during the movie???
Bad fan!
Here's the video
Sophia, Austin,& Lee
Gay Facebook founder Chris Hughes starts Jumo.com, a social platform for global volunteerism: "Think of the site as philanthropy, volunteerism and social networking all rolled into one. It's a platform that will connect people and organizations around the world, and Hughes is arguably the most well-known tech entrepreneur to enter the still evolving global space."
I hope everyone who sees PoP enjoys it. To me we went through 2 years of nausea dealing with reeke. My money wont reward that. Thats just my opinion and I dont expect anyone to feel the same.
I pretty much agree with you re: Tiger's situation, Destiny. I just named the ones I found disturbing. And I know some people get off on that oxygen deprivation thing - I just think you're playing with fire on that one. And I would say that one, between consenting adults is their business. But slapping and the violent talk - I find hard to believe that being a turn on for the person getting slapped around. Good grief. There was just some of that printed out that I found really disturbing - and it has more to do with control issues, I think.
I tell you what - if this stuff is true, Tiger was really pretty careless and naive to think all of his bedroom get-offs would remain confidential. Joe/Jane Q Public are just waiting with cellphones and message machines armed with videos/pictures/texts ready to put out that tell-all book and a Larry King visit.
I cannot believe he was that careless. The name of the game these days in America? YouTube, Twitter, reality TV shows, and just general internet/tabloid sensationalism and getting famous.
And look at the mistress of Jesse James. She's getting her 15 minutes of fame right now, plastered all over the gossip websites, front & center.
And of course, why is it done? Because of goonheads like me who gawk like a rubbernecker, shooting up readership, ratings, hits.
I know, tome. Hey, you will not get any arguments from me. I totally agree with you, even though! Even though! Even though I am going to see it. I'm looking forward to seeing it.
But I totally, totally understand & hear your view. I hate that my $8-10 (well, that's how much it would be here in my hometown, lol) is rewarding the bearding.
But I don't believe Reeke was all about PoP, and I know there are those who wholeheartedly disagree with that. And that's what discussions are all about. None of us knows 100% for sure what Reeke was for. Hey, maybe Reeke was split up, 60% for this, 40% for that. We don't know.
I honestly think Reeke was done at least partly because of BT. Something is just gnawing at me about that the longer time goes by.
You'll get support on your views, don't worry. And you have mine, too. I totally get it, really.
At least thanks for letting someone like myself be able to express that I'm seeing it and looking forward to it without being trashed, which has not happened here at all. I haven't seen any criticism of anyone here for wanting or planning to go see it. Even though I did get blasted in my eardrum from Tom-aroni when I told him my news.
LOLLLLL!!! Aw, Tom & I love each other so we can do that stuff.
Pretty much. lol.
I think a lot of sex texting is just that, sex talk for the erotic impact, not to be carried out for real. But I cant believe that anyone famous would put that stuff in writing these days. Pretty naive and trusting.
I cant get excited about Oscar buzz this early in the game. Didn't we hear the same spiel for Zodiac, Rendition and Brothers?
I have not read too much about the POP reactions, but what I've seen so far seems pretty mediocre. It may be a decent film, but it's not going to make Jake a super star. I just hope Twitter does not kill the enthusiasm for it. Twitter gives and Twitter takes.
Oh man I remeber that phone call PG. You did get an earfull. I scared the hell out of Maggie yelling like that.:-) I do the same thing to her when I am watching the Eagles games. LOL!
I believe reeke was 100 % a shield for Jakes homosexuality. The way he broke from anything associated with Gay including BBM and Heath were too telling. Protecting BT may have been on his mind but not to protect this child but the reason why he had a child without a wife or GF.
Oooops sorry about the tome6. Thats my google acct. name.
video: Jake Gyllenhaal Reunites With an Ex!
When Jake Gyllenhaal dined on French food in Montreal recently, he was surrounded by seven pals -- including one of his famous ex-girlfriends.
Who was it?
Us Weekly video
I really like the music today; I didn't even recognize what it was, my girlfriend did--an early Talking Heads song. I like both versions (she doesn't).
A YouTube link for anyone who hasn't heard the original and is curious.
Talking Heads
Totally agree with you Tom about the bearding.
Great quote from Lt. Choi after getting out of prison this morning:
There was no freer moment than being in that prison. It was freeing for me, and I thought of all of the other people that were still trapped - that were still handcuffed and fettered in their hearts. And we might have been caged up physically, but the message was very clear to all of the people who think that equality can be purchased with a donation, or with a cocktail party, or with tokens, that are serving in a public role. We are worth more than tokens. We have absolute value. And when the person who is oppressed by his own country wants to find out how to get that dignity back - being chained up and being arrested - that's how you get your dignity conferred back upon you. "
fuller quote and video at Towleroad
Wow, that sounds really liberating for Lt. Choi. Incredible words.
Tommmm!!!!! Tom, lol! That was you. I had no idea, no idea. What is the matter with you, lol.
snicker. When I read your second comment, I was like - How did he know...how did he/she remember that phone call? I was talking to Tom? And how does this person know about Maggie-moo? LOLLLL!! I was getting weirded out! That's funny.
Okay, I may have to stand on the podium of crow eating and eat some more words of mine!! (sorry for all the exclamation points - it's just one of those kind of day/nights!) I was just at my local Price Chopper store and while waiting for the lady in front of me to unload all of her stuff, I picked up the new People mag and there's another story about Jake having dinner with Kirsten and 6 other people. Some inside source. There must be something to that even though there's no pictures. Man. I'm sorry but I can't imagine having dinner with an ex who cheated on me while we were having a relationship. Sorry - can't, wouldn't do it. Those would be 2 incredible people, lol.
Wow, I haven't been actually fun shopping for a little while. I went a little hog wild, spending $$$ like I thought I had it. It's one of my cubemates' birthday on Tues and she is a cheeseaholic like myself so it was a no brainer to do the cheese/crackers thing. So off I went to Sam's Club and my local P/Chopper. I'm loaded down with cheese, lol. And then I found Scarecrow & Mrs. King - Season 1 on DVD!!! That has never been on dvd before - I had to get it. May give it as a gift, tho.
And it's started to rain. The rain that will be a prelude to all this snow we're supposed to get which is coming from Denver. And I'm supposed to go into work for a little bit tomorrow. Don't know if that's going to happen. Meanwhile, my sister is in Greece now where it's a lot nicer, getting ready to go on a cruise ship and I'm excited about cheese. There's something wrong with this picture.
And my avatar is now little Tai Shan!!! Little Tai Shan, the panda. His birth was absolutely hilarious if you ever get to see it on video. Now he's an adult but he was an adorable baby.
And from Tai Shan to sex texting. Absolutely no issues with that at all.
But choking?? Slapping? I don't get that one at all, even in fantasy phone texting. But enough of that now. I think I'm Charlie the Lonesome Cougar on an island by myself on this issue so I'll bow out.
Well, need to put my million dollar groceries away. I got all distracted by Tom!!! and his Identity Unveiling. lol. My yogurts and cheeses need to be put away.
Lets hope the pictures in todays post are the last time we see sophin. Bags are packed and A is ready to head home. We may not see Austin for a while. Maybe we will get the annual pic Spesh was talking about in April though.
My bet is those gym bags at the top of the steps belong to a guy. I dont see any luggage with it that a lady would use which means only one thing sophin didnt stay in the same room:-)
Yup it's a cover of the Talking Heads. Local Natives are from Silver Lake and they are the most talked band at SXSW this year.
Hoping too that DADT as soon as possible. Lt Choi is example of what the military is missing out on because of it. Great individuals, great leaders.
Hopefully after this health care reform vote, the Administration can quickly get back to the other things on their list of reform.
i thought all the spinsters were going to boycott PoP coz Jakey-poo was not out of the closet yet. Is he even gay?
9:43 AM troll is welcome to post his shit?
lol @ 10:02 crying because of a different opinion
What opinion is that?
Dear Ted:
Regarding the reader's comment about knowing someone is gay making them less believable in hetero roles, I get it—and I don't. I have no problem believing Neil Patrick Harris as Barney on HIMYM. Most actors who are gay, I could care less, and it doesn't affect my ability to "buy into" their various character portrayals. However, too much offscreen drama can distract from what actors do onscreen. I can no longer buy them as any character, because I can't stop thinking of them in terms of the gossip about them. Any big, nonstop story about someone's personal life (Tom Cruise, Bennifer 1.0, Mel Gibson) can take me out of a performance, and that is not limited to stories of someone's sexual identity. Someone's sexuality should be a nonstory.
Dear Exactly:
I agree—and I don't. Sometimes I totally enjoy watching how somebody's acting through their tabloid predicaments—hell, half of Jennifer Aniston's movies are 10 times better because of it! And I totally don't even think of stars like Neil or Jane Lynch's sexuality when they're onscreen.
Dear Ted:
Help! Just when I have decided to go for the "rough, tattooed type"—ya know, big, quiet man's-man à la Sandra Bullock—this cheating scandal happened! Bummed me out to say the least! Isn't there anyone happy in Hollywood? And, just what type should I now set my sights on? I don't want to be a beard à la Toothy, no more Jesse James type, what is a single gal to do?
Dear Dating Disaster:
Honey, if you want a drama-free relationship, date outside of H'wood and its types.
Bitch-Back! Setting the Record Straight—or Gay
Happy 1st Day of Spring everybody!!
same to you!!
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