One Man Three Ways
Neal Cassady was the wheelman on spontaneous roadtrips all over North America with his friend Jack Kerouac. Those trips were not only the inspiration for the defining work of the Beat Generation,On the Road, but was a direct influence on Kerouac's style."Ken Kesey and others who were friendly with, or married to, or driven by, or audience for Cassady all say that "Fastestmanalive" talked and lived as he drove -- at overwhelming rates and to uncertain places."(Today in Literature)
Cassady inspired Kerouac who made him Dean Moriarty in his book, but what's the influence on the three actors have played him on film?
Thomas Jane in The Last Time I Committed Suicide
Tate Donovan in Neal Cassady
Austin in Luz Del Mundo
All three actors are currently on TV series.
What do you think?
Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsburg in a rare clip.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Threesome of a Different Kind
Posted by
Special K
1:33 PM
Labels: Austin, Luz Del Mundo, Neal Cassady
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My kind of post. ;)
I was happy to read about the progress being made in LGBT rights in China, but to me, China is an economic powerhouse on a shaky foundation of abysmal human rights policies, overpopulation, hard-line Communist restrictions of personal freedoms of expression and privacy, labor rights, environmental polices, and animal rights. There are more important things than money, and I think our country should think about how we do business with China. I just object to some of the governmental polices.
Dear Ted:
My partner and I have 3 rescue dogs and have supported a local organization! Please, please answer my questions! I love your column and follow it every day! Here's what I'm wondering. As it concerns stars and their sexuality, I see three categories: 1) Celebrities who are out and proud, i.e. Neil Patrick Harris, Lance Bass, etc. 2) Celebrities who are out, but don't publicly proclaim it to the press, and can be discovered by any amateur Google-er, and 3) Celebrities who are deep in the closet and often participate in the "bearding program." Are most of the Blind Vices in category 3? For instance, if Toothy Tile (and most of the gay or bisexual Blind Vicers) came out, would you go back and tell us that said actor was Toothy Tile all along? Also, specifically about Parrish Maguire, Jackie Bouffant, and Crescent Kumquat—what age bracket do they fall into? 20s, 30s, 40s? Thank you so much Ted, and I hope you answer my questions!! Brian
Dear Categories:
Right-o, most of the BVs are from the deep in the closet variety. As for the BVs you named—they definitely cover a couple of the age groups you named, and then some.
*cough* It looks like Atticus wrote this one:
Dear Ted:
My German shepherd rescue, Jake, and I are sitting here discussing Blind Vices. Jake wanted me to ask if you wouldn't mind giving us a clue as to which BV is Steve Carell's? We're totally stumped!
Dear Office Goss:
It's not too funny!
Bitch Back!
Dear Ted:
My partner and I have 3 rescue dogs and have supported a local organization! Please, please answer my questions! I love your column and follow it every day! Here's what I'm wondering. As it concerns stars and their sexuality, I see three categories: 1) Celebrities who are out and proud, i.e. Neil Patrick Harris, Lance Bass, etc. 2) Celebrities who are out, but don't publicly proclaim it to the press, and can be discovered by any amateur Google-er, and 3) Celebrities who are deep in the closet and often participate in the "bearding program." Are most of the Blind Vices in category 3? For instance, if Toothy Tile (and most of the gay or bisexual Blind Vicers) came out, would you go back and tell us that said actor was Toothy Tile all along? Also, specifically about Parrish Maguire, Jackie Bouffant, and Crescent Kumquat—what age bracket do they fall into? 20s, 30s, 40s? Thank you so much Ted, and I hope you answer my questions!! Brian
Dear Categories:
Right-o, most of the BVs are from the deep in the closet variety. As for the BVs you named—they definitely cover a couple of the age groups you named, and then some.
*cough* It looks like Atticus wrote this one:
Dear Ted:
My German shepherd rescue, Jake, and I are sitting here discussing Blind Vices. Jake wanted me to ask if you wouldn't mind giving us a clue as to which BV is Steve Carell's? We're totally stumped!
Dear Office Goss:
It's not too funny!
Bitch Back!
Interview with OTH producer Steve Goldfried
Here's the part that pertains to the future of the show.
TDW: There’s a massive fan campaign going on right now to show The CW how much they want the show to continue. From what I’ve heard, that’s gotten back to you guys and you know it’s going on. I’m curious to know the reaction you guys have had to it.
Goldfried: We have heard about that and our reaction is gratitude. It’s awesome. It’s amazing to know that the fans took their own initiative to do that. They’ve done that in past years, too, and we continue to be thankful for it.
TDW: Fans are on the edge of their seats, so anxious to find out what’s going to be.
Goldfried: So are we!
TDW: It seems that various places are reporting that it’s going to be a while. I feel like you guys are in this no man’s land. You can’t go back, you can’t go forward.
Goldfried: That’s sort of the nature of TV. It’s always been that way. It won’t be that much longer. We’ll know soon. But we are in no man’s land. We don’t know when. There’s no hard date or anything that we’ve heard of. The upfronts are in mid-May, as you know I’m sure. So we’ll know by then.
TDW: If this turns out to be the last season or even whenever the last season of the show is, how would you like One Tree Hill to be remembered?
Goldfried: Mark has always said they wanted to make somebody’s favorite show. We were never necessarily the biggest show and we’re certainly not the most promoted show. They just wanted to always make sure it was somebody’s favorite show and I think it ended up being a lot of somebody’s favorite show. I’d like it to be remembered that way, too.
TDW: Any last message for the fans?
Goldfried: We’re really happy that everyone is sending in their messages to The CW. That’s awesome. We really appreciate it. Our new episodes return April 26th, the last four of the season, so everyone make sure you tune in for those because they’re going to be great episodes. Thanks for watching and thank you for the interview.
You can read the whole thing here: TeenDramaWhore
Prince of Persia hasn't even hit theaters yet, but that didn't stop us from asking about sequels, especially given that the Pirates of the Caribbean movie ballooned into a soon-to-be four-picture series after Johnny Depp's portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow took off towing the box office with it.
"Nothing yet," Bruckheimer said of future Prince of Persia movies. "It's got to become a hit. Then we'll talk about it." Source
Did Jake Gyllenhaal roughhouse with a woman this weekend?
No, we don't mean in the fun way, babes. There's a report going around that the Prince of Persia star got into a little altercation up in Montreal over the weekend.
And we're here to sort things out for you...
The alleged incident supposedly went down Saturday night at restaurant Garde-Manger.
Apparently Gyllenhaal was dancing on the bench of his table with a group of pals, ticking off a blogger from DrunkenStepfather a few feet away who found the show to be quite egocentric.
Said blogger then went up to Jake's table, turned to a girl there and goes (according the blogger himself): "Hey isn't that the guy who kissed Heath Ledger?"
Gyllenhaal apparently got in the guys face, told him to f--ck off and got the dude escorted out of the club. Only problem is in this he-said, he-said tale is that the blogger also claims his female guest was pushed about 10 times by Gyllenhaal before J.G.'s crew pulled him away.
OK, so there's the background. Oh, and for the record, Jake's camp wouldn't comment. But here's what we heard really went down, according to eyewitnesses…
Jake was definitely at the restaurant Saturday night (he's a regular there) as was the blogger. Main discrepancy here? We're told by sources who were present that the blogger in question said, "Hey isn't that the guy who killed Heath Ledger?" prompting Jake to yell to the bouncers "get these guys the f--k out of here."
The instigator and his crew were then thrown out.
We originally read this blog post yesterday, where the site definitely had "killed" not "kissed" up until it was later changed. The post actually backs up this supposed kill claim by ranting in the item that if Jake was Ledger's friend, he probably would have been there for him in his low point.
Seriously can't say we blame Gyllenhaal's heated reaction. "Isn't that the guy who killed Heath Ledger?" Not a funny joke, dude. We wish punches were thrown.
As for this girl who was supposedly caught in the crossfire? Onlookers tell us "there were a bunch of girls" there but "no one was shoved or hurt."
Jake is currently in Montreal filming Source Code, which won't be affected by this nonincident. We hear filming has been going "great" up there before this.
Jake Gyllenhaal Involved in Bar Fight?
I know they had to answer the questions as they were asked, but it sure dounds like they don't think OTH will be back.
I was thinking about the whole Sophin thing again, and really, actors don't do themselves any favors in terms of getting a new job when they sell themselves as being the same as their characters because it undercuts any notion that they're actors who can play any role. Not that OTH gave Austin much of a chance to do anything this year anyway.
I'd love to see Austin play Neal Cassiday, but don't think we'll ever get to see that.
So it's Ted to the rescue, lol.
Not sure that saying something to a star, no matter how obnoxious, is grounds for being thrown out of a place. Strange about the kiss/kill discrepency, wonder if he meant to say kiss and he made a freudian slip and said kill.
No I don't think it was a Freudian slip at all. I think the guy want to make some noise and get some attention and have a good story for his blog that would get him traffic. Look at what he twittered and what he wrote up about what happened. And then kept killed up and then just happened to changed it to kiss? Don't think so. And don't think it was a typing mistake either since the ss in kiss and ll in kill are type by opposite hands.
It sounds like Perez kind of move.
drunkstepfather: If the Jake gyllenhaal shit was a publicity stunt for me I would have taken pics. Whether I said kissed or killed he shouldn't shove girls
1 minute ago from
^^^ And Drunk
Update to Ted's Story:
Gyllenhaal apparently got in the guys face, told him to f--ck off and got the dude escorted out of the club. Only problem is in this he-said, he-said tale is that the blogger also claims his female guest was pushed about 10 times by Gyllenhaal before J.G.'s crew pulled him away.
Gyllenhaal's rep claims blogger's story is "libelous" and informs us his lawyers are taking "immediate action."
And for more info on what really went down, here's what we've learned:
Jake was definitely at the restaurant Saturday night (he's a regular there) as was the blogger. Main discrepancy here? We're told by sources who were present that the blogger in question said, "Hey isn't that the guy who killed Heath Ledger?" prompting Jake to yell to the bouncers "get these guys the f--k out of here."
Jake Gyllenhaal involved in a Bar Fight
Whether I said kissed or killed he shouldn't shove girls
^^ nothing has been confirmed that he did. Should we take some jerk who would do such a immature stunt seriouly? I say not.
The girls were probably DRUNK also, and standing close edging the blowhart on.
*%$*# dRuNkS, I tell ya #%$#^&*
Lawyers Letter in - They claim everything I witnessed and experienced is a lie and they are going to sue me for defamation - It is not lies
2 minutes ago
Let gyllenhaal's high priced lawyers sue me for something he did
28 minutes ago
I like blaming best friends of ppl who die of drug overdoses for not being there to get then help
28 minutes ago
I like blaming best friends of ppl who die of drug overdoses for not being there to get then help
28 minutes ago
That tweet right there blows DSF story about saying Kiss instead of Kill.
Daddy do you want me to sic him?
Brother, what a mess. What an ugly spot.
You know what, and I'll get killed myself on here for saying this, but Jake has got to watch himself. He knows people are going to bait him. This twitter & blog business creates no privacy, not many secrets and everything is out in cyberspace available to be used by anyone for however they want to use it.
That's what the bodyguards are there for. For gosh sakes, if the bg is there, use them for what they're getting paid for. To take care of this kind of crap and intimidate that idiot into either silence or leaving.
And DSF was an idiot. And he took a really cheap, ugly shot. But Jake will find himself in a Mel Gibson situation because other idiots will take this guy's cue and now everyone knows his hot button.
Just like in prof. baseball & football, Joe Bloe will use that again in the future to get Jake to lose his conrol.
This DSF sounds like a real little wienie. A very immature, looking for trouble, probably young guy with alot of inner issues. Maybe he was jealous of the fun Jake's table was having. Maybe this guy hangs out there all the time and he was mad that Jake was "invading his territory". It's very possible. So he took the cheapest shot he could.
But Jake really needed to rein it in and not give him the time of day. Let the bg take care of it.
How unfortunate.
And maybe Jake needs to find a different place to hang out.
Hmm. Boy, for all the stories we read about Jake loving to cook, I continue to not see evidence of that. All I ever read is about him eating out all the time.
Here's an idea, Jake. Why not have all of these friends over to your place, light the fireplace, and whip them up a nice dinner?
You'll have your privacy and you can dance on the banister, coffee table, and dining room table if you need to entertain so badly.
Sorry, but I just am not cutting the guy a whole lot of slack on this one; my sympathy cup is near empty. I'm disappointed in him.
But we all lose our temper; I certainly do. It's just that he's very much in the public eye and to those whom much is given, much is expected.
It's just that he's very much in the public eye and to those whom much is given, much is expected.
You have a point there, PrairieGirl. And it's unfair that so much is expected, sometimes too much is expected.
I also think that if someone is heckling a customer, it is grounds to be removed from the establishment. It's the management's prerogative on how serious they perceive it to be.
Why should Jake have to stay in and not go out? That's not really fair.
And how many times has Jake lost his cool even when provoked? The paparazzi going into the courthouse, and come on who wouldn't lose their cool if someone screamed that at you in a restaurant.
We don't even know a tenth of what has been yelled at or sent to Jake all these years. Don't think DSF got close to the vicious hateful things that have been said to him about BBM and about himself.
And before people say I wouldn't go off. Think for one minute when someone cuts you off in traffic, or even says something hateful to you that pisses you off, and you never react? Do you stop driving? Do you stop talking to people? Do you stop going on the Internet?
We all react, we are all human. Jake is human too. To expect him to have some other behavior that we can't even have ourselves is unfair.
It looks like what Jake did was yell at the guy after being told that he had killed his friend.
I know that Jake hardly ever gets a break, but very few people just simply walk away from something like that.
I'm not sure why it would be better to sic his bodyguard on the guy which would probably turn physical instead of doing what Jake did and exchange words.
And I'm having a real problem with Jake "needing" to stay home or go somewhere else.
It reeks of the rape victim "needing" to stop wearing skirts and stay home instead of going out.
Lol I get anyone removed who is heckling me. Why would I put up with it?
Jake doesn't need a bodygaurd in Montreal. Any actor that comes up to Canada doesn't need a bodygaurd. No one pays attention to them except for apparently this guy.
If this really happened he would not be the only person talking about it. He has changed his story twice, now saying he never said anything to Jake but the girl did. Funny.
There is more then one meal in a day. And since Jake loves food being in a different city you would want to eat out and experience what they have to offer. Montreal is a great place for food :) Also a great nightlife. You wouldn't want to stay inside.
DSF should have never done what he did. And he should have been kicked out. He was the one who incited the incident. There is no place for that. Now he is getting his 15 minutes for being an ahole.
Great points Montreal.
Funny how he changed his story again after getting the letter from the lawyers. And yeah let's blame one of the girls.
I knew I'd get killed for saying what I did.
I have a right to voice my opinion and you all have a right to disagree. Thank you, true, you did disagree the least angriest.
Special, that driving comparison doesn't rate. Two totally different things. I have to drive.
And let's not be silly. I'm not saying for Jake to stay inside and never go out ever again. You guys are stretching what I was saying. Yeah, right. I expect Jake to stay inside every day for the rest of his life.
Cut me some slack; I'm not that unreasonable.
You're yelling at me, Special, I can hear it.
Okay, I've voice my opinion. Everyone can stone me and toss it around some more. I'm dropping it and going to something lighter now.
*gets out the sandstone*
*files his teeth into sharp points*
Okay Daddy I'm ready to sic him.
I am not yelling at the computer PG.
I was just countering what you said.
The point I am saying is that we all react and we can't expect that Jake is never allowed react either.
My dream movie is Jake and Austin as Neal and Jack. Maybe someday.
My geuss is that the CW is waiting to see if they have a programming hole to fill. If they can't come up with something better, they will renew OTH. I am pretty sure that I read that the producer or head writer already took another job. I hope Austin moves on if nothing else. This last season was pure drivel. I am not sure if I would even watch it again, maybe settle just for Austin screen shots.
Sure sounds like the drunkenguy was trying to provoke Jake. Very immature. But you are right, Jake needs to curtail his reaction, like it or not. He won't be the first to have lost his temper but it looks bad when it winds up all over the news.
Okay, here's a hilarity. From the ol' Star magazine, Mar 29, 2010 issue.
Reese & Jim - It's Serious!
Reese W. has a lot to smile about these days! After pulling the plug on her nearly three-year romance with Jake G in nov., she's found love again with top CAA agent, Jim Toth. And though she's taking it slow, friends believe the pair could go the distance. "Reese is normally super-private about her love life, but she acts like a schoolgirl when it comes to Jim," an insider tells Star. "She has a spark with him that was just never there with Jake."
Other factors in Jim's favor: At 39, he has a maturity and stability that appeals to the divorced mom of two, 34, who insiders say worried that four-years-younger Jake wasn't ready to take on a family. "Jim is very steady." says a source. "He used to be a bit of a player, but he wants to settle down. And he's had a crush on Reese for a long time!" He also has had no problem adjusting to her A-list lifestyle. "Reese likes that he doesn't go off for months to make movies, but he still does extremely well for himself," the source adds. "Jim has money, power and connections."
Yes PG, you've voiced you opinion and we voiced ours. Doesn't mean we are throwing stones at you. You say this so often. Not always true. Yes I know some people do throw stones but I don't think anyone here was.
Another thing about this guys story. He said the girl was his friend. Jake pushed his girl friend around. But then she magically became Jakes groupie who he was there hanging out with. This won't even go to court.
I don't think Jake will stay inside. This hasn't been reported in Canada so everything is fine.
Uh, yeah, you were ticked.
Star article continued:
Most important, her children, Ava, 10, and Deacon, 6, with ex Ryan P., adore Jim. "Whenever Deacon or Ava has a school event, Jim offers to be there," says a pal. "Any guy who makes that kind of time for her kids wins high marks from Reese."
Yet the 2 almost didn't become a couple. CAA agents are discouraged from dating clients--and both Reese & Jake are with the agency, though each is repped by other people. "That's why Reese and Jim were so secretive when they started going out in January. It's even more sticky because Jake can't be happy about it," says the source. "But Jim's boss finally gave the OK."
Adds another source: "Reese is sensible-it's not like her to mix business with pleasure. But seeing her with Jim, you completely understand why she went for it. I don't think she'll let him get away!"
Star Magazine.
Did you know that back in 2007 they found out that Kerouac first started writing On The Road in Quebec French, and he also wrote two unpublished novels in it too?
Oh on the "Reese has a new BF" tour. It really must be official it was on The Insider, People and US Weekly. Wow her people didn't have the weekend off before this launch did they.
My dream movie is Jake and Austin as Neal and Jack. Maybe someday.
You and me both, M. :) I thought they were working on a Jack Kerouac film?
Did you know that back in 2007 they found out that Kerouac first started writing On The Road in Quebec French, and he also wrote two unpublished novels in it too?
I didn't know that - even more fascinating.
Ugh about Reese and her new BF -
I don't come here often. Just here writing a reply since right now I can give info about the big Canada! Lol I also answered about the paparazi in the previous fourm.
I wish I had a twitter to tell that guy how stupid he is. And a liar at that. Love it.
New pics
No PG, I was simply going on what you said:
That "maybe Jake needs to find a different place to hang out" and that he should stay home and "have all of these friends over to his place, light the fireplace, and whip them up a nice dinner" if he wants to have "privacy, dance on the banister, coffee and dining room table".
That is nothing else but saying that he should have stayed home if he didn't want people to heckle him and tell him that he killed his friend.
I think it's a sad thing when the victim is expected to plan his life around the bullies and stop doing things he likes just to avoid these things possibly happening.
And that is me voicing my opinion, not me being ticked.
Whatever Reese needs to do to scratch her Anniston itch, let her do it. Just keep the bearding karma away from Jake.
The point I am saying is that we all react and we can't expect that Jake is never allowed react either.
^^ I don't understand this logic either Special K. The man (is) human. I know if he ignored it, the mess would be much smaller.
But sometimes you have to stand for something or people will walk all over you.
Hopefully the whole thing falls by the wayside somewhere.
I know I'm wrong but Jake, you should have kicked his ass.
I got your back.
And the nerve of the jerk, He incited the whole incident, now he's blaming. I can't believe it.
I love the clip of Neal Cassady and Allen Ginsberg. You can see how close they were - Allen instantly relaxes when Neal comes around. Great clip. Looking forward to seeing Howl. :)
New pics
Boring. I want to see more Atticus and his hot little ass.
Jim has money, power and connections.
Translation: And Jake didn't. Meow Meow. Wonder if Reese's new relationship heating up wasn't speeded up after all the Oscar curse stories that featured Reese, very prominently, as a dumpee.
Good point Destiny, I didn't think of that. I also think she wants to put a lot of distant between her and Jake too.
PG, I can totally understand what you're saying, I sort of feel that way myself. Stars have to be careful, because people want a piece of them. And I do think that club was probably a lot quicker to throw the guy out because a celeb was involved. I'm sure if you or I had something like that happen to us, nobody would get bounced, or everyone would get bounced.
And we've seen some anger from Jake before, and I can't help but think things like staying deep in the closet and not being able to spend time with your loved one contributes to that. Got to think if Austin was up there with him Jake would be a lot happier and not so quick to anger.
On the other hand, I know I can be quick to get angry if someone does things like that to me, e.g., acting obnoxious on the subway, and am quick to say something back (but I don't do anything physical). So can't blame him either.
This whole thing is just strange, and I'm kind of on the fence.
Is the song today really only 22 seconds long? Talk about punk.
and I can't help but think things like staying deep in the closet and not being able to spend time with your loved one contributes to that.
No, It's called standing your ground to a disrespecting person.
Jake could have had a bad case of gas, irritated eyes, and ingrown toenail, no peen or caca lately, whichever he likes.
Things set people (human beings)off all the time and they are not to be f***ed with, who knows what.
Let's not use his sexuality or his assumed sexuality all the time for the "Reason".
"Jim has money, power and connections."
And no other name in HW was deseperate enough to sign up for a 3 year stint in Witherhell. Three months and he's going to her children school events? Ryan is looking more and more like parent of the year.
Jake seems to have acted like Mr Macho. This always seems to backfire on him when he does. Jake needs to also get rid of his Heath demons. Def more to that story then we know. I think if Jake is getting lawyers involved he is a little bit afraid. Sounds like he is trying to scare the guy. Jake better hope this guy doesnt decide to get himself a lawyer. This could get messy. Something happened and hopefully Jake didnt push that girl. If he cant take the heat he does need to stay home.
Looks like reese has moved on. Hopefully this time her bf is str8.
I do think Jake has some demons too, Tom.
I'm surprised the guy hasn't backed off after getting the letter from the lawyers. A lot of people would, even if they were telling the truth, to avoid the hassle. Interesting that he's not.
Interesting that one of the things Jake's people specifically denied in the letter is that he was making out with one of the women.
Can any of our Canadian posters tell us what the defamation laws are up North?
ONTD on the bar fight
The guy clearly defamed him when he 1) Referred to him as killer of Heath in a public place 2) Inciting him 3)Said he beat up a woman and 4)Posting it on the internet and then changed the facts how many times. That's why there are lawyers are involved.
DSF does not have a good rep at all, and is described by many as a homophobe. Why is he not backing down? Because at the moment it keeps him getting free PR. He can settle it later, after he's got all the attention he wants.
I just don't get how you say Jake should stay home. Like I said probably all of us would reacted if someone yelled at you about killing a friend of yours. It's not really fair to say he needs to stay home.
He has been taking people and paps yelling and taunting him for years especially since BBM came out. And they are going to yell the vilest of things to him to get him to react. Let's be honest he's kept his cool a lot better than a lot of people would.
Do I think Jake feels guilty over losing Heath. Yes, but not how you think. I think it's more about the distance between when it all happened, and maybe that there was more he could have done to help him. But he couldn't, it was Heath's life and his choices.
I know that I felt guilty after losing my friend Mark when the found him alone and dead of an accidental overdose. Why? Because I had to separate myself from him in the months before he died. I did all I could do, but I couldn't save him from his demons or addictions. I still feel like I am was a bad friend because when he died we weren't as close, and I second guess if I did enough to try and save him.
From Eonline message board:
"I was at Garde Manger Saturday night when the whole thing went down... He did loose his temper and he did shove the girl... He was yelling and screaming and caused a whole commotion. I am sorry but if I were Jake Gyllenhaal I wouldn't go to places where people can say whatever they want if I wasn't prepared to handle it correctly. The poor girl was hysterical crying, he got right into her face and all she was doing was asking him to calm down.... He needs to learn that off set, he is just like the rest of us and he is not allowed to push and shove people around like that... it was disturbing to see such a display of power tripping.."
From Eonline Message Board:
I was at Garde Manger Saturday night when the whole thing went down... He did loose his temper and he did shove the girl... He was yelling and screaming and caused a whole commotion. I am sorry but if I were Jake Gyllenhaal I wouldn't go to places where people can say whatever they want if I wasn't prepared to handle it correctly. The poor girl was hysterical crying, he got right into her face and all she was doing was asking him to calm down.... He needs to learn that off set, he is just like the rest of us and he is not allowed to push and shove people around like that... it was disturbing to see such a display of power tripping..
Wow...Heath demons are right.
(BTW, I hate what that blogger said to Jake but if this is true about Jake's reaction to this girl, then Jake needs to control himself or maybe he should seek a therapist to deal with his Heath demons.)
If you look at DSF twitter you can see that he sent Tweets to Vera, Russell Peter, Duncan, Sam Ronson, Ryan Phillipe, Oprah and TMZ between 3:43 and 3:58AM on Sunday morning. That was after the tweet he said about at 10:45 Sat. saying he is betting he can make himself famous. Clearly whatever happened happened after that tweet and before sent out all his celebrity tweets.
He had a plan when he walked in and knew what he was going to do.
He had an intent and it was premeditated. This is where the lawyers are going to start with him. He is going to down because of his own hubris. He just had to tweet about it. It's going to come back and bite him in the ass.
I do think Jake has some demons too, Tom.
Who doesn't?
defamation laws:
You can read it about it there.
Basically just by what is being heard over the internet, if this went to court (which it wont, Jake will win.
Regardless if Jake shoved the woman (yes it is wrong), there was no report made that he beat up the woman. That would be the biggest part of the case. Even if Jake said he shoved her, no evidence of him beating her up, he will be fine.
That guy is upset no one reads his blog.
I don't think I've ever heard of Jake's lawyers going after someone. That is a good reason to believe there was no "beating" as that guy likes to put it. And you can garuntee all his tweets are being saved as he types them and will be used as evidence that he is just trying to defame him. Even his tweets in between will help Jake win a case against him.
I'll say this and go to bed. There are some here who just seem to have this hollier than thou attitude when it comes to Jake and the abuse that they think he should take from the public just because he's a public figure.
Don't ridicule until you have walked in anothers shoes. Something tells me that not many here has the patience and tolerence to turn the cheek if the jerk did the same to them.
Deffinately not, with all the strong opinions, cavalier attitudes and hissfits that comment on a daily basis.
And Jake should just stay home and turn the other cheek because he asked for it. He's a public figure. (sarcasm) What???
I understand Jake's reaction. I'd want to deck the guy too. But if Jake had hit him, that would be assault and open up a whole new can of worms. Besides, you never know what some nut case is going to do. He might have wanted an excuse to sue Jake for bodily injury, not just to generate hits on his blog. If they started to fight, Jake may have been injured. The only loose end for me is that the place seemed to be a restaurant, not a club. Was dancing on the booth appropriate. We will probably hear more about this during the week. I was glad to see Ted jump to his defense. Ted has always said he likes Jake, just the same as he says he likes Toothy.
As to the stay home and cook comment, speaking as a one time gourmet cook my self, cooking away from home is not that easy. Cooks need their favorite pots, a full cabinet of spices and staples, their good knives. I doubt the movie staff duplicated Jake's kitchen for him wherever he is staying, so cooking is more of a chore than fun when the right tools are not available.
Gah, I loathe how celebs are held to higher expectations then everyone else.
I'd like to see most people control themselves if someone suggested they killed someone they knew well (or even didn't know well)
If he shoved the girl in a moment of anger, what's done is done. Was she hurt? Did she have to go to the hospital?
If not, then people are making a mountain out of a molehill just because it was a woman he shoved.
If it was a man, there wouldn't even be a discussion.
I don't think losing your cool over something that horrendous makes you out of control. It makes you human.
If it was premeditated SK, then why do I feel like DSF was sent there? Jake has been there before , people that follow tweets know it.
Either he knew, called and to find out if he was going to be there or someone told him. They also probably told him to mention Heath since some in the Jake fandom were dissapointed that the Oprah bit at the Oscars never made it outside a few Jake blogs.
Why not enlist a blogger in Canada, even though he is a didgusting pig and runs a porn site.
You forgot that he contacted Perez too SK. They didn't touch it, he didn't tweet Ted but he ran with it.
Some on WFT2 said that thry e-mailed Ted.
DSF is from Montreal. Yes he could of known that Jake was heading out there that dinner that night. I'm sure he knows people in the entertainment and the restaurant and club industries there that could tell him.
I don't think DSF was sent there as part of some set up, in some big PR plan. I do think he knew Jake was going to be there and that he was going to incite and see what would happen. He was looking for attention and that tweet at 10:45 said that.
Why didn't he contact a Canadian blogger? He is one, and the other biggest name in Canadian gossip is Lainey who is all the way in Vancouver.
Dlisted picked it up as part of their afternoon crumbs yesterday afternoon. Why didn't the others. Maybe because of his past track record with stories or maybe they could see that this was a set up from the guy to use Jake.
Why Ted. It might have been all of the emails that Ted got that he felt he needed to find out what was going on. And also it could have been that he still reaches that most people who seems to have the best long term cred as a gossip columnist.
I'm not saying that Jake people couldn't have ask Ted for a favor to help knock down the rumors. That could very well be too. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
Dear Ted:
I am a mixed-breed rescue dog who's hopelessly loved and spoiled by my owner. My owner says I'm the best dog ever. I know I'm reward enough, but can you throw my owner a bone (get it?) about one of your Blind Vices? My owner's a bit addicted to Blind Vices. Take your pick. All my owner asks is that it be about one of the 30 and up crowd, because she's not as familiar with the young cool stars as she used to be. Gotta go pester the (rescue) cat now.
Dear Barkin' for some Gossip:
Crotch Uh-Lastic will so beat Toothy Tile in the coming-out battle—in fact, Crotch has been been pretty much saying it in the press, if you read between the lines. Now, go give your owner a nice big poop, everyone will feel better, promise
Dear Ted:
What is your scoop on the film, Love And Other Drugs (November 2010) starring Anne Hathaway & Jake Gyllenhaal? After seeing the rough cut of this film, industry insiders on some of the movie blogs are already predicting another Oscar nomination for Ms. Hathaway. The reports say it is unbelievably sexy (much nudity between Jake & Anne), very romantic, extremely funny and little bit of a tear-jerker. They say the chemistry between this duo is incredibly hot. Please, give me some info!
Dear Movie Buff:
Wow, you must be quite the film aficionado, darling! You're right, the movie has been building a lot of buzz for both Jake and Anne, who are apparently amazing according to those who have pre-screened the movie. We love Anne and can't wait to see the movie either!
Dear Ted:
I was just reading how Reese Witherspoon has a new boyfriend already. Gee, it didn't take her long to get over Jake, now did it? I guess it wasn't such a bad breakup after all.
Dear Wrong:
No darling. Trust me. It was.
Bitch Back!
Interesting that one of the things Jake's people specifically denied in the letter is that he was making out with one of the women.
Link please.
"Interesting that one of the things Jake's people specifically denied in the letter is that he was making out with one of the women.
Link please."
In the lawyer’s letter that DSF received and he posted on his site. Link (NSFW) .
According to somone on Gossip rocks, those two women he was with that night were his PA's who are always with him and seem very protective of him, they sound more like minders.
If this scum is putting it out there that he was making out with one of them, then that would bring more charges (fooling around with the hired help/sexual harrassment)on top of him hitting a woman story.
Interesting that Perez and TMZ, who he tweeted havven't touched it yet.
If this scum is putting it out there that he was making out with one of them, then that would bring more charges (fooling around with the hired help/sexual harrassment)
This is a joke, right?
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