With Duncan blowing up things in Canada it made me thing of this:
Howdy Farmers I'm Big Jim McBob
And I'm Billy Sol Hurok
And welcome to Farm Film Celebrity Blow up. Welll..we got good show for you today.
Yeah real good.
Real good show with a real good guest too.Yeah he's real good. He's an actor and he was a cowboy and now a prince.
Cowboy and a Prince? That's good. Real Good.
And he's a handsome one.
Yeah real handsome. Today's real good guest is Jake Gyl -len-haal
Gyl-len-haal Good Real Good.
Jake's over there in Montreal working on a movie with that Jones guy. Blown' up stuff
Blown' up stuff real good
He's fit real fit. He just got one some list you'd never be on Billy. Men's Fitness makes a list of them real fit guys. Jak'e made list.
Biking.Running lifting fighting.
Real Fit.Yeah Real Fit. Bet he be good on the farm.
Yeah. Real good.
Back to Jake and that real good movie he's makin'. He's blown' up a train over and over.
"Blow'd up good, blow'd up real good!"
Sounds like a good movie.
Real good.
Now comes the part of the show we blown' up stuff real good!
Blow'd up good, blow'd up real good!"
We done exploded a lot of 'em celebrities.
There was funny little Dustin Hoffman, that David Steinberg fella,
Bernadette Peters,
Neil Sedaka, and ewwww weeee Oscar winning actress Meryl Streep.
She blowed up... blowed up REAL good.
Now Jake get on that choo choo and go go.
Choo Choo Boom!He blow'd up good.
Yeah Blow'd up good, blow'd up real good!"
That's all for our show today.
Join us next week our guests will be the cast of that show the Crazy Tree something.
They're going make all this drama about a huskie eating a heart and drinking a Molsen and then blow'n up real good.
Blow'n up good. Blow'n up real good.
May the good Lord take a likin' to you and blow'd you up real soon.
Next up on SCTV
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Blown' up real good.
Posted by
Special K
12:08 PM
Labels: Farm Film Celebrity Blow Up, Fit, Good Real Good, Jake, Source Code
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I had totally forgotten about the Farm Film Celebrity Blow Up skits. Very funny post.
I had forgotten that skit as well. I love John Candy. Funny clip - at least he likes Rainer Werner Fastbinder (I do too)! ;)
Among the thousands of comments out there on the internet, mostly of the "duh" why is this news variety, I thought this one on the Huffington Post thread sums it up nicely:
To all the cynics who seem to have missed the point, I guess the headline should have read:
“Ricky Martin Rejects SUPERFICIALITY”
Not being open reflects the valuation of fame and fortune over integrity.
Not being open reflects the fear of people’s opinions.
Not being open reflects weakness and self-hatred.
He actually bucked society’s trends.
Geniuses, that’s the newsflash.
^^Seems like men like Clay and Ricky saw and understood those things after the birth of their children.
I wonder why Jake hasnt seen the same things. From what I heard their is nothing like the love for your own flesh and blood. Your right Destiny BT is missing a lot. My bet Austin and BT are still in Austin or now in LA and Jake is in Montreal. They are missing family time. Hopefully Jake gets done filming soon and will be home. O would love to see that annual April pic SK talks about.
I hope you're not holding your breath Tom.
I was at the Bronx Zoo a couple of weeks ago, had a Friday off and it was a beautiful day. Because it was a school day, the place was full of the stroller set--parents with their babies and toddlers. In addition to seeing all the animals, I also had a good time good time watching the babies and kids reacting with squeels of laughter and delight at the animals, and seeing their parents share in that and bond with their children over the experience.
I see it in my friends who have toddlers too. They want to share the world with their children, and they are always going all kinds of places with them, especially once they hit 2-3 years old. They want their kids to have rich lives, partake in activities, see new things.
I just do not see how you do that if you're deep in the closet.
Today I feel I want to wade into the opinion pool on an item that apprears to mean a lot to us in a number of different ways, that being Baby Tile and the harm done by not being open as Ricky and Clay now are.
While I appreciate the viewpoint of those who believe stidently that Jake and Austin are doing a disservice to their own offspring, I don't personally think all is lost! Children can be affected by the actions of their parents but also can be very resilient.
There are many ways to raise a child and so many varied situations as to who and how often parents or one parent shoulders that responsibility. The most important is that child knowing that they are loved unconditionally. If one parent of the other is absent from time to time or for extended periods then yes, that abscence will be noted at the time but may not leave and indelible mark on their soul.
There are children of loving parents who were raised with extended abscenses such as in military families. I personally don't think there is a need to stress over what he have seen to date with Jake and Austin, or what we believe to have been happening. I think we are capable of discussing this as always from one end of the scale to the other.
I would like to think that what we have just heard from Ricky Martin will give Jake and Austin pause, and that if they are parents and partners in the real sense, that they will "reject superficiality" as Destiny referred to at 3:12 above.
These guys can't turn on a dime, I just hope we're all still here when they decide that they want to embrace being open and honest with their public.
^^ I hope we all get to share in that momemnt Seaweed.
Ricky Came Out, So Why Can’t Toothy Tile?
Yesterday, Ricky Martin—the man who had millions of ladies dripping sweat as they shook their bon bons—came out as a "fortunate homosexual man" via a letter on his official website.
The Latin sensation's coming out party could have been big, controversial news, but the general reception was that the announcement was no big deal, tho people were quick to chime in with a congrats. Us, too!
So if Ricky could come out of the closet so successfully, why are Toothy Tile and the like afraid to admit they're gay?
The big thing to consider is the difference in their careers. Is it easier for musicians to come out than for actors? The answer seems to be an overwhelming hell yes.
In the past few years, Adam Lambert and Lance Bass have come out of the closet to join the ranks of Elton John and Melissa Etheridge as established musicians who succeed despite their sexuality. Ellen did it, as well, but, she's in that safer zone of comic/TV personality, à la Rosie.
As for Hollywood leading actors? Very few stars—bar Neil Patrick Harris and Meredith Baxter—have come out within the past year. And don't be fooled, these two (as well as many in the past) didn't come out exactly willingly, but were outed by the media.
Ricky definitely deserves props for coming out before he was forced to do so—no matter what goss or speculation existed about his sexuality, he chose to reveal his personal life. Yet, even despite being a musician and not a movie star, R.M. already had an established career and enough money to rest on comfortably—let's keep that in mind.
At least Adam pulled the revelation stuff from the get-to, pretty much.
T2 and other D.L. dudes like Crotch Uh-Lastic, Crescent Kumquat and Judas Jack-Off are in the primes of their careers, where the perks of being honest about their personal lives don't come close to trumping their career fears—especially when people still claim gay actors can't be convincing playing straight roles.
I don't want to put a sour note on Ricky's coming out, but sadly we're still a long way from H'wood feeling comfortable enough to be gay and damn proud of it.
Until then, Toothy and his cohorts will remain trapped in their closets—and in their Blind Vices. Not a perfect scenario, sorry.
The Awful Truth
Then I guess it will take real guts then Ted and none of these gentleman have it.
While I appreciate the viewpoint of those who believe stridently that Jake and Austin are doing a disservice to their own offspring, I don't personally think all is lost! Children can be affected by the actions of their parents but also can be very resilient.
There are many ways to raise a child and so many varied situations as to who and how often parents or one parent shoulders that responsibility. The most important is that child knowing that they are loved unconditionally. If one parent of the other is absent from time to time or for extended periods then yes, that abscence will be noted at the time but may not leave and indelible mark on their soul.
There are children of loving parents who were raised with extended abscenses such as in military families. I personally don't think there is a need to stress over what he have seen to date with Jake and Austin, or what we believe to have been happening. I think we are capable of discussing this as always from one end of the scale to the other.
Very well said Seaweed. And you're right they can't turn on a dime. It takes time.
You know there are very few memories I have before I was 3 1/2 and we moved. And they are all centered around home and family. The color the walls in my room, talking on my play telephone, running barefoot in the backyard trying to get to the neighbors cows to fill my play milk bottles up, and going to pet the bunnies at their house. Because while it seems like such a small little space to an adult, that is an entire world and more to a toddler. The rest of the world is too big and too much going on for you when you are that small, it's overwhelming. It's that very small world that is close, where you feel safe and loved that is your world you don't remember all the other stuff.
^^ :) Very sweet.
Ted can be an apologist all he wants, but nothing is ever going to change until one of the big HW stars comes out. I swear to the heavens he talks as though he wants them to not come out. You'd think he's afraid all of his work will dry up if he doesn't closeted gay stars to write blind items about.
I hear what you're saying about not turning on a dime Seaweed, and I agree with that. The problem for me is that I just don't see any signs of turning even one degree.
Special, I agree that home and family is probably the most important thing for a child. But I couldn't help noticing that one of your early memories involves your neighbors. Sadly I doubt BT has that kind of freedom to explore.
Hell, I think every single person in the world should just run back into the closet. What's the use. Money is all that matters in this f*cking world.
Ted has said that family and friends know about BT. I dont' think J&A are keeping him from them. I'm sure he does spend time with Jake and Austin's friends and their childred, (like Jake's good friend Bryce Dallas Howard's son) just like I had with the neighbors.
I hear ya Destiny it is Frustrating. Ted is the one turning on a dime. Doesnt seem like the same guy. What has happened to him.
I don't know what to think of anything Ted says anymore Special. He changes his story every five minutes and dumps all over anyone who actually comes out of the closet. Ted is officially on my shit list after his post about Ricky.
^^Seems like men like Clay and Ricky saw and understood those things after the birth of their children.
I wonder why Jake hasnt seen the same things. From what I heard their is nothing like the love for your own flesh and blood. Your right Destiny BT is missing a lot. My bet Austin and BT are still in Austin or now in LA and Jake is in Montreal. They are missing family time. Hopefully Jake gets done filming soon and will be home. O would love to see that annual April pic SK talks about.
JerseyTom, has it occured to you that there may NOT be a BABYTILE?
No Jake and Austin surrogate Baby.
Maybe you should not be so blinded by a gossip columnist Blind Items.
Yes, there could be a baby, but more than likely there is NOT.
The people (Clay / Ricky) are all visible with their children.
No need to keep getting upset about something you don't know to be the truth.
It could be all in your head.
^^ we finally agree on something Destiny. Ted has been pulling strings for some time now. Especially about Jake and Austin's relationship. A surrogate baby or two?!... As if he knows the inner workings and has a spy into Jake and Austins life.
I did believe Ted some years ago and did think he had some inside info into Jake and Austin's life.
However, I think Ted knows almost nothing about J/A (personally)anymore, only (professional) info, and just keeps his small pocket of TT fans in his pockets to use at will.
Jake may be gay or bisexual, He may even had a one or a few gay encounters. He may also be straight. Makes no matter to me anymore.
What does matter to me know is that Ted is full of shit (NOW) and toys with his TT followers.
^^ forgot. That's the reason so many fans left.
USMovieFacts: #USMovieFacts - Coming Soon To Theaters 2010 - Nailed Starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Jessica Biel & @KirstieAlley
about 2 hours ago
Just Saying said.
No need to keep getting upset about something you don't know to be the truth.
It could be all in your head.
It doesnt upset me anymore at all. I dont expect Jake to come out anytime soon. I have no expectations. I believe Jake is Gay and there are too many things that tell me that J and A are a couple and have a BT.
Unfortunately I do think there is a BT, after seeing all of those clues discussed here and at WFT2.
My unhappiness at Ted has to do with his running hot and cold on what they are doing, and on gays in HW in general.
Just wanted to clarify too that I think you have good points Special and Seaweed, my pissiness is directed entirely at Ted's post about Ricky Martin.
Let Ted tell all those gay latinos that Ricky coming out doesn't matter, and that it was just plain stupid for that young Puerto Rican who was brutally murdered last year to dare to live openly.
And how dare Ted say NPH coming out doesn't matter because stories about him forced him out of the closet. When push came to shove, NPH decided to be honest and not run from the truth, or ignore the stories, unlike Jeremy Renner, John Travolta and others "outed" over the years.
Ted's post today reminded me of the posters people on Towleroad and DL describe as bitter old queens.
One more thing. How dare Ted circle the wagons around all those rich, spoiled HW actors and cry crocodile tears about how they just can't come out when teenagers are risking the wrath of their friends, family and community because they want to live open, honest lives and bring their partners to their high school proms.
This is just seriously messed up.
Ted has said in no uncertain terms that baby tile exists. A lot of kids are raised by nannys, grand parents and assorted family members and do just fine. I'm not condoning the closet and hiding a child, but the reality is that there are tons of kids out there who have it a lot worse.
I watched last nights episode of Craig Ferguson today. He cracked me up. He mentions Ricky Martin and praises him for having the courage to come out. Then he added, "but Ricky, we knew". That's the thing about it, most everyone knows anyway.
New video interview
Exclusive: Jake Gyllenhaal on Prince of Persia
What in the heck is up with Blogger? I put up a comment last night and could've sworn it went up, but then it disappeared. Tried it again - same thing. Gone.
Now I wake up this morning and there they are at the real times that I put them up. Is anybody else having weird things with Blogger?
Oh well, it gives me a chance to do some editing, splicing, rubbing out, maintenance work on both of them.
Seaweed, that was an eloquent post. I hear what you're saying. No, people can't change or make a big move on a dime.
I don't agree with Ted who seems to be diminishing what Ricky Martin did. What Ricky Martin did took guts. Ted seems to believe that Ricky has more $$$ in the bank than someone like TT does and even if that's true, that the $$ is the deal breaker. The $$ is irrelevant to having courage to come out. The $$$ wasn't helping Ricky Martin's hand sign over on the story release.
Ricky Martin could be a hardly known chef on the Food Network and it would still be incredibly courageous what he did. To compare Ricky Martin with actors as if he were a compact, sensible Ford and the others were a loaded Lexus was insulting. No one is better than the other; each is accomplished in their respective field.
That irritates me more than anything to have someone compare people as if they were comparing fast food places and 4-star restaurants.
Ted hacked me off comparing like that.
I don't need J & A to come out. I just don't know who they really are because I just don't know anymore if I'm being fed a public relations handout on how they want to be perceived. I don't think there's anything wrong with being confused, is there?
That's all I have to say now. Everyone have a nice day at work today. Now we'll see what happens with this one.
No technical difficulties. I just opened up the site on my own, lol.
I'm still watching the vid, but I will already say a couple things.
He is devestatingly beautiful in this video.
He seems to be wearing the same neckchain that he is in the Maggie's Men photo.
That looks like a solitary gold band on his pinky finger? Or are my eyes not seeing well.
I predict more trolling after they get a look at this video, lol.
Okay, back to the show.
This video interview was done the same time the other video fan Q&A on the Pop facebook. Same outfit/chain/ring, SK even posted the screencaps of the 2nd video a few posts back.
You must be blind or just playing dumb PG because you must have seen the screencaps and noticed everything. Why would there be trolling now ? Was there trolling when the other Disney videos were posted?
You make no sense.
It's the same shirt he was wearing in the previous video PG, check out the screencaps on this blog.
"They" have already seen the video and the previous videos. There will be no trolling, I suspect they are squeeling over them like the previous videos.
#1, it's Prairiegirl to you, buddy.
#2, I know it's the same shirt. I thought it was brown but now that I see this video, I am not sure. Why are you stressing out over a pondering over the color of a stinking shirt?
#3? "They" have already seen the video and the previous videos. There will be no trolling, I suspect they are squeeling over them like the previous videos.
Like I was saying. lol.
Oh, I'm in a great mood today. You have yourself a great day, ecf.
Dear Ted:
I was pleasantly surprised about Ricky Martin's decision to get himself out in the open, since I thought he was one of those candidates who would stay in the closet forever. OK, I think no one was really surprised he is gay, but still. Granted, he did out himself in his own time, but it still was a big decision to make. To my mind he did the right thing for himself and those two boys of his, and I wish them all the best. So since there is a child involved as well, do you think that Toothy and Grey Goose took note and got to thinking a little? They can't keep up their charade forever, can they? Or do you think they are so deep in the closet already that there is no turning back?
Dear Following Suit:
Definite bravo to Ricky, but there is still a big difference between him and Toothy coming out. While I think there's definitely a chance T2 could come out sometime in the near future, I wouldn't expect Ricky's success to inspire Toothy to come sprinting out of his closet.
Dear Ted:
With all the closeted actors in Hollywood, how is it that no one ever accidentally outs themselves or someone else? That's a big secret to keep, and I would imagine it would be pretty easy for someone to slip up in an interview that they got comfortable in.
Dear Let It Slip:
You're right—it is a big secret to keep, which is why all these D.L. hunks take super, extra precautions to make sure none of their secrets or skanky ways leak to the public. Avoiding a "slipup" is always on their minds, trust. Thank heavens they're sloppy from time to time!
Dear Ted:
Last week you said Toothy (and Goose) are afraid they wouldn't get work if studios knew they were gay. I could swear I remember you saying that everyone in H'wood already knows all about T2 and G2. Are studio heads really in the dark? And does T2 ever take G2 to Industry events, particularly the kind not open to the prying eyes of the public? Or are they too deep in the closet for that?
Dear Logistics:
It's not the Industry people, per se, that would stop T2 and G2 from working: it's the general public. If the viewers find out Toothy and hubby's secret, certain groups may be less inclined to see their movies, which the studio folks do not want.
Ted said: "Toothy and hubby"
He's a humongous flirt, isn't he?
LOL. Giminy's. I bet if he ever went through a drive thru in his life, he would flirt through the speaker.
Is that shirt brown? Or eggplant? Or slate grey? I can't tell.
Okay, that's really it. I promise.
March 31, 2010 6:55 AM
^^Saw that too wedding ring. : )
While most of us knew it must be so, nice to see Ted says it too.
Looking at them just since Jan look at the little moments of acknowledging each other in front of the camera. Jake in Vampire Weekend's video with the headband and drinking the whiskey in a little note of his Wild Turkey. Austin wearing the grey scarf like Jake does for shooting the finale for OTH. No it is not as bold as the JG embroidered over his heart on that sweater when he was doing guest appearance. But they continue to do those little things acknowledging each other and who they are to each other.
While I think there's definitely a chance T2 could come out sometime in the near future, I wouldn't expect Ricky's success to inspire Toothy to come sprinting out of his closet.
Ted is not taking coming out off the table for them. Look at the words he chose to answer that question.
Still think Ted is doing a lot of CYA, not sure its more for him, or cover for them till something happens.
PG, A big flirt indeed, but that is Jake's true personality, he's a born flirt. He does look great in all the videos we've seen of him during this junket. Really relaxed happy, excited about the movie, and think just excited to talk. One question do you think that if he sat on his hands he could speak? LOL
I think I must cut Ted more slack, (or more than he deserves), but I just consider his line of work. As an "OUT" and OUTspoken columnist and commentator he often has to waffle between what he believes to be right and would like to see, and what his experience tells him is most likely to happen.
I'd love to see J&A deal with the issue, come clean, and then move on with their lives and careers but I'm afraid that it's going to take more time because they are looking after their careers, then taking what's left of life for now. Judging from what I've seen and read of these two I don't think BT would ever be shortchanged on love. I think there is still time for them to waffle on what to do next.
And to Just saying...
The preponderence of evidence that we've seen, heard, and discussed here leads most of us to believe quite comfortably in BT. Your continued hawking of your Jake could be straight, and BT is BS just makes you look out of touch. You are entitled to your opinion yes, but what I really dislike is you bloody attitude.
Hey, that's my letter about Toothy and studio heads. I sent it in last week before I was so pissed at him. Of course he didn't answer the one question I really wanted answered, does he take Goose to industry events. Doesn't know, or doesn't want to say, or sloppy?
He backed off completely from his prior answer about studio heads. Ted sure is getting sloppy with the answers. He used to be so careful about the wording, etc., now I think he's just dashing them off.
Oh, and the name, I signed it Jose Cuervo, not Jose. Big difference. Is it just me, or is Ted trying to packpedal a bit from associating Jake and Austin with TT and GG? Not just with the name change here, but just in general?
PG, that was an eloquent post about Ted this morning. And thanks for the hug.
ITA with you Seaweed when it comes to Ted talking about the industry. I know he is right up to a point.
What bothered me in the post was his almost out-right dismissal of the importance of anyone coming out, and acting as if Ricky Martin, NPH, etc. are just losers that we should ignore. Oh and add in what he said about Quinto too in response to that letter yesterday.
It's not just Ricky. Ted was like that too when Adam Lambert gave his interview, and when Clay Aiken came out.
It's also Ted's seeming refusal to talk about the fact that nothing is going to change if the actors do not come out themselves. Ted says things have changed in music--well, that's because so damn many of them have said I'm not doing this anymore, and have come out.
Clay had a large conservative Christian fan base. Ricky is a heartrob and is the first big Latin star to come out. They had fans that were not necessarily going to go along for the ride either.
I think that in the Ricky/Toothy post, Ted is just saying that the situation for gay singers is different from gay actors. This is sadly true. Gay actors depend on the audience believing their straight roles, while singers don’t depend on the public’s perception that much and this is why they have more space to come out and continue working. Ted is stating his opinion about Hollywood and how it’s different from the music industry. I don’t get why you are directing his anger towards him for saying this. He is just the messenger. He didn’t make the Hollywood old fashion rules and politics. I don't think he is protecting or justifying Toothy or saying that Ricky is inferior to him. I believe he is just saying that actors and singers have different situations and work in different industries.
It's not just what Ted said - I felt a distinct ho-hum, we-all knew-that-so-what kind of brush-off about Ricky's coming out from a lot of sources I have been reading, when that wasn't the point. Thanks to Destiny for posting the piece from Huffington Post. Whether people already "knew" or not, it's important that Ricky stepped up - not only for others who may be struggling with coming out who live in very traditional cultures but most importantly, for his own peace of mind and self-esteem, and his children. His children are so beautiful.
For whatever reason, Jake seems really at peace in interviews lately. I did notice right away Ted's mention of "TT and hubby".
Still bailing out in the flood zone, but had a cute fireman help. *swoon*
The music industry is something I have followed very closely all my life. Until Jake, all of the people that I have been fanatical about have been musicians.
To say that it doesn't matter in music is to not understand the passion fans have for their idols, just like in movies. Ricky started out in Menudo, and like all boy bands, they had millions of girls screaming over them. It continued with his adult audiences too. It's not just about the music with Ricky, it's about the sex appeal.
As it has been for countless musicians over the decades. Men who who want to be the musicians and get the girl. The girls who scream over and want the musicians, be it a teen idol, Mick Jagger or Adam Lambert.
Adam showed that girls will still scream over a gay boy (I know, I sat in an audience of almost 20 thousand of them last summer), and I expect Ricky will do the same.
TT, I hope you are right in your assessment. When I read it, it just somehow didn't come across so diplomatically.
I know, Special. LOLLL! Good grief, he uses his hands alot. Hey, they are beautiful hands.
One other thing. If it doesn't matter in music, where are all those other out musicians--in paricular, the ones in the older generations.
I'm sure Elton John is not the only one from his generation that is gay. There's Freddie Mercury for one, and he never did come out, even on his deathbed.
Not to mention Elton John came out long after his rock days were over, when he had pretty much turned to writing musicals. If it doesn't matter, then why didn't he come out sooner.
It's not the way I read it either PG. I know films are different, and I know Ted is right about what the industry is like. But to not recognize that it was once that way in music, and is only changing because of the courage of artists coming out is to basically say that nobody should try to change things by coming out, and I do think Ted is dismissive of stars who have come out.
And it is not just Ricky. He basically slams NPH too, saying it doesn't matter because he didn't come out on his own. Well, I don't see Jeremy Renner running to admit he's gay after the NE outed him.
Well, guess who I saw at my local Toys R Us?
Mr. Jake.
Yup, there he was in the ol' Lego aisle where I was shopping for something on my niece's birthday list - Lego City anything. I came away with the Lego City camper. She loves all things camping, even though she's never been.
They had a couple of the big expensive sets and then a couple of the little ones.
Too bad they don't have a cowboy Jake to go with the camper.
lol! And a cowboy Ennis. With a tin cup and that stick/twig teepee thing that Jack raised what was that, meat? up on?
And a Lincoln Log for the little Ennis to lean against.
And some fake moose meat to gnaw on.
And a little baby Lego sheep to drape over the horse's saddle.
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