No Crazy Tree for a while. The forest of crazy is on a break and then only four episodes left this season or maybe for the series.
It's all about Source Code today as they started filming in Montreal and from Duncan's tweets he has his shooting beard and its stay till May 1. It's not spring time in Paris but it will be in French.
Duncan showed off the set last week.And Jake showed off that he was in shooting shape this weekend in NYC.
The question is, does he have a shooting beard too or did he report this morning clean shaven? Jake's Colter Stevens is a helicopter pilot who wakes up in the body of a commuter and forced to live and relive a train bombing over and over until he can figure out the source of it. Not sure if the facial hair is regulation for soldier Colter but commuter Colter maybe.
Duncan tweeted just a bit ago from the first day of shooting.
"Lunch on first day of shooting. All good. Rodene firing everybody for fun. Thank god she's here or I might have to work with an entire crew!"
Sounds like its starting off as fun set and fun group working together and that Duncan is great match for Jake as a director. Some how could see these two caring on a conversation with their BAFTAs completely deadpan.
One more tweet from Duncan about the soundtrack for Source Code. It was in response to this tweet: @ManMadeMoon are you gonna get Clint Mansell in again for the soundtrack? He did such a superb job with moon.
Duncan tweeted back "can't tell you just yet. But if we get what I want to get... It's going to be the dog's proverbials."
Sounds like will have to wait and see what's going to happen.
Photos: ManMadeMoon/IHJ/BestKellyEver
Monday, March 1, 2010
Know your Sources
Posted by
Special K
4:08 PM
Labels: Jake, Source Code
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a helicopter pilot who wakes up in the body of a commuter
I hope the commuter is allergic to clothes.
Hello Strangers…
I think I’m having Olympic withdrawal symptoms. It’s been an incredible two weeks of great competition between the youth of the world in Vancouver. I’m happy to see that I’m not the only very proud Canadian at OMG based on yesterday’s comments. Had a nice chat with Tom after the big Gold/Silver Hockey game between Canada and the States, it was a very close game and both were worthy of the win… but thankfully our “Sid the kid” (from Nova Scotia no less), took us over the top in so many ways. It’s been an inspiration watching all these young and able athletes from around the world playing with all their determination and plenty of emotion. I’m an old softy when it comes to many of these individual stories, the victories and the losses.
Special, loved your Out Spotlight yesterday, top notch stuff as always! PG, thanks for thinking of ole Seaweed during the Olympics and for your appreciation of our National Anthem. It was a treat to hear an old standby from my youth put to good use by Michael Buble when presenting his version of “the Maple Leaf forever”. I just loved the closing ceremonies and how they managed to pick up where they left off after the opening with the malfunction of that one arm of the Olympic Cauldron, that ability to poke fun at ourselves. Having Neil Young just appear out of the floor and singing “Long my you run” was pretty special for me, being a product of the 60’s.
Now, it’s back to the basics. Have really enjoyed watching the old Jake slowly re-assert himself and to see some evidence of Austin’s presence, real or imagined, giving me more hope for the future. I was always much more reserved when it comes to the topic of BT and his or her existence, but as of late I’m past the middle point in belief and edging into the higher numbers.
Please pardon my rambling today but all good wishes from Seaweed in NS.
For Prairiegirl NBC awkwardly and abruptly ends Olympic coverage
. . . it was a very close game and both were worthy of the win… but thankfully our “Sid the kid” (from Nova Scotia no less), took us over the top in so many ways.
So sweet. Great post Seaweed. It was a great Olympics. Sigh.
congrats seaweed for a wonderful ol:) you`re nation was a great host and you were the winner overall.
i think that was great:) nothing overcomes winning at home.
i`m proud of my country too. we did quite well, and with only 4,5 million people, we still lead winter ol medals over all times:)
Yes! I enjoyed the medal ceremony for X-country skiing Petter Northug. 50 km! *faints* :) I'm not sure which I love more, winter or summer Olympics.
hi Hooray! i loved the gold-medal for our country:)....just don`t like petter northug that much. sometimes i think he should keep he`s mouth shut.
norwegian girl said...
congrats seaweed for a wonderful ol:) you`re nation was a great host and you were the winner overall.
i think that was great:) nothing overcomes winning at home.
i`m proud of my country too. we did quite well, and with only 4,5 million people, we still lead winter ol medals over all times:)
Thats awesome NG. I didnt know that. When I come to visit I would love to check out Lillehammer. I did give my email address to Spesh NG so it would be great to hear from you. When you email put something that I will reckonize in the subject line because I delete a lot of email if I dont know who it is from
i will contact you soon, tom:) i just have to use my husband`s email because it`s something wrong.
lillehammer is not that far away from oslo:) i`ve been there. that`s the place i got really scared of hights. walked the same stairs as the olympic ski-jumpers did in -94. if we go there, we won`t do that:D
because it`s something wrong with mine, it shoul be:)
It's so cool that Duncan tweets. To me, that is an effective use of twitter. I'm not interested in the the musings of every tom, dick and harry, just some of them. Must confess my husband has joined the twitter ranks. Not to twitter himself, but to follow Craig Ferguson, who's tweets are apparently just as funny as his show. I hope Duncan comments on Jake with regularity.
Hey Seaweed!! Well done on the Olympics - sounds like Canada had an excellent showing. And that's great on the homegrown talent.
And thanks to OT for that verification on what stupid NBC did last night. Of course, it was all about giving The Marriage Ref the best possible lead-in at the expense of Olympic viewers on a work/school night, no less. I turned it off and didn't finish watching. Sounds like the ratings were good for Seinfeld's show but man, it's getting really blasted by the critics. And NBC was compared to pulling a "Heidi Bowl" move. I don't think it's that dramatic but I thought that was funny.
I don't think I like the sounds of Ted's answer on lasting couples. It sounds to me like Austin doesn't like the idea of coming out and Toothy does. That could be a really serious issue if that is what Ted is saying.
Ironic too, because Jake has alot more to lose than Austin does.
LOLLL! Mel Torme singing to Kramer. It's the "Jimmy" episode. Man, I love Seinfeld.
The Winter Olympics are over that can mean only one thing: PLAY BALL.
Go Fightins!!!!
Cant forget about March Madness though. The NCAA tournament is always so much fun and very exciting.
NOVA NATION back to The Final Four.
I wasn't sure what to think of Ted's answer either, PG, although Ted always blows all over the place anymore with some of his answers, so I just get frustrated in general. In his earlier references he made it sound like Goose wanted to come out, and then there was the letter over the weekend about him being seemingly normal compared to Toothy. And in that Toothy meldown vice last fall he said Goose wouldn't care if his bearding situation got blown.
I also had several other thoughts. One, maybe they're married, and we'd find that out if they come out, making it more of a certain thing.
Or maybe Ted wonders if Toothy stays with Goose because its easier to keep hidden if you're not out there taking chances with new people.
Just throwing this out there for discussion.
Some people think that GB is Jake.
Is whoever GB is playing into it big time? Or is this mess that Toothy is going to make? What do you guys think?
From today:
Normally I wouldn't do another one of these for awhile. However, I will be out of commission for a good couple of months. I will still be tweeting, but not as much. All of this will fall onto Gigi's lap as she will be the one keeping the blog up to date. Keep the letters coming and I will continue to answer the ones I can but it won't be weekly.
Can you put all of the rumors to bed already and just confirm one thing. Is McHottie Jake Gyllenhaal? Come on, I am dying to know. If he isn't McHottie, can you tell us if McH is on a network television show or has done any movies. Give me something!
LOL. No Jake is not McHottie, though I feel Jake totally qualifies as a McHottie. Don't you? McHottie, let's see....he is someone I have never ever been photographed with. Not that it really helps you but it's something, eh?
Dear Gossip-Boy:
Not that I'm questioning who you say you are, but just wondering why you are doing the whole gossip-blog thing. Assuming everything you have told us about yourself is true, why would you be taking the time to do this? Are you bored and doing this to amuse yourself? I would imagine that if your identity was revealed it would have really negative consequences for you and your career. Please don't take this as an attack, I love your blog and your tweets and hope you continue, but as I said I was just wondering.
Curious Fan-girl
I take the time to do this as a kind of huge middle finger to the industry. I always worked my ass off for these people and they told me I would be able to come out. Now, they tell me if I do, I'm done. And I am not the only one they have told this to. So I figured, all the stuff they all try so hard to hide and stuff down, it would be hilarious to put it all out there. As for my identity being revealed, it's pretty impossible. I may slip up here and there, but sometimes I don't exactly tell you where I am. Or if I do, it's not where I'm really at. I mean come on, i can't give it all to you. However, the city I am in, once or twice, is the only thing I have fibbed on.
Best Supporting
Yet another category that has me torn. Vera is an honest actress, a thrill to work with. Mo'Nique blew everyone away with her gritty performance in Precious. She has my main vote, but Maggie Gyllenhaal is also a favorite of mine. I think Mo'Nique will grab but, but pulling for Mags.
Gossip Boy,
Hey, Given your post today I have a follow up...Would you say you are more famous than Jake G, less famous or the same?
:)Are you having fun? I am.....
Virtual Me
I'd say that our fame is about the same level, if you ask me.
Gossip Boy
Questions Comments Thoughts Concerns?
Ack!!! Don't freak me out, Special!!!
lol, holy wiener dog.
I'm trying to put my chapters up tonight - don't distract me!
Spesh, please for the love of BT, don't let yourself get caught up in this again. That person is not Jake. Stay strong.
LOL PG, I pictured Charlie Brown when you let out that ack.
Funny, I was just over at Gossip Boy reading all the latest posts, I haven't really spent much time over there before tonight. I know some people think it might be Jake, but I really really doubt it. I'm not even sure this guy is really an actor, and not just someone either pulling this together from other sources, or someone who just moves in those circles.
Also, when you get right down to it, I haven't heard anything earth-shakingly new. He drops little tantalizing bits, but doesn't explain them. Like saying he thinks Jared's marriage will last quite awhile, but not Jensen's based on what went on at breakfast! Well, why not tell tell us?
Finally, I don't think outing other people is what Ted had in mind when he was talking about making a mess. How does that change anything
Not to mention, this guy claims to be a victim of the system, like everyone else, but his solution is to out everyone else???? Wouldn't it be better to go after the powers that be, using names, tell stories on them??
All that being said, I have found him entertaining to read, and don't doubt that some of it is true, just not sure what or how much of it.
I've never gone on his site; only read the excerpts that people put up on here or WFT2.
I seriously doubt Jake has time or the desire to blog. He's got so much stuff going on. I just can't see it.
But it did freak me out for a moment, lol.
Whew, I'm tired! Long evening. Diapers, doggie wet wipes, and doggie training wee wee pads. Meds and dirty paws and trying to keep Maizie and Barks from stealing Libby's treats and food.
Off to go hit the hay. Short evening.
One more thing, GB talking about these things is not going to change anything, we all know gossip like this goes nowhere.
No. Not falling for it. Think the mess that Ted is talking about it definitely more than a blog. Just something to throw out there for argument sake. Even GB has said that Toothy and Goose will do something that won't be a B.V.
I was struck what I bolded though. That whoever it is was told they could come out and then got the rug pulled out from under them. It is a one way to bite back. The saddest thing the list of people who that's been done to in HW is probably a lot longer than we all think.
@tonnyflowers I pray that one day I will get Jake Gyllenhaal's autograph on my cock.
about 22 hours ago via web in reply to tonnyflowers
Just Justin ™
No way that gossip boy is Jake. We've heard how Jake answers questions. His roundabout style of speaking evokes the term babble. While the written word is more composed than speaking, that would show up in his writing style as well and I see no sign of that at all.
Ted has days where he just spaces out and I wrote off today as one of them. He has been pushing Toothy to come out almost from day one and to not give a hoot today makes no sense. He does not usually work Sundays but he did yesterday. Maybe he was just tired.
Perez posted a clip of Clay Aiken giving a speech about gay rights. Clay was surprisingly good. Seemed very mature. It's about 4 minutes long. He said being able to be honest made it all worth it. Coming out that is.
One more thing, GB talking about these things...
Can I suggest something, can we please use TGB for The Gossip Boy?
Good suggestion, TGB. I had to do double takes too because I always think of GB as Gyllenbabble.
Good morning to everyone! I'm trying to be real quiet as I don't want to disturb the wieners until I'm done with this. Once they're up, all you know what breaks loose and you're not going to get to finish whatever it is you're doing.
Evan Lycasek (sp?) is going to be on DWTS - that's pretty cool. I liked him.
Everyone have a good day. I need to get going. Yesterday was a disaster and I was really late for work with the diaper fiasco, lol. Don't need that to happen today!
Gossip boy wants some people to think he's Jake because he/she has been following TT and other BI's and latches on to them. He/she knows Jake is filming becasue of the tweets like everyone else.
He/she made it seem like they were on a soap and had info on Days of our lives , the Jensen/SN connection, now he/she doesn't mention it anymore.
GB could be Austin. After all Austin spends a lot of time on Gossip sites including OMG.
"Austin spends a lot of time on Gossip sites including OMG."
I saw this posted before on WFT2, where did you get that info or idea that Austin lurks on gossip sites?
Don't think that's the kind of writing Austin been talking about doing.
What is amazing that after 5 years that Toothy and Goose tale is still hot in the gossip circles.
I believe TGB is not Jake or Austin. TGB is entertaining, but I am not sure if he is legit.
TGB is agossip hound and has picked up stuff from different online fandoms like SN to get people "hooked" I could do the same thing.
It's easy to adjust your "Schedule" if you know your subjects schedule via tweets. If you look at TGB older tweets you can see that they don't match up.
But you get how it is amazing that the story that started five years ago is still so hot that people use it in their own way on their sites.
Also, TGB sockpuppet is Gigi. He/she needs to keep posting/tweeting but some would question why he is tweeting while "filming', lol!!!
No actor has time to post gossip about other actors and create facebooks on preventing Perez from being on AI.
Hi trolly!
The newest trailer for Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is here!
The film, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Ben Kingsley and Gemma Arterton, was advertised during the Super Bowl, and now we’re getting an even better look at what’s to come - in HD!
Visit the film’s official site for downloads, previews and more from Prince of Persia!
Prince of Persia hits theaters Friday, May 28!
Just Jared
I will be so glad when this stinking movie is over. I got to be honest about that.
I wan't aware that Norway's population was only 4.5 million. Your country's results from the Winter Olympics are monumental when compared to that of Canada and the U.S. where we have about 35 million and the U.S. has ten times our population!
I loved watching the Norweigen men playing against Canada in the Gold/Silver match in Curling. Those bright argyle style pants were great, I kept asking my friends why they were wearing their pajama pants to the game? LOL.
I missed a lot of the skiing events this year and always enjoy watching those events so will have to follow the Norweigan Men and Women on the World stage now.
Deleted a duplicate post at 11:03, problems with Blogger this morning...aaarrgh! Even that was my second attempt so wasn't going for a third.
Heard John Denver singing 'A song for Wyoming' this morning and couldn't help but think of Jack and Ennis. So sad, thoughtful, and yet sweet.
I'd like to think of John singing this one for Heath somewhere in another dimension.
New Austin pictures on Spooky's site and he looks gorgeous. What a beautiful hunk of man he is.
February 10 - Out With Peter In Venice, CA
and a pic form February 16 Jeff Bridges, Ryan Bingham & T Bone Burnett Concert.
eTalkCTV: Gerard Butler,Bradley Cooper,Tom Ford, Jake Gyllenhaal,Chris Pine, Keanu Reeves, Ryan Reynolds & Sam Worthington will present at the Oscars!
A columnist for the New York Times had a column today mentioning Norway's achievements in the Olympics, and then he recounts this amazing story from WWII about how Normay helped this resistance fighter named Baalsrud. I've never hear it before, well worth a read.
It is so great we have an international crowd at OMG. I would like to hear more about all the countries our little family comes from. Canada, England, Germany, Norway, and the USA.
Where was Heph from Italy? Where else do some of our posters come from? Its fun to hear about customs and natl heros.
Does anyone know where the best Cheesesteak in the world is made? No doubt Philadelphia, Pa. USA. Plus we have the best Hoagies and Soft Pretzels. Yum!
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