By now most have heard that Gilligan's Island is going to be made into the movie. If Ridley Scott is making Monopoly (yes the board game) into a movie, another classic TV show is fair game I guess.
The show's original producer Sherwood Schwartz, along with his son Lloyd, is an executive producer. This isn't the first time for Schwartz to take it to the big screen, a little show of his called The Brady Bunch, made the leap before.Variety says the story and characters will be brought into modern day. And the speculation starts who will be cast. But forget about Gilligan and the Skipper lets talk about the Professor. Because honestly he was the only one of the island who if had to could say came out on top to even consider from that group. Gilligan was too much of a goof, Mr. Howell was old and married, and Skipper well Skipper was well... the Skipper.
So here's the suggestion, Austin as the Professor.Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?Why not have a young Ivy leaguish looking Post Doc stranded on the island.He's done
ok goofy
can reach out to indigenous cultures
proved already he can pull of the Professor's outfit.and he looks good looking like a he's been left on a island
Besides the fact the boy knows boats,
could water ski on his own giant flips flops and surfs.
Damn can you imagine being stranded on the island with a professor who can do all that, looks like this and could build a GPS out of coconuts?
And Brad Copeland, a writer for one of Austin's favorite shows, Arrested Development, is doing the script. They are looking to start on production next year. Is OTH even going to make it to this fall? Call your agent!
Just a little Gilligan Trivia: Did you know that you can sing Amazing Grace to the tune of Gilligan's Island. Not that I would've ever done that in church. Nope not all. Never.
Pic: ANJ, OMG, SGP. Austin Media, and Jennifer / Wilmington Trip via ANJ
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Herr Professor
Posted by
Special K
10:17 AM
Labels: Austin, Gilligan's Island, The Professor
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Newest pics IHJ
What? Who found out jake made out with austin before GMA?
November 15, 2005
Two To-the-Limit Blind Vices
Toothy Tile and Petunia Pickle-Pop really should start dating.
I mean, it would be a fake get-together, but how many real ones are left in this town? Like Jude Law and Sienna Miller are going to last. Like they got back together because they just feel so right for each other, in the end--current flicks to sell be damned!
So, Toothy and Petunia are pushing the upchuck-and-saliva-covered envelope like you would not believe. Or maybe you would?
Ladies first. Movie-stah Toothy--who's been playing with whether or not to come out the closet for so long now, readers think I'm just makin' this sitch up (I'm not)--recently did a chat show for his latest pic, Casablanca Cuckold. You'll never guess what a network worker bee caught him doing in the privacy of his dressing room before taping...
No, not fornicating (you dirty busybodies), just tonguing his b-f, that's all. And this little love licking spread through the studio faster than a pink-slip distribution list at ABC!
Okay. I might be slow, what part makes you think it was GMA? Wasn't he on that for...Jarhead? That is what Ted is saying Casablanca Cuckold is?
Spesh, you make a convincing argument for Austin as The Professor. I don't know how Monopoly can be made into a movie? :)
My fave characters were always Maryanne and Ginger. Who could play them?
Austin would make a great Professor, but tv remakes make me want to scream "run."
From Ted's answer today, it sounds like Jake is going to ease into the pool and not cannonball it.
I think it would be hard for Jake to ease into the pool. Just being seen hanging with Austin would be enough to get every one going again. It might be nice to think he could but enough people in the media know that if they sense blood in the water - that is he isn't going to beard and neither is Austin and be seen spending quality time together - the questions will start flying at his publicist and a no comment would be about the same as coming out.
"From Ted's answer today, it sounds like Jake is going to ease into the pool and not cannonball it."
Is ted able to read jake mind?
So Michael Musto says a major name is coming out on the cover of the Advocate in two weeks. He says his best quess is Sean Hayes. Then he mentions Anderson Cooper.
I dont see Sean Hayes as a major name and I dont think it is Anderson. Anderson mioght be up for Katies Corics job if her contract is not renewed.
^^Katie Courics
That bottom pic of Aus is so hot. Love that Iliac crest area. Wow.
Hey Press Now, good to see another name from the old days.
I agree Tom, those are not bombshell names. And that is one of the best pictures of Austin ever. It is a fun photo too, but wish we had one of him alone too.
Anderson is not a major actor, but he is major in the news field so it could be him. Sorry, but if Sean Hayes came out today, would any one care. Maybe a few years ago, but not now. Much as I want him out, I dont see Jake doing anything like that before POP is released. I will settle for quietly living his life with no beard, until then.
More new pictures IHJ
The National Enquirer is reporting that Marie Osmond's son was gay, and that he was very conflicted over his sexuality because of the Mormon Church and an uncle who is homophobic.
Marie O.
Duncan Jones has received, perhaps the highest accolade in the British film industry. The coveted Kermode award for Best Director, for MOON.
Congratulations Duncan!
I like the new pictures of Jake. You can see he's matured over the past few years,and it looks good on him. He's got some devastating looks. That stare, those eyes.
Ashburn California State Senator Roy Ashburn, who has "a history of opposing gay rights," was arrested in Sacramento early Wednesday morning for driving under the influence after a CHP officer spotted his SUV weaving in and out of traffic. According to the local CBS affiliate, Ashburn, a divorced father with four daughters, was with an unidentified male passenger. It's also being reported that he had just left Faces, a gay club in the Sacramento.
Hey here's the PoP Russian International One Sheet in Russia.
PoP Russia
Hi Special, London TB, destiny, Tom et al.
Just to answer obvious from the last thread.
Whether Jake was involved with Chris or Austin or both doesn't affect my reality at all because these people aren't in my real life.
But stubborn hit a good point and I was agreeing with it. I, and I'm sure, Stubborn, were talking about things that have been said by non TBers for the past 4 years, not just yesterday.
Although I wasn't specifically talking about you in my original post, I will say that you illustrate my point beautifully. Jake and Austin have known each other since 2002 and Austin has never been insignificant in Jake's life since then.
New PoP pics IHJ
Jake and Austin have known each other since 2002 and Austin has never been insignificant in Jake's life since then.
Your words read like you know everything there is to know about Jake and Austin, even the behind the scene situations. Seems like you are a part of their inner circle.
My point was, that Jake has known Chris longer than he has known Austin. Chris was apart of Jake's and Jake's family life for years.
In my book, that made Chris's relationship with Jake more significant (at that time) in Jake's life than Austin was, thus Jake taking Chris to the Oscars.
Austin could have went to the Toronto Film festival with Jake also years later, and even with a girl or (beard) but again, Chris was there and posing with Jake. At that time there was a video on, I think Laineys web or some entertainment site of Chris and Jake posing for the cameras and Jake being interviewed with Chris beside him. It was taken down hours later. Although I saved it, it did not work on my pc later. They both looked handsome as hell and that was the
1st time I've ever seen Chris look somewhat nervous. Jake posed like a pro.
My point still stands about Chris and Jake and does not take away what seems to be a relationship with Austin, Just more than meets the eye IMO.
Mention of Austin today by Ted. He's cited as a "and he's not" in the blind vice. Since the vice is talking about someone's gay boyfriend (not Toothy's), it's another roundabout way of pointing to Austin being gay, I think. The BV is too long to copy and paste and you need to read the whole thing to get the gist of it.
Nevis Devine item, don't some think that is Pattinson?
By mentioning Austin, I think he's not also saying he's gay, but that he's he's a boyfriend of a blind item.
Obvious, do you see one single person here saying that Chris is not significant to Jake?
I would never assume Chris has ever been insignificant to Jake even though I do think that he and Austin have been a couple for a long time.
People can care about more than one person at the same time. Jake being Maggies date for the Oscars doesn't mean she didn't care for Peter anymore. It also doesn't mean Jake didn't care for Austin or any of his friends anymore.
At the time that Jake took Chris to the Oscars, Jake and Austin had just been furniture shopping together, indicating that they were planning on getting their own place.
At the time that Jake took Chris to the Toronto Film Festival, Jake and Austin were already expecting Baby Tile.
I would never even think of saying that Jake must obviously not care about Chris anymore when there are new Jaustin pics.
And I think Jake would be appalled if someone asked him to make a ranking of the people in his life, because relationships of whatever kind don't work that way.
You didn't think we forgot about one of our yummy Blind Vice favorites, did you? No, not Toothy Tile, but third time's the charm for Nevis Divine. He's back and skankier than ever!
Nevis, the undeniably sexy hunk with a bisexual past, has had a few serious and not-so-serious relationships recently.
Only problem? He can't decide whether his beard or ex-boyfriend is the perfect fit for him...
Introducing Barrington Bang-Me, an equally charming fellow, as well as an ex to the simply sinfully delicious Mister Divine.
Barrington is the same boyfriend Nevis was holding hands with and introducing around to Industry folks at a swanky party not too long ago. No shame for this boy-on-boy love story! That is, until N.D. started to get über-famous, leaving his less recognizable beau in the dust.
Sounds eerily like Toothy and Grey Goose, except Nevis and Barrington are far more open about their still-ongoing relaysh. Probably a good thing, too, don't you think? With that much booze, dope and nice donk involved?
Yes, B & N are certainly still doing it on the down low, which makes us question whether Nevis' leading lady is getting in on some threesome action. Or if she's just totally cool with her boy's wandering eye.
We're told it's the latter. 'Cause one thing's for sure: Nevis and Barrington aren't hiding from said girlfriend. Oh no, Nevvy will still screw whoever he wants, blurring all kinds of gender barriers.
And clearly, Nevis is headed for rehab, eventually. Wonder which babe he'll choose once his head clears up?
And It Ain't: Austin Nichols, Paul Wesley, Ed Westwick
Can someone refresh me on the furniture shopping? I've seen mentions of it the past few days but i can't seem to remember any pics of the same. Was it a blog mention or something like that?
At the time that Jake took Chris to the Oscars, Jake and Austin had just been furniture shopping together, indicating that they were planning on getting their own place.
At the time that Jake took Chris to the Toronto Film Festival, Jake and Austin were already expecting Baby Tile.
(indicating that they were planning on getting their own place.)
^^ Who told you this?
Jake or Austin?? It's one thing to believe your speculations, but for you to say it is the exact and complete truth says alot about where you are when it comes to (Jake or Austin), people that I do believe, you don't know personally.
If my memory is Correct, Austin had been caught driving in Michigan, and due in court w/(DUI) or something. Also there was much speculation about the two not talking or getting along at the time and avoiding each other, and you're talking about expecting a baby?
I believe Jake and Austin had something going on, but as I said in other post, I do not follow every word of TED. You can if you want to. I think he is full of it at times and strings his followers on. I also think Jake and Austin has a wondering eye. Difference of opinions here. But I guess we will see in the future.
Forgot to say:
During Austin's mishap in Michigan, Jake, Chris and cast of Rendition was attending Film fest in Toronto.
And you're saying Austin was attending to Babytile issues / surrogate mother?
Jake was in MV with his family while Austin was visting family in Michigan.
Eveveryone but the trolls (who are probably just playing dumb) know that that when peoople post they are stating their opinion when it comes to things we don't see or can't possibly know. No need to point it out in every single post.
Since you seem to be so disturbed by how people roll here, why don't you go post on places that claim to not allow speculation, like GB and DC Forum.
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