The Academy Awards are tomorrow and no doubt Jake's getting ready. Everyone's wondering if Steve Martin will do some hilarious dance or if Alec Baldwin will make a Schwetty Balls joke. What we'll will get is Steve Martin playing the banjo, Alec saying something about how handsome George Clooney is, and Michael Jackson closing the memorial montage.
Ok but fingers crossed we will get to see Jake on the red carpet all tuxed up. It's been a while since he's walked something so formal. Think about it , the last time was the presenting at the BAFTA's in 2007. We need some red carpet tuxing. Maybe he will join Maggie and Peter. It's been a long time since we've see Jake and Maggie on Oscar's red carpet together.
Too long for both Jakey.
And what is he going to present? Supporting actress? Best song? Documentary? And how's he going to do it?
While everyone is hoping for a little of this.
More likely it's going to be this.
Maybe he could do a little interpretative dance while presenting. Or help update those at home Oscar Bingo card. (Want to play? Get 'em here)
Although you know Alec may make his intro with a comment about his princely status and wannabe manly.
Hmmmm. Young Alec vs. Jake. There would be a line of Canteen Boys lining up to help decide that one.
And the gift that all of HW will be wanting is their very own Hollywood voodoo doll. Talk about break a leg.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Lights, Camera, Oscars
Posted by
Special K
1:01 PM
Labels: Academy Awards, Jake, Oscars
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Great post; that voodoo doll is a real find. I think Jake could use a case of them.
I did not watch the spirit awards, but did see some still pictures from it. Sorry, but that dress did nothing for Maggie. There are hints on the web that she had plastic surgery recently but I don't see any difference in her at all. She looks so much like her father, more so as she gets older.
I forgot to mention how cute those pictures of Austin as a young man were yesterday. What a looker.
There are more pictures of Austin on set at OTH. Check out Spooky's
Austin looks really good and love how he interacts with the fans.
Check out the new jacket. It's not the same leather jacket but it looks kind of similar to one Jake wore last weekend. Not exact but similar. Look
And when has Austin ever worn a leather? And one like that it pops up this week?
Do love that he wears that big gold signet. Seems like its a special part of him.
Thanks Spooky Vespy and lee_loverxox for the pics.
I normally dont pay too much attn to the clothes similarities but ur right Spesh all of of sudden they both wear leather jackets that are very similiar. Pretty cool.
I had the same thought about Austin's leather jacket. It looks very similar to the one Jake wore last weekend. It's probably the same label, just another model and a larger size. They have the same style in clothes lately.
Austin looks great in the new pictures.
Very unlikely Maggie would ever do any plastic surgery.
Anonymous said...
Very unlikely Maggie would ever do any plastic surgery.
Never say never. They are in a business where looks are everything. If you look at pics of Maggie from a year ago, she looks like she's lost about 15lbs. Men have it a little easier, but for women actresses, as they age they are judged much more harshly.
March 6, 2010 9:11 PM
Imo Maggie had plastic surgery in the past (her nose); why wouldn't she have more done in the future? Holding off the effects of aging includes more dermatological procedures, non-surgical techniques and minor/mini plastic surgeries than, say, 20 years ago. Also the hypocrisy of the public is amazing; on one hand people say an actor/actress is ugly/getting old, then they attack them for trying to improve/hold off aging.
So Proof was on today, and I still wonder what the hell was Jake doing in that movie.
Don't get me wrong it isn't that he did a bad job acting, it's more like he was so not ready to be a Math Post Doc. It wasn't that his acting wasn't ready to do it, it was more like he needed some more years under him to play someone like Hal.
I always wonder about the whole process of casting him for it. Did he pursue it to work with Hopkins and Jonathan Demme or did Demme go after him because he was the hot indie boy?
Clearly Jake got along with Demme and Hopkins as you can tell by the pictures of the premieres and festivals, but you never saw him with Gwyneth, neither speak directly of the other, it just makes you wonder.
And clearly it has to be the worst chemistry he's had ON screen with a woman. It was baaad. I don't think it was all his fault by a long shot.
Proof is one movie that I would really want to ask him about now that he has some years that separate him from it. I think he would probably answer much differently now than he did then.
About the Oscar rehearsals. Oscar Insider Stars in Sneakers
Sure that there were will be pictures of the rehearsal that will come out just like last time Jake presented.
Do have to wonder now that Austin and the rest of the OTH cast are finally heading to Park City Utah to start filming on Monday, if he did go home to LA this weekend.
And it sounds like they are doing exactly what was predicted Julian's movie going to Sundance.
OTH has 4 days in Utah and then they're done filming.
The next day we went for a nice walk in Central Park (I took a great photo of what it looked like with all the snow) and then headed to the Lower East Side to wander around. While we were at Katz's deli enjoying a fantastic sandwich, Jake Gyllenhaal was there with a photographic crew who were taking photos of him wearing some really snappy clothes. He laughed a lot, and was very kind to everyone in the restaurant. My RRHB said, "How come he didn't recognize me?" When he first noticed he was there. Funny. On the way out, one of Blair's cronies from Gossip Girl was hanging outside Katz's with her friends, her name is ridiculous, and so I am not going to type it. Judge me if you will. Then, coming back up Broadway we walked right by Chloe Sevigny.
my tragic right hip
since when loosing weight is considered plastic surgery? I still don't think she will have, I mean not the kind that freezes your expression a la Nicole Kidman. As for the hypocrisy you mention yes I agree most people are regarding actors. But in most cases the attempts at holding off age result in someone looking completely off/unnatural. Perhaps, some of those actor/actresses becoming famous primarily for their loooks should consider retiring or switching jobs rather than trying to keep up their looks ndefinitely with dubious results. After all no basketbal player kids himself playing til age 50.
Web chatter says Maggie's was seen leaving the overnight facility of a plastic surgery center carrying a suitcase. Like I said, I see no difference in her, but am just passing on what is being said. Maybe it was her mom who had some work done and Maggie was just visiting. It also could have been very minor work but those places take no chances with a big name and have them stay 24hrs to be on the safe side. I think tightening up around the eyes is SOP for many stars. HD cameras are not very forgiving.
Also people forget plastic surgery isn't always for the face or to look younger; it isn't always for public vanity. It could be for scars, for replacing skin or as part of dental/jawbone work. There are even plastic surgeons who specialize in specific body parts, like hands; they help make a person functional again.
My plastic surgeon has a dermatologist and cosmetic skincare adjoining his office, for all botox/collagen, etc. procedures. A lot of them do nowadays. So just because you see someone coming out of the office doesn't mean they had plastic surgery. Also IIRC the original story re Maggie was from Radaronline, I read it and guess how they got their "info" ~ it was that Maggie was seen entering/leaving a BH med center that has some plastic surgeons in its offices. I mean, come on. There's probably a couple oncologists, orthopedic surgeons and a few gynos/obs in there too, but let's all assume she was there for a facelift. *rolls eyes*
Maggie always looks pretty and cool, I think - can definitely see evidence of weight loss but I would have thought she's too young for serious procedures as yet. (Love her mid-length hair btw).
Dermis is right, though, there is much hypocrisy in this area, and now there is HD to contend with as well as bitchy media.
I had the same thought about the new leather jackets! Good choices, boys :) And loved those young Austin pics but was too late to comment.
Biggest Names in Hollywood Gather for the Eighth Annual "Night Before" Fundraiser to Support the Motion Picture & Television Fund
As Tinsel Town gets ready for its biggest night of the year, Academy Award® nominees and presenters joined some of the most well-known film stars in the world for the eighth annual "Night Before" party to benefit the Motion Picture & Television Fund (MPTF). Money raised supports the extensive programs and services MPTF provides to more than 60,000 members of the entertainment industry every year.
The event has been held annually the night before the Academy Awards® since 2003 when it instantly became one of the most coveted invitations in town and kicks off what is now a much-anticipated awards season tradition.
"Over the last seven years I believe the Night Before, built around the Oscar celebration, reminds us all that ours is a collaborative community, and for more than 60,000 industry members, MPTF is where they turn to for personal support, their health care and other services," said Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of DreamWorks Animation and Chairman of the MPTF Foundation. "And all this is made possible by the support of our corporate sponsors, the companies and hundreds of individuals who give so generously to make the Night Before one of the most successful fundraisers each year in Hollywood."
The "Night Before" benefit brought out the world's biggest stars from film, television, music and sports. Seen at this year's party were: Sandra Bullock, Steven Spielberg, George Clooney, Penelope Cruz, Robert Downey Jr., Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Lopez & Mark Anthony, Jake Gyllenhaal, Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise, Ben Stiller, Jamie Foxx, Oprah Winfrey, Elton John, Eddie Murphy, Anna Kendrick, Christopher Waltz, Colin Firth, Vera Farmiga, Jason Reitman, Stanley Tucci, Rita Wilson & Tom Hanks, Reese Witherspoon, Taylor Lautner, Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick, Javier Bardem, Halle Berry, Diane Keaton, Kristin Davis, Tina Fey, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Christian Slater, Gerard Butler, Kate Beckinsale and Matt Damon, among many others.
wayneley: married to Maggie Gyllenhaal (OSCAR nominee) - Peter Sarsgaard is celebrating his 39th birthday today - love his work :){{}
17 minutes ago
Jake was also at the Weinstein-Montblanc party at Soho House, West Hollywood:
Meanwhile, back upstairs in Soho House Leonardo was holding court with a bunch of pals and long time on-off girlfriend Bar Refaeli.
Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Gosling, Gwen Stefani also partied loud and well into the early hours of Sunday morning.
Many of them had been over at the Beverly Hills Hotel for the annual fund raising event The Night Before Party.
Daily Mail
Jake was also at the Weinstein-Montblanc party at Soho House, West Hollywood
Zachary Quinto and Madonna were there too:
"The most beautiful among them was Zachary Quinto. And last night Madonna decided that Zachary Quinto would be her pet. Can you imagine how it must be to know that she’s decided you’re worthy? He was probably freaking out inside. On the outside however Zachary played it perfectly. Deferential, yes, but cool. Not fawning. No excessive laughter, smiling very selectively, and totally, totally aware that the entire room had heard her declaration: Zachary Quinto has been invited.
I don’t think I can adequately describe to you the amazingness of the moment. Madonna in a fur collared coat, preening at a harem of gorgeous men who are there to do her bidding, hand picking the ones allowed to stand close to her, rejecting the ones she deemed unworthy, and ultimately settling on a new favourite. We witnessed the coronation of Zachary Quinto."
ONTD - ZQ, Madonna's New BFF?
Jake and Ryan at the same party? Holy hotness. (I LOVE Ryan)
Btw this is at the ridic weinstein party.
Alexander Skarsgard is here! Kate Bosworth was here... Jake G chatting up Emile Hirsch and his BFF Jamis Foxx. Rhona Mitra also w Jamie
Kate Bosworth grabbing a last call beer with Topher Grace & Alex Skarsgard. Topher on Blue Crush: I just rly wanted 2 c kate in a bikini!
Bar Refaeli & Leo DiCaprio (in a cap) together in little corner partying, they also left the party together too...
Ryan Gosling gave Gabby Sidibe a huge hug and she giggled soooo loudly. He also chatted up Olivia Thirlby and Zoe Kravitz.
Emile Hirsch told me the funniest story EVER abt him climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. It has to do with pus & being medevaced off the mtn haha
Gerard Butler got in some good bonding time with his Law Abiding Citizen costar Jamie Foxx. Cam Diaz talked w Harvey Weinstein till end
Emil Hirsch is a big time closet queen.
Ryan Gosling is a big time closet queen.
Details, please!
I went to Harvey Weinstein's party last night at Soho House in West Hollywood. Amazing location... possibly one of the best parties ever..
Leo DiCaprio was there with Bar... Jake Gyllenhaal came over and Leo said hi and signaled for him to come over...
but Jake did not say anything and walked away. It was blatant that Jake was not happy with Leo... so what happened there!??
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