Today Brothers comes out on DVD, Blue-Ray and On Demand in the US.
It took in $28,544,157 at the US box office, and so far an additional $9,715,303. Brothers has made more at the box office than Bubble Boy, Donnie Darko, Lovely and Amazing, The Good Girl, Moonlight Mile, Proof, and Rendition.
We know that some of these have gotten greater success in DVD, the best example, Donnie Darko. Some go on to get shown again and again on TV, like Bubble Boy. Brothers might not be the DVD runaway like Darko, or be played over and over again like Bubble Boy, but is poised to do well, long after the box office.
It has great performances from all its leads in Tobey, Jake and Natalie, as well in it is secondary cast of Sam Shepard, Mare Winningham, and you can't forget Bailee Madison, and under great direction of Jim Sheridan.Brothers is a story of loss, redemption and forgiveness. A story of brothers, fathers and sons. Of family and what we do for them.
There is something about Jake in this performance. He seems settled and grounded in adulthood in a different way than he has before. Again he excels in the subtly of his acting. It is those really quiet moments where Jake shines as Tommy. Seeking comfort and acceptance from step mom Elsie, his moments with Grace, walking with Isabelle over the bridge, his goodbye to Sam before he leave, those quick moments from when his father gives him his version of approval, and the best just watching his face as he the new found connection he has with Grace and the girls slips away from him when Sam returns. In that scene Jake doesn't say one word or even move, the emotion of the moment just plays out over his face as he watches.
The DVD and Blu-ray contain two featurettes, one about the process of adapting the original movie and another about Sheridan's own hardscrabble upbringing in Ireland. Plus Sheridan's commentary for the movie. That in itself would be worth getting the DVD to own or on Netflix. Just his take on things from open honest comments about the cast, making of the film, no doubt his own stories from growing up with his brothers, and bet full of Irish charm as well.Know that some did not see Brothers when it came to theaters, hoping that more will check it out now that it's on DVD.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This Brother's a Keeper
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Jake Gyllenhaal Taunted Over Heath Ledger's Death in Montreal
Jake Gyllenhaal Pushed a Girl?
Ted's comment today about the Reeke break up was interesting. I hope he leaks more about it. Obviously something big led to the premature end of the contract and Ted has learned what it was.
Hmmm, drunken guy is sticking to his story. That's another one that will have to play out over the next few weeks. If Jake's lawyers push, witness statements will have to be taken.
Adding Brothers to my queue.
It is odd that this guy is sticking to his guns. Regarding the comment in the prior thread about Jake's lawyer sending letters, I'd be surprised if there are not others we just don't hear about. And there is one other that we know of for sure--the woman in S.C. who took down the information about where Jake was staying during Nailed after getting a letter.
Somebody at Towleroad posted DSF's original post and said it has been changed 3 times and watered down now.
The original post is disgusting. Totally disgusting. It's vile. It's hateful, sexist, and homophobic.
Countless times he calls Jake the f word, calls him a little bitch and says he's going to break him.
Destiny, why do you think it's odd that he's sticking to his guns? The longer he keeps the post up the longer he'll keep getting hits to his blog.
It is not that odd that he is sticking to his story (even through it has changed too many times), even after the lawyer letter. This guy has so much time between having to drop it and letting it run that he can do this for a few weeks. A defamation case up here (even with Jake's celebrity) will take a while to get into the courts.
Statements from people that were there become less credible the more they wait. Even if the girl does a police report within the next week it becomes less credible b/c this guy has sent this story across the globe (twitter) and to other media.
It just wont work.
Of course he's going to stick to his guns - what other recourse does he have, to say he lied and I'm sorry? Ha. What's sad is that some people are giving any creedence whatsoever to DSF - just by reading that awful rant, it give you some idea. I can't believe that some have such issues about Jake personal life that they would take seriously the rantings of this misguided soul.
Thanks Special for always providing an unbiased view, and being the voice of reason.
The longer he keeps the post up the longer he'll keep getting hits to his blog.
So?! Is he getting a dollar every time someone views his blog?!
Why so angry, BFD? He gets the hit - and the attention, something he obviously wants more than truthiness in blogging.
So?! Is he getting a dollar every time someone views his blog?!
These blogs are all getting ad money, how else do you think they manage to get all those pics in HQ?
The more hits they get, the more money they make.
Add to this that DSF has said he wants to get famous before he posted the story about Jake, why in the world would he take it down? He's getting attention from it, even with all the things speaking against him being right, people still give him the time of the day.
He's already changed the part that many people complained about (killed into kissed) and he's watering it down now to take himself out of the equation, blaming all of it on the girl and himself only being someone who watched it.
As long as the story is still getting picked up, he won't take it down.
I assume that the most he will do is change the story once again to make it look like he's only posting a story a friend has told him, but he totally trusts the friend, so it's still true.
One thing I found interesting is that he decided to say that "of course the restaurant is going to say it didn't happen to protect their money".
Interesting because the restaurant hasn't even made any statement at all. Sounds like another case of CYA just in case the restaurant adds to the pile of people saying he's lying.
I've seen Jake called worse on WFT2.
Liar. Shame on you.
These blogs are all getting ad money
Really? Please provide a link or a screenshot of the companies who advertise on DSF's blog.
I have never, ever been in disagreement about the vileness of this guy DSF and that he obviously has issues. He could even be a physical danger to Jake considering the hatred he has going on inside. Who knows?
And this is precisely one of the reasons I said what I did last night.
And yeah, I'm back and I'm going to speak my mind. If some find that I come across holier than thou or loathesome, well, that's too bad. That was not my intent last night but boy, my comments sure got nailed up to the dartboard last night before I could even explain further.
The reason I said what I did last night was not to uphold Jake to a higher standard merely as a "human being". I was talking professionally. He has got to keep his cool. I'm not saying he can't get upset at someone or stand up for himself or speak civilly in response to someone who takes a pot shot.
And I wasn't saying he shouldn't be allowed to get mad. To get upset. To make mistakes.
I'm talking about the profession he is in. He's not like you or I. He is in a high profile profession where his public image is everything. All he has to do is look at what happened to Tiger Woods and a celebrity's career can go down like a shot with one slip. One loss of control.
Is that fair? No. I wasn't saying it was fair. Is it right? No, it's not. But it's what he has got to think about. The guy has had bodyguards for less obscure places, I do believe. If this incident says anything at all, it's that his people need to make sure he keeps a grip on himself. Because the guy does have a temper. And he obviously has issues about Heath. And is that a bad thing? No. It's not.
But he has got to be proactive and that's why these celebs have lawyers, bodyguards, PR depts, and all their entourage. To protect them from incidents like this that can hurt their career in the matter of one evening.
He has to be smart if he wants to preserve his career. He needs to wake up and realize this stuff is going to happen. Is it his fault? No. Is it fair? No. Who said life was fair. Ask professional athletes who get taunted with all kinds of ugly crap every game. They just have to do their best to still play the game or else they're going to get totally off track and the taunter is going to win.
Just like I have to learn myself. And that's why I'm back.
Ad Age,
please stop playing stupid. Learn to use Google, find the site and count the ads.
All he has to do is look at what happened to Tiger Woods and a celebrity's career can go down like a shot with one slip. One loss of control.
What happened to Jake and Tiger has nothing in common. Nothing.
Er, not that anyone was taunting me but I do let myself get intimidated right off of here and I have to stop whining & crying and stand up for myself.
One last thing. Another thing Jake has got to think about if indeed he is a father.
There are nutsos out there. Who knows who this guy is? With that much hate going on inside of him, he could be a threat to Jake. Jake has got to think about this kind of stuff. In this day & age, you just can't go around fighting your own fights without knowing what you're getting into. People carry weapons and don't have any qualms anymore about hurting others.
If Jake indeed has a son or daughter, he has got to grow up and think about them and take care of himself. So that he is here on earth 20 years from now still able to be a dad and alive.
It's not hiding. It's not letting the other person win. It's called letting go of that thing called pride and being smart.
Which is why I left my park and I now walk close to home. And you know what? It wasn't the end of the world. Because I have a wonderful new place to walk. It's not where I'm at that makes it what it is. It's what I bring to it. Did D Ford win? In a way, yeah.
But I'm still having a great time walking and I don't regret leaving my park at all. So he didn't win.
I'm not talking about "what happened". I'm talking about getting involved in incidents that can damage a career. I'm talking about their image. And don't tell me their image isn't everything in Hollywood. Why do you think Jake bearded?
It's all about image and he partially showed that by bearding.
No I'm not stupid. Problem is I'm very smart but forgetful: I've blocked all ads on my computer! My bad, I forgot that not everyone is smart enough to do that.
Cheating on wife with countless prostitutes is not an incident.
Jake can't do anything about people who might decide to insult him or his friends.
My bad, I forgot that not everyone is smart enough to do that.
Since you are so smart, I'm sure you know how to unblock ads on your computer and count porn ads on DSF site.
But whatever happened at that bar is not what happened to you at your park, PG.
If I remember correctly, the thing with the guy in the car went on for a few weeks.
With Jake he didn't have the chance to know this was going to happen or he needed to be avoiding going there (which I still don't agree with, but that's another story).
The guy hasn't been heckling Jake for a few days and Jake still decided to come back over and over again.
He was there, the guy decided to make a stink and Jake reacted by having him thrown out.
If Jake had sent the bodyguard on DSF, the guy would have just made up another story just as bad.
If you read the original story on Towleroad it's clear that DSF couldn't give less of a shit about any girl being punched.
He obviously saw Jake there and decided to taunt him for being "a faggot" as he calls Jake about a million times.
He only added the part about the girl as an afterthought (literally, he wrote "On a sidenote") because he knew no one is going to care about him getting thrown out for being a douche at a bar.
What it comes down to is that the poor little homophobes feeling got hurt because he got one-upped by "the fag", so he decided that "the war is on" and he will "ruin Jake and his blog readers will help" (all his own personal quotes that he since decided might not look to good so he removed them).
Why would I want to (1)unblock ads on my computer (2)go to DSF site (3)count porn ads?!
The longer he keeps up the story, the more damages he will have to pay if it goes to trial and he loses. Look how many more places are writing about it, and it'll just spread even further.
Also, they would probably not bother with a lawsuit in the first place if he takes it down and backs down from his story right away.
He's either very stupid, or he really thinks he can prove it all happened.
The big protector of women just posted a video of a man with Tourettes accidentally punching his mom in the nose.
This is what he posted under it (after another rant about Jake):
it’s a nice change of pace to see a motherfucker punch a chick in the face because he has a “medical condition” to justify the shit…This is the kind of shit Charlie Sheen, Ike Turner, OJ Simpson and Chris Brown need to watch and take notes on, because if you pretend shit is a debilitating, socially awkward disease, knocking a whore out becomes legit…cuz you couldn’t help yourself…it was the Tourettes…Amazing…
Yeah, I'm sure he's doing this because he doesn't like it when women get hurt...
Ted updated the post:
Update: Just in case our item wasn't clear enough, here are some more choice words from Gyllenhaal's rep about that alleged bar incident:
"Our client is taking such strong and immediate action because of the seriousness of the issue behind the allegation. He would never harm a woman, or touch a woman in anger. Such behavior is not only criminal, but personally abhorrent to him."
The Awful Truth
Ad Age said...
Why would I want to (1)unblock ads on my computer (2)go to DSF site (3)count porn ads?!
Because you are so very interested in that information. Remember your own post from 2 hours ago?
Ad Age said...
Please provide a link or a screenshot of the companies who advertise on DSF's blog.
I’m not saying they are the exact same thing. I am not equating what D Ford did as the same ugliness that this DSF said about Jake or worst yet, what he’s putting up on his blog. I’m using it as an example.
You know, I don’t fault Jake for being mad, even livid. I totally understand. This guy is a nut. It’s becoming more and more evident. There is no argument on this from me.
Stubborn, I like Jake as much as you do. This is not about me hanging the guy. I’m not trying to do that.
It is of my own wish/opinion that I think Jake needs to try to exercise control, as much as it hurts. For the reasons I listed above.
That’s it. No, I wasn’t there. No, I don’t know what it’s like. I’m probably asking too much. This is just my opinion & thought. I totally hear yours and agree with part of it. Let’s call it a draw now.
And also if I may add, I was scared by D Ford. You weren’t there, you don’t know how it felt either to be stalked by this guy and it went on for months, not weeks. He laughed right in my face when he knew he was intimidating me and following me around.
I felt it was in my best interest and safety to remove myself from the situation. That’s it.
jack gyllenhaal and heath ledger weren't friends-they shared a publicist & a gay cowboy movie-the godfather to his kid shit is just business
about 12 hours ago via web
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drunkstepfather: good news - gyllenhaal has to sue me using quebec lawyers, quebec law so his high powered attorneys in LA can't do shit
4 minutes ago
It looks like Jake did exercise the proper level of control due the situation - he asked that the guy be ejected. There's no proof that anything more than that happened. You can't take DSF's word for anything that happened that night.
Please provide a link or a screenshot of the companies who advertise on DSF's blog.
Can't you read?! ^^I asked for a link to the companies or a screenshot of the ads on the DSF site [because I'm not interested in going there]. Why don't you list them for me?
(sarcasm) Thanks a lot, Prairiegirl. I was googling D Ford to see who he is, what movies he's been in and what fights he started.
Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard, out dining together at the Ace Hotel in the heart of Manhattan Saturday night.
"They looked superhappy, kissing each other over the table throughout dinner," dishes our eyewitness.
We're also told Maggie, dressed casually in a navy shirt and gray sweater, still had that red carpet glam appeal about her.
"She looked great. She has totally dropped all her baby weight. [Maggie] barely ate her dinner, though."
Hopefully she was just too busy mooning over that adorable man of hers and not making this meal grazing a habit.
Either way, sounds like M.G. had a much tamer weekend than brother Jake Gyllenhaal. Though we're so Team Gyllenhaal, on both accounts here.
Think Jake will find someone to have a Lady and the Tramp-type googly-eyed meal with? We hope so!
I asked for a link to the companies or a screenshot of the ads on the DSF site [because I'm not interested in going there]. Why don't you list them for me?
Do it yourself, you are the smart one.
Lady and the Tramp-type
Whut? Which one am I?
LOL "hello?!?".....and goodbye!
Please don't come back.
Just a few thoughts. I dont think Jake should have to stay home all the time. But he is a celebrity and if indeed he is a married man with a child he shouldnt be out there whupping it up and drawing attention to himself. And of course if this did happen the guy who did the yelling is a big time jerk. Most likely struggling with his own sexual issues.
Now having said that I have my doubts this incident ever happened. It could all be one more big reeke PR stunt. We see reese out walking hand and hand with her new more mature and wiser boyfriend
and Jake out drunk in some bar getting him self in a jam. Why did reese break up with Jake? Wasnt it because she thought he wasnt mature enough to settle down and be a husband and a Dad. Yeah right.
LOL I ask you to tell me who the advertisers are on the DSF website and you can't name them. You were obviously there but now you get amnesia. Not only are you being antagonistic to me you are also keeping others from knowing which advertisers to avoid and/or email protesting DSF, and thus possibly causing him to lose money and eventually the crap site. But keep on being bitchy instead, it's soooo much more productive.
2010: We see reese out walking hand and hand with her new more mature and wiser boyfriend and Jake out drunk in some bar getting him self in a jam.
2008: We see reese out walking hand and hand with her new more mature and wiser boyfriend and Ryan out drunk in some bar getting him self in a jam.
How true How true ^^^^^
I ask you to tell me who the advertisers are on the DSF website and you can't name them.
Stop playing stupid - go to the DSF website and post them here if you care.
There is actual video and pics of Ryan stumbling out of bars ansd stories of him partying way before they broke up.
This piece of shit has nothing to back up his lie. Someone on WFT suggested that some "fan" that lives in Montreal contacted him since he is in Montreal and told him that Jake like to go to that restauraunt, he has been tweeted there before.
The Heath comment makes me think that it's true. There were some that were pissed that the Oprah/Nate crap didn't have traction. So why not have a deranges, homophobic, sexist, racist, drunken cokehead get on Jake?
He was probably told that his site would get hits.
Hasn't turned out as it should have with him adding the he was making out with one of those girls...
DSF is not a new site. It has been around for quite a while. I dont go on there but know someone at work who did. I dont think Jakes story is gonna make or break this site.
Hi Jack
These two boyfriends have been together for years. They have gone through hell to keep their relationship under wraps, even though we all assume it anyway. One of the beards has turned to drugs and alcohol to ease the hurt of her "boyfriend" not wanting to do her. When he found out, he gave her a month to get her act together or he would send her back to no-name land. What her man doesn't know is that his boyfriend has been hooking her up with the drugs. He cannot stand her and wants her out of the equation because he knows she is in love.
Not Sophia Bush
The Gossip Boy
3:29 PM
That someone was you, trolly. What a sick and disgusting person you are.
Yeah Tom, the site has benn around for awhile, which makes the set-up perfect. He has already been "established".
Meanwhile it's nothing but a porn site.
This is an actual story of Jake getting himself in a jam which is probably either totally false or so trumped up it isn't worth the time to read it. The Ryan scandals are equally undocumented. I don't believe most of them although he obviously goes out and has his fun the meme of him "stumbling" drunk and being a crazy party animal are told by Reese PR, retold, and embellished by her rabid fan base. Jake is getting the Ryan treatment just like TR said he would.
The person who posts anonymously. Reminder there are no anons on OMG.
What it comes down to is that the poor little homophobes feeling got hurt because he got one-upped by "the fag", so he decided that "the war is on" and he will "ruin Jake and his blog readers will help" (all his own personal quotes that he since decided might not look to good so he removed them).
^^ I totally Agree. Did not know about the "ruin Jake" and blogger part. I love it when an asshole gets upped by the "believed" gay guy standing up to the guy and won't think of backing down.
JerseyTom, you are stuck! You cannot see the forest for the trees when it comes to Jake, can you. Jake has hurt you so much with (his life) and (his actions), that everything is either his fault, Reese and her people or some PR stunt.
Nobody asked you to get overly involved in his life.
Sorry, you need to check yourself.
Jake Gyllenhaal - Maui Film Festival 2005
Wrong said...
JerseyTom, you are stuck! You cannot see the forest for the trees when it comes to Jake, can you. Jake has hurt you so much with (his life) and (his actions), that everything is either his fault, Reese and her people or some PR stunt.
Nobody asked you to get overly involved in his life.
Sorry, you need to check yourself.
Thanks for the advise bobblehead. I will call a therapist. Now go back to GB and find your inner peace.
i don`t know much about "DSF", but i`ve known about the blog for a long time. don`t often read it, though.
i` m glad jake didn`t hit him(because of the media), though i couldn`t blame him if he did.
i do wonder if jake drinks a little more than he should and because of that he might be getting more agressive.
there is a lot of pressure in hollywood. being closeted doesn`t exactly help.
he might feel a lot of pressure to help POP succeed. guess it doesn`t help his "ex-girlfriend" is everywhere to promote her new puppy who can learn everything faster than her last one.
i believe jake really thought maggie deserved her oscar-nomination, but i wonder if it might hurt a little she`s "there" now, while he ain`t.
when it comes to heath and what "DSF" said, it`s very ugly, at least when it comes to jake being mathildas godfather. jake IS a godfather and to protect her IS his duty. to accuse someone to kill a friend like that is just sickening!
whatever said...
Countless times he calls Jake the *****.
I've seen Jake called worse on WFT2.
What kind of reaction were you hoping to get? This ridiculous comment was ignored simply because of just that. It was ridiculous and a lie.
Quit trying to stir up trouble between the two sites, it won't work.
also want do come to pg`s defence.
yesterday she did not say anything positive about "DSF" and what he did to jake. pg thought it was mean.
i do agree with her that jake is a celebrity, and( my opinion) while choosing a job where you`re life is to some degree a part of that, that`s you`re choise!
not happy?...go somewhere else than hollywood!
i do feel it`s unfortunate in a community, some of the names here "overlook" the whole thing pg said and just mentioned the stuff they disagreed with, when they, at least i think, could have seen things differently had they remembered everything she wrote, agreement or disagreement.
Thanks, ng.
i think i just feel sorry for jake. he did`nt deserve this, but as a celbrity AND a public figure that he is, he should be prepared.
at least when he doesn`t talk about his private-life.
there will be questiones!
i will excuse him the latest one, like i said, but if he`ll keep going, there will be more to come.
be free to kick me out, but special and stubborn, i know you will defence jake nomatter what, but if this really is about a community, why so harsh if people say SOMETHING negative about jake?
i know you adore him, so do the rest of us-thoguh to different leagues. i just think you can be a fan but don`t agree what`s he`s doing in his private -time.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Could Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols Be The Next Couple To Wed?
Sophia Bush of One Tree Hill fame and her co-star Austin Nichols, famous for other reasons, have never admitted that they are a couple, but they really cannot deny it anymore.
They hit all events together, there are reports of them being very romantic and all over each other at a Black eyed Peas Concert a couple of months ago.
Poor Sophia already has a track record with co-stars. She was briefly married to Chad Michael Murray and that ended because of him spending one night in Paris, dated her other co-star James Lafferty and is now linked to Austin Nichols.
With Jared and Gen getting married, Jensen Ackles set to wed Danneel Harris, who just happens to be Sophia's bff, seems like something is in the water over at CW. The stars of The Vampire Diaries seem to be in on it too. Nina Dobrev is bouncing between Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder in all the photos. I guess they are seeing who she looks better with.
Either way, seems that Sophia and Austin are on a track to becoming a more permanent thing. Austin has said that Sophia is a woman that he could see himself being with for the rest of his life, but you now how it goes in HW. He probably means the rest of his One Tree Hill Life. But how awkward can it be on that set? Working with exes and new loves. I don't know why CW doesn't just let bygones be bygones.
Gossip Boy
I have never said that people can't say what they want. Never. They can. As can I. I would not kick you out.
My comments were not about Jake not doing anything wrong ever. I know he does. The part that I was commenting on was that Jake shouldn't go out. And I didn't that that was fair to ask. It's not fair to ask of anyone.
I know that Jake will screw up and we all do. My point was that everyone reacts at things at some point on the other. I just don't think you can expect more of people than you can expect of yourself.
But again I have always said that people can express their opinions here. And they do. I know people don't agree with me and have voiced that loudly too. It is to be expected. My comments were in response to another comment.
And I did not say that Jake should stay indoors all the time either. That's where my words started getting exxagerated and blown out of proportion.
Thank goodness for Gossip Boy at least. Where in the heck is this guy coming from - Disney World? Land of Oz?
Austin and Sophia were "all over each other"? Where in the heck is he getting that information?
We have all kinds of "Jake in Barfight" headlines and now Austin and Sophia all over each other.
I think the world has turned on its axis and is about to spin out of control.
ng, I at least commend you and admire you for speaking up. Not only that, but doing it under your name. It takes guts on here.
Austin has said that Sophia is a woman that he could see himself being with for the rest of his life,
The part part was from Austin interview about Julian and Brooke.
Hopefully Austin will end the sophin charade. We cant excuse it now with just saying he is trying to save the show. I am sure Austin flew to Texas after leaving Utah or some LAX photos would have popped up. I for one will be really sad to see him continue to parade something that probably is a gimmick.
And now for a little levity before I go off to write.
From an email from a dear friend, a few "clever truisms":
1. I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
2. Nothing stinks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.
4. There is great need for a sarcasm font.
5. How the heck are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?
7. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on #5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.
12. Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.
and finally,
11. Bad decision make good stories.
i know special that you`re comment was in response to another comment.
pg had, in several posts, asked jake, if he wanted his life private,.... to stay at home, where there are no twitters, no bodyguards to be needed and so on.
THAT`S why she
adviced him to stay at home. IF he really wanted privacy.
pg, it never takes guts as long as there is someone i like as much as you!
Still, the ACLU called the decision a victory.
"It vindicates Constance's rights," said Christine Sun, senior counsel with the ACLU's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender project. "It sets a legal precedent for gay and lesbian students all over the country that they have the right to bring a same-sex date to the prom and also to wear gender-nonconforming clothes to the prom. We were looking for a ruling that what the school did was violate her rights."
School board attorney Michele Floyd said the school district was also pleased with the decision.
She said the parent-sponsored event, which may be called a ball instead of a prom, is to be held on April 2 in Tupelo, 19 miles away.
But the ACLU's Sun said McMillen had not received an invitation. "We haven't heard anything about this private prom other than what this school district has told us," she said. "It remains to be seen whether she will be able to attend the private prom."
The case is going forward on a damages claim and the ACLU's request for attorneys' fees, she said. "She got what she wanted, and now it's just a question of what the damages might be in her case."
"I never thought the school would try to cancel the prom and hurt everyone just to keep me and my girlfriend from going together," McMillen said last week in an ACLU news release. "A lot of people have made really generous offers to pay for a prom somewhere else, which I really appreciate. But all I've ever wanted was to be able to just go to my own school's prom with my girlfriend."
At the center of the lawsuit is a February 5 memorandum from the school to students that said prom dates must be of the opposite sex.
Superintendent Teresa McNeece also told McMillen that she and her girlfriend could be ejected from the prom if other students complained about their presence, according to the documents.
Jake Gyllenhaal Fights For Heath Ledger’s Honor
You mess with the bull, you get the horns
March 23rd, 2010
There are a couple of conflicting reports going around about an alleged altercation in Montreal, Canada that involved actor Jake Gyllenhaal over the weekend. On the one hand, a blogger who goes by the name DrunkenStepfather alleges that Jake assaulted a female friend of his after said blogger made a comment about Jake “kissing” the late Heath Ledger. On the other hand, an impartial third party witness clarifies that the comment made was not about “kissing” Heath but rather “killing” him and Jake — very obviously angry — merely called for the ejection of said blogger and his friends. I’ve had some personal dealings with this blogger and I can absolutely believe that he made the “killing” joke in the attempt to illicit a response from Gyllenhaal.
....I’m telling you, I absolutely believe that the “killing” comment was made (and I do believe the story posted on his blog was changed in order to backtrack). This blogger has made a “career” out of writing some of the most outrageous things possible in order to offend in any way possible … I mean, that’s his shtick. It’s not the sort of thing that I endorse but I can understand that is a niche market that can entertain some people. To make an outrageous comment concerning the death of a friend is to absolutely ask for a response like this … so I’m not sure what the surprise is. Whatever actually went down, I’m certain that Jake was very happy to defend the honor of his late friend … and this blogger is prolly very much enjoying the attention his comment has garnered. It remains to be seen if this is the last we’ll hear of this story … but I wouldn’t be surprised if some sort of legalness comes from this verbal altercation. We shall see.
Pink is the New Blog
Looks like Source Code continues to crank along.
Russell Peters is done with his part of the movie.
Lafies and gentlemen... Its a WRAP!!! @ManMadeMoon thank u for taking a chance on me... Ur a great guy and an awesome director!!
about 5 hours ago via UberTwitter
Vera said that she was going to start shoot the first of April when she was asked at the Oscars.
biancacarmo: - wake up in the morning feeling like... austin nichols! lol.
2 days ago from web
Wow. She's in Brazil. How'd she get that pic?
check out Austin. LOL!! Lookit his face. That guy's something else.
Hey there is a new video of OTH in Utah.
This one is of Austin filming the scene in front of the theater with Gregory Harrison and Sophia.
Here's the YouTube link:
Filming the finale at the historic Egyptian Theater in Park City
About that picture of Austin: What exactly is Austin feeling?
I just heard from Seaweed - what a wonderful surprise. I'm so jealous because he was watching a John Denver concert on PBS - the Wildlife concert!!!
I love John Denver. So I turned on my TV to see if we were going to have the same show but it doesn't look like it.
And so while we were on the phone, Seaweed showed me something really, really cool! In Google Maps, there's this little stick man that if you click on him over an address on a map, sometimes you can see pictures of that address. So I got a little virtual tour of Nova Scotia and then I just tried it on my apartment complex and was that awesome! There was our apt building and that darn Fedex Ground driver who parks his dumb truck alot on a side road where it stains the road with big oil stains. I don't know if that was his truck but I think it was. His truck is famous now. lol.
thank you, Seaweed! That was awesome. I learned something new tonight and that was just really neat. I had no idea Google maps could do that.
Hi NG. Totally agree with your posts today.
Crazy day at work, then had things to take care of after work, so lots to catch up on.
TGB post about Sophin sounds like yet another rip-off of Ted. Really don't think it has anything new in it.
Still puzzled by DSF's refusal to back down. Only a total fool would risk a lawsuit to get a few extra hits and attention for his site.
Thanks for the Grizzly Bear, I really love their music, and the fact that their lead singer is an out gay man.
That picture of Austin sure is something. Hmmmm....
m, in all the hullabaloo, I forgot to comment on your reaction to Ted's mention of how Reeke went down - which was badly.
Sounds like it, doesn't it? Looked like it, too, just judging by the way Jake did not go to CA for Thanksgiving.
The yogurt pics.
And how quickly Mzzz Reese hooked up with someone and is already at the handholding stage (which, let's face it, is fast for her) and already has her PR people pimping out how her kids are already latching on to their new "uncle".
Jake Who? That kind of told it all to me right there. In People Magazine. Jake who? indeed. I'm proud of Jake for standing up to her. There's a reason why she's hooked up so fast. Maybe a couple of reasons, who knows. But there has to be a reason. That woman doesn't operate without a gameplan in place.
Okay, that movie poster in the OTH clip is the worst ever. Nobody would use a movie poster like that, talk about bad marketing!
I wish Ted would give us some of the details of the breakup in a Toothy post. But I guess he wont' because it's way too close to identifying him. Maybe the contract wasn't up, but he made all kinds of threats to come out and forced her to let him out???
How funny is it that this Toth guy is a better actor than Jake when it comes to faking a relationship--unless it's real??? Sometimes I wonder if they weren't dating for awhile.
He could in a Shoshana Shostein (I think that's Ted's BV name for Reese) Blind Vice.
Also, the title of the original post was changed from “Jake Gyllenhaal is a Faggot of the day” to “Jake Gyllenhaal Pushes Girls Around of the Day”
Posted by: nesto | Mar 23, 2010 12:19:25 PM
I think the drunken moron is getting more attention than he ever deserved. Also, prairiegirl and ng, can you take it that some people totally disagree with you and stop picturing yourself as the poor thing that everyone shuts down but oh my she is going to 'stand up' for her beliefs? Give me a f... break. Think whatever you want. I wish JG just smashed the jaws of that idiot AND the girl as well! and before you start saying that I am totally in love with JG and would defend him forever, or some bs like that, I do find he acts rather stupid too often. Whats up with these jerks trying to set up famous people to get 15 mins of fame? Truly despicable.
On another note, I read that Ewan McGregor is going to be Edward VIII in a pic about Edward and Wallace(sp?). The bad news is that Madonna is going to direct the film. I hope she doesn't make a mess of it because I'd love to see that story.
Papa G has a very funny video on his blog today - "breaking news". I think we could all use a laugh about now. Check it out if you can.
Papture: Head to Leicester Square later for the premiere of Nanny McPhee starring Ralph Fienes, Maggiee Gyllenhaal and Emma Thompson - great paptures
about 2 hours ago
think the drunken moron is getting more attention than he ever deserved. Also, prairiegirl and ng, can you take it that some people totally disagree with you and stop picturing yourself as the poor thing that everyone shuts down but oh my she is going to 'stand up' for her beliefs? Give me a f... break. Think whatever you want.
I did. And I will. And will again.
No, Lola. You give me a break. That was a squashing of several of my comments disguised as airing of self opinions. You know what, you show up what, twice a year? I'd have more respect for your opinion if you were brave enough to comment alot more often.
I wish JG just smashed the jaws of that idiot AND the girl as well! and before you start saying that I am totally in love with JG and would defend him forever, or some bs like that, I do find he acts rather stupid too often.
^^^ Thanks for that lovely insight to yourself. Enough said.
Whats up with these jerks trying to set up famous people to get 15 mins of fame? Truly despicable.
Totally agree. See my original comments. Funny how similar comments of mine were totally ignored.
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March 24, 2010 2:34 AM
In 2 1/2 years of Reeke, I don't think Jake's PR reps could have accomplished what one single night in a bar restaurant did for the guy.
He's "in a bar fight".
He's "making out with a girl".
He's "with a bunch of girls".
He's everyone's life of the party a la Pee Wee Herman dancing on the tables.
He defends the honor of his former fallen costar with a release of testosterone.
The one I feel sorry for out of all this? Austin. For reasons unsaid.
why do you feel sorry for Austin. They aren't together. get ove it
I needed to redo my comment because it was totally knee jerk.
Uh, Lola, I can be a whiner & a crier, I think I mentioned that up above.
And I can't delete it because that was a temporary name. My bad - my punishment. My apologies for ugliness up there @ 06:39. I should have let it go but took the bait. I'm sorry.
Oh, and did someone mutter something?
If Austin had been there with Jake that night the bouncers wouldn't have been able to eject DSF, they'd have to would have had to pull Austin off him first. Mess with the bull get the horns is nothing. Mess with his Jake you get the whole damn bull and then some. Walker Texas Ranger would have had nothing on him.
Dear Ted:
You have stated (many times) that the breakup between Reese and Jake was bad, but I don't remember you saying much in the way of actual details. Are you allowed (in blind fashion or hopefully out in the open) to discuss?
Dear Nice Try:
Let's just say it ended much more abruptly than anticipated.
Dear Ted:
I love when you talk about Toothy Tile, but I miss hearing about his partner, Grey Goose, and their Baby Tile. Can you tell us anything sweet about the lovely family Tile?
Dear Family Matters:
I think the whole fam's getting close to pulling a Bullock, sorry to say.
Dear Ted:
Love Anne Hathaway. I know it's not her big film, but she really cracked me up in Get Smart (on the tube the other night). Has she been a B.V., or have her vices already been public? Thanks Ted!
Dear Good Girl:
Feeling's mutual re: Miss Hathaway. She hasn't fallen victim to the dark part of our blolumn, no.
Bitch-Back! Where Should Sandra Go From Here?
"pulling a Bullock"
I think Ted refers to a scandal in the news: the drunkenstepfather incident.
But why "the whole fam's getting close to pulling a Bullock"?
"But why "the whole fam's getting close to pulling a Bullock"?"
Because I think it can affect them in many ways. If Jake is accused of shoving a woman it could bring them trouble and attention. More things can surface after this incident if the story gets bigger and reporters start looking for info. If Jake's legal team is involved then they must know the situation is problematic.
I think the Bullock mention is: a scandal in the news and Drunkenstepfather can be compared with the woman that Jesse James was involved (the agressive attitude, racist, controversial accusations, etc).
Did the whole family get blindsighted by the whole DSF thing and like you said TT the whole thing could get exposed?
Pulling a Bullock sounds to me like someone moving out and TT and GG both running to attorneys.
PG, lola is a name that was used by one of the trolls in the early days, and I'd say from the tone of the post it's the same person.
Why would GG need an attorney?
I think the “Bullock reference” is definitely the drunkenstepfather incident:
1) A scandal in the news
2) The person making the accusation and causing trouble has the same characteristics: aggressive, racist, involved in porn, outspoken, etc
3) They are not backing out of their accusations and they are determined to make it public.
4) The accusation is uncharacteristic for the celebrity and their images (Jake being aggressive towards a woman is as unexpected as Sandra being involved with a guy who cheated with a tattooed racist woman working in porn)
"I think the whole fam's getting close to pulling a Bullock, sorry to say."
IMO it means one of the members will be (or is already) cheating and the whole family will break apart with a big bang.
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