Jake wasn't the only person up for the role of Dastan. In an Obsessed with Film Exclusive Mike Newell in a press event in London was asked they had thought of any other actors for the role, he surprising acknowledged that there were a few other early contenders:
“When you don’t use them you sort of erase them from your mind, but [James] McAvoy was certainly someone we looked at and there was this dark looking chap from one of the Narnia films [likely 'Prince Caspian' star Ben Barnes].”
But Newell suggested that Jake was cast because Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney wanted an American star for the role, but added he's known Jake since he was a boy and it was more than just “this big-deal actor” as lead and embraced working with him on the project.
Seeing Jake as Dastan now it's hard to imagine anyone else as the Prince.
What do you think? Do you think McAvoy or Barnes could have been Dastan and carried the large epic?
Check out more from Newell about what inspired him making the movie and it wasn't the game.
Now for the pretender.
The Daily Beast has a great article about David Bergstein. Who is Bergstein? He is the money man, well lack of money man behind Nailed. The Beast refers to him a Hollywood's biggest hustler. The articles gives more insight what was going on during Nailed from Bergstein's money games.
When everyone was thinking that David O' Russell would be the reason thing might go pear shaped on the shoot, no one thought it would be the backers that brought the movie down and left it sitting on the shelf waiting for the one scene that is the premise to the whole movie to shot. Jessica's scene where her character gets the nail in her head, without there is no movie.
So how did they end up hooking up with this guy? Well the economy was starting to go and the big studios weren't funding smaller projects like they did when things were better, so they went out looking funding for the project. Bergstein went after these kind of smaller projects that the studios weren't funding.
"According to several sources, Bergstein has consistently lured in talent by offering just a bit more money than the next highest bidder. In the world of independent film, that’s a temptation many can’t resist. “If he’s saying, I’ll put up $24 million and the other person is saying he’ll put up $22 million—that’s a lot of money,” says a key player on Nailed."
"The cast and crew of Nailed certainly found Bergstein unfit and incompetent—and that’s putting it kindly. They suffered through repeated shutdowns when promised funds failed to materialize." And started on the very first day. SAG told its members not to work because a required bond payment had not been deposited yet. And that even meant the actors couldn't even rehearse. Great way to start out.
“We had the normal five blocks of trucks, it looked like the Marines had landed, and we couldn’t start." They got the bond and got started filming but a week later the Director’s Guild also ordered its members to stop work. And it was money problems and stops from then on out.
It is estimated that all stop work orders and delays added $4 million to $22 million production budget. Things were really bad. "By the end, some crew members were left so short of money and desperate that they made off with photocopiers and other equipment in an attempt to recoup their losses. And no one seems to blame them. 'It was the hardest movie in my life,' says one key member of the filmmaking team. 'Some people quit. Some people were brought to tears. . . They were at the breaking point.' "
Jake and Jessica, who both took reduced pay to do the film, didn't have to worry because their salary had to be secured before filming began. That was not so for the crew. Sources on the set said that Jake pressured his agents at CAA to squeeze Bergstein to get the cash and get everyone back to work, but that Bergstein "proved to be squeeze-resistant". Back on set Jake and Jess were both offering words of support to the embattled crew. Jess took off during the shutdowns, and the crew hit a local bar called The Whig. "They began to read news articles about problems on other Bergstein films, emailing distressing stories to each other with mounting horror. A group created a website called “ihatedavidbergstein.com.” And a member of the accounting staff sent Bergstein and his associates a signed “fuck-you” email—using those exact words, more than once."
Despite all this turmoil that would drive a director over the edge, it was just the opposite, Russell, stepped up as the ultra-professional to see if he keep everything together long enough to finish filming. And he almost did, except for that one scene. But as someone pointed out "For him,[Russell] it was so cruel—he was trapped at every turn."
So what does that mean for Nailed. Well after $26 million it's sitting a shelf waiting to be finished. Russell wants to finish it but other "are worn out and feel that nothing is worth the pain of dealing with Bergstein again." But don't put the nail in Nailed's coffin yet, lawyers are now involved to see if they the money and the film from Bergstein and get it finished.
The Daily Beast: Hollywood's Biggest Hustler
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Contenders and Pretenders
Posted by
Special K
11:53 AM
Labels: Contenders, Jake, Movies, Nailed, PoP, Pretenders
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What?? No one's commented yet? And me with personal stuff to do on my laptop today and not much time to say much of anything.
Why do you make a movie without knowing you're going to have enough money to make it?
Uh, let's see. I go to Target and I want to buy something. I look at my checkbook and make a calculated decision on whether I have it in the budget to buy it or not.
Isn't that kind of just good financial planning?
Alright, I am only on here for a few. This week is not going well - too much going on.
Bergstein said he would finance the movie, kind of like play the futures. What will you get in the returns at the box office.
There are always deals contingent of other deal coming through, and borrowing against something to get the cash to advance until the return comes in.
But he was hustling and moving money around trying to stay one step ahead and back when Nailed hooked up with him, they didn't know the trail of money problems and creditors that were after him. If you read the article in the beginning of it, it says everyone thought he was legit.
Hey, just thought of something to distract me from my personal work.
While Todd Rundgren sings We Gotta Get You a Woman, I'm wondering why Ted never said anything about the Toothy sighting at Mozzarella?
Ted is slacking on us. I still don't know if that's him really writing right now. His writing style sure doesn't look like it did in his early Toothy days. Not that I'm a Ted expert; far from it. I'm just going by what I've seen in those early TT posts and what we see now. The gingerbread touch is gone.
Or maybe my ground flax seed is going to my head. I dump a travel packet of ground flax seed made by Hodson Mills into my yogurt and it really adds a little ooomph to it. Flax seed is supposed to be good for you.
Special, I about had a coronary when I saw 10-12 dollars. lol.
I knew movies were more expensive on the east coast. Guess there are advantages to living in the Midwest. I'll have to take my Dramamine before I watch Jakey on the Imax screen. Don't want to pass out and miss out on everything.
You can get dizzy looking at an Imax screen, or at least I can.
Well, of course everyone thought he was legit otherwise they wouldn't have done the movie.
I just don't get why he would spend that money knowing he technically didn't have it in the bank. Talk about a roll of the dice.
But I'm not a big financier. Math and Accounting not my forte, that's for sure.
Well, just wanted to let you know, ITS ONLY OUR LAST BLOODY DAY OF SHOOTING!!! Now...where to take Ro for hols? Im thinking... Blackpool!
about 6 hours ago via TweetDeck
The British beauty – who stars alongside the handsome actor in upcoming adventure movie ‘Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time’ - admits she was attracted to her co-star, but not as much as her fiance.
Gemma said: “Jake was a very, very funny guy. He’s really nice. He’s quite serious when it comes to his work. He works hard and he is a perfectionist. But he likes to make jokes and he’s fun. He’s funny. And he is fit, of course.source
Dear Ted:
So I heard Sandra Bullock is filing for divorce and there's an adopted baby, Louis, that's been in hiding for a little while. Did Sandra learn this trick from our man Toothy Tile himself? Is there a connection somewhere in this weird little Hollywood world, or just perhaps word of mouth through some famous close Texan friends?
—Too Much
Dear Secret No More:
Yep, Sandy has filed for divorce and is a new mama of adorable baby Louis. Sandy kept the new baby a secret 'cause she didn't want to subject him to all the paparazzi that were around her during awards season and then the cheating scandal. SB and Toothy aren't from the same Hollywood breed—at all.
Bitch Back
Dear Ted:
So I heard Sandra Bullock is filing for divorce and there's an adopted baby, Louis, that's been in hiding for a little while. Did Sandra learn this trick from our man Toothy Tile himself? Is there a connection somewhere in this weird little Hollywood world, or just perhaps word of mouth through some famous close Texan friends?
—Too Much
Dear Secret No More:
Yep, Sandy has filed for divorce and is a new mama of adorable baby Louis. Sandy kept the new baby a secret 'cause she didn't want to subject him to all the paparazzi that were around her during awards season and then the cheating scandal. SB and Toothy aren't from the same Hollywood breed—at all.
Bitch Back
Jake Beefed up for Persia
The newest shirtless pictures Jake. ohmymama
You don't think they can get better but they do.
Jake x 2
Actress Maggie Gyllenhaal was likely the most famous mother watching children's performances Thursday (April 29) at the 2010 New Orleans Jazz Fest presented by Shell.
Gyllenhaal, whose work in the 2009 film "Crazy Heart" earned her an Academy Award nomination for best supporting actress, heard music by Seva Venet and the Wilson Charter School band at the Chouest Family Kids' Tent with her 3-year-old daughter, Ramona.
The 32-year-old said she was in the city for her first Jazz Fest. Her husband, actor Peter Sarsgaard, is also in town filming scenes for "The Green Lantern," in which he was cast to play villain Dr. Hector Hammond.
"Everyone here has been great," Gyllenhaal said of her experience with tens of thousands of other Jazz Fest revelers. "The food, the music, it's all been so good."
Looking at Jake now and then he doesn't look that much more bulked up than he was when he was younger. But he is definitely more defined and cut for PoP. He has a good core before, but now, whoa.
One addendum. His traps are definitely more built up than before.
Wow! Jake is definitely giving us a lot of eye candy to munch on, isn't he?
One of the trailors for the movie should say, "Prince of Persia coming to your town. Be prepared for summer sugar shock! ;-)
Have you noticed how Disney is not being shy about selling "movie Jake" as a tasty hunk? Sexy, viral, vibrating with energy and a zest for life. Yet, on the GQ cover, Jake, "the man," is being sold as an asexual, unexciting, literally vanilla-flavored persona. Almost like the classic image of a sensible and responsible family man whose not interested in promoting his obvious physical attributes because, maybe, he's no longer on the market. Basically, I don't think the stark contrast is an accidental one, in the least. As we all know, that boy was brazenly selling something in his younger days,--the "Do You Like What You See?" pose perfectly mastered for maximum effect. *big grin* GQ makes him look like he's saying, "I'm only here because I have to pay the bills."
M&M - really interesting thoughts you point out about Movie Jake and Jake the man. He was definitely selling something when he was younger, seems not he is yes indeedy off the market.
About the Nailed debacle. I can see Jake trying to what he could to help the crew. I don't think it was just CAA he called to put the squeeze on Bergstein. Growing up in HW and his parents strong union ties, I'm sure there were many calls made to do what he could. I just picture a crew that was taking everything they could that wasn't nailed down (no pun intended). Actually the behind the scenes of Nailed would make a great premise for a movie itself.
Thanks M and M for the link; I suspect I will have to end up using a ticket broker to get tickets for Adam. I tried when they had the pre-sale today for American Express card holders, no go, nothing available. Will try again on Saturday when the rest of the tickets go on sale. It really irks me that tickets show up at brokers even before they go on sale (other than presales), but sadly it is just about the only way I can guy tickets for shows in NY.
Crazy day at work, but I'm off tomorrow, and it's supposed to be a beautiful day.
I suspect the difference between GQ and the short videos on the internet is that the former is directed at straight men, while I think the gossip sites and shows where these show up are mostly visited by women and gay men.
I suspect the difference between GQ and the short videos on the internet is that the former is directed at straight men...,
I thought that, at first, Destiny, but when I went back to check various magazine covers, even in GQ, there is definitely a world of difference in how Jake is being portrayed:
Sexy GQ from June 2004
I didn’t get a chance to comment on Special’s “Regular Jake” entry, yesterday. But, viewing him as an “off the market family man” got me thinking about what I still admire about him, despite glaring areas of disagreement. Basically, I think a sense of home lives inside of Jake’s heart everyday and lights him up from within. For me, he just seems to embody that fascinating combination of childlike fearlessness, and down to earth domesticity. Part of the fun of seeing him in action is that he seems to perpetually vibrate with intensity, shamelessly eager to demonstrate, and translate, the deep feelings that live inside him into solid, practical spectacles of romance and commitment. This quality gives him that rare combination of being both a hell raiser as well as a highly devoted and demonstrative individual who lives in the moment, yet joyously values the intimacy of steadfast togetherness. Because I literally think Jake is the kind of person who unabashedly falls into his heart everyday of his life, I can easily see why having a home with family and friends all around him is something that he fiercely fights to keep private and away from the prying eyes of a judgmental world. No doubt, part of his decision to remain in the closet is self-centered and economically motivated. But, it’s hard to be altruistic and iconoclastic when the power structure of your world tells you every day not to stray from established practice, or else very bad things will happen. Yes, he’s a regular guy alright and a seemingly pretty special one too. I hope one day he’ll also be a trailblazer who helps to obliterate, once and for all, the Hollywood business model that is cruelly rooted in homophobia. Given his obvious bigger than life charisma and an aw-shucks regular guy personality, he could truly make a difference when it comes to changing minds and hearts. Even more attractive, is that I think he could make this difference in a very palpable and practical way that would not only send shockwaves through the industry but inspire a groundswell of support from colleagues as well as the public. Sometimes being a regular guy demands extraordinary things. I know he’s up to the challenge. The one remaining question is, “Does he?”
Wow M & M,
THAT was a mouthfull!
Must admit that I'm drawn to your view of Jake with observations on his heart and sense of family and friends. I've been enjoying your posts and looking forward to hearing more.
You appear to have given this subject a lot of thought, so thanks for sharing.
And now its past my bedtime here on the Atlantic. Cheers everyone.
They were definitely going for a sexy look in this GQ picture from 2004
GQ 2004 Sweater
"At first I wasn't so into the teeny tiny Ralph Lauren sweater" says Gyllenhaal. "But now I am, because it ended up looking really great in this photograph. But, yeah it's pretty fitted.
"At first I wasn't so into the teeny tiny Ralph Lauren sweater" says Gyllenhaal. "But now I am, because it ended up looking really great in this photograph. But, yeah it's pretty fitted.
He, uhm, wears it well, doesn't he? Wonder if he thought it looked great because maybe a certain someone told him how hot he looked. Teeny tiny becomes him. At least, when it comes to sweaters! LOL.
Disappointing news about Nailed. Not because I am waiting for the film to come out, but I feel bad for all the people who got screwed.
Yes, Disney has the sex quotient for POP on maximum overdrive. I'm enjoying the body, as is Austin I'm sure.
Jake has been in a committed relationship and behaving like it for so many years I've lost count. Just one of the many reasons I believe he is Toothy. As Ted said, his heart is taken.
Good point about Ted and his writing style. It has not had the edge it used to. It may simply be the format change. When he had a full column, he wrote it more like an essay. Plus it shows up like a blog so he probably has to hustle more to meet the deadline. The word-smithing he was so good at sort of got lost.
Good morning!! Hey, it must be the weekend of the Kentucky Derby because Wake Up With Al is at Churchill Downs. No walk this morning, time for a day off of rest. But I'll go into work early as one of my cubemates is off work today and it's month end, blah blah blah. I'm going to beat my big buddy into work, won't he be surprised.
That's a good point, m, about Ted. Could just be a practical reason. I never think of the practical reasons, lol.
Nice, nice comment, m&m. Very well put. Although I must say, I am getting quite the verbal education with you and maybe I'll have to invest in a Merriam's to go with my Roget's that sits by my laptop all the time for my writing.
Oh oh, the clock's dinging 5. I'll have to git pretty quick.
Just looked at the miniscule sweater picture.
Everyone have a good Austin Friday today.
We'll see some Tenderfoot this weekend, probably tomorrow. I can't tonight because I'm going over to Mom's to help set up for the garage sale. We'll see if there's any antique looker who will be interested in my double cassette deck. lol. What a dinosaur that thing is now!
I always price myself low, low. My mom has always scolded me and upped my prices. I can remember past garage sales and I come back to find Mom had actually upped my price and gotten more for some of my stuff. Her & Dad have always thought way too much of their stuff I've told them. My motto is Price To Sell!!
Ricky Martin takes the stage at the 2010 Billboard Latin Music Awards at Coliseo de Puerto Rico José Miguel Agrelot on Thursday (April 29) in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The is one of the first public appearances the 38-year-old singing sensation has made since publicly revealing that he’s gay (he received a standing ovation when he walked on stage).
During the ceremony, Ricky denounced the recent passing of a new Arizona Immigration Law, which allows local and state law enforcement to use racial and ethnic cues to profile individuals.
“It makes no sense,” Ricky said. “”Long live love, long live peace.”
Just Jared
Good luck with your garage sale, PrairieGirl. Did you plant your impatiens and Gerber daisies?
I'm going to put my seedlings that I started back in Feb/March out this weekend I hope. Unless we get a late Spring snowstorm! lol
Happy Austin Friday! I have to admit, I love the new pics of Prince Dastan - just beautiful. I'll bet Austin does too. :)
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