Pictures from Jake's new interview from GQ. And a great departure from the last set of pictures he did from GQ.
Last time, he was alone in a house, quiet and contemplative in the pictures. But this time he comes back and show that fun and spirited side of him. And easy going silliness from goofing off in the aisle of the candy store to standing under the Jake's Bar Mitzah sign at Katz's Deli.
Despite the lightheartedness of the pictures, Jake touches on some of the serious things in his life, including his parent's divorce, and for the first time how Heath's death affected him.
'Family ... my family, you know ... I love them ... whatever they do, whatever they are ... I love them ... you're actually going to make me cry ...' And just a little, he does."
Peter (in the GQ article) .... "extolling Jake’s virtues, how unusual he is: “It’s a very difficult thing—or it has been over the course of my life—for me to have respect for people like Jake, who are not self-destructive, who are positive. There are very few actors who have that quality. I go [sighs], ‘Ohhhh, motherf–ker just wants to live—f–k him.’ and my thesis with Jake is that it is genuine. He is not doing it to be more popular and more successful, it is actually who he is.”

"I'll have what she's having " from When Harry Met Sally
under that sign right over there.
"Horns are, to me, the most affirmative instrument to say there is something beyond where we are. In Mumford & Sons [music], whenever those horns come on, I feel like it's all going to be okay. Life's all good -- for the whole world. Maybe that's sophomoric, but I really feel that in my heart."
Think he thinks that when he see these horns too.

Funnier (via Van Halen)
"I just loved jumping whenever they said 'Jump!' I loved the idea that someone would say just go ahead and jump: 'Man, you know what? Just go ahead and f***ing jump!' 'Really?' And Van Halen was like, 'Yes, my friend.'"
It was just a job.
Maybe it was more than just a movie for you.
Read the interview and stop playing dumb - how many times Jake has to repeat that BBMt wasn't just another project?
Okay, I'll read the rest of the interview when it becomes available.
But I may have seen what I needed to see already. We'll see what surrounds that philosophical statement of his.
I will cling to a hope that it's surrounded by more opennness than what we're shown in this excerpt here.
About single life:
“It’s … it’s okay,” he says. A few years ago, Jake said that “the most important job for a man is to find the right woman.” But since he split with Reese, does he still feel that way? ”Mmmm,” he says. “It goes in either direction. I think it’s important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man.”
Asked if that’s the most important thing, he pauses for a long time. “Who am I to say what the most important thing in life is?” he said. “The best answer I could give to any of those things is that I really don’t know. Particularly right now in my life.”
Jake’s parents – film director Stephen Gyllenhaal and screenwriter Naomi Foner – recently got divorced after 29 years of marriage, but Jake says that hasn’t affected his personal outlook on relationships. “Some relationships last a lifetime, and some relationships don’t,” he said. ”I think it takes a lot of courage for my parents to make the decision that they made, and I trust both of them and their outlook on life. They’re wonderful parents to me and my sister [Maggie].”
“I think any successful marriage, even if it hasn’t lasted for a lifetime, will create a sense of an ideal,” he goes on. “But I don’t have a fantasy. There’s not a fantasy. I know it’s messy, is what I want to say.”
Rufus in Details.
Wainwright adds that he thinks it's cynical to advise musicians, as Steven Merritt apparently did, not to come out:
"I don't have the energy or the emotional repression to bottle that stuff up. It's true, it's tougher careerwise if you come out, but this is a human-rights issue, and it's important to keep putting dents in it. It's about two teenagers being beheaded for holding hands in Saudi Arabia. It's bigger than someone's music career."
Same could be said of actors.
It's still all about Reese. Huffington Post has a HUGE headline for their story on the interview:
No, it isn't, it's just Huffington Post's title.
Longer quote about Heath:
"He was very sensitive. He didn’t always have a sense of performance in his everyday life. He knew who he was. I think actors very often, they know how to present something, and that’s part of their job. I think he was just really sensitive. We often used to do a lot of things together, because people were very interested in him and I think we felt safe together. For such a serious actor as Heath was, he was crazy funny. Dark funny, but funny. I don't think any of us can watch [Brokeback Mountain] to this day. I remember talking to Michelle very recently and her being like, 'I didn't know if it was any good or not.'"
Didn't say it came from Jake.
My point is that Jake is still over-shadowed by his now-dead showmance with Reese.
Not true, check other posts about GQ interview.
Heath and Michelle: Do you have a link tom that longer quote? It's not popping up anywhere unless you have the magazine.
Im sure IHJ will post the entire article soon so we can all read it. But I bet his PR had final approval over what was said and tinkered with it. That bit about finding the right woman sounds like a 60 year old geezer. Not a 29yr old man born and raised in a community where more than 50% of who he interacts with is most likely gay. The words don't fit the man. I am glad to see that he has cracked open the shield on discussion about Heath. He will probably open up more as time passes.
I think Momma went to Montreal with a pen and a contract in hand. This woman controls every move her son makes.
As far as th GQ article. Just more JG BS. The man makes no sense when he talks. He is so phony and guarded he doesnt know how to put a coherent answer to a question. Sorry to be so negative guys but got to call it as I see it.
It really doesn't bother me that Jakey Gyllenhaal looks like a delicately oven roasted chicken lollipop in granpappy's Easter suit on the cover of GQ. But it does bother me that they oh-so-carefully placed his tie OVER his special bubble boy area. Cock blocking is offensive in any form.
He is so phony and guarded he doesnt know how to put a coherent answer to a question.
You hit the nail on the head Tom. It's why all of his answers are such a mess, with a lot of them not even making any sense.
And you're so right M about sounding like an old geezer.
I used to look forward to reading Jake's interviews. Not anymore.
LOL Jake on GQ looks like a thirsty big-headed fake-tanned midget with a 12 inch waist and two mismatched-sized eyes.
"Michael K" left out several other juice tidbits from Dlisted.
Anybigheadonlittlebody, Jakey talks to GQ (via HuffPo) about everything from Heath Ledger's death to life without a beard to play Mall Madness with in the middle of the night. .......
Every man has to find the right woman and vice versa?! Fuck me in the throat with a Reese Witherspoon romcom. If by the "right woman," Jakey personally means the perfect lady friend who will tell you to brush your teeth because your breath smells like old jizz or who will throw a cocktail in the face of the fuck buddy who did you wrong, then I'm right there with him. Every straight man needs a straight woman just as much as every fruit needs a fly.
Jake has always babbled (hence the term "Gyllenbabble") and said some seriously crazy things that no one - probably not even he himself - could make any sense of. And he does it about everything, from personal things to plain casual chatter. I don't see how this could in any way be affected by him wanting to guard anything.
I also would like to know why people get on his case for talking about Heath. For ages people have been saying he needs to do that and it would show he genuinly cares. Now that he does it shows that he's phony? Is there any way he could approach this topic where he doesn't lose?
He also brings up Brokeback by himself, so I'm not sure how that is supposed to fit with him trying to distance himself from it so badly.
I for one am looking forward to reading the actual interview as opposed to little snippets taken out and paraphrased.
I do like that he seems to be talking about his family again, which has been a recurring theme for him in most interviews he gives post-birth of BabyTile(s).
I heart Michael K. I love the fact that he has this big old post talking about Jake, his beard, jizz on his breath, fuck buddies and fruit to counter all that phony GQ straight talk.
Go Michael K!
Stubborn what he said about Heath makes no sense. Why cant he just say something nice like Heath was my friend and I miss him very much. Jakes talks nonsense. I dont get it.
Asked if that’s the most important thing, he pauses for a long time. “Who am I to say what the most important thing in life is?” he said. “The best answer I could give to any of those things is that I really don’t know. Particularly right now in my life.”
This answer I guess is him trying to say he is having a hard time getting over reese. It would be nice to think he is questioning how he is one confused young man who is so tired of living a lie and just wants to be open to who he really is. Again not sure what the heck he is saying. Not a happy answer though.
It’s … it’s okay,” he says. A few years ago, Jake said that “the most important job for a man is to find the right woman.” But since he split with Reese, does he still feel that way? ”Mmmm,” he says. “It goes in either direction. I think it’s important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man.”
Hard to imagine these words are coming from the mouth of a man that said BBM was more important to him socially that it was artistically. Something wrond here.
wrond = wrong
If it makes you feel any better Tom, most people on Dlisted think that fumbled answer just proves he's gay.
And just for laughs, this is from one of the comments on Dlisted, filling in the blanks:
"It''s okay.... It goes in either direction.I, however, only go in one: gay. I think it's important for every man to find the right woman and every woman (me) to find the right man. Who am I to say what the most important thing in life is? Who am I to deny myself the peen?. The best answer I could give to any of those things is that I really don't know. The best blow job I could give to any man is, well, you don't want to know. Particularly right now in my life. Particularly because I'm gay."
Jake's had better cover pictures. The other pictures are fun. Waiting to read the article.
What I get out of his quote is Jake saying that Heath was sensitive, but that he knew who he was and that they liked to spend time together because they felt safe with each other.
I think he also says that Heaths death affected him in a way that he started to realize that he doesn't need to define himself by the sucess he has in his work life and that he started to make a clearer distiction between his work and his real life.
He says it in his usual babbly way, but I don't think it makes "no sense". I don't think it's fair to expect him to feel a certain way about the passing of a friend of his just because you would feel that way.
If he was to just rattle something off that he thinks most people would like to hear, then I would call it phony.
I also think he genuinly feels that single life is just "okay...". Not because he wants to sound like he's mourning Reese, but because I think he's someone that prefers to be in a relationship. And even as someone that has been coupled up for as long as he has been with Austin, I'm sure he still knows that being single is not something he prefers.
Some of you guys really make this place a downer.
I liked jakes interview. Good for talking about heath. Saying it was hard for him, and that he felt safe with him.
I am looking forward to the whole thing. He looks really good!
Some of you guys really make this place a downer.
It's Tom and Destiny. They have nothing, I mean Nothing to say positive about Jake. Why they are on this site as a fan makes no sense to me at all. Are they here to see something bad come his way because he's not living his life the way the two of them think he should? Who knows. But their comments get Uglier as time passes. Apparently they think this is exceptable or something they should be doing. I just shake my head.
I guess if he comes out then all the negative criitcism goes right out the door. Theh they love him again. Makes no sense to me to be so upset, pissed off, negative and offended by someone you don't know. Kind of scarry.
I have said it before I am not here as a fan. I am here because I believe Jake is Gay and very much would love to see him come out. His performance in BBM stole my heart.
Tom, your issue is with Ted and Ted only. Ted has said insinuates the Jake is gay, Toothy Tile, in a long term relationship with Austin, has a surrogate baby with Austin, and have another baby while he works all over the world and he and Austin are very seldom seen together. Not to mention Reese or Sophia hanging on to the guys arms for some time.
Not saying any of what Ted says about them is true. Not saying what we see he and Austin doing is true or not. Jake nor Austin has said that they were gay.
Your issuses are with Ted and his words or lack of words.
6:03 PM, you forgot that Jake convinced us he's gay - Jake, not Ted, was bearding for years.
Some of you guys really make this place a downer.
So What. This gives you the right to relentlessly be cruel because you took the movie and the rumors so literally? Even if he is gay, why be so negative towards him, Especially if other hw actors are supposed to be doing the same as he is accused of doing.
It still makes no sense to me.
I guess I will never get it.
this is how the above post should have read. Sorry for the mistake:
I am here because I believe Jake is Gay and very much would love to see him come out. His performance in BBM stole my heart.
So What. This gives you the right to relentlessly be cruel because you took the movie and the rumors so literally? Even if he is gay, why be so negative towards him, Especially if other hw actors are supposed to be doing the same as he is accused of doing.
It still makes no sense to me.
I guess I will never get it.
So he's damned if he doesn't talk and he's damned if he talks.
ALL Jake's interviews are part of the promotion, he's an actor. What kind of interview would be good enough for you?
Jake does represent all of the closeted HW movie stars to me. Jake does represent all of the closeted pro athletes to me. I was drawn to Jake because of BBM and his antics after the movie and also Ted.
So you can take all the negative statements I make about Jake and realize that it goes for all those others also.
Tom & Destiny have a very legitimate beef that those of us who are straight will never totally get but I tell you what. I get enough.
What I do get is, I believe my beef of the two of them creating a downer on this site with constant negativity is legitimate also.
Who said I was straight?
Are you assuming I am?
talk about man finding wo-man, and wo-man finding man, is about as purposely absent-minded a statement as I think I've seen him make.
Is this statement of yours legitimatelyt yours, or is it just to mirrowr Destiny and Tom's comments because you are partial towards them and their comments?
Awww sorry for all the bad typing.
No, I'm speaking for myself as a straight person. I don't even know who in the heck you are, how am I supposed to know what sexuality you are.
And you know what, I'm not even answering your second question. Talk to the hand.
Jake does represent all of the closeted HW movie stars to me. Jake does represent all of the closeted pro athletes to me. I was drawn to Jake because of BBM and his antics after the movie and also Ted.
So you can take all the negative statements I make about Jake and realize that it goes for all those others also.
No, I can't and No, they do not.
They only mean the same towards other sports and HW people if you are on their fan sites doing the same you do here. Or, better still, Speak out Publicly about what you see as holding gay people and gay issuse back by not coming out. The ones you Know is gay ant the ones with the rumors. Otherwise it's just kind of an attack against one indiviual who is small peas in the larger scale of things.
And you know what, I'm not even answering your second question. Talk to the hand.
hey, the sarcasm is not needed.
You are the one who wants to come to the rescue of said people and put your 5 cents in like a noseybody all the time. If you would stop this, there would be no need for me to talk to your hand.
Apparently you don't get it.
Book on the making of PRINCE OF PERSIA out today from Disney Editions. Great photos, and a cool afterword by Jake Gyllenhaal.
2 minutes ago
i think most people here believe jake is gay, and barriers, you do know many people here used to post on "waiting for toothy" and what kind of place that was?
then you should know there are several gay/bisexual-ones here.
the "toothy-saga" is a very big part in what most of us here believe, but it`s still just a part why we believe what we do.
for many of us, "brokeback" was much more than just a movie, it was hope.
when we believe one of the actors is actually gay, one who many liked from "brokeback" and was a fan of, said "finding the right woman is so important" have to expect frustraison from several people on a place like this.
jake is just an actor, clearly, but this is not the place for everyone to see him do nothing wrong. there are other places for that.
"just watched David Burtka perform at Birdland in NYC. Beautifully sung. And i didn`t think my heart could get much fuller..."
just had to post that last cute twitter from Neil Patrick Harris:)
Hey Jake, your friend Rufus Wainwright hasn't found the right woman yet?! What about those two gay godfathers of that what they're problem is, not having a good woman to fuck?
ng, very well said. Good to see you.
HI NG, and ditto PG on a very well said post.
And that tweet from NPH is a real "awwww" moment. Thank you, I needed that.
What I'd like to know from all the people complaining about the negative comments, where were you when we were talking about positive things. Where were you when some of us were laughing at some of Special's great posts a few weeks back when she was on a real hot streak with the laughs.
Heck, where are all your positive comments today?????
If what we all think here is true how can any of us respect Jake after reading that article. How can he sleep at night. Even if he was str8 you would think he would have said partner, soulmate, or love of your life. He went out of his way to try to convince edveryone that he thinks in heterosexual terms only.
Jake needs to give it up. It is never gonna work. How tough he is making it to ever have the freedom he must want so badly. Its seems like it has become an obbsession for him to convince everyone he is
str8. I am beginning to believe he has no conscience.
NG I am very aware of all the things that you are trying to enlighten me to. I know this.
In my book it still does not excuse people, especially adults to continue to spew out negative responses or comments just because they can't seem to get over the fact that Brokeback Mountain was a Movie.
That the actors, who all played their parts well, went on to make other movies that had nothing to do with BBM and their lives went in all different directions.
Even if Jake or Heath, for whatever it's worth, is or was gay or bi, they still have the right to live the way they want to. Everyone damn well know Heath did all he could to live his life the way he wanted to regardless of what people thought of him. This includes fans, media, HW.
The point was about the posters who just can't seem to come to grips with the fact that their idols or non idols are human beings who don't have to fall in place for some fare whether fans hopes, wishes, likes or dislikes and demands. These are the posters who take Jake, the person as more than he actually is or they want him to be more. If you are just a fan of Jakes just because Ted said he was coming out, then I think you are in the wrong place or should take up the issue with Ted and calling this one incorrectly. Being a fan of Jake and the rumors of he being gay or bi without expectations is something different. In my book It does not matter if Jake or Austin is really gay or not anymore.
Ted pushes this thing and has made some bullshit predictions.
Some hang on to his every word, then get mad at Jake when it does not materialize or he act accordingly to Ted words.
I can understand the teen fans being demanding to the Twilight stars somewhat like this, but those actors will have to move on as Actors, but I suspect a select few of those teens will still be fawning over the actors and charactors for years to come while others move on with life.
I dont even think Stubborn or SK will try and explain the woman looking for man and man looking for woman comment. It has got to dissappoint them.
they can't seem to get over the fact that Brokeback Mountain was a Movie
What are you talking about?
Jake is gay and that has to do with his relationships with men and bearding, not BBMt.
You're still not getting it, Barriers.
This has little to do with the movie.
We rarely discuss BBM on here.
Jake was involved with Austin before he ever filmed BBM.
Sorry, but you're wasting your breath and your time here.
Someetimes, one just has to be blunt.
Jake needs to give it up.
is it Jake who needs to give it up, or is it you Tom who needs to give it up?
Jake is in the closet and "the woman looking for man and man looking for woman" comment is a part of that lie. Nothing important or worth mentioning compared to bearding.
Barriers, I have the perfect blog for you:
They never say anything negative about Jake. They never talk about Jake being gay. It's not for me, but I'm sure you'll love it. They don't let real life intrude on their little fandom, no images of Saudi's getting their heads chopped off for being gay for them!
is it Jake who needs to give it up, or is it you Tom who needs to give it up?
Jake was born gay, Ted has nothing to do with that.
Jake is gay and that has to do with his relationships with men and bearding, not BBMt.
who told you this, Ted?
Have you sat down and talked to the men Jakes has been with?
I'm waiting also for some male to go to the tabloids and spill the you know what about he and Jake's romps.
Until then, your Jake is Gay because of waa wwaaa waa story is still just a rumor. Nothing more.
Ted fooled me a while back, not having it now.
I need to see he and Austin kiss.
I need Jake to confirm it.
I need to see Jake pushing a stroller.
I need to see he and Austin walking hand and hand.
until then, it's still just a Ted rumor that I want to be true.
I can deal with that.
Or, since Ted started this, He can OUT Jake. Very Simple
One Tree Hill babe Sophia Bush has scored a lead role in the ABC family comedy pilot Southern Discomfort.
The 27-year-old actress will play Haley, the overachieving younger daughter of Don Johnson and Mary Steenbergen. Southern Discomfort centers on a father whose life is “turned upside down when his grown kids move back in with him.”
Deadline reports the CW will either renew One Tree Hill or frosh drama Life Unexpected. If OTH gets picked up again, Sophia will have to kiss this pilot goodbye!
Just Jared
This is from WFT2--it bears posting this here:
"Good god. Did ANY of you actually read the interview in GQ? The entire interview and not just the excerpts that were taken out of context and put in that press release announcing the cover story on Jake?? Because if you did, you would be VERY surprised to read that (I kid you not) over half to 3/4 of the interview is spent discussing BBM, working with Heath on it, his feelings about Heath and the impact his death had on him. He barely discusses women.
The article is...fascinating. The interviewer watched the old clip of when the cast of BBM was on Oprah. At one point, Jake alluded to there being some conflict with Heath during some off days. The interviewer asked him about that and Jake recounted an incident when Heath as Ennis was talking about two gay men who lived together and how one of them was murdered as a result. Jake, mindful of how Dustin Hoffman would say things to him before a take to get a rise out of him, was trying to do a similar thing to Heath during his monologue. The thing was it made Heath very upset. Jake said he realizes now he was wrong and that Heath was brilliant in the scene.
The interviewer asked him further about his feelings toward Heath. Jake said he admired him and that (I kid you not--pick up the mag) he was "kind of enamored by him." He also said that Heath was a mover--he always moved.
He mentioned that after BBM he and Heath would keep in touch several times a month. He considered Heath not only a close friend but said "he was my creative partner."
Damn, look what I started lol.
I called this a place a downer.
Tom I was here on waiting for toothy, I was also here when this blog opened.
I do think ppl on this blog make it a downer. Jake is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't.
He talked about heath, you bitched about it. He did a wonderful job at wondercon, you bitched about it. He stopped bearding, you bitched about it. He wears a ring on his finger, you bitch about it. His name gets attached to a women (it is bound to happen when you have a movie coming out) you bitched about it.
I lurk here. All I do is see the negative comments and stop coming back. I used to love this place. Truly I did, but I can't stand coming in here and seeing just negative shit.
Sorry for the argument Special. You do a great job. Just like the others say 'it just has to be said!'
Bye! I'll let you guys bitch me out. I wonder how negative some of you are in your everyday life after you get pissed at Jake hmmmm.
Love what he said about Heath.
Jake is gay and that has to do with his relationships with men and bearding, not BBMt.
who told you this, Ted?
Jake Gyllenhaal SHOWED me 100 times he's gay.
What does Jake talking about Heath have to do with his comment about all men looking for a woman and vice versa? And last time I checked, the whole article was not on line anywhere.
GQ interview has more that two sentences and some people still read paper magazines.
Jake Gyllenhaal SHOWED me 100 times he's gay.
Sweetheart, I need pictures.
not a look.
Picture of him doing the nasty with some hot dude. I perfer it be Austin though.
Only this will do. I know I won't be disappointed because I know you have some good pictorial evidence. I'm waiting.
How about asking Ted for that infamous police report of Jake and the guy in the parking garage.
Now that'll shake things up.
I'll be floored.
I'm on board then.
Sweetheart, I need pictures.
Sweetheart, no one cares what you need or want. No one cares what you believe. No one will waste time trying to convince you because no one cares about lazy people who only love to play stupid.
Out all day after I posted and then working in the woodshop for the Christmas fair. (there is something very zen about sanding) I am still trying to convince the ladies that we should call the fair Santa's Elves on Crack but they aren't going for it. Santa's Workshop is as close as they will go.
Anyway. The GQ article. Wow it kicked up alot of dust and people were really jumping to just a few excerpts of it.
There can a big difference from what Jared or other press or blogs pull out of an article and the over all tone of the article and what the interviewer was trying to do.
One reason they are going to pull things out that are going to get the most attention, and they pull them out of context. (another current example Oprah and John Tess, together, it was for attention to get people to ready the other stuff but its less than 1% of the book)
I haven't read the whole article yet and I really want to before I comment too much. It really doesn't give the writer or Jake the benefit of the doubt and a fair shake without reading the whole thing as it was intended. I want to read it all so I find out more where Jake is and who he is now.
It seems like Jake was ready to talk about Heath and BBM, and he had a place were he felt he could. It also gives him a chance to speak about his family, and where he is in his life. It looks like he is in a different place from when he did the last interview with GQ. And it is showing another place in his journey.
The single comment. Well looking at the excerpt, it looks like quote was was cut and shorted to be an excerpt and not the entire comment from the article. I want to read the whole thing and see it in the context of the interview.
I am looking forward to reading the entire article before I make comments, judgments or suppositions.
oh there you are lol. Were have you been, on vacation lurking outside Jake's house with your movie star maps in hand?
I'm sure you had your Come Out protest signs with you.
long time no see. Always love your insightful post.
Sweetheart, no one cares what you need or want.
^^ are you sure of this?
Again, Canadian, just as Destiny said, where are you on all the days when there have been positive comments? Where were you on that day when all the excitement about Wondercon was going on?
Just like some of us need to be called out on when we get overly negative, you all need to take it when you're called out on not being around during the positive times.
Where were you on the day we were gushing about the cute Sesame Street video?
Where were you when we've talked about the boys?
I don't remember seeing you last year during the biking pictures? Did you post that day? Of all days, that was one of the most positive.
Where have you been on those JFC discussion days?
Music discussion weekend?
OutSpotlight Sundays? Any of them? I'm not sure I recall.
The day the news on Damn Yankees came out?
The day pics of Jake & Atticus came out from the set of Source Code?
Not sure that I recall.
Oscar Night? I'm not sure I recall...
Jake has been all over the place in the past two months and there's been alot of upbeat talk. But I don't even recall seeing you around to take advantage of the atmosphere. Spare me the sad sack story.
Sweetheart, no one cares what you need or want.
^^ are you sure of this?
Yes troll, no one gives a shit about you or your opinion.
I do have to say love the pictures from the article that IHJ put up. I love the ones in the store and Katz's it shows that silliness still lives in Jake. And it is refreshing to see an actor who is known for mostly dramatic roles not taking everything in life as a drama.
I commented PG. I was also Montreal a while ago.
I commented about Wondercon saying I should go call him pretty.
Sesame street I commented.
Biking pics I commented.
Couldn't watch jfc, I worked, but I saw the posts.
Out sundays, I don't comment. I like the stories but I don't feel I need to comment. And I'm talking about positive things about Jake, not other ppl.
I've seen news about damn yankees, but didn't comment because I haven't read what it was about. Busy with school. Maybe I'll do that soon.
Jake and source code I'm not sure if I commented, but his ass looked great.
Oscars, I watched them. Thought he looked handsome was going to comment, then ppl bitched about a new bearding with rachel. Didn't comment.
No sad sack here PG. Once again you think you know, but you have no idea.
Anything else you want to question me on?
>no one cares about lazy people who only love to play stupid
you mean ... like you right? I agree.
The day pics of Jake & Atticus came out from the set of Source Code?
I want everyone see me play ball and take a crap!
Sweetheart, no one cares what you need or want. No one cares what you believe. No one will waste time trying to convince you because no one cares about lazy people who only love to play stupid.
oh gawd, who let lol out without her leash? You know it's gonna take all day to get her back in her cage. doggonnit oh well,
I loved the pictures too Special! His smile is amazing!
No sad sack here PG. Once again you think you know, but you have no idea.
^^lmao - this happens way to often.
Apology extended then, Canadian. I honestly don't recall your name that often in the past year and a half, perhaps you used a different name at times like you did tonight. Can't fault someone for not recognizing you under those circumstances.
If I could be so polite as to ask myself to be called Prairiegirl, that is my name.
Done for the night, the bed beckons.
New PoP featurette about Parkour and Stunts and WOW! Again every new thing I see from PoP wants me to see it even more. I really can't wait.
PoP - Parkour & Stunts
This is from UGO.Com
As if I wasn't jealous of Jake Gyllenhaal enough, turns out the dude can walk on walls.
In this behind-the-scenes video, Jake and other members of the production discuss the influence of Parkour on Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Turns out Parkour inventor David Belle himself worked on the picture. If I had David Belle working for me I would totally go make him get me snacks by jumping over desks and bouncing on ceilings.
I tell you, I can not wait to see this movie in a crowded theater filled with excited, lunatic youngsters who immediately decide to impersonate what they saw in the lobby causing multiplex managers to run away in fear.
PoP looks awesome. It should do well up here in Canada.
I'll stick with 'PG'. You have called me more then one name this month (a lot more in the previous months), which makes me not really care what you wish to be called. If you choose not to answer, that's your prerogative. But I don't feel like I should have to type your full name all of the sudden because I pissed you off tonight. What am I? A 10 year old? You get pissed so I have to type out your FULL screen name? Please.
I'm outta here to sleep!
Can't wait to see other interviews with Jake (hoping Ellen is soon!)
Rufus had some good words today. They may have already been mentioned here but there were so many comments to read through, I forget if they were. Anyway he said this re being closeted "I don't have the energy or the emotional repression to bottle that stuff up. It's true, it's tougher careerwise if you come out, but this is a human-rights issue, and it's important to keep putting dents in it. It's about two teenagers being beheaded for holding hands in Saudi Arabia. It's bigger than someone's music career." What a lovely attitude. I'm glad we have people like him in the world.
Ted had some good points today as well. He was certainly right about the picture not capturing the real Jake. His best asset is his beautiful smile and the ability to transmit his feelings. The expression GQ captured is nothing. Emotionless. Like the camera clicked at an awkward moment and they used it anyway. Clearly Ted likes Jake and wants him to succeed by doing what he does best. Being himself.
We haven't been exactly smelling a genuine or critical hit with Jake Gyllenhaal's upcoming silly action job, Prince of Persia. But now even Jake's media is getting kinda fake-looking! Gorgeous G's just-released GQ cover is totally awkward.
Is this some kind of aftereffect from hanging out too much with Ms. Saccharine-Smile, Reese Witherspoon? Probably.
But there are bigger issues going on here:
Like what's next for Jakey's love life. He's most recently been linked to Transformers beauty Isabel Lucas, supposedly sneaking in some smooch time together up in Montreal and even inviting her to lunch with his mom.
But here's what Gyllenhaal tells the mag about being single:
"It''s OK....It goes in either direction. I think it's important for every man to find the right woman and every woman to find the right man....Who am I to say what the most important thing in life is? The best answer I could give to any of those things is that I really don't know. Particularly right now in my life."
See, this is the kinda Jake we can get on board with.
Who isn't indecisive about love at his age and in his biz? We're holding our breath he won't be parading Ms. Lucas around on, say, the Prince of Persia carpet just to try and prove he's content in his love life. We'll believe it more if he takes some time for himself.
Howevs, one thing more troublesome than who Jake may or may not be dating is how the hell are we going to save his damn career, 'cause we all love him so much?
It's been stale ever since the inception of Gyllenspoon, when they made Rendition, which really tested us major Gyllenhaal fans. (Heck, Meryl Streep and Sandra Bullock have more heat when they kiss than those two.)
Gyllenhaal's at this best with brooding, a bit tortured, edgy/funny. Anybody see Jarhead? Jake's wicked good when he's got a little dark twist to work with. I'm sorry, kiddie action hero for Disney? Am I the only one here who doesn't see this?
Of course, yes, yes, if I'm wrong about Persia, I will be the first to admit it, promise.
I'll tell ya what (onscreen, at least) shows a lot more promise is the movie J.G. filmed last fall, Love and Other Drugs. Based on the novel, Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman, it's got Jakey surviving the killer (really) world of pharmaceuticals with a little Anne Hathaway messiness to help keep things interesting.
That's a movie I want to see a Jake action figure from. And a killer photo session with a feature in Interview, concurrently; forget this khaki-jacket magazine nonsense.
This mainstream cover boy look is just not the real Jake.
Who else has secrets besides Jake? Everyone! Here're 25 in our Blind Vice Superstars gallery
Awful Truth
Spare me the sad sack story.
Ho hum, p-girl still trying to control what other people say
New Comic Book Releases for 4/14/10
Prince Of Persia Before The Sandstorm (Paperback), $9.99
Prince Of Persia The Chronicle Of Young Dastan (Hardcover), $15.99
Prince Of Persia The Sands Of Time (Junior Novelization), $5.99
Prince Of Persia The Movie Storybook, $6.99
You know, how is it that grass changes overnight? As I was walking this morning, it's as if the grass turned totally green overnight. I think it was still mostly brown not all that long ago. Walking while listening to Luther Vandross. "She Won't Talk To Me". Now there's a great song I never heard on the radio when I used to listen to it.
I gotta agree with Ted. What was GQ thinking? I realize they were trying to be artistic or hip, shooting Jake at this distorted angle. But you have a guy who looks like Jake and you do that??? It's like taking a single yellow rose and surrounding it with an overload of baby's breath & other greenery. Doesn't need it. Let it stand by itself.
Fun pictures but the distortion really dampens the effect. Reminds me of those dogs on notepads & T-Shirts. You know, the dogs with the big heads and their nose fills the whole picture. lol. Don't think those pictures are going to be getting alot of downloads.
I've got to go. I hear the weather on the 8's in there so that's my cue to get going.
We never see Special K getting twisted knickers over bring called SK. PG, sorry prairiegirl, is just too precious.
It's too bad, Canadian. At another place, another time if we were to meet, I bet we'd hit it off and be friends.
At a time like this, I've got to ditch the pride and extend the olive branch. Don't think my dad would've been happy seeing all of that. I need to do something today to honor all that he was to me.
I'm sorry for all that I said last night and I hope you have yourself a great day. It's great to have you here and Special is a great and very talented gal, isn't she. At least we agree on that.
What the fuck is Ted talking about?Reese and jake had no screen time together in Rendition. The jackass obviously didn't see the film
He mentioned Gyllenspoon - I believe he was talking about their real life lack of chemistry - not on-screen.
Jake Gyllenhaal to play Joe Namath in biopic
Where are most with the postive statements? There are no positive statements from some of you - Special does her damndest to hold the place together. Some of you absolutely do make this place a downer. It is supposed to be a fan site - not that we can't state an honest, negative opinion at times, but not only do some of you overdo it with the negative comments, you try to drown out others who don't agree with you. This is not what the blog creators had in mind. I also do come because I like Special's creative and intelligent posts, and take on things, and her "positive" rose colored glasses attitude.
What do you all make of Ted's comments about Jake's heretical statements?
Canadian has been around from the beginnings of WFT as far as I know also. Just let people speak their minds, for crying out loud.
Special, I never realized that Inara George (the bird) is the daughter of Lowell George from Little Feat. Love the Bird and the Bee. :)
WFT was not created to be a fan site--that is what WWD and IHJ are. WFT was created to be a place to discuss issues involving Jake's sexuality and relationship with Austin/men.
OMG was started after Dany got nasty and started deleting and blocking access to the site by people she decided she didn't like for no good reason. The people who came over here have always assumed they were free to do more than ooohhh and awwwww over Jake and Austin's every little move, just as was the case at WFT. One of the people who helped start OMG is Wicked, who like some of the other who post here had no interest in having a typical fan site.
However, OMG is now Special's blog, and if that is what Special wants, then she should say so.
It is not for other posters to dictate what kind of site it is.
^^No it is not. People can say whatever they want to - and that includes ooooing and ahhhhing if the want. It's the closing ranks whenever there is disagreement, and quite frankly, the bitchy insults to those who disagree from some (I'm looking at you, M), business that I don't like. I don't think Wicked had that in mind. Otherwise, most everyone has something wonderful to say and I look forward to reading people's views. :)
The mission of the blog has remained the same since OMG has started.
"The mission of this blog is to promote friendship and community among fans of Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols, whatever the nature of their relationship. We strive to have fun, support these actors and each other, and to promote community. Our main goal is to respect Jake Gyllenhaal, Austin Nichols, their relationship, and each other. Insults and name-calling will not be tolerated here."
OMG mission
Yes, let's go back to striving to have fun. I think if we all try to respect each other, (and let's face it, the true trolls will never go along anyway) it will be a lot more fun. And while we're at it - PrairieGirl used to be a very nice ambassador and welcoming, now she's turned into the Guardian Pitbull of the Gates or something. It's important to discuss the issues too, which is what I always loved about WFT and OMG. I understand Tom's and Destiny's points, I truly do.
If one of the main goals, from your OMG mission statement is to "respect Jake..." how is it that Destiny, Tom and PrairieGirl are allowed to repeatedly DISrepect him and not get called out for that? Is there a double-standard at play here?
Define "disrespect" in this case.
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