Today's Out Spotlight is a man who has spoken out in support of his brother. Having family and friend's love and support only makes living out even better. Unfortunately there were are some people who come out and don't have such support from their family. This is not the case for Eamonn Farrell.
Today Spotlight recognizes actor Colin Farrell who supports and speaks out for his older brother and for all GLBT people.Colin has always been supportive of his brother, and never stepped away from support gay rights. He is a firm believer in gay rights and is proud of his big brother.
Colin is taking a stand against gay-bashing, which is no small thing in his heavily Catholic home country. Since the church considers homosexuality an abomination. He is lending his name to an anti-homophobia campaign, because the issue hits close to home.
Colin and Eamonn have always been close growing up in Ireland. So close are the Farrell brothers they even houses together in Sandymount, South Dublin. Eamon, a dance instructor, founded Dublin’s National Performing Arts School back in the 90s.
Colin was Eamonn's best man when he marry his long partner, artist Steven Mannion, in Canada this past summer. When Eamonn wanted to get married, Colin was right there to help out his big brother with the preparations, and did the best man job one better. Not only helping Eamonn pick out the wedding rings, but picking up the tab too. He also helped Eamonn pick out a diamond and sapphire engagement ring for Stephen. This past December Eamonn and Stephen had a second ceremony/reception, in Ireland to celebrate the union with friends and family, little brother Colin was right by his brother's side.
This past week Colin talked about that bond and his brother, and what Eamonn went through growing up as a gay man. Colin spoke out against bullying for BeLonG to Youth Service's(Ireland’s national youth service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people) The STAND UP! campaign against homophobic bullying in Ireland’s schools. And it couldn't come at a better time in Ireland recently an Irish teachers’ union ruled that religious schools can discriminate against gay teachers.
"I can't remember much about the years of physical and emotional abuse my brother Eamon suffered. I was very small. The thing i do remember though, quite literally, is blood on his school shirt when he came home in the afternoon. The beatings and taunting were very frequent for my him and a constant part of his school years. I didn't understand at that time the concept of 'difference'. Back then, as now, he was just my big brother. If I did understand what difference was I understood it in the most pure and unaffected childlike way. To me then, as a child, difference meant being left out. Joy and laughter came with being included, being embraced , and BELONGING to.
People are often afraid of difference. They feel that anything that causes fear, should be turned away from. My brother represented fear for so many people, but caused joy in my life. From a very young age he made me laugh with his intelligence and wit, made me aspire to his strength and goodness. He was to be embraced. To many of the students of his school however he was to be feared. He was to be turned away from. I didn't understand it then, and I still don't know. As a race we humans are united and divided by emotions. The mother and father of all emotions, the queen and king are love and fear. Love unites, it brings us closer to an understanding of the possibility of beauty amidst all the confusion and pain that life can bring. Hate is a disease. It is fear's messenger and it makes us do terrible things in a shadow of our better selves, of what we could be.
Intolerance is not genetically encoded - it is taught. It is learned at home. It is learned in the classrooms and it is learned anywhere else we gather as a group. But it is usually learned early and added onto from there. If there is nothing to feared, there is nothing to hate. If there is nothing to hate there is no pain. My brother was so forceful in standing up for who he was, and for the good that he knew wa inside of him. Many people missed out on an opportunity, not only to enjoy him, but to enjoy themselves by embracing his "difference".
They missed out because they saw him as a threat - not as a testament to the kaleidoscope and diversity of this beautiful world. Bullying is torture, it is another betrayal of basic human decency and its scars reach way into the future of its survivors. But the saddest truth is that not all children survive it. It is a potentially fatal societal illness and must be respected and not feared. Respected and dealt with as a very real problem and as an adversary of a potentially harmonious world, that should have no place for bullies or bullying."
Colin joins a growing group of celebrities who speak out in support of the gay siblings, including actor Chris Evans, director Kevin Smith, Madonna, actress Marlee Matlin, Rosie O'Donnell radio talk show host Laura Ingraham, Cathrine Zeta-Jones, Anne Hathaway,and comedian Tom Arnold.
BeLonG To
Stand Up! Campaign
After Elton:Stars and their Gay Brothers
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Out Spotlight
Posted by
Special K
12:05 AM
Labels: Colin Farrell, Eamonn Farell, Out Spotlight
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Here I am up at an ungodly hour, for a weekend, so I can call in a plumber. And then they can only promise to be here no later than 6PM. Thank god its a slow leak and not a gusher.
Very intelligent words from Colin. He's developed into quite a good actor as he matures. His statement reminds me of Harvey Milk's words. He emphasized that things would change if people realized that their friends, coworkers, relatives, that is someone they knew, was gay so that they could realize they were no different than anyone else. Harvey wanted everyone to come out to accomplish that.
I am actually relived to hear that POP will premiere in London in early May. The first reviews will be out and the suspense will be over. I guess they are doing it that way since the cast is largely British.
Mike Newell's from the UK. PoP was filmed at Pinewood too.
I think Colin is awesome. What he has done for his brother is wonderful. If anyone hasnt seen "A Home at the End of the World" is a must see. It is sweet.
Sorry about your plumbing problems M.
Colin is an awesome guy, and easy on the eyes to boot.
It's great to see all these people speaking up because of their siblings. And it bears repeating, a lot of people change their attitude towards gays and lesbians when they know someone who is gay, look at Laura Ingram, who used to be a raging homophobe. I didn't think she had changed that much after finding out about her brother, but that article said she did.
But I'm still waiting for the day when everyone won't need to trot out their family, godfathers, etc. because there will be a lot more out people in HW.
And kudos for these people speaking out. For all that Jake has gay godparents, putting aside the closet issue, we haven't heard a peep out of him on gay issues since the Glaad Awards three years ago.
Speaking of which, one of the persons I saw pictures of at the event last night is Scott Fujita. I don't recall an NFL player attending before.
Speaking of which, one of the persons I saw pictures of at the event last night is Scott Fujita. I don't recall an NFL player attending before.
I think you may be right, Destiny. I remember Esera Tuaolo attending the GLAAD awards in 2006 but he, of course, was already retired from the NFL. Scott Fujita is an eloquent supporter of equal rights and he definitely understands how his privileged position of fame gives him a limited window of opportunity to make a difference and speak out for what matters. Are you listening Mr. Gyllenhaal?:
Scott Fujita: “I think for me [The National Equality March, 2009] was a cause that I truly believe in…By in large in this country the issue of gay rights and equality should be past the point of debate. Really, there should be no debate anymore. For me, in my small platform as a professional football player, I understand that my time in the spotlight is probably limited. The more times you have to lend your name to a cause you believe in, you should do that….You know people do call it homophobia, and even that term alone is interesting to me. Because I don’t even know how they call it homophobia, because that’s a fear of the same. It’s more heterophobia. It’s a fear of something different from yourself. Is there still some of that in the locker room? Absolutely. People tell me, hey, that’s pretty courageous. You come out in favor of gay rights. I don’t think it’s that courageous. I think I have an opinion, that I wish was shared by everybody, but I honestly believe that it’s shared by more [football players] than we know because a lot of people just won’t speak out about it.
Heading out to inspect last set built for Source Code today. Not much filming left but get to work with Vera Farmiga and Jeffrey Wright!
about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck
Day 1: It was a day that started out like any other day. I was in the drive thru lane at Whataburger in Austin, TX, on a sunny April morning preoccupied with fixing my smoking pipe in its custom-made pipe holder between the seats of my ever trusty, bland but ever functional Ford Focus. I was on a new case; to find a man by the name of Austin Nichols. A swinging, suction-cupped plastic sign caught my eye in one of the back windows of the van in front of me. “BTs on Board”
Hmm. BTs on Board. Wait – there’s another one. “Proud Parent of an Honor BT Tot”
Interesting. And as the van pulled ahead after placing their breakfast order, my eyes widened as a wrinkled piece of paper flew out of the driver’s window, landing on the ground before me. I waited to see if the driver would dash outside, concerned over their loss. But no, they proceeded on, prompting my curiosity as to their impassive reaction.
“Good morning, welcome to Whataburger, would you like to try one of our Breakfast Taquito’s today?”
“Uh, hold on!!” I drove forward, opened my door and reached down for that wayward paper.
“Order whenever you’re ready.”
“Okay, just a moment,” I opened the paper which was on the highest quality of Copy Paper I had ever seen. It must’ve been 1000 Brightness. I read the title: “One Tree Hill – Season 8. Episode One.”
“Sir!!!! We’re waiting!!!”
But I was already gone. In pursuit of a mystery van which was already pulling away from the window ahead, stuffed white sack and cardboard drink holder with large coffee cup and tiny milks in tow. I could not believe my fortune. I was having my first lead fall right into my lap and I would not lose this Gravy Lead or my name surely wasn’t …..Sherlaustin Holmes.
I love that quote from Colin Farrell; it's beautiful, almost poetic. Love the happy wedding photo and love the sibling photo, too.
I love that commenters are giving Reese-y a hard time on JJ for dragging her kids out on a photo op especially when it's obvious that Ava hates it and also for sending her kids through a man-revolving door. You're not fooling anyone, Reese.
And wow, great pictures of Adam Lambert on JJ. That guy puts on & wears the eyeliner 10x better than I do. LOLLLL! That boy is hot in those pictures. Love the whole look.
I also loved that Ricky Martin video, although I'm not a fan of tats at all but that guy has a rockin' bod. Holy toledo. I hope we get some pictures of him with his whole family; that would be great.
I love brown packages tied up with string, these are a few of my....
no, no, no, no, no!!! LOL!!!
Destiny love the avatar Bomer looks great in that picture. Some Gay men look good dressed up and some look good hardly dressed.
I hope we get some pictures of him with his whole family; that would be great.
Ricky Martin and sons
Thanks for whoever put up that Ricky Martin vid. That's great. Awww, what beautiful pictures, too.
Some Gay men look good dressed up and some look good hardly dressed.
lol, Tom. I would totally agree.
Oh man those kids are so beautiful. Its awesome he is proud of them and sharing his story with us. Yes I hope we get to meet Rickys partner soon.
Sherlaustin Holmes.
LMAO. I hope we're going to be getting more chapters in that story. I'm already hooked.
So true Tom. I have to agree with PG, Ricky has a great body, but not a fan of the tats. And as hot as Bomer is, and as good as he looks with his shirt off, I do think he looks much hotter in clothes for some reason.
Sonoma County CA separates elderly gay couple and sells all of their worldly possessions
There are a couple of new POP stills on IHJ and Jake looks really handsome in them. The best so far.
Good writing PG. Of course we already know you have writing talent. Keep those chapters coming. By the way is anyone here reading A Way with Words? Complicated, minimal sex, but interesting. It switches back and forth between the past and present and takes all my concentration to follow.
Tom I really enjoyed A Home at the end of the World as well. It's one of those movies I've watched many time when they show it on Logo. It occurs to me it's probably been edited.I should rent the DVD one of these days and see the real movie.
From Saturdays post about Jake's statement about BBM Jack and Ennis not being gay:
I think to try and spin it into that movie being about two straight men who happened to find this special, once in a lifetime bond with a member of the same sex but never would happen again is like trying to give permission to one self how this can happen. Like trying to say "Well, it would never happen again, though, so that makes it okay." Like it was a million to one shot.
Well, You would never know since you have never experienced a same sex experience or sex and marrige with the opposite sex while dealing in a same sex relationship also. You never know, it could have been a one in a million shot for one person or for both.
The point was, The movie became the gay cowboy movie to the masses after it was out for a minute and everyone, the media, late night comics and anyone took stabbs at it. It was now the Gay Cowboy movie.
I can see some of your points PG, but, I still think Jake spoke about the movie as it was originally pitched and promoted and probably was told to in some kind of round about way.
I agree with him. It was either the studio or the producers who gave conflicting tags, promos, or insight to this movie, then afterwards they tried to act surprised about Jake's statement. I do remember how this movie was promoted regardless of what James Shamus said later.
^^^ What a silly and transparent "theory"!
You really should learn basics about human sexuality and stop playing stupid.
gay cowboys said...
- verbal diarrhea - >
Trolly is on here 24/7
Yes, you are here all the time.
^^^ What a silly and transparent "theory"!
I really should learn basics about human sexuality and stop playing stupid.
Special, are going to allow trolly posts to sh*t up this blog? Waah Waah
Yes trolly, she is, so you should be grateful.
Trolly, thanks for clarifying <33
Special is the best, she is all inclusive, even embracing trollys
umm, retarded posts =
^^^ What a silly and transparent "theory"!
You really should learn basics about human sexuality and stop playing stupid.
Trolly, Jake is gay.
You can't do anything about that. No amount of your bullshit about bisexuality and "straight" people having gay sex will help.
5:43 Thanks for the laugh this morning trolly
Trolly, the laugh is on you.
Good morning everyone. Looks like we have PR posing a trollys and picking out specific people to gripe about in an attempt to drive off members. They won't give up the effort. First it wa Reeke, now PoP and the revelations about the rings.
sounded like babblers were up early
PR posing a trollys
LMAO - more like sofa frumps with twisted bloomers
I love it at this point. They can spend all the keystrokes they want spinning Brokeback every which way but loose.
They're not wanting to "discuss" it. They plain and simple can't let it go, won't let it go, refuse to let it go. Their agenda will come out on top.
See, I'm not going to squash it or discourage it or trash it.
I want to see more. I'm asking for more because it's getting good now.
m, did you guys get a plumber in yesterday? That's awful about the leak; that'd be scary.
I'm not reading A Way With Words; I don't think that's appearing on my Friends Page; I don't think I recognize that title so thanks for the tip! I'll have to seek it out.
I am thissssss close to being done. I hope to finish Tenderfoot today since I'm on a day of Big V; that' the plan anyway. Yeah, I spilled the name, I don't care. As if it's a big secret anyway, LOL.
I'm pretty excited about the way the last 3 chapters have gone and all 3 will go up at the same time. I think. Now that I think about it, I may put up 42b & 42c together while 43 - the Final Chapter gets beta'd. I could do it that way, I guess. It's going to go out with a bang, m. We've got doubleheader smex going and I have two musical pieces to tie in that are absolutely perfect.
We'll also have the unveiling of my Jack & Ennis pictures, after 2002 chapters.
I'm just spilling all kinds of stuff to you guys, aren't I? You get the "exclusives", lol.
I also have the title already of the mini-sequel. You'll never guess what it is. No, it's not The Tenderfoot II. lol
Anyway, I'm pretty sentimental about the whole thing. It's like my kid or something weird like that; it's hard to describe.
"They plain and simple can't let it go, won't let it go, refuse to let it go. Their agenda will come out on top."
Hi prairie girl. I have been lurking here for about a month, and am a bit confused by your comments. Could you please explain who is 'they', what is 'it', and what is the 'agenda'. Hope its ok asking :)
Hi Alana, welcome to OMG.
Aw, it's a long story and one told from a pretty bent, honed and river-worn perspective such as mine. I don't like the idea of giving you a one-sided perspective like that but rather I think if you continue to lurk and observe, it would become more apparent as time passed.
How did you find OMG, can I ask?
Thanks for the reply.
I started reading eonline, and came across Ted's blog. Googling "Toothy tile" brings up many interesting sites and references. So here I am.
One thing that has blown me away is the facade of Hollywood, and all the bearding that supposedly goes on. Amazing
Cool. I have been here about two years, I think, Alana. I found it via the ol' Google, too.
I came here a real novice in the ways of Hollywood and these people here on OMG and WFT2 are some of the sharpest around.
I was one of those who ate up every word of the rags and had no idea the way all of that publicity worked.
Hi Alana, welcome to the blog.
By the way... cant say what it is, but saw the "big money shot prop" for Source Code today.. its un-bloody-believable! Best prop ever!
about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck
whut?! said...
the last statement apparently even surprised James Shamus
LOL. I don't remember that. Do you remember what Schamus said or a description of his expression? IIRC he's very gay friendly so it must have been a shock/hilarious for him to hear that from Jake of all people.
Schamus' remark was classic from a psychological and a diplomatic-better-save-Jake's-ass POV:
One of the film's producers, James Schamus, is as surprised as I am when I tell him that Jake perceives his character as straight: "Did he really say that? Well, I suppose movies can be Rorschach tests for all of us, but damn if these characters aren't gay to me. I think what Jake might have meant is that these guys lived outside of a social construction of a gay identity. There was no such thing as a gay identity for a cowboy in 1963."
Rorshach Test: Some psychologists use this test to examine a person's personality characteristics and emotional functioning. It has been employed to detect an underlying thought disorder, especially in cases where patients are reluctant to describe their thinking processes openly.
Wow, MM.
That's all I'll say.
I'm done, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done!!!!!
Tenderfoot is finis-o.
Well, the very rough draft is, anyway, lol.
I should have asked if I could shorten that to MM. I'm a one-way train sometimes, aren't I?
Sorry, Methodical Muse!
Alright, I have to get my butt in gear, got a dermo doctor appt today, in roughly about an hour.
Mornin' Prairie Girl.
Yeah, Schamus' response to Jake's, "I don't think Jack and Ennis are gay," was a classic. Of course, there are other interviews where Jake admits he had long conversations with Ang, in preproduction, where they talked about how Jack was the more "experienced" of the two and he had to lead Ennis into this "thing." Maybe Jake thought Ang was talking about outdoor camping tips. LOL
*Sniff* I'm shedding a tear or two about the end of your wonderfully entertaining story too. Let's see, is the sequel of The Tenderfoot going to be called, Home on the Range?
prairiegirl said...
I should have asked if I could shorten that to MM. I'm a one-way train sometimes, aren't I?
I know, I'm getting tired of typing the darn thing out too! How about if you just call be M&M...because I'm so sweet. LOL!
May I call you, PG?
PG, that's good news and bad. I like to see finished stories so I can go back and reread them. But I hate to see favorite stories end too.
Long story re the plumbing that I don't want to bore everyone with, but yes the crisis is over and the pluming portion did not cost that much. However turns out the problem was created by an improper installation of a new dryer a couple of weeks ago and so now we have to fight it out with those people to get reimbursed for damaged carpet, sheet rock and reimbursement for the plumbing bill.
Thanks, M&M. I'm @ the dr's office. I just love this phone. PG is fine!
I mean calling me pg is fine. Altho I am fine too.LOLLLL
Sorry to hear about all that, m. What an ordeal. Wow I am an outside threat with this phone. Lol
Uno Moment-o, let me check.
I'm sucking down my salad as I type. The week of Birthday Lunches & Dinners has officially concluded and it is time to stand at the Train Stop headed for Self-Denial.
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