....aka A Play in Hill Country or Austin's Wednesday night in Austin
Austin 360's blog gives more detail about what Austin as doing on Wednesday night, and play with the very briefest of rehearsals.
Writer Edwin “Bud” Shrake was working on a new novel and staging a play when he died almost a year ago. "The Friends of Carlos Monzon" was the play, and Wednesday, director Jeff Nichols brought it to the stage, in a celebration of the writer, for an invitation only audience at the Long Center's Rollins Studio Theater.
The play "is based on a writing assignment gone awry: In the ’70s, while writing for Sports Illustrated, Shrake was assigned to cover the Carlos Monzon-Bennie Briscoe middleweight title fight. At the time, communists and terrorists were blowing things up, death squads found good sport in disappearing people by tossing them out of airborne planes and exiled president Juan Peron was on his way back from Spain to make it all better.
One night, while sitting in a bar, Shrake had the misfortune of being swept up in a post-bombing raid, thrown into a secret prison and held incommunicado. No one, not even his editors in New York, knew what had become of him. Prisoners were interrogated and tortured. The unluckiest went skydiving without a chute."
The production, it was noted was minimal in its scenery using Spanish music Ray Benson and film and photographs to create the setting. It had a very brief prep for those in it with most of the actors flying in Sunday for rehearsals starting Monday, and the performance Wednesday. Talk about acting by the seat of your pants. Even Black Box productions have more rehearsal time.
As is in any live theater, whether with days of rehearsals or weeks, there are no second takes. But there is something about, that different kind energy of performing before a live audience after acting in front of a camera that you can see would appeal to Austin. Especially after doing a weekly television show. Totally changing directions from what you have been doing, your acting is now right there open and exposed for instant critique and reaction from your audience, not waiting weeks or months to see the audience's response.
While there were some bumps in the performance on Wednesday it sounded like it was overall a success, and was another experience to add to Austin's growing list.
For those celebrating Easter May we remember the sacrifice made and rejoice in the triumph over it and
gift that is given to all from it.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Friends in Not Low Places ...
Posted by
Special K
1:59 PM
Labels: Austin, Austin Friday, Austin in Austin
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So Jake found a beard just in the nick of time for Wonder Con.
Jake is currently shooting a movie in Montreal called Source Code. Last night he was spotted at Garde Manger ... Interestingly and awkwardly enough, Kirsten Dunst, who is also in Montreal working on a different movie, was also there
Last night Kirsten Dunst was at the concert:
cathperreault: Spotted Kirsten Dunst at Julian Casablancas concert in Montréal tonight #celebrityspotting #kirstendunst
about 14 hours ago from
alexpanda: Spotted at the julian casablancas concert : kirsten dunst in line at the washroom
about 17 hours ago
LOL. Boy, they just keep trying, don't they?
Lamey can keep spinning her yarns and rocking in her chair all she wants, I just have to smile and try to rock harder in my chair. Hey, Lamey, let's have a race to see who can rock the hardest.
Sigh. Sooooooooo boooooring. Although, you know, I have to say that I'd rather chuckle over something like this stuck record than read something like what we had a couple of weekends ago.
Nice day off although it's raining. Downpours and off & on showers. Got the walk in @ 5 this morning because I knew the rain was coming.
Sprinting towards the end of my story, not much longer to go at all.
Special at the end of the last post you specifically pointed out how Lainey is based in Vancouver so someone had to feed her this info (which she does acknowledge at the end there). So. . . how is this any different from what Ted feeds us again?
Ted is a gay man who knows a lot of gay men who like to gossip and he lives in LA.
Lainey is the one that had a post - a WHOLE post - up about Jake not possibly being Toothy because he dresses bad. This proves he can't be gay and therefore not Toothy, duh!
Instead she shows her true insider information by saying Toothy is Colin Hanks...
She has no reason whatsoever to make anything up now that Jake is girl-less again, sure...
Looks like Kiki went to that concert after Garde manger, there is even a pic of her in the bathroom!! Says Jake was there as well, took a pic, no flash.:
@shmorgesborg o haha I took a pic but it was too dark iPhones don't have a flash doll! Bummer
about 2 hours ago via Echofon in reply to shmorgesborg
@shmorgesborg I gave u a pic of Kirsten!!! Here http://twitpic.com/1ck4ne
about 13 hours ago via Echofon in reply to shmorgesborg
@shmorgesborg Garde Manger biatch and Jake gyllenhal's hereee woo I'm a fuckin CELEB bitch
about 13 hours ago via Echofon in reply to shmorgesborg
@shmorgesborg here bitch just went into bathroom waiting an guess who walks out? KIRSTEN DUNST http://twitpic.com/1cjucq
about 14 hours ago via Echofon in reply to shmorgesborg
Drunkenly just fell on Kirsten dunst fml
about 14 hours ago via Echofon Jake gyllenhals here too oh em gee!!
about 14 hours ago via Echofon
As if Kristen Dunst is right next to me ad Ali right now at Garde Manger!! Ahah should we go say hi?
about 15 hours ago via Echofon
On the one hand,WFT2 has posted links to a picture of Kiki at the restaurant.
On the other, Isabel is in a movie that, at least in Mardch, has been filming in Brisbane, Australia.
Celebrity Mania
Doesn't it seem odd that if she was filming down there in March that she wouldn't have stuck around to spend Easter with her family?
Lainey is the one that had a post - a WHOLE post - up about Jake not possibly being Toothy because he dresses bad.
And Ted is the one that has multiple posts about Jake, Austin and their super secret invisible baby. I mean, if we're calling out gossipers for being ridiculous, let's be fair and call them both out for their flights of fancy.
Like Special K said he has to go through a legal team before his publishes stuff. Ted would have to let lawyers look at his BV's too.
Does anybody think that Austin knew the guy who wrote the play?
Don't know Hand Up. What I'm wondering is if he is related to the director.
I've never been able to picture Austin doing theater, I think because of how he seems to get nervous in interviews, I've thought he probably would be nervous on stage. Since this was a special, invite only event, it may have just been a one-time thing, and lending a hand to an interesting project.
Easter is Sunday, even in OZ,has nothing to do with her being in Montreal last night.
Easter is Sunday, even in OZ,has nothing to do with her being in Montreal last night.
But Easter is in 2 days, and today is Friday, but in Oz it's next Tuesday.
i remember when jake gylenhaal & hayden christensen were in a play and i was begging Jake to sign my star wars photos #CravenFail
5:08 PM Mar 31st
i was chasing him down the street saying " Hayden y are you ignoring me"? PLEEEASE sign my photos" and he was " ERRRR THATS NOT ME ! "
5:27 PM Mar 31st
Why would someone who is in the middle of filming a movie in Australia be in Montreal? Does she live there? Isn't it more likely that if has a place this side of the world it would be in LA?
This one is starting to smell to me.
Beginning of the video - The guy in the grey suit chewing gum is Simon Halls, Mathew Bomer's partner
USA's "White Collar" Premiere with Tiffani Thiessen, Matt Bomer, and Tim DeKay
Happy Easter to those who observe! Thanks Spesh! :)
Happy Easter and Happy Spring!
Okaaaaayyyy, now I know why I just scratch my head trying to figure out what the big deal about this Gerard Butler guy is. Because I should trust my inner instincts.
Gerard Butler now comments on the pic of him doing a Jakey Cockroachella FingerintheDike move on People.com:
There's no frisky business between Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston, the Scottish star insists. But a photo taken while the two were promoting The Bounty Hunter in Europe suggests otherwise: Butler's left hand is clearly visible on Aniston's rear.
"Yeah, I'm a bit of a bad boy," Butler said in an interview on 104.7 KISS-FM's Johnjay & Rich Show Friday. "I'm still not sure my hand was really on her butt. I think that’s just the way the camera was angled. I haven’t actually seen [the picture]."
Ehhhhh..he has "no idea" if his hand was really on her butt. Yeeeeah, riiiiiight, Gerard.
What an absolute doofus that guy is.
And my opinion of Jennifer Anniston sank below sea level when I saw that picture.
In case no one's seen that picture, he's standing with Jennifer Anniston and some other person in front of a stage at a concert with Jen in between them and he has his finger clearly up her jeanclad butt. One thing's for sure, can't be no "swimsuit doing a wedgie" excuse" for that one.
The picture was on ONTD and it was interesting to see the number of "ewwww" comments outnumbering everything else.
It's making the rounds now on the internet. Good grief; he seems to enjoy the attention it's bringing.
I am sad to read about John Forsythe's passing. Wow, he was 92 years old. I remember him from Dynasty. He had a very classy and dignified presence on the screen.
Thanks YouTube! Something funny about a pr guy chewing gum like that. Interesting to watch too, you can see he's keeping an eye on Matt, but they're keeping it "professional".
I'd sure love to know how long they've been together, haven't read a word on that point.
PG, don't know what in the heck to think of that Butler thing. I've seen it, and it reminded me of Cockroachella. Maybe it looks worse than it is? It's not like Reeke, where you can see the fabric indented, so could be he didn't touch her, or it was more a move along pat on the behind and looks like more? Just not as crude looking, and there isn't the same intention and hostility as with Reeke.
Butler is with Aniston for the reason Jake was Reese.
The big difference is that Aniston and Butler have both repeatedly said they are just friends. Butler may want to be seen as straight, but for someone who is supposedly a womanizer he is repeatedly denying he's with this one and that one.
Meanwhile, way to go Jake and Jake's PR. They are trashing your latest bearding moves over at ONTD. The fact he's doing it again, plus the choice. Looks like she is even less popular than Reese, and that is saying something.
Will they never learn! It's not just a few people here and at wft2 who are disgusted with this.
Meanwhile, way to go Jake and Jake's PR. They are trashing your latest bearding moves over at ONTD. The fact he's doing it again, plus the choice. Looks like she is even less popular than Reese, and that is saying something.
Will they never learn! It's not just a few people here and at wft2 who are disgusted with this.
People who believe anything Lainey says deserve to be wasting all their time and energy being disgusted.
But Destiny, I'm not seeing this Jake/Isabel thing being touted by anybody major. The only place I'm seeing it some obscure place called Hot Mamma Gossip????? is quoted by ol' Lamey. It's being fed by her.
I wouldn't call it being anything close to a beard. If it happened at all.
At best, I reckon the guy's got to have dinner company. I'm sure if he was having dinner with another 29 year old unattached guy, er-that would not go over well with Hubby. Understandably so. So I'm glad of that, LOLLLL!!
How hilarious of me to actually prefer if he was out to dinner with another gal than a single, unattached guy. LOLLLLLLL!! That's very unstraight of me. snicker!
Just like the Jake/Reese blowhole mention of a Martha Vineyard "tryst", I'm going to give this one a "1/2" on the believability scale. And that would translate into a big thumbs down.
OTOH, if it is a PR-fed thing, then you know I would be spouting out of my own blowhole and how.
But I can't take anything this Lamey says seriously; I guess that's why my reaction is like - yeah, yeah, blah, blah, yeah, blah.
It's clear that the ONTD commenter's don't like even the suggestion of the latest (jake/isable) pairing. Not that I give it any credence to begin with.
I watched Craig Ferguson tonight. Speaking of pairings, I had no idea John Corbett and Bo Derek were a couple. Apparently they have been together 8 or 9 years now.
Jake in SF tomorrow. It is colder than all get out here. We even had to build a fire in the fireplace. I know that sounds normal for you non Californians, but it was 70 degrees just days ago. Now I need a down blankie.
Montreal 76F/24C
average temp 45F/7C
San Francisco 52F/11C
average temp 64F/18C
^^That sounds like a nice couple, M. I miss that program, Northern Exposure.
Anyway, it's gorgeous here in the flood zone. I hate to say it, but afterwards it was just gorgeous, cleansing or something. Flowers, nesting birds, and sun, 70-75 temps, ducks swimming in the backyard. lol Neighbors helping each other out. The basement is finally dry - we were lucky we didn't get too much damage! Going out for Easter - hooray!
I ought to drive by Best Buy and see how many people are in line to buy the new IPad. New electronic gadgets are always exciting.
I was just reading about this IPad on cnn.com and this thing does sound pretty cool for something so thin and light. I guess it weighs 1 1/2 lbs. Incredible. Just like I was talking the other day about 8-tracks to cassettes to cd's to ITunes, here's something else that makes a laptop look clunky. lol.
You know, the only sad thing about it is that it replaces a book. But it's all about people being on the go with no time to just sit at their home and read, right? If they were at home, they would take the time to open an actual book. But the only time some people have to read is when they're sitting on the train to go to work or on a business trip or on a plane, I guess. What will this do to places like Borders? Will people still want to go out and buy an actual book?
Because the IPad will be able to download color pictures and it reads horizontally like an actual open book. And I reckon once you've read your book, you can delete it instead of being stuck with it and having to sell it to a used book re-seller or at a garage sale and getting 25 cents in return for your, what does a paperback cost these days? I have no idea, lol.
Just thinking on this whole thing.
And I have great memories of my brother or sister in law reading every night from a book chosen by my niece or nephew because we all would sit and get read to like we were 5, too. And what a great memory that is.
Can you see a parent reading to their kid from an IPad? Kind of seems a little cold to me, I dunno. Technology is great. Exciting. Cool.
But it can also take us further away from our history and ourselves. And that's kind of sad, I think.
Whoa, what kind of sad monologue was that?! lol, let's turn this car around.
Here's something, let me try this.
( )_( )
LOLLLLL!!! Isn't he cute. Someone from our maintenance dept had that as part of her signature and I copied it.
And no deer this morning. I came across 5 deer yesterday morning around 5:30 or so I think it was? Now this is in the middle of suburbia but we do have some right here in our midst. This is the 2nd time I've come across them during my walk. I tapped my walking stick but they just stood there under the streetlamp. Didn't want to walk towards them because I've heard now that they can charge you. So then I told them it was time for them to go home and they turned and started to trot away with a stop in someone's yard along the way. It was funny to see them go walking down the middle of the street.
The trees are budding now and this morning I saw two tiny, tiny little birdnests in young trees that aren't very big yet. And the nexts are about the size of a little condiment cup. LOL. Talk about hilarious looking. What kind of bird could home up in a tiny next like that? There's no room to do anything in there but sit.
Which brings us to the delightful subject of this is now the time of year when our cars get bombed time after time after time. Aaaaarghh! And those birds make us so darn mad. Why is it they seem to go so much in the spring and all over everyone's cars? Do their bowels stop in the summer or something?
LOLL!!! Next = Nest!!!
LOL - geez, I did it twice. Ok, time to get off of here if I can't even type right.
Awwww, thanks for the cute bunny, PrairieGirl! :)
As Jake will be at Wondercon today, I think it is interesting to see what gamers are saying about PoP:Sands of Time as a Game, not the movie itself. I love these people. They're so into their games and have their own agendas.
The comments are fun to read. I like the one that asks if Jake will become known as the actor formerly known as the Prince. LOLLL!!
I like the one that asks if Jake will become known as the actor formerly known as the Prince. LOLLL!!
:) lol
I hope we'll hear about what's happening at Wondercon!
Cute bunny. It is gorgeous today, a lot of the trees are full of pink and white flowers, and the daffodils are all out.
Someone on Rachel Maddow had the ipad last night and was showing it off, boy does it look cool. And they were already lining up yesterday outside the Apple store.
Whether the date really happened, I do think the Isabel story is a pr plant.
First a gamer type, now someone from the Transformers. These are not random choices of women. Wonder if she will be at Wonder Con.
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