New Video from OTH
We find out there's a hot tub scene, what bobsledding does to your back, 4 man, Austin wanting a speed suit and his description of them, and oh, blah blah blah film stuff blah blah. Just watch.
And seriously OTH should just rename the last episode Hot Tub Time Machine, sure people would confuse it with the movie that's out here in the US, but it might boost their numbers. Beside they time travel enough to give Dr. Who a run for frequent flier miles. And the guy playing Mouth should play Jamie too at this rate with the jump ahead, they could save a salary.
Jake was on location in Chicago for Source Code in decked out classic commuter wear with denim shirt and tie, tweed jacket, trench complete with phone on the belt and messenger bag.
Or Austin in a speed suit.

Think Austin just likes spandex and knows how it makes it all look so good.
Seems the guy in the raincoat agrees.

"like a condom"
Duncan Jones
Star of Source Code 2...
about 14 hours ago
Austin seems more excited about the speed suit than the shooting schedule. The blah blah cracks me up.
Duncan? I think Duncan was having a bit of fun. Remember Source Code is about someone (Coulter)inhabiting someone else's body. Two people in one.
Jake Gyllenhaal has played a gay cowboy and a troubled teenager with Doomsday visions in R-rated movies but his new film Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time is a little more family-friendly - plus, he got to perform some dangerous stunts.
"I did make this movie for kids and the kids in my life," he told George Pennacchio of KABC Television,'s parent company, at the recent "WonderCon" convention in San Francisco, California.
Gyllenhaal, who is best-known for movies such as Donnie Darko (2001) and Brokeback Mountain (2005), also got to perform his own stunts in the action-packed Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, which is rated PG-13. The film is set to be released on May 28 and also stars Gemma Arterton as his love interest.
Jake Gyllenhaal made 'Prince of Persia' for the kids
Hmmm who are the kids in his life? His nieces and nephew (Ramona, Ella, and Link) and his own little goslings perhaps? : )
Who are Ella and Link?
Austin's niece and nephew.
I see, thanks!
Dear Ted:
While reading Buck Me-Good, I couldn't help but think of Jake Gyllenhaal...although I can't picture him getting that drunk. I think he's too square. Am I right?
Dear Jakepoo Gone Bad:
You're right in that J.G. is not our mile-high bad boy. Think less established, but the two do have some similarities, sure.
Dear Ted:
I'm piggybacking off a question asked on Friday's BB and have had a rescued pooch for 12 years now. Disregard the "outing" of someone and take it strictly as cheating: What you and the media is saying, is that if a married man cheats on his beard with a man, that for the most part is taboo for the media to reveal? Toothy wasn't married, so he I understand, but I can think of a lot of your blind vices who are married. Cheating is cheating, so it's a disservice as journalists not to report all the news. No?
Dear It's Complicated:
With bearded marriages, things become much more complicated in terms of cheating. Most marriages in H'wood between a DL dude and his beard are pre-arranged with both parties knowing exactly what will—and more importantly will not—be going down romance wise. That way, when the horny hubby gets some boy-on-boy action the wife fully consents.
Dear Ted:
My sweet, rescued Dalmatian was incredibly distraught to read a post in the comment section that said you were no longer going to report on Toothy. She's really, really upset by this news, Ted! Throw her a bone. ('Groan' at the pun. I couldn't help myself.) You aren't leaving Toothy behind, are you?
Dear So Long, Old Friend:
Please, I'll stick with T2 until the day he breaks free from that oh-so-deep closet of his. Count on it.
The first two questions were one after the other.
Bitch Back
Socialite Life
Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Monaghan were spotted in Chicago yesterday filming their newest sci-fi thriller, Source Code, and we have pictures to prove it!
I'm also inferring from these photos that Michelle is supposed to be Jake's love interest. These two are roughly the same age, but this seems to be another case of mom/ son coupling. In Michelle's defense, Jake will always look like a fetus, so she shouldn't start jabbing herself with Botox just yet.
Women don't look like lovers with Jake, men do.
iTA dif.
I know it's only 11 seconds, but I only just watched that Austin/Sophia clip today. No heat there. In fact, the light bearding may have damaged their friendship. I see a coldness there that was never evident before. It's in the condom clip as well.
Agree M, there is a chill between them that is very evident in everything that we have seen from Utah. From these two recent clips, to the other with them getting their picture taken were together by their co-star, the early Utah videos of the cast out in the snow and even in the still pictures. Brrr.
I agree that women with Jake do not look like lovers, but men do. Totally different energy.
Actually Sophia just took a week off from filming in Austria to spend a week in the Virgin Islands with Austin and his family.
A pic
jkv: just saw the Prince of Persia (Jake Gyllenhaal) at Olive and Gourmando in Old Montreal
13 minutes ago from Tweetie · Reply · View Tweet
Actually Sophia just took a week off from filming in Austria to spend a week in the Virgin Islands with Austin and his family.
You are there with them?
That picture has been out and around for at least a week or so. So suspect it isn't exactly that recent, like it happen this week.
But here's the question I have to ask about these "private" pictures of Sophia and Austin. Why do they keep getting leaked and getting out? Clearly a fan didn't take that picture. Someone put out there somewhere and has done with other pics of them. Out there to "oops" be found.
Now Austin is pretty private guy and always has been except for the foray over on SoGoPro where he was writing and his trip to Italy.
So who of the two who has the track record of going after attention?
You know like more red carpets for stuff than an A list star, the countless clothing changes and front seat fashion shows pictures at every Fashion Week, being the only one on OTH that really gets any big interviews and has for the past few years. The one who the cast referred to OTH as her show.
Which of the two? You know who.
Not hard to deduce who of the two "assisted" getting the pictures out there.
And is it for the show or about getting the last gasp of attention?
Now why Austin doesn't do something about her hi-jinks, that's a different matter all together. They can be friends and hang out, but it seems like she has taken clearly advantage of the friendship and their fauxmance arrangement.
Putting on the flak jacket for the incoming.
Ok, after shooting that off. I took a clearer head, and I did have this thought.
The one think I can think of is that the picture got out right now is to throw people off. To where Austin really is.
We used to always get a barrage of Reeke pictures and it was suspect to create a cover for Austin.
Now these private pictures could be the Sophin approach to misdirection, and to give Austin some cover for where ever he really is.
Putting on the flak jacket for the incoming.
Good, because once again you're leaping from one ridiculous assumption to another just so you can blame the woman.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, according to you, isn't Austin the one who is secretly gay, having a relationship with Jake AND hiding at least one child? So isn't he the one who would want people to think he was in a relationship with Sophia and therefore want pictures to leak out? Yeah, Austin is a private guy except for the times he isn't. And the picture looks like it was taken by him. So, a picture he took, with the girl he is supposedly bearding with to protect himself, his boyfriend and his child(ren) leaks out. I think that points more to Austin being the leaker.
That's if anyone leaked it, which I doubt. More likely it's on a family member's myspace or facebook and a fan grabbed it.
No I pointed out who seeks the attention of the two of them. It's patterns of past behaviors that help figure out what the newest actions are.
Sophia wants fame more than Austin wasn't to be known as straight. She has been trying to climb up the ladder the whole time she's been OTH. She's want to be the A-list and if she has to "date" the gay hubs of an A-lister she will. Of course that means she could single handily save OTH too, like she single handily got the entire cast and crew of OTH to recycle. (need to watch that red carpet interview again?)
Family facebook, try Sophia's facebook that she's friended fans on her "private unknown" one. Oops! How convenient.
Sophia wants fame more than Austin wasn't to be known as straight.
Austin is hiding a partner and a CHILD and bearding with a co-star, according to you, because he doesn't want the world to know he is gay and you're saying that Sophia wants fame more than Austin wants to be seen as straight? Give me a break.
Family facebook, try Sophia's facebook that she's friended fans on her "private unknown" one. Oops! How convenient.
I think you're looking at the wrong profile. I know Sophia's real fb - she goes by a pen name and doesn't let anyone friend or message her, so you're probably looking at a fake.
I know about their trip to the Virgin Islands, which was about two weeks ago...I work for the agency representing Sophia and Austin.
I work for the agency representing Sophia and Austin.
Yeah, right, not even a nice try.
I know Sophia's real fb - she goes by a pen name and doesn't let anyone friend or message her, so you're probably looking at a fake.
So Sophia lied in that video interview when she said that she doesn't have facebook or twitter account?
Austin has had years of being with as Jake as couple and with a family. He never sought to do it early in the relationship. It was after he went on the CW that he hooked up with the co-star, kind of the M.O. that the CW does with actors on their shows. Remind you of the politics comment Austin made about working on a OTH. And funny how they didn't start "dating" until he was a regular.
Yet Sophia has dated HOW MANY of her co-stars? And how much attention has she gotten for her acting on the show?
She didn't get attention for her acting, she got it for her dating.
Hey fiction - what employee would admit they work for them and be on THIS Blog?
Women don't look like lovers with Jake, men do.
Don't laugh but IMO the only woman on screen Jake seemed interesting with and had chemistry with was Susan Sarandon. I would love to see them do a May-December romance movie together. Playing against a man or an older woman makes him interesting. The only other time was Diane Kruger at the Cannes Zodiac press conference but who knows maybe he was on drugs or something. He was giving everyone and everything the I-want-to-fuck-you look during that conference.
Friction lets hope Sophia and Austin live a long and happy life together. If that makes you happy wonderful. If you are trying to hurt people who Jakes and Austins relationship has meant so much to then again wonderful. You are one happy person today and your life should now be complete. So go F$#@ yourself. You aint got squat.
What about Jen and The Good Girl?
Jen and Jake and Susan and Jake have chemistry but it always comes off to me that they want to cuddle him more than anything else. But that's me.
Jake was all kinds of something at Cannes but then again he was seen with a guy in a beanie at a French cafe on that trip too. And he was very very sleepy on the train back to England. ; )
Maybe all that "wanna fuck you chemistry" was in his system from a pre-Cannes pep talk or in anticipation for a post premiere tete-a-tete.
Funny how SK ran acroos that pic and didn't bother posting it like she runs and posts any pic with Austin in it.
Interesting that she went to Barbados with Austin and his family a few weeks back, explains why they have been MIA.
I have seen Sophia's real FB and yes she lied about having one.
So she lied big deal. It's the same thing when someone sent a letter to Ted saying that Jakw\e's mom had defriended Reese off of her FB which was a lie.
And to top[it off, Ted lied and said he checked, if he checked he would have seen that it was a lie.
Hey guys, check this out. I'm typing this out on my new phone. Sure takes forever tho.
What I love about all this is the timing. Special wonders out loud re Sophin and voila! Everything ever wondered about is provided.Can u say bibbity bobbity boo?
I think leaking “private” pics in the OTH fandom is part of the PR strategy that OTH have had for years. Most of the hardcore OTH fandom is internet based and they are the only ones consuming the Austin and Sophia romance. It’s the same way they consumed the Chad Michael Murray and Sophia and later the James Lafferty and Sophia romance. It was mostly by leaking private pics or fan pics of them into the OTH forums or sites. It’s the way they work because the mainstream doesn’t care about Sophia enough to have the publicity they need for the show. Only Just Jared pimps them from time to time, but most of the plants are targeted by leaking pictures directly inside the OTH fandom.
It's Barbados now huh.
Well that's an island alright But not a Virgin one.
Special K, you posted a whole lot of words, but none of them refute what I said. Austin is hiding a partner and a child. An actual human child. And now he is "dating" a female co-star.
And like PrairieGirl and fb, I'm curious about where this picture sprung up from. Special K, you said you've seen this picture floating around for a week. Where did you see it first?
My question is why do the pathetic losers who come on here to try and shove their crap down our throats. Personally I think ur wasting ur pathetic life. I really dont think many people care that much about what is going on with J and A anymore and SK and Stubborn will never believe what you say.
I for one dont give a crap anymore about J and As relationship. I dont even thinke JG is a very nice person anymore.
Really I think Austin is on vacation with his family who had cared for his son in Austin why he and Jake worked. Maybe Sophia came to visit . Good for her.
Now get urself a good shrink and tey is find some hobbies because ur life is very sad and ur making a total fool of urself. Why dont you post a pic so we all can see what a sad pathetic fool looks like.
So she lied big deal. It's the same thing when someone sent a letter to Ted saying that Jakw\e's mom had defriended Reese off of her FB which was a lie.
Trolly keeps posting the same crap.
Well we all saw your pic Tom and sad and pathetic doesn't even cover it.
Even you don't believe in BT nor do you believe that J& A are together anymore, you are just too embarrassed to admit it.
Barbados/Virgin Islans, what the fuck diff does make? You weren't there SK that's for sure.
When did you stumble across this pic SK? I assume it was on one of the OTH sites that you lurk on.
It's not crap gasbag. When Ted posted the letter I was confused but then I remembered that a bunch of people came accross Naomis' FB and saw that Reese was on her friends list using her real name.
Some wondered why since the break up but then someone wrote Ted a letter and said that Mama was mad at Reese she even defreinded her on FB. Now who else would e-mail Ted about Reese being on her FB except a Jake fan?
Again he lied when he said he checked becasue at the time she was still on the list.
Just like Sophia used a pic of her and Austin on their FB
Sorry Spesh I love u but the time is right.
I have something to tell the losers who are posting today.
The first season that Austin went to NC to film OTH OMG had a visitor from someone staying at the Sea Gull Motel in Wrightstown, NC which is right up from the beach from the house that we saw Austin and Hilary later on. Yes this person was on OMG everyday for the whole first season except for the weekends when Austin went away on his mysterious weekends. I later found out that motel houses many celebs who film in Wilmingtom. So we know that someone from that hotel came on every single day except weekends on Austins first season filmiong OTH again except fot the weekends and that this motel houses many celebs who come to film in Wilmigton which seems to be a popular place for HW filming.
Wonder who was staying at that hotel that would care to spend so much time on OMG.
Sorry again Spesh but these losers piss me off and they need to have their faces slapped.
The Sea Gull hotel happens to be right on the beach.
Not ashamed of what i look like like all fb. Maybe you should have the guts to show ur face. I doubt it losers rarely are very attractive.
Where did I see it?
It was on an online photo gallery, that popped up in a google alert.
The picture is the profile pic on a fake Austin Nichols fb account.
Barbados/Virgin Islans, what the fuck diff does make?
About 460 miles or 720 kilometers. The distance between Barbados and the Virgin Islands
Thanks for the answer Special K. Do you have the link?
Sorry Spesh I love u but the time is right.
I have something to tell the losers who are posting today.
The first season that Austin went to NC to film OTH OMG had a visitor from someone staying at the Sea Gull Motel in Wrightstown, NC which is right up from the beach from the house that we saw Austin and Hilary later on.
How do you know that Tom? How do you know the exact location of a visitor to OMG? Not that I'm saying you are making this up, but how do you know?
Yes this person was on OMG everyday for the whole first season except for the weekends when Austin went away on his mysterious weekends.
How do you know that?
Its called sitemeter and the hotel had their own internet service. Whoever was posting apparently didnt realize it. It stopped after the season ended when most likely Austin moved into that house on the beach. enuff said by me. Jerk.
Its called sitemeter and the hotel had their own internet service.
I'll ignore the name calling, but you haven't answered my question. I know about sitemeters. My question is, how do YOU know that someone from that particular location visited this site everyday (except weekends) for the whole of the first season.
Did you see this information for yourself on a daily basis? Do you have access to this data yourself, or did someone else tell you this was happening?
I'll ignore the name calling
You shouldn't!
Please be offended and go away, lol!
SK, showed him the sitemeter, he is so gullable! You have to remember that SK, Tom and SB all thought Rattler was Jake!!
Maybe Austin's PR was at that hotel
Aww, Reese is still friended to Mama:!/friends/?id=853589355&flid=&view=everyone&q=&nt=0&nk=0&s=100&st=0
Aww, Reese is still friended to Mama:
What is etiquette for defriending your son's former beard?
Post Date: April 10, 2010 at 6:15 pm
Great Merciful Zeus: Unconfirmed Jake Gyllenhaal sightings in Boystown this weekend
Jakey-G is filming a new movie here in Chicago and was seen out and about in Millennium Park yesterday. Last night, some people we know swear they saw him in the Loop. Today, everyone’s buzzing that he checked out Boystown in a ball cap and sunglasses, with “unidentified male friend in tow”.
We haven’t seen him yet, but if we do, don’t judge us if the encounter ends up on Perez Hilton. Word here is Jake’s dating a guy who goes to grad school in Michigan, so that might be the “friend” he’s been out palling with.
Hope we run into them…maybe at MiniBar tonight.
Boystown is the popular name of a district within Chicago, Illinois. Situated within the neighborhood of Lakeview, it was the first officially recognized gay village in the United States, as well as the cultural center of one of the largest lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender (LGBT) communities in the nation. Boystown has grown into a cultural center for the nearly 800,000 LGBT residents[citation needed] estimated to live within the Chicago metropolitan area today.
Austin Nichols, born April 23, 1980 Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Who happened to spend a lot of his youth in Michigan and visited there a couple summers ago? Got himself in a little tgrouble that summer.
Seems like Austin is no longer in Barbados.
Goes to Grad school on Michigan not went, which means the gossip is he is with someone currently going to school.
Did Austin return to school? I thought he graduated fronm USC?
Either that was another Jake look a loke or Jake is cheating on Austi-poo!
I'm sure the residents of Boystown knew jake was in CHI yesterday and they heard the rumors, they just got mixed up and meant to say born in Mich. not attending school there.
Heehee, Toothy is getting a little action on the side. Old habits die hard. Do you think the grad student had to sign a contract like the other boy?
Remember Austin the guy who lies so well, he got how many parts? I can play basketball, I can play tennis, I can surf. I didn't break my ankle.
Totally can see him saying he was from Michigan, if anyone asked. And saying he was in grad school.
Who goes to Grad school in Mich. not went. Read it again. They have no idea if it was really Jake never mind the ID of the 2nd man was.
I thought the Virgin Island pic was taken over a week ago? There were tweets of Jake last night in Chicago, no mention of Boystown, Andersonville.
There would have been tweets up the wazoo if he was in Boystown.
Why would 2 daddies be trolling around Boystown at night, what about BT.
Someone who looked like him and the people that sent the sighting in know about the rumors(born in Mich) although they would have recognized Austin unles jake was there with his BG!
I never thought Rattler was Jake. I don't know who Rattler is. But I have to admit I had hoped he was Jake.. I think of Rattler when I see the Daffadils bloom. He sent me a bouquet once.
Why would 2 daddies be trolling around Boystown at night, what about BT.
Daddies night out. Woof.
So Tom, since you're here again, can you answer my question? Did you see this sitemeter information for yourself on a daily basis? Do you have access to this data yourself, or did someone else tell you this daily visitation from Austin's location was happening?
SK told him, she runs the site. He wouldn't have access to that unles someone showed it to him.
SK told him, she runs the site. He wouldn't have access to that unles someone showed it to him.
Ok, you're the second person to say this, or maybe you're the same person as before but posting under a different name. Either way, I suppose Special K does run the website, so I can ask her too.
Special K did you tell Tom that ohmygodot was getting these daily visits from Austin's location, did he access that information independent of you, or is he just making this up?
Tweet = Jack
Dany who ran WFT, Tom, SK and STB all thought Rattler was Jake, LOL!!
With the talk of sitemeter, who else would have access to that info except the owner of a blog.
So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that SK showed him the sitemter, it's not visible on this site although maybe you could find out that info on your own but Tom is dumber that a box of dirt.
Changed your name again Jack? Cracker Jack
Some of you can wonder and question and post other links enough to knock yourself out.
It doesn't matter what you do. You could stand on your head and spit snowballs until the cows come home.
You're underestimating the inner comfort level of a few here. You're barking up the wrong tree and you're spinning your wheels trying to pedal anything that could indicate Jake & Austin are no longer together.
Knock yourselves out. It's amusing at this point. I'm loving it.
Knock yourselves out. It's amusing at this point. I'm loving it.
I really hope you aren't including me in that, since I think I'm asking a pretty reasonable question and doing so in a very polite manner. Tom dropped a bombshell and I don't think I'm out of line for asking a follow up question on it.
Wondering, you're not getting an answer and no you're not out of line for asking, but no one has to answer your question. Let it go.
Tom's a sweet guy and I don't know what in the heck you were looking at, fb, but your eyesight must've been turned inward.
I'm not lowering myself by getting into personal slams. It's obvious to me that some people are desperately reaching at straws by personally attacking other bloggers. That's a sure sign that they're running out of ammunition.
Amazing (LOL! There's that word!) that with Jake being happily seen out & about, rumored to be around with Isabel, Rachel, Kirsten, & now this Megan/Molly/mwhatever, you would think these people would be having a great ol' time at a more congruent website discussing all those wonderful hook-ups.
But the fact they're more concerned with this tiny, ever shrinking blog and what a few posters believe than entertaining their own alleged beliefs & likes kind of says it all, doesn't it?
Who the fuck is Megan?
Wondering, you're not getting an answer and no you're not out of line for asking, but no one has to answer your question. Let it go.
Well if Tom and Special K tell me they won't answer my question then I'll stop asking them, but it all seems really suspicious.
Maybe if you asked in a nicer manner, I would answer you, ?. But I'm not answering anything when asked like that. Quit being smart.
And I like to think that if Jake is at this Bonztown, he just might have somebody tall & lean with him. If it's true to begin with. They're only supposed to be filming there for what, a week, anyway? Who knows.
Would make perfect sense to me since all of a sudden we're getting all kinds of index fingers trying to point us in 1000 other directions.
Well, it's been a good time so far in W Town. I've been driving my family nuts with my constant playing on my new phone and getting on my laptop. I have got to tell some of you that this phone is just the bomb.
I think I get why Jake has his hot little hand wrapped around his cell practically 24/7. What a gadget. I've been living in BSB (before Southwestern Bell) all this time. I feel like I can do just about anything but fly with this thing, LOL.
blog isn't shrinking don't think a lot of people are posting like me I just lurk now
I'm talking about visible, active commenters.
Stop asking Wondering. I am not gonna answer. Its very true though. As Ted would say TRUST!!
Duncan tweeted they were in Chicago for that day I think.
Nothing to be suspicious about wondering, both SK and Tom are batshitcrazy and see conspericies in the cracks of their asses among other body parts.
They also like to sterotype gay men hate women (It's always the woman's fault).
They cherry pic gossip/info and only post shit that fits their agenda, SK is no better that the bloggers she critcizes.
She says that she tolerates opposing views, but the braindead sockpuppets come slitering out like some Palin crazed freper to scream trolly, how original.
For example the JIS video that Ted poseted , barely no reaction.And please don't spin otherwise, Ted has been doing it for awhile now.
SK said that Austin was lurking and posting here at one time and used the sitemeter as proof.
SK showed you the sitemeter Tom, it's no deep, dark secret.
You need to get laid or something, you are becoming unspooled yet again.
PS: I thought you said your goodbyes earlier until after Pop!
You are in your mid fifties Tom, why would a picture of Austin and Sophie be mean?? I remember you having a meltdown when Dany posted the pic of Austin and jennifer Espisito she had to take it down!!
You don't have to worry about SK posting mean pics like that here, she hates Sophia now!
Also I would like to apologise to anyone I insulted tonight. Just the idea that someone would post that picture on this site makes me think how mean people can be. But what I got to realize is how serious some people take all of this and that what we believe is here is true and they dont like it.
Stop asking Wondering. I am not gonna answer. Its very true though. As Ted would say TRUST!!
Well, this isn't church Tom, so I'm not going treat this as some test of faith and believe you simply because you say so. You might be mistaken, or you might be being lied to, or you could be absolutely correct, but you won't answer the question so I'll stop asking you.
I do hope Special K answers me though.
To the other people saying things about Special K and Tom, the same thing applies to you. I'm not going to believe you just because you say so, and calling them names is very trollish.
Wow, somebody's really having a little meltdown, aren't they.
This is interesting to watch. I think I'll ask my brother & sister in law if they have any butter microwave popcorn I can heat up. I love the Blast O Butter. Lite, of course.
prairiegirl said...
I'm talking about visible, active commenters.
I'm an active reader and will be
I'm a toothy believer too
we're still here Spesh
get a life tome6 said...
SK showed you the sitemeter Tom, it's no deep, dark secret.
You need to get laid or something, you are becoming unspooled yet again.
PS: I thought you said your goodbyes earlier until after Pop!
That was my plan until I saw that pic posted tonight.
crap = Jack
For example the JIS video that Ted poseted , barely no reaction.
Trolly, you believe Ted now?
You should've heard my niece today when she woke up.
"I'm ten, I'm ten, I'm ten!! I'm double digits!"
LOL. Man. Remember those days. When you were excited to turn double digits for the first time?
Longtime, no one is dissing you because you're a lurker. But I'll tell you what. It's nice to tip the waiter once in awhile, don't you think?
The person who is posting as other people's blogger account. This is your warning Do more one more time and your going to be reported to blogger.
This is interesting to watch. I think I'll ask my brother & sister in law if they have any butter microwave popcorn I can heat up. I love the Blast O Butter. Lite, of course.
I would of thought that you had a perpetual flow of popcorn going while you waited for the yearly pic of the supposed lovers together in public.
The person who is posting as other people's blogger account. This is your warning Do more one more time and your going to be reported to blogger.
And I was just about to send a reply to Fake Tom too. There really are some annoying trolls on here tonight. Since you're here Special K, can you answer the question about this sitemeter information Tom claims to have (or to have seen)? If you say you won't answer the question then I'll stop asking you too, but I have to ask because it's it's all mindblowing.
Wondering, as PG told you to stop asking that question, you have to obey.
Why do you find it mindblowing wondering? I thought people here think that PR lurks here, that woud include Austins PR. If he came across this blog or his PR, why wouldn't they monitor it? Austin was blogging, very easy for him to lurk here and report back to PR.
No wonder he hooked up with Sophia, releases "private"pics of him and Sophia and why you haven't seen him with Jake for a year!
Been waiting a year, lol, it's not going to kill me to wait another year if need be, if the Good Lord lets me see another year.
I love popcorn, ask the folks in my office. I'm on this cheap stuff from Wal Mart called Pop Weaver. Butter Lite. That stuff is drier than a Kansas tumbleweed in July.
Jolly Time's Butterlicious Lite & Blast O Butter are both excellent but they can only be found at Big Lots around here.
What is really good is popcorn cooked on the stove. One of my cube mates had never heard of popcorn cooked on the stove. All she knew was microwave. Nothing better than popcorn, no matter what kind it is.
And dripping buttery popcorn at the movies is awesome.
I've got company at the table. My brother, sister in law are with my sister looking at her pictures from Greece. Of course, my brother can't just look at a simple slide show. He's got to set it to the soundtrack of Mama Mia and view the pictures in the "Ken Burns" effect.
Guys, I could post a new chapter if I had some privacy at the table. Got Ch. 41 approved & ready to go!!! But it looks like we're all here gathered 'round the table for the long haul.
sk showed tom = jack
sk showed tom = jack
sk showed tom = jack
thanks gasbag for defining what it means to be "clueless"
know your trolls = clueless gasbag
"Got Ch. 41 approved & ready to go!!! But it looks like we're all here gathered 'round the table for the long haul.'
Yell fire or fart! Then post chapter 41.
Special, can I cry to you when I call everyone a troll, but don't like it when I'm called clueless
Jack meltdown
Yaarr, jack meltdown and couch thighs meltdown
LOLLLL!!! There's an idea!
If some people would go to bed.....I could put it up. Whoops! There goes one. We're down to 3 at the table now.
Today, everyone’s buzzing that he checked out Boystown in a ball cap and sunglasses, with “unidentified male friend in tow”.
Jakeypoo likes variety. Get your groove on Jake. And take off that damn cap. Everyone knows.
What's got the trolls so upset. Jake seen with an unidentified male? They only do this when Ted is about to reveal another tidbit.
I have a close, gay friend on full alert for Jake sightings. Long shot, Chicago is a big town, I know, but my friend casts a wide net and has a lot of friends. A lot of friends.
They only do this when Ted is about to reveal another tidbit.
Huh?! Trolls aren't privy to advance information.
What's got the trolls so upset.
Ted is going to annonunce something HUGE
They only do this when Ted is about to reveal another tidbit.
What? he's gonna drop the 411 that Toothy and Grey Goose was spotted in ChiTown in the park with baby tile and little sibling in tow? Grey Goose carrying sibling and diaper bag? **LMAO**
Naw I'm sticking with Jake and hot college boy trying to find a room.
Well, it almost happened, guys. I came this close to posting. LOL.
May not happen until I get home now. Everyone's up now and anxious to go out to breakfast. I am kinda hungry, got to admit.
One last thought:
You know what I think is funny this morning? The fact that someone has the time and takes the time to type alllllll those characters as their cute little name, placing it with ultimate importance over what their actual comment is about.
WOW. Double Wow. I love it. I'm so flattered and will add it to my little portfolio of tributes.
snicker oink
Wow, I missed the troll show! I would have taken a seat next to you PG and Tom in the theater if I hadn't been so busy yesterday.
Love popcorn too PG. But I don't have a microwave, so I buy this popcorn they make up fresh at the neighborhood health food store.
ITA with leaks about the photos of Sophin. Paps are not that interested in them, and except for JJ, gossip sites could care less about Sophia. Plus I think after Reeke and all the accusations about the arranged photo opps they thought it would look real if they did the occasional leak of "private" photos.
Also totally agree with the poster who say Austin is as much a part of this as Sophia. I really do think it is wrong to blame Sophia, Reese, and whatever woman they are seen with for all of the stories.
If Jake and Austin don't want to be part of things like this, they could put a stop to it. Austin could refuse to take photos with Sophia, and not hang out with her if he thinks she's just using him. But he doesn't. He's doing this because he wants those photos to get out.
I am so over Austin. Bearding to try and save what this season of OTH is the worst television show I have ever watched more than once. It's desperate and pathetic.
And Sophia is in the same boat. A couple days ago I was reading the Sophin thread at the OTH forum. By the way, there was no mention of the photo that turned up today. I guess it was too well hidden, so someone had to post it somewhere it would get picked up (I do think a Sophin fan or two do lurk here). Anyway, that is where I read Sophia was in Austria, and they were talking about how bad the movie she was making sounded, and basically saying at least she found some work.
A lot of them also were of the opinion that if they didn't have pictures, they weren't going to believe others speculation or twitters about Sophin being together. Hence again the need to leak these photos.
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