He plays the adventurous – and buff! – Prince of Persia this summer, but off-screen the actor, 29, is a regular guy who doesn't need much to make him happy. "I feel my best after a home-cooked meal with family and friends"
It isn't all the workouts or those blue eyes that make Jake one of the most beautiful. It is what comes from within, the love of life, love for family and friends, the gentleness, kindness, and compassion he has, and that almost childlike wonderment and glee he has never lost. And it is just being that regular guy.
How more regular can you be:
"I feel my best after a home-cooked meal with family and friends."
Who can disagree with that? Is there anything better? Some of the best memories people have are doing just that. That everyday thing, coming together, sharing food and thoughts and a moment in time.
It's in those regular everyday things that you find the most poignant moments of life.
It sounds like Jake has found those in his life and it shows.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
A Regular Joe Jake
Posted by
Special K
4:27 PM
Labels: Jake, People's Most Beautiful, Regular guy
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Awwww . . . so sweet! Jake does have something more than his physical beauty that shines through. Love today's song title too. :)
lillian_egypt: i love watching jake gyllenhaal & austin nichols acting like high school kids. they do not look 17 lol
about 1 hour ago
zombiezombie: Holy fuck @adamlambert is on Jonathan Ross next week with Jake Gyllenhaal! Too cool!!
43 minutes ago
It's official from Jonathan Ross
+Dizee Rascal. Fullon ! Next week Jake Gylenhaal and Adam Lambert and Alan Sugar and Kevin Bridges + The Drums. All great guests !!
about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck
Must say that wasn't expecting the baby news from Sandra Bullock. That girl is good with keep things private. But it is great news about her and her son Louis!
Win Tickets To The World Premiere of Prince of Persia in London
I know, that's amazing about Sandra's baby.
Adam and Jake on JR? Won't miss it.
Wossy @pollocked I would go bareback on brokeback for jake. If he asked nicely. about 3 hours ago
Man, what a day. Work stinks!!!
lol. It does this week, that's for sure. Too many meetings, training, running here, running there. Everybody at work is on teams; I'm on two now and all these teams do is have meetings. How do they expect you to get your work done when you have these meetings to go to? What a joke. Mama is not very happy.
I wasn't even able to get online while I waited for the doctor. Doctor was too on time!! lol. What is up with that. The doctor isn't supposed to run on time.
I couldn't believe about Sandra Bullock and her baby. Wow, she sure kept that a good secret. And she has been under tremendous media scrutiny since the Oscars; probably even since the Golden Globes which were before the Oscars.
Gotta get ready for the garage sale weekend. See if there's any of my stuff that someone might want.
Well, guess I oughta go transplant the ol' Gerbera's and the impatiens.
Impatients? I forget how it's spelled now.
LOLLLLLL! M&M!!!!! You led me astray. lol. I followed like a little blind mouse. squeak!squeak!
lol. Hey, that squeak!squeak! reminds me of a line in my final chapter of Tenderfoot.
**sigh**. I don't know when that's going to happen, guys. I may have to just post it raw and without the dressing. I'm a little frustrated.
Okay, I'm sinking down from the ceiling, better stop that thought process.
Remember that scene from Mary Poppins when they sing I Love to Laugh and Mary's Uncle and Bert are having tea up in the air and sad thoughts make them float down. lol. That was me there for a second.
Now that I am fortified from my rotisserie chicken tortilla wrap from Sam's Club. I am telling you, their rotisserie chicken is the best. The best, Jerry, the best! lol, a little Kenny Bania humor there.
Now I have double motivation to do these flowers now. Modern Family is on tonight.
Adam and Jake on the same show! :-D
Oh to be a fly in the green room.
Again Jake is talking about home and family. All the different ways and places he brings them up. You have to ask have you ever heard a "single" guy in his late twenties talk about family kids and home cooked meals so much?
Jake wont come within a football field from Adam Lambert Destiny.
Surprises me he will be in the same country.
I'd lay down a 5 to see them sitting beside each other, Destiny!
Jake wont come within a football field from Adam Lambert Destiny.
Surprises me he will be in the same country.
of course he won't. Jake's not into flamers and fey guys. nothings wrong with Adam but, Jake seems to be into masculine men.
Releasing clip after clip from "Prince of Persia" has been a genius move on behalf of Disney. What initially seemed like a cheap "Mummy" ripoff now looks to be one of the most thrilling action adventure outings since Indy first picked up that whip. source
Man, I love that People magazine picture. Jake looks so different there.
Love the first picture, too. If there's one thing Jake has down, it's the "come hither" look. What a seducer.
To think about Austin falling for him hook, line & sinker and for Jake to be giving him that "come hither" look is an image that's beyond combustible.
Hey! It's about 30 days until I head for the ol' Beantown.
Man, I'm going to invade ol' Special and you better believe she is hoping I get online on my own laptop. Hey Special, just thought of something. I have internet on my phone. If all systems fail, I wonder if I could piggyback on my own cellphone internet connection? It's possible.
Maybe I need to be saving up for that movie ticket. How much is a movie there, Special? It's $8.00 here. $5.00 at AMC on Saturday. I wonder if PoP would be $5.00 on Saturday here. Hmmmm. I better set aside some of my mad dogsitting $$$. Cha Ching!!!
And now it is time to hit the hay. Got a 7 o'clock meeting tomorrow. I am not liking this meeting business at all. Unless there's going to be refreshments involved. lol.
Impatients? I forget how it's spelled now.
LOLLLLLL! M&M!!!!! You led me astray. lol. I followed like a little blind mouse. squeak!squeak!
You are getting very sleepy, PG...veeeerrry sleepy. Now, take that Sherlaustin trench coat that's hanging in the closet (sorry Jake, PG has to squeeze in there), and run around your flowers three times then bark like a dog. LOL!
Sorry, friend. I probably was unconsciously thinking about how patient Special is when it comes to troll patrol that I accidently typed impatient, instead.
A thousand pardons. ;-)
Adam and Jake on the show at the same time? Not to be crude but that makes a top and a bottom. Austin better keep an eye on Jake. Not sure why but Adam strikes me as Jake's type. I do think the guys allow dalliances on occasion.
PG, I hope you get to writing soon. There has been a real shortage of slash the last few days. One night this week I literally had only 2 pages to read. There have been some sexy drabbles, but they only take a minute to read. I am in withdrawal.
I don't know if they do it all the time, but the last time I watched Jonathan Ross all the guests were sitting in the green room behind glass together, and one at a time would come out to talk, and you could see the ones left in the room reacting to the interview going on.
I think Jake is talking so much about family because (a) he doesn't have a girlfriend/beard and (b) POP is a family movie, so Jake has to sell "I'm a family kind of guy" . I really don't think it has much to do with Austin and BT, because a man who'd go out of his way to sell straight is not going to be doing anything that says I have a partner and a child.
I'm so excited about Jake and Adam on the same show. Wooohoooo. Love me some fierce Adam to be sure. Saw him in Indio at Fantasy Springs. He was magnificent. Truly like a god. Only a lot more awe inspiring. Hope they have a lot of glitter in the dressing room! Talk about blue-eyed double dazzle. Maybe Adam will show Jake how to apply eye sequins. I truly can't remember the last time I watched a talk show with two such gorgeous and personable men. I'll be brave, though. ;-)
Jake wont come within a football field from Adam Lambert Destiny. Surprises me he will be in the same country.
Ah, Tom, I think I understand your frustration and disappointment when it comes to Jake publically distancing himself (since 2007) from all things remotely associated with the gay community. Still, the boy is often full of surprises when he's left to his devices. He loves music and he always seems to feel much more comfortable when he's across the pond.
I think when Jake talks about family and the children in his life that he knows and loves it is very genuine and really don't think he can help but talk about it.
It's not the first time that Jake can't help himself from talking about things.
When he did PR for Rendition he talked about parenting how in the heck did that have anything to do with waterboarding? It didn't but parenting was on Jake's mind because he was a new parent or going to be one.
It is interesting because some of the entertainment news shows were going back through Sandra Bullock's interviews during Oscar season, and now you can see that she was subtly saying thing that pointed the the changes in her life adopting Louis. I don't think you can help but do that one something so that significant has happened in your life.
PG you gotta save more pennies. Up here first run movies are 10-12 bucks, you might get a matinee for 8 and of course if you do 3D or IMAX it's more.
Adam is going to be In NYC at the end of June, I can't wait to see him in a small venue--assuming I can get tickets when they go on sale (getting tickets to shows in NYC is a blood sport) I saw him during the AI tour and he was amazing. LOVE HIM.
Encircled by her men
You know, looking at the last photograph Special posted for today’s entry (i.e. the Jake, Maggie, Peter and the “Hand,” image), I think, more than ever now, that “Maggie’s Men” also refers to the male Jake is snuggle up to in that booth. Why? First off, it would have been easy to crop the photo in a way that the viewer didn’t even need to know there was another man sitting right next to Jake. Secondly, the blue dot (provocatively labeled “Maggie’s Men”) could have been placed anywhere on that page, yet it was strategically put right over that person’s hand. This suggests to me that this mystery man should be included as part of her “entourage” of males. At first, I thought the dot was there to just disguise any identifiable, distinguishing characteristics, but now I’m thinking there may have been something else going on here. Third, the dot could have been opaque, not transparent, which ended up creating a sort of a peek-a-boo effect so people could see these were the hands of a young man. And, finally, if you look closely at the space in that booth, it’s obvious that Jake pushed himself over more to make Peter and Maggie the center of attention, but given the limited space, even when he returns to his dining position, he is sitting awfully close to this particular individual. Oops. I guess there’s a fourth point as well. It’s the evening before Valentine’s Day and Jake looks awfully fetching. *wink*
*swoon* Me too, Destiny. Adam is a force of nature all by himself. Hope you're able to get tickets. *Crosses fingers and toes* Did you try this site?:
Put Some Glam into Your Life
Spesh: I think Adam is suppose to be at the Comcast Center in Mansfield on May 22nd. Don't know if you've ever seen him perform, but you really should try him out, at least once. LOL, I mean his music, of course. His concerts truly are a Tour de Force.
We know Jake loves music and loves to sing himself, so I can see he and Adam having a great time together.
We know Jake loves music and loves to sing himself, so I can see he and Adam having a great time together.
That was very cruel of you, m. I was trying to wind down to go to bed, now I've got that tantalizing image in my head. Wait a minute. Come to think of it, "Thanks a lot!" :-)
New Princess Tamina featurette
And Mike Newell introduced the movie at a press screening in London.
Prince of Persia is wicked. Good adventure film. Part "Pirates" part "National Treasure" with a hint of "Indiana Jones". Its a great mix.source
Jake wont come within a football field from Adam Lambert Destiny.
Jonathan Ross, 2007
Jake and 4 poofs and a piano
He wont find the right woman that way Jake loves gays............
I think, more than ever now, that “Maggie’s Men” also refers to the male Jake is snuggle up to in that booth. Why? First off, it would have been easy to crop the photo in a way that the viewer didn’t even need to know there was another man sitting right next to Jake. Secondly, the blue dot (provocatively labeled “Maggie’s Men”) could have been placed anywhere on that page, yet it was strategically put right over that person’s hand. This suggests to me that this mystery man should be included as part of her “entourage” of males. At first, I thought the dot was there to just disguise any identifiable, distinguishing characteristics, but now I’m thinking there may have been something else going on here. Third, the dot could have been opaque, not transparent, which ended up creating a sort of a peek-a-boo effect so people could see these were the hands of a young man. And, finally, if you look closely at the space in that booth, it’s obvious that Jake pushed himself over more to make Peter and Maggie the center of attention, but given the limited space, even when he returns to his dining position, he is sitting awfully close to this particular individual. Oops. I guess there’s a fourth point as well. It’s the evening before Valentine’s Day and Jake looks awfully fetching. *wink*
^ ^ All in your head M. Could easily be a woman, a child or someone who should not or don't want to be photographed.
I know you want it to be Austin, that's the just of it.
Could easily be a woman, a child
Who could be a woman or a child?
...or someone who should not or don't want to be photographed.
Thanks for making my point.
Could easily be a woman, a child...
Maybe you should take an anatomy class.
I know you want it to be Austin
Last time I looked this was a Jake AND Austin site so probably your guess had a 100% chance of being right, since we already can see that Jake is in the picture.
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