‘You know, this really is a strange answer because I didn’t really choose acting, I feel like it chose me.
It was like when I was fifteen years old all of a sudden there was some voice in my head telling me “Learn about acting.” You know, and I started taking classes and with like three different teachers in my hometown in Austin, Texas and it started slowly building.
I feel like my whole career has been sort of a…small steps all the way through.
So it’s been small steps and it’s progressed really nicely and I feel like, as a kid, I was always sitting Indian style with my nose two inches from the television screen and I loved movies to death.
At that age I didn’t know that that’s what I wanted to do and I just knew that I loved to watch, I loved to watch performances and just a big cinema freak as a kid and so it just sort of naturally
…it was weird cause I wanted to be a pro athlete, I wanted to be a professional water skier and at some point that little voice just said, “No, that’s not what you’re gonna do.”
Austin ~ 2007Pictures: ANJ, OMG, IHJ
Monday, April 19, 2010
It Chose Me
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Aw, that's a lovely post, Special. I enjoyed that one immensely.
I witnessed a rather heroic effort while getting my salad at my local Hen House.
The lady in front of me who was obviously on her break from the office couldn't wait and was munching on her opened bag of whatever little crackers/chips those were while she was being checked out. Perhaps that is what distracted her. And she left her debit card @ the counter!!!
The clerk guy had just finished checking me out & thought it was mine. Nope.
So I said, "I bet it was the lady eating the chips!" Zoom! You should've seen his eyes. And we both went hurrying out the door. There she was.
"Ma'am, ma'am!!" Flapping our arms as she was shoving her cart into the cart corral. Yup, it was hers.
What a guy!!! That was quite an effort on his part. Do you know how big a headache it is to get a new debit card? And the stress of wondering where you left it last?
Kudos to the Hen House Guy for running outside to catch her.
Struck me that Austin has spent half his life pursuing acting.
Can see how he felt it chose him and not him choosing it. Just seems the way it would be for Austin and think it's indicative of many things in Austin's life. Also shows the internal sense he has and listens to, like the introvert he is.
Hi Alana, welcome to OMG.
I really enjoy seeing Austin in posts like this!
As much as I love watching what appears to be going on in Jake's life with his career and all those other distractions, from Ted's ruminations to our own hopes and constant dissection... I really am just as intrigued by Mr. Austin Nichols. These two guys on their own are of great interest, but put them together and we get this "perfect storm" of wonderment.
Austin has had so many really different 'looks' over the years while Jake has been more consistant in my overall observations. Imagining these two together has been an interesting and pleasurable part of my existence, thanks to Special's efforts combined with the collective here at OMG.
Long may we share!
Nice post today - I wanted to add my 2 cents about Colin Farrell from yesterday's post, that I think what he's doing to support his brother is wonderful too. Always great Out Spotlights. :)
M&M sounds a lot better than Meth Muse!
Sometimes fate takes you places you never thought you would go. Like any true introvert, Austin appears to have a thoughtful, reflective dimension that reveals little glimpses into his soul. I can truly sense how he almost can't believe where that little voice inside has taken him. That childlike moment of amazement when one shakes their head, smiles to themselves and realizes just how far they have come.
I, for one, am glad that Austin chose to follow his heart instead of the family business. Bet Jake is too.
M&M sounds a lot better than Meth Muse!
LOLLL! Yeah, I thought that probably would not leave the best impression. Btw: Can I actually use an ampersand? When I previewed M&M it looked like the post would read: M&M?
When I previewed M&M it looked like the post would read: M&M
Guess, I answered my own question! M&M it is.
Day 2 (Captain’s Log):
It was like playing the Operation game, maneuvering my nifty Ford Focus through highway and city traffic to keep an eagle eye on the van. Something told me this was not going to be an easy case for me but I felt up to the challenge. I had my first two clues and there was no doubt I was on the tail of my prime subject: Austin Nichols.
We flew with the wind, clear sailing along the wide open interstate but imagine my befuddlement when the right turn signal came on and I found myself following the van off onto an exit ramp. Many stop lights, U-turns, curb-rubbing, pothole-hitting, lane changes and molasses-speed moves later, we made an entrance into the most unlikely of parking lots. The parking lot of…..Toys R Us.
I feigned a GPS dash-slapping moment while our subjects entered the store and then waited until they later emerged with a prized purchase. No sack – I was relieved to see that my subjects were green minded as well as adventurous. From my nearby parked proximity, I could hear my target speaking to his wee charges.
“Okay, kids, we’ll have Daddy-o here with us before you know it.” I heard wee cheers coming from within the van.
Cellophane crackled and cardboard flew “Ow! Paper Cut!” before I noticed our subject: Austin Nichols had settled into a brow-furrowing, eye-squinting production of tiny plastic manufacturing.
“There we go!!” And our subject: Austin Nichols held up in his hand to his wee charges in the back seat of the van, a miniscule Lego figurine. I scrunched down in my seat, drew my pint-sized Olympus PC1 8x25 Reverse Porro Prism binoculars and focused into my vision the produced result: a tiny Lego Prince of Persia.
“There’s Daddy! We have Daddy now with us on our trip, alright? How’s that?”
“Yea!!!!!” wee voices accompanied by wee clapping.
“We’re going to lay Daddy right up here on the Non-Slip Dash Grip Pad Mat where we alllll can see him, okay? And now we’re ready to go again, right, kids?”
“Yeaaaa!!!!” wee voices excitedly proclaimed their approval.
And the wee mission was completed. We were on our way again.
^^^ Signed: Sherlaustin Holmes
“There we go!!” And our subject: Austin Nichols held up in his hand to his wee charges in the back seat of the van, a miniscule Lego figurine. I scrunched down in my seat, drew my pint-sized Olympus PC1 8x25 Reverse Porro Prism binoculars and focused into my vision the produced result: a tiny Lego Prince of Persia.
“There’s Daddy! We have Daddy now with us on our trip, alright? How’s that?”
“Yea!!!!!” wee voices accompanied by wee clapping.
Okay, I'm wiping off my computer screen. Make note to self. Never read a PG/Sherlaustin Holmes entry again while enjoying a glass of Cabernet! Too funny. Glad to know that dash board has a Non-Slip Dash Grip Pad Mat. Wouldn't want Daddy to get an owie now would we?
Btw: If Jake is Daddy, what to you think the wee ones call Austin?
Hmmm. Daddy?
I honestly don't know. How do they work that?
Papa, Dad, Hunk of Burnin’ Love? Oops! That last one is what Jake calls his cuddle bear. *wink*
His cuddle bear. LOLLLL
Great post today. I love reading Austin's words. I am a major believer in fate/destiny etc including that he and Jake were meant to be. I look forward to Austin blogging again if OTH is over. Totally over, that is.
l. I can truly sense how he almost can't believe where that little voice inside has taken him.
To me Austin has a very organic quality to describe him as a creative artist. It's not like he made a decision to be one, it is, that he just is one.
To me Jake looks more like Papa and Austin has Daddy written all over him. ; )
To me Austin has a very organic quality to describe him as a creative artist. It's not like he made a decision to be one, it is, that he just is one.
Exactly. More a visceral, intuitive process than a rational,"Let me weigh the pluses and minuses" exercise.
Awwww, Jake as the Papa. Yeah, can definitely see that too. I have to admit, part of me wants to see Jake come out just so I can see that old inner glow that use to live inside him. I do see glimpses of that "essence" now and again, but he's still on guard...hiding behind one of his many masks. Cautious and wary that someone might ask an awkward question. Or, challenge him about something he doesn't want to discuss or reveal. I can just see him with his child/children. The glow would probably light the world for a thousand years.
Aw, papa. Gotta admit that would be pretty cute.
One thing I dont like is Daddy Austin with a mustache. Not a good look for Mr. good Lookin.
I cant wait for the day when we see this family together. Happy and proud.
Agree, Tom, on both points.
I don't like the 'stache on Daddy-o. Austin reminds me of a train conductor in that last picture.
It's a perfect mustache for the backwater Girlfriend for the True Love Tale of Boyfriend and Girlfriend. If you haven't gotten it from SoGoPro I would recommend it. Wonderfully Quirky Unconventional Love Story.
Love that he wore that Clint Black shirt that looks so like Jake in BBM. Definitely no coincidence. Because a little movie with friends like this you know he was all about getting together his own look.
Those coveralls aren't bad either, damn.....
Good thing I wasn't holding my glass of wine while reading the latest chapter of Sherlaustin. Where do you come up with these ideas. I can just picture Austin with a devilish look on his face when he plasters that figure to the dashboard.
Is Austin still going out with Sophia Bush? Hasn't he been going out with her for two years now? Didn't he date her a few years back as well?
Also, doesn't it bother people that Austin and Jake have been seen together only three times in the last five years? Doesn't this imply serious wishful thinking on your parts to believe that this is some sort of great romance, when all the evidence seems to point to the contrary?
Jake won't ever "come out" because he was never "in" to begin with. Sorry people, i'm all in favor of fan fiction, but you guys are creepy with this obsession.
it's official
This has just become the Prairiegirl and M and M site.
Jake, you're in the clear now just as long as these two go on and on about slash and plumbing and daisey and tulips and whatever light frilly things come into their heads.. Next it'll be Easter bonnets and hershey's kisses.
I'm history.
Sophia and Austin have not dated for two years. Last season she was dating anothe OTH costar James Lafferty.
Sophia and Austin have been friends for years. Sophia was linked to dating both Jake and Austin in 2006. She said then they were all friends.
The "dating" began when Austin became a regular on OTH and their "fauxmance" helped create more interest in the show and their characters who are involved on screen.
As for Jake and Austin being together, they have been seen together more than 3 times in the last three years. If fact it has been the last 5 years that we have learned of them being together and and seen them together off screen.
It cracks me up that people keep asking if it is significant that Jake and Austin have not been photographed together lately. Uh, do they not get that Jake and Austin are in the closet. That means they are hiding their relationship. Ergo they are not posing for pictures together.
special k and all you others,
It's over. Jake isn't gay. Austin isn't gay. It's okay to pretend that they are, but they're not. Stop pretending like you sound reasonable when you sound like total lunatics. No one believes Ted Casablanca was telling the truth except people like you WHO WANT TO BELIEVE it because you are fans of Jake and/or Austin, find them attractive, and wish for them to be gay like you.
Ask yourselves why you chose for Austin to be Jake's lover? They've literally been seen together how many confirmed times since 2005? A basketball game in October 2005, there was that double date with Sophia Bush and some other girl in Spring/early summer 2006, Jake visiting Austin once on the set of John From Cincinatti in May of 2007 and then bike riding together early 2009. There may be one or two more, but otherwise that's it. These two are barely friends much less fucking romantic partners.
It's in your head because you just like the idea of them being together because you find them attractive. This is a fantasy of yours. A fantasy which has no basis in reality.
We know Ted Casablanca lied about that stupid Baby Tile thing (this was the point when the rest of the human race began to think this thing was ridiculous). We know he was making up all those Toothy Tile stories throughout 2007, as Jake was with Reese Witherspoon throughout 2007. So I think, as does every normal thinking adult, it's not too far outside the realm of possibility that Ted Casablanca made up the whole thing.
It's the same reason you tell yourself that Reese-Jake was a "fauxmance" or "showmance" because it's how you justify carrying on this fan fiction you've created.
After all, its been five years since this nonsense started, and there is still NO EVIDENCE that exists which shows either Jake or Austin to be gay. Five years. Nothing. Why? Because NEITHER OF THEM ARE GAY. It's not that people have been looking. They've been looking. They've been looking hard. Yet, nothing. Nothing at all. Five years. Nothing. Jake going out with Reese Witherspoon for three years; Austin going out with Sophia Bush.
The only common theme here is YOUR REFUSAL to accept reality. This whole thing exists in your head and there alone. You have convinced yourself of this nonsense because you want to believe it and for no other reason. You accept any thing that supports your pre-existing point of view, no matter how far fetched or ridiculous, and you reject anything that contradicts it. YOU. This exists inside YOU. Nowhere else. YOU.
Like petulant children you can say that they are gay until you are blue in the face and you know what? They're still going to be straight.
Neither of them will ever "come out" because neither of them are "in the closet" to begin with. Both are straight. You can wait ten years, fifteen, twenty and you know what? Both will still be straight.
Get over it. It's time to move on.
m, there is discretion and then there is invisibility. Your argument makes ZERO sense. So when people are NEVER photographed together it's because they are in a relationship and when they are, as Jake and Reese were, it's because they're fake? Is that the gist of it?
So since there are no photographs of Jake-Austin together and since there are no other eyewitness accounts of it either, what the fuck do you base this idea you've got in your head that they're actually a couple? Did a little birdie tell you?
After all, if this was true and Jake and Austin were in fact a couple, isn't it possible for Jake and Austin to have broken up along the way? Yet, in your fantasies, based on no photographic evidence and no eyewitness accounts they've been together for FIVE YEARS?
You must believe in mermaids as well, m, because they're never photographed either. Jeez. Great critical thinking there bubba.
In Austin's 2007 OceanDrive interview, he said he dated Sophia for awhile. In a separate interview with E! in mid-2008, Sophia also confirmed she had dated Austin right after her split from Chad Michael Murray.
Blue horseshoe = UV/FL Babbler
It's over. Jake isn't gay.
LOL! Sorry babbler, YOU got it wrong, there is NO evidence that Jake is straight.
Jake's fauxmance with Reese Witherspoon is EVIDENCE that Jake is gay and in the closet.
It's over. Jake isn't gay.
couch frumps will keep deluding themsleves
Trolls and babblers who KNOW Jake is gay will keep pretending and reading and posting bullshit on JiG blogs.
Right trolly?
CLanceAnderson: RT: @brenteverett David Archuleta: I'm Not Gay! - http://tinyurl.com/y6ts6fa (expand) --- Major Denial! Gyllenhall Level lies.
about 6 hours ago
Right trolly?
keep laughing your over-sized ass over. How's the celluite going?
Blue Horseshoe. You just wasted some precious time in your life. You spent maybe a half hr thinking through your sermon. You accomphished squat.
In a separate interview with E! in mid-2008, Sophia also confirmed she had dated Austin right after her split from Chad Michael Murray.
She said they "went on a few dates" and decided to be just friends.
Blue Horseshoe = Jack Troll
troll id = haus frau
Jack Trolly = boring moron and UV ass kisser
UV couln't give a flying fcuk about your delusions
special k and all you others,
It's over. Jake isn't gay. Austin isn't gay. It's okay to pretend that they are, but they're not. Stop pretending like you sound reasonable when you sound like total lunatics. blah blah blah...Yet, in your fantasies, based on no photographic evidence and no eyewitness accounts they've been together for FIVE YEARS?
Wow! Boy, that rant ranks right up there with some of mine in terms of blowhole wasted energy.
6:21 AM trolly,
UV pretends that Austin doesn't exist. All other Jake's male friends are OK - but not Austin.
UV can't bring herself to acknowledge Austin because she knows Austin is more than just a friend.
I know exactly what caused this little batch of sandbox temper tantrums.
BT talk.
The mere idea of Jake being a dad just absolutely blows alot of fantasies; and that's besides the point of him not being straight.
And the power and the combustion capability the mention of Austin carries.
Sorry there, Blue In the Face, I mean Blue Horseshoe, but that was just pure entertainment.
Sheer, unadulterated, bwaahhh-caliber entertainment.
I loved it! Absolutely loved it.
Encore! Encore!
Actually they've been together longer than five years, it has just been 5 years that we've heard about them. (Ted)
We know by Austin's interviews that they were cooking together on the set of TDAT, and from the DVD extra's that there was more than a spark between them (wiping down Jake and Austin watching over Jake at his birthday party) We see Austin watching over Jake at the TDAT premiere, how they both talk about the other in interviews at the premiere and throwing snow balls at each other, BUT they are the only two cast members who do not have their pictures taken together. We see that "Austin smile" Jake got on his face back while he was making Jarhead,(2004) out in West Hollywood taking Atti out for a little spa trip (white shirt with the heart, white sweats). Then there was Jake at Vanity Fair Oscar party in 2005 with someone who's ear looked just like Austin, and what was the proof of that? Claire was in the picture. Austin out to see Casanova with Jake in 2005. The U2 concert that fall. Them out at Borders not realizing people were taking pictures and then Jake coming out by himself to deal with the paps.
Stories of them out for dinner, 1) sneaking out the back of Jar 2) Jake so far down his seat doing something under the table that he looked like he was laying down 3) And both of them being more than friendly with the way they were touching each other.
Of course why would Jake travel all the way to San Diego and then stay in Austin trailer with him all day long on the set of JFC? Scrabble? Don't think so.
And I have to go back to work today. :*(
UV pretends that Austin doesn't exist. All other Jake's male friends are OK - but not Austin.
Austin is never seen in public with Jake (last pic was more than 12 months ago), so there is no "pretending" going on. Perhaps that's why UV never mentions Austin.
All day in a trailer. I still love that story.
I also love that that particular story came to us via TMZ. TMZ who never paid an ounce of attention to Reeke.
I don't know, tho, Special. Could they have been playing with Legos?
Lincoln Logs?
Maybe reading a few good books.
Model airplanes?
An all-day TV watching marathon complete with Cheeto-s, French Onion Dip and Nutter Butters? Well, not on Jake's end. I reckon he may have had hummus or something, lol.
Measuring the inside of the trailer for new indoor outdoor carpet?
Back to Austin's quote about acting. Can see him devouring shows and movies and creating new versions of stories from what he saw, in his head.. Creating a world of his own from all the images he took in.
Austin is never seen in public with Jake (last pic was more than 12 months ago), so there is no "pretending" going on.
UV and GB ignored last Jake and Austin photos, she didn't post them, she pretended they never happened.
Jake visiting Austin, TX - UV and babblers know everything about Jake and all his friends, but they have no idea about Austin and Austin being from Austin, TX, lol.
Jake and Austin had their hands all over each other.
Go smoke some weed today!
an ear, rings, footprint, snowballs...
you've convinced me :/
A guy friend of mine that's str8 does valet parking for xtra $ sometimes, and he SWEARS ON HIS LIFE AND ON HIS MAMMA'S GRAVE that about 2 years ago he saw Jake kissing this older dude when the stopped the car and didn't think anyone had come up yet to get his keys. Hours later when they came out Jake signed an autograph for my friend but said no when he asked if he could take a picture with his cell. My friend kept saying that if he had had his cell out and could have gotten a pic of that man and Jake he wouldn't ever probably have to work again 'cause he would sell it. I told him that was wrong, but he would have done it anyway.
I totally believe my friend cause he doesn't have a problem with gay people and he didn't have a reason to make it up. He' isn't the kind to do that.
Posted by: WeHoHag | Apr 20, 2006 11:14:42 PM
Jake and Chris' best friend David the filmaker from MV has lived in Austin, TX for years and they have visited him there. SK and Co were cluelest about that fact.
"He was there to visit Austin, that's the only reason he was there", LOL!!! Lance, David, Austin and who knows probably more.
Boy were you pissed about David, the man that sat next to Jake in the audience when he won the Bafta, and is freinded on Mommy's FB just like Reesey!!
Jake and Austin were seen together in public (IHJ photos) 25 times more than Jake and David - but UV did NOT mention Austin at all.
Because UV knows that Austin is one of Jake's lovers.
What are you smoking, 911? Nobody here was mad.
lol. What on earth has prompted this little garden party?
Thank you, 0817 & 0849! That was a welcome jumpstart to my morning back at work.
For a better jumpstart go get a doobie!
I'm going to bring this up now and and also when a new post goes up because this is going to get lost in all this stuff.
Asking you guys to check out the PoP Crew Picture that was the first picture in Special’s post on Sat, 4/17. Zoom it out, blow it up. See Jake in the middle towards the front. Go directly to the right and see the little blond tot in the blue hoodie’d outfit?
What do you think of that? Possibilities? Yea? Nay? Too big to be BT? Too much hair to be BT? Odd for a child to be held with its head towards the camera? Interesting for it to be the only child in a picture with that many people?
Let’s hear it today! Roundtable!!
Boy were you pissed about David, the man that sat next to Jake in the audience when he won the Bafta, and is freinded on Mommy's FB just like Reesey!!
How true...the deluded ones speculated about all the reasons why Jake was in Austin, twisting it to involve AN. When they all found out Jake was there for David's birthday, there was seething silence LMAO
DC and Gyllenbabbledom must be really boring these days.
^ its much more fun to troll deluded haus fraus
there was no silence - comments are still there, you know you are lying as usual.
Austin's family lives in Austin, TX too - there was never a need to twist anything.
Poor PG, you have no children and know nothing about children, nieces and nephews don't count sweetie.
Parents taking children to work is no big deal, but It would be for someone who claims to have never heard of Vouge magazine before Nov. 07, are you for real?
So SK posts a pic and sees , OMG a toddler and doesn't want to point it out, snort but pushed you to point it out.
Posters here refuse to acknowledge any friends of Jake's that don't appear on IHJ. Never mind the fact that David, Jake and Chris were friends back in MV and David decided to move to Austin, Tx after attending school.
He went to the Bafta's with Jake and Jake was on the board of Dir. in MV when Crawford, David's film was screened there and he was looking for funding.
If posters here actually believed they were still together and have a child then they wouldn't get bent out of shape with the mention of David, Lance or Chris and pull BS out of their asses about photos and looking for hidden crap like where's Waldo.
But whatever floats your boats SK and PG becasue you don't even believe it but you have to believe in something.
And don't forget any woman that is linked to them are whores, beards and they don't want to stand next to them or hold their hands because they are icky women with vaginas and breasts.
poor haus frau, blind to the irony of accusing babblers of ignoring Austin to suit their own agenda, when in fact it is haus fraus ignoring David and his birthday because it doesn't fit their deluded agenda.
lol saying gay three times is not like Dorothy clicking her heals three times - your wish won't come true. Back to your morning munch out.
Blue Horseshoe, you do realize how ridiculous it is for someone who believes, as you say you do, that everything that is posted here is absurd and that everyone who posts here is delusional, to spend time reading this blog much less spend time posting such a lengthy comment? There is no way anyone who wasn't bothered by what is said here would do that. And you have to ask yourself why you are so bothered. Please don't say you just find it amusing, blah, blah. Not true. Your protestations are too detailed and too forceful and you've obviously spent a lot of time thinking about it. You are clearly bothered, even threatened, by this blog. And you wouldn't be if you thought it was just delusional. You would just ignore it if you thought that and go on living your life without giving this place another thought :) It kind of surprises me that you can't see that.
Trolly, you are still here, still supporting gay Jake blog?
PR must have got wind of PG's discovery of BT in that photo and are trying to drive off regular posters
Why would trolls and babblers want to deny true love?:
I see you've been back Jack.
About the picture. I put it up to see if anyone else would see the little blond.
Questions? Comments? Thoughts?
Why is the women holding the baby having a hood pulled up in that heat?
Why is the baby facing away from the camera?
It looks like to me that hair can grow in three months and that they are not too big for almost one year old. Especially if they have a tall daddy.
Sorry about the inactive link, but copy and paste will get you where you need to go! ;-)
Blue Horseshoe is either UV, PR or a Disney minion. Too well-written and lacking in ugly words to be Jack.
Jake's almost pathological avoidance of being seen with men for almost the entire first year or two of Reeking, and his avoidance of being seen with Austin even though, at a minimum, we know they are good friends, is not evidence that Jake is straight. Quite the opposite, especially his avoidance of being seen or photographed with Austin.
M you are precious. Yeah PR got wind of SK and PG's "discovery", like they got wind of the other "evidence" of the cabbage patch doll. You also think trolls and PR get wind of Ted's non-existent "bombshells" everytime things get a bit dull here and the sockpuppets show up. Driving off regular posters, LOL!!! Oh dear.
A closeted actor schleps his secret baby to Morocco while filming a disney movie and then turns around and has the kid pose for a set pic with Jerry and the gang, yeah ok.
Don't worry M, PR has no clue about the latest wheres Waldo schtick, carry on.
I like real substance like the video on IHJ of David sitting next to jake when he won the Bafta and Chris sitting in the same row as Jake during the Oscars, no need to twist and turn and spin there. And God forbid if a woman that is working on a film or is in a film decides to bring her child to work. And if I remember correctly, Reese was called a piece of shit when you thought that she was going to take her kids to Morocco!! But you have no problem pretending to believe that a closet case would drag his kid there.
What a bunch of phony, stupid hypocrites.
BT Paris picture is from July 11, 2008.
Morocco picture is from September(?) 2008 and that kid looks like a 3 year old - babies don't grow that fast.
Blue Horseshoe is one of Jack's names.
I like real substance like the video on IHJ of David sitting next to jake when he won the Bafta...
One video is better that 100 photos of Jake and Austin going out and spending time together?
LMAO, babblers are beyond pathetic.
Jesus Jack, are you on vacation or something?
How much time do you waste just on making up these long-ass names?
I like real substance like the video on IHJ of David sitting next to jake when he won the Bafta and Chris sitting in the same row as Jake during the Oscars, no need to twist and turn and spin there.
Thanks for proving my point that babblers can't even admit the obvious - that Jake and Austin are friends.
^ Thanks, friend.
I do think that picking out specific people to harass and troll is the PR lackeys' attempt to drive off JiG regulars of the site. They won't give up the effort until all evidence remotely related to Austin and Baby T is erased from the internet.
Jake and Austin 2006
"I was introduced to a guy on sunday night. I've seen him before and sorta developed a little crush on him over the past few months, so this was technically more of a set-up, really. He was sweet, but shy, hardly making any eye contact and keeping his comments to a minimum. Also, he wasn't as receptive as i'd hoped he would be, and we never did exchange numbers before the night ended, despite trading looks and glances and smirks back and forth over the course of an evening. But, then again, i suppose it doesn't help when you're guest starring on one of the more popular television shows (SURFACE) right now and being interrogated by three drunk gay men at one of more photographed golden globes pre-parties in beverly
hills. Still, watching him (AUSTIN NICHOLS) leave with another guy (Jake Gyllenhaal) was like dangling the proverbial carrot that I'll never get to eat. Damn
TLC CUBED, January 17, 2006"
Back to Austin's quote about acting. Can see him devouring shows and movies and creating new versions of stories from what he saw, in his head.. Creating a world of his own from all the images he took in.
Loved this comment; Austin really sounds like an artistic, creative person. He's an actor, he writes. :)
10:35, that link prompted a warning from my McAfee site advisor on my computer. Can you copy and paste?
Try this link Dlisted I think this is love
PR post benign looking links on this site that will phish and harvest your personal details from your computer
Fixed I removed your link at 10:35 because of the security warning.
I signed off and went to bed so my last comment was at 12:59. Interesting that a few comments were allegedly made by M later than that. Did I have a Tara moment? Anyway, it could just be a newbie using the same name as the comments did not bother me. I just want to set the record straight.
I missed all the hoopla. A melt down of epic proportions for some unknown reason. I saw on one site that early tracking for Sex and the City II looks good. Women are already buying tickets. I have not seen anything like that for POP. Could be some Disney panic. Also Ted has been laying off Toothy/Jake for a while. Once POP is over, the truce will be over.
Re the baby in the picture, must confess, I wondered about that first moment I saw it. If it is Baby Tile, then a hell of a lot of people know about him as he could not be on set and it not be revealed that he is Jake's child. That could be what caused the troll melt down - if they did not think the child would be noticed in the picture and it was. The rant had a panicked tone about it not usually seen.
Jerry, Mike Newell, J. Merchner, Gemma, Kingsley, Molina all know about BT!!
Don't forget, Reese, Ryan, her kids, Abby, Paul Rudd, Ed Zwick, A. Hattaway, J. Biel, J. Sheridan, Natalie, Tobey, plus all the extras, etc.
For someone hiding a baby he sure isn't, half of HW must know!
Yeah lets take out the secret toddler in the hot desert sun to take a group pic, nobody will ever noticce, it will be a shout out to the tinhats!!
Oh, M I know you really don't believe that but you are precious.
The "rants" aren't really "rants" are they M???
I googled around to see if I could find some sites showing babies/toddlers at different ages. I came across one where somebody with a blond child has put up pictures at all different ages.
If the picture was taken at the end of POP filming, BT would probably be 13-14 months old, based on a belief he may have been born in October.
13 months
Destiny that picture was taken when filming Morocco In Sept. BEFORE the took production to London to finish up shooting there in December.(which would have made the baby 13-14)
BT would be 11.5 months old.
But if you look at that baby and remember the pictures of Austin's nephew that at that age you can seem the similar size.
Why would they take him out for the picture, because just maybe wanted his child to have something as a memory of him on his dad's movie when he was a baby.
It seems like Jake had the baby with him some when he was working on Brothers as well as Nailed from the closed sets, and legal getting involved about the disclosure of Jake residence in SC. Also if you look at the security need Jake had during PoP in London, it sounded like he was not alone. And the fact that he had that entire boutique hotel to himself(and assuming his personal staff) for the entire time in Morocco.
Why would they take him out for the picture, because just maybe wanted his child to have something as a memory of him on his dad's movie when he was a baby.
Sigh. This is what I thought. I don't know if this is BT, but it could be. The age and baby's size seemed about right to me, why I don't know. I wondered if the baby was too fair, but I suppose it's a combo of Austin's, Jake's, and the surrogate mother's genetics. Sigh. The way the woman is holding the baby seems just right, she could have turned so the baby was facing the camera, but with little ones that age, they could turn their head away. I worried about the baby not wearing a hat in the Moroccan sun and heat, but as you say, they had the entire boutique hotel. If you had a child, you wouldn't want to be separated from him or her by lengthy movie locations, especially when there's something new everyday when they are that age. :) Who knows?
I don't recall pictures of Austin's newsphew at that age.
If you go to the site I posted, you can click on other ages. Also, children can vary a lot, we've all seen kids that were bigger or smaller for their age.
I was skeptical that the baby in the picture could be that young, but after googling around I think it is entirely possible he is around a year old, give or take a month.
While we can't know for sure that is BT, I do think it would be unusual for a crew member to take a child that young with them for a month or two of shooting in Morocco. It's not like with the big stars of a film, where they get a trailer or some other kind of private accomodation on the set, and have the money to bring a nanny with them to keep an eye on the baby while filming.
Also, unless you're a Brangelina who brings the whole family, or an actor couple that is shooting in different locations, it seems more likely that the person would have a partner back at home working in a "civilian" job and watching the child. Again, I'm thinking of the Jeff Bridges article, in which he talked about being away for months while filming, with his wife back at home taking care of the children.
Austin was filming OTH at the time. With fans running all over Wilmington, probably a lot harder to hide a baby. Not to mention he's not enough of a star to have special accomodations. So I think during that time BT was either with Jake, or with a family member other than Austin.
m, I didn't discover the baby. I do need to specify that!
I agree, m. This was a trolling meltdown of epic proportions. LOLLLL!! I just have to laugh - it was hilarious to watch from my desktop at work.
Someone made this observation & theory about the position of the woman & baby. Notice how they are right near the front, near the end. It could be possible that BT was in AC comfort in a trailer while they assembled the cast/workers for the picture. Say Jake had a walkie-talkie or cell phone, he could have called into the trailer when they were ready and then they could have brought BT in to be in the picture. Because it had to take a good amount of time to first of all, even get everyone together in one spot, then it's going to take a long time to position them. I mean, they have those people all perfectly fit into this large space.
So notice how the woman & tot are where they could have easily slipped into at the last minute and not right smack dab in the middle of that mass of humanity where it would've taken longer to get into plus would have been hard on the baby to be still & good for that long.
And I also recall Jake doing that picture taking during those Jardin de Bologna pictures around the fountain and whatnot. Who was he taking all those pictures of? Why didn't they show what he was taking pictures of?
And there are pictures of Reese looking into the camera viewer at them with Jake and also Ava comes to stand beside Jake when he's sitting in the Fountain Boy View chair (lol) and she even is looking at the pictures. I bet Ava loved that little baby. Interested in seeing the picture Jake had taken of BT and also running up & reaching to touch that little baby. Both signs of a child loving & being interested in a little baby. It's all coming together for me now, you guys.
What does a parent do with their first newborns? Man, you take oodles & oodles & oodles of pictures. Of everything. Of everywhere. Of every little thing.
This was a momentous time for Jake as a parent. That's why he was taking pictures & that's why he would want BT to be in this PoP Big Honkin' Crew picture. He's just acting like a natural parent, simple, simple, simple as that.
If indeed this is BT and I am certain that was BT in the Paris video and not 100% positive in the PoP BHC (big honkin' crew) pic, I would say one thing stands out to me that also tells me this is Jake & Austin's child, particularly Jake's.
And that is that the little tot seems to be well dressed. Very nice little shirt in that Paris picture. Very nice stroller (almost looked new and not even marked up or scuffed) and pretty nice looking little hooded running suit in the PoP BHC pic.
This would seem to be apropro since we have seen that Daddy Jake does seem to fancy the finest in threads. I wouldn't expect anything less for BT, lol.
I don't think the person claiming Jake and Austin not being together is delusional.
All, things are possible. Just as Jake and Austin being together. I don't care for the way the person did it, but it's possible.
I came to be a fan on the strength that Jake being gay and with Austin as a possibility, so why can't this person's comments?
My thougths about Jake are my thoughts but it would not make me mad if he were not gay.
All things are possible and If one are not open to all possibilties, you might want to take a look at your motives.
I came to be a fan on the strength that Jake being gay and with Austin as a possibility, so why can't this person's comments?
Which person is that? Trolly?
Well, seems our trolls do take a lunch break like everyone else.
It was a rather tough re-adjustment back to work. I wish I had the whole week off. **whine** My big buddy was very cranky upon my return and it is taking a constant effort to get him laughing on a rather consistent basis. I don't know what the deal is there - could be that new buzzcut haircut he has.
Still undecided fully on whether that could be little BT or not. If it is, what in the heck are Jake & Austin feeding him? lol!
You know, Long Time Lurker, that's a nice comment.
The fact that you claim to be a long-time kind of blows the whole deal there. Any long-time lurker would know what the general beliefs are here and on WFT or WFT2, whichever you meant.
I am going to say what someone else said awhile back. I'm tired of this trollish argument disguised as an innocent inquiry. Sorry but it's bullcrap. Except for someone like Alana or M&M, long time lurkers know the deal.
Some were wondering where Austin has been hiding. Seems that he was in Austrai with Sophia while she was filming. Sounds like she has wrapped her part anyway and Austin and Sophia are trying to find a way to get back to the states, seesmthey were stranded due to the volcano ash. Driving to Italy seems to be an option, hope they get home for his B-day on Saturday:
PS: You would think with Jake working and Austin not, he would want to saty home with their kid instead of running off th Austria.
but it would not make me mad if he were not gay.
No one would be mad if Jake was straight. And by the way, this absolutely gives you away troll. No one else would say something like that. Have to get in your own hatred at the people who think he is gay.
Gee, a mention of Austin and Sophia together right before OTH is scheduled to return. Who would have ever imagined such a thing would happen.
And all while Jake is desperately selling straight as an old boring piece of wood for PoP.
Never would have predicted any of this.
Oh, I love it! An instant Austin update.
Is he trying to blow my Sherlaustin Holmes????
I'm going to be very upset if I have to cease my Sherlaustin Holmes.
Claps for our resident Austin updater. They're always ready & waiting.
Exactly, Destiny. Timing is everything, you know.
I bet Austin is elated to be over there with the volcano ash.
Those poor people over there. I saw video of that ash; it falls like rain. I feel bad for all the animals over there, too.
When a volcano erupts, where do you go?
Hey, thanks, nanny! Appreciate the link! That was interesting to read.
I need a picture, though before I cease posting of Sherlaustin Holmes.
Can you help me out there?
I'm curious to know why SK or anyone else here bother to post it. It was tweeted yesterday and don't tell me no one saw it:
OneTreeHillers: Sophia Bush with Austin Nichols and Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl) on the set after filming "Chalet Girl in ... http://bit.ly/95wgTu ( expand )
Automatically translated from Italian
about 22 hours ago from Facebook
Seems to be some cherry picking when disspensing info here.
Well I do hope he gets home in time with jake wrapping up on Friday and all. As SK likes to say and stumble: funny how that works out, Jake finishing his movie in time for Austin's B-day! Only she failed to mention wehre Austin was all this time, maybe BT traveledwtih Austin and Sophia to Austria, snort.
PG, why don't ask SK or anyone else here why they didn't post that tweet, iknow it's being checked just like Jake's.
Because I'm not bothered by whether it's posted or not. Why should I be? I think my opinion on most twitters is well known.
Believe me, I'm not worried about anything being "hidden" from me. I know enough.
But if you want to worry about something, maybe you ought to worry about what's been hidden from you.
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