Prince of Persia went into WonderCon with much speculation from people on why they didn't take the movie to ComicCon, ranging from that they knew the movie was bad and couldn't stand up to other movies there, to the gamers totally trashing it, Jake not being Persian, to the movie didn't need ComicCon etc etc . All of that was wiped away in one fell swoop on Saturday. Prince of Persia came into WonderCon (part of the ComicCon group) and stole the show. Triumph is the only way to describe it.
With humor, wit and flirting Jake overcame his ealry jitters. It was a big leap into the unknown for Jake and Bruck, who were first timers and new experience for Jordan Mechner, who never had to do the back corridors so much at a Con. What you heard most about WonderCon was Jake and PoP they were the stars of the weekend. PoP creator Jordan Mencher said it finally sunk Saturday that Jake was a movie star.
Jake came and charmed not only the press but the fans as well. And this is the first time Jake has sat in a room of several thousand people and took their questions. And his did it his own classic Jake style. One of the best moments when a female fan called Jake pretty. Jake's reaction was priceless.
We did find out that Jake did most of the sword fighting, parkour and stunts himself from running walls to a 35 foot leap. And for someone with a fear of heights like Jake that shows his commitment to creating the best experience for movie goers.
The PoP group had a day full at WonderCon starting with press conference, a press line, a panel discussion, interviews and an evening cocktail hour.
Jake was not without dropping in things in his interviews for some to find. Interviewing Jake is like watching a DVD and trying to find the Easter eggs hidden in it. It might be from fingering his ring while speaks to talking about how he brings out his Brit accent at dinner with his family. But here's the question who's the family?
It's not Mom Dad and Mags anymore. His parent split, Maggie and Peter based in NY, who's this newly "single" guy trying his British accent on over his pot roast? Don't think it Atti. Think it was another opportunity for Jake to slip in that he does have a family of his own and no one think anything of it.Bruckheimer was thrilled with the reception of the movie, bring two of his movies to WonderCon. But it wasn't just Jake that won them over, it was Mike Newell's movie. Overwhelmingly positive reactions to the movie, with "amazing" being the word of the day. If they are considering a sequel this is one thing to put in the pro column.
There are tons of interviews from WonderCon now on YouTube, and every one is one more great press moment for Jake and PoP.You might have thought Bruckheimer was an fool or just arrogant to skip ComicCon, but never underestimate a master at work. He took it to a smaller but just as intense fan base one month before PoP's premiere in London, and walked away with a highlight of the weekend, tons of free press, and gamers excited about finally a great movie adaptation of video game.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Think Jake got to keep the iPad?
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"a toy that he still gets to play with thanks to the little kids in his life."
Notice that's little kids plural? Don't think he's uncle Jake to just Ramona, and then there are those tiny Texans too. That's a lot of Legos.
Great Opening Day game last night, the Sox beating the Yankees, and Neil Diamond surprising Fenway at the bottom of the 8th to lead Red Sox Nation in Sweet Caroline.
It was great, wasn't it? The entire game was a treat. Glad to hear about the success of Wondercon too.:)
From my last post:
Being gay should not affect how you are treated and whether you are accepted in society. But it doesn't mean your identity as a gay person shouldn't be acknowledged.
I agree totally with this statement, Destiny. But somehow, I don't think these "guessers" are entirely interested in social change and positively acknowledging a person's identity, to be honest. The article didn't strike me as being about gay people coming forward to discuss their relationships themselves, or the disparity between gay and straight people being able to do this regarding their relationships, it seemed more about the ability to determine it by appearances alone, or at least the part of the article that was actually posted, anyway.
To make an assessment about something as complex as human sexuality by just by someone's mode of dress, what kind of music they like, or even if they like music at all, does neither the straight nor gay person any good, and just seems to me like prurient curiosity. The article was about the American public's increasingly getting better at guessing. Sometimes, this stuff needs to be laid to rest along with similar generalizations that have been a part of racism and sexism.
Now I realize that the point of this article may have just been light-hearted, but I don't always find this stuff amusing.
For better and for worse, people do put other people into categories, whether they are conscious of it or not. You notice a person's gender, race, age, the way they are dressed, sometimes their religion, who they are with, do they smoke, etc. I think sexual identitity is just another thing a lot of people notice and/or try to categorize.
I think it is just human nature to process all that information, and you're never going to get around it. I see absolutely nothing wrong with it, unless it is being done to identify those people for purposes of not treating them equally and with the same respect as someone who is straight.
I will agree with you that there are plenty of people who do it for the wrong reasons, just like there are plenty of people who take race into consideration for all the wrong reasons.
We live in a world in which the default belief is going to be that someone is straight--and that may always be the case, with straight people making up 80-90% of the populalation. And not recognizing people are gay just adds to their invisibility in society.
Gay rights has always been and will always be about visibility. Studies have shown that when someone has family or friends who are gay, they are far more likely to be accepting of equal rights, including gay marriage.
I'm all for straight people recognizing the woman with me is my girlfriend, and not just a friend or relative.
I want them to look at that actor, musician, etc., and know that the person whose work they love is gay, because that leads to more acceptance of gay people, and more acceptance of them in movies, etc.
It's the ones who don't recognize that gay people are all around them that worries me. They're the ones who continue to try to marginalize gay people in hopes that they will just go away.
I do believe gaydar works. Not 100%, few things have that level of accuracy. But most of the time it does.
On all of what you said, I agree. :)
“Prince of Persia” video game Mechner built more than 20 years ago. “Considering it started with a character on an Apple II computer who was 40 pixels high — to go from that to Jake is pretty incredible,” Mechner said.
One of the scenes was a condensed version of a battle in Alamut in which Gyllenhaal’s character defies his older brothers by charging to the frontline during a siege on the 6th century Persian city. The clip showcased the blockbuster special effects Bruckheimer films are known for and the “Shakespearean drama” he complimented Newel for bringing to the movie.
“I think Jerry and I felt there was going to be one important thing he and should the same about and it,” Newell said. “It was that this would not be a kind of postmodern tone by which I mean you do something heroic, you turn to a camera, and you wink.”
Perfect movie for Jake
Comic Book Resources
Great clip from WonderCon about Damn Yankees
"I have been singing since I was a little kid,"
Well Austin said the kid can sing. : )
Some weeks back Jake Gyllenhaal was paraded in front of TV cameras in Los Angeles to do some special in-costume publicity for Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Word is that he got very upset that I couldn't be there, but luckily phone numbers were exchanged and we had a chance to speak.
Below are highlights from a conversation about Prince Dastan, Jerry Bruckheimer, Parkour, Duncan Jones and David O. Russell. Enjoy!
One Dreamy Prince: Jake Gyllenhaal One-on-One Interview
From an interview with "Moviefone":
Moviefone report
"In a subsequent interview with Moviefone, Gyllenhaal talked about beefing up for the role of Prince Dastan ("There was nothing hard about it, man, I was paid to get in shape") and responded to chatter about disapproval over a Caucasian actor playing a Persian, saying he's not a cowboy (or gay), either, like he played in 'Brokeback Mountain' (touché!), and adding, "I feel like a character's a character. And it's hard for anybody to really say anything until they've seen the movie, too. Everything's just an idea until it becomes a reality."
Jake Gyllenhaal: Oh, are you a New York Jew? [Yelling to his handlers.] Why am I talking to a New York Jew? Who put me on the phone with the New York Jew?
Lainey made the whole Isabel thing up:
Jake Gyllenhaal Confused By Isabel Lucas Questions
Comic book conventions are not usually the place for celebrity gossip. Stars go to show previews of their superhero movies to fans and bask in their star struck adulation. Jake Gyllenhaal went to WonderCon in San Francisco to promote this summer's video game movie Prince of Persia. When a journalist in a press conference asked him how things were going with Isabel, Gyllenhaal didn't know what he was talking about.
"Who?" Gyllenhaal asked the journalist who'd asked him about Lucas.
The reporter then asked if he was in fact dating Isabel. The actors had been spotted together and rumored to be dating. Either those reports are false, or Gyllenhaal is taking the fifth. "It's news to me, my friend," Gyllenhaal said. "I don't know what you're talking about."
To deflect the personal question, Gyllenhaal's colleagues joked that he would like to meet this mysterious Isabel. Then the actor played along.
"Yeah, yeah, that would be nice," Gyllenhaal said.
Jake talking in plurals again:
Jordan Hoffman: So, how much of the actual Parkour training did you actually do for this film, and when you walk around major cities, like New York do you find yourself really itching to jump around on things and test these skills out?
Jake Gyllenhaal: I trained with David Belle, the inventor of Parkour and a lot of different acrobats. I had a few doubles on the movie, one named is Mark Fichera. And he was extraordinary; and we did – I did training with acrobats in Los Angeles before I went to London for a month of preproduction and prep. And I learned all the basic moves of parkour, which surprisingly were much harder than I’d expected them to be; and since then I have not really applied those skills to the rooftops of the cities I live in but don't put it past me.
So it sounds like he lives in more than one city too. Kind of like all the little kids in his life.
I haven't had a chance to watch any of the interviews, but they are saying on wft2 that what the writer said about kids in his life is completely different than what Jake says in the video.
Lot's of interviews, lot's of videos don't know what video what interview goes together
Looks like there are lots more interviews for me to see when I get home from work tonight. I can't wait. It may take a few days to revisit them all.Some of the ones I watched earlier were not the best quality in sound or picture.
Re the gaydar discussion, there has actually been some scientific discussion that the reason gaydar is so well developed is that it was an evolutionary skill honed to enable people to find suitable mates. Like anything, some are better at it than others. There were plenty of moments watching Jake the last day or so when my gaydar was clanging so loud I could barely hear.
Speaking of gay, I watched a rerun of Johnny Weir interviewed on Chelsea Lately last night. She referred to him as gay several times and he made no move to be coy or deny it. I've seen him interviewed a number of times where he sort of dodged the issue, but not this time. Now that the Olympics are over, I think he will be way more open about it.
It was all I could do to restrain my husband from buying the ipad on opening day. Thank god for the long lines, which put him off. Dont get me wrong, I want one badly, I just want to wait a few days to hear the user reviews first. We'll get two in another week or so.
which is it said...
Lot's of interviews, lot's of videos don't know what video what interview goes together
I'm sure in their haste to get a Jake story out first thing this morning, the Popsugar editors didn't spend any time, or hadn't seen it yet to know, that what they transcribed from chicken scratch notes isn't the same as what came out of Jake's mouth.
Popsugar text
Jake told us how excited he is to see himself as a Lego for Prince of Persia, a toy that he still gets to play with thanks to the little kids in his life.
Is a LOT different than:
In fact most of the kids I know who've seen that there's a Lego actually now think this movie is cool....
Video here
Much different. Not at all spoken like a father talking about his children.
Does Jake have a new crush?
Get ready for lots of Jake Gyllenhaal, because the Price of Persia promo tour is underway.
Jake showed up at WonderCon in San Francisco over the weekend to promote his slightly hyped flick. Despite some mixed early reviews, we're just glad J is looking sexier than his Prince of Persia action figure.
We actually think Gyllenhaal's looking better here than he has in a long time! Wonder why?
The former half of Gyllenspoon was glowing throughout his weekend up in northern Cali, looking yummier than he has in ages. See what happens when you lay off all those coffee dates?
Sorry Olivia Munn, but it seems singleness suits Jakey just as much as Reese (well, kinda).
Among the topics of convo up at WonderCon:
•What a ball he's having filming Source Code in Montreal despite some douche lords that may also be in the city.
•And also, how "gorgeous" he thought Rachel McAdams looked on Oscar night.
They both looked pretty good if you ask us, but does that equal a new couple? Tabloids all around the world seem to think so, like the Down Under mags that are already naming Rachel and Jake Hollywood's hottest new couple.
Hardly, babes. Jake is still very much single, we're told.
As much as we totally heart Rachel, we say no way on McGyllenhaal. Anyone disagree?
(This will not be the last time we'll find it necessary to ask this query, just be prepared.)
Maybe this is why Jake's being doing yoga. LOL
PoonamNathu: My yoga teacher today looked like Austin Nichols....NO JOKE!! about 5 hours ago from UberTwitter
The soldier whose heroics were the basis of the move the English Patient was actually gay and never even slept with a woman. Talk about rewriting history.
English Patient hero gay
Re the gaydar discussion, there has actually been some scientific discussion that the reason gaydar is so well developed is that it was an evolutionary skill honed to enable people to find suitable mates.
I don't dispute this at all; in fact, I think it does exist and not only as an aid in finding a suitable mate, but for very survival. There was a great discussion about this very thing on WFT2. I think women have an intuition about men as well.
What I object to is someone thinking they can tell someone's sexuality just by using superficial critiera "he like's show tunes, so he must be gay" or "he talks with his hands a lot, that's a dead giveaway", what they wear, or what music they like. I know some gay men who couldn't coordinate an outfit if their life depended on it, and I know metrosexual straight men. The article I was discussing was talking about the American public, both gay and straight, and also said neither group is better at it than the other, so that oughtta tell you something. I think it might exist; but it's imperfect and subjective. These remarks and criteria used to make them are no different than ethnic generalizations or blonde jokes IMO.
I can't for the life of me figure out why straight people would have a need for gaydar. It should simply be enough to be told. A guy in my office, he's on the phone all the time with his partner, and talks about him all the time too, just like anyone in love. It's the lovliest thing. But there's nothing about him that sets him apart from any other man I know, and I never would have known he was gay until I was told. He's very out and proud. The same is true for other gay men I am acquainted with. They are men; they don't fit any particular stereotype.
I don't have gaydar I don't think, and if I did, I would disable it, because there's no need for me to wonder about what other people are doing in their bedrooms, or second guess how someone self identifies. I turned my limited gaydar off in my brain, because it serves no useful purpose for me as a straight woman.
I'm not talking about Jake here - he's not the only man in the world. I just object to broad generalizations about people, period. Hypocritical religious leaders and politicians are on their own, however. ;)
See, it's this line of reasoning that I really disagree with:
because there's no need for me to wonder about what other people are doing in their bedrooms
Why does using gaydar to determine if someone is gay automatically translate into thinking about them having sex? Again, i see this line of reasoning all the time in comments when people object to out performers talking about the fact they are gay or a post is put up of them with their partner.
It's like saying that if you notice someone is a parent, you're thinking/speculating about their sex lives, because of course, you had to have done the dirty deed if you have child.
And are you seriously saying you never notice someone's gender? That you would go out with anyone on a date, because you're gender-blind?
Not to mention, think of all those poor women who married closet cases--they sure could have used gaydar!! In fact they probably did see signs, and just chose to ignore them.
If Terry Bradshaw ever "jumped the fence", it would be for Tom Brady. :-D
Bradshaw would go gay for Brady
^^ :)
Let me address the loopholes in my post:
Why does using gaydar to determine if someone is gay automatically translate into thinking about them having sex?
It doesn't, and it shouldn't, and I never said it did. I said that I object to gaydar because for some who speculate, that's all that matters to them. As I said in my previous posts, they aren't making their assessments because of their views on social change. We are on the same page there. But, being gay is about who you have sex with. A lot of gay people object to separating that - it's not something that should be swept under the rug. It is a part of who they are. If gay people are the ones talking about it, to me that's different.
Someone's gender is a lot more obvious than their sexuality, and seeing someone with children isn't even in the same ballpark to me. Children are the result of sex. Not the same things at all.
The women who married closet cases - where are they? That's a nebulous concept.
Great interview, my favorite part was the Top Gun part.
Jordan Hoffman: Jerry Bruckheimer is a Hollywood behemoth. This guy has made so many big, explosive, fun summer movies. When you heard “my God, I’m going to work with Jerry Bruckheimer” what did you first flash on?
Jake Gyllenhaal: Oh, Top Gun man.
Jordan Hoffman: Absolutely, wow. What’s your favorite scene from Top Gun?
Jake Gyllenhaal: When the dude [James Tolkan] is like, “You jokers are goin’ to Top Gun!” You know that scene where he’s like “Damn you Maverick!”
Jordan Hoffman: You know what I love about that, is that he says the name of the movie in that scene.
Jake Gyllenhaal: He does, it’s the best. He’s like...what does he say? What are the other names, the craziest names of the characters?
Jordan Hoffman: Uh, you mean Ice Man? Or Goose?
Jake Gyllenhaal: No, not them, but Goose and Ice Man are awesome. They’re like Green Leaf and Dirt Man, or something [Cougar and Merlin, actually.] Like, “Daisy fell off so you two jokers are goin’ to Top Gun!” That’s my favorite.
Lucky for Jake it was a phone interview when she said Goose.
Gay people talking about their partners publicly should be encouraged, that isn't gaydar to me. Making jokes and saying someone pings, if you are not gay, can be borderline homophobic, if not entirely homophobic, IMO. Usually, it's a lame attempt at humor and/or ridicule by straight people. I'm not crazy about gay people using it humorously either, tbh. But if we are seriously talking about gaydar, that's a different thing, as far as an intuition goes.
What do you think about the article saying that both gay and straight people's gaydar has about the same accuracy? That tells me a lot; like that it's overrated. Even the article on WFT2, written by a gay man, recognizes its shortcomings.
Gyllenhaal also said that when you’re an actor, there’s plenty of downtime on the set, and that a “portable gaming device is always fun.”
Jake looked great happy and relax after he got over his jitters at WonderCon. Everyone has noticed how good he looks since he's now faux free. In all the interviews even before WonderCon.
His ring's been on, and he's chain too. He's slipped in family into his answers.
He's denied the Olivia and Isabella rumors. And Rachel? He talked about her dress.
Using all the arguments that have been proposed and what has been happening it really doesn't seem like Jake is under Disney's thumb.
Did anyone else catch when they asked Jake in the press conference if he took any of his character home? Jake mentioned his accent, but it was Jordan really had the best answer added Jake did sword fighting at home, that cracked them all up.
I thought he looked wonderful, and did a fantastic job at Wondercon. It's so amazing, the difference now, after Reese. There's no gf now, he looks more relaxed than ever, and that makes him so attractive. It's like night and day. That says way more to me than any supposed gaydar. Like night and day.
One question I have - we are always lamenting the fact that there is no gay actor who could enter into HW leading man territory, the one that straight women as well as gay men could swoon over. Now we may very well have one, and he's getting criticism at worst, and ignored at best. Why is that? Makes no sense to me.
The women who married closet cases - where are they? That's a nebulous concept.
Are you serious? What do you think BBM was about?? And I don't have the links handy, but there are tons of stories out there in which women talk about that very fact. What about Ted Haggard's wife, or Larry Craig's????
I also don't get why gaydar is overrated just because straights are as good at predicting sexuality as gay people. It is just more evidence that it works. I also suspect that the number of straight people who can identify gay people has probably increased over the years, both because they are more observant, and because they know more gay people and can more readily pick up on the signals.
By the way, it isn't always about the clothes. I posted a personal experience that you might have seen--about the man dressed in clothes that I thought signaled he was gay, but that I really didn't think he was--something confirmed when his date appeared. Something about his body language and facial expressions, who he was observing in the restaurant, said straight.
OH, I just thought of another example of a woman marrying a gay man and not knowing it, Carrie Fisher.
BBM was fiction? Alma and Lureen are not real characters. It may be representative of certain women who may be out there, but it's nebulous.
Ted Haggard, Larry Craig. There's two. Sunday's Out Spotlight was another one, possibly, because he got married, and later came to terms with his sexuality. A grand total of three. I'd say the women who marry closet cases are in the minority. Women marry philandering straight men too. It's for them to worry about anyway.
I saw your post. You've got a 50/50 chance of being right. Fine if you are right, but not so good if you are wrong. I just don't think there's a reason for a straight person to have to "determine" anything about another person, and no, it doesn't reduce it to just being about sex. Also, gender by itself doesn't indicate anyone's sexuality, and generally speaking, it's more obvious than someone's sexuality.
I rewatched the comic con stuff and in order this time. Makes more sense in context and the proper sequence. I can see why Jake was a big hit. Not to take anything away from him, he was great, but the other 3 guys were dry and dull as dirt. Jake was alive,his voice was exciting to listen to. I can't imagine how it would have gone had he not been there. Will this translate to sold movie tickets? Who knows. Jake's demographic is still largely women and gay men. He does not have a hold on straight men.
We've had this discussion a long time ago. Having lived and worked in San Francisco for so many years, I have personally known too many women blind sided when they discovered their husband was gay. Shattered, emotionally destroyed. Only 1 knew before hand and thought it would work out regardless. Not being sexually desired has a demoralizing impact that destroys self esteem. I'm not talking about naive, uneducated, dependent women. These were fellow successful, well educated and well paid career women. In a couple of cases, my gaydar was pinging, but I thought I must be mistaken because the women were so astute.
Looks like Ted is warning us to put the hip waders on now until POP is released. Prepare for lots of bullshit and PR spin.
Interesting topic Destiny and Wow.
Agree with both of you on some of your thoughts.
I was just out at dinner with four gay friends that are very masculine. At least two have some gay mannerism and I think if people observe them or are around them for a short length of time, they could tell or assume the (2) friends were gay. Maybe all of us could be (clocked).
Clocked = gaydar pick up
Interesting thing is that 3 of the friends were seated and waiting for my partner and myself. There were 3 other younger and (obviously gay guys) who were already seated a table across from us. This was a no brainer to my party and myself. Gaydar?? They were sort of effeminine and neat.
And the table behind them were 3 women and two men. One of the men was very girly and had the hair, and outfit just like the women he were dining with. The difference of he and his friends was the thin mustache above his lip.
When I was seated, I asked my friends "Is this the special section"?
When both of the other two tables guest left, a straight looking man (at least I assumed he was straight) and his female guest or wife sat across the room and the man kept staring at our table.
The questions were, was he gay, was he interested in someone, was he appalled at our group although most of all of us are masculine and somewhat atlethic. (with the exception or one friends constant hand talking jesters) lol. Interesting situation Saturday night which spilled into the discussion of topic yesterday.
What is left out here though is the men and women who don't look or act the part of the "Gay" man or woman to (ANYONE), but who are interested in both genders sexually. Some thought the guy with the woman had these issues, but who knows.
Sexuality is interesting and not black and white, but this aspect of the population is deffinately not talked about very much, or at all. But they DO Exist!!
They don't fit the stereotypes at all. If found out, Now the men will get called a closet case and the women might get ridicule by men and women. I did say Might.
And I'm not gonna turn this into a gay - bi thing because the gay political agenda gets involved. Sometimes it's needed, and sometimes it's just that,
a GAY agenda and nothing more.
Not the complexities of Human Sexuality.
Again, Interesting thoughts from you WoW and Destiny.
Sexuality is interesting and not black and white, but this aspect of the population is deffinately not talked about very much, or at all. But they DO Exist!!
They do, but true bisexuals are rare and some gay people lie about being bi (remember Elton John's story?).
Looks like Ted is warning us to put the hip waders on now until POP is released. Prepare for lots of bullshit and PR spin.
Definitely get ready for more, but I think it might be not all his PR starting the,, maybe like 70% but think 30% will be outlets and other people's PR who see a hot single guy with a blockbuster movies coming out and want to link his name certain.
Think we all forget that there are PR who want to use Jake's name for their own clients because it can up raise the profile of who they represent. (ie Papa Joe Simpson and Jessica) Jake's an Alist single nice guy who's got two movies coming out this year, and one of them is one of the biggest of the summer, and the other is already getting Oscar buzz.
Oh my. What in the heck was that, Special? What you just posted makes zero sense.
Only to you, 8:31 AM.
I will correct the grammar, but the point I made was already apparent.
Definitely get ready for more, but I think it might be not all his PR starting the spin, maybe like 70% but think 30% will be media outlets and other people's PR who see a hot single guy with a blockbuster movie coming out and want to link his name.
Think we all forget that there are PR who want to use Jake's name for their own clients because it can up raise the profile of who they represent. (ie Papa Joe Simpson and Jessica) Jake's an Alist single nice guy who's got two movies coming out this year, and one of them is one of the biggest of the summer, and the other is already getting Oscar buzz.
Jake's PR are crwaming thier panties to link Jake with McAdams. Thye reaction has been through the roof, even Ted admits they look good together.
He also is saying that McAdams deserves better than that, ie the we heart Rachael comment, she's too classy but Jake and his PR just loves those tiny blonde shiskas!
Jake's PR are crwaming thier panties to link Jake with McAdams.
That's bullshit.
Jake and his PR just loves those tiny blonde shiskas
Jake didn't beard with the Witherbeard because she's tiny and blonde, he bearded because Witherbeard was looking for a high profile marketing tool and Jake was stupid and available.
Although Anna Paquin may not be Nelly Fang (or any vamp-Vice, for that matter), we have yet to give the babe props for speaking out in the PSA for Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Fund. The fund fights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender equality, and the soon to be Mrs. Stephen Moyer admitted she is, in fact, bisexual.
We think a certain someone needs to play close attention to Anna's carefree declaration...
Like Nelly himself and Terry Tush-Trade.
This vampire stud and studette duo could do wonders for the LGBT community if they let their true colors shine, too.
But why Nelly and Terry instead of, say, other Blind Vice faves like Toothy Tile or Nevis Devine?
Don't get us wrong—at this point, we stand behind anyone who would speak openly and proudly about his or her true sexuality, but Nelly and Terry especially have two different fan followings that would so benefit having role models like these stud-muffins to look up to.
Sure, it may be slightly easier in society today for gals to fess up to swinging both ways (no idea why, but Joan Jett and Kristen Stewart agree to that too), but we're just glad we have a new celeb who isn't ashamed to put her sexy face behind a good cause.
Bravo, Anna, for speaking up and out! Not only is it an important subject, but the way she did it by first talking about it on this PSA for the Give a Damn campaign instead of selling it to a tabloid to promote True Blood really makes us heart this babe even more. Didn't know it was possible!
And isn't it damn sweet Anna didn't wait until she had a whole den's worth of Emmys to go along with her Oscar before saying so? Nice.
Awful Truth
Look at who's being linked to Jake. Rachel is a B+ star, but the other two are know, but who want to rise up the ladder. Why is it inconceivable that they're people want to use Jake's higher profile to boost them?
That's what they do. Trade up. That's the some of same logic that people threw out here about as one of the reason Jake was matched with Ms. W as his beard, she has a little more of an A-lister.
Sexuality is interesting and not black and white, but this aspect of the population is deffinately not talked about very much, or at all. But they DO Exist!!
They do, but true bisexuals are rare and some gay people lie about being bi (remember Elton John's story?).
I agree, Some do.
But this group of people seem to float under the radar since they don't look, act or fit the gay stereotype. 99% of the time no one knows the person likes both sexes, but theyt are generaly with the opposite sex in marriage or relationship.
They don't speak openly about it so most of society only knows when there is a slip up or the person has a small group they associate with, then maybe the word gets out.
You can call them closet cases if you like, (and, they are but maybe not gay, but bi closet cases).
Most of these people, men and women (seem) to be with the opposite sex for their primary relationship.
And this is where the gay agenda happens. When someone has a sexual attraction to both sexes and acts out on them. To gay people, they are gay and will always be gay. I don't always agree with this at all. As was written in a post sometime ago, Why even add the B in the GLBT in this group if you are never gonna acknowledge the group? It could be because they don't seem to have any representation or louder spokesperson, so their worth or presents, or both, is left for others to decide who they are. So mostly gay men will surely "take" that responsibility and speak for them. LOL
The gay man or person will speak from their experiences on the matter only. Thus, there are no bisexuals, only in the closet gay men.
Rachale is about to film a Woody Allen film in Paris this summer, not bad.
Uhm Jack, I believe you mean Shiksa, not Shiska.
I'm neither American nor Jewish and even I knew that much.
You need to stop using words whose meaning you don't know as insults.
Just for your information, the word "hausfraus" doesn't exist either and the word "Hausfrau" doesn't remotely mean what you think it means.
Thought you should know since you like to throw it around all the time.
Hollywood News: Jake, can you talk about the process of making this movie and honoring the folks who loved the video game upon which it’s based? Or was that important?
Gyllenhaal: Without a doubt. We had that pressure on our shoulders the whole time, but yet at the time time, I think transitioning from making a video game into a movie, I think Mike [Newell] and Jerry from the beginning said we need to make anything the Prince does, and his name is now Dastan, has to be based in some kind of reality. In fact, there were times on set when we would do some sort of stunt that mimicked something from the game, and Jerry would say, well, wait a second, why did he do that? We need to have that be based in the storyline, and everything had to be based emotionally in the storyline, so we’d have to come up with a reason why he flipped upside down over a horse (laughs). And we did.
Hollywood News: Is there a difference in acting for you when you’re doing a small personal role as opposed to something bigger like this?
Gyllenhaal: Well, it’s a very physical role, and I’ve always found myself inhabiting a role starting from the physical level. Whether you’re changing the shape of your body and losing weight, gaining weight, you’re figuring out what the character would look like on a physical level. So for this it was very physical, which I love, which I’d never really done this intensely before. But I don’t think it’s any different at all. When you’re committed, you’re committed, and as soon as I decide to be in a movie or play a part, it’s 120 percent commitment no matter what.
Hollywood News: What was the toughest stunt you were allowed to do?
Gyllenhaal: It always varied. It got a little bit dicey towards the end because everybody saw that I liked doing things that were a little bit dangerous and so we tried our hands at things that were pushing it a little bit. I think in the end there was this fight towards the middle of the movie that we shot at the end with my brother where he has an axe and I’m fighting him with my sword and a shield that I have left, and we really got dangerous with that fight. There were a few times when the axe came so close to my face almost that everyone was like, awwww that was so good! And I’m like [sobbing], oh, it looks so good! So definitely that axe fight was an intense one, and some of the jumps got pretty [tough] when I’d go, it’s okay guys – you don’t have to give me so much. Let it go. And I’d go bam! And my knees would be secretly weeping inside, but besides that, there was a big, 35-foot jump I did that got a little hairy a couple of times, particularly when I was like, let me try it again!
Olivia denied anything was going on with her and Jake, doesn't jive with it being her pr.
And why would Isabel's people be the ones making it up when it was likely she was not even there, and it hadn't even been announced she was going to be in the film being made in Montreal this month? Wouldn't it have been better for her, if it came from her, to have it happen later, when she could get some publicity for her movie?
No, the timing right before PoP smells like Jake's pr, or maybe even Disney/Bruckheimer trying to stir up some Jake is straight publicity right before PoP. They never figured he'd get asked about something like that, maybe another reason for running it with Lainey and not say Perez too.
I think there is a reason why you always see the same people constantly being the object of rumours they've hooked up with someone. They're perceived as either hungry for publcity, or gay and not likely to deny stories that make them look straight.
So even if it is not Jake's pr at work, they are certainly not out there denying the stories, and three years of Reeke being a tabloid fixture gives everyone else the belief that is what Jake wants--to be continue to be a tabloid fixture, linked to every woman he's seen with. Gives them stories, make's Jake's pr happy.
Thanks, Been There, Done That -
I get a little carried away sometimes, but I mean well with my discussions. :)
You can be just as emotionally shattered when your straight husband cheats with another woman, so aside from the social issue of hiding your sexuality, the damage to a partner is the same. Worse for the straight cheater, I think, because you can understand the pressures that might have led the gay man to feel he had to succumb to the pressure to marry, or if he was even consciously aware of it at the time, if he had repressed his feelings. The straight man has no such burden. All those feelings M mentions happen regardless.
I don't see a need for men to hide behind hetero marriage in present times anymore. I'm sure it exists; you might still see it in older couples who grew up during oppressive eras and are only now feeling the freedom to be able to come out. (Someone posted something like that, somewhere). You might find couples who know but don't mind. By the time you are intimate enough to be married (and I'm not talking just the physical), you shouldn't need gay radar about your own partner.
BBM is commentary about homophobic society and took place almost fifty years ago, set in a very rural area, and things were quite different then.
Olivia denied anything was going on with her and Jake, doesn't jive with it being her pr.
No, she didn't, Olivia Munn denied dating Jamie Foxx.
And why would Isabel's people be the ones making it up when it was likely she was not even there, and it hadn't even been announced she was going to be in the film being made in Montreal this month? Wouldn't it have been better for her, if it came from her, to have it happen later, when she could get some publicity for her movie?
No, the timing right before PoP smells like Jake's pr, or maybe even Disney/Bruckheimer trying to stir up some Jake is straight publicity right before PoP. They never figured he'd get asked about something like that, maybe another reason for running it with Lainey and not say Perez too.
Jake denied it at the press conference. If it planned by him / his PR, he would have known about it and at the very least acted less surprised.
Just last week you said Gerald might want to be perceived as a pussy hound but at least he denies the rumors.
Now Jake is doing the denying and suddenly that doesn't count anymore?
Olivia denying the Jake/Olivia rumors means it can't come from her camp, must be Jakes camp.
Jake denying the Jake/Isabel rumors means that it can't come from Isabels camp, must be Jakes camp.
Wow, that makes so much sense.
nobody knew or thought of Ann Paquin as bisexual or sexually interested in other women, did they??? But it comes off as "hmmm, okayyy, That's cute" to the public.
But what if Steven would have said he was bisexual. A totally different response.
Gay men would have a field day with the revelation. Don't even think of what Parez and Ted would say or accuse.
So, most bisexual men keep quiet.
Speaking of BBM - here's something I've always thought.
Ennis, I felt, was somewhat bisexual, because he was shown having sex with Alma regularly. While he might have preferrred to be with Jack, he was able to "make do" quite nicely during the separations. As time went on, I think he grew to want to be with Jack more and more. He exlcaims in the short story how he liked doin' it with women, but how it was more intense with Jack.
Jack, on the other hand, is never seen making love to Lureen. He seeks love from men elsewhere during his separations from Ennis. Lureen alludes to this at the dinner with the Malones, saying sarcastically, "How come, men never seem ta wanna dance with their wives. Why is that, Jack?" Jack, annoyed, says, "Never gave it any thought." Dancing has always been a metaphor for sex. They're clearly trapped in an unhappy marriage. Ennis, tearful at his divorce, would have been quite happy to stay with Alma and keep things the way they were, seeing Jack on the side. It's only after he loses Jack that he realizes how much Jack meant to him.
It's just something I noticed, and JMO(bservations). What do you guys think?
Jack and Ennis are gay.
Men having sex with women because they are in the closet doesn't turn them into bisexuals.
And yes, things have changed a lot from 50 years ago. But there are still plenty of closeted/formerly closeted gay men who've been and continue to be married to women. To please their family, religious guilt, being ashamed of who they are, afraid they won't get ahead in their field (and it's not just HW), many other reasons.
Michael K. was married. I've never seen him talk about the reasons why he was married. But today he identifies as a gay man. Hard to believe of someone who now writes about his no-no hole reacting to various men, but there you have it.
^^I didn't know that about MichaelK. No question that it's damaging to everyone it affects, not being able to be open about who you are. :(
The Secret to Jake Gyllenhaal's biceps
That's a great question WoW.
In my opinion, Ennis was not gay. Period! This is were the gay agenda comes into this.
From the stroy, Ennis had never been with a man and had no interest in being sexual with a man. He and Jack became close friends. Jack on the other hand who obvious "had" been in some same sex dealings initiated the sex act, and Ennis followed through.
Ennis had the harder time with it because it was all new to him. Jack knew this.
The tag for the movie was "Love is a force of nature", or something like that. It was also billed as under certain circumstances two young men, not gay men, who were lonely and close friends found love and made love to each other. The love that they could not speak about to anyone......
Aferwards you realize that one of the two men seem to be open with his sexual feelings for men.
Some fans have totally forgotten about this. I knew the producers and the writer now says that the characters were gay and nothing but. But there you have it again, Ennis who never was interested in men, made love to his wife, dated other women and only seem to be interested in sex with Jack, and in love with Jack. Now if this was the other way around, say the characters were women, most likely they would be considered bisexual. And that's the truth .
In my book Ennis was bisexual... I have NEVER diverted from this opinion, but to the gay person with an agenda, men can only be straight or Gay, nothing in between.
Prejudices and closemindedness from the gay community?? Does not make sense to me.
No matter how you spin it.
BBT and Destiny, I don't Agree.
This is a question for BBT. What if a married woman has sex on the side with another women when her husband is not around. What sexuality does this make her?
I gather that Anna Paquin will not agree with you. She is NOW Married.
In my opinion, Ennis was not gay.
Ennis is gay.
You didn't get the movie or you don't have a clue about closeted gay men.
Ennis who never was interested in men, made love to his wife, dated other women and only seem to be interested in sex with Jack, and in love with Jack. Now if this was the other way around, say the characters were women, most likely they would be considered bisexual.
What is your agenda?
Is it possible that you don't understand the basics of male homosexuality or are you trying to "sell" us something?
What is your agenda?
Is it possible that you don't understand the basics of male homosexuality or are you trying to "sell" us something?
^^ Absolutely NOT!
What do you mean by Us?
Sell What?
I do understand male homosexuality. Life is interacting and dealing with numerous people or all walks of life. And while doing this, you find that HUMAN sexuality is not all black and white. There are many variations?
Are you trying to sell me the idea that there is only male homosexuality and male heterosexuality when sex relates to men, that's all? If you are, YOU have a lot to learn about others sexuality!
I am a Jake fan, A BBM fan, I would love it (If) Jake and Austin are together, If not, I will not stop being a Jake fan. Jake does not have to be GAY for me to be a fan of his. Jake does not have to be ToothyTile for me to be a fan of his. Now of course after bbm and reading Ted's blind items, and listening to Jakes interviews I drew my own conclusions.
I have always thought Jake and Kiki was real, so in my book I do believe that he has been or interested in and in love with a woman. Although I have not seen him making out with a man, I do believe he and Austin were or are still involved. For whatever it's worth, I still think he and Chris was involved. JMO. So I have alway been leaning towards Jake being bi.
Why should this make some upset is my question????
I don't care what Ted has written, I don't care what the majority here says, but I do respect everyones opionion on the topic.
It's just so weird that most gay men only think or suggest that a man is either straight or gay.
I see, you are selling 'Jake is bisexual' because if you had sex with women you can't be gay.
This is a question for BBT. What if a married woman has sex on the side with another women when her husband is not around. What sexuality does this make her?
I gather that Anna Paquin will not agree with you. She is NOW Married.
This question has not been answered. This is a big part of the argument, but BBT or Destiny, or those who believe men can only be st8 or gay won't touch it.
It deals with a person who's primary partner is of the opposite sex, but on occassions, the person deals with same sex partners either alone or with her primary partner.
Harris was on Stern's Sirius radio show and told Howard that he knew he was definitely gay when he wasn't into Ben Stiller's wife Christine Taylor's body. He was dating her when he was a teenager.
"She's like the coolest, nicest chick ever. She's an absolute catch, and I thought if I'm not going to feel the super sparks with her, than it probably means that I'm gay," he said. Harris told Stern that he'd been with between 12-15 women before he was definite on the queer.
This is a big part of the argument, but BBT or Destiny, or those who believe men can only be st8 or gay won't touch it.
Only YOU claim that "men can only be st8 or gay".
you are selling 'Jake is bisexual' because if you had sex with women you can't be gay.
No. Not saying that at all. Sure, men who have sex with women can be gay. But if they have sex with women on a regular basis, and then different women at times, then beds a man two days later, something in my mind tells me this person likes both. And what's wrong with that?? Why should gay men, or ANYONE be annoyed or against this? And then scream, He's gay, While nobody says this about the women who does the same?
What I am saying is that there are men, just as there are (WOMEN) who deal like this sexually. (ARE INTERESTED IN BOTH SEXES) Did you know this.
When women behave like this, it never gets questioned.
Why should gay men, or ANYONE be annoyed or against this?
Are you joking? Who are you to determine other people's sexuality based on "something in my mind tells me"?
Only YOU claim that "men can only be st8 or gay".
No, I don't. But I asked you.
You, have not answered. You Only throw sarcasm my way when it's a legit question an a serious topic. I don't understand this. There is no need for it, unless there is an GAy agenda
BBT, Are you aware that I can ask you the same question?
You asked if men can be bisexual? Of course they can. And yes, some women are bisexual, too.
BBT, Are you aware that I can ask you the same question?
What question?
a GAY man or person who relates (only) from a (GAY perspective) when it relates to human sexuality.
which ((sometimes)) brings on the attitude that:
he's one of us, he may as well except it and come out.
If there is a hot person whose sexuality is questioned, most gays will claim the person that he's one of us. I can go on and on about this.
Now as some have said, it is a positive thing for any celebrity, hot or average to come out and be countded. Put a face on the gay person for all to see. Everyone would be surprised of the number of gays living around us.
One would wish they would come out during the height of their careers, but who are we, it's not our career.
But the bisexual person, female or male should not be thrown under the bus just because it's convenient to lump the male bisexual in the gay column while the bi women get a column all their own. The bi male and female belong in the column together.
Were is the president of LGBT. Let's talk!!!!
Long winded today. Fihished for now. Sorry for the rant.
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