Many times pictures are meant to answer questions, but some times what happen it just makes more questions pop up.
Like this one.
Why would the bottom of your jeans be frayed if they look like they are the right length for you? Are you a couple inches shorter on the weekends? Or is someone else sneaking into the seat of your pants and fraying your edges?
And why a cami? See through shirt? Got a Longhorn tat you're not ready to show? Belly ring? A ring of a different kind? Or because the tee you're wearing is a little just wee bit too short? Shrunk in the wash again. Or is it one of the ones you would wear to the clubs to go dancing showing a little peek, before you pull it off and unicycle. Or maybe because it isn't your shirt you pulled out of the drawer that morning.
Not even going to there about shoes with sweats. Oh that's right rehearsals.
Well it should be a rehearsal day.
Don't know how they just get back to LA and are scheduled to do a pilot in front of a live audience on this Thursday, and yet have time to grab lunch in West Hollywood three days before. Amazing!
Especially after just shooting a movie, and being stuck for days and days in Europe by ash. Not having a chance to really spend time to get familiar with the rest of the cast, go through a table reading and or blocking anything. You know Monday is only 3 days from Thursday, but maybe they don't need rehearsals. You'd think they'd want to get this picked up since they don't really have anything else firmed up.
Of course it could have been a lunch break, but they don't shoot pilots in West Hollywood they shoot them in Culver City don't they?
Then, of course there's all the people. Wait scratch that, more like it's how it's not really that busy on the street for midday in WeHo. Hmmmm kind of like a Sunday. Kind of a "Hey let's do this quick" walk down the street and see you later. Of course that's not the day your show comes back on, is it? But it doesn't mean they don't publish the day the show does come on.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Solve for Y
Posted by
Special K
12:07 PM
Labels: Austin, Good Jeans, T-shirt, Tough Questions, Wonder Why
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Busy morning after that little gem from People, it's amazing to watch the dust fly.
PG, glad to see you taking the high road. Had a good laugh with you recent comments from work.
Just missed the deadline on yesterday's post, will have to read the new one next.
Poor SK. Hating yet another woman.
Do you have low self esteem? Why must you alaways smear other women? Are jealous? Do you want to have sex with Austin?
He was in Austria with her , why is a mytery since he has no part in that movie she was filming and now this.
You remind of some jealous HS girl jealous of the cheerleader.
I'm surprised you didn't say that he was squeezing her hand so tight that it's red.
Austin is a fucking tool.
1:03 PM,
don't worry, no one hates Sophia, she doesn't matter one way or another.
You think Austin got a tat for his 30th, maybe set of rings that don't need a necklace. ; )
They do advertise these t-shirt on Logo that are kind a slimmer for men, you know the wonder of lyrca. Maybe too much Mozza or too many beers and needing to tame the tummy?
There's no hating on Sophia in Special's post.
I don't hate Sophia, unlike Reese, in fact I kind of like her, but I am very disappointed that someone like her would beard. Sophia can tell herself all she wants to, but the fact is all those bearding stars in HW are just another piece of the puzzle of why California passed Prop. 8.
As long as peolple like Austin, Jake, all those other closeted stars and their enablers bow down to the homophobes, nothing will change, and people will continue to insist it's not "normal" or "okay" to be gay, and certainly not okay to get married.
Just pointing out how busy a schedule you would have if you are shooting a pilot in 3 days. You just don't go in there and wing it. You are trying to sell it to get picked up.
If you can't see the tongue in my cheek look a little harder.
Jonathan Fracas needed one the way he tugged his tunic after his first season on the Star Trek: NG
What's the point of a guy wearing a thin white t-shirt if he's going to wear a cami (or slimmer--you might be right about that) under it? Why not just wear a thicker t-shirt, or another color?
I'm not a guy and don't live with one, so I'll freely admit to ignorance if there is a reason I'm not seeing--other than to make him look like some straight guy who is clueless about fashion.
destiny said...
There's no hating on Sophia in Special's post.
I don't hate Sophia, unlike Reese, in fact I kind of like her, but I am very disappointed that someone like her would beard. Sophia can tell herself all she wants to, but the fact is all those bearding stars in HW are just another piece of the puzzle of why California passed Prop. 8.
As long as peolple like Austin, Jake, all those other closeted stars and their enablers bow down to the homophobes, nothing will change, and people will continue to insist it's not "normal" or "okay" to be gay, and certainly not okay to get married.
So very true also very sad that some gay men who hate themselves so much would do this kind of crap.
Jake and Atticus in People's Pets
First why the heck would paps be following around Austin and Sophin. Get real. 9/10 ths of the world have no clue who they are.
Second I hope that Jake and Austin are straight because if they are not they are two very sad pathetic men.
Your Move, Jake Gyllenhaal
In an effort to have a legacy, every man has three dreams. We want to be made into an action figure, be immortalized in a comic, or be frozen in carbonite. And the first man to achieve all three will take the mantle from Harrison Ford, who waits in a cave, ancient and tired of protecting the grail.
But there is no competition without contenders and so far, I've identified two people to watch: me and Jake Gyllenhaal.
This message was posted on WFT in response to the "Do you know the “unidentified male friend” code the MSM uses for gay males?" article posted by Special K
Yes, Special K posted the inane ramblings of the folks at hillbuzz without bothering to check the source just because she happened to like what they said. It's sadly typical of her and other posters on OMG who will give credence to any source if it supports their beliefs. If any of them had dug a little deeper, or even just skimmed that website, they'd have seen that the site is run by a bunch of crackpots who believe that Obama is a radical socialist, communist, anti-american muslim, that the economic meltdown was orchestrated by George Soros so that it would happen during the presidential elections thus enabling him to install Obama in office, and that Michelle Obama sent a secret communist message to America by hiding a picture of Karl Marx on an apple.
I wish I was making this up.
I admit I posted it. And yes I admit I didn't check out the rest of the site. But did I thought the article I read was interesting and that there were some interesting points. I was not the only person who talked about the article.
It seems that there is someone who feels that they must trash me for whatever reason. Those who know me know that I am not the person that this person is trying to make me out to be.
Hindsight is 20/20 and I apologize to any of those regular readers here at OMG if they were offended by the link that I put a comment.
From We Make Our Own Destiny: Behind the Scenes of Prince of Persia. Every time I walk onto one of the sets in this movie, I just think of all the children that I know and love, and how much fun they're going to have watching this movie... The fact is, I made it for them. And if I'm frustrated about something, I take a look at the sets of Alamut, or the Sandglass of the Gods, and I just think about how much fun the kids are going to have watching Dastan fight off the Hassansins and doing his jumps and leaps.'
We dissagree on a whole lot of things SK buy I def dont think you had bad intentions by posting that article. No way.
Thanks Tom. Appreciate it.
You know, if we all had 20/20 hindsight or in some cases, X-ray vision and ESP, I bet all of us have at some time or another unknowingly agreed with or read something someone else has written or said who had hidden agendas or just other views that had we known about, would have thought twice about any further consideration.
This kind of slamming and hatemongering that is going on right now I've just about had enough of. I don't know what some people's problem is; well, I take that back, one of the main problems is some people are just so plain unhappy inside and harbor such dislike for themselves that the only way they know how to deal with it is to propel it at someone else.
Special, we know that you didn't know. Nor would I have looked it up.
Perhaps it is something we all can learn from and benefit.
But I'd bet my next paycheck that every single one of us at some time or another has read or pulled something from the internet without knowing the entire library & history of the website from whence it came.
I don't think we're going to go to hell because of this.
There is no amount of darkness that can extinguish the light of a single candle.
Thank heavens for people like Special who look for the light instead of the darkness.
Thanks PG.
Ditto what Tom and PG said Special.
Every time I walk onto one of the sets in this movie, I just think of all the children that I know and love, and how much fun they're going to have watching this movie... The fact is, I made it for them.
I love how Jake again talks about the children that he knows and loves, and how he made it for them. I can imagine how Jake being excited to show to his kids when they get old enough.
Thanks Destiny.
LOL, except probably by the time they're old enough to "get" the movie, Special, dvd & blu-ray's will be a thing of the past and he'll have to buy whatever new fangled electrical gizmo is big at the time.
You can tell he's busting at the seams to be able to speak about his kids. He's liable to slip one of these times.
No one keeps speaking about the kids in their lives and showing off his movie to them merely from having a Father Goose moment. The more he keeps doing this, the more I believe that is one of the BT's in the PoP Crew picture. If he was that excited about doing the movie for the kids in his life, I could see the opportunity too good to pass up to get the older tyke in the picture.
Okay, who is planting flowers or a garden this summer?
I have some really pretty Gerber daisies and impatience (sp?) flowers to re-pot. They're sitting on my "laptop station", the dining room table. I've been staring at them for the past hour, lol. I really need to get them into their new home.
Gerber daisies are so cute. I usually never plant flowers - I don't like to mess in the dirt and all. But this year, I'm going to step out on the wild side and actually re-pot these and try to see how long we can go before they die. The patio needs a little beautifcation.
Gardening is a whole other story. Boy, we're really going to miss Dad's gardening. He grew tomatoes up the whazoo, green beans,lettuce, green onions, cucumbers, even little watermelons. I'm going to have to pay for them now at the farmers markets. lol. You know, there's nothing like a homegrown tomato.
With the price of produce in the stores, it'd be worth it for some people to grown their own little garden if you have the time & energy. It has to be good for the earth & environment, too, wouldn't you think?
I am thinking of growing a little bit of cilantro in a pot. That's about all we have room for on the little cinder block that is called the patio.
I'm jealous PG, living in NYC I really miss having a yard and being able to plant things. Growing up I always helped my mom with the garden, flowers and all kinds of vegetables. Lived in a few places with fruit trees too. Sigh....
I love that new quote from Jake. He cant help but think of his child. Thank god he blurts out what is on his mind. Another step forward.
The troll spent a lot of time here and on WFT2 talking about sophia, austria, heath, michelle, matilda, you name it, trying to divert attention and push the Jake is straight agenda and then Jake shows up at Mozza (sp?)with a guy late at night and all his effort was for naught.
I was on the fence about watching the upcoming season of True Blood. It got a bit too weird last season. But I just read on multiple sites, including Ted's, that Alexander Skarsgard filmed a really graphic sex scene with a guy,and was totally comfortable doing so. Now I can't wait for the show to start. That man is hot.
I thought True Blood was too over the top last year too (and no, it wasn't being true to the books either). But yes, looking forward to the gay vampire stories this year. Plus I love Sookie and Beeeeeeeel.
It took me exactly ten seconds to find several articles that supported Special’s sole premise this morning: that the media is known to use the phrase “unidentified male” to suggest a gay affiliation, companion, or friend. Here are several examples that mirror a similar theme. One link is even from The Advocate, which is hardly a bastion of conservative thinking:
One example
Second example
Third example
Fourth example
The fact that Special quick linked to a site that many might find ultraconservative, with some looney tune political views, is irrelevant and hardly detracts from the ONLY point that was being made. That the People article which suggestively read, “All eyes were on Jake Gyllenhaal as he walked into Osteria Mozza in L.A. with a guy friend after 11 p.m.,” reminded her of the obvous ambiguity of something she had come across recently. That’s all. No endorsement of the site’s political views. No, “This is the end of all discussion on the topic.” No, “My gosh, I’ve never come across such indispensible information in my entire life.” So let’s end this manufactured controversy right now. I may not be as familiar with Special as many of the long time bloggers on this site, but it doesn’t take much imagination to see that this individual is a bright, fair-minded and an extraordinarily patient Blog Administrator. Frankly, if I were religiously inclined I would canonize this person for their patience with mean-spirited, disruptive and hate-filled posters who appear to not even respect themselves, never mind the premise of this community. In fact, I would suspect those same folks don’t know the first thing about community, the art of disagreeing agreeably, or truly sharing thoughts in a civil and respectful manner. Oh, I get it, now! The reason why some found it so easy to condemn the innocent linking of a web address that, in fact, did have information directly related to the topic of discussion, is probably because they are more than familiar with sites like Hillbuzz. After all they certainly have perfected similar scare tactics and off topic rants. Without a doubt, this same minority of tedious confabulators certainly practice the same kind of black and white, one brush stroke approach to thinking. Tiresome practitioners of the feral duplicity of false/fake allegations, misdirection and hate speech. Hypocrite much?
I'm going to have to pay for them now at the farmers markets. lol. You know, there's nothing like a homegrown tomato.
Look at the bright side, PG. You may run into Jake on one of those shopping trips as he selects the very best and freshest produce for a special family meal. You can squeeze the vegetables, but don't manhandle the boy. I hear he's taken. :-)
Btw: I've already planted my impatients and begonias as well as my tomatoes and eggplants. Love this time of year!
more airport pics
The fact that Special quick linked to a site that many might find ultraconservative, with some looney tune political views, is irrelevant and hardly detracts from the ONLY point that was being made.
M and M,
thanks for the links. Trolls use every opportunity to trash Special and make trouble, so no one should apologise to them or waste time to prove something that is more than obvious.
The fact that Special quick linked to a site that many might find ultraconservative, with some looney tune political views, is irrelevant and hardly detracts from the ONLY point that was being made.......false/fake allegations, misdirection and hate speech.
Wow! that's a great comment!
I feel like the Staples commercial guy staring at M&M's comment.
Wow! That's a great comment!
Nothing is ever a waste of time when it's something as well said as that. I enjoyed reading it.
Thank you, m&m.
I knew I was spelling impatients wrong, lol. I was just too lazy to google it.
**sigh** I am really just not motivated for work this week, I have no idea why.
You guys have a great day. Maybe I can blog from a doctor's office again today. LOL!
Thank you M&M for those most kind words and the links, and you Trolling Bitches too.
Thanks to all of you here for you kindness and support, it means so much to me. I appreciate it. Thank you to the other OMGers too who come here and continue to read and are not swayed by the people who try to create chaos and disharmony.
Again Big Thanks to all for the good thoughts and kind words.
IHJ Airport Photos
M & M, What an excellent post! Something that needed to be said but you know it takes a special kind of person to take the time to get it right, and you did.
All of the things you say about Special in her defence, are the things that any of us who have been here for any time realize, but just haven't been able to find the right words.
The ones that resound so nicely for me are:
"...that this individual is a bright, fair-minded and an extraordinarily patient Blog Administrator. Frankly, if I were religiously inclined I would canonize this person for their patience with mean-spirited, disruptive and hate-filled posters who appear to not even respect themselves, never mind the premise of this community."
After witnessing any number of internet communities fail, disappear, or go down in flames, I am continually impressed with Special's ability to watch over this blog without strangling it, and in others here who still "get it".Thanks to all those who support Special in this pursuit.
Simply my humble opinion.
PG, I've done some cutting on my indoor impatiens plants and they are rooting quite nicely and ready for potting. It's really great to have some green and a few small blooms around the house year round.
I've done some cutting on my indoor impatiens plants
LOL! I rolled my eyes when I read my comment to PG's observation about misspelling impatiens because it was late at night when I responded to her and I noticed, after I posted, that I had misspelled it too! Too funny.
Thanks, Seaweed, Special, PG, and trolling bitches. Sometimes the obvious just needs to be stated. It's a new day and I'm feelin' good! Can't wait to see what Special's post will be about, but I always look forward to it. Have a great day everyone!
He plays the adventurous – and buff! – Prince of Persia this summer, but off-screen the actor, 29, is a regular guy who doesn't need much to make him happy. "I feel my best after a home-cooked meal with family and friends," he says
People magazine
You're the top!
You're the Coliseum.
You're the top!
You're the Louver Museum.
You're a melody from a symphony by Strauss
You're a Bendel bonnet,
A Shakespeare's sonnet,
You're Mickey Mouse.
You're the Nile,
You're the Tower of Pisa,
You're the smile on the Mona Lisa
I'm a worthless check, a total wreck, a flop,
But if, baby, I'm the bottom you're the top!
Great post as usual, Special. It's frustrating that this blog is a magnet for some real nastiness, and you deserve a great deal of credit for rising above all of that.
The picture of Sandra Bullock on the cover of People with her baby is adorable. So much love and pride.
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