This is Austin when he was on Jimmy Kimmel Live, in the summer of 2007, his only TV talk show interview for John from Cincinnati.
This is Jake on Jimmy Kimmel Live, last night, his only TV talk show interview (Jimmy called it an exclusive in the promo) for Brothers. (Part 2 here)Notice something similar?
Not only is Jake's brown tie extra long and squared off. He is wearing a brown suit to go with the brown tie. (When does Jake wear brown?)
It not just Austin's tie, its the same tie that Austin wore when he was on Jimmy Kimmel.
Hmmm hmmmm mmmmmmm.
And now some Congratulations are in order on this Austin Friday.OMG has long know that Mr. Nichols is sexy and not we want to congratulate him on being # 12 on the Television Sexiest Men of 2009. Moving up 17 positions from #29 last year to #12 this year. But we could have save them all the trouble and just told them that.
Just one more thing: You wonder if there is another reason that Jakes a Pats and Tom Brady fan?
Important Dates:
Brothers opens Today.
OMG 2nd Annual Cooking Klatch - December 11th.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Blessed Be the Ties that Bond
Posted by
Special K
9:07 AM
Labels: Austin, Austin Friday, Sexiest Men on Television, Tom Brady
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Jake Gyllenhaal Mouths Off About Merkins
6'4, 6'8, you know Jake's gonna give Austin a few more inches ; )
I can't tell from the photos, is it really the same tie?
Thanks to everyone who gave me possible internet sources for OTH. I will check them out this weekend.
Same style, different color: Jake's tie is Brown like his suit which looks too small IMO, the sleeves anyway.
Austin tie is Black, like his pants. You dont even have to blow up the pic to see it's a different color.
Jake's tie is Brown
Looks black to me.
It's brown, SK even says so in the post: Brown suit and tie.
Austin Black tie and pants.
Ok I will give you the color but Austin has worn the brown version before. One thing for sure Jake has never worn a tie like that before and its is clearly the length for a Sasquatch.
it's the same style of tie!
You're probably onto something, Special, even if they're not the same color.
I look for all kinds of Austin counter-actors today. And tomorrow. And for awhile.
For such a "D-lister", Austin has this uncanny ability to upset or unnerve some people.
Hold onto your pants! In 3 minutes, we're about to have our fire/tornado test here in the plant. Do Not Evacuate!!!! This is just a test.
Jake looked good last night. Squirmy. All over the place. And he was goofy.
Good to see.
I liked the way he referred Anne H. to as "Annie". I thought that was cute.
"Jake, 28, was happy to talk to Grazia about the children in his life; his 3-year-old niece Ramona (daugher of actress Maggie Gyllenhaal) and Reese’s children with ex-husband Ryan Phillippe; Ava, 10, and Deacon, 6.
“I’ve learned so much from the kids in my life and somehow they just become the centre of your life and the way you look at things,” he says. “Obviously I exist in my girlfriend’s world and my sister’s world in a different way, but it’s opened my heart and I feel much more grown up and want to be grown up as a result of it.”
Grazia, Australia
Jake Gyllenhaal Drops the G-Word!
Is there hope for Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon's relationship?
Amid reports of "are they or aren't they still a couple," Gyllenhaal, 28, used the buzz word of the week – girlfriend – shortly after arriving at a Beverly Hills Hotel suite Thursday for a press conference for his new film Brothers.
"I've learned so much from the kids in my life, and somehow they just become the center of your life and the way you look at things," he told Grazia Australia, referring to his 3-year-old niece Ramona (daughter of Maggie Gyllenhaal) and possibly Witherspoon's children, Ava, 10, and Deacon, 6. "Obviously I exist in my girlfriend's world and my sister's world in a different way, but it's opened my heart and I feel much more grown up and want to be grown up as a result of it."
Regardless, he'd rather talk about his movie about a love triangle with Natalie Portman and Tobey Maguire than about his actual love life.
"As I get more famous, there is less that is just mine so I hope you understand I want to protect that as much as I can," he says. "I understand the news cycle, I really do, but as we all know news cycles come and go and I don't have to comment on them."
A source maintains to PEOPLE that Gyllenhaal and Witherspoon have split after two years together, but their reps say they are still together.,,20324474,00.html
Grazia, Australia latest cover story: Jen & Orlando: More than just friends?
Knew it was too good to be true. Those icylcles that melted a little bit with the tie have not only frozen back up, they're growing.
Those Australian tabloids are so lucky! LOL
jasonmatheson: Just got an email warning me not to ask Jake Gyllenhaal personal questions when I interview him tomorrow - I heart Jake - so I won't :)
Bio Host of the Weekend Buzz & Entertainment Reporter for FOX 9
Glad you posted Tom Brady and Austin pics. No wonder Jake watches the Patriots. So similar and sexy as all get out.
Tom was right. STUNG.
Right about what?
That's alright - I wasn't totally caught off guard, Destiny. Because last night I noticed how he had to mention how he enjoyed being near nekkid with Anne.
Little hetero hint there.
I'll sit on this awhile, sit back and watch it fly.
Both on here and WFT2. I'll bite my tongue for a bit and then let it fly later. lol.
Still waiting to see what Ted has to say.
Grazia Australia: Just 10 minutes after walking into a Beverly Hills hotel suite to talk about his new film ...,
Still biting my tongue, lol.
We cant expect him to say my beard has kids. Use of the word girlfriend could also refer to a friend that happens to be a girl.
As to Jakes appearance, I may be in the minority here, but I thought he looked a bit contrived. Maybe it was that he rehashed the merkin story. I guess he did not know that interview just aired the day before. Also, he is too thin for my taste. I am happy to see him out and about, but as I've said before, I dont think he is aging well.
He doesn't age well? It's weird cause I think he looks young on Kimmel interview.
Oh, I agree, really, I think he looks real young. But I also agree with you, m, in that he's too thin.
I would agree, too, m, that he tends to "over react" to things people say, lol.
If this quote is true, why would he say this for an obscure publication? And why is People quoting an obscure publication?
And why say GF in this interview but no personal questions are allowed anywhere else?
sniff sniff! Something's kind of not right.
I have to go meet my Pampered Chef lady in a grocery store parking lot & pick up my stuff, lol!
i kinda agree about his appearance. it's not that he looks old, but he looks haggard. his looks have changed which is - i suppose - a natural part of aging, but not something i would've expected to be so drastic in such a short period of time.
in my opinion, he's gone from being gorgeous and sexy to being very.... ordinary. there is nothing standout about him anymore. he's handsome, he looks fine, but he's lost whatever it was that made him so hunky, imo.
i realize that this is a perceptual thing and others might not feel that way, but since i do notice some folks commenting on his appearance, i think i'm not the only one noticing.
as for the GirlFriend remark, since their reps are still working the issue, i'm sure he isn't going to naysay what they are doing. it would probably seem awkward and strange to say his EX, considering that this is all so new and that he and she aren't going along with it yet, publicly.
what i find the oddest about it at all is that both he and natalie mention his sister and his girlfriend, and neither call them by name. has he ever said reese's name since the great love affair commenced???
Sorry the Grazia quotes don't even sound like the way he talks. Not buying it especially if it is the only one that gets that kind of a story or quote.
Would People pick up on the quote if they didn't think it was real and/or pr-approved?
"in my opinion, he's gone from being gorgeous and sexy to being very.... ordinary"
I still think a lot of man would like to be as "ordinary" as him.
Why does People say Reese is single in yesterday's Popwatch. They are covering their asses because of the mess that went down this week. Still don't think its a legit quote. He has never said that word and why in to a tab in Australia? Doesn't make sense. Why did People people run a quote from friends of Reese that had to be recanted.
Sorry if Gazia is the only paper that got him to say that after all the reports being said not to ask personal questions, and the very control amount of press he's spoken too its too suspect. There is no way one paper is going to pull that out of him, and no one else asked or did.
Austin is hardly 6'8" nor is he Sasquatchy looking.
He's NOT? Well speak for Yourself!
Of course now the tie thing is now moot of course. Can't have that, anything like a hint like he has dropped before or Austin does when about them. Nope can't think that wasn't on purpose. Breadcrumbs and Anvils people its always been that way. It's always been the breadcrumbs that have been the most telling when it comes to really know what's going on. The anvils are always the heavy handed way of distraction.
I know, the more I think about it, why would this obscure publication get that quote from him?
Could both sides be playing games, I wonder? I tell you what, I read this quote from someone over on WFT2 (sorry , I'm at work & can't give the correct credit but I know someone said it) and I'll agree. I wouldn't want to play against ol' Reese-y. She's cold and she's mean. lol.
Whew! I got my beautiful Christmas pastry cutter from my Pampered Chef lady. It's gorgeous! And my present for my little buddy. A little Christmas shopping done.
I have exactly 15 min. left on my lunch hour. Officially, of course.
What's also funny is People going back & forth, themselves. What in the heck? Can they make up their mind what they're doing and what card hand they're playing? I swear, I'm losing all total respect for them at this point.
Aw, I dunno, Sienna. I think he's still pretty darn hot. It's funny. He looks so different in different situations and depending on who he's with.
Why is it when he's with Ice Maiden, that he looks 40 years old? Amazing.
Oh, and while I'm on a roll. Another thing that is so stupid about that quote is how obscure the "kids" part is. Of course he could be talking about his own if he has them. He sure as heck isn't talking about hers because he hasn't seen them for how long now? And Deacon's b-day came up and he was where? On the east coast, I believe. Yeah. Real important & involved there. What a piece of crock insinuation there. What I don't like is abiguity in how one talks. Just spit it out.
I don't want political, ambiguous, hidden meaning, decoder ring mumbo jumbo. Speak plain English. Speak the truth. And say it clearly. Isn't that all anyone asks? Is it just too much to ask?
Have a good afternoon, everyone! I'll be lurking, maybe. Gotta put my nose to the grindstone here so I can get out at a decent time. I'm very inspired right now for my story writing and boy, I sure hated to leave it this morning! lol
"in my opinion, he's gone from being gorgeous and sexy to being very.... ordinary"
^^ Jake looks better with the mature look. Shadow beard (not Reese following him), shorter hair cut, but it has to be the right hair cut. And maybe 5 or ten more pounds. Men haircuts change and effect the mans lookd just as women haircuts do. And Jake does have dramatic looks, not ordinary. Jake's Brothers look looks great on him IMO.
The young clean shven look with big hair is old and his face is maturing now. Hmmmm, but wait 15 or maybe 10 years from now, He'll be trying to do whatever he can to keep the youthful look.
Jake looks better with the mature look. Shadow beard (not Reese following him), shorter hair cut, but it has to be the right hair cut. And maybe 5 or ten more pounds. Men haircuts change and effect the mans lookd just as women haircuts do. And Jake does have dramatic looks, not ordinary. Jake's Brothers look looks great on him IMO.
I agree, Stylist. You wonder if he just cut it down so it can grow it all out and get reshaped and styled for his next movie or just want to get back to where he likes it.
Haircuts and facial hair can create such dramatic changes in peoples looks. Even with women, like when you go and even just get something small like your eyebrows done, can totally open up your face.
A lot of movie stars talk about getting to their movie weight before they film. They like themselves as certain weight that they are comfortable with being for their screen look, then get back to their off camera weight.
Bet he will put the few lbs he lost for the camera will show back up. And I don't think its a lot of weight, even less than 5 pounds can be big diff.
Another thing is that Austin's fillng out for his build as he matures. You look at Jake and Austin and its deceptive. Austin is just bigger built and boned. His wrists are thicker his joints (knees and shoulders) are bigger. Now that he's put more muscle on hat larger frame and have a couple of inches on Jake its more obvious.
Not that he is the best source either, but Ent. Lawyer is reporting on the qoute as legit.
I'll agree about the breadcrumbs and the anvils Special, but my take on it is 180 degrees from yours. I was really prepared to hold off, and think maybe Jake is changing, but then wham same old shit.
I for one am tired of what appears to be Jake's little game of dropping a breadcrumb and expecting all of his gay/gay friendly fans to forgive him when he drops the anvil on their heads. It's sort of like being told I shouldn't mind sitting in a special section at the back of the bus, because at least I am on the bus.
I'd rather walk.
Use of the word girlfriend could also refer to a friend that happens to be a girl.
Still with this tired chestnut? "Girlfriend," used in this context does not mean friend that happens to be a girl. But I think you already know that, don't you?
They will be "officially" broken up soon I think. Reese likes to pretend she is still hanging onto her men long after they have moved out, moved on and said goodbye. She probably won't admit it until Jake moves on with someone else. And you damn well know he's not coming out so put those dreams aside. She had Thanksgiving for 30people and he was a no show. That says it all. Also she had it LA. Not TN. Despite the desperate Babbler who wrote and rewrote their itinerary to try and put them in the same place. She went from LA on Sat or Sun to TN saw her parents and then flew to London. According to Twitter the ex flew home from Canada on Saturday so he must have taken the kids.
Think people are picking up the quote because it's a good angle on the break up story stuff. But no has really confirmed it legit. It is just easier to pick it and if its not legit, not our fault, that's Gazia's job to make sure of that, they were the primary source not us.
Jake is not asking people to forgive him, and neither is Austin. The breadcrumbs are just telling what's really happening. The anvils are what people are catching their hammers on.
Jake "I have a girlfriend" Gyllenhaal is just keeping the story going until the new year when he disappears for many months and drops the breakup story quietly.
When was this interview supposed to have taken place? Just the other day?
Surprisingly, Jakey's back stamp does not say: "U Can't Handle This"
Jake in HD on Kimmel
Jake on Jimmy Kimmel Live HD Part 1
Jake on Jimmy Kimmel Live HD Part 2
Jake on Jimmy Kimmel Live HD Part 3
Us Weekly doesn't mention Grazia as the source of the quote. It says that he said it during a press conference:
Gyllenhaal proved his maturity at a press conference earlier that day when he talked about growing up because of the children in his life.
"I've learned so much from the kids in my life, and somehow they just become the center of your life and the way you look at things," he told reporters in reference to his niece Ramona and Witherspoon's children, Ava, 10, and Deacon, 6. "Obviously I exist in my girlfriend's world and my sister's world in a different way, but it's opened my heart and I feel much more grown up and want to be grown up as a result of it."
Us Weekly
More Jake and Ben Lyons
Brothers on E!'s Daily 10
It is hard to believe a publication would make up something but then Star & US Reekley do all the time. However, this is supposedly a direct quote from Jake himself which is entirely different from "a close source" or "an insider".
I still find it hard to believe that he would drop the gf bomb after 3 years and he would do it with a hardly known source.
OTOH, if it's at a press conference, that will be good as gold.
Time will tell. As soon as she gets back? If we get a Reeking soon thereafter, then I think I'll get a better handle on what I think I am seeing.
I will say one thing, though.
Notice how the trolling has dropped dramatically? I think those interns are having their noses to the grindstone right now and that's why we're not hearing from them.
Now watch. One of them will poke their head in here.
So what is the story one say in a said in a interview ina hotel suite and the other in a press conference.
And when would that press conference be? The press conference was last weekend the same weekend of the alleged split. Wouldn't they have used that quote immediately then? Discount the split?
And serious how long have people been waiting for him to say the "g word " but everyone in the press conference sat on it for a week?
Yeah that makes things so much more definitive.
OTOH, if it's at a press conference, that will be good as gold.
If it's at a press conference, there should video/audio, right?
Source - Grazia (Australia):
"Just 10 minutes after walking into a Beverly Hills hotel suite to talk about his new film, Brothers, Jake Gyllenhaal uses the one word that finally ends rampant speculation about his private life: he refers to Reese Witherspoon as his “girlfriend”.
Jake, 28, was happy to talk to Grazia about the children in his life; his 3-year-old niece Ramona (daugher of actress Maggie Gyllenhaal) and Reese’s children with ex-husband Ryan Phillippe; Ava, 10, and Deacon, 6. “I’ve learned so much from the kids in my life and somehow they just become the centre of your life and the way you look at things,” he says. “Obviously I exist in my girlfriend’s world and my sister’s world in a different way, but it’s opened my heart and I feel much more grown up and want to be grown up as a result of it.”
... and now we have:
Us Weekly:
"Merkins aside, Gyllenhaal proved his maturity at a press conference earlier that day when he talked about growing up because of the children in his life.
"I've learned so much from the kids in my life, and somehow they just become the center of your life and the way you look at things," he told reporters in reference to his niece Ramona and Witherspoon's children, Ava, 10, and Deacon, 6. "Obviously I exist in my girlfriend's world and my sister's world in a different way, but it's opened my heart and I feel much more grown up and want to be grown up as a result of it."
According to twitter there was a Brothers press conference yesterday in LA:
RossiPR: 9 am @starlightonline with @followbailee and @corbinbleu at Shriners Childrens Hospital, then HFPA "Brothers" Press Conference @followbailee
1:20 AM Dec 3rd from UberTwitter
Bio Publicist/Producer
This was also the same press event that people tweeted about they were not allowed to ask any personal questions to Jake.
Something is rotten in Denmark.
Jake doesn't want to be asked personal questions because then he doesn't have any control over what gets asked, and he probably doesn't want to have to answer such questions on the fly. But that doesn't mean he can't slip in some pre-planned lines about his "girlfriend", especially knowing that everyone has been warned not to ask personal questions.
It's sure starting to smell like this was all a set-up to get him some publicity. He's been relegated to the late-late show, no magazine covers, etc. He knows this is not the kind of movie that is going to get much press, and most of what interest there has been has been generated by Sheridan and Portman. Not to mention there are far too many other movies and stars attracting the limelight. Plus after several years of dull as dishwater reeking there do not seem to be a lot of people interested in Jake for himself.
So rather than trying to right a bad situation, looks like he's buying into it more than ever.
But that doesn't mean he can't slip in some pre-planned lines about his "girlfriend", especially knowing that everyone has been warned not to ask personal questions.
So Jake decided to do that for some Australian tabloid reporter? Sorry, I'm not buying that shit.
Not interested in Jake? Check out Twitter today. Hundreds about him on Kimmel.
I agree with what you said, Destiny. I honestly don't know what to think.
Why does this quote come out today on the heels of what's been going on since Sunday? The timing of it is just too much.
I'm still holding back because it's just not stacking up right.
On the heels of the Sunday headline that People gave, they come right back with this big quote from him. And it is big. Because it's been 3 years and he hasn't said squat. It doesn't make any sense. The least one can say is that it's prime rag lure. Like Special says, why does it say this Gaza in a hotel suite in one quote, People's no less, and then it says a press conference in US Reekly? Kind of a big difference there.
Officially the Weekend!!! Woohoo!!
Not interested in Jake? Check out Twitter today. Hundreds about him on Kimmel.
You can't be serious.
Someone on WFT2 had an interesting theory on all this. They said that maybe Reese initiated the breakup stories, knowing Jake needed her to keep up his straight image, because he was refusing to do more to promote Reeke, like talking about it. That would certainly explain why People got the quote from a Reese source, and why Jake's people were the first to deny it. It would also explain why we got what we did at the press conference.
And just because the Australian tabloid was the first to report it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Who knows who else was there at the time. It isn't clear to me if this was a true press conference, or one of those deals where a few journalists at a time go in to meet with the star, and maybe at the time it was just the foreign press????
I think that "merkin" thing has been run into the ground now. I'm already tired of that word.
Ol' You Know Who on JJ now, seen leaving her home. She is looking really thin. Hmmm. Jake looking really thin.
Naw, surely not....surely not preparing for a role. Actors wouldn't stoop to something like that, would they?
Anyway, here's a real nice thing she had to say. How would you like to be Renee Z and hear this?
While visiting the House of Commons, Prime Minister Gordon Brown got a little confused when speaking about the actress.
“‘I’m very grateful that Renee Witherspoon is leading this campaign. She spoke movingly at the funeral of Anthony Minghella and I welcome her to the House today,” the Prime Minister said confusing the actress with Renee Zellweger who spoke at the Cold Mountain director’s memorial service.
Always a good sport, Reese later talked about the incident on a UK talk show.
“It’s ok, I understand because we get mixed up a lot; there’s worse people to be confused with.”
Real nice, Ice Maiden.
She's been dressing really spiffy the last couple of appearances. I imagine because she's anticipating being hounded by the paps.
You buy the theory about Jake doing this but none of the ones about Reese doing for PR. Not the beard's fault, must be Jake's. Always Jake.
And just because the Australian tabloid was the first to report it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
No reporters from US tabloids were present at the press conference? No entertainment reporters?
18-20 hours after the press conference only the Australian tabloid thought that Jake denying the split with Witherspoon is worth "reporting"?
We don't know which side initiated the break up leak/story/fabrication.
I do draw satisfaction, though, in National Enquirer still snubbing Reeke. lol. Hey, one has to look for any light moments where one can!
Speaking of Twitter. Remember the tweets about Jake at the Steelers games, well he proved those tweets true.
Still loving that he's a Pats and Red Sox fan.
I will say one more thing before I leave to go write for a bit (as if anyone cares, lol!).
And it's the same thing I just said over on WFT2. They've got several tabloidish garbo reposted from various rags/or blog sites regarding the reasons/stories behind this supposed/rumored break up. They are all contradicting, they're obviously lies, and they're a total embarrassment.
I never would have thought I would see Jake reduced to being bandied about in tabloidish/outrageous lies. Those stories are incredible. And all this just when his movie opens up. I look at that picture of him on Kimmel, the one where he's got his ankles crossed, he almost looks like a little boy. And then I look at what has transpired today and all of this online crap on "He said" and "She says" and on & on & on. And it's just disheartening.
That's the only word that comes to mind right now. It's just sad.
I've been following Jake since October Sky. I've seen and heard nearly all his appearances even when he was unknown and the last person on the lineup. I've always been a voice person; I pay a lot of attention to how a person speaks and what they say. IMO I have a pretty good idea on how he handles himself verbally.
The Kimmel show surprised me. Jake's voice was deeper, more clipped and more authoritative. His sense of fun was still there (merkin, towel, Sasquatch) but his voice tempo was different. He's matured.... by that I mean he's gotten more definitive. You may not agree but IMO it's exactly what happens when a person, especially young, becomes a parent - their voice and way of speaking is more a tad quicker, shorter, clearer and more authoritative than they used to be. He's not verbally waffling or flirty, talking softly, like he used to be - compare Kimmel with Conan 2007 and you can hear the contrast.
The difference IMO isn't from Reese's kids either. They're too old and they already have a father. Same with Maggie's child - Jake is only the uncle. IMO the change in Jake's voice, going from being childlike 2 years ago to today's stronger definitive cadence, is from his own growth and confidence as a parent. You might disagree, and that's ok, but for me the difference is one more clue that BT is true.
"The difference IMO isn't from Reese's kids either. They're too old and they already have a father. Same with Maggie's child - Jake is only the uncle. IMO the change in Jake's voice, going from being childlike 2 years ago to today's stronger definitive cadence, is from his own growth and confidence as a parent. You might disagree, and that's ok, but for me the difference is one more clue that BT is true."
good theory even if I don't believe in BT at all.
like you I noticed the change in his voice though.
Well, I guess that kind of comment would bring one down to earth -
I just think this is all part of the PR machine, not so sure if it is always for closet door duty, I'm sure some of it is, but a lot of it I think all actors have to go through to promote a film. I think these breakup rumors are true - the pics are trying to show thin and wan looking ex-lovers, doesn't it look that way? I'm really getting the impression that a settled-down leading man didn't go over well, as I think Special had mentioned. I wouldn't be surprised if Reese is now history, and possibly rumors will begin with Anne. All Jake has to do is sit back and watch the machine go all on its own. The price he pays to do what he wants to do, get paid handsomely as well. JMHO.
Don't get me wrong tho - any comments I make are all in good fun, not seriously meant to put anyone down. I do like Reese, but I never was bowled over by her and Jake as a couple.
Aural -
Really interesting theory. I can get what you're talking about. I'm going have to go back and listen more, I am very intrigued. Thanks.
Anyone catch when he told Kimmel something like "stop it now" when Kimmel was going on about being attracted to/doing sex scenes with costars, and he got around to "brother"? I'll have to watch it again, but IMO it was obvious that Jake wanted the same sex implication in the convo to end.
Since when has having a real life partner ever stopped the rumor mill? :)
Who knows about Anne's real situation, and I'm not so sure I believe that Grazia quote either . . . anything is possible. You note that even they say when Jake mentions children, he only possibly could be talking about Reese's kids. Doesn't sound very solid to me.
Hmm, didn't catch that, no males. I'll have to re watch.
Obviously, it would seem we're going to need to still wait & see where this is headed. I think everyone's got a good, valid point as to what's going on.
All's quiet on the western front. I think I need some dinner in me!! Writing slash gives one a healthy appetite, lol!
Special K, I'd be interested in your opinion.
PS. Is anyone else getting the Error Unknown 999 message? Frustrating.
Anne likes girls?
Well since the time that article was posted ^^^^ Heather has gotten married to her longtime girlfriend and Emily Blunt is about to be married to John Krasinski. Not that it means anything. Though I don't think Buble the womanizer and Krasinski the serial monogamist would be covers.
If the quote was "Yes I have broken up with my girlfriend", then you lot wouldn't care or overanalyse where it came from - even if it was just written on the wall of a public loo!
Because it doesn't fit into you tinfoil world, it gets called BS.
Oh lawdy, now we also have the tie giving us a sekret message.
LOL the Pittsburgh Steelers have a longstanding rivalry with guess who - the Dallas Cowboys. They've played each other in three Super Bowls, a record for the most times that two teams have met there. In fact the feelings against each other are so strong that the Pittsburgh/Dallas rivalry served as a backdrop to the 1977 film Black Sunday, parts of which were filmed during Super Bowl X.
Hmmm, perhaps after so many years of being with each other and getting to be a routine, Jake figured a little sports rivalry with Austin might thrust their sex life into high gear again!
Man, I lost my whole comment to blogger. What a mess. No patience to re do it so here it is in brief.
Brothers score on Rotten Tomatoes is dropping, not rising. A good flick, but downer subject. Like Stop Loss, not a lovable subject.
I am wondering if this "break up" was a ploy by R to get Jake to finally acknowledge her. He has not done it in 3 years, so why now unless his gayness or an outing was held hostage. Hence the girlfriend mention.
I think it was a real "break up", though not a real relationship. I used to entertain a lot back in the day. For the host's mate to not show up to a party is a huge no-no. An uneven table is a disaster. It's not like Jake had anywhere else to be. No filming, he was seen eating in restaurants, though we do not know with who. Austin?
Anyone else think sasquatch is Austin?
No. I believe OTH plays in Pittsburgh. I think if Austin was at the game with Jake more than a couple of people would have mentioned it.
Austin does carry a hat with him now when he's out, I think it was Austin. One thing I think was a tip off was that Jake said Sasquatch "politely" put the Terrible Towel in his pocket. It sounds too much like Austin. As well as Austin wanting bad for you but tastes so good food (the guy who loves Taco trucks, etc. )
IA with "no way" - people for sure would recognize Austin. IMO Sasquatch was a LAOD associate, a family friend or a bodyguard.
Unless Austin went with a full-on theatrical costume or had Steelers face painting(lol) But IMO most would recognize him, if not with Jake then walking around by himself.
Austin's beard looks like it is coming heavy and faster as he gets older. So if he lets it go a few day he's got a some good scruff and/or good mustache coming in. That and a hat I don't know he could chance it and not get recognized. Look at him the project he's doing with Hilarie, True Love Tale of Boyfriend and Girlfriend, he doesn't look like the Austin you expect there. No one would expect him having facial hair.
People always look at who a celebrity is with, in case it's another celebrity ~ two sightings for the price of one! Many people saw Jake at that Steelers game. Not one person said he was with someone who could have been Austin Nichols if not for the hat and facial scruff.
And did Austin only stay for the game and then hop on the next plane out? Because after the game Jake was spotted out at two different places. Lots of time for someone to make the connection if Austin was with him.
It's been a while! I must admit I've lost a lot of interest in the boys - for the moment. But things could change!
But since I happened upon this anyway; for those who are members, there's a new post with some pictures of Austin & Sophia up at Austin Media.
Thanks hj :)
Grazia isn't a tabloid, it's a weekly glossy and one of the better magazines out there though the celeb gossip is on a par with most. I'll check out the UK version as I expect they syndicate all the stories. Not that it matters - I think the 'are they/
aren't they' stage might have arrived and that can go on indefinitely. We'll see.
Damn, my opinion of Gordon Brown has gone up by one notch ... I don't need that :)
lol, London, on PM Gordon Brown. He's my bff at the moment.
Looking at Grazia's website, they do quote Jake as saying "my girlfriend". Plus, they have another quote from him in reference to how he doesn't want to talk any further about his "private life". So in that vein, it would seem to me that he dropped that gf word out of an obligatory, token drop.
Now Grazia is the one insinuating that when he speaks about "the children in my life", that he's talking about IM's kids in addition to Maggie's.
The one thing that is so stupid about that insinuation is Jake has hardly reflected that Ava & Deacon have become a centre of his life. Give me a break. Let's see, when it was Deacon's b-day, where was Jake?????? Either NYC or Pittsburgh clearly on a weekend break. And Thanksgiving???? Hmmm. Not with the kids then either. At Deacon's soccer/softball games????? A natural, no brainer event to attend when that kid is the centre of your life. Hmmmm. No Jake there either. And when the 4 were out getting yogurt, how centred in concern was he when Ava was back there in the street by herself? Noooo, that menu up ahead was a mite bit more of a concern. Ava had to watch for cars by herself back there.
In fact, let's count the number of times he's been seen bonding with the munchkins since Reeke began.
How many times they're the ones holding onto his hand.
I can believe more that he did drop the gf word. Whether he was referring to her kids or not remains to be seen. We could all blow holes through that theory better than a round of cannonballs, don't even go there.
But it's all apples & oranges at this point. This ambiguous, vague way of saying things so that they can hide true meanings or be interpreted however one wants to interpret it just so that you don't have to commit to something or try to get in an indirect mention of the real truth? It's stupid. It's childish. It's deceitful.
I'm still waiting to see what transpires but I had to blow a hole in that mention in Grazia. That's a total crock to insinuate he's referring to A & D.
Looking at the tie? That is an awfully long tie and I guess they do make ties for Big & Tall. lol. Yeah, I did check that out. They come in special lengths. Now there's a great feature; that's what I'm talkin' about.
lol. (still got slash on the brain)
Looking at a couple of recent events, Austin does have ties in that same kind of knotty, quilty fabric with the same kind of knot. He wore a maroon one to the Global Green event this year and he also wore what looks like a black colored one to the Premiere of the Informers. So, the fact that he has at least 2 ties in that same type, one could think that he very well could have a brown one, too. That tie is awfully long on Jake, not normally how long alot of his ties have been.
Who knows. Just interesting to notice, though.
I don't know about Austin being Sasquatch. But how many people in Pitts. would know who Austin is if they saw him in casual civvies at a football game? Are you going to tell me that every civilian soul in the U.S. when they come across Jake in a public venue is going to be preoccupied with seeing if he is with "that Austin Nichols"? The only people in this world who are preoccupied with Jaustin and the history of Jake & Austin are us, WFT2'ers, Ted C followers, and any other blogger out there, i.e. Towelroad, TMZ, whatever. You have a 70,000 seat stadium in Pittsburgh PA with people generally preoccupied with Steeler football and what are the odds that the people who sighted Jake were going to instantly recognize Austin as well? A guy who yeah, could have been scruffy and packed in some layers depending on the weather that day.
I'm not saying it was Austin; but it very well could have been. I'm just saying that one can't totally assume that everyone in this world instantly knows Austin as a household name and could readily identify/recognize him out & about. He is not Jake in that sense, not by a long shot. Not yet, anyway. Give him some time, though.
And finally, last comment for awhile, lol.
To Doing It Steeler Style? That was an awesome comment & observation. I loved it.
Very interesting the placement of that temporary tat. Most guys get tats on their arms, logs, chest. Hmm. Jake gets one right on his lower back. Perfect for that backview.
That was a great observation and I did not know about the Pittsburgh/Dallas rivalry.
New pics at IHJ Brothers Q&A at the Arclight
Jake is boring, Reese is boring and the fake Steeler tat was weird at best. Jake is as fake as they get. He wants people to think he is this New England sort of guy who is this serious Boston fan. Then he also puts off the false sense that he is a new yorker.
Jake was raised in LA and has lived the majority of his life in LA. He is lucky his hair isn't blonde, because if it was than he wouldn't be able to pull off the fake image of some educated east coast leading man.
Jake lived in NYC for a short period of time, he purchased a home in LA. As for MV, it's a vacation place for him and over the last 5yrs he has spend at best 2 weeks a year at the place.
I've seen jake with a yankees cap in the past, he is a fair weathered fan. In DC he attended the national games and sported their hat, in Pittsburgh he is sporting their hat as well. He molds himself into the area or the people he surrounds himself with at the time.
It's really odd that he would assume that anyone knows he is a pats fan or cares that he changed his alliance to Pittsburgh. It's not like he is Ben Affleck and talking about suddenly becoming a yankee fan vs a red sox fan.
Jake is as hollywood as they get, he was born and raised in the hollywood system. His parents were very involved in the system while he was growing up and he was introduced to bigshots thru-out.
His mother is still involved in the LA arts and the LA critics awards and things of that sort.
Jake's parents worked hard in their attempt to climb to the top or the Hollywood gravy train. They never personally got their, but their children did.
The fact that they vacationed on MV for all those years is serious proof of this, bigshot hollywood types goto the Vineyard.
Much of what Jake says or does in public is planned and he gives information during interviews to project at certain image. Pretending to be a pittsburgh fan and slowly hinting that he and Anne H have become close are all part of the PR spin for the movie they just filmed.
I HATE the Steelers. Every time I see their name it makes me want to give them a good pounding.
Wow passingby now you're a Jake expert. Funny how that happened.
Jake has only the top designer suits for his press, all tailor'd to the tee and costing thousands and thosands of dollars. He isn't going to be wearing anyones hand me downs for his press. Skinny ties are in and that is why he is wearing a skinny tie, thousands of people are wearing them.
Austin wheres them because he likes them and he has always worn them. Frankly he sports the same tie and suit often. Austin is authentic and Jake is fake.
That's the way it is.
Speaking of suits. Check out the HD still from Kimmel
Does this suit look brown? Or does this tie? It looks kind of black, with a black knit tie, extra long.
Jake and Jimmy Kimmel still
Guys never change their minds about their ties the stylist(for the non Hollywood world their wife/husband/gf/bf/mom) give them to wear no no never.
I thought Jake's suit looked dark maroon! Might have to adjust my TV... but there were dark maroon crimson redtoned highlights, whether from the fabric or the studio lights, idk.. I can't tell if the suit was clack or brown.
lol - black not clack
"They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Not so for Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal, whose romance is hanging by a thread after their heavy work schedules have forced them to spend months apart. The couple — who have dated since 2007 — didn’t even get to talk turkey about their problems this holiday. Reese, 33, held a Thanksgiving dinner for 30 friends and family, and Jake was conspicuously missing, which further fueled rumors of a split.
In the new issue of OK!, friends of the couple say they “have a lot of issues to work out if they are to stand any chance of staying together. They’ve been making excuses about how hard it’s been because of their schedules, but everyone knows that’s no real reason to break up.”
Is the Kimmel suit/tie the same one in the Arclight pics?
Yes, it is. I think that's the press conference rags are mentioning.
So was Jake's suit Goose-Rump-Brown or Goose-Flight-Feather-Black?
Jake has a sylist, don't fool yourself. He is well taken care by his PR team. He is shopped for and fitted for before he does his press. Long gone is casual and carefree Jake, that Jake was briefly seen on Ellen during the Rendition press.
For a young man his image has become way to uptight. Why is he wearing a suit and tie for these interviews in the first place.
He is dressing like a politican and not an artist or an actor.
He started wearing the ties during his Zodiac press and it's way to boxy for a young actor.
My thing about the quote is this.
Grazia said it happened in hotel suite. US Weekly said it happened at a Press Conference, and that would have been at the Arclight. Now everyone has been waiting for him to call her his girlfriend. Why did only two of all the press run it and why did it take so long for them to publish it. Yes it was hours, but there would have been a race for people to beat each other to get credit for that quote first. Especially this week with all the speculation.
So Australian press breaks it first and then US Weekly's like, oh he did say something like that, let's publish that,probably after they saw the first story. Doesn't make any sense. Something is still rotten in Denmark about this.
The OK! mag story. Didn't we call the long distance relationship difficulty and the she wants him to settle down and be around more thing like 2 years ago?
Like I said Jake's a big boy and he can match black on black or brown on brown without a stylist, and changing a tie I think he can do too.
I think you just don't like that tie is 1) Not Jake's style 2) Way too long (and no stylist would have let that happen, ever) and most of 3) that it looks Austin's tie.
Grazia, Australia: "Just 10 minutes after walking into a Beverly Hills hotel suite to talk about his new film, Brothers, Jake Gyllenhaal uses the one word that finally ends rampant speculation about his private life: he refers to Reese Witherspoon as his “girlfriend”. ... Jake, 28, was happy to talk to Grazia about the children in his life...
People magazine: "Amid reports of "are they or aren't they still a couple," Gyllenhaal, 28, used the buzz word of the week – girlfriend – shortly after arriving at a Beverly Hills Hotel suite Thursday for a press conference for his new film Brothers.
Us Weekly: "Merkins aside, Gyllenhaal proved his maturity at a press conference earlier that day when he talked about growing up because of the children in his life.
I could care less about the tie, or the fact that Austin seems to only wear thin ties, just as find it funny how because Austin wears plain and jake does from time to time that should be considered some hidden sign. 50% of the male population has a plaid shirt they wear and like it or not skinny ties are in.
Yes Jake does have a stylist or a team of PR people who shop and dress him for his press.
"He is dressing like a politican and not an artist or an actor."
Is that a problem for you?
Always have known he's had a stylist. Have actually given his stylist props many times for his looks. But that tie, no stylist would put on him, its way too long. He did that one himself, and left the tie that went with the suit on the hanger.
If i'm not mistaken, there was a tweet about a press conference for Brothers on Thursday, they were not talking about the Q&A with Tobey.
The Press confernce and the Q&A were 2 diferent events. I thought the P. Conf. took place at the Four Seasons? It may have been for the foreign press, so who knows when we will start seeing bits from it like the NY P.Conference, that took a few days to get the actual transcript (except for Jeff Wells video bit)
LOL!! I can't believe you believe tabloid crap,OK has her hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 30/relationship hanging by a thread, Star has 40 and kaput, People doesn't mention that at all and just says disagreement about marriage just like In Touch.
Us says that they are fine and the rumors are BS.
More proof that OK is BS: Their work schedule has been in sinc: while filming in DC and Philly there were several visits by him and when he started filming in Pitt. she visited, their schedule even over lapped, yet there is no mention of them filming in the same state, it's like they have no clue.
They should at least check their IMDB pages if they want to get their fanfic correct.
Bottomline: Their PR obviously didn't feed OK, Star and In Touch crap but they did to People and Us.
And yes the suit e wore at the Q&A is the same he wore o Kimmel. It lookslike his mommy dressed him, the jacket sleeves look too short.
Reese skipping the Children's Defense Fund annual awards dinner speaks volumes. She never misses that event if she is in LA and she was. I think there is serious trouble in Reeke land.
Yes, I think it's obvious from that cancellation and her very sad, introspective, almost depressed expressions walking in London and then LA that there's trouble. It's like she doesn't even have the energy to fake smile.
Anon, you're gonna get deleted. Come on people, snap up! Get a name in there, lol!
Isn't her expression ridiculous, Anon? Please.
This is not a traditionally cut suit - it's a very youthful, fashion forward, slim cut suit and the color and material are not traditional. I think the shirt as well. Thin ties are in, yes, and the length should fall in or around the belt buckle, but I didn't see where it actually fell, tbh. It could be Austin's tie; I wouldn't be surprised if he and Jake like to tease like that. It would be kinda fun. We've speculated before that he likes to push the envelope a little. ;)
I have noticed that the latest Reese pics look glum. It could be that all this is for movie promo; once it's all said and done we could be in for a grand Reeking, but I hope not. :)
If this is just supposed to be a little "rift" to make their Reekeness look legit, it is way over the top and being played out in neon light on
I wish I could go back & find my comment a couple of weeks ago about their "relationship" being too smooth & wrinkle-free for all 3 years and that if PR had been on the ball at all, they would have had them have a few rough patches.
I totally agree, Hi-Def. If they "get back together" after Brothers finishes opening, I will blow a gasket that will be able to be heard from here to London and London TB may even hear me.
He looks like my brother did when he was 5 on those Jimmy Kimmel set pictures. He looks like a little altar boy at church up to no good.
^^Me too! :) I still think some of us may be right in that they didn't go over big as a couple, and so it's kaput for real. :)
Let us hope, Hi-Def!!
IMO the "breakup" was designed to keep Jake mum on Reeke during Brothers press but at the same time to splash Reeke all over the tabloid news. The best of both worlds!
Take Jake's jacket away, give him a bicycle and he could be selling a religion.
Jake's mother doesn't dress him for events, he has a stylist or his PR team do that for him.
For a young hollywood star he should be appearing on these shows way more trendy than he does.
I can see wearing a suit to a premiere but appearing on talks shows with suit and tie is way to much, it's to formal and it sure isn't going to bring in the demo he wants to target for POP or even Brothers.
Goose-Rump-Brown it is.
LOL!! I can't believe you believe tabloid crap
We aren't babblers, we don't believe tabloid crap.
I thought Reese was in the UK on Thursday to tape the J. Ross show. The pics of her in Pink in London were dated 12/3, Thursday. Sounds like she taped the show and then went home after, it looked like it was evening. Anyway the Children's event was Thursday evening, no way she could have attended that event if she was flying home thursday evening as well. The pics of her back in L.A. were Friday after the event:,,20324761,00.html
Take Jake's jacket away, give him a bicycle and he could be selling a religion.
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