You learn all kinds of things doing a blog. And what did I learn today. I will never ever ever be a transcriptionist. All you who do transcribing, my hat's off to you. Please excuse the long delay. I couldn't take the swearing. Mine, not his.
And have to special thanks to Stubborn TB who download and edited it to Austin's part. And put it up on You Tube. Because I would have never figure out how to do that either.
Podcast Credit goes to If you want to listen to the whole podcast, please go
Austin talks about not really wanting to to do OTH at first and getting locked into a huge time commitment.
Wilmington : "I love being here away from Los Angeles. You know its kinda like hiding, it's great. Small really sweet town, happy to be here. "New Movie: "I got really lucky I got to do this movie, the last three Fridays, flew to LA on Thursday morning, shot this great little independent film on two different Fridays, and um it's called Beautiful Boy. And its a, Michael Sheen and Maria Bello who are both just knock, knock dead amazing actors.
"I never work in Los Angeles it's always somewhere on location. I don't know what it is like to work in Los Angeles" that was until he did Beautiful boy. He goes on to talk about what it's like to film on location in LA, and that were photographs taking pictures of them shooting. Hey where are those pictures??? : )What has Austin learned since starting on OTH a year ago? "mostly I learned a lot about politics." So what is going on behind the scenes as the last 3 original cast members try to make the most of their time on on OTH. It is interesting to note that the three all have directed episodes this season. He goes on to say that he learned thing at OTH that he has never learned anywhere else and that has nothing to do with acting.
"Yeah I'm interested in directing, And some day I will, I don't when it'll be. I definitely will some day, I hope." He also talks about being directed by Paul Johansen (Dan) and what the experience was like. "He's definitely one of my favorite directors I've ever worked with on the show."
And the internet: "I think there are great things to be discovered in in still in the internet. And I am not incredibly computer savvy guy." Austin goes on to talk about not being interested in Twitter.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Austin Chat
Posted by
Special K
6:30 PM
Labels: Austin, Julian Baker, OTH
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Yeah Baby! Austin is not interested in Twitter.
Lots of technical difficulties today which leads to mucho mucho swearing. Let's hope tomorrow gets better.
I really look forward to listening to this podcast of Austin's.
Congrats on getting it all up, Special.
It took a village. Thanks to everyone who helped.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Say a prayer if you can.
((((Special K))))
Appreciate all the work that went into this post Special - it's worth it! I like that Austin isn't especially computer savvy. :)
sorry to come back again and have to say i`m sorry for leaving so harsh as i did. special deserves i say this because she does an amazing job and i like her a lot. i have my ups and downs, but i`m not sorry to be BACK again.
i want to let go of jake,austin and ted, but i can`t. i guess i`m not that big jake fan anymore, have never watched an episoded of OTH, and i guess i never will.
i guess i just can`t let go of the past. toothy, ted, grey goose. i guess that`s why i can`t let go. the fairytale that never became some kind of sport. i wanted us to be the winners and i wanted the results as soon as possibly.
i was right, and i still think i am, i just waited for proof. i waited and waited, i hoped and hoped. hoped at least ted had something for me, because that`s pretty much all i had to claim to regarding that story.
why wait?
"sometimes the adventure is more exciting than the ending".
my dear husband told me that when i mentioned jake, austin, ted. maybe he`s right.
i know most of you aren`t. i know most of you have plenty personal reasons for hoping jake will come out. i hope he will too, because i love you guys. just don`t wait for it. enjoy the commuity as it is!
Glad you are back Norwegian Girl. Never say never though.
you`re a part of my journey that "failed", tom. so was wicked and several others. i love you guys because of that, someday maybe we`ll get there. but you,ll always be the best part of it.
i hope we both can never quit, tom, and that we`ll always be understanding eachother to some degrees, so the journey will afterall be worth it:) love you very much tom<3
Great to see you, NG!
I'm not necessarily waiting for Jake to come out. I think it'd be cool if he did. But I'd like to see him live his life without leading a double life.
We never know what the next day holds.
i know pg, that your like me, just enjoying the adventure:) love you tut of o be my fellow guest for some years to follow;)
tom, if yoy talk to wicked, say that gro and katja is building a home in norway, they are not a part of handboll-vm anymore because their own will. gro doesn`t want to be a spokes-person who stands for gay-rights.big hug:)
among many failures written by me, comes,.... gro feels like she wants to prioritate the kids she knows in her life when she`s home in norway, rather than prioritate other public events.
i personally very much respect her for
That was really her personal priorities. she`s a great girl:)
Thanks, guys, for your concern and commiseration.
Joined the "Brother, can you spare a Jackson" group in June, 'cause we all know, when a state budget must be trimmed thanks to Wall Street greed, the future of America, Education, is the best place to start. And the Performing Arts, bah, there's no ball throwing or thinly veiled and completely sanctioned violence to cheer on, so who needs 'em, right?
Nah, I'm not bitter at all.
Does give me more time to write, though.
To one and all *hugs*
Hug back for you, me.
ng, your boy did really well hosting the Emmys. He got awesome reviews.
Watched/listened to Miser Brothers Christmas on 25 Days of Christmas. That isn't anything like The Year Without a Santa Claus. None of the voices are the same and Mother Nature doesn't look anything like Mother Nature from TYWASC. rrrrrrrr.
Hey, there are standards to which these Rankin/Bass holiday shows should meet.
I love you too NG. I will tell Wicked what you wrote. I hope you are back to stay. A large part of my reason for being here is to see how things turn out. It has been an interesting journey and Jake could win me back with that old charm of his. I would love him not to be afraid to be seen with the person I belive he loves.
Hi Me! I'm so sorry to hear about your job. It's just not right when anyone loses a job, but it especially makes me mad to hear about people losing jobs in fields like the arts, education, research and science, etc. because of how blind people are to how much those things matter. You can't build a country just around the almighty dollar. :-(
NG, good to see you back. It's always nice to see long-time posters popping back in after so much time.
I know I get mad about what is going on at times, but at the end of the day it is having a community to come to that matters the most to me. Thanks Special for keeping this place going, despite all the aggravation it has caused you.
Okay, can't let this one go. There she is, in all her glory.
Photo Op time!! Out to show that she's "a survivor". She's tough as nails. And she's dressed actually very sharp, although the pants don't look good, lol. but nonetheless, amazing how good she looks here, hair is perfect, smile is spot on, can you say Big Touch Up Before Stepping Out the Door??
Avon Lady with Deacon out in Brentwood. Not a single mention of Jake. If that's not very telling. Has Jake been kicked to the curb??? She's miss independent? A survivor of fauxmance? lol.
The other thing that is hilarious about this so obvious photo op?
Her words about Renee Z. have been "photoshopped" from what they previously were. Remember what I said how she was quoted earlier? Something about there were worse people to be compared to than Renee? Well, here's what she's quoted now as saying:
Gordon Brown] said something in parliament about how he had heard me speak at Anthony Minghella’s funeral,” Reese told Guardian.
“But that wasn’t me; it was Renee. She’s lovely and she’s short and blonde and southern. So I understand.”
Read more:
I'm sorry. I don't buy that quote ^^^ for a minute. I bet that first one was exactly what she said but then it was pointed out how bad & sour it sounded so her words were "reworked" to sound more respecting and gracious towards Renee.
Man. How can any of us doubt the depths of coldness that resides in this......person.
I can only greatly hope that Jake is finished with this segment in his life.
I find it interesting that there is nary a mention of Jake either. It's as if they want to give the impression Reeke never happened. Couldn't help noticing that Deacon, as usual, doesn't look too happy.
No, he doesn't, Destiny. But check her out. Flip of the switch and she looks like she's in a TV ad for "oh so happy & carefree".
As Sienna would say, ugh.
lol. Oh sienna, you kill me. I had to borrow one of your you-isms.
I guess I better be collecting my recipes together. Special, so are these to be holiday-ish recipes? I'm not sure what constitutes a holiday recipe but I can't wait to see what everyone's going to share.
London, girl, are you the one who said you don't cook, lol? Come on, you need to get down your little recipe file box and find that recipe for "no bakes". lol. get it, no bake cookies?
Man, I love those things. Okay, well, I finally finished 35b, m. I hope you will like it. It's off to the beta so hopefully by the end of the week, it can go up. I went over & over & over that thing.
Hey, and who has snow?? We do, we do!!!! Not hardly much but we have some. Finally. It took all day to get it.
Sweet dreams to everyone and to all a good night.
On the topic of being caught by a pap and a media outlet keeping it quiet in exchange for favors: the one who gets caught doesn't necessarily have to be the one who gets bartered. Talent brokers have more than 1 horse in their stable; the price for 1 champion wreaking havoc might be 3 fine fillys running in a dog race.
i guess they just don't know what to say about jake. i find it odd that - after the big announcement and then the matching denials from their reps - nothing else has been said one way or the other. if they really were going to continue on with the show, seems like they would've staged an outing. i think this is their way of trying to make it seem more real: the pics of her looking haggard and sad, the blank space where we're supposed to imagine them trying to work things out, but failing. all the pics of her out and about on her own are kinda undoing that strategy tho. if they were working on things, they'd be together.
and the pics with deacon were interesting. she looked like she was looking back at someone she knew, all happy and cheerful, while deacon wasn't interested in them at all - he kept pointing at the photog and looking pensive. so was her happy smile for someone just an act for the pics??
one thing i found interesting in a strange way: while looking at the pics of her, there was one headline "Reese Pigs Out" and so i clicked there to see what that was all about and it was from last summer. she was buying 2 pigs as pets for her farm. what's so odd about that is that jake commented in an interview about how one of the things he liked doing was going to a farm and watching a pig get slaughtered (this was GQ, pre reeke), which i found totally horrid. and also, in my most recent silly story, ennis has a pot-bellied pig as a pet.
the coincidences are quite queer, i think. :)
btw, the article below the most recent one in JJ does have the original lovely quote about how there are worse folks to be comped to than RZ.
Look at the Death Grip. She does that to everyone, controlling. She doesn't have to hold hands with her kids all the time, they aren't 2 years old. And the way she clenches them - something is definitely off with her.
i was kinda noticing that death grip too. maybe she has some sort of fear of someone calling them and them running off or whatever. i guess it would be tough to be in her position, and some mom's are hyper-protective of their kids.
but i agree - it does come across as insecure and controlling.
here's another bit of weirdness. i never dream about jake or reese at all, Thank God!!, but i did have one disturbing dream lately that seemed to have dark conotations for Jake, but in light of recent events, maybe not.
he was a giant bird/creature, flying throught my dream, and then he exploded and fell to the ground, and walked away from the wreckage damaged, but looking like himself/dastan. lying next to the wreckage was this huge human hand that i realised belonged to Reese. it was disembodied and useless, just lying there. he was hurt and i was unsure if he was going to survive.
it's weird that of all her parts that would show up in the dream, it would be her hand.
Hadn't noticed the death grip.
The whole thing is strange. Are we supposed to think she's just happy because she's with Deacon, or happy to be free of her gay boyfriend. Or to show that she's the one who broke it off/not a victim?
And interesting that aside from Brother promo, there has been nary a picture of Jake.
LOL Sienna. I shouldn't laugh, as that is a disturbing dream in so many ways, but the hand!
Destiny... i know, it was a freakish dream, but based on events that are unfolding now, maybe it was prophetic. he was flying thru life in disguise, but when he shed the disguise, he was still himself... yes, maybe he's suffered some damage in the process, but maybe he's going to be ok. and maybe he's going to be free of her, if she did have some sort of control over him.
i'm still of a mind to believe that this was just a mutually beneficial arrangement that has run its course. looking back over it now, it seems that they've tried to mix things up to disguise it as something real that suddenly fell apart, but i'm not buying it.
the very recent mag cover with her dishing about Jake (where she actually says virtually nothing about jake) gets mentioned a lot when the tabs are mulling over this amazing split. "they were just so happy just a few weeks ago!"
i also think about the recent really bad pics of them together and feel those were planned to make this seem like it's been brewing for a while.
it's all too squirrelly to be anythng but real, in other words. :)
Are we supposed to think she's just happy because she's with Deacon, or happy to be free of her gay boyfriend. Or to show that she's the one who broke it off/not a victim?
4th option: They made up and they're back together!
he was a giant bird/creature, flying throught my dream, and then he exploded and fell to the ground, and walked away from the wreckage damaged, but looking like himself/dastan. lying next to the wreckage was this huge human hand that i realised belonged to Reese. it was disembodied and useless, just lying there. he was hurt and i was unsure if he was going to survive.
Priceless. I LOL'd....shit I'm still laughing!
that was beautiful sienna. maybe jake is like a phoenix, who rises from its own ashes, to live his life anew (just with a burnt beard left behind)
Glad to see everything is all right. I was a bit worried when I tried to check in from work.
I listened to the podcast a 2nd time, to savor it a bit. Austin seems so mature and thoughtful. I liked the part where he talked about love. It was in the context of Brooke/Julian and her not being able to have children but his words were "if you are deeply, uncurably in love with someone, what are you going to do." I think he knows exactly what that feels like for real.
Why is someone trying so hard to account for Austin's every moment and link him to Sophia. They are coworkers. Period. End of story.
so was her happy smile for someone just an act for the pics??
Just an act, Reese is using Flynetonline paparazzi for the photo op.
maybe jake is like a phoenix, who rises from its own ashes, to live his life anew
Fingers crossed!
Toothy Tile Coming Out?
In totally non-shocking Hollywood couple news: Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal broke up.
Reese told InStyle in October, “We spend the weekends outside L.A, in Ojai, where I have a farmhouse. We have chickens and we grow cucumbers and tomatoes. I love it.” Translation? Reese has been spending her weekends in Ojai growing cucumbers and Jake has been in West Hollywood with his (ahem) “good friend” Austin Nichols.
Reese and Jake were first rumored to be a couple after co-starring in Rendition back in 2007, right after Reese split from ex-husband Ryan Phillippe.
Translation? Their relationship was a publicists’ construct from the get because it was good for both of their careers at the time. Reese needed a publicity boost after Ryan Phillippe left her for Abbie Cornish, and Jake Gyllenhaal needed a beard because, well, he’s gay. There’s been a Hollywood MEGA rumor for ages that Jake is gay. And not a minor rumor, I mean, like a have you heard Lindsay Lohan does drugs-type no shit Sherlock rumor. There have been plenty of Blind Vices from Ted Casablanca’s The Awful Truth about Jake under the code name “Toothy Tile”. If you need to get up to speed, check out blinditemsexposed. Not that it would make one iota of difference if he was gay–in fact, if he did come out, there wouldn’t be any more gossip. Hmm….
Anyway, I know there are plenty of people out that will never believe this sort of thing goes on in Hollywood. They’d never believe that relationships are faked strictly to generate positive press or to promote movies or to cover up some one’s true sexuality. But what do you guys think? Do you believe Reese and Jake’s relationship was a front?
Hair On The Brain
I think the fauxmance will end the same way that it started. First we had rumours that they were together, then the obligatory holding hands photos etc. It was never like "boom" they were instantly together. There was just a steady PR build up, IIRC.
Maybe that's how it will end (from the public's perspective). The rumour has been put out there now that things are "shakey". I doubt we will see them photographed together, or on just a few occasions until the whole showmance dies off a slow death. By that I mean there will be no "announcement". There will just be a lack of photos or twitters of them together, until it drops off to zero.
LOL I wonder how long it'll take before Jake is spotted with a Victoria's Secret model.
LOL I wonder how long it'll take before Jake is spotted with a Victoria's Secret model.
Do they now make male underwear
If Reeke are well and truly over, how long must we discuss Reese? Is there a grace period here? I personally think that fauxmance is dunzo. But let's continue to beat that dead horse shall we?
Go back to babbleland
oy! said...
If Reeke are well and truly over, how long must we discuss Reese? Is there a grace period here? I personally think that fauxmance is dunzo. But let's continue to beat that dead horse shall we?
I personally think that is a good and interesting question. The answer I hope is not very long.
People can hopefully discuss what they want, unless I didn't get the agenda
An example of a JJ post with Reese and Deacon w/o a mention of Jake. From May of this year:
Just pointing out that there were no break-up rumors and they were not filming or anything at this time. I'm sure they are more.
It's too soon for a photo op for them and it's too soon for i'm independent IMO. More like smiling in the face of rumors. The pic in London looked like her usually pissed off, bitvhy face to me, there was another pic taken the day before in London and she was smiling away. The pic Friday: annoyed that they papped her at a freinds house??
They are mostly saying "rough pstch" and "working on things" as oppose to an actual break-up, the "smiling"= things are back on track? JMO.
Again, too soon for the i'm independent and brave, etc.
This week's tobloid covers - no Reeke
Until the monster that is Reeke is clearly dead I for one intend to talk about Reese on occassion. I am just as interested in seeing how things play out as I am in anything else we talk about here. For the same reason, I am not going to start celebrating either. These two are just full of too many tricks to trust them.
JJ rarely missed an opportunity to mention Jake when posting about Reese. I can't believe you actually spent time trying to find one that didn't, but hey, everyone has a different idea of a fun time.
I have no opinion at the moment about what is going on, just find it odd that a gossip site wouldn't want to play up the "are they or are they not togher" angle. Not to mention that JJ has cut way back on the posts. Guess PR thought it would be safe because she was with one of the kids.
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