and leave?
What the heck is happening on OTH. Skills is leaving and maybe taking Mouth with him, Nathan Haley and Jackson are packing up and heading out, Clay doesn't have any reason to stay and then there's Julian. Who's going to be left beside Brooke and Victoria?
Brooke literally ordered Julian to leave Tree Hill for a while and take up another movie project. The order came after more issues rose from his friends meet work, with Alex. “He moved there for Brooke....and he finds someone who's in his world and in that part of the country and it's nice to collaborate with them because it's a highly collaborative business...and who knows when the next opportunity will lie and he's like, I'm here with my girlfriend and I can't go back to Hollywood and I wanna work so this is kind of my opportunity to work and be here”, Austin said about his character's reason for not ending his work with Alex, which only led him to problems with Brooke.
Julian had started out to helping Alex with her script, but ends up sharing with her a secret about him wanting to have kids after realizing Brooke can't. Brooke takes the guilty of it all how it tears her up that she made Julian give up what he was doing leave LA and come to Tree Hill and really doesn't have to do.
"I feel like everybody likes to be liked and wanted. He's definitely let that sort of survive”, on why last week's episode ended the way it did for Brooke and Julian. “He's been very clear about where his loyalties lie...he hasn't done anything wrong but he hasn't told her to stop because at the same time he's working with her and he wants to continue to develop these projects so it's kind of a slippery situation”.
But is breaking up a bad thing for Julian? Could it be a way for Julian to get some cajoles to stand up to her and stop being this supportive, apologetic boyfriend that doesn't seem to do anything but wait on Brooke while Brooke makes everything about herself.

Check out what Austin has to say about OTH and Julian on a new podcast that will be out tomorrow at
This week on the Crazy Tree "Some Roads Lead Nowhere" Brook Davis(TM) after telling Julian to pack it up and go, now struggles to accept his reaction to Alex’s crisis because it's not all about her. Nathan and the Real Housewife of Tree Hill get readyu for the family’s boogie to Barcelona for basketball, but will Haley grab her Raspberry Beret and hit the road for her on musical mystery tour? Quinn helps Feats of Clay hatch a plan to win back Nathan as a client. (Will it involved tapas, some cava and flamenco guitars?) Millie’s cokefest fiesta puts her and Mouth at a crossroads with Mouth, which could be the next East Coast/West Coast showdoan after he agrees to go with Cali with Skills if Millie picks the nose candy over Mouth. Dan shocks his equally devious half Rachel and his audience, (even more shocking that the dog ate my donor heart?).
Don't forget : We might not all see eye to eye but we still can share with each other. And what better way to share than break bread, in this case recipes, with one another. Join us Friday December 11, for OMG Second Annual Cooking Klatch. Post a favorite recipe that you would like to share.
Photo: Austin Nichols Journal, OMG Screencaps
Wow, that's great to see Jake nominated by that Women's film group.
Hopefully this current bearding gig will end soon and then when Brothers comes out, I will definitely rent it thru my Netflix. I really want to see all of Jake's scenes, his & Natalie's scenes. I can FF through the rest. I don't need a movie to reinforce my feelings about war and what it does to families. So I'm sorry, but I will FF through all the gun shooting and whatnot.
I don't even know if I want to see that birthday partyscene. But I will love to see the scenes of him with the kids since everyone is raving about them. It will lend me an idea of how he could be with his own. And that would be pretty cool.
It's disheartening to see us all have a thread on our desire to see Jake's movie succeed or bomb.
I can understand a discussion on whether or not, why or why not some of us plan to go see the movie. It's no different a decision than someone deciding whether or not to patronize a store because of its hiring practices or a business because of where it buys its products from. Sure it could be for purely vindictive reasons but one of the reasons given seems to purely because of the bearding. And that is a valid, social/political/cultural (however you want to phrase it-I can't think of the word I want there) reason, whether or not one agrees with it.
It seems to me that those who are excited & enthused about the movie are just as entitled to express it here as those of us who simply will not see it under the present circumstances. Because were it 3 years ago in the spring, I bet most everyone would be very anxious & enthused about seeing it and we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
I'm going to be honest here because sometimes we have to face up to our feelings. I think some of this goes beyond just how we feel on the subject of whether or not we'll go see Brothers or is it or isn't it a good quality movie. I think some of it has to do with what we feel are stances or expressions of loyalty or what we perceive or believe should be some kind of loyalty. I can admit it. I think this happens often in real life at our jobs, within our own families, or maybe even at church. I think it's normal and natural because after all, we're only human. We are only human. Somehow we just have to get past that and just coexist peacefully.
Because all of this aside, bottom line is most of us still care about Jake, care about Austin and want to see them together.
Gee whiz, hopefully today we can put all of this behind us and have a happier thread.
I am so bummed though. I started out to walk but there's just enough of a glaze out there on the road that I couldn't risk falling on my hiney. And tomorrow we're supposed to get a couple inches plus that dreaded, annoying winter mix. Darnit.
Well, it'll be interesting to see what happens this week. One thing's for sure, both primary players are nowhere to be seen this weekend. Not even a tweet????
I better get off of here; give everyone a break from my mouth.
Everyone have a great day today. It's MOnday!!!!!!! Woohoooo!!!
lol. Man, somehow that just does not, will never have the same ring as It's Friday!!!!!!!!
I also need to go change my TV channel, even though it's Wake Up With Al. If I hear that Weather on the 8's guy one more time give his spiel about the weather tomorrow, it might not be pretty.
Hello eveyone,
Prairie girl, once again you speak your mind with honesty and an effort to be diplomatic. What you say is very interesting and summarize perfectly the thoughts of many on this blog I think.
The late fight make me a bit sad cause this blog deserves better than these steril quarells. But like you said we are humans and some can't help to claim their positions and to argue til the end of the night. It's not problem at all if the discussion stay in the limits of respect. But attacking people on their choice isn't the way to follow in my opinion.
I want to see Jake and Austin works cause they are sincere in what they do and give a bit of themselves in those moments.
I don't want to boycott them. My mind say to me it would be unfair to take this option.
Saying that, I think people have to be honest with what they believe and feel, so I perfectly undestand those who haven't the heart to see the movie.
Could you please delete "Bitter haterz" "comments" from yesterday? I think trolls should be discouraged from insulting OMG posters.
Oh I forgot !! the third pic of Austin's... is very very engaging lol.
Hi troll! Still pissed off, aren't you? lol
You're right...We at CAA are totally pissed that you guys discovered all the sooper sekrit clues that Jake is gay
1. The blue ring
2. BT's chocolate footprint
3. The matching ties
4. Jake's hard-ons in 2 photos
5. the disembodied legs
Please don't do any more of your detective work, or else you will discover the clue that still alludes you. Keep guessing & have fun. xx
Yes I do love that third photo.
I am glad promotion for Brothers is over. I am also glad the movie has premiered and soon we can stop debating about it.
I agree Elinor we all have different views. Got to admit I am not looking forward to all the PoP promo. It will be a nightmare for me to be involved but I will say what I feel.. Reeke and PoP are one. No way around it.
You're right...
Of course I'm right - YOU are HERE, trolling JiG blog, instead of discussing straight Jake and his wonderful heterosexual relationship with other babblers.
Dear Ted:
My best friend, who spent much of his 20s in the closet, claims that no closeted gay man would portray a gay man on film or stage because he'd fear people guessing his real orientation. I say that's nonsense and that some of your juiciest BVs have done just that. Who's right?
—Straight Girl
Dear Swap Roles:
But if closeted gay men portrayed a gay man on film, it would make you think that he isn't gay, right? It's sort of a reverse psychology, if you will. And many several gay stars have opted for the tricky-dicky route.
The CAA trolls must have known that Ted was going to publish that, or maybe they are stirring things up because Ted said he has a new blind item on toothy
Good interview with Jake on Inside Reel for Brothers.
Inside Reel Interview Jake Gyllenhaal for "Brothers"
Not sure how many caught Aural comments about Jake voice in the new interviews. Jake's voice was deeper, more clipped and more authoritative. His sense of fun was still there (merkin, towel, Sasquatch) but his voice tempo was different. He's matured.... by that I mean he's gotten more definitive. You may not agree but IMO it's exactly what happens when a person, especially young, becomes a parent - their voice and way of speaking is more a tad quicker, shorter, clearer and more authoritative than they used to be. He's not verbally waffling or flirty, talking softly, like he used to be - compare Kimmel with Conan 2007 and you can hear the contrast.
The difference IMO isn't from Reese's kids either. They're too old and they already have a father. Same with Maggie's child - Jake is only the uncle. IMO the change in Jake's voice, going from being childlike 2 years ago to today's stronger definitive cadence, is from his own growth and confidence as a parent. You might disagree, and that's ok, but for me the difference is one more clue that BT is true.
This clip is a perfect example of what Aural is talking about.
In case you all haven't seen it (and apologies if someone has already linked to it) but here's a Blind Gossip item of interest:
"There were reports that this couple split up recently. Apparently, she had enough of his double life. But while they really have broken up, expect to continue to see them together occasionally. They are simply fulfilling commitments they made to their publicists to attend certain key events."
I do understand you Jersey Tom about POP.
It's maybe the only Jake's work on which I am undecided. Maybe not for the same reasons though! Those movies, made specially for teenagers, aren't really interesting in matter of acting and emotion. The "real star" are the sepcial effets, action and outfits lol. But yes I guess it's a practical way for a young actor to be internationally known.
Oh well, I don't mind if the boy keeps doing inde movies.
Talking about that,I saw contradictory informations about "Nailed"and understand nothing at the end. I would like to know if there are news or if it's still statut-quo.
The latest Jake interview is good. He seems very professional in it and the lighting makes him look great. His jokes about pubic hair and merkins in some others did nothing for me. Its not that I am an old fuddy-duddy, they just were not funny, but he came across really well talking about the jail visits. The tone was appropriate to the film's subject matter as well.
I swear if there is anymore crying on OTH, I am going to stop watching.
Well two of the guys Ted must be talking about are Jake(BBM) and James Franco(Milk).
Jake will be 29 in a few days; he should sound like a mature adult, not an insecure kid. I bet he also got some voice training for PoP, and maybe he's trying to look more "manly" by using a deeper voice.
Not everything Jake does is about Austin or BT, assuming he or she even exists.
I swear if there is anymore crying on OTH, I am going to stop watching.
LOL You think the One Tree is a Buckeye or a Willow?
Maybe Austin was foreshadowing way back when he talked about being a young buck.
It's not just a deep voice. It's the the delivery and tone of how he speaks. His speaking carries a different confidence and authority that he didn't have in the past.
Virgin Mobile Canada has launched a nationwide ad campaign featuring a hot gay kiss:
"Agency of record Juniper Park created the new work to extend the 'Fearless' positioning introduced in September. New brand-focused television, print and out-of-home ads encourage consumers to 'hook up fearlessly' with secret lovers during the holidays–including one execution of two men kissing which Virgin says will run nationally."
Gay Angel
clueless :) said...
You're right...We at CAA are totally pissed that you guys discovered all the sooper sekrit clues that Jake is gay
1. The blue ring
2. BT's chocolate footprint
3. The matching ties
4. Jake's hard-ons in 2 photos
5. the disembodied legs
Please don't do any more of your detective work, or else you will discover the clue that still alludes you. Keep guessing & have fun. xx
How could we ever have guessed Jake was straight. Duh he isn't.
I remember reading somewhere a 7 year theory when it comes to aging and people changing physically and emotionally. That would make 28 one of those ages, and in my experience people change a lot in their late 20s, especially men. They go from being boys to acting more like responsible adults, they start thinking about more than just themselves, calm down a bit, and seem to develop more confidence. I think that is what we are seeing with Jake. I don't think it would be very appealing to see someone Jake's age acting like he's still a kid, which quite frankly is how he has often come across in the past.
Personally I think that has nothing to do with whether or not there is a Baby Tile. I think it's called life and growing up.
I've had tons of friends and relatives who've had kids. None of them have changed the way Aural describes. Not even the ones who started families at a very young age.
Destiny, have you not heard them speak for 3 years and during those 3 years they had a child? And you had recordings of them to compare the difference? The people we see and hear often, we don't notice subtle changes.
To M
( there is a reason And yelling at us for not going to see the movie will not make up for the fact that to date Jake is not a BO draw. Our 20 or so tickets would not have made a difference.)
Yet again more BS about someone telling posters what to do. Questions were asked about the reasons for not seeing the movie. The answers were understood but not agree upon. The irony is all the Jake fans on a Jake site that does nothing but ridicule him at the best. His every waking move and then proudly state I'm not seeing that movie because. No amount of "I know Jake is gay and bearding" is enough to mean diffinately it's true. And so what if he is was my point. It does not take rocket science to understand this. The person that keeps this site going seems to be the only one going to see the movie. So I ask all the non supporting Jake fans on this site, Why are you here? It's deffinately not because of Jake. Maybe it's the illusion of a Jake and Austin relationship that floats your boat, and for not that, you would not be here or a Jake fan in the first place. Sure, calling me a troll helps with your rationale of I don't need to be logical with this one, (WE) are right mentality, but in the real world it makes no sense.
(Actually, in hindsight, the recent recurring troll invasions were just as predicted. Brought on by something big looming - the "breakup" and the potential that Jake has come to his senses and will be toning down the bearding. They seem almost in a panic over it. I have never doubted for a moment that Jake is gay, and they can rant for days on end about it but it will not change my opinion.)
You're stuck on this, aren't you. Jake and Reese will do what they want. I don't take much interest in what tabloids write, and even much of what some of the posters here write. IMO, it's the same.
Fans mad at Jake continue with the speculative BS theories and desparately hope for Jake not to succeed. That's the reason for most of the "Brothers" is not doing this, Jake is not good in it, POP will be a failure. What a bunch of fans. No one, or should I say I am not in a panic. I will support the guy in his movies because I like him and think he will become a great actor years from now. His private life is interesting, but I not gonna dig a ditch for him or anyone. The saying is: "You just might fall in it Yourself".
Jake didn't sound very mature when he kept going on and on about the merkin. He also acted like a child during his Ben Lyons interview. I don't think he's matured much at all. He's more like Reese's child than her bf.
I agree with Destiny - just becoming a parent doesn't automatically turn you into a drill sargeant - there are shrill mothers, authoritative fathers, laid back fathers, laissez-faire mothers. There's no one formula - and some parents ease up with each child. I think if there is a change in voice, and I'm not so sure it is such a dramatic one, it comes with growing up.
Jake has to appeal to a wide audience, and while talk of merkins didn't do much for me either, other parts of his interviews I liked. I'm looking forward to the latest one. I saw Brothers as well over the weekend, and I thought everyone was great in it. He may be overjoyed to be free again. :)
i can't speak for anyone else here, but i will speak for myself and - surprise - agree with you. as for me, i am not much of a Jake fan anymore.
i suck at being a fan of anyone because i need to be on an equal footing with the people i like and respect, or feel like they really are superior to me - like a great leader or humanitarian or person who sacrifices themself (time, money, effort) for a worthwhile cause.
jake is just a guy who makes mostly mediocre movies. he's cute - and his portrayal of Jack Twist changed my life. however, he has been - since then - mostly a huge disappointment to me. i was hoping that he would continue on the path that he was walking post BBM, because i liked him that way. he didn't, and he hooked up with probably the one person in HW who was guaranteed to destroy my joy in him.
i have nothing against RW personally, altho if the gen con opinion about her personality is true, i would not like her. however, my irrational hatred of her has nothing to do with her personally, or even my belief that she and jake are using each other for image control. i can understand that and don't even blame them for that.
no, my utter loathing of RW comes from a much more irrational place: she represents the girls i grew up with who always go whatever they wanted because they were cute and blonde and petite (i'm 5'10', reddish brown hair, and wasn't ever considered pretty until i passed 16.) i was smart, gawky, awkward and miserable and she (allison, diana, tina, shane, emily, lisa, etc) always got the guy, the attention, the best seat, etc, and i was always the outsider looking in, crying on the inside and trying to pretend it didn't matter.
more in next entry... s.
Yes, many of us have personal reasons for wanting J to be gay. We wanted him to represent us, be proud and out, be true to himself, give us hope, etc. I'm sure some of us just liked the idea of him not being with women because that made him unique or made him seem like ours in our dreams.
that wasn't really it for me. i truly think he's gay, so i never viewed him as someone i wanted, except maybe as a best gay guy friend, like what he seems to be for Reese. mainly, i just wanted him to keep going like he was because he was fun to write about. maybe that sounds selfish, but who cares.... it certainly didn't affect him in any way.
when he started going out with RW, of all people, he just totally destroyed my enjoyment of him. he obliterated it to the point where no, i don't want to see any movie that was made since he started seeing her. i still like the old ones, DD, Proof, BBM, etc, but nothing that includes her cooties in any way. call me childish and i won't refute you. i can't. i know i'm being a retard, but wtfe. that's how i feel and i think being honest about it is the best thing i can do for myself.
once this charade is over, i'm not sure how i'll feel, but i know that i'm not going to get past this as long as she is a spectre in his life. if he starts dating AH, fine. i don't care. anyone would be pref to me over RW. i'd like for him to come out, of course, because i feel like he'd be happier if he was living the life he wanted to live, but i'll be honest, my true feelings about him are more about what he means to me (inspiration) that who he truly is as a person.
i'm shallow and evil and mean. i can't even deny it. sorry. s.
Thanks Sienna for your Truthfulness openness. I understand this also.
Why do people feel the need to explain themselves to people like Former TB?
Former TB doesn't give a shit about you or your life, he's just trying to get something to use against you in his next comment.
Jake is gay and was bearding with Reese Witherspoon.
Big Names in Games Come Out for Spike TV's 'Video Game Awards 2009'
Academy Award(TM)-Nominated Actor Jake Gyllenhaal, Green Day, Snoop Dogg, Olivia Wilde And Zachary Quinto Kick-Off All-Star Line Up
Spike TV's 7th Annual "Video Game Awards 2009" Premiere LIVE On Saturday, December 12 At 8:00 PM ET
Academy Award(TM) nominated Actor Jake Gyllenhaal will be on hand to dole out the night's most prestigious honor, Game of the Year, as well as to present a special look at his upcoming Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films, future blockbuster "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time."
Jake clearly does not want to be judged just for his talent or he would not have taken up the showmance and gone along with all the arranged photo opps so that Reeke could get full-page spreads in US Reekly proclaiming their love. Week after week, sometimes two and three times a week. All Reeke all the time.
Any right Jake had to be judged solely on his talent was given up when he made Reese part of the bargain and practically demanded that his fans judge him based on that relationship. He demanded that we think of him as the straight, ordinary suburban "supportive" caring boyfriend and stepdad.
Funny how we're the ones being asked to just judge him on his talent, not all those homohphobic fan girls who wouldn't even utter the word Austin even when we got the new pictures of them together.
You left one thing out 2:57. The people who post here are living THEIR LIVES.
Why don't you go somewhere so it won't bother you so much? Seriously you seem so angry that people won't agree with you. It isn't healthy.
"Brothers" is not on my list of holiday films because of subject matter. Certainly not going to spend my unemployment dollars on a movie, a re-make, that should hand out Zoloft with the popcorn.
Now, I'll brave the wintery weather, sticky bathroom floors and crying babies for innovation, like Cameron's "Avatar", Peter 'LOTR G*d' Jackson' "The Lovely Bones", the newest from Disney and RDJ and Jude Law in "Sherlock Holmes." Fun films, innovative films, characters worth cheering, action and adventure, you know, all those things the take you out of Real Life for 127 mins plus trailers.
Whether that crosses my name off the Jake's Fan list, having the temerity of exercising personal choice over blind Stepford fandom, not one kvetch will be heard. This consumer's savvy is going for maximum movie experience enjoyment.
I know Jake won't even notice.
Sienna you couldnt have said it any better. My feelings are just like urs 100%. You said nothing mean or wrong and I can tell what u said was directly from the heart.
Reese talks about being hurt on Jonathan Ross
"I think I broke my foot. I’m not sure, I haven’t had a scan yet. I was taking a nap yesterday because I was real tired, I had jet lag. You know when your foot falls asleep… Then I stood up. Someone called me on the phone and I went to answer the phone, and I said, ‘Oh I tripped over my shoe or something!’ I looked down and it was my foot I had tripped over! And I hadn’t had a thing to drink! I was stone sober! Then it swelled up and now it’s all black and blue.”
It's a miracle!
LOL, Reese Witherspon is pathetic!
I guess she didn't break it since X17 supposedly has pictures of her running.
Oops! Oosted before I clicked on Pay Attention's link.
ME, Sorry to here you have joined the unemployed club. Must admit I am weary of being in it, the club really sucks. Can't wait till I get kicked out of for getting a job.
I am a Jake fan. I think he's a great actor and 28 to have two iconic movie roles that's nothing to sneeze at. Think what you want, but that's just what I think.
I wanted to see him play something different against the types he's played before and that's a reason I want to Brothers.
I really like Sheridan and I like the casting for Brothers. I know it is not a feel good movie, but with Sheridan being good at family relationships on film I want to see what he does with it. He made this a personal film for him to taking some of his own experiences with his own brothers for the film.
Didn't get there today still spending time on the phone with unemployment office. My love for bureaucracy grows. (Not!)
On a happy note my friend Peter and his partner Keith brought home their three newly adopted sons. (4, 6 and 8)They are all getting adjusted and finding out what it's like to be a family. Not home a week, they had a visit from the police because one of the boys called 911 because he was mad that he was sent to time out. The adventure begins.
OTH Spoiler Alert
When actress/model/aspiring screenwriter Alex Dupre slit her wrists in her hotel room bathtub. What was she thinking?
Its hard to understand exactly what was going through Alex's head when she got into the bathtub, but Jana said she thinks Alex just felt so alone after her fight with Julian (Austin Nichols) that she thought it was her only option. "Julian was the only person who actually believed in her. And when he said to never talk to him again,
In the coming weeks, the actress said the other characters will have to deal with the consequences of Alex's suicide attempt (were hoping that's all it is, at least). Julian especially will be affected, since he's the one who walked into Alex's room at the end of Mondays episode and hes the one who had the closest relationship with her. "He's going to feel, well, one, shocked. And then he is definitely going to kind of stick by me as much as he can through my recovery — if I recover." Jana Kramer Gives the Scoop on Alex's Suicide Attemp-Will She Live?
Spesh... (and others): i'm very glad that there are some true blue jake fans here. i feel bad that i'm here and that i'm a regular, but that i'm not an avid supporter. maybe one day i will be again. in the meantime, i'm still interested in him, and to be honest, i really want to get this chip off my shoulder about Reese, because it's not hurting anyone but me, and i've been sad and stupid over this for way long enough. talking about my own feelings here helps me, because you guys are the only ones who even have a chance of understanding it. everyone else pretty much things im certifiable, and sometimes that's what i think too. so thanks for letting me spew here sometimes. i hope you enjoy the movie and look forward to your review!
hugs all around. s.
Sienna , it's brave of you to speak so freely about your feeling.
I think you're right, we all take in jake something we can relate with. I guess it's deeply in us, there is no need to justify it. People who don't understand or don't want to make the effort should simply give up cause it's wasting their time and they could do things more productive.
Besides, I liked what you said about Reese and something intrigued me. When you talk about thoses pretty girls in college who had everything for them thiking of reese, I have just the contrary image of her in mind. I would bet she was the "ugly little duck" younger , not at all the cliche popular bomb . And that could explain her need to prove she is stronger than anyone else.
I so agree with you special K!!!
LOLLLLL! Special, that is hilarious! Well, course, not hilarious to call 911, but his reasoning behind it. That is so funny.
Wow. 3 boys. Talk about jumping into the pool in the deep end. That's great, though. They are going to have a great Christmas, I hope.
Me, I am sorry, too to hear of your employement situation. My thoughts go out to it being as short of a time period as possible. Darn ol' companies and budgets anyway.
It is wonderful to see you, Me.
You are always so well spoken. 1/2 of my reasoning is just like yours. I just don't want to go see a depressing movie in the theatre, anyway. On a dvd, at least I can control it and FF through what I don't want to watch.
Hmmmm...I may have to give OTH another shot. I kind of like the idea of Julian and Alex, actually. She has alot of spunk & at least I can understand her when she talks, unlike Brooke who I can't get past her voice.
having the temerity of exercising personal choice over blind Stepford fandom
Me are you aware that this blind stepford fandom that you speak of could also be used to describe the follow the leader attitude of some with a "I don't like Jake because he's not coming out, he's not with Austin and he's bearding" mentality? Then complain.
Endless fawning / Endless complaining. All the Same..
all those homohphobic fan girls who wouldn't even utter the word Austin
Who, us?
And I hadn’t had a thing to drink! I was stone sober!
She sounds surprised, as if being sober for her is unusual.
Dear Josh I dont think we have any leaders or followers here on the blog. I just dont see that. Each person here is unique and has their own reasons for what they think. I like todays conversation. No one should feel bad for wanting to see the movie or not seeing the movie. I know I have had some frustrations with those who want to see the movie but that is their choice and I respect it.
Hey kids!! Gather 'round. It's storytime!! Destiny! Elinor! Tom, you sit down over there. Smiley, now let Former TB in, don't leave him pinned against the furnace register. There ya go, thank you...Sienna, come, come! Great to see everyone here...Now here we go..Twas the night of Star Magazine reading and allllll through the house....
Now, here it is, the reeeeeeal lowdown, right from ol' Star.
Jake & Reese: Unhappy Holidays:
The couple of two years spend Thanksgiving Day apart as they reach the breaking point.
More than 40 guests joined IM for a Thanksgiving feast at her L.A. home. But as she counted her blessings, she couldn't count Jake Gyllenhaal among them. Her boyfriend of two years was a no-show, and multiple sources confirm they've split.
"Everyone was told not to mention his name," a Thanksgiving guest tells Star. "She's not ready to talk about it yet." Though Reese put on a happy face, singing with friends at the piano, inside she was heartbroken. "We were all sad for her," says the source. "Thanksgiving is such a family holiday and we all know Reese just wants to be part of a close family unit again."
Reese, 33, thought she'd found that with Jake, 28. But in recent weeks, says the source, "she'd been saying that he seemed distant."
Jake has always gotten along with Ava, 10, and Deacon, 6, IM's kids with Ryan Phllippe. But a second insider says, "he isn't ready to be tied down. He wants to get married one day, but he felt like Reese was pushing him into it. He got freaked out and said he wasn't ready for such a commitment."
The couple finally had it out after Thanksgiving, and Jake told her he needed a break. Says the source, "They had a huge fight. Reese was crying and devestated, but Jake was insistent that they take time apart." And on Nov 29, he sent his assistant to remove two suitcases of belongings form her home."
Star Magazine, Dec 14, 2009 issue
Oh Mighty Merkin!
Glenn Beck's The Christmas Merkin
They had a huge fight. Reese was crying and devestated.
Big full page pic (from Lakers game of course, one where they're both looking very pensive). Big headlines. "Is it Over?"
Man oh man....Isn't it funny how they're all using from the old Reeke archive, pictures from that Laker game? That Laker Game is the big PendaFlex file marked "Most Decent Reeke File Photos"
They have nothing else to draw from. The finger poke pic sure isn't going to work. That big yawn Birthday dinner pic surely wouldn't work. Yogurt family pics? Oh yeah, now there's a real family fun outing. Let's use one of those pictures!!!
It's allllll about her.
It's allllll about her.
Poor, poor little, tiny dancer Ice Maiden. She gave of herself, gave of her heart....and now Jakey's just stomping allll over it with his demands and now distant behavior. Poor little tiny IM.
Gah. Does anyone have some Puffs tissue? I seem to be all out. How about some tree bark? That ought to take care of it.
That was the worst fanfic ever, worst than People and Us put together!! They even used the X17online "story" about the suitcase, of course they couldn't source them because the site which is a pap site failed to take pics or video, LOL!!!
But I thought that he was the one pushing for marriagea and wantd to settle down, or was that People, or Ok?? Or the Us fanfic about them being happy as clams and People is full of shit?
Boy Jake and Reese's PR sure had fun last week planting all these BS stories even involving those assholes at X17, and then deny it after just for some cheap Pr for Brothers. Jake announcement was a nice touch I have to admit.
I sure hope you read that while standing on line at Walmart PG, i hope you didn't actually by that. If you did you can always use it as toilet paper.
lol, pr.
I thought that thing was hilarious. Is there someone earning alot more than me and getting paid to write this dribble? I wanna know!!!!
PG... How freaking bizarre!! It almost makes me wonder if they really are fighting - you know, over the contract negotiations or whatever - and maybe this is his way out of hitting back for all the Pussy Whipped Jake stories that have been coming out. If so, good for him. :)
Prairie Girl stop tainting us. Pollute something else with your filth.
LOL!! Sorry, H2O! Where was my head? Dasani & Aquafina Inc. very well may be after my head!
I am sorry, Austin, but I can hardly get through this episode of OTH. I'm afraid my TV has spent more minutes on ABC with Tanta Kringle & the gang than on this show.
What happened to this show??? Even from just last year? I can't hardly take it. It's absolutely so not interesting.
I swear, that little boy of Nathan's needs to get second or third billing he's on there so much.
Apology accepted Prairie Girl. The flash flood and tsunami for Kansas is canceled.
OTH = Over The Hill
I wanted to see him play something different against the types he's played before and that's a reason I want to (see) Brothers.
You will not be disappointed.
Listen to the strumming of guitar strings.
Was just reading USA in the Life section and glad to see that Brothers finished number 3. I must say I am surprised only because, only because! it's a war drama and I really did not think that kind of movie would be attractive to a holiday audience. I'm glad I was wrong in my thinking. It said that it was a surprise number 3 and that it grossed a couple million extra than analysts projected.
I am watching my John Denver & the Muppets Christmas dvd. I love that holiday special. It's not remastered or anything but I don't care. I just love John Denver. His voice is so soothing and his music so peaceful. It really can enhance a holiday spirit.
Finished bringing in the rest of our holiday totes because we're going to be getting snow & yuk-ko stuff all day tomorrow so we figured since we'd be penned inside all evening, may as well finish decorating the tree and the apartment. I'm not getting out everything this year; only my favorites. It's a scaled down Christmas this year, both spending wise, decorating wise, and just overall stress wise.
Dad's passing so recently will make it a little tougher and I was talking to my primary care doctor today. She has been through the same thing and she had some heartfelt tips on how to handle the upcoming holiday.
LOLLLL! Lookit John Denver & Miss Piggy running towards each other in slow mo. LOLLLL!
Well, it's nice to see things have quieted down this evening. Did we all burn ourselves out? lol.
Come on, you have to kind of laugh about it now. Either laugh or just plain scratch your head. What a couple of days. I wouldn't care to experience any more like it for awhile, I don't know about anyone else. This is no way to spend a holiday season, fighting, arguing, bickering, and carrying on.
We are better than this, I know it. We have had such good times on here and the core of this group are such good, good, good people.
I don't care what one person says who doesn't know you. I know you well enough. I have met you and I have talked to you all around a dinner table, a breakfast table, standing around in Wicked's kitchen or visiting in her living room and in the car, on subways, strolling throgh the cities together, at the National March one afternoon, standing on the platforms waiting for those trains, via emails and endlessly on the phone. You are good, good people with alot of love. alot of caring.
There is not enough time in this world to waste it by spewing out hate at one another. It's nonsense and it's not doing any good to any of us and our hearts. This is a season of love and it just saddens me to get caught up in the kind of ugliness which once again has taken place of which I was just as big a part of as anyone. I don't know why it has to happen. For some reason, OMG gets trolled much uglier & hatefully than those on WFT2. I'm not saying that they should be but I'm just trying to figure out why it gets so nasty on here. I'm trying to figure out what is the firestarter. It either has to do with Austin or just because we use names here so people figure they "know" us. Therefore making us easier targets.
Anyway, if anyone wants to knock me upside the head or tell me to shut the hell up, that's alright. I tend to blabber on when I shouldn't. But I can't tell you how much today bummed me out. I didn't even want to get on here.
Anyway, I'll hush now. Time to write a couple of paragraphs and hit the hay. Gee, can't wait to drive in that snow tomorrow.
"In Brothers, Sheridan doesn’t exploit wartime distress; he expertly locates it in the decency of Tommy coming back to the fold, bringing friends to remodel Grace’s kitchen. It’s also apparent in the armed services legacy upheld by the brothers’ father (Sam Shepard giving a masterful performance in a few simple strokes) and in the different fears that animate the brotherss eyes—making Maguire and Gyllenhaal, at first so dissimilar, strikingly alike. As they change, their reversal turns one into the other. Positive or negative, the similarity is haunting, a movie form of Springsteen magic.
The most jolting aspect of Brothers is the seriousness of its undeniably sexy cast; Maguire, Portman and Gyllenhaal represent—idealize—common forms of modern experience. That’s rare to see outside movies that falsify American life (such as George Clooney in Up in the Air or Nicole Kidman in anything). Attractiveness draws the lives of the Cahills closer. Acting out anguish or ardor, they enhance those emotions and make them identifiable. This also appears in breathtaking details like the squabbling daughters who replay sibling rivalry in the next generation. At an extraordinary celebration dinner scene, children intuit adult tensions while suffering their own confusion."
NY Press
Thanks PG for taking one for the team by reading and reporting on those tabloid stories for us. Luckily for us you have a strong stomach. :-D :-D
OTH Spoiler
It's a Christmas, no wait a One Tree Hill miracle. Nathan Haley and Jamie stay in Tree Hill. Nathan is back on the Bobcats thanks to Clay who gets back Nathan and gets another client thanks to Quinn who not only goes into the immense ocean but also tries out for cheerleading and get Clay to fall in love with her without picking her camera back up either. Dan quits his show, divorces his wife, and gives all his money away and finds forgiveness from his grandson.
Skills and Mouth say bye bye and Go West! Millie pulls a Britney and checks in to rehab only to sneak out. Will she shave her head too?
But what you really want to know is the Davis Triangle. Julian finds Alex and saves her life gettting her to the hospital in time. He waits in the hospital to see if she'll make it, Brooke comes to sit next to him, you wonder if she is doing out of support or to get ammunition for the next round of emotional theater. It's a Hanukkah, no wait a One Tree Hill writers miracle, they got the money to make the movie. A reason for Alex to live and something for Julian to do. What we come to find out is that Julian is bf with a Superhero complex, not for the cape, he wants to save damsels in distress. But it does look kiddos that Julian and Brooke are on the outs despite his 50th profession of his love and devotion to Brooke's zip, and a new surfing stranger rolls into town and right into Clothes over Bros.
You can't make this up. Wait yes you can that what they do.
PG: i think you are being to hard on yourself. lots of folks took part in the discussion today, and i for one was very glad to get to say what i said - it was good to get that off my chest. i think others enjoyed the opportunity to talk about their own feelings in the matter as well. i have no idea what Former Tber's motive was: i'm very naive and didn't really get into it like you did, but i think at least some of the times, people just get at cross purposes accidentally, or my misreading each other. i'm dunno. like i said, i'm naive, but regardless of why he was here, there was some good discussion that i think many of us enjoyed, and that's the main thing. and you will be here long after all the guests have gone and forgotten all about us. so don't worry. it's all good!! :)
Wow, just got here and 69 comments. I had to get a piece of paper and take notes.
Destiny, you are right about the body changing every 7 years. I can recall my mother telling me to expect that even when I was a child.
Not sure why, I'm in a weird mood, I guess, but I thought tonight's OTH was better than the most recent episodes. Yes, the plot was inconceivable but that is pretty standard on network TV. It had the least amount of crying of every episode since the season began, so maybe that helped. I hope Austin gets a better role next year. Detective, policeman, something where he can do some action scenes. And on cable so we can get some real sex scenes like the 6ft under days.
I woke up to snow this AM. Yes I know all of you are saying BFD, but this is California. Cars had snow on them driving to work and we even had people living at higher elevations who could not make it to work today. It was a hoot.
Not much else to add except I've enjoyed the spirited discussions. It had been getting slow there for a while but between Brothers and the breakup, we've been rejuvenated. Now if we could just get a new biking picture.
People do tend to change ever 7 years yes, but what I was saying earlier about Jake's voice, is not the physiological aspect of his speaking but the delivery that is different. Physiology doesn't play into the tone, the cadence of self assurance, authoritativeness or confidence in which is more apparent in his most recent interview. Like Aural said it is the shorten more clipped words, the speed, the presence in his voice.
Take an old interview and listen to a minute or two and they play the new one from Kimmel for a couple minutes and flip back and forth and you can really hear the difference.
"Nathaniel over at The Film Experience just published a post discussing the potential confusion over a few Oscar contenders whose performances may be confused for lead performances when they are actually supporting and vice versa. His list, however, doesn't include one I just watched yesterday, but first for his…
Melanie Laurent, Christoph Waltz and Brad Pitt in Inglourious Basterds
Anthony Mackie in The Hurt Locker
Woody Harrelson in The Messenger
Christian McKay in Me and Orson Welles
Jake Gyllenhaal in Brothers
I don't think he needs to worry much about Melanie Laurent or Brad Pitt, both of which are obviously supporting if you ask me. Or Jake Gyllenhaal, although I wouldn't mind seeing Gyllenhaal get a nod for Brothers considering I thought his was the best performance in it… but for what category? Lionsgate has placed him in the Best Supporting Actor category, but in reality all three (Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman) are co-leads in that film if anything, which could cause voting confusion."
There is something going on again at Tiger Woods' home.
CNN doesn't even have anything on it yet.
Charbydis, in the midst of things yesterday, I had missed your Blind Gossip BV. Then I saw it mentioned on my provider homepage. It would seem to point to Reeke. I could see them appearing together a few more times (to fulfill obligations) but how stupid would that be if indeed they are over? I'd tell my mgr. not doing it. Maybe the managers get paid on a commission basis. Maybe they're like that old classic rumor about troopers in that they have this quota of tickets they're supposed to issue every month. Wouldn't that be something.
LOL, Destiny. Yeah, I took one for the team. I thought the whole thing was absolutely hilarious. Of course I don't believe any of it other than I think they have dissolved the fauxmance. This singing around the piano sounds like part of the template that was passed around to all the tabloid outlets. No one was allowed to change that part. Have to have that part in it - gotta have the singing in there.
And I'm glad no one saw anything bad about yesterday. I must be overly sensitive.
I did think that ocean scene with Clay & Quinn was cute. He's adorable; too adorable for words. And Quinn had annoyed me up until this point.
I would actually rather see Julian with Alex than Brooke; I think there's at least something more substantial with Julian & Alex than Julian & Brooke. The fact that they had that scene with Julian professing his love for Brooke just before those last couple of scenes makes Julian's words sound hollow.
Okay, well, we shall see later what has happened at Tiger Woods' home. I hope everyone's alright.
Woman Taken to Hospital from Tiger Woods' House
^^An OMG slash fan found out that Jake was straight
You will not be disappointed.
Listen to the strumming of guitar strings.
Rattler, did you notice that too? The person I went to see Bros. with whispered it to me. :)
Listen to the strumming of guitar strings.
Did you see Crazy Heart trailer with Jeff Bridges and Maggie?
^^Oh yes . . . I thought immediately that Jeff Bridges is Oscar worthy. He's awesome in the trailer, and I loved Maggie's voice. Can't wait for that one. :)
Sorry Porcine,
as you know, Jake is gay as a goose!
That's OK. You have finally convinced me with your spectral analysis of the changes in Jake's voice, which confirms the presence of BT. Can you tell the sex of BT by the way Jake says "Beard"?
Much obliged for the forensic talent here. Please keep documenting this compelling evidence. TTYL
Playing stupid doesn't make you look smart. Just the opposite.
Can you say I.R.O.N.Y.
Um, it's called sarcasm.
Maybe it's better if Jake says "merkin", then you can determine the sex of little BT.
Poor trolls.
lol lol
The trolls must be here because of that blind item and Ted's recent posts
Poor trolls.
Isn't that sweet. Your sympathy is better directed towards the people who believe you can tell someone has a child by listening to Jake on youtube. LMAO
Poor tinfoil hatters. Ignore the elephant in the room and call all dissenters trolls. That's why this site attracts so many trolls LOL
You don't care about opinions.
Trolls like you can't stand people who believe Jake is gay, especially because babblers thought that bearding would work and make Jake look straight.
A randoom thought on a Tuesday morning. Reeke has been such a disaster, does that ruin it for Jake ever being able to talk into anyone else bearding for him?
^^I think you answered your own question
Destiny... ^^^^^^
it would be wonderful if his bearding days were over,but i dunno - i'm not disagreeing with anyone's take on him having matured, but personally, i don't see it - at least not as much as ya'll do - and i think maturity and confidence are what he needs to have the courage to stand on his own two feet, and especially to come out.
we watched the Matrix the other day, which made me think of Keanu Reeves, someone we rarely see when he's not promoting a film. i think he's gay, and i think that he's realized that if he's going to live a HW life, he would have to deal with it. he didn't want to, so he took himself out of the problem by living elsewhere, and privately.
i constantly read about J&R, the super-private couple, and it's such a joke. if you are constantly putting yourself in front of the paps, you're not living a private life, whether you talk to them or not. you're living a nicole richie, lindsey lohan, jessica simpson kind of life. the real private stars of HW (katherine zeta jones, pierce brosnon, bruce willis) only show up in the mags very sporadically.
so while i'm hoping for "single" Jake, i'm not counting on it. several folks over at WFT2 were commenting on how awkward it seemed that he kept talking about merkins and getting naked and making out with his costars. i didn't listen to the interviews so i can't really give much feedback on it, but just as a general comment, that whole bit comes across as childish.
we shall see, however. it will be interesting to watch. :)
He will find someone else don't worry !!!!
About BT, hope Ted is going to tell few words on his next BI cause it's getting suspicious now.
You come across as whackjobs with your half-baked theories about footprints, voices, blue rings etc.
Troll, why are you always here?
The elephant is still in the room
And it's a pink elephant!
I'm riding on its back!
Why do you care if you really believe Jake isn't gay?
Talk durty to me Mr Jakey
"i think maturity and confidence are what he needs to have the courage to stand on his own two feet, and especially to come out"
Do you really see him to come out when star more famous and older than him, presumed gay too,don't even think of it?
Why do you care if you really believe Jake isn't gay?
I'm not referring to whether he is gay or straight.
I'm just stating my opinion that the evidence that some people put forth to "prove" there is a BT (footprints, voice analysis) is ludicrous.
Who said it was hard evidence? It's all opinion here. If you don't like it, leave. Go find a blog where you can be a positive factor, not a negative one.
If you question it, you're called a troll.
- The troll xx
I'm just stating my opinion ...
Yeah, righ! LOL
You are just trashing opinions about Jake being gay on the JiG blog.
If I had a dollar for every trolling my JIG sites get I wouldn't need the box office!
You are just trashing opinions about Jake being gay on the JiG blog.
For the third time, I'm talking about the wonderous evidence cited for BT's existence.
The only proof of anything today is that you fail at comprehension.
Stop playing stupid, no one ever claimed to have any evidence.
Yes Troll,
No-one ever claimed there was any evidence, but our knickers sure get tight if you refute the evi--, er, I mean speculation
realist... honestly... i dunno if he will have the courage/balls to do so or not. as you said, lots of older guys haven't, but - and i see this as important - guys much older than J are in a different mind-set about being gay. to them - even if they don't believe it themselves - they are going to be tainted by the "That's nasty, dirty stuff that only sickos and sissy-boys do."
I think Jake's feelings about it - and his perceptions of how other folks see it - are a bit more modern. Therefore, i think if he could get over the huge spectre it sheds on his career potential, he might be able to do it. I don't think George Clooney has a chance of doing it. He's too buried in the old mindset that was the prevailing thought when he was growing up.
jmho. s.
but our knickers sure get tight if you refute the evi--, er, I mean speculation
No, OMG does not care what you think, we are just tired of trolls and their BS.
ooooooo go away you naughty troll, as we do not have any evidence (as stated by a regular above - quote of the century LOL) any you have found us out oooooooooooooo boohoo
use your head for once.
Babblers have ZERO evidence that Jake is straight, all you have is your OPINION.
Hey guys, forget the troll. Head on over to spooky's site and click on the link to a terrific podcast with Austin. My advice, find something to do for the first 9 minutes as he is not on until then. But his portions lasts about 20 minutes once it starts. As usual, he is charming, interesting and open about himself.
Totally agree with everything you've said Sienna.
It's not just about the bearding with Jake, it's also about trying to make him into tabloid fodder. It is clear from the gossip sites that have no association with pr that nobody has interest in Reeke, and, increasingly as a result, Jake himself.
Some stars clearly have the tabloids and paps chasing after them, like Brangelina and the Twilight actors. Brangelina tries to manage it, the Twilight actors try to avoid it.
Reeke tried to create it, which, in addition to the lies involved, I just find pathetic and tacky. It's so Heidi and Spencer.
I don't expect Jake to come out, he's shown with Reeke he doesn't have the balls to even live in a glass closet like we are increasingly seeing with other stars, like Reeves, and Quinto and Bomer too.
I totally agree with what you said Sienna about there being a generational difference, which is one reason why I am willing to cut older stars some slack, but not the younger ones, especially those under 30. I recognize that things truly were different 10, 15, 20 years ago, and that it might be difficult for those start to change now. Like Clooney.
The most I think we can hope for is that Jake goes the keeping it private route and we don't see any more bearding. But all that babbling during promotion doesn't give me any hope either. He is clearly still immature, insecure and a pleaser.
Podcast will have to wait until tonight. :-(
**stamps feet** Now if Jake doesn't come out and hook-up with Austin in public, and cart BT out of from under the bed, then I'm not going to see his films anymore WAAAAAAHHHHHHH
They'll go away if you don't bite.
Trolls will never go away. They will post less only if their posts are deleted.
Trying to do the post about the podcast and transcript some of Austin's comments. Was up late listening to it and fell asleep, and woke up a little bit ago.
**stamps feet** Now if Jake doesn't come out and hook-up with Austin in public, and cart BT out of from under the bed, then I'm not going to see his films anymore WAAAAAAHHHHHHH
^^ You awta go way from here.
ROTFLMAO that was funny
Just stupid, not funny.
The smell of troll fear is overpowering. I wonder what they got wind of.
Here is the link to the interview, rather that picking out bits and pieces and spinning them to serve a certan agenda.
It seems to me that all of Austin's time is pretty much accounted for and he seems to be with Sophia at work and then on the weekends, going back to late summer until now.
Last week Germany/Turkey
The weekend before that NY
The two weeks prior LA
The last week in oct marfa tx
weeks prior to that in LA
first week in Oct Texas
Also someone who posted on the OTH board and conducted interviews with both of them for a local wilmington paper said. They do not share the same agent or rep and those who thought that are wrong.
rather that picking out bits and pieces and spinning them to serve a certan agenda
Do you have a mirror?
Passing by the interview was made about a month ago. Definitely before his USO trip.
And the three Fridays he was in LA he was working.
The interview was done the week after he attending attended the screening of "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" in NYC. Which he was photographed at the after party with Sophia. He was filming in Wilmington at the start of the week (some of the concert scenes) and several extras blogged the saw him filming. Midweek they went on the USO trip. He states in the interview that he went to the screening the weekend before.
When he was in LA he was photographed going to breakfast/Lunch with Sophia.
He was also interviewed another weekend at parties with her during that weekend.
I don't see why it's so hard to understand or accept. They go places together and they don't hide the fact that they are there at the same time. They might not be talking about their relationship but they don't have a problem being photographed together. They took photos in NYC,they took photos for the USO tour, they took photos at the marfta event together as well.
So it isn't like a random person twitters they saw them with nothing to back it up.
The interview was done the week after he attending attended the screening of "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" in NYC. Which he was photographed at the after party with Sophia. He was filming in Wilmington at the start of the week (some of the concert scenes) and several extras blogged the saw him filming. Midweek they went on the USO trip. He states in the interview that he went to the screening the weekend before.
When he was in LA he was photographed going to breakfast/Lunch with Sophia.
He was also interviewed another weekend at parties with her during that weekend.
I don't see why it's so hard to understand or accept. They go places together and they don't hide the fact that they are there at the same time. They might not be talking about their relationship but they don't have a problem being photographed together. They took photos in NYC,they took photos for the USO tour, they took photos at the marfta event together as well.
So it isn't like a random person twitters they saw them with nothing to back it up.
They might not be talking about their relationship ...
Not true - Sophia talked about their FRIENDSHIP more than once.
Seems to me that Sophia said they were just friends knowing that they were going to be spending a lot of time together over the coming months.
Is anyone from Australia on this board? OK and Who have huge articles this week on the big breakup with lots of details and reasons. So using the word girlfriend did nothing to stop the gossip from gaining momentum. I wonder what the American mags will have this week.
They might not be talking about their relationship ...
Not true - Sophia talked about their FRIENDSHIP more than once.
Hey now! Don't confront passingby with things that Austin and Sophia have actually said!
Clearly they're both just jealous of the amazing relationship they have and they're both living in their little fantasy world, convincing themselves that they're not a couple for the sake of advancing their agenda!
Seriously! How can you not see that!?! It's so obvious!
"Not true - Sophia talked about their FRIENDSHIP more than once."
Where? recently whan the question has been asked Austin he didn't say anything.
Who is the OZ version of People, notice the similar cover/stories. Most likely it the same People story, it even has the same pic and headline: What went wrong.
OZ Ok is probably the same us fanfic, exccept they put them on the cover.
Now which story did Ok have? Jake didn't want to get married? Resse didn't want to get married? They are taking a break and Maggie has intervened, LOL!!!
Where? recently whan the question has been asked Austin he didn't say anything.
Sorry, didn't save the links, but I'm sure Passingby will be more than happy to help, she is documenting Austin and Sophia's every move!
Austin and Sophia have been friends for years - long before he was in OTH they were beachwalking together. With Jake :)
I believe in BT because Ted confirmed his existence.
I remain puzzled by visitors to this site looking for proof and evidence of whatever. Who would have thought Tiger Woods had so many girlfriends? Who knew Farrah Fawcett was spending so much time with her old flame in her final years? None of us. We only see what we're shown, so conventional 'evidence' really means next to nothing.
'Cover'-up over Tiger's flapjack floozy
Tiger Woods' sizzling date with a hotcakes waitress was the reason he agreed to pose for a rare cover shoot for Men's Fitness magazine, sources said yesterday.
Woods was "getting busy" with Perkins eatery waitress/manager Mindy Lawton in his SUV -- and reportedly drove up to her trailer park -- in the spring of 2007 when they were photographed by a lensman from the National Enquirer, sources said.
As The Post first reported last week, an embarrassed Team Tiger quickly agreed to let the golf great be the featured cover art for another America Media publication, Men's Fitness, to keep the story from getting out.
This, despite Tiger's exclusive deal with rival publication Golf Digest.
"[American Media CEO] David Pecker knew about Tiger Woods' infidelity a long time ago. [Pecker] traded silence for a Men's Fitness cover," former editor Neal Boulton told The Post. Pecker angrily denied the charge. It was the last Mindy saw of Tiger, but the busty flapjack server exacted her own revenge -- spilling her guts to the British newspaper News of the World about her fling with the world's greatest golfer. "All Tiger cared about was getting me into bed," she told the tab. "Tiger just used me as his sex toy."
New York Post
Just to clear something up, I provided the link and did not pull out any of it to support or not support what I think. It is what it is, he says what he says.
The person who did the interview stated the week prior that Austin did the interview right before they went on holiday break for Thanksgiving. Then during the interview Austin is talking about the short film he just did with M.Bello and he mentions that he just attended the private viewing for her movie Pippy Lee this last weekend.
This is not spin, it's just some facts. Fact is he himself states he attended the event, fact is that he was there with Sophia and they were photographed by the press together at the after party.
Fact is the interview took place the monday or tuesday right before he went to Germany/Turkey.
Are you okay Special? When we last heard from you quite some time ago you were working on the new post.
Hmmm, didn't Austin do the Men's Fitness fashion shoot around the time the NE ran the story about Jake and Austin??? Not that I think he would turn down any publicity like that anyway, but that Tiger Woods story has got me wondering.
Just to clear something up, I provided the link and did not pull out any of it to support or not support what I think
We didn't forget your 100 trolling posts. Stop playing stupid and insulting our intelligence.
The problem Passingby is that nobody is disputing that Austin has spent time with Sophia, so I don't know why you keep bringing it up like we are.
Hmmm so I wonder what Disney/ABC has on Jake, could be why he only did Kimmel talk show.
Hmmm, didn't Austin do the Men's Fitness fashion shoot around the time the NE ran the story about Jake and Austin??? Not that I think he would turn down any publicity like that anyway, but that Tiger Woods story has got me wondering.
Special if you need help, post a message for us. We'll call 911 for you.
The problem is Passingby didn't.
Yeah Spesh I am worrying too. Whats up?
I am not sure I am following you Destiny. How does what happened with Tiger relate to Austin.
I left a message @ her house, Destiny.
Special, if we don't hear from you soon, I've got another number to call and I'll call it!
Just worried.
No one is disputing Austin & Sophia have been out together. They've traveled together. They're obviously very good friends and very comfortable with each other.
What neither one has stated is that they are a romantic couple seriously dating. In fact, Austin particularly has never said any such thing.
And we do not have accounts of Austin's whereabouts since he returned from the USO trip; I believe was maybe to have been either Wed night or sometime Thurs. I think it probably would've been sometime Thursday.
We also do not have a record of Jake's specific whereabouts on Thanksgiving.
Personally, I think Jake wanted to be ready for Austin's return to US soil and that was one of the reasons he probably did not go to CA for the holiday.
Let's make this clear, there is no way if Jake G & Austin Nichols were caught in some act that any publication would settle with the payoff that Austin is on the cover.
Austin is a c level celebrity (I love him but that's what he is)
Magazines aren't seeking him to be on the cover. If Austin got a cover it was because HBO was pushing their new drama and replacement for the Sopranos.
I'm laughing so hard at the actual thought that putting Austin on the cover and not Jake would be the payoff. Also, I'd like to mention that Jake is on the covers of magazines for promotion of is movies.
Tom, I didn't realize Men's Health was owned by the same company as the National Enquirer. I believe that the NE ran that story about Jake & Austin possibly being a couple around the same time that the photoshoot of Austin ran in Men's Health. After reading how Tiger Woods was on the cover as part of a payoff to keep quiet, it just got me to wondering about Jake and Austin. Doubt there was anything like that or it would have been Jake on the cover, not Austin on the inside of the magazine, but still.....
Got ya Destiny. I got a feeling I know what SK is doing and we will get the review when she gets home.
Let's make this clear, there is no way if Jake G & Austin Nichols were caught in some act that any publication would settle with the payoff that Austin is on the cover.
It is clear that if Jake G & Austin Nichols were caught in some act every publication would take hush money.
Hope so Tom. Maybe Special is having internet problems again and that's why we do not have the new post she mentioned earlier.
Special's fine! Special's fine!
She's still having trouble getting the post up due to technical problems. She's on but then she's off. She's on and then she's off.
So I am here, using my cyber megaphone to declare "Rest Assured!"
Thank goodness.
So as we all were!!
On second thought, maybe not all of us as we were, lol.
I did not know about that NE story, Destiny, but now I see it on their webpage.
The fallout may be beginning for him, too, as it said that Gatorade is dropping him.
That whole story is unbelievable.
And I don't care what anyone says, that story just goes to show it doesn't matter what forum you're talking about.
Money/favors can be and are exchanged under the table in every business, every profession, any instance.
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