Last week Jake was seen out shopping in WeHo picking up some presents, but for who. Well maybe one of the stores was a clue. Jake was seen shopping at Douglas Fir. No its not's a gardner supply or a Christmas shop or even lumberjack wear, but a men's clothing store.
Douglas Fir adds subtle class in notoriously loud and casual Los Angeles. The men's store keeps it simple and elegant. Fine button down shirts, well cut pants made in soft fabrics, luxurious sweaters and not a single "Everything's bigger in Texas" T-shirt in sight
Here's a video peak at Douglas Fir.

Hopefully it won't give away too much, but sure that Austin will have plenty to unwrap.
Speaking of the tall as tree man, way back in the fall there was a picture of Austin's co-star Sophia attending an Art of Elysium event with Austin's brother in law Rowdy Stovall. Many people alluded to it as a sign of her having romantic relationship with Austin.
Well this tape, may clear things up. It seems like they were collaborators on a project for Art of Elysium. Used as one of the commercials for Flip cameras, Sophia and Rowdy teamed up on a piece, shot on a Flip camera, about a class on How to Shoot Video. And who would be better to teach it than a director Rowdy, and talking to an actress Sophia. The comercial is a great way to get the group some more national recognition, and I bet that Flip was super cool and gifted their cameras to the programs that Art of Elysium runs.
Dear Ted:
What you said about Jake needing a date to the Prince of Persia premiere...may I suggest Anne Hathaway? I've seen this coming since their "steamy" sex scenes were mentioned. Please tell me she is smarter than this!
Dear Failed Cupid:
Don't think they're right for each other. Like, at all.
Dear Ted:
Okay, this is getting ridiculous—while I've read your column for years, lately I've taken to writing in, and I swear I'm communicating more with you than with my mother. But on to my request: can you please please give me a hint as to the identity of Shafterella Shoshstein? It was my six-year sobriety birthday yesterday and it seemed that everything that could go wrong, did, so this would really perk things up a bit for me! (And be easier than calling my sponsor. kidding.)
Dear Clue Hunting:
Awesome job on the six years, hon! So what kind of clues are you looking for? She's working on her next move as we speak.
Dear Ted:
My faith in Blind Vices are restored! Cannot wait to find out more about Nelly Fang! Is Nelly a vampire on a television network or in a movie? If it's a television network, two letters or three? I'm pretty much asking you to hand him over on a silver platter huh?
Dear Nice Try:
You're getting too specific there, sweets. Nelly's smolderingly hot...that narrow it down enough?
Dear Ted:
Is Nelly Fang David Boreanez?
Dear Wrong Guessin':
Nope! Close 'tho.
Dear Ted:
I don't think of myself as sensitive, but today's BV description of Nelly Fang was far too graphic for me. Way TMI. I love your BVs, but could you tone down the physical description next time, please? Squirming here.
Dear Virgin Eyes:
Oh relax, it was just a couple of deets. And that was tame compared to some of the other stuff Nelly said. That definitely wasn't appropriate for print.
Dear Ted:
Sweets, love your blolumn! But please give it to me straight is Nelly Fang Jackson Rathbone?
Dear Vamps Gone Wild:
Don't think he's the kind of guy to pull this stuff in public...think more rebellious.
Dear Ted:
You're a brave man, Ted. Regardless of who Nelly Fang actually is, the Twihards are going to have you for lunch. Those people are crazy. Thanks for the work days wouldn't be the same without you.
Dear Risk Taker:
It is what it is, just givin' them the facts!
Bitch Back
globalgreenusa: We have some great premiums available for end of year-please join Jake Gyllenhaal and others in supporting us!
about 2 hours ago
'Brothers' Press Conference LA pics
Looked at Douglas Fir link. Austin would wear everything in that store. Wonder what Jake got him?
I love this song.
Jake celebrated his 29th birthday as a single man on Saturday, Dec. 19, partying and dancing with pal Matt Dillon at Thompson’s Smyth TriBeCa Hotel in NYC.
“Jake was having a guys night,” an eyewitness tells “He was dancing while Mark Ronson DJ’d and stayed for about two hours, just enjoying himself. He hung out with Matt the whole time though, there were definitely no other women involved.
He hung out with Matt the whole time
LOL since Austin couldn't get to NYC because of the storm, Matt was either Jake's date or his watchdog.
"just enjoying himself. He hung out with Matt the whole time though, there were definitely no other women involved."
1) When the heck has Jake ever hung out with Matt Dillon. 2) The implications are as heavy as anvil, about Jake's sexuality and 3)Finally why would Jake want to have the rumors of him out with another guy after it has been reiterated that he is still very much with Austin.
And isn't Jake supposed to be heart broken over Reese?
So you decide to fly to NY with a storm coming up the coast not to celebrate your birthday with your family who are there. ((Mom, Maggie and Peter are all in town)but to spend with a guy who's almost 20 years older that you've than you never been seen hanging with in a club?
Would someone who is working overtime to make obvious she is couragously moving on, with friends and kids, try to cast all kinds of doubts about him?
Looks like Just Jared was the source:
"Justin Theroux, Mark Ronson and Scott Campbell hosted a holiday party to benefit “God’s Love We Deliver” at Thompson Hotel’s Smyth Tribeca on Saturday night. The whole room danced up a storm while Mark deejayed, having braved the Blizzard of ‘09 to get there. Attendees included: photographer Terry Richardson, model Agyness Deyn, and actors Will Arnett, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Matt Dillon, Mary Louise Parker, Josh Hartnett and newly single Jake Gyllenhaal."
Read more:
God's Love We Deliver provides meals and nutritional counseling to men, women and children living with life-altering illnesses.
that you've never been seen hanging with
There's always a first-time. Maybe this is it.
Not sure what the big deal you are making about Jake hanging out with Matt Dillon, it was a charity event Jake looks like a pretty gregarious guy and that's all. I don't think you need to read anything sexual about every single male person Jake hangs out with, and there is nothing particularly unusual about spending a couple of hours with someone who is not your great pal and is older than you. The idea it was invented by Reese PR is more than ridiculous
So Jake hung out with Dillon, Hoffman and Arnett in NY on his B-Day, bif deal. The implications are only heavy as anvil to you SK, because that's where tour mind goes. Most likely they are trying to say that there were no skanky women around because he is still upset.
He's a grown man, just because he has family in NY doesn't mean he wants to be cooped up with them 24/7.
Guys hang out all the time it's normal, Dillon?? If there are rumors about him they are few and no one would think otherwise from reading that.
It would make Reese look real dumb of she did that now wouldn't it?
Stop believing Ted's BS, he doesn't no shit.
There is nothing remotely sexual on that story, what the hell??
He has friends that we don't know about...
That "there were definitely no other women involved" bit is kiss Reese's ass bullshit.
What?! I disagree. IMO "there were definitely no other women involved" is a kick in Reese's ass; i.e. hollywoodlife's way of saying "he's gay and you were his beard."
Read the rest of the "article" about the mother of the year.
Oh please sock puppet, stop grasping at straws. I guess they were saying Matt is gay too, LOL!!!
That site picked that up from JJ and didn't bother to metion the other guests because Matt's name is th mos t famous.
Of course they are going to say no other womwn were involved after the bit about Jake being mopey and missing Resse's pieces, what were they going to say? He was sniffing around women so soon.
BTW, how is the weather in TX, I hear that Austin And Sophia were there this weekend.
Matt Dillon certainly isn't straight.
Why are you so upset that Jake was at that party? I think that you would be glad he was hanging out on his birthday.
BTW, Matt wasn't the only one at that party but Hollywoodlife decided to embelish the original JJ post because Dillon name is more known then Josh Harnett, Hoffman, Campbell, etc.
RDJ certainly isn't straight and Jake hangs out with him, big shit.
I think you are spinning the "gay" angle for 2 reasons
1. You fangirls think that all gay men do is either fuck 24/7 or think about it and they are unable to have actual friendships , non-sexual with gay/straight/bi men.
Even Ted says he has straight friends,LOL!!!
2. Jake wasin NY and Austin has been in TX with sophia ...
WE dont know if Jake was at that party or not. Maybe he was. I would love to see or hear that Jake and Austin are hanging out but I dont think it is gonna happen. Jake just wasted and spent two yrs of his life trying to get the unknowing public to see him as str8. He is not gonna throw that away this soon.
When someone shows me of pic of Austin and Sophia in Texas I will believe it. Tweets are a waste of time. I dont believe any of them. They are used to create lies and deception in every venue of life.
Well, we have several mentions now of Austin being in Texas so I would now tend to believe that's where he is, especially since his family is there.
If Sophia is there too, I'd sure love to see a picture. Darnit, these 2 need to get alot more famous so they can be pap-following worthy, LOL. They're both still small blips on the screen so no one cares what they're up to.
I'm not going to blow a fuse though because you can tell already people are just circling the wagons at any kind of hint of the guys not being in the same radius on Jake's birthday. The thing is we have alot of mentions but no pictures anywhere of anything.
Something's funny, though, guys, which lends me to think some of these mentions are PR dropped and that is this new key phrase of the month: "newly single". I just finished seeing that for the umpteenth time pre-fixing Reese's name on US
I've seen it in front of Jake's name now a couple of times too but especially her's. "Newly single". Why the need to keep pointing that out???? I'm not sure I'm getting the reason why but I find it odd that they keep getting referred to in that fashion. Kind of like "tiny". Used once too many times already for it to be unique. PR, time to come up with another moniker. And quick. You're already showing your old trend of tell-tale clues.
Why are you so upset that Jake was at that party? I think that you would be glad he was hanging out on his birthday.
BTW, Matt wasn't the only one at that party but Hollywoodlife decided to embelish the original JJ post because Dillon name is more known then Josh Harnett, Hoffman, Campbell, etc.
RDJ certainly isn't straight and Jake hangs out with him, big shit.
I think you are spinning the "gay" angle for 2 reasons
1. You fangirls think that all gay men do is either fuck 24/7 or think about it and they are unable to have actual friendships , non-sexual with gay/straight/bi men.
Even Ted says he has straight friends,LOL!!!
^^ I agree with everything you said, but don't know about the Austin - Sophia in Texas thing, they could have been together.
What's wrong with Jake partying with others on his birthday? Gay / straight or bi? Male or female. You go Jake.
Don't know if Matt is gay or bi, and I don't even think so, but If he was, I would love to witness that little Jake / Matt session. Wow.
Don't think he is though.
I agree with everything you said
You agree with troll's "You fangirls think that all gay men do is either fuck 24/7 or think about it and they are unable to have actual friendships , non-sexual with gay/straight/bi men"???
Jake & Austin are not going to be seen together right now, that's for sure. Everyone in their camp is too paranoid to allow it.
I agree with Tom; let's see a picture of Sophin. I'll take a scratchy looking cellphone picture.
LOLL, I just finished glancing through JJ posts. You should see the posters fighting over Chris Pine. LOLLLL! Just like the ladies & men fighting over Jake. Just like it.
Chris Pine is in a coffee trip with some lil gal, I don't know who she is. But there are some prime OMG/WFT2 detectives in the making commenting on there, let me tell you. They're pointing out all the suspiciousness. I don't know much about this Chris Pine but he is a cutie. Some wanted to see him & Zachary Quinto together. And guess what they called them? Pinto!!! LOLLLLLLL! Pinto! Man, that was awesome. I love that. Pinto.
I would agree with Special though that it would seem odd that Jake spend his birthday with a bunch of people he might not normally hang out with.
Not that he couldn't or wouldn't do a function like this - it would be awesome. I'd love to see pics of him out on a dance floor.
But it was his birthday and normally people spend a birthday with someone they are close to, i.e. a bf or gf, family, good friends. They don't spend it in the company of casual acquaintances. It just doesn't sound like Jake. For his birthday.
Special, are you trying to insinuate that Austin could have been in NYc with Jake on Jake's birthday?
I'm one who's mindset is Ted has to show me proof of Jake and Austin still being together. He is the one who keeps pushing it as if he knows the gospel on their lives.
He either has to put up or shut up. Besides, Ted of all people must know that sometimes relationships just END. It happens all the time. Right Ted. Now the key is to maintain a Friendship if that's possible. Whatta ya say TED?
You agree with troll's "You fangirls think that all gay men do is either fuck 24/7
^^ Well most non gay people have this perception of gay people. Most of them have it about most or all gay men though. No, I'm not saying that most or the regulars here feel that way, but alot of straight people do. Gay men and women can have relationship with straight people who are knock out dead gorgeous and have no sexual interest or chemistry with them at all. Trust me. And it's always the jerk asshole who thinks the gay guy wants him. Someone told me they had to tell a guy, " Me want you??? Have you looked in the mirror lately? -Get a grip".
"Newly single"
Which btw is totally wrong since they were single during their association (whether bearding or if you believe Reeke was real); they weren't married. Tax-wise and even socially the status choices are Single, Married, Registered Domestic Partners, Divorced, Widowed.
It's very possible that Austin couldn't make it to NY with the airports shut down from the storm.
True, Tabloid BS, you're right. They always were single.
Really silly pre-fix, isn't it?
I just think they're using it too much which is beginning to make me think it's not the magazines/blogs use of the moniker but PR's.
Smiley, you've gone MIA on us. Where are you at? With family for the holidays? Laboring away at your desk? Stuck in one of the airports?
I guess the airports on the east coast had been in a real mess. Alot of people were stranded or going to be stranded for several days.
Viva Mexico City! :)
The airports on the East Coast are just getting back to normal today. Most flights were canceled Sat and Sun. Some people I heard interviewed today said they had slept at the airport for 2 days in Philly. If Jake is in New York he must have got there before Fri night. Who knows where Austin is. We are not gonna know. No idiotic tweet is gonna convince me he is in Texas. No one has no clue where he is.
If Jake and Austin have broke up I can except it. Jake gave Austin a lot of reasons to dump him. Maybe they made a mutual agreement. I dont know. All I know is that I believe Jake is gay whether he is still with Austin or not. I agree PG if Ted wants us to think they are still together he better come up with the goods. He has produced no goods that I can say make me believe there is a BT either. I asked him to be square with me in a letter that he answered in his column and he said there was. I also know that a HW source told me that Ted doesnt make things up. They are friends. I dont know what to think. I wish Ted could give us info we could grab onto without going out of the law. Ted does nothing without the consent of Eonlines lawyers. Cmon Ted give us something with teeth. You must be sick of folks calling u an old washed up gossip columnist:-)
Mexico City has legalized gay marriage which includes the right to adopt, the first Latin American city to do so. Hooray! :)
My snow plow person mowed down all my plants I think, cut 'em off at the knees. *cries*
I love this song - when you start to get stressed, it makes you take a step back and laugh. Thanks!
I still think J&A are together. :)
Come on now, I do myself refer ti friends no longer with a steady SO as newly single, you don't need to take everything so literally!Lighten up!
Newly single - I have heard that word used to describe someone who has broken up with a long-term partner thousands of times. No biggie.
I think that is very nice about Jake's charity party. It appears that Reese's PR is moving her right along.
Aw, I'm sorry about your plants, Hooray. That's kind of tragic.
No, that's not what I'm saying about "Newly Single". What I'm saying is they're using that term too much. Already. Too often. Makes me compare it already to "tiny".
You know what, Tom? I had a thought tonight while I'm wrapping presents.
I'm beginning to liken being a fan of Jaustin to being a Cubs fan. We're always going to be hoping for next spring.
I would know this because I am a former big Cubs fan. And liking Jaustin is like being a Cubs fan.
Sorry lots of computer problems tonight, so I just got back on and saw the JJ story. The first report made it seems like it was just Matt Dillon and Jake hanging out.
God's Love We Deliver is a great cause. Still wonder about not celebrating with family, after Jake having celebrated with them so publicly in the past.
With Austin's name immediately popping up in the comments when the split happen, maybe they felt it was too soon to if they were seen somewhere and wanted a few days between the split so they could be together for the holidays without creating more fodder for the whole story.
Not sure about the Austin in Austin thing. What I do find hysterical is 1) When has Austin ever been seen near a grocery store, or a Whole Foods for that matter, 2) The Whole Foods things sound so much more like a Jake sighting 3) Why of all the place in your hometown to go, why eat lunch in Whole Foods, and not at one of your favorite haunts, especailly if you are entertaining someone and 4) No southern gentleman would let a lady pay for lunch.
Still think they are a very much together and will be together in someway somewhere for their holidays.
Ita PG about newly single; it just smacks of pr, and its use in that birthday story makes me think it might just be a false pr plant. Looks like pr is going to be working overtime to make Jake look straight and like he has nothing to do with Austin. So much for change we can believe in.
For what it is worth, I have seen Matt Dillon at brunch time at a restaurant in my neighborhood a couple of times, both times with a woman and it had the look of the morning after.
Jake can and will do as he sees fit. With or without RW won't change one thing..
Austin Nichols is with Sophia Bush, not as friend, not as a beard, they are a real-life romantic couple.
There are numerous non-industry folks who see them in wilmington NC all the time and note they are a romantic couple.
There is and has been at least 4 twitters about them being in Austin Texas together, last report on sunday or lunch at whole foods.
Austin is from Austin, his family lives in Austin, he and SB are on break from OTH for the next few weeks. They did the USO for thanksgiving and now they are doing eachothers families for Christmas.
Jake is in NYC..
Austin has been in Austin with Sophia.
For the last 6 months Austin & Sophia have not only worked together but have traveled with the other each weekend to different states and to different countries. Even Sophia is doing charity projects with Austin's only brother in law.
must hurt to know that Jake isn't putting on a public front with Reese and yet he is in NYC newly single..
While the Austin is living his life and spending his holiday with Sophia and his family in his hometown.
Pinto, lol.
And we ain't talkin' reindeers here. Spesh, that was one of your more exciting Out Spotlights, for sure. I had forgotten how great, and beautiful, Nureyev was. Has anyone done a film about his life?
After recent events, I don't doubt for a minute that J&A are still together. And yes, Douglas Fir looks like Austin's personal haberdasher. :)
Nite, all! :)
Maggie is going to be on David Letterman tonight promoting Crazy Heart. Sounds like Ramona is a dancer.
Maggie told Dave that her and husband Peter Sarsgaard’s 3-year-old daughter Ramona wants a green flamenco dress for Christmas — and she’s probably going to get one!
“Ramona is a great dancer!” Maggie proudly told the audience.
Well, that site that running the story is run by Bonnie "my middle name is friend to pr" Fuller.
I still wonder if Ms.PR tour wanted to get a last jab or two since you know the m.o. is kind of the same as what she did with Ryan, except the particulars were differences, but the inference is the same, that she rises above
Passing by, keep preaching, but no one is buying. You appear to be the only person spreading the story about Austin & Sophia.
PG, I totally agree with you re the newly single. What are the chances of 2 writers using exactly the same words. I appreciate the tell though. Like highest paid actress and tiny, its a dead giveaway to a PR plant.
As long as Ted says they are still together, I am a believer that Jake and Austin are still together. And he did just say it's the real thing.
I was flipping channels when I got home and Sundance was shwoing a story about Rufus. It's partly about the making of his new opera, but also interwove interviews with Rufus, his boyfriend, mother, sister, friends etc and a lot of home video footage of his childhood,teens etc. Talk about a man who is totally comfortable with who he is and who embraces his gayness. Rufus should be the poster boy. No apologies ever, he was always himself. I am sure it will be repeated. I highly recommend it.
Ok so this is just too funny how it all works.
Maggie Gyllenhaal was on Letterman, and who else did Dave have, John Witherspoon. Yes it was Gyllenhaal and Witherspoon. Bahahaha
And if you don't know who is he was David Allen Grier's dad in Boomerang - who got to coordinate his mushroom belt with his mushroom shirt and mushroom lining of his jacket.
Re the Jake dancing, no women involved. Does that mean Jake was dancing only with men?
must hurt to know that Jake isn't putting on a public front with Reese and yet he is in NYC newly single
Are you talking about babblers and trolls? Because TBs are very happy about Jake in NYC after dumping the beard!
Hmmmm, and now even passingby using that new coin term, "newly single". Was that a Freudian slip, there, pb?
I think that the "no women involved" was a plant by pr to show that Jake did not leave or dump reese for another woman". Especially if it appeared in JJ.
LOL did anyone else besides me stop reading passingby's same old bullshit after their 3rd sentence.
"newly single" = phrase used by babblers who wish Reeke was real and Jake is straight.
"finally free" = phrase used by people with common sense who believe with 99% certainty that Jake is gay, Reese is a bitchface who was using him to further her image, and Jake has terminated his association with that egotistical selfish PR whore.
Lets hope part of the reason for the breakup was that Jake just couldnt take it anymore. It would show he still does have some conscience. I still kinda think every move Jake makes is career oriented at this point though. I do think he is gladt reeke is over though. He did his time. At least Austin seems to be doing his time with someone he likes.
I do think he is glad reeke is over though.
"newly single" = phrase used by babblers who wish Reeke was real and Jake is straight.
"finally free" = phrase used by people with common sense who believe with 99% certainty that Jake is gay, Reese is a bitchface who was using him to further her image, and Jake has terminated his association with that egotistical selfish PR whore.
Term Used for Above Poster:
Confused, Desparate, Needy, Loner,
Fantatic Fatasy lover,
Reality Hater, Non Confident Sexual Identiy, Clueless, Emotional Wreck,
Hi babbler! Pissed that Jake dumped the beard? lol
((("newly single" = phrase used by babblers who wish Reeke was real and Jake is straight.
"finally free" = phrase used by people with common sense who believe with 99% certainty that Jake is gay, Reese is a bitchface who was using him to further her image, and Jake has terminated his association with that egotistical selfish PR whore.)))
*** Term Used for Above Poster:
Confused, Desparate, Needy, Loner,
Fantatic Fatasy lover,
Reality Hater, Non Confident Sexual Identiy, Clueless, Emotional Wreck,
Hi babbler! Pissed that Jake dumped the beard? lol
NO Glad to see him alone enjoying himself. Why can't you enjoy the moment. Oh, I forgot, You have issues. Doctors office will be closed for the holidays. Sorry.
Nice try! lol
Why can't you enjoy the moment.
We'll do as we please.
Who are you to tell us what to feel or do?
We'll do as we please.
Who are you to tell us what to feel or do?
^^^ OK, My bad. Continue to wallow in your disguss, hate, sellfishness and ridicule during this Holiday Season.
Forgot to say, the doctors office will be open on the 4th of Jan. I'll put you down for a 10am. Appt. Merry Christmas Bye Now
Do you ever get tired of posting bullshit?
Hey Ruth, Send the patient over to me after you finish with her. This is gonna take some special attention.
Reese is in NY, Avon related? Is Jake still there?
Ruth, is the patient a she or a he?
Hmmm, I seeee! A SHIM!
Their the same person. Well Medicaid aint gonna take care of this.
More likely PR related.
Reese is in NY, Avon related? Is Jake still there?
^^ Oh NOOOO. The WAR has started.
What war?
World War Faux
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