Jake's Sesame Street episode number of the day is the number 12, but will Austin' One Tree Hill's number be 3 as in threesome?

Austin is no stranger to threesomes, and the devil's threesome at that, on screen, Six Feet Under and The Informers. But will One Tree Hill be third times a charm?
Just a reminder that Jake's on Sesame Street Today (Check you local listings)

Thank IHJ!!!!
And of course what better way to kick of Hanukkah, than with OMG's Cooking Klatch.
There is no love sincerer than the love of food.
George Bernard Shaw, "The Revolutionist's Handbook," Man and Superman

Happy Hanukkah!
who dat baleted ma post bout jakeman
I think someone at BuddyTv has a crush on Austin, and that's why he made that list. I would love to see that surfer seduce Julian, but sadly OTH is one of the straightest tv shows I've ever watched--if you don't count all the shirtless men.
Ted sure seems to be building up the BV.
No one did, it is still on the other post. If you were trying to make another post when the post of the day switched over it would wouldn't show up on either, blogger would have eaten it.
lol i dun see dat, fanks SK
Just saw Jake on Sesame Street. Very cute clip about trying to "separate" the octopuss from his head. And what a great voice he has talking to kids.
With "much effort" from Jake they were separated, but not without a little boo boo. Octi sprained a tentacle. Jake apologized. As soon as the clip is up will post.
Waiting to see if Jake pops up again later in the show.
The program description in my local guide didn't seem to match up to Jake's show, so I have no idea if I recorded the right thing. Oh well, I'm sure it will turn up on YouTube.
And it was on at 7:00 a.m.!
Here you go!
Jake on Sesame Street
^Big Thanks to IHJ for the clip.
LOL and ty for the link Special.
I also put it in today's post.
Glad you like it.
Oh my, that clip is so cute. Jake looks great and happy too. He must have had a lot of fun filming that.
I checked eonline this am but no BV yet. Will check again at work.
Re all the smoking discussion yesterday, tobacco companies must pay a huge fee for product placement as it seems almost every movie shows smoking in it.
I really enjoy watching Jake's clip.
Ted's BV is up. (sorry I don't have time to post, maybe someone else can?)
Straight Dude Buds Stand Up Tall for Toothy Tile
Something our dear, closeted Toothy Tile most certainly does not share with his also-in-the-closet brethren like Lloyd Boy-Toyed, Crotch Uh-Lastic and Jackie Bouffant is a virtual cornucopia of straight buds.
I don't mean the pretend kind, but the ones you never see Toothy photographed with. Yeah, you heard me right: These are heterosexual bros with whom Toothy loves to shoot the shit, have a few brews, talk about the broads, all that 100-percent-cotton American man stuff Toothy just can't seem to let go from his, like, totally gay life.
OK, it's cool, I have tons (maybe a few) gay friends who are completely into the SUVs/watching sports/unshowered thing, maybe it's not so completely weird that Toothy's wired that way a little, too?
But what's wacko is when these boy-buds o' Toothy's start, shockingly...
...coming to the put-upon pooftah's defense! At parties! At bars! At ball games! At beach barbecues! It's getting friggin' hi-larious!
And no, these dudes who actually do know Toothy rather well are not defending Mr. Tile's very publicized fauxmance and whether or not it's legitimate, hardly.
Nope, instead, they're busy saying, as of late, that Toothy and his man are doin' just fine, thank you, and further more, "They're the real thing." These het amigos like to tell this to anybody who starts talking crap about their good friend.
Backstabbing gossip gets these hetero friends of Toothy's so very riled up, they've lately been stating how "in love" Mr. and Mr. Toothy Tile happen to be right now. So there!
Wow. With friends like that, who needs gossip columns? But ain't it nice to now how truly true-blue Toothy is?
I knew it all along, didn't you?
I mean, come on, I would never have given a hateful scum-schmuck such press. Toothy's cool. Just currently a bit lost.
And It Ain't: James Marsden, Kellan Lutz, Javier Bardem
Straight Dude Buds Stand Up Tall for Toothy Tile
not exceptionnal I must admit!
Nope, instead, they're busy saying, as of late, that Toothy and his man are doin' just fine, thank you, and further more, "They're the real thing." These het amigos like to tell this to anybody who starts talking crap about their good friend.
Backstabbing gossip gets these hetero friends of Toothy's so very riled up, they've lately been stating how "in love" Mr. and Mr. Toothy Tile happen to be right now. So there!
Wow. With friends like that, who needs gossip columns? But ain't it nice to now how truly true-blue Toothy is?
: ) : ) : )
"They're the real thing" : )
Mr. and Mr Tile? Sounds like a formal commitment.
True blue. Eyes or Ring?
Pushing up my rose color glasses and giving a wink a grin. Now back to that jolly drink. Anyone want one?
It's hard to believe frankly
This fanfic is even worse than the crap the rags posted last week! Now he only has straight friends, and they are gossiping to Ted, yeah right. I guess all his gay friends went bye-bye.
If they had broke up, Ted would have said something so this is not news nor is it a shocker. It looks like some of his readers neaded "to know".
No drink, SK Ted is drinking for us.
What rubbish.
Why I have the impression Ted imitates People mag
People pick and chose what they want to believe about Ted to fit the story they want to happen to Jake. You hate that he said he and Austin are still together, but Special has always been a true believerin them.
Dear Ted:
What is really going on with the Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon's fauxmance? Was the breakup staged? The same week they were promoting a movie/dvds/products just temporary to gain convenient publicity or is it permanent? Will they resurface married, or are we free of ever having to see their boring tricks again? Nothing can surprise me about this manufactured showmance at this point, but I hope it ends soon.
Dear Rekindled Loves:
I'm just as curious as you, babe. And what makes you so certain it's totally fake, anyway? Reese and Jake both get a lot out of their relaysh, so it would surprise me if this was it for them.
Dear Ted:
I have another guess for Judas Jack-Off and Dashed Dingle-Dream: Jared Leto and Colin Farrell. Warm or ice-cold? Also, I'd like to know if the gorgeous and camera-shy Gale Harold has already been the subject of one of your Blind Vices.
Dear Throwin' Out Names:
Jared and Colin: cold. It's no secret that Colin loves the ladies. And Jared is too douchey. As for Gale, never. He's really not an operator, which is sort of required to be a Blind Vice alum.
Bitch Back!
Yes I know but it's like someone said on WFT : Ted appears no more reliable than those PR mag.
I am going to go ahead and leave
about 2 recipes:
Easy Peanut Butter Cookies
1 cup
1 cup peanut butter
1 egg
t teaspoon vanilla
Put all ingredients in mixing
bowl and stir until well mixed. Drop from teaspoon onto cookie sheet and press down with fork.
Bake 12 minutes in a 325 degree oven. Yield: 3 dozen
Cherry Yum Yum
1 1/2 sticks margarine, softened
3 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 large package cream cheese
3/4 cup sugar
2 packages dessert topping mix or
Cool Whip
1 cup milk
2 cans cherry filling
Mix batter with cracker crumbs.
Place 1/2 of misture in a 12 x 8-inch glass dish. Press down evenly.
Mash cream cheese. Beat in sugar,
dessert topping and milk. Place 1/2
of mixture on cracker crumbs. Spread pie filling over the mixture. Sprinkle remaining crumb mixtured on top, then put the Cool
Whip mixture on top. Chill for 3 to
4 hours or for better results, leave overnight to chill.
Does anyone on OMG have a recipe for a spaghetti caserole or
some kind of cheese balls? I hope
you can help me with that.
I hope it is true about TT and
his GG! At times, I have trouble
believing some of this! Also, does
anyone have any kind of a recipe
for some kind of Christmas punch?
I hope you do not mind if I went
ahead and posted these recipes.
The peanut butter cookie recipe is
a more modern and easy version of
the first one I gave you! Have a
good weekend, everybody!!
That's not it. If they had broken up, he would have mentioned it before. He didn't so I assumed that they were still together. Why you or Spesh needed to be told through one of the lamest BI ever that they were is beyond me.
I could have written that. What was the bombshell? That he has straight friends or that his straight friends are gossiping?
And questioning if the fauxmance is real or not? I thought that fauxmance=fake? That parts makes no sense unless he is talking about his pals.
Ted and his intern need a crash course in writing fanfic, the storyline is all over the place.
They are worst than People, Us, Ok, Star.....
He needed a whole BV for this? And funny how this all came up right before Brothers opened. Remember, this was supposed to run last Friday. Throw this in with what has gone on with Reeke in the past few weeks, and I for one am feeling like Jake/TT is trying to manipulate his fans on both sides of the aisle.
And of course TT is hanging with straight guys, he's too far in the closet to hang with his gay ones.
Not to mention Ted didn't answer all those other questions from a few weeks ago, like he hinted he would do.
Maybe I am wrong but I hardly believe straight fiends of jake would gossip about him wherever they are.
I think they would gossip about him if that is what Jake wanted. Again, given the timing, I think Jake may have been trying to create some of the lost buzz prior to his movie opening.
Well, yeah, some people aren't going to be happy to hear Tt & GG are still together & happy.
I don't see anything controversial, shocking, or wrong with Jake having straight friends. What's odd about that? Don't alot of GLBT people have straight friends? And straight people have GLBT friends? I am missing the big news there other than Ted saying that TT & GG are happy together. Which is great to hear.
What peeves me is Ted speaks last week in the affirmative regarding the supposed "break up". Speaks in the positive/definite. Then he comes out with this thing today along with that gaggy picture from her softball movie practice huge photo op and acting like now he doesn't have a clue.
I agree with "And What About BT" (gee whiz, I sure wish those who use temp. names would please think up some shorter ones). Ted talks out of both sides of his mouth, he says one thing one day and something the opposite the next. That's my huge beef with him. I suppose since he's a major columnist for E! that he has a large following so there must be alot of people who put up with his cutesy way of writing but for someone like me? I hate it.
I don't want games. I don't want hints. I don't want coyness or play on words. I don't want to have to use a GPS to get what you're talking about or trying to do. That's why I can't stand bearding.
Sure, Ted said something that I am pleased with. But that still doesn't mean I like how he told it or the buildup he had for it like a weatherperson on the 6 o'clock news has for their forecast which you need to stay tuned for 20 more minutes for.
Chances are 50-50 it might rain.
Well, I am sorry to have missed Sesame Street. I did tape it though so I look forward to seeing it.
Kacie, cool to see your recipes. I will have to put mine up tonight since I am at work and don't have them with me.
Since I am at work. Which apparently some people can't seem to tell when someone's lunching even though I am eating popcorn at my desk, it's the lunch hour and I am plainly on the internet. I just snapped at the lead man (and he's such a nice guy too) because he came up two times in a row, handing me something. Extremely irritating.
50-50 chance of rain. 50-50 is how I see what Ted seems to know now regarding the break up.
See, the irritating thing about weather people, and I don't know how you all's local weather people are but around here, they act like they need to drum up their own act. So they come on at the beginning of the news and get you all stirred up with a "Will it snow or won't it? And how many inches???? Hmmm??" They do that all the time. Then they'll say, "Be sure and stay tuned for our full forecast coming up later in the news."
Then you wait and they come on and it's a big nothing. They hint at a big fish but all they have is a minnow.
That's Ted today. He had a minnow.
The expression, the mouth, the hand gesture...and what is Jake doing with his shirt up?! Was he even wearing any pants?!
I for one am happy to hear that Jake and Austin are still together. I never doubted for a moment that they are the real thing. I agree however that Ted's BV is pretty lame and hardly the dramatic announcement promised by his asst. Maybe she overspoke. It is significant that Reeke is pictured right above. I think its been noted that Ted usually has something about Jake the same day as toothy is mentioned. And he refers to Toothy's very public fauxmance while showing it just above.
Albeit at least a likeable minnow.
But I think that Ted at least defnitely proved that he knows nothing about Reeke.
Well, I'm headed back to work. Poor Tom, yeah, that's his name. ((Tom)). No, not you JerseyTom! My tom here at work. I need to take down what he came up here for and take him some chocolate for getting all snappy. But goshdarnit, when he came up the first time, he saw I was at lunch and he comes right back up again. Irritated me.
Okay, well, everyone be nice to their friends & co-workers today, unlike how I was with mine.
Sienna, I hope you have a nice vacay. Things will probably still be on status quo when you get back. The steamboat seems to be stuck in a mudbog right now.
sorry that was me just above at 1:29. I am at work and rushing.
Ted know nothing about Reeke but know about TT and GG?
"But I think that Ted at least defnitely proved that he knows nothing about Reeke."
Ted definitely proved he says what his reader want to hear.
Maybe Ted thinks it is a big deal that TT is talking to people after cementing himself in the closet. But still lame to have such a big buildup for this.
Honestly, not sure Ted really knows what's going on. Are we supposed to believe he is the only one who "hear" about "straight friends" gossip on Jake?
At first I agreed with you, Brain, but now I revert.
Ted is positive on Jaustin. Hasn't ever said they've broken up.
Reeke, oth, he wavers back & forth as bad as I do regarding BT.
There's a difference there.
Sorry, if what Ted said about Toothy wasn't what you liked hearing. I was very glad to hear confirmation.
I'm not seeing where exactly Ted is saying that their friends are gossiping.
All he's saying is that they're defending Jake and Austin and when people say bad things about them and that they tell people that J & A are still together when people are doubting it.
I'm not sure what's so horrible about that. It's what most friends would be doing when someone is critising the long-standing relationship of a friend.
I'm not seeing how exactly Jake is trying to seem straight because he has straight friends whose privacy he tries to protect, either.
I'm with Special on this. I think Ted is saying more between the lines with the way he phrases some things than what he's saying at first glance.
Now I have to get around to translating some of my recipes. I'll stick to metric though, because I'm still not sure I have completely figured out this wet/dry ounces thing yet...
"Hasn't ever said they've broken up."
not in his interest.
"Sorry, if what Ted said about Toothy wasn't what you liked hearing. I was very glad to hear confirmation."
Of course you are. Babblers are happy to read engagment fairy tale about reeke on mags too.
So what Ted is saying is that he has operatives hanging out withTT's straight friends at bars, parties, ballgames and barbecues taking all this information in so it can be gossiped about even though these very same friends hate gossiping? Ted makes no sense.
Why would "people" critizise Jake and Austin and why would they need straight friends to "defend" them? And why is Ted the only person getting wind of it? And perhaps someone can explain how this "news" is a "shocker"?
Ted is becomng a joke....!
Maybe Jake's friends wouldn't have to defend him if he'd just live his life honestly. I mean, talk talk about calling the kettle black. Jake runs around with Reese trying to convince the public that he is straight straight straight, never ever seen with Austin, hardly even in the same state at the same time, but then his friends feel compelled to protect him in private???!!!
It's Jake that is becoming a joke, not Ted. And a manipulative one at that.
And that affects you how, Brain? How does that matter to you?
I suggest another thread on any other blog where Jake is matched up with someone more along your preference. I have no doubt you are fully aware whose focus this blog is on; instead you'd rather troll.
Sorry - you're not going to dampen my enthusiasm any. Probably not any one else's. Except yours, Destiny? I'm kidding, I'm kidding!
Watch out, guys, here come all the troublemakers & hatemongers. I see it now & I'm dodging out. I'm letting them bask in their own misery.
But the friends (GG's?) might not approve of the fauxmance. Saying someone is with someone else, if that is true, isn't gossip.
I'm with me on this.
Actually, I honestly believe there's hardly any Jake/Austin fans left. I can probably count them out loud on a hand and 1/2 maybe?
I am still one but I'm hanging by a still kinda thick thread. Always subject to scissors, though. lol.
"Sorry - you're not going to dampen my enthusiasm any. Probably not any one else's. Except yours, Destiny? I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"
not my intention.
Anyway I am sure Jake'll show you in future plenty proofs of his love for Austin.
"It's Jake that is becoming a joke, not Ted. And a manipulative one at that."
Is jake manipulating Ted then?
I think so. And Ted is just happy to have something new to write about TT, he probably doesn't care why.
I'm not quite following you Monk, especially since I don't see a post by Me in this thread.
My recipes are a little long, sorry about that.
This recipe sounds time-consuming, but it's worth it just for the "are there really raw eggs on it?!?" reaction that you usually get:
"Fried eggs cake"
for the topping:
2 packets custard powder Vanilla
80 g sugar
750 ml milk
1 tin of apricot halves
2 big cups (250 g each) crème fraîche
for the dough:
150 g soft margarine
150 g sugar
1 pack vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
3 eggs
300 g wheat flour
2 teaspoons backing powder
2 tablespoons milk
for the glaze:
500 ml apricot water (from the tin, the rest normal water)
2 packets of glaze
50 g sugar
1.) Make the pudding, but with only 750 ml milk instead of 1 liter. Let it cool, stirring occasionally.
2.) Heat the oven to 360 F. Grease the baking sheet. Pour the apricotes, but make sure to save the juice. Stir the crème fraîche into the cooled pudding.
3.) For the dough stir the margarine until it’s smooth. Add the sugar, vanilla sugar and the salt until it’s a smooth mass.
4.) Add the eggs. Mix the flour with the baking powder and sieve it into the dough. Mix the dough for a little while and then spread it on the baking sheet.
5.) Spread the pudding mixture on top of the dough. Put the apricots on the pudding like in the picture above. Put the baking sheet into the oven and bake for 35 minutes.
6.) When the cake has cooled down, add water to the apricot juice until it’s 500 ml. Make the glaze with this apricot water and the sugar as instructed on the package. Spread the glaze on the cake and let it cool.
This cake is really like, too:
“Cheesecake cream cake
for the sponge mixture:
3 eggs
150 g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar
75 g wheat flour
1 teaspoon backing powder
75 g starch
for the filling:
4 egg yolks
200 g powdered sugar
1 packet vanilla sugar
1 kg curd
some lemon cest
2 tablespoons lemon juice
500 ml whipping cream
10 sheets of white gelatin
1.) Heat oven to 390 F. Put baking parchment on the bottom of a springform pan
2.) For the dough seperate the 3 eggs and beat the egg white until it’s stiff. Slowly add the sugar and keep on stirring. Add the egg yolks and mix.
3.) Mix the flour, starch and baking powder and put it into the egg/sugar mixture and beat it until it’s fluffy.
4.) Pour the dough into the springform pan and bake it for 20 to 25 minutes.
5.) For the filling soak the gelatine in cold water for at least 10 minutes.
6.) Seperate the eggs and and stir the egg yolk with the vanilla and powdered sugar. Add the curd, lemon cest and juice and stir.
7.) Put the softened gelatine in a pot and cook it until it has dissolved. Add the gelatine to the curd mixture, making sure to stir while you do.
8.) Whip the cream and once the curd mixture has gotten a little more solid, add the whipping cream.
9.) When the baked sponge cake has cooled seperate it in the middle. Put an adjustable cake ring around the lower half and spread the filling on it.
10.) Put the top half of the sponge cake on the mixture and carefully press it on the cake. You can pre-cut the top sponge cake before putting it on the filling, so it’s easier to cut later.
11.) Put the cake into the fridge for some time, best for it to be over-night. Before serving sieve powdered sugar on top.
"It's no picnic for me either, Jake" said the Octopus. Hee! The Sesame Street clip is adorable, and well done by Jake (and the Octopus!).
I loved Ted's BV - TT & GG is a beautiful thing, right from the beginning. I've wavered back and forth, but for those of you who have not, right from the start, hooray! :)
Roasted Green Beans with Tomatoes and Feta
1 ½ lbs fresh green beans
2 cups (approximately 10 oz) grape tomatoes
½ cup crumbled feta cheese
2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Kosher salt
Ground Black pepper to taste.
Preheat oven to 425 degree.
In a ceramic/glass baking dish place fresh snapped green beans in a single layer, lightly drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, season with a light sprinkle of kosher salt. Toss to evenly coat. Place in oven, roast for 8-10 minutes.
Place grape tomatoes in a non-stick frying pan, over a medium high heat. Drizzle lightly with the extra virgin olive oil. Stir gently to keep tomatoes from sticking. Heat the tomatoes until they begin to split their skins and soften.
Remove green beans from oven, add the sautéed cherry tomatoes combine together gently. Sprinkle with ½ cup feta cheese. Loosely tent dish with foil, avoiding the tomatoes having direct contact with the foil. Return to oven for 2-4 minutes to incorporate flavors.
Season to taste.
Serves 6
Hey I gave you veggies I have to give something chocolate, there has to be a balance. HA!
These are so bad for you but one or two during the holidays can't hurt can it?
Oreo Truffles
1 pkg. (1 lb. 2 oz.) OREO Cookies, finely crushed, divided
1 pkg. (8 oz.) Cream Cheese softened
2 pkg. (8 squares each) Semi-Sweet Chocolate, melted
MIX 3 cups of the cookie crumbs and the cream cheese until well blended. Shape into 42 (1-inch) balls.
DIP balls in melted chocolate; place on waxed paper-covered baking sheet. (Any leftover melted chocolate can be stored in tightly covered container at room temperature and saved for another use.) Sprinkle with remaining cookie crumbs.
REFRIGERATE 1 hour or until firm. Store any leftover truffles in tightly covered container in refrigerator.
Yum, those green beans sound good, and the truffles too. I'll have to try those recipes.
Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate! :)
Tent, beat, sugar, virgin, drizzle, balls, cream, direct contact, filling, press, pinch, spread, raw, juice, firm, toss... cooking words are making me horny!
Want to try the fried egg cake because I love apricots. And it will be good for me to have to think metric. Somehow the only thing American will except as metric in daily life is 2 Liter bottles of soda.
Looking for a some more recipes to share. And looking the baked spaghetti one I have Kasey.
I'm having fun on vakay. we're in gatlinburg, which is a pretty hokey place actually, but beautiful too... an odd mix of tshirt shops, pancake houses, mountains and christmas lights. we have a nice house on Ski Mountain with a great view of the city lights at night.
we went shopping today at the outlet malls and i got a leather jacket and a pair of black leather (maybe) booties, so i'm all happy with that. after a couple hours of shopping we reconvened at a bar and had lunch, then went to the grocery store for supplies. we're back home now: sat in the hot tub for a bit (it's freezing outside but the tub was nice) and are now back inside with the fireplace going, having bloody marys. yay.
regarding all this stuff with jake... hmmm...
i became a fan of his post kirsten/pre reeke, and the jake i saw - naively - seemed very real to me. watching this all play out for the last couple of years has been a strain, for sure, but i was able to make excuses and tell myself it wouldn't last forever, etc.
now, however, with the break up rumors still stirring and the christmas bling thrown in there too, and knowing that they are instigating all this, i'm just kinda totally deflated with him and everything he ever represented for me. he's obviously not the guy i thought he was, and so why should i care anymore. i got sucked in to believing the person i saw for that short period of time was the real jake, but lookig back, i'm sure it wasn't. it was just the Jake of the Moment. Like the Kirsten/Jake thing was the Jake of that moment, and Reeke is the Jake of this moment. He's not interested in being himself at all. He's acting 100% of the time, trying to make a name and an image for himself, and that's the type of person i have the least interest in and respect for. i believe in doing your own thing and being yourself and letting the chips fall where they may. i have no patience with faking a life. i can't believe i've hung around this long. i guess i needed to, because i'd made him something special in my head. i'm sure i'll still be around, because tbh, this is the only place i regularly go on the internet. i guess i need to branch out, but i don't want to get interested in anything else atm. i'm happy just being blah.
i'll keep reading and posting here, but my heart is pretty much flat for him now, and i'm ok with that. nothing is meant to last forever, not even blind idolatry. :)
i got sucked in to believing the person i saw for that short period of time was the real jake, but lookig back, i'm sure it wasn't.
Jake is far from perfect, but I believe that you did see the real Jake.
Despite PopEater’s report of a looming engagement, a source close to the couple told Access Hollywood that this report is “not true.”
When contacted by Access Hollywood, a rep for Jake was not immediately available for comment.
"Jake is far from perfect, but I believe that you did see the real Jake."
the real jake is for family and friends. We aren't close of him.
I checked a couple of my multi-cup measuring containers and they do measure in ml's on the other side of the ounces and cups. So that's a good thing. And I notice Stubborn, that you use tsp as well, so maybe everyone will be the same on that.
Okay, I will gather together a couple of recipes before shopping partner gets here.
Special, I can't hear the Rainbow Connection. Over on the right, it says 0% Loaded. That doesn't sound good. lol
I'll have to watch that Sesame St vid real quick. I can't wait to see that.
It's Jake that is becoming a joke, not Ted. And a manipulative one at that.
^^ Have to disagree, Ted is the JOKE. With a captial J. Ted manipulates and does drag his readers on like the news cast. And he does cater to what they / we want to, or think, we want to hear. I don't think Ted knows too much of anything anymore. Sorry, he has to be more acurate and stop the word bullshit. Something he won't do.
Whatever Jake's preferences are, He sure keeps Ted guessing about his life. All while playing with it and mocking him / it.
Just watch Jake in interviews. He seems like he don't give a shit about what Ted writes, regardless of his true sexual preference.
^^^ Sorry, That's Meeeee
Just watch Jake in interviews. He seems like he don't give a shit about what Ted writes, regardless of his true sexual preference.
What Jake's interviews have to do with Ted's gossip?
Jake talked about a beard in one interview, he talked about his gage reflex, he talked about being the only male dancer with girls in school, the merkin. He flirts with girls and guys who are interviewing him. And more that I can't think about at the moment. I was totally shocked when talked and talked about having a short gag reflex. Come on now Jake.
I doubt whether Jake cares much about what Ted thinks either, Meeeee. It seems that's pretty obvious.
Nor does Jake care what any of us think. Or any blogger. Now I don't think I can say that about his handlers' office because they monitor OMG. So either they have nothing else to do while on the clock or they are told to keep an eye on what is said.
Celebs might be wise to stay off of their fansites' blogs. Who would want to read 100+ people daily rip you up one side and down the other? Man, your ego & self esteen would be down with the slugs and who needs that in their life?
And in Jake's case, it'd be enough to put you on Zoloft, Paxil, and whatever other anti-depressant there is out there.
Now. Just watched the Sesame Street vid.
How Adorable!!!!! How adorable was that???
For cryin' out loud, that was too much. I'm disgusted with myself for gushing like that. Smacks self twice.
Awwwwww. that was really too cute for words.
Did you see him wink at the camera?
I'm sorry to go on but that really was ----okay, I won't say it again. But it was.
Jake's interviews? Sorry, but they look phony as hell most of the time post Reeke. Contrast his recent interviews to Austin's podcast. That was a man thinking about the question and giving a thoughtful answer. Talking about merkins is just diverting attention. We've dicussed this before. People can spot sincerity vs bullshit. It's an evolved skill required for survival. You may not recongnize the bullshit immediately, but the subconscious does and discomfort sets in shortly thereafter.
First, a good appetizer. Not too much to these but they have been a hit whenever I've made them.
Pepper Jelly Tarts
2 c shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 c. room temperature butter
1 tsp paprika
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1 c. all-purp. flour
2/3 c. pepper jelly
1. Combine the cheese, butter, paprika, cayenne in a mixing bowl and beat until smooth.
2. Add the flour, combining with a fork until it forms a nice ball of dough.
3. Roll into small balls and place each into tart tin (I use a mini muffin pan)
4. Press each ball with fingers to shape tart shell around the bottom & sides.
5. Spoon 1 tsp jelly into each mini tart.
6. Bake 400 degrees for 10 min. or until golden.
7. Cool in pans for 5 min., then remove from pans to a wire cooling rack.
8. Can be served warm or at room temperature.
9. Apprx 30 tarts. (I don't remember how many I get)
m, is that really you? It doesn't sound like you.
PG, I fixed the code. Enjoy the song.
Ok Fiiiiinnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeee the sesame thing street was cute, but i only watched it ONCE!!! GOD, PG, you are such a sucker!!!! (giggles)
but for reals... i am just sick of all the f'n posturing... it's like folks at court back in the 1700's trying to get to the sit with the king, only there is no king. the only kings are money and fame, and i guess i just want him to be immune to all that, altho i have to say, i would like to have some for myself too. but i don't have to sacrifice anything to have the money, and i don't see getting any fame on the horizon no matter what i do, so ehhh.. whatever...
his life and the shit he has to do to make it work is so far outside of the way ordinary people live that we really don't have any idea how to judge it. i can (simplistically) judge folks who live a similar lifestyle to me, because i know basically the hand they are playing. however, even those folks have a ton of shit thrown in the mix that i can't account for or relate too. someone like Jake is living a life 1000x removed from mine. how can i even comment on what he does?
i do, because i WANT him to be a certain way, but maybe i'm not being realistic. i would be much better off sticking to writing about dudes who look like him, and then i can give them the life i want them to have i can be happy and maybe make a few other folks happy too.
easy for me to say... :)
M, What about Austin bearding, since I do think you still feel that Austin and Jake are still together. M, What do you also think about Austin's interview some years ago say that the rumors are junk and shit? Please don't fool yourself simply because you have a fancy for Austin. Austin will do what he has to to succeed, like most in his line of business.
He's with Sophin often, what's that? By your standards he's bearding also.
Some of you may have seen or made these before. They're pretty popular. Everyone in our office always loves these no matter who makes them. They're easy. They're fast. And they're breakfast finger food!!!
Sausage Cheese Balls
1 lb. sausage
3 c. Bisquick
1/2 lb. grated cheese
1/2 c. water
Combine well. Roll into balls. Bake for 15-20 minutes@ 400 degrees.
These can also be frozen, defrosted & then baked. They reheat well.
lol, sienna. I know. Right now, I'm a sucker.
Give it some time, though. If most of you are right, and we're just in for Reeke Part 2, then get ready because I'll blow. And you will hear me across all corners of the globe. So to speak. I know the globe doesn't have corners, but oh well.
But I'm trying to give a benefit of the doubt here. Jake has done nothing so far. He's not out smiling for the camera like she is. He's not out pimping family like she is. He's not lending fodder to his PR dept to feed to People.com about singing around a piano, etc.
He's been twittered at Sprinkles but I think that's about it. I don't have any beef with any of that.
Now if I were to think long & hard about this, I ought to still be hacked because he had his people deny the break up story. That's as good as saying they're a couple. Same thing. He was just weak enough to do it via an email through his people. Wasn't even out of his own mouth in a quote.
I guess my beef would be if you're going to lie, at least have the guts to say the words yourself and don't have someone else do your dirty work for you.
But that's his decision and it's not my hand popping the Alka Seltzer at night.
i would be much better off sticking to writing about dudes who look like him, and then i can give them the life i want them to have i can be happy and maybe make a few other folks happy too.
You've summen it up pretty much!
I don't get bent out of shape on Jake's life anymore. Never did much in the first place. I think what is truly the real Jake will be seen at least 5 or 10 years from now. We can never fathom what a life in the spotlight is like.
Jake almost went ballistics sometime ago in NY when the paps just kept hounding him. He was not with Reese then.
Ok, last one.I need to go check emails and see if my beta got to look anymore at my chapter.
I can't remember if I've given this one before. This is an excellent holiday candy recipe. These are a guaranteed hit.
Almond Bark Cookies
2 lb. almond bark (I just use a pkg)
1 c. peanut butter
2 c. miniature marshmallows
1 c. dry roasted peanuts
3 c. rice krispie cereal
Melt almond bark in microwave on HIGH (stir after every minute until melted).
Add remaining ingredients.
Drop by spoonfuls and let set up on waxed paper.
I've got two more but I'll share them later tonight.
A fav and healthy to boot.
Fruit Salsa
1 8-ounce can juice-packed pineapple tidbits, drained (or use
1 cup fresh pineapple)
1 banana diced
2 kiwis peeled and diced
1/2 cup red bell pepper
2 tablespoons minced green onion
1 tablespoon cilantro
1 seeded, minced fresh jalapeno peppers*
1 teaspoon grated lime zest
Do you put that on crackers, Special? Or eat it by itself?
I'd have to forgo the jalapenos! I can't do jalapenos - yikes!
I love this song. la di da, la di da. I can see him strumming his little ukelele in the opening scene of that first Muppet movie. That was so hilarious.
awwwwwwwwww..... Kermie.
You can eat it with tortilla chips, I've never tried it with crackers, but heck why not. It is great as cool salsa contrasting with grilled chicken.
One of my mom's recipes.
Texas Sheet Cake
1/4 cup cocoa
1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine
1 cup water
2 cups sugar
2 cups flour
2 beaten eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
Frosting (recipe follows)
Preheat oven to 400 F. Grease and flour a 10x15x1-inch pan.
In a medium saucepan, bring cocoa, margarine and water to a boil, stirring constantly, over medium heat.
In a large bowl, stir together the sugar and flour. Pour the cocoa mixture over and blend well. Add the eggs, buttermilk, baking soda and vanilla. Spread evenly in the prepared pan and bake for 20 minutes. Prepare the frosting.
When the cake is done, immediately pour the frosting over it and spread evenly.
Makes 20 servings.
Frosting: In a medium saucepan, bring to a boil
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter/margarine
1/4 cup cocoa
6 tablespoons milk
take off heat and add:
1 pound powdered/confectioner's
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup chopped pecans
Ok, this is probably sort of cheating, but I start with the following recipe, which is from Martha Stewart:
Roasted Cauliflower with Capers
Makes about 6 cups; Serves 8 to 12 as a tapa
2 large heads cauliflower, (about 4 pounds total), cut into florets
1/3 cup salt-packed capers, rinsed
6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling
Coarse salt
(I leave out the last ingredient it calls for, 1 tablespoon coarsely chopped or very small whole fresh marjoram leaves)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Divide cauliflower and capers between 2 rimmed baking sheets. Drizzle each sheet with 3 tablespoons oil; toss to combine. Season with salt. Spread in a single layer. Roast, stirring occasionally, until cauliflower is golden brown and tender, 30 to 40 minutes.
Now this part is my one additions to the recipe--I was trying to duplicate a cauliflower dish I had at a restaurant in D.C. That one had a dressing I can't duplicate, but it had the following, which I add to the above.
I buy a small jar (3 oz??) of the larger caper berries--they're almost grape-sized. I use the whole jar. First slice the caper berries very very thinly, then I spread the slices on tin foil and toast them in the toaster over (or you could do it under a broiler) until they are brown and very crisp.
After the cauliflower comes out of the oven add the toasted caper slices and about 1/3 cup of pine nuts, and toss.
Serve warm or at room temperature, drizzled with oil.
the real jake is for family and friends. We aren't close of him.
I disagree with this for several reasons. One, it goes right back to that old "my life is private" that is used mostly by closeted stars. They talk about everything else under the sun, then clam up when it comes to their love relationships, or lie about them.
Two, Jake is not living privately, the way say Matt Damon does. He's out there pushing an image, and I think it is totally wrong to push one that is phony and not real. I know all celebrities guard some things, but come on, not everything the way Jake has taken to doing.
It's all about the double standard employed by deeply closeted celebs and everyone else.
And talk about privacy! I was at the hair dresser after work, and I just had to look at that People when it was set down right next to me. Wow, you were not kidding PG, I really did feel just ill. And of course every other paragraph and photo caption was about how "private" this couple is. That and how much "chemistry" they have--yeah, if you think dead fish have chemistry.
At least I was able to "recover" by turning to a story on Adam in which they asked him what he likes in guy, among other things, and the M. Baxter story. You just read those things, or stories on any "normal" HW celeb, and you just can't help but see how sickening what Reeke does is.
And Jake is in the thick of it. This is not just about Reese. This was giant pictures of Jake, and bits about him, etc. All clearly pr-approved by his people as well as hers.
Hey Sienna, glad you're having fun on your vacations. Hot tubs and a fireplace sounds really nice.
That and how much "chemistry" they have--yeah, if you think dead fish have chemistry.
did ya'll notice the review Brothers got in USReekely, of all magazines?? it was not good at all, altho they didn't trash jake, just said he was tragically under-utilized. TM and NP didn't come across so good. they gave it 1.5 stars and called it a plodding drama. i was surprised. s.
People gave Brothers 4 stars; they've obviously become Reeke's go-to tabloid.
yayayay for me not renewing my subscription to Peep. ick.
wow, ted really pissed off some people here
Prairie Girl the sausage cheese balls sound good. But what kind of sausage, I mean in what form? It can't be links if you roll them into balls..?!
I had to reread Ted's BI. Honestly, it does not even sound like he wrote it. But I did note that among his friends, Jake is not hiding his gayness, otherwise how would they know about he and Austin and how true the relationship is. So that's good.
It's been too long since we discussed Austin's comment about rumors for me to recall his exact words, but his statement was not specific to the gay rumors, but to rumors in general. Some people just tried to twist his words to claim he was saying he was straight. Also, re Austin bearding, hanging around a co worker and long time friend is not bearding.
Oh no, LOL, you want to buy the 16 oz tube, like Jimmy Dean. I like Jimmy Dean mild sausage, myself.
Now, it gets messy especially when you're rolling them into balls. But they're a no fail recipe. You can also keep adding tiny amounts of water until you get the dough the consistancy that you want.
I don't know anyone in our office who hasn't liked them. They're easy to eat and they are good.
I gotta disagree with you on that one, m.
I'm not sure why everyone cuts Austin a break all the time and Jake has to take all the heat.
When Jake & Reese started being seen together, what else was everyone thinking? Bearding was the first inkling. Then they came out together in Rome and the stink started to fly.
But around here, until Rome happened, everyone was on pins & needles, waiting for that magic sign that Reeke was going to be a serious gig, which of course it proved to be.
Austin is doing the same thing. The exact same thing. No, they haven't done the smooch at the airport. They haven't done a finger poke. LOLLLLL! Haven't laid out on a concrete slab in Italy.
Barely hooked or brushed 2 fingers together in a mild attempt to look like handholding.
But I'm sorry. They play a couple on the show. He's a guy, she's a girl. They've been seen together in several different states. Flown together. Attended parties together all duded up. I don't care if they're just friends and he's a safe date. A date is a date is a date after a couple of them. Sure the two parties may only be friends/buds/hanging out together friends. But this is HW. And for the most part, you're doing it to get talked about. Together. To get tongues wagging.
It's a "are they or aren't they?"
And I know that Austin's even addressed the question with some kind of vague indirect answer. Same thing as Jake's vague "Hilarious" quote. And we all know what happened after that.
Maybe I'm totally misunderstanding to what point you have to reach before you're bearding. To me, bearding is trying to present a relationship as more than what it really is or ever would be. It's letting people interpret whatever they want to out of an appearance without being clear yourself about what the truth is.
You're perfectly entitled to believe what you want but that's my feeling on it. I think he has been. As I said before, no, not near on the level that Jake has. Of course not.
But it's been a chocolate milk level. To me. As far as I'm concerned.
Actually, when the Reeke business started, before Rome, I figured it might just be to get some publicity for Rendition and it didn't bother me too much. It was that phase of being seen together, but just letting the tabloids put a spin on it, as opposed to all the hand-holding, etc. That's all I think Sophin was, plus the fact they are friends. Unlike Reeke, we do have pictures of Austin hanging out with Sophia. And once the show really got going, all the chatter about them dating kind of died. Like how we got pictures of just Sophia on JJ for that movie premiere, with nary a word about Austin even being there, let alone the B word. Know I find that very odd. The only explanation I can come up with is that Sophia or Austin's management said something and asked him to stop.
And where are all those airport pictures for the USO tour by paps, which they could easily have arranged and gotten some publicity for what they were doing.
Like M said, I don't think spending a lot of time with someone of the opposite sex, especially a long-time friend and co-worker is exactly bearding. Sophia herself said they were just good friends, right before we started seeing a lot of them together. Why say that if you want people to think you're dating????
LOL, the finger poke.
Man, is that Cockroachella finger poke going to go down in the archives of All-Time Head Scratching Jakey G Moves or what?
I still cringe when I think about that thing.
Okay, here's another. This thing is so good. It sounds crazy but it's a hit everywhere it goes:
Chili Cheese Frito Salad
2 cans (15 oz ea) whole corn, drained
2 c. grated cheddar cheese
1 c. mayo
1 c. chopped green pepper
1/2 c. chopped red onion
1 bag (10 1/2 oz) chili cheese Fritos, chopped or crushed in bag
1. Mix first 5 ingredients and chill.
2. Stir in Fritos as desired (3/4 of bag) just before serving.
Can be served with crackers as a dip, too.
Well, Sophin has died down considerably. I agree that I think it was for publicity for the show.
But that's just it. To me? It was trying to create buzz that they were a real couple outside of the show. That's exactly how I took it.
And not after the first couple of times. It was after the Texas mention and that suspenders date.
lol, the suspenders date. I don't remember what that was but all I remember is the suspenders.
And what about that party where they had on the masks? What was that?
We better watch it, tho, Dest, we're going to lure ol' passing by with this convo.
And then I will have to jump over to your & m's side of the fence, lol, to create the Red Rover, Red Rover line.
It's been too long since we discussed Austin's comment about rumors for me to recall his exact words, but his statement was not specific to the gay rumors, but to rumors in general. Some people just tried to twist his words to claim he was saying he was straight. Also, re Austin bearding, hanging around a co worker and long time friend is not bearding.
Come now. Is this a clear case of I see what I want to see, and If I think it, it IS? That's a lot of (you know what) M. Prairiegirl explained it very well. Bearding I Mean! You can cover your eyes if you want to, but If Austin and Sohpia are not realy dating, then it's nothing but bearding in hopes that everyone seeing them thinks they are an item and a hot and heavy couple. Then when asked about it, just do what Jake and Reese and everyone else who is bearding say. Ignore it or play word games like Ted. That leaves only one other scenerio, they are really dating! WoW, then I guess Austin is not gay huh. Well, maybe bi? Well I know it's time for me to go, Destiny might see this post, and we know how she feels about either of the boys being BISEXUAL.
also M, You can choose convenient amnesia if you like, but Austin was speaking on the Jake / Austin rumors and called them Junk and Shit. Now if you / us / we can come to all kinds of conclusions with these guys about everything under the sun without clear cut and precise evidense, then why is it so hard to believe that the rumors Austin were speaking about were not about the obvious one? The pink elephant in the room. The Jake and Austen lovers rumor. Everyone in HW was talking about it, weren't they? Were there any other rumors? I don't think so.
Passing by WHere are You? We need you here for Austin talk. Or Sophia or Sophin. whatever they choose to call themselves.
Thanks Prairie Girl for the answer. I was imagining some pretty big sausage link cheese balls, and your recipie would only make about 3 at the most, lol.
QUEETSSS: Jake Gyllenhaal is sexy as hell in that movie. That's a fine piece of white meat. Good lawd.
erinsgotyouhigh: Brothers was a dissapointment. Only because Jake Gyllenhaal never took his shirt off. SMF.
bubbles4290: soooooo...Brothers...yeah, not the movie to go see right before deploying...but i will say Jake Gyllenhaal looked good enough to eat... ♥
hnewland: PS there was no sex in the movie. And Jake Gyllenhal only took off his shirt one time. Wait for it to come out on DVD.
BreeNicole_: I would have NEVER though man on man action was hot, but jake gyllenhal and heath ledger= one hot tent scene. Whooo
lol, LOL. no, no, no! lol. Buy the 15 oz pkg or whatever size they put it in now. And you can make them any size you want. You can have little balls. Or you can have bigger balls.
I couldn't resist that. Hey, if you try them, let me know how you like them.
Good morning!
And I'm not trying to stir anything up with my discussion up there ^^^. In fact, I was kind of butting in on a conversation that probably was not even involving me to begin with so I apologize for that.
m and I are good email friends. We just kind of see differently on this one issue, but that's okay. Can't agree on everything with everyone. That'd be boring, right? And so not realistic.
Hey, if that Sprinkles twitter is true, I have to say that I find this little weakness of Jake's rather intriguing.
Because here's a guy that you never see chowing down at a roachcoach like you know who, good Mr. friend of his. You never see Jakester taking a big bite out of a juicy hamburger. Or eating in a car along with his beard outside of a T-Bell. And whenever they mention his meals from those upper crust restaurants that he's always going to, it's always those 5-word dishes that only a 5-star rest. chef is going to know exactly what it is. You know what I'm talking about.
So the fact that he keeps dropping in on these little Sprinkles places to get a sugar fix is, uh....... pretty interesting.
Has anyone ever been to one of these Sprinkles? Holy cow, check out some of their cupcakes. These things must be the cream of the crop when it comes to sugar ecstasy.
Chocolate marshmallow - belgian dark chocolate cake and marshmallow cream with bittersweet chocolate ganache
Ginger lemon - spiced ginger cake with lemon cream cheese frosting
carrot - walnut studded carrot cake with cinnamon cream cheese frosting
black & white - belgian dark chocolate cake with creamy vanilla frosting
I'd love to see their red velvet cupcake.
And $3.25 for one of those little cakes. And they're not just a little cake with some icing slapped on them. They are an artistic piece of work, very precise, very cute. And they come in their own little box. It's hard to keep a cupcake from smearing icing all over things no matter what you carry them in. That's why I don't make them very often. But gotta love a cupcake.
I'm glad to find out there's some good ol' bad-eatin' inside of that guy.
I think there's a Jaustin one-shot involving a cupcake somewhere in all that. But I could never do that, lol. Can't go there. But it does give one ideas, nonetheless.
Well, what did Adam Lambert say he likes in a man? *waits with bated breath* :)
Just had to also say:
ty. My front legfin is sore!
Hello everybody,
I hope you are all fine. It's cold at last in my wonderful land and I dream on about an enchanting christmas in the snow!!!!finger crossed.
Thanks a lot special K for "rainbow connection", Kermitt has always been one of my favorite singers lol and this song remind me so many memories. Maybe not a tradition carol but undoubtly an wonderful wonderful song, tears came listening it.
I am presently writing on paper all the receipes you all posted, don't know if I understand all the instructions but I am firmly decided to try one (at least lol)
This time has to be calm and joyful so I declare the christmas peace opened! LOL
Hi Elinor!!
I like this song, too. Love Kermie. I don't like Robin, though.
We were talking about this in the car on the way home from the lake because we were listening to the 12 Days of Christmas sung by the Muppets and John Denver and I was rattling off how I didn't like Rowlf, Gonzo, Big Bird, the Count and Robin. And was promptly asked how could you not like Rowlf, what did he ever do to anyone? I dunno, just don't like him; never have. Anyway, a whole big discussion ensued.
But I'm a huge Grover fan. Grover has always been my absolute favorite. He's high strung and anxiety-ridden, so I promptly identify with him. But he's also loving. Gotta love that Grover.
Who doesn't have a Sesame Street character that's their favorite?
I always liked Cookie Monster, but back in the day when he really ate cookies and junk, and not all that healthy stuff they have him eating now. And Oscar the Grouch.
Adam's answer about what he likes in a guy was not very enlightening as to his type, but I liked it anyway: someone who's attractive, but that it's all about the chemistry and wanting someone who when he touches you, it's like bam.
Also, for anyone who is interested, he also said that he and Drake decided they made better friends than boyfriends.
Couple of comments from towleroad about Jake and the octopus:
Jake G with a huge testicle and 8 dicks on his head? Yeah, sounds about right...
Replace octopus head with reese witherspoon's and it all makes sense
Cookie Monster - yeah, he was cute.
What do they have cookie monster eating now? whines
Cookie Monster eats cookies. That's it. I did not realize this travesty - I am very sorry to hear this.
Thanks for all the great recipes I want to try them all.
Kacie, any cherry pie filling creations have childhood memories for my brothers and I. PG, I will attest that the sausage balls are easy make,great to eat, and I have made tons of them over the years. Those pepper jelly tarts are definitely on my must try list. Stubborn's "fried egg" cake too. And Destiny, califlower is not the first veggie I go for but with capers (a fav) I think it could move up the list.
. . . but that it's all about the chemistry and wanting someone who when he touches you, it's like bam.
Wow, I think that's something we all feel. *swoon*
My favorite Sesame Street character has always been Kermit. :) I do love the Count, and Elmo is a fairly recent fave. Have always loved Bert and Ernie, Oscar the Grouch, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, and Grover. The voices and impressions are all so clever and funny.
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