You know when little kids are so excited about something they can't wait to tell you what it is, like as they hand you the present from them they blurt out what it is? Or tell you the end of the story three pages into their book? But who knew their toys were movie spoilers.
Lego revealed five of the Prince of Persia plays sets coming out next year and in doing so let us in on some of the action that will be happening in the movie.

Some of their names tell us things are obvious based on what we know of the plot, Fight for the Dagger, Quest Against Time. Some give us a nibble but not a lot info, Battle of Almut, and Hassasins Hide Out.
From the boxes we find out that in PoP there's a spinning saw blade, cool weapons, flying spears, thing happening in a market, a palace, soldiers , camels and veggies?. And hey that pesky scorpion problem they had back at Pinewood, Lego makes it a win win throwing in a Legoized one as a special little desert treat. 

But one gives us a golden egg. The Ostrich Race. We knew that Jake had scenes with ostriches but did we know he's riding them shirtless in the hot desert? (Shirtless Legos? Have their ever been shirtless Legos?)

Is it really a stretch that Jake would ride a big bird barechested?

LEGOS? I wonder who is the targeted audience for this movie. Plus I truly wonder if Disney regrets not havent made this movie an animated film.
There are four quadrants in movie demographics Males Under 25, Females Under 25, Males Over 25, Females over 25.
Ex. Teen movies logically want to reach 2 quadrants Males under 25 and Females under 25. RomComs want to reach both female quadrants.
Tentpoles like PoP want to capture all the quadrants. And you will see that in their marketing.
And Tom, what do you think George Lucas did with Star Wars? Was it a kids movie? Lucas was the first to license merchandise for a movie, including toys. 30 years and tons of movies later PoP is doing the same thing.
If Disney thinks PoP has the possibility of being the next star Wars then we will all be dead before Jake comes out. Damn Jake will probably be dead before he comes out. BT will probably be a grandfather. :-)
Say goodbye to seeing Jake and Austin ever together. I guess we will just have to keep fantasizing.
destiny said...
You never know, Jake might hear you if you stomp loudly & often enough.
ITA. I think if Reeke had not been such a pr disaster it would still be going on. They were listening.
Destiny please get over yourself. Of course you will agree with anythihg that puts Jake down. Not a word of good or positive from you, and you will continue to fan the flames. We all think Jake is not totally straight if that meaning can be used, but your continued contempt for the guy who "May" be interested in women also is strange since you say you are and have been involved with both sexes during your lifetime. There is a thin line, and I say a Very Thin line of prejudice from you and your attitude towards him. Especially since you have NO proof of anything about his sexual preference. Only intuition. Then you carry on as if the man committed treason for his country. You are too much!
NO proof?! Hi troll!
As usual Nothing New has Nothing New to say.
Reposting because I forgot to close the tags...
The Indiana Jones movies also had their own sets of Legos.
Those certainly weren't kids movies either.
I don't see what is so bad about them deciding to get all the demographics they can get. All it shows is that they obviously have faith in PoP doing well. They wouldn't put money in producing kids toys if they didn't think they'd get their moneys worth from it.
And a lot of people thought the Pirates trilogy is a horrible idea. Look at how that turned out. Say what you will about Disney, but they know what sells.
And if it does do well, that'll give Jake completely new opportunities in terms of having more clout and being able to live his life in the way he wants to.
And if it does do well, that'll give Jake completely new opportunities in terms of having more clout and being able to live his life in the way he wants to.
What are "completely new opportunities"? What happened to Orlando's and Brandon's "completely new opportunities"?
^^^ Brendan's
I don't see what is so bad about them deciding to get all the demographics they can get. All it shows is that they obviously have faith in PoP doing well. They wouldn't put money in producing kids toys if they didn't think they'd get their moneys worth from
Tom, You don't see this??????
Why would Jake's supposed blockbuster be any different Tom?
Maybe you are too close to the goings on of Jake. Did you question the other blockbuster movies game plan?
Orlando and Brendan aren't good enough to play in inde movies.
What indie movies have to do with anything?
Orlando and Brendan had successful franchise blockbuster movies, but that didn't work for them.
Hey LOL. Where's your sister Said?
Jake better watch out. YOu two evil step sitsters are scheming up something for the demise of Jake's movie POP. Oh yeah, we know ya.
PoP will not skyrocket Jake into superstardom. It’s too generic and Jake will play the generic hero. No iconic character (a la Jack Sparrow or the Joker) will emerge from this movie.
No I dont care about or question any movies game plans except for the ones Jake is in because he is the only celeb I care about. I will not donate to his Keep Jake in the Closet and protect BT Charity. It is homophobic and wrong. If it takes a lot of foot stomping I will do what I can. Others will do what they want. I think we can be divided on OMG and still civil. But we have to be careful who cares and who is just trying to make trouble. From now on I respond only to fimiliar posters and not those who I dont know.
My hopes are high that Jake will come around. Very Very high. reeke is over and it is about time. What a wasted two and a half yrs of Jakes life. I will try to be patient but wont support the status quo that others here may be very willing to except for now.
Uh oh, troll's panties in a bunch again. They reveal themselves. If they really think that gamers are going to make POP the #1 movie, they would not be concerned with the discussion by the people that visit this site. Gamers outnumber us by a wide margin. Actually, when it comes to movies, it is what is not being said about them that is cause for concern. Buzz and word of mouth are essential.
I don't think PoP is generating any buzz.
I will not donate to his Keep Jake in the Closet and protect BT Charity.
^^Tom what do you propose, picket Jakes home with banners insisting him to come out of the closet and make babytile known?
You would be labled a troubled person. Because:
1. no matter what you think of a person you consider in the closet, you can't make them come out. It's their RIGHT and Freedom. Do you know this?
2. If you go by only gossip rumors and intuition you would be laughed out of town, and rightfull so.
3 It's wasted energy pulling someone out of the closet, why bother?
4 More focused on out of the closet celebs. seem more helpful since they ARE proud.
5. Pulling someone out of the closet to satisfy anothers happiness is the wrong Answer. Trust. It will fade, then what do you have?
Honest question:
Where did everybody see PoP already? I thought it was still in pre-production and yet people know exactly what kind of hero Dastan will be in the movie.
Or that PoP will bomb based on what?
What exactly in the few clips we have seen was so exceptionally bad? I'm honestly interested to know what it was, because as much as you can say from movie trailers alone, I liked them.
The comments I got on the first PoP trailer I uploaded to Youtube also got a lot of excited comments from people who have played the games in the first few hours alone. The ones who didn't like it all complained it'll suck because Jake isn't Persian, which has to be the stupidest reason ever.
They'd be hard-pressed to find a Persian actor seeing as Persia itself doesn't even exist anymore.
Not to mention that Jake might not be the carbon copy of Dastan, but he's pretty close.
Red Redding Checks In With An Obscenely Early Review Of Jerry Bruckheimer's PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME!!!
Red Redding here with a very early review of Prince of Persia (based off of the videogame Sands of Time). Me and 34 other people were invited to a screening on September 22nd to Jerry Bruckheimer's personal screening room (where he was in attendance) to see a rough cut (animation instead of people, missing cgi, etc.) of the film.
The first thing that comes to mind after watching PoP is that they were trying very hard to have this be the next Pirates of the Caribbean, and why shouldn't they? Those are three very fun and extremely successful films. Unfortunately, it comes off as a mere imitation of those movies. I won't go into plot, but I can gather (although never completing the sands of time videogame) that this is a mixture between Hamlet and the videogame, so take that as you will.
The problem with this movie isn't the actors (who all speak in a quasi-british accent, but since everyone is doing it, it was fine), the pacing, the macguffin (dagger of time), or the action. The main problem lies with the script. Everything that happens in this movie is very predictable, and it being a Disney movie, you can guess the plot points well before they happen. But the problem really lies with the middle, ultimate conclusion, and the tone of the movie. Without spoiling anything, the middle is very repetitious and introduces us to some characters that really serve no purpose to the story whatsoever (Alfred Molina and crew, Hassasins). Everything that happens when they meet throws off the tone of the movie for some bad humor or mystical aura. Speaking of the humor: remember how the Pirates movies were actually clever and funny? They try that in this movie, but they are all bad one liners that take you out of the serious tone of the film. All of the humor that isn't between Dastan (Gyllenhaal) and Tamina (Arterton) should be cut out along with the slow motion shots. Finally, this movie has an ending that pretty much undoes all of the character development for everyone except Dastan, which gives way to a nice happy package at the end, but just feels like a copout. I realize that most audiences prefer a happy ending, but it actually hurt the tone of this movie
As mentioned above, they did get many things right. The actors are all fine in their roles and there is a nice camaraderie with Dastan and his two brothers, as well as good chemistry between Dastan and Tamina. The movie was a little over two hours and it moved at a very good pace with only a couple of slow spots, but nothing really needs to be cut or added to this movie. The cinematography was good as well with some pretty epic shots that will come together nicely when the cgi is done. The action is very parkour-esque with a lot of running and jumping off of walls, etc. There is quite a lot of action, but some of it is action for action sake and doesn't serve the story, but is interesting and entertaining nonetheless. Finally, we get to the coolest part of the movie, the dagger of time. Every time the dagger is used (about three or four times throughout the film) it becomes the next bright spot of the film. It is a very cool effect and creates some very good scenes. I really wished that they had used it more in the film because it really brought the quality and creativeness up a notch.
After the film, the group was asked to raise their hands to see how many liked it, and of the 35, 30 or so raised their hands. I realize I am in the minority, but there were many families there who really enjoyed this movie. This is a movie with mass appeal, and if edited right could possibly be rated PG (there really is no violence and no swearing whatsoever). Most agreed that an 8 year old could see this film and not be troubled. Some 14 year old said it blew his mind. I just felt that I had seen this movie done better before other times and that they messed up the ending.
What exactly in the few clips we have seen was so exceptionally bad?
Lame and not funny dialogue, no chemistry between Dastan and Tamina, we have seen all that before feeling.
The problem I see is a lack of buzz from people who want to see the movie. No it is not out yet, but there have been plenty of other movies that had buzz long before they came out: The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Sex and the City, Avatar and Sherlock Holmes, just to name a few. Sure there are surprises (The Hangover), but a big tent movie in particular needs that buzz. I haven't seen it for PoP. The Disney Expo didn't create any, and I'm still puzzled over its omission from Comic Con.
Stubborn TB said...
And if it does do well, that'll give Jake completely new opportunities in terms of having more clout and being able to live his life in the way he wants to.
I hope that one of those opportunities you expect for Jake after PoP Stubborn is for him to come out. I am divided if PoP being a success will make it easier or tougher for Jake to come out. Being successful hasnt made it that way for Cruise, Travolta, or Will Smith if any of them happen to be gay to come out. I think Jake wants to be a rich and famous movie star. Being a huge star and being Gay dont go together in this counrty Stubborn.
Here's a real story, with the details removed for privacy. A few years back, while casting a tent pole action blockbuster, the studio in charge discovered that it's lead was a big 'mo. They went to him and said essentially, "Look, we need to know you aren't going to come out. We can get you dates with a girl for public appearances, but you can not possibly come out." He refused and was dropped from the project like a hot potato.
Why haven't you heard this story? Because the actor in question wanted a career.
"hope that one of those opportunities you expect for Jake after PoP Stubborn is for him to come out."
The guy never had the intention to come out.
Of course not! Why would anyone want to come out?! Life in the closet is wonderful!
I'm really tired of the naysayers when it comes to out or at least glass closet film actors. Quinto is proving you don't have to be beard. Star Trek was the No. 5 movie last year, and the No. 1 movie in illegal downloads.
Jake doesn't have the balls to come out or he would have never bearded. The best I think we can hope for is a glass closet, but don't see that either from him.
If PoP is a success then we're talking at least 2 more sequels/another 5 years of bearding/I'm mister straight/family friendly--and no, Disney doesn't think families include gay men and lesbians when it comes to movies, they just don't count.
Disney has long been the most gay friendly studio in Hollywood, having had a couple of gay production chiefs over the years, most recently Nina Jacobson, now an independent producer after being forced out in a studio purge several years ago. The studio's theme parks have allowed unofficial Gay Day celebrations for years, prompting a host of venemous attacks from various Christian right anti-gay zealots.
But Disney now has a really big first -- Rich Ross, Hollywood's first openly gay studio chief.
LA Times October 6, 2009
Gay men in the industry have been some of the biggest problems for gay actors--look at all the gay casting directors. Look at all the gay agents who tell their clients they can't do it. "Outsiders" who make it want to prove they are just one of the good old boys, and they do it by going along with all the homophobia, sexism, racism, etc. They all buy into the system instead of trying to change it. They still point at Rupert Everett who is a major A-hole to work with and who made bad movie choices, and they say, see, you can't do it. They've been doing it for ten years now. David Geffen is one of the most powerful men in HW, and works with another of the most powerful men in HW, Spielberg.
They're all happy to take our gay dollars, as long as they think it won't cost them any dollars from the biggots.
Quinto isn't leading man material, at least on film. And Quinto wasn't the sole lead of Star Trek. I think comparing his and Jake's career is like apples and oranges. Apart from a sequel to Star Trek and some in-development deal, what else is Quinto doing that proves you don't need to beard in Hollywood? By the way, when did he announce to the world that he was gay?
In fact, having gays in those positions just makes it worse. They can all point at themselves and say, see, we're not bigots, and it's gay men making these decisions. Jim Crows every last one of them.
Always an excuse for why gays are supposed to stay at the back of the bus, isn't there?
And I was talking at first about bearding, not coming out. There is a world of difference between not talking about your life, and actively lying to everyone the way Jake has done. And I'm really tired of being told both that its his life, and that I should support that. Well yes, it is his life. But I don't have to condone it, because it's my life too, and if I don't want to waste money on someone who thinks so little of himself and his fans that he spent two years lying to them, thats my right.
Is it really a stretch that Jake would ride a big bird barechested?
NO! ; )
You guys are in the wrong age group to hear buzz. Take it from someone who used to post here but no longer does, because you guys go a little over the edge. I used to post here long ago under Canadaian-tb...then as Canadian...Thought I'd pop in now that Jake is single. I see you guys stay the same. I wont continue to post here but as I said long ago I am much younger then you guys and there is alot of 'word of mouth' buzz going on among girls and boys. Ages 10-25.
PoP will do just fine, regardless of the material in the movie, who the lead is, who was bearding. It might not be epic, but it will do just fine.
I hope everyone has/had good holidays!
"and if I don't want to waste money on someone who thinks so little of himself and his fans that he spent two years lying to them, thats my right"
and Austin ?
I'm not happy about what he did either, but it is not in the same class as what Jake did. No hand-holding, court-side kisses, tabloid covers, numerous "family vacations", spending birthdays and holidays together, mom tagging along to make it look legit, etc. It falls more into the category of being seen around with a work colleague and friend and letting people think what they want. It also seems to have abruptly stopped (and no, I don't believe the last twitters we got of them supposedly in Austin).
If we get hand-holding, piggy-back rides and Sophia doing magazine covers about her wonderful boyfriend, then I'll stop watching his work too.
Hey I hear you, I have nephews in that age group and they've played the game and said they would go see it cause it looks "kinda cool" and they don't really give a rip who's playing the Prince, as long as it looks like the game.
Wow I just wanted to have fun about the upcoming toys and Jake clinging to a running ostrich shirtless. I believe there are days for levity.
Congratulation to Jana Kramer who got engaged over the holiday to boyfriend Jonathan Schaech.
Too irrational for me, sorry.
I agree lol no why in heck that was Canadian tb.
Stubborn I dont want you to think I was trying to make you look bad.
We just dont see things the same way. I hope somewhere along the line Jake has the clout and freedom in his career to do what he wants. I just hope that includes coming out.
There is going to be disagreement here at OMG because of the diversity of its members. But lets face it a lot of people left because of what Jake has done. I think we are down to very few loyal members. I think those who have hung there have strong feelings for Jake and also Austin. Those of us who think bearding in anyway cannot be acceptable are gonna stomp our feet.
Let me repeat something I said last week. Those of us who are gay here will see this in a very different way than our straight members. The gay members are gonna take what Jake has done very personnally. We strive every day in our lives for acceptance and then we see someone we admire do what Jake has done and it hurts. Jake doesn have to be a spokeperson for the gay community but he should nt embarrassas us either. I felt tremendously embarrassed for him ove rthe last
2 1/2 yrs.
Move on then.
Trolls need to move on.
Gay marriage in Argentina is 1st in Latin America
, and …
Gay rights activists Jose Maria Di Bello and Alex Freyre were married in Ushauaia, the capital of Argentina's Tierra del Fuego state, in a ceremony witnessed by sate and federal officials.
"My knees didn't stop shaking," Di Bello said. "We are the first gay couple in Latin America to marry."
The couple had previously tried to marry in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires but were thwarted by city officials citing conflicting judicial rulings. Argentina's Constitution is silent on whether marriage must be between a man and a woman, effectively leaving the matter to state and city officials.
Tierra del Fuego Gov. Fabiana Rios said in a statement that gay marriage "is an important advance in human rights and social inclusion and we are very happy that this has happened in our state."
An official representing the federal government's antidiscrimination agency, Claudio Morgado, attended the wedding in the city of Ushauaia and called the occasion "historic."
Many in Argentina and throughout Latin America remain opposed to gay marriage, particularly the Roman Catholic Church.
But same-sex civil unions have been legalized in Uruguay, Buenos Aires, Mexico City and some states in Mexico and Brazil. Marriage generally carries more exclusive rights such as adopting children, inheriting wealth and enabling a partner to gain citizenship.
Di Bello said the city of Ushuaia initially declined to authorize the marriage but went ahead after the couple received backing from the state of Tierra del Fuego.
"We filed an administrative appeal to the government of Tierra del Fuego, which finally authorized the wedding.
A bill that would legalize gay marriage was introduced in Argentina's Congress in October but it has stalled without a vote.
Only seven countries in the world allow gay marriages: Canada, Spain, South Africa, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium. U.S. states that permit same-sex marriage are Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut and New Hampshire.
Di Bello, 41, an executive at the Argentine Red Cross, met Freyre, 39, executive director of the Buenos Aires AIDS Foundation, at an HIV awareness conference. Both are HIV-positive.
Special, where did you ever find this song? You're the greatest.
I'm one who hopes that Jake will do well with PoP, so that he'll have lots of movie options, indie and blockbuster and everything in between, and perhaps even be able make his own. I believe it will give him the power and cushion to come out. I'm still gonna wait and see.
Who ever thought that J&R would end so abruptly? Once it picked up steam, I thought it would be full steam ahead, but it derailed for some reason. Curious. Jake doesn't appear to be that heartbroken, sorry.
I think people who have known discrimination can empathize, Tom. It may not be exactly the same, but it's similar.
Jake is not Orlando or Brendan. I'm hopin he'll be a lot like Johnny Depp.
Marc Jacobs and his fiance Lorenzo Martone break out their black and blue briefs while spending time on Saline Beach in St. Bart’s on Monday (December 28).
The 46-year-old legendary fashionista has been soaking in the sunshine all week and spent time with Jimmy Choo boss, Tamara Mellon.
When there’s no restroom in sight, the good ole towel wrap will have to do!
Just Jared
Jake doesn't appear to be that heartbroken, sorry.
Why would Jake be heartbroken?!?
I'm sure he's more than happy that reeking is over.
I agree thud people experience many types of discrimination. We probably all have in some way in our lifetime. But I am specifically talking about bearding and that entails someone taking part and choosing sides with those who are discrimating against those of their own kind. Maybe its a little like Michael Jackson trying to appear white. Maybe it is like a women not taking her husbands name just because the name is Jewish. Bearding is a very personal choice made by someone who is gay deliberately choosing to take part in discrimation directed at himself actually. That is a sad accuse for a human being. whomever it may be.
accuse = excuse
I would think it's like all of those things, Tom. It makes ya cringe, doesn't it. :(
Especially if that man is raising a child in a world he said he wanted to change.
Jesus Special was writing about toys and you made into another fight. Then was bearding, that's done. Now it's not coming out. Some come here to read the post and find out what's new but everyday it's the same ones picking the same fight. I'm happy he's not bearding anymore but if being out is acting like you I don't want Jake to come out.
Tom I think dividing people saying they don't understand does nothing to help bring people together and to resolve issues. I agree with Thud, that some straight people do empathize with gay people about what is going on and discounting them because they are straight really isn't fair. I know that I have many gay friends for a long time and while we both understand we don't have the same experiences, they don't discount my thoughts or feelings because I'm straight just like I don't because they're gay.
PoP is going to incite anger in me everytime I have to read about it. That is the way I feel. Let me say AGAIN. I am glad the bearding is over but Jake has thrown some heavy puches over the last 2 1/2 yrs. Peolple arent going to forget that easily. I am still waiting for himto say how sad he was that his friend and fellow actor Heath died. Nothing yet. That was a part of the paln that involved bearding. That was a plan created for Jakes getting the part in PoP.
Jersey Tom said...
Spesh dont expect me a Gay man to ever accept what Jake has done. You find excuses for him. In my eyes there are none. I would like to hear that from you. It would make me feel that u truly do understand.
I'm not Special, but I'd like to give this a shot, Tom, if you don't mind.
Having never walked in Jake's shoes, I can't speak to why he does or doesn't do certain things. None of us have walked in Jake's shoes. We know nothing about what's in his heart and head. We don't know what stressors he has in life.
Expecting him to do or say something to validate how you feel about him is selfish and downright silly.
I guess I'm lucky wherein a lot of others here are not; I'm able to separate the actor from the man. Seeing his films because I think he's a good actor isn't dependent on whether I like or dislike what he does in his personal life. As it should be, when you get right down to it. Don't you think?
I'm able to separate the actor from the man.
I don't believe fans can separate the actor from the man.
Normally I can seperate the actor or athlete from the man. But with Jake I cannot. I might be able to root for Tiger Woods again. I imagine some women who post here may not be able to.
It depends on how you feel about the actor. I could never seperate what Michael Vic did from the athlete even though he plays for my favorite team. It depends on the so many different things.
I cant frogive the athletes who used steroids and cheated at playing my favorite sport and making a mockery out of baseball history. I can forgive RDJ for using drugs. I hope he stays clean. So there are many variants.
Jake is special to me so it will be hard to forgive him He has demeaned not only me but himself.
I think if Wicked still came to the boards she be txting me and telling me to stop having a conversation with myself.
You know what would make me feel a little better. That would be to hear SK say that bearding is wrong. I would also like to hear her say Jake hurt some of her friends because he did it. In your mind SK you have excuses for Jake. Those excuse are not good enough. It is even worse he did it if he has a child. I hope you undersatnd how I feel.
You have no right to call Special out. She has been nothing fair with you and everyone else who has different opinions. To expect her to say something you want to hear is selfish.
Its not selfish whomever. It is commonn sense. Bearding is wrong.
I think Jake would be kinda freaked out by you, to be honest Tom. It's time to let go of the coming out obession you have in regards to him and just let it be. If he wants to he will, if he doesn't want to, then he doesn't want to. HIS LIFE HIS DECISION. You boycotting PoP or any other Jake movie isn't going to change that.
In the end he will go on and make millions of dollars making movies and what will you be doing? Still critical towards him by blogging about it?
I don't claim to know Jake, but I believe I speak for him and probably a few others here when I say: STOP
9:09 you sound really overly invested in what people think about Jake. Why do you care so much?
Well, you got me Smell you, I work for his PR Agency, so I make my living on what people think about him. THINK STRAIGHT! THINK STRAIGHT!!
^^ I agree. YOu should Stop Tom! You are getting too worked up about another person's life (Jake's) that you have absolutely NO Control of. It's kind of scarry. The way I see it, Jake's coming out will only make YOU happy temperarily, then you will move on to more demads on HIS life.
(( Like ride on a float in the Gay parade LOL! Just kidding, Butt... )) It's an Inside job Tom. At the end of the day, you go home to your life and Jake to his. Sorry, it does not sound like you are a fan of Jake's or you like him. YOUR WORDS DO NOT SAY FAN. They read more like Non exceptance, fear, hate, No patience, No tolerance, Controlling etc.
Good grief.
Finally got my internet connection at home to come on and look what I find.
Let's get ready to rummmmbbbbbleee!!! lol.
I hear Tom & Destiny loud & clear. I cannot fully feel what they do because I'm straight but I can fully understand it. And Tom is right in that alot happened over these past 2 1/2 -3 years to just sweep it under the rug.
And I fully agree that you cannot separate an actor from their personal life. I don't know how you can.
Just like I can't hear my one-time favorite song "Forever" by Chris Brown now without thinking of him pummeling Rhihanna. It's been tainted. And I loved Naked Gun but when I see OJ Simpson on there as Nordberg, a character I just used to love, all I can think about is all the personal stuff he's had going on in his life.
To me, it takes a supreme individual to be able to totally separate an actor from their personal life, if that personal life has some real issues in it.
Ah geez, and before anyone chirps up that what Jake did does not compare with Chris Brown or OJ Simpson, save your breath. I know it. I'm just using those as examples.
And before anyone pummels on me, let me say that I was blowing the peace pipe around here as soon as Reeke was over and where in the heck were you all?
It's been dead around here even before the holidays.
While I respect & usually agree with some of what you usually say, Former, it kills me that the only time you're ever on here is to criticize one of the regulars. Where in the heck are you on the good days? On the days when we were just on here having fun discussing Jake or Austin? Funny how everyone who comes on here slamming regulars for "being negative" or "bashing Jake" are never to be seen on the days when we're on here quite calm and Jake-friendly.
If you're a former TBer, what in the heck are you doing still lurking? That name doesn't make any sense. What exactly does being a former TB'er involve believing? Of course you're not going to agree with much of what is said on here then because most people here still believe Jake is Toothy! LOL! Which makes me wonder precisely why you still are around.
I can let go of the bearding for now because Jake is taking the quiet road. He's not out struttin his stuff now that ol' IM's no longer around. Doesn't mean I have forgotten some of the stuff that happened, but hey, I don't expect people to forget some of the bad stuff I've said over the years either. We've all got stuff to account and atone for so I have no room to talk.
But I have to jump in and hang in there with Dest & Tom because darnit, they've been here a ton more often than most of their naysayers here. Former & Oh Good Lord, you two have no idea what Tom is like in real life, so I wouldn't be making character assaults like that if I were you. You don't have one iota idea about Tom.
And now to also join Special on this long fence, come on you guys, we can allllll fit on here, if we just scrunch up a bit.
Okay, I'm done. Wow, it's good to be on my own internet connection again. Looks like everyone's hit the hay. I am off to see what other kind of trouble I can get into.
I usually say a few trollish things every now and then, but Special is always fair to everyone, even the trolls!
Tom, it is ridiculous to try and put words into someone else's mouth.
That's the problem around here...if you do not toe the line with certain regulars, you get called a troll (even if you think JiG). Now it's whether you support PoP or not.
Where in the heck are you on the good days? On the days when we were just on here having fun discussing Jake or Austin? Funny how everyone who comes on here slamming regulars for "being negative" or "bashing Jake" are never to be seen on the days when we're on here quite calm and Jake-friendly.
Sorry PG, but when are those days exactly?
When the bearding was over people still continued to talk about it as if it hadn't ended.
Everytime Jake wasn't seen with Reese for weeks people continued to say how much Jake sucks for bearding as if there had just been a new photo-op.
Even when Jake and Austin went out bike-riding together despite people saying it would never ever happen again, it wasn't received positive. Instead people said that Jake was doing it to sell Reeke.
And resident troll, I don't know who you are and what exactly those trollish things are that you said, but for what it's worth I agree with your last sentence. I have no doubt I would be called a troll if I posted this under another name.
There's nothing about your statement, Stubborn at 12:10 that would/should get you labeled a troll. This tactic is now used way too often, the crying about being called a troll. And like I said before, you cannot expect all talk of Reeke to have ended the minute that US Reekley "Split" article came out. He did that for 2 1/2 to 3 yrs - much as anyone hates to admit it, it is/was part of his life for that length of time and that's longer and more times than he was ever out in public with Austin on a consistant basis. It would be like ignoring him with Chris or a member of his family and acting like that period of time never existed. Yes, Reeke discussion continued for awhile but it died down a few days prior to Christmas. Yes, I believe he is still with Austin and I'm batty about the idea of the 2 of them together.
But there is only so long of a time you can talk about something that you do not ever get to see. You cannot carry on a day long conversation & online banter about a sudsy bubble bath between the boys when we can't even get a picture of them walking down a sidewalk together anymore. People need material, they need some honest to goodness factual, visual material in order to carry on a day long thread.
I have never called anyone on here who just says they don't think J&A are together any more a troll. And the reaction of believing you're called a troll just because you want PoP to be a success is ridiculous and overeactive. I have been on here several times stating that while I think PoP's success will only put a stamp of approval on bearding, I have also said that I still hope for its success for Jake. And nobody on here called me a troll. In fact, Tom & I have been on the phone talking about this very thing and have disagreed quite civilly and rspectively. We just disagreed. He didn't call me a troll. I havent' seen him or any other daily regular call anyone a troll just for liking PoP.
This is another thing that is irritating. One temporary name person labels someone misgivingly a troll and it gets lumped into "everyone here" or "all the regulars here". That's a total exxageration and a lie. Please stop generalizing a statement or sentiment into "everyone" because it is not true.I didn't used to use the word troll until the last couple of months. Funny, getting called phartgirl and PiG might kind of got me to thinking that Huh. Gee, you reckon this might be a troll, PG?
The ones who get called trolls are the ones like passingby who just keep harping and harping to the point of badgering when they know their opinion is not shared and they have had their questions addressed but just keep coming back. That is trolling.
And yeah, there have been plenty of days when talk has been positive, Stubborn. I'll go back and find them for you. There have been great responses to Special's Sunday Out Spotlights with no namecalling or Reeke mention. Not entire days, no. But there have been plenty of mornings and afternoons. What about the day we were talking about Sesame Street?
When someone makes comments like this who are here on a regular, recognizable basis, then I would be more apt to understand. But to me, coming from someone whose name appears once every 4 weeks or a new "name of the day", it's more like crying. I'm sorry, that's just how I see it. And that's an opinion, that's not fact. That's just how I feel on it. And before anyone takes some big personal offense over this crit, I'm going to say that I have certainly done more than my share of boo-hooing; it's just generally been about alot of other subjects. I can be one of the worst complainers & whiners you've heard.
Geez. It's too early in the morning for this; I'm done.
And for what it is worth, there really has not been an "official statement" that Reeke has ended. All we have are close friends of Reese's and "inside sources close to" of hers that are reporting what Reese has said.
Jake hasn't said anything, other than to have his people issue a denial of a split.
So while a popular consensus is that Reeke has split, there still hasn't really been an official announcement. Not that they ever officially said they were a couple (heck, Jake's getting out of this thing totally scot free), I would think that "Jake Moves In!" and her In Style & Elle, etc etc. would be enough to have ruled them "a couple".
I'm just sayin'. Not to bring up that "word" again, but it couldn't be helped. And yeah, while I thankfully & most joyously believe it's over, there are some who believe that it could erupt like a bad case of shingles somewhere down the line. And while I don't think that will happen, I certainly can't say it with 100% certainty or confidence.
Stubborn I dont think anyone labeled the first set of biking pics as a photo op. Everyone was thrilled beyond belief. When the second set of biking pics came out it did seem like a photo op since they stopped at end of a gated community to pose. Of course it was an attempt to show they were coming out of reese house. I do believe that was damage control.
A bad case of the Shingles. Damn PG your good.
And I fully agree that you cannot separate an actor from their personal life. I don't know how you can.
You have to! These people ACT for a living. If you are a cashier in a department store, it would be rediculous to believe that your life, your thoughts, and your whole being is based around what you do for eight hours in a day. The actor moves onto other jobs months later and has to prepare and (get into) the next role (assignment). That's just how it is. The people who can't distinguishe the actors work from their true being has challenges.
Prairiegirl it's alright to take up for your firends but sometimes they need to hear the truth and just enableing them or saying things just to show you are on their side does not help. Some things are better left unsaid. Growth is sometimes needed. The posters or FANS on this site really need to understand that Jake is NOT the person he plays in his roles regardless of his true sexuality. And this goes for the role he played in Brokeback Mountain also.
The posters or FANS on this site really need to understand that Jake is NOT the person he plays in his roles regardless of his true sexuality. And this goes for the role he played in Brokeback Mountain also.
WTF are you talking about? What are you, 12?
^^^ The above statement is for the Regular NAMED posters also. You do not get a pass to say mean things, or abuse others simply because you've given yourself a Name.
I believe there are days for levity.
You do not get a pass to say mean things, or abuse others simply because you've given yourself a Name.
You do not get a pass to insult posters or FANS on this site simply because you've given yourself a Name.
Oracle, I am not saying that Jake is his roles. That is not what I'm saying at all. I don't think anyone here is saying he is Jack Twist. How many times has anyone brought that role up here in the last 12 months anyway?
And who is namecalling here, Oracle? I am not seeing namecalling in this thread.
You know, what on earth started all this anyway. I'm not in the mood to argue anymore. I'm in a fine mood away from here. I like everyone for the most part around here. I don't have a beef with you, Stubborn, nor Oracle. In fact, I'd take down all my posts but I'm not. I don't mean for them to be taken in a really bad way.
I was merely trying to state my opinion. I'm not entirely agreeing with any particular person here. But I'm not going to let generalized statements be made about regulars when they are false generalizations.
If anyone wants some levity, please tell a good, clean joke and let's all share a laugh.
Sorry I missed the discussion last night and wasn't here to support you Tom, but I see PG came to the rescue. :-D My girlfriend commandeered the computer and I finally gave up on getting any time and went to bed.
I agree with Tom and PG.
I especially like what PG said actors and not being able to talk about things we don't see and I thought what Tom said about bearding was very well put, especially this part: Bearding is a very personal choice made by someone who is gay deliberately choosing to take part in discrimation directed at himself actually.
Bearding is very destructive, not only to the person who does it, but to society. Every single person who choses to do that is one more person who is supporting homophobia, and one less person who is out that people can point to and say I know someone who is gay and/or that gay people do not exist in certain industries, etc. In the case of well-known people, it does a lot more damage because millions of people witness it, not just your small circle of friends, family and co-workers.
I disagree with Tom about asking people to admit that because people are free to express their opinions, whether I agree with them or not. However, ike Tom, I get very frustrated at the fact that a lot of people don't seem to think there is anything wrong with bearding. I see it not just here, but also at WFT2, where some posters talk about who to beard Jake up with next, and it is clear their only problem with Reeke was his choice in beard.
Finally, one other point. Some posters keep insisting that we should just chill, and that we should base our decision to see something solely on the actor's work, not the kind of person he is. Well, I find that highly ironic coming from people who also insist that Jake has to beard to work in HW and we should just ignore it. You can't have it both ways.
Couple of other things.
I had a brain freeze when I referred to Jim Crows, it should be Uncle Toms.
While I still watch things Austin is in, I don't feel the same way I did about him before all this Sophia nonsense. I thought he had more brains and balls, but sadly I was wrong.
"lol", "silly trolls", "silly babblers" etc are the true resident trolls on this site. They wait in the shadows just to post snarky comments against no-so-regular posters who may say the slightest thing that departs from the party line.
It is obvious that these posters are one or more of the regular posters who conveniently change their name back to the regular one and act as if it wasn't them.
"lol", "silly trolls", "silly babblers" etc are the true resident trolls on this site.
Nice try! lol
^Right on cue!
Go back in your little hole, ignorant one
It is obvious that I differ with a lot of people here and its my blog. I have not intended to create a party line.
The only thing I say would be a close is the blog mission statement: to promote friendship and community among fans of Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols, whatever the nature of their relationship. We strive to have fun, support these actors and each other, and to promote community. Our main goal is to respect Jake Gyllenhaal, Austin Nichols, their relationship, and each other. Insults and name-calling will not be tolerated here.
Don't count on that trolly.
It is not the posters with blue names who attack or who have a party line - it is posters like "silly trolls" and whatever other alter egos they have.
I think most posters appreciate that you are fair, SK
Special K said...
It is obvious that I differ with a lot of people here and its my blog. I have not intended to create a party line.
Your loyalities lie with Jake and not the Gay community. You support Homophobic practices such as bearding. Admit SK you are the one in love with Jake.
Wrong said...
Your loyalities lie with Jake and not the Gay community. You support Homophobic practices such as bearding.
Lrn2Read. The blog missions mentions nothing about "gay" community, just community among fans of Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols, whatever the nature of their relationship.
OOOOOOO, the party line is not being adhered to - get used to it wrong/silly trolls/lol etc. Come back when you have ironed the creases out of your XXXL bloomers
I have many gay friends and supportive of the gay community. I am not homophobic, and being called that because I do not agree with everything think I should is not fair.
But like the mission statement says of this blog, the primary focus of this blog is to promote friendship and community among fans of Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols, whatever the nature of their relationship. We strive to have fun, support these actors and each other, and to promote community. Our main goal is to respect Jake Gyllenhaal, Austin Nichols, their relationship, and each other.
Because of what most of us here believe about the relationship of Jake and Austin and that some of those in our community who are gay , we address discuss and support LGBT community and causes.
But this is a place for Jake and Austin fans, and that's what I am a Jake and Austin fan. And I can be that.
As you know, this is "Jake is gay blog".
Your trolling won't change that.
Things like the recent discussions happen when nothing newsworthy is going on so issues get minutely dissected and of course people have differing opinions. That is why we are here. To share our thoughts. Hopefully we will see Jake out and about soon so we have some new material. I had hoped to see more of him around the Brothers event, but he did very little promo compared to his other films.
Don't put words in my mouth. I do think he is gay. Now get back to the ironing board. There are still crinkles in your bloomers.
It is strange how little of Jake we got for Brothers. You would think that he'd want to have a few pap photos for places like JJ to post and then mention the movie like he does with other celebs. And then the one real sighting we get of him gets denied by his rep.
You obviously don't read your own posts.
You would think that he'd want to have a few pap photos for places like JJ to post and then mention the movie like he does with other celebs.
Maybe Jake doesn't want more "devastated after split" crap?
m, -- errr I mean silly trolls, since you just lurve quoting me, please include the quote where I said Jake is not gay in your next awesome "comeback". I'll be waiting
"And then the one real sighting we get of him gets denied by his rep."
How knowing it was real first? Is the source the most reliable ?
Will you be nice to me if I promise not to go to see PoP?
Sources were Just Jared and Mark Malkin (E! Online).
Mark Malkin: "Gyllenhaal's rep says that the actor wasn't in NYC on Saturday. Even so, our sources continue to insist they saw him at the event. If he wasn't there, we apologize for the confusion. But if he was, we'd like to thank Mr. Gyllenhaal for helping out such a great organization."
Um, and I'm still waiting for the quote where I said that Jake is not gay.
Sorry, no rush - you must still be ironing out those parachute sized knickers.
UV is looking for you.
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