Today's Out Spotlight is poet and playwright Edna St. Vincent Millay. She was a major poetic voice of the rebellious Jazz Age. And has been hailed as the greatest
female poet since Sappho of ancient Greece.Born in Rockland, Maine, on February 22, 1892 Millay and her two sisters were raised by her mother, Cora, in an unconventional family from which her father Henry was asked to leave when she was seven by her mother at least in part because of his gambling. Her mother encouraged her daughters to be ambitious and self-sufficient, teaching them an appreciation of music and literature from an early age.
Millay's first known lover, Floyd Dell, reported that "'Her mother had expected a son, and when the child was a girl, she brought her up, she told me, like a son--to be self-reliant and fearless and ambitious.'"In 1912, at her mother's urging, twenty year old Millay entered her poem "Renascence" into a contest, winning fourth place and publication in The Lyric Year. In the immediate aftermath of The Lyric Year, a wealthy woman named Caroline B. Dow heard Millay reciting her poetry and playing the piano at the Whitehall Inn in Camden, Maine, and was so impressed that she offered to pay for her education at Vassar College There, she continued to write poetry and became involved in the theater.
While playing the lead in her own play, The Princess Marries the Page at Vassar, she was approached by the British actress Edith Wynne Matthison, who, excited by the performance, came backstage to kiss Millay and invite her to her summer home. Millay felt great passion in the kiss and the two exchanged letters, providing one of her few known straightforward pronouncements of lesbian love:
"You wrote me a beautiful letter,--I wonder if you meant it to be as beautiful as it was.--I think you did; for somehow I know that your feeling for me, however slight it is, is of the nature of love. . . . When you tell me to come, I will come, by the next train, just as I am. This is not meekness, be assured; I do not come naturally by meekness; know that it is a proud surrender to You."Millay also had several relationships with other women while at Vassar. In 1917, the year of her graduation, Millay published her first book, Renascence and Other Poems. At the request of Vassar's drama department, she also wrote her first verse play, The Lamp and the Bell (1921), a work about love between women.
In January 1921 she went to Paris, where she met sculptor Thelma Wood, with whom she had a romantic relationship. Millay, whose friends called her "Vincent," then moved to New York's Greenwich Village, where she led a notoriously Bohemian life. She lived in the nine-foot-wide attic of the house owned by the Cherry Lane Theater that was renowned for being the smallest in New York City. She wrote anything she could find an editor willing to accept. She and the other writers of Greenwich Village were, according to Millay herself, "very, very poor and very, very merry."She joined the Provincetown Players in their early days, and befriended writers such as Witter Bynner, Edmund Wilson, Susan Glaspell, and Floyd Dell, who asked for Millay's hand in marriage. She refused a proposal from Dell, who wanted to cure her of her "Sapphic tendencies," believing that marriage would confine her to traditional female roles. She was openly bisexual having a series of affairs with men or women, expressing not only her belief that love was temporary but also an unwillingness to commit to a man or woman.
Millay published A Few Figs from Thistles in 1920, a volume of poetry which drew much attention for its controversial descriptions of female sexuality and feminism. In 1923 her fourth volume of poems, The Harp Weaver, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. She was the first woman to be so honored for poetry. Poet Laurette Robert Frost viewed her as his most serious competitor and feared she would be elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters ahead of him.
In addition to publishing three plays in verse, Millay also wrote the libretto of one of the few American grand operas, The King's Henchman in 1927. In 1943 she was awarded the Frost Medal for her lifetime contribution to American poetry. She was the sixth recipient of that honor, and the second woman.Millay married Eugen Boissevain, a self-proclaimed feminist and widower of Inez Milholland, in 1923. Boissevain gave up his own pursuits to manage Millay's literary career, setting up the readings and public appearances for which Millay grew quite famous. According to her own accounts, the couple acted liked two bachelors, remaining "sexually open" throughout their twenty-six-year marriage.
Biographers have speculated that Millay found in Boissevain the mother she had yearned for since childhood; however, Boissevain, though attending to Millay's needs, did not foster the independent spirit typical of her younger years.
Once at a cocktail party, Millay discussed her recurrent headaches with a psychologist who asked her about her attraction to women. Millay exclaimed, "'Oh, you mean I'm homosexual! Of course I am, and heterosexual too, but what's that got to do with my headache?'" They were married until Boissevain's death in 1949. Edna St. Vincent Millay died in 1950.
Excerpt of "Renascence" from Renascence and Other Poems:
"All I could see from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood;
I turned and looked another way,
And saw three islands in a bay.
So with my eyes I traced the line
Of the horizon, thin and fine,
Straight around till I was come
Back to where I'd started from;
And all I saw from where I stood
Was three long mountains and a wood."
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Out Spotlight CVIX
Posted by
Special K
10:41 AM
Labels: Edna St. Vincent Millay, Out Spotlight, Poetry
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Wow, this Out Spotlight is just gorgeous - and what beautiful photographs. I love this period in history, and thanks for the KD song too. :)
I agree. Excellent photos and Edna was a very classically pretty woman. Thanks for Out Spotlight Spesh. They are always so interesting and add a lot to OMG.
Nice spotlight SpecialK
From last thread:
Thanks for your response PG at 7:78. I don't agree with some of it, but hey, difference of opinions.
I do know the storys about the history of Jake and TT. Never have believed all of it. You and others can, but I don't. Over the years what I have noticed is that you do waver time and again about the whole issue of Jake. So your beliefs go and come at times. Mine have not.
Some of the photos you have spoke about did nothing for me, some do. The Lakers pictures that you and everyone speak about do nothing for me. It's nice, but I think it was a look that got caught as a photo that can be interpreted in a romantic, or Stupid way. Photos we all my have taken over the years. Although the intent from the photographer was obvious and to make a statement "I feel". The bedhead, the coffee pictures, the blond guy in Paris, and the Jake and Austin Casanova pictures says alot "or me". Hell, even the Toronto Red carpet Jake and Chris pictures says something to me, but I know not for others. Do I think Jake is gay? A very strong maybe. I get stronger vibes he has had and will deal with both sexes. Do I think Jake is bearding? Maybe, but I think they do have, or had something that's more than bearding. Whether he or she is 100% into whatever it is I can't tell, but I don't think it will last if not over now.
All summed up, There is no need for me to be upset with Jake and boycott his movies simply because I think he is gay and bearding when I don't now the Truth or the whole truth.
That is what my comments were about last night.
Sorry: "or me" = "for me"
The obvious fact that he can't even generate any chemistry with IM in 3 years? - Prairie Girl
What does "IM" mean? - tia.
There is no need for me to be upset with Jake and boycott his movies simply because I think he is gay and bearding when I don't now the Truth or the whole truth.
There is no need for you to be upset with people who are sure Jake is gay and bearding, and will boycott his movies.
It that real or photoshopped???
I just realized what the heck was written on Austins shit. Wow what happened to that shirt. That certainly made a statement and how times have changed. - Jersey Tom
What's written on the shirt? - tia.
IM = Iron Maiden = Reese The Beard Witherspoon
Oracle, sorry! LOL, as soon as I scrolled past it, it finally dawned (lightbulb!) on me that you had signed it. LOLLL! hey, I'm slow sometimes. I may get it eventually, but it can take awhile.
One thing I have to correct is that while I agreed with the first part of your comment, I can't agree with the last sentence. I think we may be witnessing the end of Reeke right now. And whether he beards again later on remains to be seen. Things can always, always change in someone's life. We never, never know what is going to happen to us within the next 24 hours. I was homophobic just several years ago and I have changed my way of thinking totally within the matter of probably a year's span. The most unlikeliest of things can always change.
Secondly, I have to say that this Pee Wee Herman "Word/Phrase of the day" thing we have been seeing lately of comments starting with or containing this "This comment may get me labeled a troll..." or "Just because I say such & such, you're going to call me a troll?" or "Not everyone who disagrees with you is a troll" etc. etc.
It was unique at first but now is being used awfully frequently. And it is now my belief that this trend is sometimes used to defuse or offset what is otherwise a comment or belief by someone who is indeed, in sheep's clothing, a troll. It is used to entice a belief that this person is supposedly or possibly a TB'er but now has "come to believe otherwise".
I'm just putting that out there.
And it is now my belief that this trend is sometimes used to defuse or offset what is otherwise a comment or belief by someone who is indeed, in sheep's clothing, a troll. It is used to entice a belief that this person is supposedly or possibly a TB'er but now has "come to believe otherwise".
I totally agree, but would say "very often" instead of " sometimes".
IM?! LOL more like IW.
The shirt reads PR FEEE.
It appears that the shirt is photoshopped. Sorry.
There is no need for you to be upset with people who are sure Jake is gay and bearding, and will boycott his movies.
^^ I am NOT
"Former tber",
Please stop insulting our intelligence.
LOLLL! No, hey, but close "answer"! Hey, I like Iron Maiden, too, just as much.
No, IM is Ice Maiden.
And thank you, Fair.
And now I am done with that conversation. Equal time for return comment and now it is finished.
Okay, guys!! I stopped at my local Hy Vee store this morning and had to peruse the ol' People magazine. Let me tell you right now.
If you're going to open and read that article, as someone has phrased it before: You better ask the store for a sick bucket while you stand there and read it because the huge, full page Reeke pic they have in there, the big ol' spread they have on what is known as REEKE is plastered alllllll over the inside of that thing.
It's truly a piece of crapwork and you can tell it has been spun by IM's people. This is all for her, it's all about her, and it makes Jake sound like he's hounding after her, begging for her, on his hands & knees for her. It seems to put alot of the blame on him, that he's demanding and she's "just not ready". Bullcrap, I say!
An absolutely hilarious, barf worthy comment by some insider says they have a, and I quote here, "a huge attraction between them".
And if that doesn't speak for the rest of the content of this contrived, totally made up piece of you know what, I don't know what does.
The timetable of their relationship is shown in small pictures and I love how they picked what they thought were the best of the lot. Obviously in the birthday dinner picture, they did not pick the one that Jackie of WFT2 so appropriately & expertly picked for their cover post right now.
LOL. I about tossed up my salad when I opened that thing. It's a real joke.
And now seeing this article is only strengthening my belief that yeah, we very well are probably seeing the end of Reeke. They'll probably come out with the confirmation within a couple weeks. That's how these things go. And they could prove me wrong but this big ol' spread is so obviously from her & her people and the title is "What Went Wrong". Not "What is Going Wrong". It's not about a little "rough patch". The title itself of the article is in the affirmative past tense. And the whole tone of the article seems to hint that there is no going back on this split.
No, IM is Ice Maiden.
Sorry! LOL
No, quite alright! lol. I liked Iron Maiden just as much.
snicker! That kills me. She has an iron hand alright.
Oh, and just to clarify. I had a salad from the $89.99/lb. salad bar in my basket, which is what I was referring to as tossing my salad. LOLLL!
And well, 89.99/lb is a bit exxagerated but it's not all that far off.
Iron Whiskers
i hate to be a total retard, but what is a TB'er??? s.
TB = Toothy believer
It was unique at first but now is being used awfully frequently. And it is now my belief that this trend is sometimes used to defuse or offset what is otherwise a comment or belief by someone who is indeed, in sheep's clothing, a troll. It is used to entice a belief that this person is supposedly or possibly a TB'er but now has "come to believe otherwise".
Put out what you may, it's ok. Is this because you can't deal with someone questioning you or having a difference of opinion than you? How many times have others and myself read through your changing opinions and attitudes? Not to mention your typical way of phrasing or language patterns. I am not here to attack anyone, but I will continue to question at times. I guess only you and a select few who you like can only ask questions without being labeled whatever you choose to call them, depending on your attitude. It does not work like that PG. You have a voice and I have a voice. I try my best to be respectful.
I guess comments from other posters without real names such as Said and LoL are appreciated by you because they mirror your thoughts, Sometimes.
Well that's ok also, but comments from someone such as yourself who was recently homophobic and who is NOT gay or bisexual do show some growth but not near enough open mindedness on this subject matter. You also seem to preach to someone who knows about this subject first handedly and not just some newcomer who seems to wants to be a part of something is at best closed minded and challenging. I guess when you ask questions or don't believe others posters comments here, then state your disagreeing statements, your disagreeing is not to try to defuse or offset beliefs. It's just PG and her lovely thoughts.
A word of wisdom: Trollish attitudes and behavior also manifest and lurk in those who shout it the loudest and most often.
Is this because you can't deal with someone questioning you or having a difference of opinion than you?
No, it's because we are tired of trolls and yours "Please tell me that you do know that to be a fact? I'll be waiting for you answer".
former TB'er...
what PG says is true: lots of folks come here ostensibly to discuss but actually just to rile us up. i totally don't get that. in the big scheme of things, J&R are totally irrelevant to almost everything, so why does anyone care enuf to make it an issue. if you like them, there are blogs to talk about how wonderful they are. if they make you barf, we're here for that. i don't get the reason for visiting blogs where you won't get along because of ur beliefs. no one is goign to change anyone's mind here or there.
if there was a question you wanted some feedback on, i missed it, but since i'm a sucker for discussion, if you repost it, i will try to give you my opinion on it. PG and i are pretty like minded on most Jake/Reeke stuff, however, so don't expect anything new from me either.
Regarding the People magazine article.
PG pretty much nailed it with her commentary of the article. Very hurl-worthy, and Jake is definitely getting to be the weak, momma-hungry, whiny boy in this break-up. it's kinda funny that they are trying to sell that story, yet she's the one going around looking all sad and pathetic, and he looks like he just got a new lease on life. maybe PR got their wires crossed again!!
the cover of the magazine is the best part of the whole thing, imo:
Tiger, of course, is ruling the day with his major faux pas, taking up 3/4 of the space. the right quarter of the cover is reserved for the other 3 top stories. Reeke's at the top, with the headline: Reese and Jake (her name 1st, of coure) What Went Wrong. there's a picture of them from the Laker's game. He has his hand on her knee, holding on to his woman, watching the action with a very sad puppydog look on his face, like he can see the writing on the wall. She is looking cute and happy, watching the game and totally ignoring him, no return touch or attention of any kinda.
then below them is the pic of Chelsea C. Engaged!!!! (which is what the GB's would be loving for the Reeke pic to say!)
And then blow CC is a pic of Meredith B. "I'm Gay!!" (Which is what we'd be loving for Jake to say!)
I just think it's kind of an amazingly funny trio of pics.
AND i believed i called this a long time ago, when the first "Jake begs for Reese's hand but she's not ready" rumors starting coming out. They've been setting him up to look like the sap and her to sail away scott free for a long time. I love that Jake isn't playing along, but just going on with his life and looking happy and free. at least he's not letting them make him look like a total loser.
Former Tber means that I once believe all that Ted wrote about Jake as according to Toothy Tile.
(Toothytile believer) I no longer believe everything Ted writes about Jake/Toothy. I think he embelishes alot and for a time was off on the gossip about Jake.
I also think Ted's Jake / Toothy informant was fished out by Jake's camp, or Jake by giving person bad information. It was given to Ted, Ted wrote it or talked about it the way he does, informant now known, then the bullshit info about Jake. Things may have picked up now.
Sienna, my comments were about going to see the movies brothers. Then PG made statements about not seeing the movie because, because, because (her beliefs, not facts)
I questioned them because I did not agree with her reasoning, that's all. She stated long and hard her beliefs and reasons.
I can not state mine?
Have a great day.
former tber...
i go against the grain of some here - probably many - because i don't believe in the baby tile story. that might've been the bad info that was given to TED, if you're right about that.
i just have a hard time believing they could keep that secret, and i also have a hard time believing jake would do that. i do believe that he wants children, and i hope he gets to have some someday since that's what he wants, but i just don't think it's happened yet.
as for Jake and Austin, i have a hard time believing they are still together, but those pics from the Jimmy K show really startled me. Jake looked almost identical to Austin when A made his appearance on the show. if A had been wearing a jacket, or J had taken his off, they would've looked like they were wearing 2 diff colors of the same uniform. i find it very hard to believe that that was just a coincidence. that's just too much of a stretch for me, especially considering that it wasn't typical jake wear.
as for jake's sexuality.. there is no way for us to know 100%, just like there is no way to know 100% that God exists, but folks believe it and die for it everyday. i guess it just gets to be a matter of what you believe, and if you have enuf visual evidence to back up your belief, then you go with it.
i believe that J is gay: the pics u and PG mentioned certainly play in that, but so does his lifestyle. imo, and many others, he's one of the best looking guys in HW today. why do we NEVER see him with girls? 3 yrs with KD and now 2 1/2 with RW, but no others. A pic or 2 with NP, etc, but where are the random chics that he's having his little flings with?? doesn't the boy ever date or get laid?? For years, after KD, there were only pics of him with guys, and lots of dreamy, i love you pics at that, not just sweaty basketball or working out pics. they went shopping, they got coffee, they biked, they ate out, they did all the stuff he does with RW, and he looked about a hundred x happier and more relaxed. and he didn't usually seem to care that he was getting papped.
his body language with her has screamed unhappy most of the time. however, i too believe it was more than just work: i think they were friends - at least at the beginning - and they were happy to have each other as a bail out for their PR probs. i think - as time went on - all the negativity they garnered, which im sure surprised them, as well as the fact that his gay rumors did not go away, finally got to them. i also believe that they got tired of the show and wanted to have their real lives back again.
i think jake would like to be straight, for the sake of his career, but i don't think he will ever be able to get over his true nature. :)
Then PG made statements about not seeing the movie because, because, because (her beliefs, not facts)
Please stop playing dumb.
All Jake fans are just gossiping and speculating, and you are perfectly aware of that. We don't have facts that Jake is gay, babblers don't have facts that Jake is straight or dating the chin.
former tber...
the movie: 2 c or not 2 c.. that is the ?
i dunno. i don't really want to see it for a couple of reasons:
#1 - if he wasn't in it, it would never cross my mind to see it cause it just isn't something i think i'd enjoy, which is the only reason i ever go to a movie.
#2 - i have some issues with him - i've suffered and been unhappy because of him. it's not his fault at all - he has the right to his life, etc, we've all said that a million times - but i have the right to back away if i feel like he's making me crazy, which he did for a while. i'm trying to not let that happen again, and i feel like not seeing his movie (that i don't want to see anyway) is me taking a stand for me. if i really wanted to see it, then i'd go, but i don't, so going would mean i was just going because of him, and i don't want to do that.
that's probably nonsensical to you, but it's how i feel. s.
regarding what :) said:
babblers don't have facts that Jake is straight or dating the chin.
for real. there is nothing beyond pap pics to support REEKE at all. the lack of any voluntary comments by either of them in all this time about their relationship is a huge tell, in my opinion, that they are nothing but smoke and mirrors. s.
Former tber said...
Sienna, my comments were about going to see the movies brothers. Then PG made statements about not seeing the movie because, because, because (her beliefs, not facts)
PG and all the rest of us enjoy talking about what we think/believe about Jake. That's what this blog is all about. I'm not sure what FACTS anyone has about him, other than height, weight, etc.
Great Out Spotlight. Thanks for featuring a bisexual. Millay's poetry is amazing. If anyone hasn't read her you should.
Sienna You obviously didn't read the People article: It has them going throught a rough patch, not broken up, they back tracked on their online story. They were also the first to pick up on the Grazia quote, followed by Us.
People's rival, Us totally dismisses the peopleonline story saying it's a lie and say that everything is fine. The other rags are not worth mentioning, more fanfic.
Some people think Reese contacted People and Jake's people panicked and were the first to deny but I think that both reps were involved and it was nothing but PR for Brothers.
Jake hasn't done interviews since Rendition , so his behavior during interviews means nothing except he hasn't changed since this all began. Bottime line: You can't know how a person feels, etc from pap pics.
BTW: Tobey wasn't at the press conference with Jake at the Four Seasons hotel, Bailee Madison was that's why Tobey's name did not come up when Grazia posted that story, Tobey was at the screnning later on.
Jake made those comments along with the " as I get more famous, I would like to try to keep things mine/private. I also know the news cycle and I don't have to comment on it". He made it directly to Grazia becasue they asked him and it was regarding his working with the 2 girls who played his nieces in the film=real life=Ramona and Reese kids IMO.
I don't know why anyone is trying to spin otherwise: It was PR, they never "broke-up" and even if you believe it's legit, it looks like Reese wanted out and Jake panicked.
LOL, I had a typo on my own name. LOL!
Blogger is really acting up lately, isn't it? Or is it for anyone else?
Well, I need to get some decorating done. I'm going to hear a Christmas concert by the K.C. Symphony tonight w/ my mom and my sister. That should be nice although I'm afraid I'll probably cry so I'll have to be sure and take Kleenex. Not looking forward to that part of it, that's for sure.
Why are these weekends always so short??
Smiley, I get the feeling you're probably a very private person but I would love to be an email buddy if you would ever be so inclined. I'd love to talk to you.
Guys, I'm outta here. Orange alert – the trolls have come now and in Special's absence, I would really like to discourage any response or aggravation.
I know I have got to turn this off now because I will not let Special come back and find her blog trashed like it has been in the past.
It's not worth the blood pressure rise and it's not worth spending time on.
I'm outta here.
Jake made those comments along with the " as I get more famous, I would like to try to keep things mine/private. I also know the news cycle and I don't have to comment on it". He made it directly to Grazia becasue ...
Jake would never talk about the beard to some tabloid - that's bad Grazia fiction, especially "as I get more famous" part.
I don't know why anyone is trying to spin otherwise: It was PR, they never "broke-up" and even if you believe it's legit, it looks like Reese wanted out and Jake panicked.
It looks like Jake wanted out (ignoring the beard over Thanksgiving) and Reese wanted to spoil Jake's Brothers promotion time with Reeke crap.
Ignoring Reese over Thanksgiving is nothing more than rag bs/fanfic and the fact that you actually believe that crap says volumns.
They have no idea how either spent Thankgivings. Yeah, Reese had 40 people over for Thanksgiving, that I wouuld assume in Brentwood. There is no indication that she was even in L.A. on that day, actually with the exception of People saying she was seen driving alone in L.A. By whom? Pap pics/tweets? There were no sign of her by the usual means from 11/25 when she was seen going to a stylist to a tweet of her in Nashville on a Sunday. Something People had to add becasue they saw the tweet as well.
I would bet that she was in Nashville from 11/25 - until Sunday where she probably flew to London since she was papped there on a Monday.
JAke? He was seen at the Newark airport on Thanksgiving morning with Ann, he wasn't tweeted or sighted until Friday afternoon in NY and then on Saturday. It's assumed he was in NY but it can be spinned any just like the rags can spin about her whereabouts.
Remember reading that she usually tries to go to Nashville for the Hoildays, she was in London last year, Nashville in 2007.
If Jake wanted out he sure showed an odd way of doing it, he must have shit in his pants when he heard that's why his rep was the first to deny it, when was the last time that happened? And to Marc Malilken of E.
He also made sure people knew that they were together at that press conference.
My opinion is that BOTH of their PR's fed People that BS for Brothers PR and then ran to all the other outlets to deny, pissing of People, but it looks like People weren't pissed for long.
Jake is a pathetic loser.
If Jake wanted out he sure showed an odd way of doing it, he must have shit in his pants ...
After two years of bearding Jake doesn't need the beard anymore. Unlike the beard, Jake doesn't need an escort for industry parties, award shows or dinners.
He also made sure people knew that they were together at that press conference.
I'm sure Jake didn't talk about the beard at the press conference.
The only awards shows they attended was the Vanity fair party and some CAA industry parties.
Bubble boy needs the beard, the gay rumors are still our there, and Reese knows it.
Bubble boy mentioned his beard and his sister, saggy tits Maggie.
You are such a fangirl Rags, Bubble boy is a spinless punk letting women lead him around by the nose.
I bet when Reese needs someone to wipe her ass, Bubbleboy is right there with the toilet paper.
He isn't A list, she is, he needs her more than she needs him.
She can and will squash him like the little bug-eyed muppet that he is.
Hello OMG fellows,
I hope you have a good sunday. The weather is sweet here and so disappointing for me. I wish snow for christmas ( like every year) but for sure I won't be heard!
What a pleasure to read a so interesting "out spotlight" about someone who seemed extraordinary and modern for her time. A great woman. Thanks for the great work you acco special K
I read here and there the first comments about Brothers and people look surprised by the performances even if the movie itself isn't as good as the original. I specially read that Jake brought to his character: kind of lost soul who want to reach redeption, more humanity than the former actor. Seemingly some scenes are pretty intense , even hard to handle.
That sounds promising.
I want to see it right now!lol
Well I guess I am in the non boycott team lol. Don't know if I have to take part in the battle'day! Each of you have good point but I and always will love jake as actor first. I love his work and the way he captures feelings with just a look, a gesture or expression.
The rest is matter of opinion, belief, analysis for those who take the risk lol! I don't take it. I keep speculation and gossips in a corner, giving a look from time to time but nothing serious.
I just feel there is something special between Jake and Austin. I can't say the same when I see jake and Austin individualy with others.
Detractors will say I am a dreamer LOL, never mind, we are in democracy and free to speak our mind in the respect.
Prairie girl, I glad to see you're fine. I love reading you, you always take things with humour. great quality!
Reese Witherspoon sells Avon perfumes, bad romantic comedies and her great life with hot "boyfriend".
She is the one who needs tabloid covers, not Jake.
Ha, ha! When was the last time he was on the cover of a magazine? He hasn't had a movie out in 2 years and all he could get was an appearence on the Kimmel show, a tacky press junket done in one day and a press conference that no major outlet was interested in attending. Oh yeah, the Variety screening. It's a good thing his performance on Kimmel went over so well, what an act!
A movie with decent reviews and good reviews for him and all you still hear about is Reeke! Poor Bubble boy, maybe he should take up carpentry.
When was the last time he was on the cover of a magazine?
Exactly. Reeking does not work for Jake, but it works for Reese.
Very hurl-worthy, and Jake is definitely getting to be the weak, momma-hungry, whiny boy in this break-up
Jake has been that throughout the fauxmance, wouldn't expect anything different now, be it a "real" or a temporary breakup for pr.
Yes, tabloids make up things, but usually they cite "friends" etc. when they do it. They rarely include actual quotes from celebs because they don't get them, and they know that is taking the bs too far. When I see real quotes from a celeb, even in a magazine like US or People, I assume it came directly from the horse's mouth, or, at a minimum, was written up by pr with the star's approval, and that the star wants people to think it is coming directly from them.
That is why I think the quote is real.
And once again, somewhere in all the posts over the past day or so was one or more accusing people of never being able to say anything good about Jake. Well, the same thing could be said for those of you on the other side of the aisle: you think Jake can do no wrong, that everything is Reese's fault, that it is Reese's pr people, etc., etc.
Jake is almost 30 years old. He has free will. He is not a victim. He bought into all of this.
And I totally agree with whoever said that Jake comes off as desperate to hold onto Reeke.
They rarely include actual quotes from celebs because they don't get them, and they know that is taking the bs too far.
I'm sure tabloid from Australia wouldn't care.
Since People magazine and Us Weekly claim that Jake said that during the press conference, we'll have to be patient and see what other, more reliable sources will report.
Couple more things.
I am bisexual, and I say pretty much the same things PG says. PG has more understanding of what it is like to be gay than most straight people I know, and I value her opinions on everything.
And you know what Former TBer, you come off as either straight or one of those self-loathing, keep it in the closet kind of gay men. Disagree with people here all you want, but please stop attacking people for who they are.
You really think anyone other than tabloids is going to care what Jake has to say about his beard?
Press reports what was said at the press conference, that it the whole point of doing press conferences.
I am not defending Reese. I despise the woman. But I think Jake is unfortunately a lot like her. They are two HW peas in a pod. Over time I have come to realize they deserve each other.
as usual, i'm still trying to get the names straight, etc.
where does Austin's nickname, the Grey Goose, come from??
Terrific spotlight today. I learn so much here.
In all the barrage of arguments, I think the comment that Austin is wearing the ring again got lost. Quite a coincidence among the "break up" hoopla. I'm waiting to see what more Ted is going to spring on us about Toothy. He promised more to come.
The PR breakup gimmick did not help either Jake or Reese. Brothers is doing so so in the box office. The reality is that Jake has not yet proven himself to be a box office draw. Maybe POP will do it for him, but I think his reputation will really be on the line for that film.
I've said before I never comment on other sites, except for WFT2 on occasion. I do wonder why people come here to argue with us about Jake being gay. Would they go to a Jewish website and argue with people about Christianity being the right religion. I guess its their right to do so, but I find it a lot more productive to visit sites that share my beliefs, not oppose them.
Nothing stays hidden for long in the internet age, so I give it about 10 -15 days before we have the dirty details.
where does Austin's nickname, the Grey Goose, come from??
Austin Nichols is the name of Wild Turkey bourbon. Grey Goose is the name of a vodka, another liquor.
Sienna, its a reference to liquor, Austin Nichols being a brand name, just like Grey Goose (vodka).
Just to finish up a thought, I probably would comment on WFT2 more frequently, but for whatever reason, I find that by time I get there and read through all the comments, someone else has already done a good job of summarizing exactly how I feel, so I do not need to add anything further. Not sure why that happens, but it does. I think it may be a factor of the anonymity. No need to express an opinion that is already out there if you are anonymous.
The PR breakup gimmick did not help either Jake or Reese.
Yes it did. It gave Jake an excuse to avoid any reference of their relationship during his Brothers promos, and for better or worse it got Reeke back in the tabloids. Reeke is gonna milk the bearding until the very last sour curdled drop.
Austin Nichols is the name of Wild Turkey bourbon.
LOL and a jake is a young male turkey.
PG has more understanding of what it is like to be gay than most straight people I know, and I value her opinions on everything.
And you know what Former TBer, you come off as either straight or one of those self-loathing, keep it in the closet kind of gay men. Disagree with people here all you want, but please stop attacking people for who they are.
Sorry, I have to disagree with you Destiny on that first part. And before you start with your attack on Me, As I have said, I made a statement about going to see the movies brothers and questioned somes reasons for the loud boycott. PG took the stab at me and chastised me for what she disagreed with. Yeah, I know it's alright for you and her to be nasty and say whatever comes to mind, but I will state my case regardless of what side of the fence you are on. Not my problem, your problem. Yes I have dealt with both sexes in the past, that's why I see some of the signs that a middle age woman don't see. And women who have other alterior motives for This Jake is gay issue and hurt us. Mine is that whatever his sexuality is, he will come to grips with it in his time. But someone such as you with this only women can be bisexual bullshit. Tell that to the men and friends I know who have lived bi lives. Some are totally gay and some still love and date women. You are just as bad as the hetros who keep up the bs that people are either straight or gay, but we'll turn our heads if it's a woman, especially a pretty woman. You also seem to play the ultimate gay politics thing to the hills. I will not try and tell you about the inner workings or relationship of gay or bi women, so don't you dare tell me how a gay or bi man operates. regardless of what your gay male friends point of view is. You are not a gay or bisexual male. YOU don't know.
Good for you for valuing her opinion on everything, I don't, but don't attack me for that.
Now ^^ that's trollish behavior at it's best.
pr crap said...
Sienna You obviously didn't read the People article: It has them going throught a rough patch, not broken up, they back tracked on their online story. They were also the first to pick up on the Grazia quote, followed by Us.
I didn't read it word for word, but i kinda gagged my way through it. It was a rehash of their f'mance, starting with how she kinda got a crush on him at some point (when?) but then he got too hot and heavy so they backed off while she got her divorce, then they started up again, chugged along till they worked the kinks out, and then things were smooth sailing except for the nasty fact that he still wanted to get hitched and she's just not up for that again now, or maybe ever.
the prevailing reason for them having problems was that he wants too much, or at least that's what i got out of it.
Now ^^ that's trollish behavior at it's best.
the prevailing reason for them having problems was that he wants too much
Yes because it's so obvious how Jake smothers Reese, constantly touching her and kissing and hugging her, how he pays for everything and he's so super-protective and how he just can't keep his eyes off of her?!
LMAO at the birthday dinner pic posted at WFT2, along with lasts weeks big announcement. that pic pretty much sums up how i feel about them.
there were 1013 comments over there. kinda fun to read through some of them. they were talking about Brothers. they said it made about 9M this weekend and finished #3, but considering what it was up against, that wasn't super impressive, and they seem to think it will be downhill from here. there are a couple of guys here at work talking about going to see it. none of the girls here ever mention Jake, and it doesn't seem to appeal to them at all.
Nobody who is gay or bisexual and comfortable with/proud of who they are thinks that calling someone gay is a bad thing. Ditto for gay-friendly/gay supportive people.
Only someone who thinks that being called gay is a bad thing would care whether people think, talk and/or post comments saying Jake is gay, be it here, Dlisted, Just Jared, WFT2, Datalounge, ONTD........
Yes because it's so obvious how Jake smothers Reese, constantly touching her and kissing and hugging her, how he pays for everything and he's so super-protective and how he just can't keep his eyes off of her?!
hahahahahah.... you noticed that too??!?!?! i don't see how she's tolerated him this long. it's definitely been a strain on her, i'm sure. i hope she can find someone who will let her breathe and have her space next time. hovering boyfriends are such a pain in the ...
A good friend whose movie judgment I trust said that he thought Brothers was pretty bad, that Tobey did a bad job, and that Natalie was terribly miscast (he's a fan of hers, unlike me). He said Jake was good though.
I do not plan on going to Brothers. The only reason I would go given the type of movie, the reviews, my belief that it won't be up for any awards, etc. is because of jake. Like Tom I just can't do it.
Jake was awfully cruel to Reese, loading her down with so many huge diamond engagement rings to wear that the poor midget could barely walk.
Brothers was on a thousand less screens that Blind Side and 2,000 less screens than New Moon. For it to make third with just over 2000 screen and make 9.5 million it is actually really for an indie movie opening this weekend.
Projected Box Office
1.The Blind Side
Weekend gross $20,440,000
Number of Screens 3,326
Average per screen $6,146
2 New Moon
Weekend Gross $15,704,000
Number of screen 4,124
Average per screen $3,808
3 Brothers
Weekend Gross $9,700,000
Number of screen 2,088
Average per screen $4,646
It you look at based on how much it brought it per screen Brothers is number 2.
Box Office Mojo
Except it to be downhill from here on in for Brothers and out of the theaters before Christmas. So for those who want to see the movie better not waste time.
Nine million is better than I would have expected given the topic, but without knowing what they hoped for, it's hard to know whether that is enough to be considered a success. Personally I kind of doubt it, and given mixed reviews I doubt it will stay around a long time.
While the subject matter and the director would seem to suggest that Brothers is an indie film, I'm not so sure that you can call a film that is on over 2000 screens a true indie film. It will be interesting to see how its box office is reported tomorrow. Hollywood Reporter characterizes it as the "best" of a weak group of new movies.
FOx 9's Jason Matheson talks with Jake Gyllenhaal about his new film Brothers in which he comforts his brother's wife and children afte he goes missing in Afghanistan.
short video interview
The "small" budget and coming from Lionsgate and not from one of the big studios, makes it an indie.
For Brothers with budget between 25-26 million, pulling in 9.7 domestic its first weekend, puts its definitely on track to exceed the cost of production and make it profitable. Which will be considered a total success. That translates well for Sheridan and all three of actor in future projects, regardless if Brothers receives one awards or not.
And Brothers in it opening weekend has almost made what Rendition with Reese in its entire domestic box office gross.
In fact Brothers has in it's first weekend made more that Proof, Moonlight Mile, Lovely and Amazing, Donnie Darko and Bubble Boy made in their lifetime domestic (US) box office totals. (this does not include DVD sales)
Box Office Mojo
Rendition with Meryl, Peter and Adam, LOL!!!!
Sorry to break it to you, Brothers can't sink because has already made 1/3 of its budget. You can count on at very least a 1/3 from Foreign sales, and its only been out 3 days.
Rendition opened on more screens (2,250) with an opening weekend of only 4.06 million. Interestingly Rendition made 17 million foreign sales almost double its domestic performance.
Special, I give you a lot of credit. In a sea of negativity, you seem to be the one and only Jake fan on OMG these days.
Thanks for the box office info.
I can't believe there's a back & forth about Brothers' box office success?????
Former TBer (and once again, it is Prairie Girl to you), in the beginning last night, I was responding to Box Office. I was not even talking to you.
I am entitled to go to a movie or not. No matter who is in it and for whatever reason. I have stated on here already that Brothers is not a movie I would most likely go to see in a theatre even if I was wildly, wildly, passionately, over the top in love with Jake Gyllenhaal.
It is not my type of movie. I like Romcoms. How many times have I said that on here? How many times have I said I like happy endings? How many times have I said that dramas & serious movies go over my head oftentimes and I like to laugh when I go to a theatre.
I believe I also said that Brothers is most likely a movie that I would use my Netflix to go see.
Besides all of that, though, no, I'm not going to go see it anyway as long as I believe Jake is bearding. I am perfectly entitled to feel that way and do that. Last time I checked, this was America and I can darn well do as I please.
I'm not chastising anyone else for going to see it. I'm not picking on anyone for going to see it and I'm not criticizing you for being just an absolute perfect little fan for going to see it despite whatever you believe on the side. I stated how I felt and what I am doing and why. And I said that was my feeling and I don't need anyone else to follow suit or agree with it.
Now knock it off.
And I do not need to apologize for or explain my former beliefs/feelings on sexuality. I admitted that I was homophobic and used to believe that homosexuality was wrong. I think everyone here knows that. I'm not proud of it now. But I've changed my beliefs. I don't need you to approve of it or love it or hate it or give your blessing or forgiveness. I could care less. But I don't ask for or need for you to criticize how I think on sexuality. You don't know me. You have no idea. Man, you are one unhappy person, do you know that? I am really sorry about that.
I don't like you and you certainly don't like me. Let's leave it at that and quit badgering me to other commenters. You're bordering on a thin line. I'm losing respect for you real fast.
I am sorry, Special. I am done with that now. But his comments were uncalled for.
Elinor, I apologize for having to weed through all of that in order to say hi to each other. How disheartening to come back from a beautiful Christmas concert to see that mess.
Destiny, thank you.
As I was saying, I did go to a beauiful, fun Christmas concert tonight. It's something that my mom & dad went to together every year. So this year, my sister & I were invited to take his place. It was the Kansas City Symphony and I tell you what, they have quite the young, energetic, peppy & rather attractive conductor. LOL! I think I was watching his shakin' backview more than any of the other musicians, LOLLL!
Very nice and enjoyable. I had a great time. We got to ride in chartered buses, dropped right off at the door and free refreshments during the intermission!!
The trade off? Being squished like sardines in those tiny theatre seats. LOLLL!
It's a beautiful old theatre, though.
I am glad Brothers had a good weekend. I want Jake to have success; I just don't want bearding to be rewarded. I don't know if both can happen simultaneously but there you go.
And I was reading today's post. I really enjoyed it. The pictures are beautiful. And I loved her letter to that woman. How romantic. People wrote so romantically long ago.
So it's not just in New York that you get tiny, miserable seats? Glad you had a good time PG despite that, sounds like a really nice thing to do for the holidays.
One last point about box office numbers. With a film like Brothers, they probably spent just about the same amount marketing it as they did to make it, which means it would have to take in around $50 million to break even. I don't think it will make that much money, not based on its first weekend, and with a slew of new films out in the coming weeks.
Which is not to say it isn't a respectable number given indeed what were, with the exception of BB and Proof, truly indie films.
But its not something that is going to establish him as a star that can put behinds in the seats. Which is what he seems to want and what I think the bearding has been partially about (along with thinking it is tied to PoP, which of course is, to circle back around, a tent pole movie looking to bring everyone in).
In other words, he's pretty much where he was before. Hardly seems worth losing your integrity over.
I love how the sickos on this site attack Reese just because they think Jake is gay, and somehow that is her fault, not his - that he is not playing by the rules of their sick fantasies. Jake is not gay.
No one is blaming reese for jake being Gay. That is a ridiculous statement. They hate her becasue she is playing the lying game with him and has taken the lead.
Brothers will be lucky to make 20 million. The numbers will be no where near where they were this weekend next week. Like I said the movie was not a disaster for Jake but I dont think it has made anyone convinced he is a great actor. Jake needs to hit one out of the park to get baqck on the A list. He needs to amke it happen soon or he could go the Affleck way. Jake in my opinion right now will never be a superstar unless he improves his skills picks movies suited for his talents and drops trying to be a celeb. and Mr. Hetero.
I remember people here saying that Brothers didn't even have an ad campaign, in the long list of things that will lead to the lack of success of Brothers. Lionsgate put majority of their ad campaign money into promoting their other film Precious. In fact if you go back an look when Brothers was shown to Director's Guild people were shocked that Lionsgate didn't promote it more and had to step up their game. Sorry, there is no way that Brothers spent 25 million on what they've done for their campaign. It is an indie film it will not have an ad campaign that is same amount as its production cost. It is less than 10 mill, and even then I think that high.
Even then Brothers will clear their production and ad campaign costs with foreign and domestic box office. It might not look like success to you, because it will never be successful to you, but it will be seen as successful in the industry for this year.
Okay, I am sitting here and little clouds of thoughts are floating from the top of my head because I am thinking about this.
I think maybe I am detecting an undercurrent from all of this garbo.
I am feeling a hate vibe aimed at 1) middle aged women and 2) women who get off on gay men together and male gay sex.
I don't think it's any hidden fact that I write BBM slash now. It's also not a hidden fact that several of us have no problem with nor do we look away from (LOL!!) gay love. Or male or female gay sex.
I am detecting a real problem with this from a couple of commenters and I'm wondering what on earth could cause their apparent aversion to this knowledge.
You know that I have to think on these things and try to find a psychological reason behind it. So I've been thinking and Bitter haterz comment just made my lightbulb go off.
I'm not saying that's the entire problem. But it's a good chunk of it. And the middle aged women thing? That's a whole other ball of wax and I'm not sure why the bitterness & loathing on that is so. Heck, we all have to age at some point. If someone thinks that sexual desire & sexual activity ceases at 30, man, he/she is sadly mistaken.
And I'm not understanding the disgust towards someone who enjoys looking at or reading male gay sex (or lesbian sex, whichever applies). There must be some kind of psychological reasoning behind it but I sure don't know what it is.
It's just that I notice this bile directed towards "middle-aged" women once in awhile both here and on WFT2 and it's rather amusing, actually. Like it's a crime to be middle aged. As if we're all supposed to go from a taut, nubile, sensual 23 years old and go straight to 80 years old and be done with sex. What would be funny is if it is a 60-65 year old male who says it or a 70 year old female.
Oh no, I think I see some snow out there. This is not good. Means no walk tomorrow morning.
But I don't ask for or need for you to criticize how I think on sexuality. You don't know me. You have no idea. Man, you are one unhappy person, do you know that? I am really sorry about that.
^^ You don't know me either. No, I'm not unhappy in the least. Don't feel sorry for me. I have a wonderful family and friends who recently took me out to a nice dinner on my birthday. I have a nice group or friends and support / network of people in my life and work. Feeling pretty good. When I do come here, I read mostly as I have stated before, but sometimes I chime in and make my statements just like anyone else does. You do it very well and often. I have been amused by some of your post and issues. I don't profess to know it all when it comes to Jake, and I think when some act as if they do without logic, it becomes annoying. Speculation is good and it happens, but to take it and run with it is not a good thing imo.
When I questioned (anybody) for the seeing or not seeing of Brothers, if was for anyone on the site, but you seem to take the comment and personalize it as if I was coming here telling posters how to think. When you and other strong opinionated posters do this is it alright then? Because you do. All I am doing is making my points. I see some fans or non fans post here from time to time and don't share the opinions as the masses or regular posters. They are kind and won't upset the apple cart. Maybe they don't want to be called names or upset the stronger opinions, but I'm not one of those people and apparently you and some others are not also. Respect is just that, and it goes a long way. Sometimes I can turn away and ignore when someone decides that my posting is to stir or get others upset, then sometimes I will speak on it especially when the stronger opinions seem to say whatever they want and whenever. To hell with others feelings.
I was not looking for any apology from you towards homosexuality and a homophobic person. Not at all. I just know that I can't tell a soldier who has been in a war how to deal with combat and the enemy when I've never been to war. But I am open minded enough to know that I can learn from anyone.
It's not just here PG. You can go to any gay site, like Datalounge, and you'll posters who don't like women and older people, especially older women. You see it in any of the threads about artists who have older female fans, like Adam Lambert. They seem to be really bothered by the thought. I'd love to know the psychology behind it. It is almost as if they think they can't like someone if women, and especially older women, like that person, because somehow they'll get cooties from it. It's almost like they think they'll be less of a man if they like the same thing as women. It's very twisted.
It's also certainly tied up with devaluing what women and older people like.
It is also clearly tied up with self-loathing and insecurity. I think people who lash out at other people like that do it because if they think of/treat other people as inferior, then they are superior. IMO people who are secure don't need to tear down other people like that.
ONTD has a post and a link to an interview with Michael K. from Dlisted. I don't feel like I learned much about him, but it was entertaining, and I enjoyed seeing pictures of him.
Michael K
Just want to comment on one more thing about the soldier analogy. The soldier at war see things from a very different perspective than the usual civilian who is not at war. Things that the average civilian may never encounter in life. But the soldier deals with it, and the best way to survive.
Good night
Maybe it was different elsewhere, but in the past few weeks I've seen a ton of ads on television for Brothers. I have also seen ads in the subway, on bus stops, and posters plastered up on walls, construction sites, etc. I've seen a lot more advertising than I see for the typical indie film that shows in NY (aside from films that are getting the awards push).
As I recall, some of the chatter about Brothers vs. Precious had to do with one being pushed for awards. And again, as far as the NY media is concerned, I have not seen a big difference. For example, in the past few months the NYT has had interviews with the directors of both, although the former was featured in the magazine and was a longer story/profile. Not unusual given he is new and Sheridan is not.
I also think a lot of the questioning about publicity had to do with Jake and Tobey seemingly not being involved as Natalie, lack of magazine covers and major talk shows, etc. The latter is all the kind of stuff that really does not cost much, if anything.
When I questioned (anybody) for the seeing or not seeing of Brothers, if was for anyone on the site, but you seem to take the comment and personalize it as if I was coming here telling posters how to think.
Excuse me. Please refer to Exhibit A, yesterday's thread which started with Box Office's question to everyone as far as who was going to be going to see Brothers.
My first answer was:
And I don't plan on seeing Brothers either, BO. 1) as long as he's bearding, I'm not chipping into the pot and 2), It's December and I don't feel like sitting in a theatre and listening/watching families yelling and a tormented father shooting guns into the sky. No thanks. Not my idea of holiday relaxation.
Not only that but my friend who we went shopping with tonight was telling us about the nuts & bolts of theatre going these days. LOL. Now here's what's important to me - the popcorn. LOL! At AMC, you have to go to one line & get your popcorn, put on your own butter & whatnot. Then you have to go to another counter & get your drink. Then you have to go to another counter if you want candy (self serve). And then you have to go to yet another counter to pay. Holy cow! The movie will be half over before you even sit down. Is that crazy or what.
LOL. Now you know - don't ask me to a movie. snicker! I will go on for 1/2 hr about the ream job theatres do on their drinks.
Okay. I've vented on that. On a much brighter note, we had dinner at a Greek restaurant here in town. Boy, did that hit the spot.
Well, it's late. We closed Borders. And now I'm going to see if I can get a bit more writing in. Hey m, check your email, hmmmm???
December 6, 2009 12:49 AM
Then, Special K made 3 straight comments (getting all worked up in the process, lol) to which my next comment was totally about this Grazia alleged Q&A, to which came your comment grousing about how a FAN should go see Jake's movie whether or not blah blah etc. To which my next comment was still totally about the Grazia quote. Then I think my next one after that was the Rock Em Sock Em Robots play and then came your comment, still insisting & pursuing this topic of whether or not true fans should go see Brothers, blah blah etc etc.
I'm not going to have my comments mis-quoted or referenced. Go back and look at last night's/ early this morning's thread. I'm sorry, Former TBer, but it was you who pursued it and kept bringing it up. Not me.
I just looked right at it.
Dangit, that's irritating.
LOLIrony. This bile is exactly the same as what you direct at women who you presume to be "beards". On this site, Reese is a "beard by proxy" ie. You believe Jake is gay, therefore any woman he is with is automatically labelled a beard.
Thanks, Bitter Haterz! I could not have said it any better myself. Can I interest you in being a beta for me when the one I am blessed with now decides to leave me? You phrase my thoughts so well. lol.
Hey, I'm hitting the hay. Sweet dreams and well, I'm not exactly hitting the hay. I'm going to go pretend to be a slash soldier and work on my slash scene in Cabin No. 6. Which moved along rather nicely if I say so myself.
Gay Gay Gay. The stupidos on this site are still believing Jake is gay after so many years. Say it often enough and IT HAS TO BE TRUE
Self-loathing , woman-hating, log cabin freeper, why don't you go back to the rock you crawled out from under. And take your hate with you.
I know Jake is gay. So do the 500,000 visitors I get every day.
Give it up. OMG is full of people who have eyes and minds of their own. We are not going to buy something just because pr and their spoiled foot-stomping clients say it is so, and we are certainly not going to listen to some silly, annoyed troll.
BBM meets Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Destiny, I saw that piece on Michael K as well. Totally enjoyable. I too wondered what he looked like. He has the most acerbic tongue, but directs it at himself as much as anyone. I hope he never changes.
As for Brothers, there is a reason it sat in the can for so long, and was largely withheld from reviewers. It's an OK film, not great, just OK. And yelling at us for not going to see the movie will not make up for the fact that to date Jake is not a BO draw. Our 20 or so tickets would not have made a difference.
Actually, in hindsight, the recent recurring troll invasions were just as predicted. Brought on by something big looming - the "breakup" and the potential that Jake has come to his senses and will be toning down the bearding. They seem almost in a panic over it. I have never doubted for a moment that Jake is gay, and they can rant for days on end about it but it will not change my opinion.
I saw Brothers and it's not just an "ok" movie. It's a really good movie.
Some scenes are really intense and the performances are great. Tobey and natalie are good but not exceptional, Jake and the little girls are the best part: heartbreaking, natural and nuanced.
I agree with someone on WFT2, it's one of Jake's top 5 performances.
Jake talking about sacrificing for his art in Brothers
"The Women Film Critics Circle Announces Awards Nominations 2009
Jeff Bridges: Crazy Heart
Ben Foster: The Messenger
Jake Gyllenhaal: Brothers
Kevin Spacey: Shrink "
The Women Film Critics Circle has announced their 2009 nominations for the best movies this year by and about women, and outstanding achievements by women, who get to be rarely honored historically, in the film world. The WFCC Awards Ceremony will be broadcast live on Wednesday 12/9 at 11am EST, on WBAI Radio in NY 99.5 FM, and streaming online and archived at and
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