...and a great big birthday wish too!!! Just two word.. It's Ovah.
Just can't think of any better way to celebrate, bet Jake would agree.
Just can't think of any better way to celebrate, bet Jake would agree.

And ok a Snoopy Dance.

"Ani LeDodi v'Dodi Li"
' I am to My Beloved, and My Beloved is to Me '
Song of Songs 6:2

The Ladies of the View put their two cents in on the breakup on Hot Topics along with the Kate and A-rod break up. Their spin is it about not having enough time to devote to a relationship when you have kids.
I love the name Lets Pull Jake Out of the Closet Central. I think it works.
Wanted everyone to know that this was said in jest.
Reeke ovah! Love that sound.
Thanks for all the great pics today SK. You sure got the best ones. Wouldnt it be awesome if we had more to add to our collection soon.
Everyone has got to check out DListed. MK is the best.
Sigh. What a beautiful post. Song of Songs is the most beautiful love poetry evah. :)
(((((Tom))))) Patience! :)
One minute, Jakey G and Reese Witherspoon are no longer business partners. The next minute, their reps fart on those rumors. AND NOW, there's reports that Jakey and Reese didn't sign on the dotted line and decided to eat the contracts instead. They are over.
E!'s Marc Malkin claims that Jakey did get a shave and haircut two weeks ago as it was reported, but their reps blew glitter on our eyes because the two needed to talk it out.
Apparently, they got together over Cosmos and pedis and decided to end things. Some source explained, "There are no other people involved. The relationship just ended. It just fizzled. But they also wanted to be careful and private about it because of Reese's kids."
Over at Popeater, another source echoes the rumor from a few weeks ago that Reese just wasn't ready to make Jakey a beautiful Spring manbride, "There is no doubt that they love each other very much, but Reese wasn't ready to say 'I do.' And if she wasn't ready after two years of dating, Jake wondered if she ever would be."
And that's that. Now if their reps will just confirm this shit, we can all move on with our lives. This feels like the time I watched my mother spend three hours negotiating $250 off the price of a used Nissan. Exhausting. Somebody hand me a Fruit Cocktail Slushie.
E!'s Marc Malkin claims that Jakey did get a shave and haircut two weeks ago as it was reported
Jake Gyllenhaal's Ill-Timed Sesame Street Spot (Sorry, Reese)
This message was brought to you by the letters "P," "R" and the number…well, let's go with a big fat goose egg.
In an example of either hilarious or horrendous timing, Sesame Street has decided that now that Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon have split it's the perfect time to release a video of the actor teaching kids the importance of the word "separate."
We knew this show wasn't just for kids. We also look forward to next week's inevitable PSA in which Elin Nordegren runs down the ABCs of prenuptial agreements.
And while Sesame Street always was good with analogies, the only take-home lesson we're getting from the image of a newly single Gyllenhaal finally managing to extricate himself from the clutches of his tentacled friend is that it's adorable.
Dear Ted:
I love your latest blind item. Knowing that Toothy Tile and Gray Goose are still together and in love after so many years and in spite of all the obstacles warms my heart. Are they Wentworth Miller and Luke McFarlane? It would be beautiful if these two hotties are sweet Baby Tile's dads.
Dear Right Idea:
But Toothy is far more relevant than either Wentworth or Luke.
Bitch Back
"There is no doubt that they love each other very much, but Reese wasn't ready to say 'I do.' And if she wasn't ready after two years of dating, Jake wondered if she ever would be."
Christ, only in friggin gossipmag land is it possible to break up because you just loved each other too much. Gimme a break!
For babblers still clinging to the hope that this is all a fake break-up to cover a magical Reese surprise wedding - please remember that exactly the same thing was said about Jake and Kiki. (That they broke up to evade publicity, and were going to get married any moment.)
Love Love Love the last Jaustin Laker pic. I call it "The Lean." What makes it adorable: the full shoulder, arm and thigh touching side by side, the leaning by Jake of course, Jake's soft contented expression, Austin trying to maintain a boundary by looking up in the air to distract himself, and both of them keeping their hands self-consciously clenched/occupied/away from each other. But especially the look on Jake's face. Endearing and absolutely priceless.
I think you overestime the importance of Reese for babblers.
I think there is going to be a loud and clear message sent to TPTB that people are so much happier that Jake is no longer with Reese, despite their marketing projections. And even better how much the immediate and positive response about Jake and Austin together is.
Love Love Love the last Jaustin Laker pic. I call it "The Lean." What makes it adorable: the full shoulder, arm and thigh touching side by side, the leaning by Jake of course, Jake's soft contented expression, Austin trying to maintain a boundary by looking up in the air to distract himself, and both of them keeping their hands self-consciously clenched/occupied/away from each other. But especially the look on Jake's face. Endearing and absolutely priceless.
ITA. Perfect description.
"I think there is going to be a loud and clear message sent to TPTB that people are so much happier that Jake is no longer with Reese, despite their marketing projections. And even better how much the immediate and positive response about Jake and Austin together is."
do you thing "people" really care about Jake private life ?
do you thing "people" really care about Jake private life ?
LOL obviously you do or else you wouldn't be here.
I love that. That is a favorite picture of mine. All of them today - the whole montage is quite a picture.
I opted to stay in today. We'll see if any of my buddies downstairs can come up here and bug me while I'm trying to lunch.
I hope to heaven that it is clearly obvious that people didn't care for Reeke. Do you reckon there's a Reese blog somewhere where her fans are flooding the comments with "I'm so glad she's free of him." ???
Of course not!!! They're glad he's Reeke free. Reeke never had so much reaction in its existence.
Well, just like that, my albacore tuna meal is gone. And they call that a serving. LOL! Please. It came with a little packet of mayo, relish, 6 crackers, a demitasse spoon, and a paper napkin that can best be described as having the consistency & size of a square of one-ply toilet paper.
And what a chore to get out the door this morning. 3 dogs. I forgot what it was like to watch 3 dogs. And they're all wieners. That Maizie is something else. I may be watching them over Christmas so if I do, I'll have to get a picture of her & put it up. She's a cutie. She's ornery, but she's a cutie.
They have these big skylights in the hearth/sun room where they sleep and she keeps looking up at her reflection in them, thinking it's another dog. She's totally fascinated by those skylights. She even tries to get up on the eating table chairs to try to get up to the skylights. LOLL! Good gosh, I've never seen such a thing.
demitasse spoon
Thank you for not using the t-word.
A hearth/sun room with skylights? Boy does that sound nice. There are times when I wonder what in the heck I'm doing in NYC in an apartment.
If Reeke really is over, I do think PR/Jake got the message loud and clear that it was not working for him or we'd probably see this continuing through PoP (assuming it doesn't rear its ugly head again).
Now I know I don't usually pay that close atention to other couples, but I can't recall ever seeing so much happiness at a split-up, especially of a showmance.
Fingers crossed that we get the old Jake back, and not another pr-thought up model.
Man, I cannot believe this thing made the cover of US Ex-Reekely. What a crock of garbo that thing is. I hope it sits in stacks in racks everywhere.
She's something else, isn't she? A real piece of work. I don't want to see her face anywhere my eyes fall again in the future. My sympathies to whoever gets mixed up with her in the future.
In fact, it'll be totally fascinating to see if she ever gets a grasp on another man in her lifetime, as a beard or whatever. Any man. Her best chance is getting a grab on the Tidy Bowl Man. At least he can always flush himself down the toilet as soon as he sees her for what she is and just leave her hanging.
Well, lunch time about over. And where is the A-man? No, not A Rod. Mr. Austin T.
I will be going out shopping tonight to get some kind of grasp of my own on this holiday shopping. I need to get serious.
Back to dinner at Kat Mantillini's
"Jake and Austin had their hands all over each other...Touching each other in more than friendly ways.
Hmmm now how do you do that?
hands all over each other
At least he can always flush himself down the toilet as soon as he sees her for what she is and just leave her hanging.
ROFLMAO PG! Good thing I didn't have a mouth full of my lunch when I read that line.
A thought: do you suppose the contract was set up to expire a couple of weeks after Jake's next movie to hit the screens came out? Because it seems like such an odd coincidence that it all happened with Brothers out. And of course it should have been PoP that was out next.
Always enjoy basking in the glow from those pics of Jake and Austy. Certainly looks as it the long ordeal is over, but you just never know. For now I'm much more hopefull that a single Jake is seen out and about more often with his old friends, family and that things develop naturally. Forget the Faux shit.
Most days I'm a happy camper, today I'm a Happy Man... and that just reminds me of a great song from years ago by 'Chicago' and as I hear the song playing in my head this moment, it actually suits my vision of Jake and Austin after meeting on the set of TDAT, and in their life since then to some degree. So please indulge me on this, hope you like it too.
Happy Man - Peter Cetera
Merely by chance
Very unsuspecting
You caught my heart
Unprotecting me
Now I've fallen in love with you
Just when I thought
I was free and easy
You came along to me
Soft and breezy
Now I've fallen in love with you
Woo hoo
I've fallen in love with you
And for the first time in my life
I know what it's like to be a happy man
Happy man
And for the first time in my life
You've given me something I can't understand
Being a happy man
Yeah, that's it! I'm an incurable romantic at heart, no apologies today.
What is the t word? I'm in the dark, as usual, lol.
Destiny, it is a lovely room. They have a beautiful house in a great neighborhood. This room is connected to the kitchen and is nothing but windows so I have a full view of the picket fenced backyard that is always frequented by squirrels, rabbits & birds.
My favorite room is the room I always get to sleep in. It's painted periwinkle and has a slanted ceiling. She has a bird theme in there and the wall right by the bed is all windows that overlook that sunroom. ***sigh***. I love that room. It's like a little fairytale room.
Then I come back to mine with its white walls and total clutter. LOL.
Well, five minutes to go and I almost made it. My super has started talking to me while I'm still on here. My big buddy is sick. He was sick yesterday. He has four kids and one of them was sick all weekend so I know that's what he's got. I miss my big buddy.
And last night was Home Alone 2, one of my all time favorite holiday movies. I love that movie.
Tidy Bowl man. LOL. I had forgotten all about him; don't ask me what on earth brought him to mind as a good pick for ol' Reesey. I dare say this should be, hopefully will be amongst the last times I have to ever type that name for awhile. Let us cross our fingers that it is forever.
And lastly, I have got to look at that BV or whatever that is about the hands all over each other. This is the first time I've ever heard of or seen that. Man, gets a redblooded person all hot, don't it? Inspiration as it were.
Okay, ding!!! Ding! Lunch hour is over. Tuna is gone, typing is over with and it's back to the sledgehammers and the whip cracking. lol. well, not really. But it's back to workville.
First, a sneak grap at that homemade fudge over on the counter. Man, that stuff is the best.
Talk to ya guys later!! I better go see what the problem is over at the copier. I think my lil buddy has messed something up over there. :D
Why are we talking about them? They're done. Special I'm doing a Snoopy dance here. Thanks the song and the pictures.
"A thought: do you suppose the contract was set up to expire a couple of weeks after Jake's next movie to hit the screens came out? Because it seems like such an odd coincidence that it all happened with Brothers out. And of course it should have been PoP that was out next."
POP wasn't supposed to be the reason for all of that ? I don't think there were a "contract" , just arrangment between friends.
Of course there was a contract.
Jake and Reese weren't friends in 2006, but they do share a manager.
PoP is postponed for a year, it is possible that the contract was signed for 2 years and expired in October 2009.
Frozen computer and double crash.. ugh ugh ugh.
"I'm an incurable romantic at heart, no apologies today." I am so with you Seaweed! And a perfect song.
Leigh, I love the Snoopy dance! I have to fix the dancing Snoopys.
PG My mind does a lot of wandering thinking about what was happening in the booth. Wonder if Jake was siting up straight ; ) or slouched at the table. Minds wander, hands wander, feet wander.
I think it is over now after Brothers because Jake has to devote all of his time to preparing and working on PoP promotion. The reeke job is done. The general public who knows nothing now thinks he is str8. As we saw at the game video awards it is time for Jake to cuddle with the gamers. it is also time for him to be single and available to the young women and yes gay men who want to see him half naked in PoP.
PoP is a huge event in Jakes life and could be worth millions to him. I think from now till May it is strictly all business for him.
It would be three years actually, if you think about the fact that it was in December of 2006 that we got that story about Jake giving Reese a bike and pictures of them rehearsing Rendition, and didn't one of the tabloids run a "Jake would be perfect for Reese" story around that time too? Or maybe it was originally two and another year got tacked on last fall while Jake was filming PoP. I do still think this was about PoP.
I had so many pictures I wanted to add to today's post. But hey I won't turn down more pictures to choose from.
You know what there have been too many years spent talking about what just ended, and I really don't want to spend one minute more of my time or energy about it. There are so many better things to talk about.
OTH wraps this week, and Austin will be on break, and he and Jake have lots to celebrate before filming starts again. Hanukkah, Jake's Birthday, Christmas, and the New Year.
Leigh, I don't see how you can talk about the end of Reeke and not talk about Reese. I'm not going to all of a sudden pretend like the last couple of years didn't happen, or that this mess is still playing out in the tabloids, as if Jake was some D-list actor depending on relationships for publicity.
My friend who is gay, an avid movie person and who used to write about the industry and who really could care less about bearding and/or Reek(he shrugs and says it is HW) told me he picked up the People to read about Meridith Baxer and was appalled at the Reeke breakup story. He could barely bring himself to skim it.
If any you thought Gyllenspoon was actually going to last, uh, sorry. More dead-on sources have confirmed to Marc Malkin that Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have called it quits.
The cute-in-public couple sparked rumors of splitsville a few weeks ago (which so didn't shock us, BTW), when Jake's assistant was seen wheeling suitcases out of Witherspoon's Brentwood home.
But where do the two dependent love birds go from here?
Neither Reese nor Jake are very good at being alone, trust. Jake usually has someone waiting in the wings, and R.W. is quick to line up her next boyfriend.
Gyllenhaal is a superhot, somewhat talented dude—when he's not all mainstream in some Prince of Persia bullcrap. So if he's seen as single, something must be wrong with him, right?
And Reese is now America's Sweetheart, so she needs the "perfect" boyfriend to keep up that image. Plus, we imagine Witherspoon never thought Ryan Phillippe and Abbie Cornish would last. That's just killing her. And the fact that she now doesn't have a boy-toy to parade in public, too, has got to be killing her.
So the question is—who do you think will recover from the breakup first?
Awful's Gyllenspoon Rebound Poll
Who will be the first to jump into a new relationship?
Awful Truth
Hello you all,
It's with a warm cup of chocolate milk I am writing right now,cause it's what I love above anything else lol and..it's freezing.
Soon Christmas is here and I have to decorate my Christmas tree! I am so excited to do it, like each years, really the moment I prefer, even more than the presents lol.
The pictures you post Special K are delicious , specially the last lol ( agree with the comment above...). I am in a strange mood today. I should be happy about the news but I am ecstactic if that makes sense!! I wish for jake and reese to find someone who 'll love them . Just hope Austy is the one for Jake.
Last night I watched the old musical version of Charlie and the chocolatery and in the "pure imagination" scene listening the sweet music I had a sweet jaustin vision: the song says " come with me and you'll see a world of pure imagination, you can dream any dream and find anything you want" and so I found Jaustin ! It was a sweet thought.
I am agree with Tom on the POP promotion. A single Jake is more desirable than a jake attached and on the last comments around the web I suspect a good proportion of fan girls and fan boys who feel free again to hope having him on their own LOL. Even better for a mysterious prince of desert now accessible to anyone.
Oh if some are interested, I saw Avatar today( released two days before you in france). It wasn't my idea at first but a friend of mine convinced me lol so...
it's visually spectacular but the scenario is weak in my opinion, too "childish", not subtil enough.I guess Cameron wanted to send strong message in this time we talk a lot about protection of hearth and aborigen communities.
Sorry but I have to say this, I don't toot my own horn, but this one I am. I have been saying since PoP started that a single Jake would be better than a guy involved with a divorced mom with two kids. Go back and look at all the times I have said that, but then maybe all those times I have said that its been ignored too.
. . . it is also time for him to be single and available to the young women and yes gay men who want to see him half naked in PoP.
See, Tom? There's a silver lining to most anything if you think about it. ;)
The Lean-in Look of Love has always been my favorite Jaustin pic. The look of love. Jake looks absolutely content. :)
Seaweed, I think we have a lot of incurable romantics at OMG, thankfully. :)
Linus and Lucy are fini! Hooray!
Seaweed, I think we have a lot of incurable romantics at OMG, thankfully. :)
Amen! said the wearer of rose colored glasses. : )
Oh excuse me special K for the POP promo thing, I didn't read it when you exposed your theory, I am a bad pupil lol.
I saw the behind scene footage on WDW and... I think I am a weak person.
Sorry Elinor it is not you being a bad pupil. I just have had a moment of being really frustrated after all these months months of writing and staying the course.
Dusty Springfield... I'm sure we have company if we're just "Wish'n and Hope'n. (Is this tooo obvious?) LOL
Special, I'm almost feeling a little giddy, and that's not really like me.
I choose not to mention Jake's beard for the past two years. I've put up with it long enough and now it's time for looking ahead to signs of a better life for Mr. Gyllenhaal where he can be what he truly wants to be. If some us happen to be right about what he demonstrated to us in his behaviour and the way in which he spoke to us then we may just see a new old Jake back.
Only time will tell, I'm just more optimistic at this point.
There are so many better things to talk about.
OTH wraps this week, and Austin will be on break, and he and Jake have lots to celebrate before filming starts again. Hanukkah, Jake's Birthday, Christmas, and the New Year.
I find it difficult to talk about things that can't be seen or that are based on pure speculation. Yes we can talk about the fact Jaustin are still together, and that we have Jake's birthday and the holidays, but in the absence of anything more what are we going to do, make up stories about what they are doing together?
Like you said Special, Jake keeps his private life private, so all we are left with is his public life. Until we get new photos or stories that means the Reeke split.
Go back and look at all the times I have said that, but then maybe all those times I have said that its been ignored too.
Don't think anyone was ignoring you Special, they just had different opinions. While it looks like you are right, we will have to wait until next May to get the final answer.
lets face it SK and myself dont always see things eye to eye but one one thing we can agree. F@#$ the yankees..............
I choose not to mention Jake's beard for the past two years. I've put up with it long enough and now it's time for looking ahead to signs of a better life for Mr. Gyllenhaal where he can be what he truly wants to be.
Well said Seaweed.
Yeah Tom.. Yankees Suck
said the true blue Red Sox fan.
It'll be interesting to see if Jake does have someone waiting in the wings like Ted suggests. I wonder if there were any casting calls for blonde beards in the past couple of months.
Waiting in the wings sounded to me like a Goose who's been there all the time.
I hope you're right Special, and I don't think Ted really does know much anymore when it comes to Jake/TT, but I don't see Jake remaining dateless going into PoP. I also don't see Jake changing/blowing his "I'm really straight" campaing after putting so much time and effort into Reeking.
Waiting in the wings sounded to me like a Goose who's been there all the time.
What did the J-cub say to his winged Goose after he freed himself from the beardtrap? "Wanna pluck?"
What did the J-cub say to his winged Goose after he freed himself from the beardtrap? "Wanna pluck?"
Well I think Ted does know something about Jake TT after saying that straight friends were not defending the fauxmance, but talking about the relationship in Jake's life, and how they were the real deal. The timimg was just too interesting, it is not just all the information that Ted gives its when he gives it. He's been in the business way to long not to know when to drop the hints.
Also this morning in the question of Toothy in the bitch back. Notice he did not discount Baby Tile either in his answer.
And hey Jake didn't "date" more over two years after Kiki, he can take his time and enjoy "working and friends" for at least that long. And he never proposed 3 times to Kiki It extends the need for time to get over all of it. Especially if he has 3 movies lined up to and possiblity of 2 more PoP pictures on his to do list.
flush himself down the toilet as soon as he sees her for what she is and just leave her hanging
Pity the poor piece who'll have to wipe up that mess.
Brothers crosses the half way mark in 12 days with just US release.
Domestic Total as of Dec. 15, 2009: $18,481,443
I'm on a roll.
What is the t word? I'm in the dark, as usual, lol.
Prairie Girl surely you aren't that stupid.
Hey, there's no need to be insulting. At least I was being honest. There're how many t words in Webster's dictionary?
Gee whiz, someone's always got to be mean. That's alright, I don't care anyway.
Alright, I don't have much time before I have to leave and go out for the night. I am beginning to think that I did not buy those Christmas cards although I could have sworn that I did. See what happens to the ol' memory? For cryin' out loud.
And I had to go bail my lil buddy out on that copier. She's always doing something to it so that the red light starts flashing and it gets all locked up. Spooks her out; she gets very intimidated by office machines. HP does not make good copiers, let me say that right now and I have told their repairman when he has come that I have not been impressed whatsoever with their copier.
Good grief, Jake's barely been newly single for how long and people are already worrying about what the next step is. Is that Ted that wrote that piece of garbo Awful Truth? That doesn't even sound like Ted.
I bet Jake himself isn't even worrying about it right now. It's December. It's Hanukkah and Christmas time. He's been filming and is now off. He's free of that needy beard and I bet he's got alot better & more fun things to be enjoying right now. That's the problem with us Americans. Gotta be stressing & stewing about the next thing. We don't know how in the heck to just relax.
Dont worry PG I have no clue what the t stands for either. No clue.
i hope reeke is over now, and like special i wonder if there is a new blonde waiting for him. i`ve learned to be sceptic when it comes to jake.
i hope special is right though. that would be great. and i agree that he could easily be seen as single for a couple of years after this "heartbreaking" split. maybe for him it`s about two-three years on, and two-three years without.
i know that won`t happen, but coming out during POP would be a dream. no one would have expected it and i think that would really make him a name.
great to see you again,ag:) and happy belated birthday,wicked:)hug!
T word.
Demitasse: small
demitasse spoon
T word:
that was norwegian girl at 6:10:)
What did the J-cub say to his winged Goose after he freed himself from the beardtrap? "Wanna pluck?"
Pheasant plucking. Beats backgammon.
like DESTINY, i wonder, not special. sorry!
no pg, that was me at 6:10, just not that one, but the comment above. we posted at the same time.
i know you could get confused about the time, but it was not me. would never say something like that to you:)hug.
There you go - since Reeke is kaputsky, there's nothing to fight about, so someone had to go scraping the bottom of the barrel with a demitasse spoon. Pay them no mind PG; I had no idea what the t word was either. Clever joke tho. :)
I had to delete my first comment; I see there are two 6:10's there. Sorry, ng, I could not believe that was you.
Unbelievable, take it somewhere else; that wasn't funny. And quit trying to spin it a different way.
Elinor, tell me, are you getting a real tree or an artificial one? And do you put on different ornaments/theme each year? My sister & I went a different route this year and got new ornaments from Penneys, all on 50-60% off too, I might add, lol. We have the cranberry/gold/green theme going and I'm going to take a picture of it and put it on my blog. I'm kind of proud of it this year. Usually, it's a hodge podge of ornaments that don't match, the tree is always leaning to one side, and well, this year, no lean!!!
I read that little bit on hands all over each other and man, that's enough to get the perspiration pores going. Dang. Which one of us would not have craved to see that? Geez; now I can't get my mind off of that.
Was that off of someone's live journal post? Or is it off of DC Forum? I can't tell. I can't imagine it coming off of DC Forum, lol. But it kind of looks like one of their pages.
More plucking
What did the J-cub say to his winged Goose after he freed himself from the beardtrap? "Wanna pluck?"
Pheasant plucking. Beats backgammon.
"Me husband is a keeper, he's a very busy man
I try to understand him and I help him all I can,
But sometimes in an evening I feel a trifle dim
All alone, I'm plucking pheasants, when I'd father pluck with him"
The Pheasant Plucker
Update via io9 - SOURCE CODE starts filming this March w/Jake Gyllenhaal as its star. Read the script: http://bit.ly/5Eetqf
Thanks, FAND and Tom. I feel a little better at my lack of quickness on thinking what I was supposed to know. Hey, I was at work too at the time; had my mind on my lil buddy messing up our copier and on that fudge over at the counter.
The fudge was made by my super's mom. This wasn't the usually very good recipe which calls for the marshmallow creme either. This was done the long route way and man, was it good. I'll probably wake up in the morning with a Clearasil moment but it will be worth it.
Update via io9 - SOURCE CODE starts filming this March w/Jake Gyllenhaal as its star. Read the script: http://bit.ly/5Eetqf
PG the post about getting handsy was all over some place, the original WFT, DC and even Datalounge.
Does anyone remember the gos about them in the club on the dance floor the summer of 07? It sounds like the restaurant isn't the only place they get touchy.
Thanks David Mack for the update about Jake doing Source Code.
Funny how that will start filming just when Austin will be finishing up OTH for this season.
Just something to think about. ; )
no need to feel sorry pg:) it was the time, and when i made my second comment, the other one had already made it`s way through.
some people always look for trouble,so just ignore the other one pg.
i had completely forgotten my password, so it took a little time. it just stood still:) "scary"...for a minute.
Unbelievable, take it somewhere else;
OK. But remember the same acerbic wit that you don't like comes from the same person who had the tenacity to find "Hands all over each other" and the tenderness to describe "The Lean". Yes I am all 3 posters. So, be careful who you tell to get out. It might just be someone who has made other contributions that in fact, you did enjoy.
just have to say jake hasn`t said much about reese, and that`s, according to " reeke-fans", because he`s so private and protective of her.
well, what about austin? has jake said much about him? like...ever! wow! i guess he must be just as private and protective there. . maybe more. they didn`t even have a press-photo together during TDAT. we all know they are still in touch after all these years.
i somehow think jake liked the toothy-mystery. not just in a small part to show he`s gay, but because of the mystery. a lot of people love the toothy-saga because of the mystery.
i wonder if jake maybe thought that would work with reese too. that it was all about him, not the other part. playing the same "hiding, not confirming" game, just with a girl.
i don`t know, just my thoughts, but if he did, it failed!
just have to say jake hasn`t said much about reese
Jake didn't say anything about Reese since Rendition promotion.
And ok a Snoopy Dance.
Or how about this dance?
A treat for Donnie Darko fans.
Or how about this dance?
A treat for Donnie Darko fans
HA HA HA. This is the best scene.
Pagent Judge or Kitty Farmer wouldn't be down with doing that dance, but Sissy Hickey would be all over that. And how can you not?!?!
Forgot to thank you Elinor earlier for your mini-review of Avatar. I'm very curious about the movie as I love a lot of Cameron's films, especially the Terminator series.
gone for now said...
Unbelievable, take it somewhere else;
OK. But remember the same acerbic wit that you don't like comes from the same person who had the tenacity to find "Hands all over each other" and the tenderness to describe "The Lean". Yes I am all 3 posters. So, be careful who you tell to get out. It might just be someone who has made other contributions that in fact, you did enjoy.
Why would you do that? I consider it rude.
Just caught Adam on So You Think You Can Dance. I loved the way he looked tonight. A light gray suit (conservative for him) but a bit of black crepe on one shoulder, heavier eye makeup than usual, fingerless black gloves, and, I'm not sure since they didn't show them up close, women's pumps?? Or shoes with spats? I loved the combination. Sigh....
So there are people here who said they wouldn't go to Jake's movies while he was bearding. Are you going to go see Brothers now that Reeke is over?
Nope, still no plans to see Brothers. Jake may be clean shaven now, but the subject matter hasn't changed.
ng, hug right back at you. I am so happy to see you today. And I've been away all evening due to some needed shopping. I am so done for on my shopping this year. But I am making some head way.
Aw, the Laker game picture is to the right of my comment screen. Mr. Daydreamer Blue Eyes is right there. Probably thinking about after game activities, lol.
I was trying to look online and see where Source Code would be filming but I couldn't find anything. I also saw where Topher Grace was originally in the running for Jake's part.
I've given some thought to the very topic of going to see Brothers now. BOn the one hand, if this really is a change, and no more bearding, I would go. On the other, I am afraid Reeke is a boom-a-rang, and/or that there is another beard just around the corner.
OT, Griffin Dunne says his father Dominick was bisexual. Dominick Dunne bisexual
"Jake and Austin had their hands all over each other...Touching each other in more than friendly ways.
I remember that night. Me and my buddy Entree didn't get touched at all. We were totally ignored. Those two bitches weren't even interested in meeting my beautiful cousin Dessert. *cries*
They're off. They're on. They're off. They're off and we really mean it.
They -- Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal -- are also extremely pretty, and that's just one of the many reasons we keep watching them to see what happens next.
Now, it seems, Jake and Reese really have called it quits, apparently early in enough in December that nobody will feel obligated go all out on Christmas shopping this year.
When it's done, it's done.
(And gosh we hope this one's really done.)
LA Times
What about me? I was forced to retire that night due to burnout.
What about us? We're used to stains but not those.
Love, love, love all the pictures today. A lakers 1 is the screen saver on one of my computers and a biking picture on another. Then there is the one on my iphone. I never get tired of looking at them and Jake's face when he is with Austin. That and the lean says it all.
Slammed at work today because I am taking Thurs & Fri off to do some Xmas shopping. I still don't plan to see Brothers. It's not Jake. I am just not interested in the subject matter and I saw the original. That was enough. I can wait to see it when it hits the rental market.
In the meantime, I am just enjoying being rid of Reese. If the fiction provides him with a convenient excuse to avoid women for another 3 years, that's OK with me.
Until that night, I never knew what wood was.
Saw this over at wft2. Hilarious.
"Jake, we here at WFT have always supported your gayness. The least you can do to repay us for suffering thru watching the last three years of bearding misery is give us the, what is it, eight by now, diamond engagement rings you bought during the fauxmance. I'm sure they are gorgeous, huge, worth a lot and nonrefundable. So send them over here, okay? As your last original eight fans, we will appreciate and enjoy wearing them for years to come."
i am still very NOT HAPPY, but the engagement ring post made me laugh. thanks. s.
I won´t. Maybe this split is only a trap to make old fans of Jake to go see his shitty movies.I´ll be smarter than that ;)
Besides, to tell the truth...his projects suck!
And you're Here because of "WHAT"?
I hope it's not just to be nasty and belittle someone just because you have the time. Believe it of not, Some of Jake's gay fans have been fans all along and for some time now. Some are just not as caught up into his personal life and others are.
not as caught up into his personal life and others are.
^^ or, As others are.
that was me at 12:56.
I will be seeing Brothers over the Christmas Weekend. Can't wait.
Good for Tobey's nomination.
For got to say:
Conspiracy, You just might have too much time on your hand and too much time invested in Jakey G.
No need to be on a site about him unless.......
I won't be seeing Brothers in the theatre. I will buy the dvd though..so I can run the good parts (shirtless/in the shower/kissing/sexy body/sexy voice Jake) over and over and over and over and over and over and over...movies shown in a theatre don't offer that crucial option, so screw the box office, capiche?
New pics. Jake shopping in WeHo.
LOL was Jake driving a red and white car?!
LOL even inanimate objects are giving Jake high-fives for dumping the beard.
High five?! I was offering him a red-hot handjob!
Jake is dressed very dad-like in those pics.
Jake and Austin had their hands all over each other...Touching each other in more than friendly ways.
Until that night I thought that gum was the stickiest, gooiest, sweetest blobs ever to get stuck on me.
OK. But remember the same acerbic wit that you don't like comes from the same person who had the tenacity to find "Hands all over each other" and the tenderness to describe "The Lean". Yes I am all 3 posters. So, be careful who you tell to get out. It might just be someone who has made other contributions that in fact, you did enjoy.
OK.(knickers beginning to get knotted)
But remember the same acerbic wit that you don't like comes from the same person who had the tenacity to find "Hands all over each other" and the tenderness to describe "The Lean". panties all plaited
Yes I am all 3 posters.thong in a twist
So, be careful who you tell to get out. It might just be someone who has made other contributions that in fact, you did enjoy. g-string strangulation stage
And I would bet this person is one of the regulars who post under random names calling everyone else trolls. Have you finished sulking yet?
To the blogger who claimed that I am the person who blogged a sighting of Austin & Sophia in Wilmington this past weekend. It was not me, I do not post on Austin's board, do not have a password and have NEVER posted there.
Also for your own good. Remember, your going around blogging this quote:
"Jake and Austin had their hands all over each other...Touching each other in more than friendly ways."
Well legally this is not what the blogger said, so before you go passing this information on to other boards you might want to tell he sighting in it's correct content. The blogger stated that their friend worked at the restuarant, that Jake was there with a MALE friend, the friend did NOT KNOW who the friend was. They also did not know who Austin Nichols was. The person who blogged about it asked for a description of the friend, after given they assumed based on the describtion that it was Austin Nichols.
NO Photos were taken, the person whom blogged this on the boards also never saw Jake & his friend at the restaurant, so to confirm that Jake was in FACT with Austin, is in FACT a lie, because it is not know that this is a fact and you are reporting as if it is, as if this was a first hand report and it wasn't. The only report was that Jake and a male friend were there.
lies = the Austin stories passingby doesn't know
truth = the Austin (and Sophia)stories she "discovers"
Of course passingby has to refute the Jaustin sighting! It threatens the validity of Bushnic being lovers! And oh, can't have that. No, never.
lie detector = panties bunched said...
LMFAO Best laugh I'll have all day.
your going around blogging this quote: "Jake and Austin had their hands all over each other...Touching each other in more than friendly ways."
Well legally this is not what the blogger said
Oh really? Did you click the link? Because the blogger says this: "Jake and Austin had their hands all over each other...Touching each other in more than friendly ways." ~ which is remarkably identical to what we repeated! It's the same thing, and whether or not you like it, it ain't gonna change.
Btw what happened to that promise you made, passingby, to stop posting here? Face it, the Goose's golden egg is in the bear's lair, and not in the bush. The nature of love can take care of itself.
You can continue to claim that I was the person who blogged the sighting and again I will tell you that it was not me. If you like you can contact the person who runs the sight, you can inquire who as access to the board and who blogs on the board. I'll be happy to provide all my information to the head of the board to dispute your claim and I welcome the chance.
I DID NOT and DO NOT blog on that board and did not blog the sighting over there. Perhaps you could contact the board adm and ask them to reach out to the person who did blog it and they can clear things up for you.
You can continue to bully the situation, but that won't make your bogus claim true. Attempting to brush my response to the claim I posted that sighting as being FALSE will not make it true.
LOL passingby WTF are you talking about?!
Methinks passingby has been passing the bottle a wee bit too much this morning.
oh, pasingby was the poster claiming on OMG last week that Jake and Reese were happily in love, so I take anything she says with a big pinch of salt.
so wrong said...
lie detector = panties bunched said...
LMFAO Best laugh I'll have all day.
Pleasure...if you can multitask, you can LYFAO at the same time that you debunch your bloomers.
Let me know how it goes.
Bill W said...
I tought you were told to get out by PG. That's right we have to hear your acerbic wit
passingby, I wouldn't even bother trying to argue with the regular posters who go by random names which they think are witty. They just call eveyone trolls
Way To Go, Dude said:
LOL even inanimate objects are giving Jake high-fives for dumping the beard.
Ha! This made me laugh. Cute pic. :)
Morning Piss: What Would Toothy Tile Do?
Of course, we've been talking about it for ages, how Gyllenspoon had all the sexuality and warmth of a microwaved, day-old mocha latte.
And now, sadly, Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon have officially parted company.
Well, according to our inside Jake and Reese sources, this already happened so long ago you might even say they were practically never together! But maybe that's taking things too far—you know how we gossips can exaggerate.
Much more important is timing:
Why in the ef did Gyllenspoon pull this split stunt right before Jake's Prince of Persia, the girliest he-man movie ever made, is about to arrive?
I mean, come on: Even Toothy Tile—our Blind Vice superstar who knows a thing or two about spinning love and romance to help his career—knows that you gotta have a girl by your side to help sell a flick that ticket buyers are supposed to stuff down their gullets with Milk Duds, right?
Toothy never would have pulled such a dumb maneuver as leaving his fake GF right before he had a movie coming out—come on, get real.
Tile would have kept it going just long enough to sell that stinker in the press, then split with the "girlfriend" discreetly on down the line. Who the hell's going to go as Jake's People magazine-adoring dream date, now?
That stupid undersea creature Jake just appeared on Sesame Street with while, ironies of ironies mind you, helping to explain the word separate is another media misfire T.T. would never have been caught dead—or lisping—doing?
Actually that escort makes perfect sense to moi, as the damn octopus had tons more chemistry with Gyllenhaal than Witherspoon ever did. Does that make me a cold fish to say?
The Awful Truth
Wow, how much more can Ted do to link Jake and Toothy. And say that it was Reese who played this public move. But it looks wanting attention bit her on the ass from the responses to the breakup and her moments with the pap photographers yesterday.
Just been watching the morning news. The Presidents poll numbers are down. Everyone says he is losing his base and needs to solidify that base again. Makes me think of Jake. I think he needs to solidify his base in this historic post reeke era. One F ing picture please. Just one. Jake advisers should be listening. Seems the Presidents advisers are not.
I don't think everyone understands the clues. Jake is Toothy. Jake as Toothy is off his game. The old Toothy would have played the girl. Jake might not care anymore.
Ted isn't so optimistic.
Hey good comparison Tom. Obama ran as a progressive, and then turned around and ran from all those positions he took. I keep thinking of al; the people who comment on liberal blog sites telling all the people complaining about gay rights that Obama had to focus first on health care, and now he's done the same thing with that issue, basically encouraging the Senate to give the store away to the insurance companies.
Wow, I can't believe Ted has basically used Jake and TT interchangeably in that story. So is he hearing things about Reese ending it? Maybe she was tired of everyone dumping on her for the showmance? Maybe she has her eyes on a real boyfriend?
And another wow, Jake in Weho? He has not done that in what, years? I'm going to take that as another good sign.
Maybe Ted is wrong, and Jake also wanted out because he also knew Reeke was dragging him down, and that maybe he will need those gay boys to flock to the theaters to see PoP. Not to mention I think most fans don't care about the dating status of their stars--I think it is the studios and tabloids that are obsessed with that.
Some of you take too much stock into what Ted says. Ted is entertainment also. One things for sure, Ted is not gonna lose his base. Jake or Reese could have split for many a reasons, but to really think Jake is doing this because of fear of losing his gay fan base, or the posters at OMG and WFT2 is a stretch. Especially since over half of the posters are not fans anyway and the other 25% wants Jake to live his life just how (they) want him to, to please themselves.
It's really a stretch.
I'm sure Jake dumped the beard - remember yogurt pictures and Reese's PR stunt 5 days before Brothers release?
I still think that Reese pulled the break up thing to get either attention, pictures or Jake to do what she wanted and he just said you said broken up fine by me you got it.
She was not happy with the paps at all yesterday.
Just saying I Dont Think So. I dont think it would be a horrible idea for Jake to woo some of those gay fans back. They will swarm to see PoP. One picture a couple and a legit sightings of Jake with the Texan at a restaurant changes so much bad PR. PoP looks like a gay mans dream. Gay men have money. Hello. The new president of Disney hopefully sees that.
Destiny, Jake has been seen in WEHO this year and last. There are pics of him shopping at Whole Foods in W. Hollywood this year for instance, check IHJ.
Reese broke it off period IMO and it wasn't to get attention. He was taken off guard, his rep was the first to issue a denial. If it was for attention and photo-ops hwe would have jsut went along with it. Working in PA made pap pics impossible.
IMO she became bored, prolly did as a favor, she is friends with his Mom but realized that this would go on until that crapfest Pop is launched she pulled the plug.
IMO they are scrambling for a new beard.
"IMO they are scrambling for a new beard."
not at all disney strategy
SAG nominations out, no Jake G.
This will mark Jake's third attempt with serious material since BBM, that he has failed to get nominations.
All three had mixed feelings from the critics about his performance.
All three the critics noted Jake's subtle perfomance and some offered the opinion that Jake was mis-cast.
Zodian, Rendition & Brothers = zero nominations and box office failures.
I bet Jake's not upset about Reese, I bet he is upset about his recent attempt once again failed to get a golden statue.
Note to Jake, those who decide the nominations do not like your subtle acting and most likely look at it as a lack of acting.
Working in PA made pap pics impossible.
Then what about the three trips Reese made to NYC while Jake was visiting Maggie and Peter. She couldn't get one picture released of them to run? Sounds like someone didn't want pictures or didn't want her pop in. Jake might not have said no because he couldn't under the deal but maybe sis put the kibosh on the pictures of them all together because of being annoyed with pop in, in Italy and the overshadowing of her wedding, and helped her baby brother out.
i'm still here, hanging in, trying to find the love again! in the meantime, i have a question:
have we ever seen a pic of reese and maggie together, while reese was with jake?
we've seen a few pics of reese with jake and mrs. g., but none of jake with the 'spoons and none of reese with Papa G or with the whole family.
and while reese made sure to get plenty of pics of her in italy, there were none of her at wedding, were there? just the biking pics, etc. out and about, and the sidewalk smooch? was it really a smooch, or just a fake smooch?
pasingby, we know you hate jake.
Congratulations to Sigourney Weaver on her SAG nomination for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries for Prayers for Bobby.
And Congratulation to Peter as part of the cast of An Education, on their SAG nomination of Outstanding Perfomance by a cast in a Motion Picture.
Aww, hi sienna!! I'm glad you haven't given up on us. I'm happy to see you.
Well, there was that one pic in NYC of them; that's what I recall off hand. It wasn't a good one, though, it was of their backs. And it looked like a cellphone picture to me. For all the twitters & "sightings" of Reese horning in on Jake's family in NYC, there sure weren't any pap pictures of them together. My money is on Maggie shaking her finger no.
And of course, the infamous Italy wedding pictures.
Oh hey, you guys, that reminds me. Does this mean we're never going to get those pictures of Reese in that wedding courtyard? I've been tapping my toes so long on that one that I forgot why I was even tapping them. I thought maybe I had just developed a nervous tic of some kind, lol.
I'm getting off subject.
Maybe someone else can recall another picture but the one picture that I can actually recall seeing Reese & Maggie in the same screen with Jake is that cellphone picture in NYC. I might just be forgetting one, though.
new Jake interview
He sounds like a whiner!
Prairie Girl, don't you know, the "Reese in the Italian wedding courtyard" pics are in the same box as the "Tom Cruise Housewarming" and "Heath Memorial" pics.
thanks pg. i had forgotten that there was even one picture. it's just one more thing that doesn't flow with the 2+ yr romance. in all that time, for there to be no other family photos when they made so sure to be seen out and about often, and when J's family is celebrity also, just seems odd.
i posted something on my lj today about the whole mess and how i'm all verklempt about him being such a wuss and hiding behind women and not just standing up and being who he is - i'm feeling better today but i really had to get it out of my system - and so anyway, some of the commentors on my lj truly believe the whole farce and it's such a jolt for me to have to deal with that, even tho that's part of the reason i'm so annoyed with him: because of the folks i know (some of the DC folks) who are really sad and bummed and worried about reese's kids and all. i'm like: you folks are deluded. the kids don't care. reese and jake are fine. geez!!! but they are truly sad and it kinda irks me that the folks paying his salary have to be so bummed by such a total non-event. if they really knew the truth, what would they say?
of course we've had to deal with 2+ yrs of reeking and no one felt sorry for us, so wtfe. i'm a tard, as we already knew. s.
The new interview on the Irish Newspaper includes the "girlfriend" quote.
Based on that interview and prior reports from other sets, sounds like Jake G is a jerk to work with.
This very much reminds me of Jake after Jarhead. How he had problems working with Sam Mendes and fought with Peter during the filming. Just insert Sheridian and McGuire to story an it's all really the same. I do think after Zodiac he also said some stupid stuff about the director and how they had to film so many takes, I think Mark Ruffalo defended the director and made a dig at Jake in response to his comments.
Jake should keep his mouth shut or he will talk himself out of a career.
but they are truly sad and it kinda irks me that the folks paying his salary have to be so bummed by such a total non-event
There is no cure for stupidity.
No matter whose call it was (although I think Reese is the dump-er, Jake the dump-ee), it seems to me this is turning out to be sort of a PR nightmare. They have all kinds of stories floating around - nothing is jiving together. And I don't mean minor details either. I mean, there are two clear cut sides taking place. Those who are speculating or saying that she's the one who dumped and those who think or say that he did.
And the blogs are also speculating what really happened. Ted says that Jake had more chemistry with an octapi than with Reese! People now has done their community service and they seem to be pretty much done with Reeke. So the mop & clean up has been outsourced to US Reekeley, publication service to the beards. And it doesn't help Jake's case when Michael K and others just basically guffaw over the entire thing.
For the better part, I think Reeke accomplished for Jake what he & his people wanted. He had a serious lady friend for several years and they now have had a "split", so this now puts him in the category of multiple loser at hetero love.
But I just don't know about all this other fallout. If I was his people, I would be paying attention to all the rambling & wagging tongues on the internet and that is that Reeke did nothing to squelch the wondering, the questioning, the whispering, the speculation and the Jessica Fletcher head shaking.
It's not going away, Jake!! And now it's not only blogs like OMG, ONTD, and WFT2. And Michael K. And Ted. It's other obscure HW gossip sites out there and newspaper gossip sections. And it's Joe Q Public's who have their own journals & webpages. Do not underestimate the ever increasing power of the internet, fellas.
"Jake should keep his mouth shut"
maybe you should too.
Jake should keep his mouth shut or he will talk himself out of a career.
Jake is very liked in the industry.
BTW, Fincher seems to have much better relationship with Jake than Mark Ruffalo.
I saw your post on my friends page, sienna, and I wanted to comment so bad but after seeing some of the responses, I knew it would be pointless and it would only liable stir things up so I kept shut.
I better not say anymore about it because I don't want to air that out here but I have an opinion on that whole situation.
Anyway, lunching in again!! We all just love it here so much that we can't tear ourselves away from our humble abode. My big buddy is back in pretty decent form, albeit very pale. He & I just had a "Stop it!" volley. I start snickering, he says "And what are you snickering about over there?!" and I'll say "Oh stop it!" and he'll say "No, you stop it!" and back & forth.
I'm sure we drive everyone around us nuts. He kills me. I'm very glad he's back, even though he's still not 100%.
Today, it is popcorn and Dannon Peach Yogurt that has a code date of Aug 29, 09. So if you don't see me on here anytime tonight, I might be at the local medical emergency room, lol. Hey, yogurt is active bacteria cultures anyway, so this just has more bacteria than normal.
LOL. I might be laughing on the other side of my face later on tho.
I think the answer is clear for the split. The contract was up right before Brothers. Jake has to spend time working to promote PoP not spending time with some fake girlfriend. Plus I think they really didnt like each other that much. All this who got dumped is just rag mag talk.
I am shopping tonight anyway. Again. Or at least that's the plan.
Hey! And I found my Christmas cards. After I bought some more last night, too. They were buried under some unwrapped presents that were piled in my bedroom by my printer. Which were in turn piled under an assortment of Christmas socks which are there because there is no room for them in my dresser drawers or my trouser sock storage tote. lol. My room is trashed.
Not that anyone cares about my lost Christmas cards, lol.
Oh, I know it's all made up crap, Tom, on the split stories. But wouldn't you think they could synchronize their stories? I mean, they're on two totally different poles of the spectrum. It just kind of boggles my mind how they couldn't get out a good, decent made up story.
And I just emailed US Reekley to complain to them about their advertising on their website. Just like People.com. Does anyone else find those ads that come up as soon as you enter their site and force you to scroll down from them totally annoying? CNN.com and USA Today.com are just as bad anymore. I"m not talking about pop ups. These are embedded in the homepage and there is no getting around them.
Jake was looking pretty scowl-y in those new pictures, although I really liked that grey fleece thing he had on. Very well fitting. But he sure didn't look thrilled, did he?
Okay, well, I think it's been about an hour; I forgot when I started, actually.
LOL, one more side note on just how old my yogurt was. The lid just almost kind of fell off instead of peeling off. That might not be a good thing. I'm probably going to get sick for eating it and now I'll worry all afternoon.
Okay, well, guess it's back to the saltmines. Elinor!! Where are you? I wanted to hear about your tree.
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