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Just after Thanksgiving the elves struck, and I've been waiting till the perfect time to show them off.
Merry Christmas from OMG
May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
The warmth of Christmas grant you love.
~Author Unknown

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy,which shall be to all people. Luke 2:10
Merry Christmas.
Wishing the best to everyone during this holiday season. May it be filled with joy.
Hi Special,
A Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Keep on doing what you are doing. It's amazing.
I adore both your elves, they made me smile.
A wonderful day to you.
A little Christmas Present
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Featurette 2
and if you haven't the first featurette here you go:
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Dastan Featurette
Merry Christmas everyone,
Hope you are all fine for this wonderful day. I hope the santa claus covered you as well with much much presents and delicacies.
The weather is sunny here and it isn't so cold.
I am already sick ( stupid of me) cause of chocolate, cakes, ice scream ... and others things I won't tell. It's always the same every years, I eat too much and after I have to be on a diet before the new year evening otherwise I will pass it on bed!
Thanks ou special K for the first fiturette, a good present to see this morning. The prince make me feel good.
Once again: merry merry christmas to you all, a lot of love and joy.
Wow, now this is a rousing version of Joy to the World! Peace and love to all today. I love the elves, Special, they are adorable. I'm off to open my present now, the PoP featurette 2!
LOLLLLLLLL!! Oh man, that video is the best, Special!
That is THE next best thing to seeing the 2 guys out on the dance floor together.
Whew, check out the boys, you guys.
Rubberbanding and shakin' and bumpin' and staring down the camera. And which one was that shakin' their ass for the camera? My bet that was Austin.
That was classic, just classic. I'll be watching that numerous times today.
Thanks, Special! That was top of the line, out of sight, groovy, cool, sweet, awesome, jivin', uh....what else?
lol. outasight. Remember that one? groovy? double lol.
Merry Christmas to everyone! Merry Christmas, Elinor! Sorry to hear of the overload, lol. I about overloaded myself on that peppermint ice cream last night.
Oh boy. We have had our first initial trip outside and the first shoveling of 09. But all survived and boy, that wind sure drifted it. I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere. But they live in a great community; they've already cleared their streets. Now that's what I'm talking about! Thanks, thanks, thanks to all the city & state road crews who worked on Christmas Eve!!!!
Merry Christmas to everyone.
The Elves are awesome.
Merry Christmas everyone.
I cannot see the elves and videos right now, so they will have to wait until I am back home.
Awwwww, thanks for the video Special!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Oh my God, how cute! I'd love to see them dance together for real. I bet it's really sexy. Merry Christmas to all.
Marc Jacobs: Shirtless Christmas Eve with Lorenzo
I love the elves, hope everyone had a good day.
Had a nice Christmas with my mom and sister. We had our traditional breakfast of chicken sausage and rhis sweet bread concoction my sister makes using frozen rolls and butterscotch pudding. Then this afternoon/evening watched Star Trek (just as good the second time around) and Blazing Saddles.
Speaking of which, it was nice to see those picture of Quinto and Sarah Paulson and Jacobs and his boyfriend among the hundreds of celeb holiday pix. Also NPH's tree full of balls. :-D
A belated happy Christmas to all at OMG!
Good morning to all! Anyone out in the after-Christmas sales? I would have been if it weren't so doggone cold out there and the driveway is full of snow.
I'm going to have to tackle that driveway somewhat more than I did yesterday if I'm going to get out. They have a really big, steep driveway and now they're most likely not going to get back until tomorrow due to the weather. They're up in Iowa and I-29 is iced over.
Last Christmas I dogsit!! lol. Off limits, no way, not happening. Not ever again. Although this one was due to special circumstances and who could have foreseen the weather as it happened.
I hate snow.
Interesting holiday news-wise. That Northwest Airlines plane and pictures of people sitting in airports with heightened security. It does make one nervous when this happens at airports you have no control over how their security is. I don't think US airports can get any stricter. Before long, we won't be able to take anything on.
PG, are you reading "only when you are sure? Its a locked journal, so maybe not. Anyway, today's update has the most incredible photo-shopped picture of Jake and Heath. Guaranteed to curl your toes.
Some items to exchange today. Somehow my husband became a large, no longer a medium, when I was not looking. I hope everyone had a good holiday. We had a few phone calls and learned that both my niece and her twin brother are pregnant, the nephew's wife that is. Due within weeks of each other. How is that for twin timing.
Hey m! I'm not reading that one but I'll look it up to see who the author is. Could be that I'm already friended with them, lol. You've got me curious about the picture.
I'm so inspired to write right now and I did get a chapter finally completed last night and sent off. But I've also got an online course on Powerpoint that I have to get done before year end so I'm also trying to get that done. Luckily I can access it from my laptop so that's a real plus.
My dogpeople are really trying to make it home tonight but the highways are not cooperating. They're going to try the highway hotline one more time in a couple of hours and see if they should make a go of it. But I told them I was good here if they couldn't make it. No need to be crazy about it, it's certainly not worth getting into an accident about. It's just one of those things.
Well, back to my online course!
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