Long ago there were friends who wanted to write act and make movies and they found a long tall Texan to come play with their little troupe acalled Southern Gothic Productions. And like Judy and Mickey they went out to barn, ok in this case Wilmington NC and put on a show. And what a show indeed.
"The True-Love Tale of Boyfriend & Girlfriend" is now out for people to enjoy. You can download the big romance in a little space for $ 2.99 at filmbaby
Mama always said there was a lid for every pot. Sometimes you wonder if you're a frying pan.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend could kind of be frying pans. But they found their lid too.
It is a little piece of southern country fried love wrapped in some backwater funkiness. Love the way they defied convention, in it's story and it's approach, while keeping it sweet as big glass of ice tea.

Sometimes you don't have to say a word for people to know you're in love.
Austin is great playing Girlfriend, a boy from the pumpkins with not alot learning but a lot lovin' and can see how the unconventional but sweet love story grabbed him from the get go.
Kudos to Hilarie on costuming, cause that's a whole lot of Texas to get into those coveralls. Hmmm mmmm, youknowwatta I mean. (Mr. G, put down coveralls on things you need to pick up for presents)
If you want to hear a little more about making The True Love Tale, head over to Spooky's Austin Nichols Journal to catch two little clips of Austin talking about it. And check out more screencaps too.

Happy Austin Friday.
Picture: Austin Nichols Journal
Keeping with the TT theory, everyone is out to make up bogus twitters about Sophia Bush & Austin Nichols being a couple because they have an agenda against the 6 people that post on this blog. If it's not about an agenda then they are getting paid by Austin's PR team to keep him in he closest, you know a guy who stars on a D-rated network with less than 3 million viewers...
I totally agree that there is absolutely not one single person out there who would make up sightings of Austin and Sophia! Especially not in Texas!
I mean, it's not like someone would claim that their friend saw them in a restaurant in Texas together when they actually weren't there!
And certainly no one would make the lie even bigger by adding some thing they misread in google preview as facts to support it!
Yes definitely, no one would ever care that much!
Yes definitely, no one would ever care that much!
Except for passingby of course. She's obsessed with Austin and Sophia and with those of us on this blog who don't see things her way. Why does she care what we do or don't believe since there are only 6 of us here?
I watched "The true tale of boyfriend/girlfriend" yesterday.
It was a little weird, but sweet at the same time. Both Austin and Hilary seemed to have a lot of fun with their characters and with going over the top with them.
There were also some scenes in there that just made me laugh, like Austin's hat falling off when he was hanging from that tree or him yelling at that red demon thingy.
One line that I thought Austin must have identified with was "They started a family together. And finally one day boyfriend and girlfriend were married... in their own way of course".
And on a shallow note: Austin has huuuuuuge feet!
I know third time in a row, I'll shut up again after this one.
I found something extremely interesting about the person who wrote the sighting on Spookys.
I went to the profile and as you can see in this screenshot that person went through the pain of entering their exact location - Wilmington, of course - even though this is not necessary for registration. As a matter of fact it's actually pretty far down the page when it comes to entering private information .
All in itself not that interesting but this person doesn't have any friends on LJ, s/he isn't following any blog and she isn't subscribed to any group.
In that regard, passingby wouldn't even be lying when she said she isn't registered on Spookys, but I disgress...
But now even more interesting, you look at the register date: December 13, 11:54 pm (23:54 is the german way of writing it)
Now go to Spookys and check when that sighting was posted: December 13, 11:57. A whole 3 minutes later...
So that person registered on LJ, entered private information as to where her location is just to post one single sighting on a group she has no interest in joining?
She adds all her personal information even though she clearly isn't interested in using this account to keep in touch with people?
Sorry, but something's rotten in the state of Denmark...
If anyone doubts what I'm saying you can check it out yourself.
post on Spooky's
It's still not me and I have no idea who it is.
Perhaps it's Austin himself, blogging. Maybe he just wanted them to know where he is.
Still not me and that FACT is not going to change just because you want it to be.
Why don't you reach out to the person and ask them about it, perhaps the will be willing to give you the backround check you require.
Perhaps it's Austin himself, blogging. Maybe he just wanted them to know where he is.
And just when I thought you had finally settled on the story of "Austin and Sophia: super-private!" there you go and change it again.
And I didn't say it was you, just that you wouldn't be lying if it was you.
I'm sure you're not the only person that loves to make up FACTS (when you write it in all-caps, it means it's true!!111) about Austin and Sophia.
Must say, PassingBy, that I'm extremely flattered. I mean, all your energy and time spent that could have been, should have been, expended on more life affirming pursuits instead of behind the keyboard trawling the internet for Twatted tidbits, just to convince me of the validty of your interpretation of events?
In scheme's grand design, I had absolutely no idea that what little old Me's opinion of Austin's love life was paramount to someone's personal validation.
Wow. Can feel the ego boosting as I type.
Tweet = Twatt
Good one m
m is boss, that was me, though, not m. lol. Hi me!
passingby, you must just be eating this attention up, huh? Got a whole open forum, all is quiet, nay for a few of us today and last night. Give you the floor and you'll take the entire house and the block as well.
Hon, you can tweet & pass along & link all you want. You just don't get it. No, wait a minute. You get it alright, you just refuse to listen, see or acknowledge that you're knocking on a door to a house that has the stereo cranked up as loud as it'll go when it comes to you and what you keep trying to sell.
I will wait and hear it from Austin's mouth and not what you're bringing to the table not because it could be valid but because you've surpassed the desperation point for whatever reason in trying to convince us about Austin & Sophia being a couple in love.
It's getting to the point of obssession and so now it's made me past being suspicious of you. So that's done it for me, I don't know about anyone else. You've butchered any chance now of being taken seriously as far as I'm concerned.
You know what...something's kind of dinging the lightbulb in my little memory.
Where have we heard this before?
6 posters here on OMG
Austin being a D-Lister.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, now let me think........kind of rings a bell...kind of sounds like....pretty much smells like....yeah....think it's coming to me.
You know what, passingby?? I think you're probably not all that new to here. I think passingby just might be a repeat performer, just under a new stage name. That's what I think.
And I could be wrong on that but those 2 clues right there were kind of a dead giveaway.
I love how we're always picked on here for being so small in number. I actually love, love, love it. In fact, could just about do a happy dance about it. Because we're just here minding our own business, trying to have our own good time. And yet that just gets under some people's skins. Grates on the nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard, I guess. To the point where they cannot help themselves, cannot control it, cannot resist repeatedly coming here. Kind of like us being Inspector Clouseau and the visitors such as passingby being Chief Inspector Dreyfuss. LOLLLLLL!
Oh dog, didn't you just love Peter Sellers as Clouseau? Remember when he was interrogating that family in their living room and he sat down on the arm of this couch and just fell right over?!!! LOLLLLL!!
The bird on his arm in Revenge of the Pink Panther?
Anyway, I'm getting off subject.
It should be flattering to Special that her blog is such a point of interest for some. For whatever reason, some people just can't stand Austin or the idea of Jake being with Austin. It's an Alka Seltzer moment for them. I don't know what to say to that. Nor am I saying that I am always 100% in believing those 2 are still together because I have had my doubts at certain times. But until I see differently, I believe they are.
Other than, I don't know, I'm sorry? Don't know what else can be said about it other than there must be some other site where there are others who can provide some kind of community & likemindedness on someone else for Jake. Otherwise, I have no idea why oh why one would visit here if it is that severe of a problem.
Okay, I'm done. I've been lunching in again. It was Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup today with some....uh, let's see, some WheatThins Flatbread crackers, garlic & parmesan. Very good.
I miss everyone! Too quiet around here today. Ah well, I'm gone now too myself. Have a good afternoon!
I was out doing Christmas shopping, the last teeny tiny bit for me, and with my best friend who was finishing hers up and I went along to make sure she veer off her list (ok so I talked her in buying mini snowman ornaments for herself but that's it) and carry the bail money for parking lot space rage, just kidding. But hey she spent and I scored, she got restaurant gift certificates, and they gave her tickets to a big BBQ bash in the spring for 6 people. Gift certificates at Cheesecake Factory, she got two free pieces of their cheesecake, after Christmas. Hey its good to be the best friend. LOL
Plenty of moments in Boyfriend and Girlfriend, stuck in my mind. ; )
I agree Stubborn, Austin has big feet. You could say he is a Big Foot wait isn't that the other name for Sasquatch? ; )
Good news from DC.
WASHINGTON—The mayor of Washington has signed a bill legalizing gay marriage in the nation's capital, but it won't go into effect just yet.
Mayor Adrian M. Fenty signed the bill Friday in a public ceremony.
The city council passed the measure Tuesday to legalize same-sex marriage in the city. Congress has final say over D.C.'s laws, however, so the mayor's signature doesn't mean the bill immediately becomes law.
The bill must pass a 30-day period of Congressional review.
Supporters expect Congress won't touch the law and that gay couples may be able to wed in the district as early as March. Opponents, however, plan to fight the bill.
Great news about D.C.
I found Boyfriend and Girlfriend charming, and I liked the way it looked. I also think it shows up Austin's strength as a character actor. Maybe it was just the lack of vocals, but I really didn't feel like I was watching Austin in it.
Yikes. RDJ using the word "homos" and Paul Schaffer referring to "screamers" on Letterman. A couple of queens using offensive and homophobic language to prove they are straight?
RDJ on Letterman
Way to go RDJ refering to ur friend Jake as a Homo and ur friend reese as a beard. Hopefully that will anger Jake.
Well, Reese Witherspoon isn't RDJ's friend and she was a beard.
good evening you all,
No fight anymore, remember It's Christmas peace soon lol
Oh well at least you take that with humour prairie girl, thanks for that!
I must confess the twitter thing is beyond me!! I never would have the idea to post at every minute what I do, who I see, Where I am, with who.... crazy. Maybe I am old but don't see the interest.
Now if I meet jake or Austin or both at the corner of a street it would be my secret...except for the OMG fellows of course!!
Thanks you Destiny and special K for the review of "boyfriend
and girlfriend", sounds intriguing and somewhat poetic. Don't know the actress though.
hm said...
Well, Reese Witherspoon isn't RDJ's friend and she was a beard.
Jake and reese spent time with RDJ and his wife not so long ago. There are pictures of them together.
Anne Hathaway Making Moves on Jake Gyllenhaal?
Jake and reese spent time with RDJ and his wife not so long ago.
Jake and RDJ are friends.
Jake and Reese did two photo ops with RDJ and his wife.
P.S. There is OMG post with pictures of Jake, RDJ and his wife having a dinner.
Ted gave the nod to Goose in the demim clad butt catagory. Must say, the coveralls in BF/GF concur.
Jewish Couple Alert!
Jake Gyllenhaal has a thing for blondes (Kirstin Dunst, Witherspoon, Heath Ledger), but his relationships all inevitably fail due to his partners’s lack of Semitic roots. With Hudson he’ll finally have a blonde to bring home for Pesach. (It might be the Southern thing, but Whitherspoon seems like the most Christian woman alive. If not for her movie career, she could land a correspondent’s gig on The 700 Club. Clearly, a bad match.)And Hudson has run from Jewish men long enough. First, she procreated with Black Crows lead singer, Chris Robinson, a scrawny, heroin-chic rocker dude. Then, Owen Wilson, who allegedly attempted suicide after their break up. Then, Lance Armstrong. And lastly, (though we had to leave a few out) A-Rod, the hot bi-racial mountain of machismo and steroids. As my mother would say, Kate, you had your fun. It’s time to settle down with the appropriate male counterpart — a sensitive-yet-sculpted artist of Jewish descent. So ladies, don’t dye your hair blonde in an attempt to capture often-shirtless Gyllenhaal’s attentions just yet. Let this budding romance ride itself out. You won’t get your heart broken, I won’t have to say I told you so and there will finally be an attractive Jewish couple in Hollywood.
Heeb is kind of a hipster Jewish magazine, so the intent may be tongue-in-cheek, but not sure.
Totally tongue in cheek.
I love tongues in cheeks!
Bad taste. This not so much, but the magazine itself? Offensive. Hey, they today discovered that Vandals stole the "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign from Auschwitz in Poland. Maybe they can yuck it up about that nd devote an issue to it.
Signed: No sense of humor about certain things.
You know, among the things RDJ is notorious for is doing his best to seduce his co-stars. And perhaps not merely his female co-stars.
(I actually thought his "proud to know certain of them" was at least a decent recovery from the Paul Lynde I mean Paul Shaffer "screamers" bit).
... but I love RDJ's beard comment!
More about the short. I love how it essentially was a silent movie, and think that was something that Austin really liked about the project. And he is reallt good about using his expressions and body language to tell the story. Totally loved the art work for the title cards.
Did any one catch Austin running in those boots? Hysterical. Loved it!
And Stubborn think you are spot on about Austin and the line "They started a family together. And finally one day boyfriend and girlfriend were married... in their own way of course".
Nick Gray wrote a funny sweet little movie and loved the language of the story.
Jake is so "heartbroken" after splitting with Reese that Austin, wearing a cute and tight nurse's uniform, is taking his temperature the baby way and giving him sponge baths 3 times a day and at bedtime.
Just what the Dr. ordered.
I know this is totally off topic, but I saw this quote from Johnny Depp about Heath on the Dr. Parnassus support website and it was so moving, I had to share it. He said “Though the circumstances of my involvement are extremely heartrending and unbelievably sad, I feel privileged to have been asked aboard to stand in on behalf of dear Heath … He was the only player out there breathing heavy down the back of every established actor’s neck with a thundering and ungovernable talent that came up on you quick, hissing rather mischievously with that cheeky grin, ‘Hey … get on out of my way boys, I’m coming through!’ And does he ever!!!”. What a tribute. It's things like this that make Johnny a star, not just a good actor.
That stuff about Anne and Jake is so ludicrous, its not even worth discussing. I do believe they are friends though.
I still haven't watched the Boyfriend video yet, my errands took more time than I expected. Tomorrow for sure though. Can't wait.
It's things like this that make Johnny a star, not just a good actor.
I've always liked Depp. He's taken chances with a lot of his roles and that takes guts. I liked him even more when he dressed up in a giant plushy squirrel costume lol so that he could go to Comic Con unnoticed and not cause any commotion. This quote though that m has (ty m) - now it's more than "like". I love him. Thanks, Depp.
It's Jake Gyllenhaal's birthday, let's celebrate by waking up on a golf course
Oh, am I the first to wish Jake a happy birthday on OMG? :D
Yet to see BF/GF and any related twitters, but I do know Austin and Hilarie have amazing chemistry.
As for Stubborn, TBs = great detectives, it was always thus.
Good morning, London! First of all, I hope you're having a good day already as you are well into it already. Yes, indeedy, you were the first!
Second of all, Elinor, you were so right yesterday. My sincere apologies for dipping into the pool of bleah and thanks for pointing it out to me. I don't think I was too bad on it but nonetheless...
And thirdly, that was a nice quote, m. I'm just not a Johnny Depp fan but then I haven't seen any of his movies, oh yeah, I tried to watch Chocolate and really tried to get into it because I loved the "look" of the film so badly, but couldn't, lol. But I truly appreciate his sincerity & respect that he shows his craft. There is no denying that. He doesn't sell himself out that I see and he isn't all over the rags and on the blogsites. So that in itself is such a rarity.
And lastly, a Happy Birthday to the Birthday Boy! Mr. Jake.
Better enjoy this one, buddy! 29. We need a Hoops & Yo card for him like the one I'm going to be mailing Wicked today that I found. My favorite, the one that we listened to over & over on the way home from the lake.
On the cover is the little green guy who says "This is gonna be the best birthday you ever had!" But then, his joy is killed.
"Happy Birthdayyyyyy!"
"You missed it!"
"I missed what?"
"You missed the birthday!" sing song!
"NOooooooooooooooo" **cries**
"Did you bring a present?"
"Noooooooooooo, not even a present!!"
It had to be that card, had to be. That is one of the best belated cards ever. Those 2 are about the most hilarious things I've heard Hallmark put out.
lol. Anyway, it's not a belated birthday for the Jakester. No, it's his day alllllllll day long today. What does he have lined up today, anyway? A long, tall cool one from the big state of Texas??!!! Oh yeah!
Look forward to seeing what you have cooked up today, Special, for the birthday boy.
And when she asks him if he brought a present and he says "No", she gives this "Squee!!" just before he groans "Nooooooooooo, not even a present". Like she derives pleasure out of his big mess up. LOLLLL!
You missed it, you missed the birthday!
Man, how hilarious. If you're near a Hallmark, you should go find this card and listen to it. It's a killer.
Spoiler alert - if you don't want to read anymore about the split, lol.
And unfortunately on a heavy sigh note, let me say that I just hope Jakey stays away from the stores on this day and just enjoys his day in a restaurant or at home.
Because if he goes into a store for anything, he's going to see plastered at the checkout stand what I kept seeing last night while shopping. Stacks of US Reekly "Why She Left Him".
Man alive. It's one thing to see it online on a 15" screen, but to see it in all its glossiness right up there on the top rack?? What a huge splitting, lightning bolt down the center. It just glares out at you while you're standing there waiting to check out, no getting away from that thing, people. So if you don't want to see it, stay away from Target, Wal Mart, Walgreens, your local grocery store this weekend. It was at just enough places last night where I went and it just made me cringe. And you know what, now thinking about this entire scenario, the timing of it? Right before his birthday? Yet another stab.
Hell hath no fury....
May as well have a hatchet plunged right into the center of it. All you have to do is see that cover and you know. Hell hath no fury.
Sorry to bring that up. I just can't help it after being out all night (my feet are still killing me, I think) and I saw that thing at the checkouts even at the darn grocery store where I'm innocently buying my hot chocolate. It is not pretty and it sure doesn't look like an amicable cover to me.
Well, are you east coasters in a deep freeze this morning? You're getting what we had earlier this week.
Trying to get up the gumption to go out for a walk this morning. I know it's really cold out there. Such a wimp. m, you're probably enjoying much nicer temperatures than the most of us. You lucky one!
Well, my mom's up. She stayed overnight because we're going shopping this morning. Mom & I may finish The Ref this morning. That movie is hilarious.
And you know, it is time for happy times.
Time for some new happy pictures. I look forward to seeing what hopefully will be a happier, way less stressed, relaxed Jake.
Happy birthday, buddy. Have an awesome day today.
Maybe with one of those cupcakes. A little icing action, if you will.
Happy 29th Birthday, Jake! :)
Wanted to say hello before I'm off to to holiday errands for the day - we're supposed to be clobbered by a big snowstorm tomorrow here, take care Spesh!
Happy Holidays to all,
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