And from last night's preview of PoP on Entertainment Tonight (all 18 seconds of it) it showed that Jake isn't hiding his light under a bushel. Check out the TV version of the preview on You Tube courtesy of IHJ.

After these new screencaps don't think many would mind getting gimmel on their dreidel every time and giving up all their gelt to him.

In my rush out the door on Sunday for a long day out, something very very very important slipped passed me and boy is my face red. My deeepest and more heartful apology to Wicked. We want to say Happy Belated Birthday to our favorite fan of mermaids.
Wicked you are the best!
Please help me send her love and best wishes for the coming year.
Jake's hair really gets in the way of my enjoying these pictures. Also, I am just not a fan of that sculpted look, it's just too much for my taste.
LOL, how would People know what movie they'd been to. Didn't Jake already see it? PR wars indeed. And the way they characterize how he was with his mother, yuck. It's also the exact same language that got used when he was out with Reese. Double yuck!
Totally agree with you Tom about the Oscars and best actor.
Another nomination I'll point out is Anna Kendrick. She's nominated for supporting actress for Up in the Air, and I've heard really good things about her performance in that. She's also in Twilight, which is why I bring her up. As I said yesterday, I think the actors in that movie are really good, and that they are not just heart trobs who will fall out of fashion.
Destiny I think People just picked up from what Jake did after the premiere for Caught in the Act. We all know that they would post things days after he and Reese did things together to make it look like it happened that evening or weekend before. This seems to be People's standard M.O. for that column.
Congratulations to Tobey who's performance was indeed great, as was his fellow cast members. Brothers, Jim Sheridan and the cast deserves all recognition it gets and more.
Just now catching up on the blog and read all about Gad Beck and watched the vid. What an amazing Out Spotlight on an inspiring man, just wanted to say thanks.
Good point Special.
Even if the look is not one I like, I am still enjoying seeing Jake promoting his work, sans shirt and sans Reese.
I think he looks great, yeah, save the hair. Can't stand the hair; I agree there, Destiny. I still think Disney messed that up big time. But the rest? Oh yeah. His abs don't look so messed up here like they did in that Reeke photo op, though. He looks au natural here. Maybe I have selective vision, I don't know; wouldn't put it past myself. But for whatever reason, his abs don't look so resin-ish here to me.
Special, it's a crime to do that to me here at work. Come on!!!!
And may I add one more thing to my comment earlier this morning.
It is a wonderful thought on the tip of my tongue to want to say that it would be awesome indeed to not only see Jake Reeke-free, but unhinged, Jaustin attached. And no, not out in the open like some would like to see, but hey, I'll take a baby step anyday.
And not just a wonderful thought, but a downright awesome thought indeed.
I think it's my 1 2/3 cup of coffee this morning with the gingerbread creamer that has me so hyped & almost giddy this morning. So excuse my blabbering, LOL, if I get to the point of nausea-induced commenting. My sincere apologies.
Hi all -
What an awesome surprise for Hanukka, our Hanukkah Hottie. I love this look - lots more than the very early pics of the Prince. Here's he's muscular but sleek - not bulky; much more graceful looking for all the athletic parkour moves and motion and flying and jumping and spinning. I love his hair.
Happy Birthday Wicked, *muah!*
Also, I forgot to say congrats to Tobey for his GG nom - I thought he did a great job in that part, at least from what I have heard about PTSD. The stare, the haunted look, mood swings, tightly wound. It was un-godly what he had to go through and he's lucky that he had family to help him survive. Jake did a fantastic job as Tommy, like it was an entire story of his own.
Also, forgot to mention the gorgeous mermaid pic - like koi. Beautiful! :)
Can't forget this:
Congratulation to Sigourney Weaver for her nomination for Best Performance by an actresses in a mini-series or motion picture made for television, for Prayers for Bobby.
Kate Mantilini
IIRC Jake and Austin have a love/BV history at that restaurant.
early said...
Kate Mantilini
IIRC Jake and Austin have a love/BV history at that restaurant
Like a waiter who saw them being more hands on than just friends would ever ever be. ; )
^^Beautiful. :)
Congrats to Sigourney, looking forward to seeing her in Avatar, and I forgot to mention how good Natalie was in Bros. as well.
Can't find original post but here is reference to it. Jaustin at Kate's
Also more about sighting 3 days ago: Jake and Mom (does People get info from DC?!)
Jake and Mom [Dec 10 12:16 pm]
How could I have messed up missing Wicked's birthday?????? I had it marked in my calendar and everything.
Happy Birthday, Wicked!!!! I'm on a hunt for the perfect belated card. I must go find that pink & green couple - hyuo and what's their names again? yoyo? I could just kick myself for missing Wicked's b-day. :(
I went to Wally World on my lunch so my lunch hour is shot. Everyone have a great afternoon; I gotta go!
All caught up now! Want to take the time to wish Wicked a belated Happy Birthday as well.
I thought Jake looked great at the Video Game Awards show, but as someone else said, he seemed to be butching it up a little.
Interesting bit of history on "slash", often wonder the origin of some of these newer terms and references.
Not to sound sexist but IMO the time has come to support female movie directors, all 5 of them, if there's even that many. And by support, I mean whether or not the movie is good or not. Today's GG nom: KATHRYN BIGELOW, THE HURT LOCKER, is a great movie. But when was the last time a female got to direct, much less get nominations and critical accolades for it?
People talk about how men have the majority when it comes to running big businesses and companies, but that's nothing compared to Hollywood. The business world has far more females in management positions than Hollywood. The ratio of women to men in Hollywood management, artistic and power positions is minuscule. Case in point: Oscar nominees and winners are 95% male. No other industries would get away with such lopsided hiring practices.
It's very important to be aware of this and support females and fight for them to gain power in Hollywood; because if we want the movie industry to rid itself of homophobia, we need more women who are generally more open-minded and who know what it's like to be repressed, to get in there and change it.
ITA. The Hurt Locker is an amazing film, and Bigelow really deserves the directing award for it. I know people don't like war movies and/or are burned out on them, but this is an amazing film.
And I'd love to know if the director of the first Twilight was really that difficult and slow, or if it is a case of wrestling a succesful franchise away from a woman director.
Tres_Jolie: Dear Employer: I promise I don't sit here all day looking at pictures of Jake Gyllenhaal.
Before I started writing about movies I cared a lot more about the Oscar nominations. Now, probably because I spend so much time reading about pop culture and how women are treated, most of the excitement I had when I was just a fan is gone. (Melissa Silverstein
on Jan 23, 2009)
Key points:
* None of the Best Films Feature A Woman as the Lead
* Directing is Still a Boy’s Club
* A Woman Still Has Never Been Nominated for Best Cinematography
* Only 6 of the top 50 grossing films (12 of the top 100 films) starred or were focused on women.
* Women comprised 9% of all directors.
* Women accounted for 12% of writers.
* Women comprised 16% of all executive producers.
* Women accounted for 23% of all producers.
* Women accounted for 17% of all editors.
* Women accounted for 25% of production managers.
* Women comprised 44% of production supervisors.
* Women accounted for 20% of all production designers working on the top 250 films.
* Women comprised 5% of sound designers.
* Women accounted for 5% of supervising sound editors working on the top 250 films of 2008.
* Women comprised 1% of key grips.
* Women accounted for 1% of gaffers working on the top 250 films of 2008.
Slumdog Millionaire has a female co-director which does not seem to get acknowledged publicly due to guild rules and the perception that there needs to be one person at the helm (except of course if you are the Coen Brothers.) It’s interesting to note that the documentary category has no problem naming more than one director.
A woman hasn’t been nominated since 2004 when Sophia Copolla was nominated for Lost in Translation.
I thought one Coen brother always got listed as the director, the other as the writer, because of that rule.
Is this what you would call an offical announcement.
break out the bubbly
Let's hope so.
well it's the same story than people no ?
just asking.. pretty much so, but it sort of amusing that popeater were the one's trumpeting the iminent engagement.
Well i found it amusing anyway.
Jake's goddaughter looking incredibly cute: http://www.okmagazine.com/category/hot-shots/
yes it's amusing!
just find something completely stupid : the title "jake and reese split?"
why the question ? whereas they announce their separation by an "exclusive source"! They don't trust it? lol
Thanks for that link, Meg. I never would have seen that.
Interesting indeed. "devestated".
Man, give me a break. Yeah, they both look really devestated.
I think it points out, Meg, how some of these sites just feed off of each other. What do their employees do all day, just check all the other blogs to get their news and just spin it a different way? Quote another "inside source"?
Dear Ted:
Is Neil Patrick Harris in any way bisexual? He plays the girl-obsessed Barney Stinson a little too well. But maybe it's just me wishing that I had even the slightest chance with him—he is so good-looking and funny and a total sweetie.
Dear Crushed by Neil:
Sorry darling, he's gay as they come! But that just shows what a great actor he is. Neil's even more deelish in person, too.
Bitch-Back! Will a Book Bust Up Brangelina?
I could have sworn I bought a box of Christmas cards and now I can't find them.
This new little wiener is adorable and a huge crack up. She is a crack up. You have got to see her. When I come back to dogsit again, I am going to take her picture and put it up. She's little. She's white with lots of brown spots and marks. She's officially nameless but Mama thinks they're going to name her Maizy. I think she's only 5. She runs wild all around, making the other 2 look like they're standing still. lol.
She's going to be a blast to watch. And then one of my other customers, Chloe who had her brother, the Major, put down this past summer, she has a new sissy, too. Her name is Macie, short for emaciated which is how she was when her Mama got her. She's a rescue dog. I haven't met her yet.
So exciting to meet new dogs. This Maizy is just a crack up.
Popeater story is a little different than People it is giving a little hand to Jake, and making him less than the dejected suitor than the other rags.
I do think she pushed the whole thing wanting to get pictures, and had her people saying they split thinking Jake would do pictures again to quiet the rumors, but that Jake seized it and said done, you want done you got it, and let it blow up in her face.
Speaking of things never seen, does anyone remember this way back pre-Reeke in Sept 07?
September 6th, 2007
Jake Gyllenhaal with a friend looking at tennis rackets at Big 5 on Wilshire Blvd. He was overheard asking his friend if the racket he was looking at was the one that Roger Federer uses — someone’s been watching the U.S. Open!!!
OK! Mag
Hmmm who plays tennis and on screen and lives in LA?
And I remember Jake and Austin story and the waiter who saw them enjoying more than dinner. Dang I wished I had saved that. Ugh! Does anyone else remember the story.
Yes, it's true that Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire have known each other since they were 10 years old. Yes, they're good pals even still. So Leo came back into town last week and told the Brothers fimmakers he was blown away by Maguire's performance and wanted to throw an awards party for him. Yes, HFPA members were invited (but 15, not 40) along with a slew of Academy members like Sean Penn, Robert DeNiro, Gary Ross, Paul Rudd, Jon Favreau, and Shirley MacLaine. Relativity's Ryan Kavanaugh, who financed the film, underwrote the film as well paid for the gift bags which just happened to contain a Sony Blu-ray player.
Yes, it's true that Tobey did indeed receive a nomination afterwards. But that was probably more because his acting was on point and because his publicist Kelly Bush lobbied relentlessly and would have gifted her kidneys to the HFPA to get it for him)."
I think it would be silly to create any animosity toward Tobey because he got a Globe nod. Good for him. Jakes got good reviews also but Tobey had the meatier role.
Sk, Popeater was the same blog that had the fake engagement story a few days ago and you didn't believe that. Popeater got caught spinning fanfic and their reps issued a denial (engagement). How can it be an exclusive when People had it a few weeks ago.
If Reese issued an ultimatium on then why was his rep the first to deny?
Yeah, Popeater contacted their reps and they are waiting, LOL!!! They won't respond becaue they already issued their denial once and that is enough no matter how many blogs repeat it . The only odd thing is that id it is truky over, why not jusgo to People or Us and issue a statement on behalf of both of their clients? Having blogs spin their fanfic: Breakup/engagement, etc, next up pregnancy!!
They should have just remained silent and issue ni denials like Arod and Hudsons reps, that IS over.
Give it up, reeking is over.
What I said was the spin was different and more from him. Did I say I believe or not. No I did not.
But I said when the first People story came out that after 3 months of no pictures together I thought Reese was expecting that there would be pictures when he was done filming. When there wasn't she pulled the break up card, because the one way to disprove the rumors in Hollywood is to be seen together and get snapped. She played the card and he used to let it blow up in her face.
It sure will be interesting to see what public life Jake creates for himself between now and May. I think life will be closer to normal for him. I think we may see him on a few fake dates with women or supposed dates created by tweets or sightings. I think he needs to be single and macho and I dont expect to see him with Austin at all.
I havent listened to the games awards video. Not surprising Jake butched it up. Will we ever know who the real Jake is? It is still gonna be very hard for me to want PoP to be a success. My gut feeling right now is that it will be promoted to the max but it better be good or there will be no franshise. I hope it is not truthfully. I think he can still be a very good Indie actor. Maybe even come out someday. But that is a long way off. I dont think he has what it takes to do now he is not a very confident man.
IMO nothing blew up, it's too soon for a photo-op. Can you imagine the hard-on's rags like People are going to have once they show up?? They can't be too predictable. That's my opinion anyway, I could be wrong, we will see.
US Weekly-- the issue that will be on stands at the end of the week-- will have a pic of Reese and Jake with the headline "SPLIT"
In a nutshell, they will say she left him--(heartbreakingly so of course)-- he was ready to marry-- she wasn't. Of course she'll come out of this smelling like a rose, and he'll come out of it as that poor sap of a boyfriend.
Is that a real headline or just speculation???
All sides win then. Reese is the dumper this time. Jake is straight. HAHA!
Is that a real headline or just speculation???
Please go back to GB.
Hey yawn, simmer down!! All I was asking if that was a real headline or not or speculating what it will be, geez.
We will find out tomorrow, oyu usually find out what will be on next weeks rags then.
LOL-- check you newsstands at the end of the week, honey and then get back to me :)
is that a prediction of the US cover, or have you seen a preview somewhere? just curious. s.
Splashed up on ET tonight while they were talking about A-rod and Kate Hudson's breakup. The cover of US Weekly this week, Reese and Jake with the word Split! Underneath it says why Reese left him. Couldn't catch the rest. The rag covers wil be up on Jezebel tomorrow will have to see what their spin is.
Thanks Spesh/US weekly and all your other sock puppets!
Well, that's a no brainer. Of course she's going to have to come out on top. No matter how it went down - she is going to come out on top, the dump-er, the happ-ier, the queen of the hill.
We knew that. I don't know if he knew that. I swear, he sure didn't act like he did.
It's a hard pill to swallow but when you think about how he went along with alot of it, the flipping off, the scowling & game playing with the paps, etc., hey. It's not all that hard to feel sorry for him.
But I'm not here to come down on him anymore. If he really is done with Reeke & it's over, that's enough for me and I say that we are all on the same page in life. If he can have a break from bearding for awhile and lead a quiet life with Austin, then I'll be in their corner, you bet.
It does no good to me to hold on to any anger or whatever. They did nothing to me; I allowed myself to get mad. So why should I hold a grudge? If it's over, it's over and I'm going to enjoy it now.
No, I don't expect to see him w/Austin either although I still don't see what in the heck would be wrong with that. Please. PR needs to get a life themselves and let Jake have another Laker game with an old bud. Would that not be incredible? Oh well - in our dreams, eh? lol.
And I tell you what, guys. I am biting nails til we are assured it is indeed over.
If we get some kind of sign that yeah, it is. I say we will need to break out some virtual bubbly of our own. Because we will have been waiting for this day for almost 3 years. But I don't want to get ahead of myself. lol. Oh no. But it's hard. It is very hard.
Can I ask everyone here who is a regular member or poster on OMG a very important question. Now that reeke may be over(Hooray)is it important to you that Jake comes out? Plus is OMG a site which still supports Jake coming out or a fan site? It is important for me to know because I got the feeling this is going to become Prince of Persia Central. I hope not.
I would like to change supports Jake coming out to encourages Jake to come out.
True, us is a rag like the rest but they are the have been the go to rag for Reeke, even with the People story.
Makes you wonder why they bothered to deny it then, the Us story must have been in the works. maybe when they went to Us to deny they told them that it leaked too soon but we will give you the story when we are ready.
People may have heard via Us about the break-up and ran with it, that would explain why they never dropped it because they knew Us had the "exlusive"
I wonder how long this "break" will last. When they broke up in June '07, they were "seen" together on MV in Aug.
The mission of this blog is to promote friendship and community among fans of Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols, whatever the nature of their relationship. We strive to have fun, support these actors and each other, and to promote community. Our main goal is to respect Jake Gyllenhaal, Austin Nichols, their relationship, and each other.
June '07? LOL, official reeking started in Oct 07.
Sorry babbler, Reeke is done.
Poor yawn, you don't seem to grasp facts. It didn't start officially until 10/07 but rags like People declard that they were a couple (cover stoty) then break-up a few months later, then they were "spotted" in Aug.
The point is it's been done before and why are you sorry? You sound disappointed!
I'm happy that Jake dumped the beard and bored by your babbling.
This isn't your blog Tom. You don't decide what the blog's mission is or make Spesh change it. Put up with you flipping out about Reeke for the past two years Spesh has been too patient. What you asked and said about OMG being PoP central is a slap in her face.
Get lost.
The rag covers wil be up on Jezebel tomorrow will have to see what their spin is.
Tomorrow morning @ Cover Awards
Tom, I have always said that if Jake and Austin are a couple, I support them coming out in their own time, right from the beginning at WFT. If doing PoP is going to allow Jake to make the kind of money to live live the life he wants, to be together with Austin and raise their family, and to do smaller independent films, then I'm all for it. It was probably a lot of fun to do as well. I would like Jake to be successful. Also, I think it's great that an actor of any ethnicity or sexuality can play any kind of role. It's an actors job to play a role. :)
I'm not sure about the split rumors, but surely all of these magazines wouldn't print it without being sure of their sources. I will say Jake looks unburdened lately. :)
PG told me to check out the birthday greetings and mermaid picture. Thanks guys. This is a cool song by Sleater-Kinney too. I have not heard this one before. Going to check out the record it comes from.
*Where are my manners?*
Happy Birthday Wicked!
Not getting lost I've been here since OMG started and over at WFT too. Spesh is too nice to say anything to Tom even when he's rude. I'm sick of people thinking they can take over this blog. A few of you just use it to bitch and bitch. Reeke's over, you got what you've bitched for but it's not enough. Gotta move on to something else to bitch about Jake. And one more time this isn't your blog Tom.
Trolls are always here.
Not a troll. You hate what I wrote, because it's true. Still not leaving.
Trolls never leave.
I can say what I want and Spesh can run the blog the way she wants. Everyone knows why I come here. I will be thrilled if the reeke make me str8 project is over. I want Toothy to come out. Period. I am not going be smoochy smoochy I love Jake until he has the courage to come out. If Spesh wants to ban me from the site she can.
I understand Spesh needs to keep the site entertaining and interesting. I also understand she works very hard. I am also not afraid to challande her on things. I dont wanna take over the site. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I will continue to express my anger and state my opinions. If u dont want to read them skip over.
I really don't appreciate the troll comments guys. It's too easy to throw that out there when you don't agree with them.
The mission of OMG has not changed during this whole time and will not change in the future.
I think there are many like myself that are fans of Jake and Austin, and are happy that it looks like Reeke may really be ending. I am going to appreciate it for what it is.
What I have always wanted was for Jake and Austin to be happy and have the life THEY wanted, that might not be what anyone thinks they should have.
I am ok with them keeping their private life private and if they do decide at some point they wish to be more public with their relationship or orientation, that is up for them to decide.
And if you have read OMG for the past 2 plus years you know I can write more stuff than PoP.
It's too easy to throw that out there when you don't agree with them.
Sorry, but I can't agree with anyone trashing Tom.
this probably won't be a popular opinion, but i feel the need to put my 2 cents worth in b'cuz i feel strongly about this.
the whole tiger woods debacle has really affected the way i feel about jake, and it's really got me down. i've been upset and annoyed and even depressed about Reeke - for a couple of selfish but genuine reasons that i have shared with you here - every since it cranked up back in wtfe month of 2007.
but now that it's finally ending, i can't even be happy about it. i work with mostly men, and so of course Tiger's oops has dominated the conversation a lot during the last couple of weeks, and i've been surprised to find out that lots of guys don't care: "he's a great golfer. this doesn't change that." or, "we don't know what his life was like, so we can't judge."
no, i don't know what his life was like, but i know that there had to be other options besides having affairs with 10-15 different women while you are married to a beautiful woman and making babies with her.
during this conversation, i realized that some of the people i like and respect lost some of their esteem imo because of how they felt about this. somehow, mixed up in one of the conversations, i got told that one of the guys used to go out with a group of coworkers beating up gay guys. this was one of their "Fun" nights out.
this is a guy who i like and respect and consider to be a friend. he doesn't do this now, but just the fact that he used to, and that he probably really hasn't changed his feelings much about it, really made me reconsider my opinion of him.
and this has led me to reconsidering my opinion of jake. in my heart, i know that he's gay. he may or may not be, but in my heart, i totally believe that he is. so my opinion is based on that, and of course, i might be wrong. but in my opinion, he's done the same basic thing as tiger. he's lived a lie to promote an image for money. and yes, he has a right to do whatever he wants, but i have a right to not respect someone who lies, and who's continuing to lie, just to make money.
so i'm just really disappointed right now. i knew this all along, but somehow - all the tiger discussion and the revelations by my buddies has made me realize that i should have higher standards for the people i admire. i've never liked jake just cause he was pretty or sexy. i don't even find him sexy. i think he's gay, so he doesn't do anything for me in that way. what i liked about him was that he seemed like someone i would like and admire and enjoy spending an afternoon with. now, he's revealing himself more and more to NOT be that person, and ugh... i'm just really disappointed.
he's done the same basic thing as tiger. he's lived a lie to promote an image for money
There is one important difference - Hollywood discrimination against gay actors.
I'm just ashamed that on a day when Wicked comes back to visit, that she has to see this sh_ _.
And that's what it is. The squabbling and the bickering and the namecalling and all of it. The crabbing, the crying, the bitterness, and the unhappiness.
Why is that? Why are we all such an unhappy lot? What in the heck is going on in our personal life that we have to bring it here all the time? It's ridiculous.
This should be a hopeful, happy day, darnit. But right now I'm ashamed that Wicked comes back today and sees this. All it does is reinforce one of the reasons why she is no longer around. Well, way to go. Just another notch on the post.
I don't like people trashing other people either, I am glad that there are people who stand up for each other here at OMG. That being said sometimes yelling troll might not always be the best approach, maybe just saying don't trash Tom would work better.
...I can write more stuff than PoP.
I love you all but you know, sometimes....
This has been one of the best days.
There was a version of "Winter Wonderland" played one day several years ago while I was shopping @ Pottery Barn (well, not shopping, lol, but rather "looking". I can't afford to shop at Pottery Barn) and I loved it. Crazy about it. And I talked to the clerks about it. Emailed their website. I have been searching high & low every single year to find out who did that.
Well, today, while listening online to the best holiday music station (PopFusion.com), I heard it!!!!!!!
I heard it! Vic Damone! I am so excited, I could just about turn a cartwheel. I wrote down I don't know how many songs today that I really liked and I'm crossing my fingers that I-Tunes is going to have this Winter Wonderland.
I dont think that it is trolls who are not happy with what I said. I think it is a particular long timer who has to scold me when I get out of line and doesnt have the nerve to say who they are. Thats ok. We dont have to be divided because we disagree. I could easily head on over to WFT2 because the opinions of most posters are closer to mine and it is more about Toothy and Jake coming out. I like the commmunity of OMG. I consider everyone here my friend. There are us that will not say anything wrong about Jake and Austin and there are us who will.
I will say right now and then not mention Prince of Persia again. I hope it is a total flop and never becomes a franchise. It reekes of reeke. Maybe I can go to see a movie that Jake is in after it is over.
For someone to change the tone of their voice to sound like something he is not is very very sad.
Hi Rattler. Figured you were around. Whoever the heck you are.Certainly not Jake.
it's true...sources confirm to me that reese witherspoon and jake gyllenhaal have split.
3 minutes ago
Night Stubborn
And of course, you know I'm feeling bad already about what I said up there ^^^ but I'm not taking it down. I'll take the heat.
Because I have been just as guilty, if not more so than anyone of slamming the guy, slamming Austin, slamming the things that he's done in order to achieve what he wants. And I'm not saying that I've forgotten or that I approve of it now because I don't.
But there's absolutely no need for me to be upset about anything right now so why in the heck should I be?
A former employee fleet driver/former schoolmate of mine lost his mom to cancer last night/yesterday I found out today. This guy lives in the same town I grew up in and his parents know my parents and my dad was undergoing treatment the same time she was. She fought this cancer like crazy as I understand. And Mark was a class guy - he has a great heart and I was so sad when I heard this news this morning at work because of course it brought back what it was like the day my dad died.
And anyway, where I'm going with this, you guys, is I don't mean to be preachy. But right now? This season? These times? There are so many people hurting. Hurting from job loss. From their folks or siblings or close friends dying of a terminal disease. Undergoing chemo and fighting the fight of their lives. And you may have no idea how it hurts to go through this during the Christmas season but it has to be about the worst things to go through.
I'm just saying that to get worked up over this stuff is just hard to understand at this time. All those little things that your mom or dad do or that a sibling does? The way your dad wipes your headlights when you're getting ready to go home and goshdarn it, you're way too old for that, way too old for your mom to tell you to wear your coat because it's cold outside? It may be annoying but when they are gone, that is what you miss the most. That is what is going to make you cry in the middle of the day no matter where you are when something reminds you of that and you would give anything to have them do that again just one more time.
If you have these people in your life right now, just sit back & enjoy it. Remember it. Relish it. Because when it's gone. It's gone.
And what I hope for Jake is that he have this with Austin. Start anew. Start his own family traditions. And yeah, something can always happen to change his outlook on how he wants to be seen in HW. But it will have to be his decision. It is not ours.
In the meantime, I'm not going to be unhappy & crabby. I'm sad enough not having my dad here this Christmas. I don't need anything else.
So I'm going to enjoy this Reeke break, however long it might be. I have to enjoy the smallest of things in life. Because in the grand scheme of things? We are all broken. We are all on the same page. And we all His children. I'm not saying you have to believe that; I believe it and it makes me feel so good inside.
Someone needs to be a peacemaker and I will take the swallow and ask for peace. Peace for us. Appreciate each other and value each other. Love each other. And be the adults that we all are.
Escuse the helter/skelter rant. I had a focus there; it just kind of got smoked over here & there, lol.
But I meant what I said. A parent's passing changes you and your life forever. And things like what has been going on on here tonight just makes me sad because it is so needless when there is so much to be happy and thankful about.
Perfect clip. And oh my how much it reminds me of our two fine fellows. See why you linked it.
It has been a good day, my best friend is not getting laid off after she thought she would be, friends have referred me to other people for jobs, and a stranger walked up to me, and handed me a coupon for 5 bucks off my groceries as I was shopping, it reminds me to appreciate what we are given big and small.
And I appreciate what we have been given here, or what is being confirmed now, after so much time. I am going to appreciate it for what it is.
theawfultruth Love all this "breaking" news #Jake and #Reese not a couple anymore....
18 minutes ago
PG... you are right. there are a lot of things to be happy about today, and there are also a lot of things to be sad about that really matter. my stepdaughter checked herself into a psych hospital today after od'g on sleeping pills twice in the last few days. she has a 5 yr old daughter. my cousin called me asking for $500 to make ends meet till she can find a part-time job. she has custody of her daughter's baby, while her daughter is in jail. and by the way, her daughter is pregnant again. we almost had a mid-air collision at work today between a military aircraft and a civilian aircraft.
that's just one day in my life, and i'm spending my time worrying about Jake Gyllenhaal. on the ridiculous meter, that hits the top.
i hope you guys enjoy the new wave, and i hope jake finds the courage to live his life the way he wants to. i also hope reese finds a nice man to love her and her children, if that's what she wants.
merry christmas, and big hugs all around. thanks for holding my hand while i needed it. you guys are all great!!
Tom, you should not let something like Jake coming out or not upset you. You may be too waayyyy in the future.. And you may be putting too much emphasis and hope or something you have to power over. you are powerless over anothers action, especially since you have a strong feeling and opinion, as others here also, that Jake is totally gay. You don't know. Why bother man.
Sienna, I know Tiger cheated and cheated many times if what's being said is true. And yes, his life was ruled by publicity so unfortunately he has to live by publicity. I hope they work it out, if it can be worked out.
Now what about all the crying gold diggers who were REALLY HURT??
HuRt??? What a Joke.. As they do their morning talk shows saying the kids can't come out or go to school and the death threats. All While they all get paid and line up behind Gloria Allred or should I say Gloria AllPublicityRed. (It's gonna happen, Watch and see)
They knew he was married also. If a married man ask a woman to sleep with him, they have a choice of 2 words, Yes Or NO. They wanted a part of fame and fortune also all the while dating and having sex with a married man with children.
How much are the entertainment shows paying them for their info.
What a Joke. The skanks wanted a payday also. I agree with Elliot Spitzers mistress analysis. She knew what she WAS and Admitted it. But Tigeres women are Hurt?.?. Give me a break.
Saw Acess Hollywood and they confirmed the Jake / Reese breakup. Go Jake. hey, a little coffee break with Austin would be good. Sophia might have to wuppp Jake's ass though. I can see that cat fight now.
have to power over.
should be: (Have NO power over)
Oh oh, if Just Jared says they have split, it must be true!
Just Jared right now, first post.
"RW & Jake Gyllenhaal Split Confirmed". I love how JJ says the break up news was first reported by GossipCop. It was not, it was reported by People.com!
"Sources confirm to Just Jared.com that Reese, 33, and Jake, 28, have parted ways but the split was mutual and amicable. They took a short break late last month, got back together, but appear to have ended it for good this time."
This is hilarious how this thing has been totally "done" through the tabloids. I hope in another month or so we can all sit here and look back at how this whole thing may have taken place not behind the scenes or even over coffee, but totally through the rags.
Sienna, you have had one of the roughest times I've heard yet. Sorry to hear of these happenings in your life. We all have alot to be thankful for - each other.
I would never have believed when I first came here in the winter of two years ago, that I would be at this point. Visiting you people, talking to you on the phone, loving you and having so many laughs, and sharing tough times as well. It has been a huge blessing in my life. You have no idea. And I think OMG for some of us has truly become the definition of a community. Because when it reaches that point plus when you squabble like the Hatfields & McCoys but still emerge from it intact and still talking, surely that means something.
lol. Kind of like family, right?
(((Everyone at OMG))). We are just like family here, with ups and downs, laughs, good times, bad time, disagreements, fights, etc.
Have to agree with Tom and Sienna. I'm glad Reeke is over, but it is going to take more than that to make me feel about Jake the way I used to. I do believe people can change, and I hope that is the case with Jake. But I also know that people who have no trouble lying and hiding just to make money have no problem doing it over and over again. Jake may change, or he may just decide Reese was not the right beard and find another one.
When you're a public figure, you give up a certain amount of privacy. Adam Lambert has talked about that. When you are a public figure hiding your life is a form of lying. It is not just being "private". It is preferable to bearding, obviously, but it is still a lie of sorts.
I am very passionate about gay rights, so yes, I am going to get worked up at times about this whole issue. When you are gay you can't separate the personal/private and the public/political. Every person like Jake who beards is a step backwards for gay rights in this country. I for one am not going to say it is just some "silly" HW actor and I shouldn't care. I've heard one to many people talk about the lack of role models, the lack of others in the culture they can point to.
Gay rights will never be fully achieved without the culture also changing, and that includes HW. Young people like Jake who beard do an unbelievable amount of damage, starting with the fact that it promotes the idea that it is bad to be gay.
Actually I don't care about Jake as much as I used to because so many others are passing him by and trying to at least live in a glass closet or come out. I express my feelings, but there is no anger behind it. Just dissappointment, and, at times, disgust.
Just Jared
Give the people what they want, and they will come. They are practically having a party over at ONTD. A few people lamenting the breakup, but I'd say 90% are celebrating. Talk of TT and hoping he comes out (and some that just think he'll get a new beard).
Lots of talk and photos of Austin too, including a photoshopped one (on what is currently page 6 of 7) from the last bike pictures, putting Jake and Austin on the same bike.
Oh, and headline they use is classic: Confirmed, Contract Negotiations have failed. ONTD
Forgot to add, over 400 comments already.
Well, the confirmed split is all over the web so I guess it's true. ONTD labeled it "contract negotiations failed". At least Jake has taken the first step towards freedom. I predict that after a respectful amount of time has passed, that Jake will announce that he has a new publicist or management team, and has dumped whoever got him into this bearding mess.
As to his coming out, I would love to see that, but given the politics of the industry he works in, I will settle for no bearding.
Happy birthday Wicked. You brought us luck today.
Destiny, I saw that photo-shopped picture of Jake and Austin on the bike. Sexy. I wish it were real.
Just popping in to say that whatever Jake does now in his personal life, I hope he tries to stay true to himself.
hands all over each other
Just popping in to say that whatever Jake does now in his personal life, I hope he tries to stay true to himself.
IA. He can be true to himself by getting a real girlfriend, not a fugly one he used for various reasons
I don't think anyone cares about Reese & Jake's split, just like I don't think anyone cares about Kate Hudson & A-Rods split. No big deal. Together Reese & Jake were boring and they sure weren't interesting to certain demographics. Jake didn't get a Critics nomination and he didn't gett the GG nomination yest. either, so it's ok to make the split offical. If he got a nomination they would have kept it going thru award season.
Reese will be ok, because she is a brand herself and she makes big movies beside folks that people pay to go see a movie. Vince Vaughn and so on.
Jake the one that needs to reimage himself. Compare him to Tobey M career and you can clearly see how he went wrong.
Next up...
Kate Hudson or perhaps the mother of all the single ladies Jennifer Aniston.
3 dogs definitely harder to get all fed, business done, messes cleaned up, etc etc than 2, lol.
AG, it's wonderful, wonderful to see you.
I agree with alot of you here, including you, Destiny. Please don't anyone think that I agree with what he did, is doing. But I just can't go the negative route right now. I'm just going to enjoy it today and let us say this....
Ding Dong the ....... LOLLLLL
Who's going to pop the bubbly first?
I am thrilled to hear it is offical also. It sure is gonna be nice not to hear about reese and her darn kids. Yeah!!!!!!
Hi everybody : )
Just wanted to wish Wicked a Happy Belated Birthday!!
Hi there. I'm not surprised this ended. I knew it would and I know that Reese will be better served by the press than Jake. He'll look desperate and sad and she'll seem strong and more focused than ever on her precious children. They both got what they wanted. People now will question him being gay they'll at least assume he is bi and the relationship with Reese was real on some level. She got three years of not looking single and dumped. They blamed it on her not wanting to get married and have another family too didn't they? Of course. That was decided on day one. So much of this was orchestrated, planned on flip charts in Hollywood conference rooms, created for the consumption of the masses. Jake went along with it. Reese is a master at it. That's Hollywood.
Tom, Destiny the name of this blog is Oh My Godot, Not Let's pull Jake out of the closet Central!
If that were accomplished you both would then put more DEMANDS on his life to please you, instead of your own. Like Exceptance and Patience. It's an Inside Job. OK
That pretty much sums it up tr. Good to hear from you.
Prince of Persia Central. Wow that riled up the troops. Cmon guys you got to agree with something I said. PoP reekes of reeke.
I am a little worried about Deacon.
He might miss having Lumberjack Jake around.
(...)It sure is gonna be nice not to hear about reese and her darn kids(...)
PoP reekes of reeke
I am a little worried about Deacon.
He might miss having Lumberjack Jake around.
Yeah, it might be nice...
I think one of the issues with our disagreements or the way we see things is pretty clear. When you look at what Jake has down through the eyes of a gay person it is different than looking at it through the eyes of a straight person. It is the same as the difference that Black people see things verus White people.
This is not a put down. This site and the straight people here couldnt be more gay friendly. I see this trough a gay mans eyes. One that was raised in a generation much worse than this one.Plus I am not talking about politics. I am talking about being scared to death top go to school everyday. So yeah I get angry and it may come out on this blog. I saw in Jake a breath of fresh air and a guy who may have had the nerve to do something wonderful. He didnt and I take it personnally. I know I shouldnt but I do.
I love the name Lets Pull Jake Out of the Closet Central. I think it works.
Coverawards: "Us Weekly has the inside scoop on Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal’s break-up. The magazine claims Reese broke it off with him and broke Jake’s heart."
Jake's heart breaks as Reese says she won't marry him. Inside her painful decision.
US Reekly cover
Good to see you AG! Clarity! Hey TR.
Ding Dong the ....... LOLLLLL
Who's going to pop the bubbly first?
Bubbly? It's all about the Grey Goose and Wild Turkey! LOL
"Got it"
BIG Thank you! for the find. I have made sure to save it and on my external hard drive too. : )
think one of the issues with our disagreements or the way we see things is pretty clear. When you look at what Jake has down through the eyes of a gay person it is different than looking at it through the eyes of a straight person. It is the same as the difference that Black people see things verus White people.
This is not a put down. This site and the straight people here couldnt be more gay friendly.
I agree Tom.
Nothing would surprise me about Reeke, including a pre-PoP "Reese says yes" angle, which is why I for one am not ready to break out the bubbly or the Wild Turkey.
Just so my Reeke comment doesn't look like it is out of left field, someone posting without a name said this is just Phase 1, and that Reeke will be back on in time for PoP.
Hey, I'm not a drinking person but I would even partake of a sip of the Wild Turkey myself, Special.
Today only, though, lol.
I will have alot of catching up to do tonight on the internet. There just is not enough time in the day.
I forgot to say that it is good to see tr. Yes, you said it all along, you certainly did.
That US Reekly article already sounds like barf city.
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