Today's Out Spotlight is a leader in the Underground Resistance of WWII and gay Jewish Holocaust survivor, Gad Beck.
Gad Beck was born into a Jewish-Christian family in Germany in 1923, his father was a Jewish immigrant from Austria, his mother having converted when they married. The Becks lived in a poor section of Berlin, populated predominantly by Jewish immigrants from eastern Europe. When Gad and his twin sister, Miriam, were 5, the Becks moved to the Weissensee district of Berlin, where he entered primary school.
After the Nazi's rise to power, he and his sister were labeled half-Jewlish and experienced growing anti-semitism. The harassment became so intolerable that he convinced his parents to send him to a Jewish boys' school in 1934.
"I was just 10 when the Nazis came to power. As one of a small number of Jewish pupils in my school, I quickly became the target of antisemitic comments: 'Can I sit somewhere else, not next to Gad? He has such stinking Jewish feet.' In 1934 my parents enrolled me in a Jewish school, but I had to quit school when I was 12 as they could no longer afford the tuition. I found work as a shop assistant."Beck had his first male-male sexual experience while at school, seducing a sports teacher. He proudly boasted about his conquest to his mother, with a frankness that became typical for him. Hardly surprised, his parents accepted his homosexuality.
In 1941, Beck, then eighteen years old, joined "Chug Chaluzi," an underground Jewish resistance group in Berlin that organized hiding places and food for Jews.
"As the child of a mixed marriage [Mischlinge], I was not deported to the east when other German Jews were. I remained in Berlin where I became involved in the underground, helping Jews to escape to Switzerland. As a homosexual, I was able to turn to my trusted non-Jewish, homosexual acquaintances to help supply food and hiding places. In early 1945 a Jewish spy for the Gestapo betrayed me and a number of my underground friends. I was interned in a Jewish transit camp in Berlin."
In 1942, Beck tried to liberate his great love Manfred Lewin from a Gestapo transfer camp by posing as a Hitler Youth member. His dangerous charade was successful, but as they walked away, Manfred told Gad he could not abandon his family. He watched helplessly as his lover was taken back to the transfer camp and later killed in Auschwitz. This was the last time he would see Manfred, who left behind a journal of his brief life.

As a “half-breed” by Nazi-standards Beck and his twin sister Miriam were interned at Rosenstrasse-camp in the centre of Berlin in 1943, but set free again after unique street-protests by non-Jewish relatives and friends.

In 1944, Beck became head of his resistance group. As a leader Beck helped to organize the survival of many Jews in Berlin during the last two years of World War II until he and his friends were finally caught and was imprisoned when the group was betrayed and turned over to the Getaspo, shortly before the Russian troops liberated Berlin.

The rights to Beck’s autobiography have been optioned by Steven Spielberg.

An Underground Life
Documentary: Paragraph 175

Amazing Spotlight today, another one of the all-time greats. I just scanned it quickly, because I also always read everything on this time in history, to ask why, and never forget. The song is outstanding as well. Thanks so much. :)
Sorry, meant to say I'm going back to read every last word thoroughly. :)
I think that's one of my favorite spotlights, Special. I thoroughly enjoyed that. Not that I don't like most of them, but this one for some particular reason just really captured my riveted absorption.
That story on his virginity loss was funny. Bragging to his mom. Oh my dog. Ornery little cuss, check him out. He was kind of cocky, wasn't he, to do that? Sexy story, though.
And how awful about his lover Manfred. That's just tragic. No wonder someone might make a movie about his life. I don't know if I could handle it but I know that scene where he liberates his lover and then loses him to his lover's devotion to his family....that's just tragic. It sounds like a Brokeback moment. What movie screens are made for.
On my walk this morning, I saw an SUV in a parking lot (I'm sure it belongs to an employee of one of the restaurants nearby) with four flat tires. Four Flat Tires. And I don't mean just soft from a leaker. I mean flat out flat - down to the rim.
I cannot believe that. I didn't even go near it - makes me wonder if their tires weren't just slashed. That's awful. That's going to be one expensive fix it for vandalism. You're going to have to pay for that tow truck - there's $100, at least. And either pay for all new tires or the fixing of the flats, depending on how bad the damage is. By the looks of those tires, I wouldn't be surprised if they're unrepairable. And SUV tires? Man, those are alot more expensive than for like my little car.
Poor person.
You know what I was thinking earlier this morning? How we never see Austin with other men. Ha! Talk about Jake, what about Austin??
The last time we saw Austin in the companionable company of another male was when he was with Buckin, I mean Robert. lol, Freudian slip there. And that didn't last too long, did it? I wonder what is up with that? Everytime there's a picture of Austin with a fan, it's a girl. On set it's with the girls. Or else he's with Sophia.
I wonder if he has any male buds? He never talks about them in all these interviews he's done. Is he a loner, I wonder?
Now I'm intrigued by this. It's very unusual for a guy to never be seen with other guys.
Am I the only one to notice this?
I would love to read what that little memoir book of Manfred's says. Does he say any romantic words about Gad? And how hard had it to have been for Gad to give that up to the museum?? How hard could that have been? I would think that had to have been very precious.
Man, this story it just is a gut wrencher.
according to Ted, they have lots of guy friends. of course, i take everything Ted says with a grain of salt, which is the only way to read something like what he writes, imo. he's doing a job that serves to titilate (entertain) folks and make money through advertising. saying they have lots of guy friends is a pretty safe statement to make. they are celebs, they are young and active and seem to live normal and busy lives. friends is a very reasonable component of that lifestyle.
what strikes me as so odd is how Jake has ditched ALL of his buds. no more Lance, no more Matthew M, no more Chris, no more Austin, no more basketball games or Sunday brunches with unknown dudes. only Reese or family or work folks or alone.
i made the last comment on the previous post, asking for some background info on the incidents when Jake got "caught" with guys. i found a link to one such instance, and to my surprise, the article was pub'd in Aug 07. it talked about how BT was expected in September, but it listed Chris as the likely coparent. it also said that Jake had been linked romantically most recently with RW.
it mentions J & his BF getting caught and dragged to the Sheriff's station for having sex in a car in a parking lot the year before. it sounds like he was really in a bind and desperate to make all that go away. anyone (other than us) who reads that stuff now would think it was total gossip with no basis in fact. he's done what he set out to do. go jake go.
I hope they make a film about this story too, PG. :)
That's the story, sienna. But I really don't believe that was Chris in the SUV with him. My money's on Austin.
I know, Outstanding. Wasn't that just tragic?? And then Gad went on to do so many things. Just a great story.
wonderful spotlight, as always. so very sad about manfred. it was very interesting to me that his parents were ok with him being gay. maybe there were just too many real, life and death issues to worry about to stress about something like that.
it's amazing how many strong and courageous folks there are out there. if you really think about it, it definitely puts things into perspective. on the flip side, however, everyone is wired to be a hero. some of us will never be more than ordinary 90% of the time, and it's not fair to expect more from us than we are able to give. i guess if we want to see change and progress, we need to make the efforts that we ourselves can make, and hope that our fire will catch with others. i've become so lame in the last couple of years - i have no room to grumble about anyone not rising to the occasion. ugh.
hope everyone is having a good day. it's rainy and ick here, but my sweetie wanted to watch the Saints game which isn't on regular tv here, so he's gone to watch it at a sports bar and i have a few hours alone to write. i'm so excited. it seems like forever since i had the luxury of free time. i hope i can take advantage of it.
hugs. s.
ugh... when will i learn to reread before posting?
the above should read: everyone is NOT wired to be a hero. sorry.
Great post, and I was thinking to myself it would make a great movie, so glad to see Spielberg bought the movie rights. I hope it actually gets made someday.
Regarding Austin and guys, we really don't see much of Austin at all, aside from fan pictures and work-related photos. Austin just doesn't get papped, aside from when he was with Jake or Sophia, I also think that most of his friends are probably "civilians" or people who are not pap magnets either. I bet Austin also avoids going to places where he knows paps hang out. For example, there are those older pictures around of Austin with that guy who has been his friend since at least junior high school.
That being said, I get the feeling Austin has more women friends than Jake; despite having all those women managers and being close to Maggie and his mom, Jake has never struck me a having a lot of women as friends. I think that is another reason why Reeke was so awkward.
Another bulls eye on the spotlight. This story would make a great movie. It has all the right elements plus the gay angle adds a new one.
For once I am glad to be on PST. I had planned to watch the entire spike tv thing. At 7:45 went to the computer and in a few minutes learned Jake was on only for minutes. His whole performance was up on you tube not much later so I saved myself a lot of time. I still think he is looking too thin. Maybe he is losing some weight for the next movie - I hope it is that and not that he is not well.
I find it a bit odd that POP is not finished yet. I know CGI takes time, but that clip was way too short and showed no new footage at all. Something strikes me as off that they did not come up with a better preview.
Doing the voiceover to sound like Jake but better takes time!
I think it is odd that they didn't come up with something better too M, unless the show didn't allow anything longer?
I thought Jake looked uncomfortable, and I really did not like his voice. Was he trying to butch it up for the gamers?
Haven't read the comments yet, but couldn't help noticing that the ONTD post on Jake at the awards has around 60 comments, while the post on Z. Quinto has over 230.
Gee Jake, hows that campaign to straighten you up working? And over at wft2 they have excerpts from a story about the need for younger actors to replace Clooney, Pitt and Depp, and the writer puts Jake in the category of those who have failed at that, and that HW is now looking to the next generation, e.g., Pattinson
hum yeah jake isn't bankable like clooney but clooney isn't an actor. His best performances is surely his nespresso pub.
Pitt is an ok actor and Deep never has been bankable til pirate of carabean.
What is the link between Pattison and efron : bankable fangirls phenomenon talentless ators! after clooney it's surely enough
Clooney has won an Oscar. Pitt and and Depp have been nominated for best actor and both will win some day. I think Jake may have ruined his career with his phoniness and lies and unless he makes some drastic moves to get back to what he did best his time very well may be over.
Great to hear Ted say TT and Mr TT are still very much together. I hope Ted is right. What about BT? Have they kept the receipt and sent him back. I think Ted may think that reeke may not be over unless reese says it is. I am sure an angry reese may not be a very good friend for Jake to have.
Outstanding Spotlight. Be great to see Spielberg make the movie. Sounds like an oscar contender to me. Wouldnt it be great to see an out gay actor get the lead role.
Clooney plays the fake game better than anybody. Cocktail waitresses and models on yearly rotation. Where's Waldo? should be the question.
It would be great to see an openly gay actor in a role like that Tom. If anyone would have the power to do that it would be Spielberg.
It's something I could see Jake doing too, but don't think he has the balls to play another gay character.
Effron and Pattinson not only have the fan girls, plenty of people think they can also act, particularly Pattinson. I finally watched Twilight last week, and while I still don't completely get Pattinson's squeal factor, I liked him a lot; liked the movie more than I thought I would too. Now I'm planning to go see the sequel with a friend who came to Twilight late like me.
The movie industry has changed quite a bit since the era in which people like Pitt and Depp got their start. There is more emphasis than ever on making money, and studios have cut back on the prestige/Oscar films. I think actors may have less time than they used to prove they have star quality. Also, we're talking about A list here, not whether Jake is a good actor or will have a solid career. In addition, we're talking about the A list, in which fans more than talent matters.
phoniness and lies
In Hollywood, PR is part of the acting.
Phoniness and lies only work if people don't realize you're being phony and lying to them. It's why Reeke has been such a failure.
To the person who posted on the Austin Nichols Live Journal forum.
The person who attempted to claim that I posted on that board and should use my name....
I might read the boards, but I do not post on them. I do not have a password or access to post on that board, as I don't on many other boards. I wasn't me...
Perhaps you should not infect other boards with your feelings toward me.
I DID NOT AND DO NOT POST ON THAT BOARD>>>>> While I do read it, I'm not a person who can post..
What a Shame, it's a nice board & the people who post on it seem so removed from agenda...
YET ... you felt the need to bring yours to it...
It must hurt that Jake is in LA alone and Austin is in Wilmington with Sophia, at the Holiday party last night and walking thur downtown Wilmington today with her.
How about leaving their board alone, as I do.
destiny, i hate to say this, because i'm with you all the way, but honestly - i don't think Reeke has been as big a failure as we (omgers, etc) see it.
the reason i say that is because, while there is a small percentage of the fanbase who really keep up with, study and care about Jake's life and relationships, the average moviegoer doesn't pay that much attention to it. jake isn't like brangelina or lilo or brittany or jessica. if you ask the average american if they saw jake's latest movie, they would probably go Jake Who? he's not that big of a deal in the big scheme of things. so - existing as he does on the periphery of folks minds - he's made the changeover from being a young dude of possibly questionable sexuality to being an older dude who's been dating RW, a serious, respectable star and mother of 2 who wouldn't spend her time dicking around with some fly by night pretty boy.
While we may look at RW and go ugh, the gen pub doesn't feel that way. She is pretty well liked by white bread society. They are not the folks who leave the neg comments on the gossip sites. I'm pretty sure that is a very small portion of folks, and some folks comment several times; otherwise, folks really need to stop copying comments. I think the gen con of middle america is that she's cute and sweet and admirable and adorable.
my bff is a fellow brokie and she's heard me bitch about reeke since the beginning. i dont' talk about it much anymore cuz i don't want to make her head fall off with it, and recently i was so suprised when we were talking about Reeke and she said she couldn't understand why they didn't just end it if they weren't happy. i reminded her that it was never about them being happy and that they weren't a real couple she said, oh yeah, i forgot.
so yeah, while it's obvious to us that it's a pile of bs, there are lots more folks out there who fell for it. they might think they were stale and boring, but they still bought the basic romance overall.
imo, even if it wasn't a thrilling, fan-building success, reeke did what it was supposed to do. it chased away the uglies for both of them and now they can split with the same mumbo jumbo they started with and go on their merry way, hopefully not to run into troubles again anytime soon.
jmho. s.
Its called work. Austin and Sophia are back at work. J and A had plenty time together. Austin and Sophia work together and hang out together. They are great friends.
They work together..
And when they are not working togehter they got NYC, Hamptons, Ausin Texan and even hang out in LA & Wilmington together on weekends off. Heck they even travel to and from Wilmington every weekend together...
Sienna, well thought out comment up there. I would tend to agree. In the grand scheme of things, OMG, WFT2, etc are a pretty small dot in the whole map of things.
For such a small dot, OMG sure gets attention by outside eyes.
Gotta watch out for those little engines that can.
I have to say that I do not get this Zachary Quinto guy. I'm not getting that deal at all, just like R. Pattinson.
Now Zac Efron? That guy is looking really incredible lately, has anyone seen him on JJ? Holy cow. In a few years, that guy is going to be even more of a knockout. And he's really not a bad little actor, even on that teen show, "HSM", he wasn't that bad. And Hairspray? He was in that, too. I understand he's making a move to get away from musicals, which is understandable, but I hope he still does some in the future because he's good at them.
m, have you read Disorderly Conduct? I'm a huge fan of the DC boys. jacks_key just put up a Christmas bit on them. It's the first of 2 parts; she says the 2nd part she'll put up in a couple of days. I loved DC. I've read it I don't know how many times. It was so nice to come home and see that.
Went and saw Brothers today. It is very very good. Everyone one in it gave great performances. Sheridan should be really acknowledge for this great casting and not just Jake Tobey and Natalie.
Sam Shepard and Mare Winningham as Sam and Tommy's dad and step mom were so good. Both actors hit the right notes on their relationships with the boys.
The war scenes are tough I must say, but while some feel are unnecessary I must disagree, they're brutal contrast to what is happening is home is needed to help explain the slow ticking bomb that Sam becomes when he returns home.
Natalie finds the nurturing mother in her for the role. What is remarkable is how you can see her thinking two steps ahead after Sam's spiral upon his return, how she will protect her daughters,how she will protect herself, and how she can protect Sam, while struggling with feelings for Tommy.
Tobey is incredible, and you can almost hear the tick tick tick, waiting for the boom. Intense, controlled, he's like a tightly wound coil ready to spring.
Jake gave a great performance that many might miss, because of the subtly that he gives to portraying Tommy. From the way he walks down the cell block, to the way he eats his first night out, (not using a knife, fingers wrapped around his fork like a club) he took care to look at the very small things to flesh out Tommy. Jake works well with everyone in the cast from the tension and underlying struggle with his relationship with his father, to the small scenes with Mare you can see while Sam was his dad's favorite, Elsie tried to give Tommy as much love and attention as she could.
Jake's a natural as a nuturing caring father for the girls, and t and how Tommy embraces finding a real place in the family what he has longed for all his life. That toughen ex con lets go all of the defenses he had to have to survive prison allowing the girls and Grace a place in his heart, softening the hurt of his relationships with his Dad, and allowing himself to love and care for them, and trust that he will not be hurt.
What is stunning in terms of Jake's acting is when is Sam returns to the base and his family greets him, it is not in what Jake says, he says nothing, it is just in his mere presence. As he stands there and the rest of the family goes to the car, everything is said so loud as emotion passes over his face. Again Tommy is the outsider, and the disappointment and hurt is palpable as it floods back in him.
His scene with Natalie by the fireplace is a range of emotion, and it is not just about the growing attraction between them, but more about how his life is transforming. The scene in the bar while very funny is not a just throw away scene, nothing is wasted by Sheridan or Jake.
Jake's acting is never forced but effortless and think that's why sometimes it can be overlooked and underappreciated. Many can overact a role, but it is a truly talented actor who understand how less can be so much powerful.
Just one more thing. Bailee Madison, who plays Sam's oldest daughter. Look out for her. She's got a great career ahead of her.
And yes I heard the guitar strings. Perfect.
Nice review, special K.
PG, I saw the new story and have printed it for reading in bed later this evening. I do like her stories.
Zac Efron is a bit too pretty for my taste, but his latest movie about Orson Welles got rave reviews in the SF Chronicle and I put a lot of faith in their reviews.
Sienna, I've noticed too that Jake does not get many comments on sites other than here and WFT2. Not only that, but when people do comment, they start to talk about everything but Jake. I don't read comments about any one else though, so maybe that happens a lot, people going off on whatever topic they want.
Sienna at 9:27pm, others and myself have said this before and I totally agree with you. Everything you said.
The majority of fans and movie goers in America and abroad don't know or could careless about Jake and his real life. Most of them believe what is written about Jake and Reese in the Mags. We are a small bleep on the Jake screen. Sorry, and I don't won't to offend anyone, but Jake bearding or NOT has nothing to do with his success as some here continue to insinuate. If anything, I'm sad to say, it may have helped his career. PoP may make Jake more noticeable by mainsteam america and it may not. Speed Racer crashed right out of the gate big time. Just imagine what success or interest (noteriety) for (what's his name who played Speed Racer, See, I can't even remember his name) that movie would have bought him if it would have grossed millions like Iron Man. We are also in a day and time when people go see a movie mostly because of the subject matter, not the star.
Sorry Destiny, Robert Pattison and Zac are no better than Jake in the acting department imo.
Sorry, that was for Sienna at 9:47, not 27.
Forgot to say, A young nephew came past the house some time ago and saw Jake in a scene form Zodiac and said to me Yeah, I like Spiderman, What's is name Tobey Maguire. I said nothing and laughed to myself.
Special, Wake Up With Al just had film footage of the Speedo Santa run. LOL! And they're all red speedos!
Oh, I agree, m, that Zac went through this period that almost weirded me out he was so pretty. But lately? He's filled out some and changed his hair style. He's maturing in his looks but I also think his whole look has been tinkered with. Whatever it is, he's looking good to me. I think in several more years, he'll be looking even better, lol.
Well, I better start getting ready. When I was getting roused @ 0430, it was 48 degrees and 10 minutes later, it was 45. Sometime soon, a Canadian front is going to sweep through here and we're going to drop into the 20's so they're calling for a Flash Freeze. That's because there's fog and moisture all over the streets/sidewalks. So in another hour, they're going to turn to icy slick surfaces. yuck.
I wish I had more time to comment on stuff but I better not so you all are spared for now, lol.
Not to worry passingby, Jake isn't in L.A all alone:
michaelshearin: 2 Hands Diamonds Cab for them! RT @JasHmineCorpuz Last night Jake Gyllenhall and Reese Witherspoon came in to eat. didn't get to see them :(
about 3 hours ago from web ·
The tweet is a retweet from a person who was tweeting about them coming but who WASN'T even there when they supposedly did.
There's enough grains of salt you need for that one for everyone at OMG to have a couple margaritas.
I seriously dont think reeke is over. I dont know what to expect. Of course I dont believe any tweets though. They mean NADA. But lets see if there is a photo op.Maybe we will get a scaled back version of reeke for a while with this we are trying to work out our differences. I think PR is trying to confuse the so called relationship deliberately and will use that fior a while.
Cowsxgoxmooxtoo: Got the kids off to school so now I'm just Jordy sitting. jake Gylenhaal was just on sesame street. I'm glad jordan doesn't notice creepy yet.
The restaurant guy didn't get the memo Reeke had broken up.
There's enough grains of salt you need for that one for everyone at OMG to have a couple margaritas.
I get the worm!
Confuse to milk more out of it, Tom.
Like the avatar, Tom! I don't see avatars anymore unless I'm at work and I just seen yours.
I wanted to say that Special, you wrote an excellent review. That was just like the professionals'. It helps make me want to really see that thing. But you know, I have to wait for Netflix to have it.
The temperature now??? Remember this morning it was 48 when I woke up, 39 by the time I left for work 1 1/2 hrs later.
Now it's 20 degrees, feels like 6!!!!! Just had to share that, lol.
Sorry Destiny, Robert Pattison and Zac are no better than Jake in the acting department imo.
I never said that. I happen to think Jake is a very good actor, although I don't think he has the range of say, a Daniel Day Lewis, but then few do. But getting on the A list, which clearly Jake wants to do, is, especially in the case of male actors, is about more than good acting. It is about putting butts in the seats, or being able to get award nominations and lots of critical attention year after year ala Kate Winslet.
And Sienna, I totally agree with what you said about people not really knowing who he is or people who don't think too much about them and assume Reeke is the real deal.
But I think one of the goals of Reeke was to make Jake a bigger name, as well as making Jake "straight".
I think they all thought this would turn Jake into that star that everyone wants to gush and read about. Reese still has plenty of fans, and this whole Reeke strategy played to her romcom base. But I do not see that it did a thing for Jake.
As M said, you go on any board and see a lack of comments about Jake and/or they talk about other things. Jake's Spike appearance was probably 50% or more about the awards in general, not Jake, and he only had about 70 comments. A few mentions of the beard, always a sprinkling of people who don't find him appealing anymore, and a few who still find him hot.
Like him or not, Quinto had almost 250 comments, 98% of which were about how hot or fierce he is.
You can't tell me Jake wouldn't love to have that kind of reaction with fans.
Well, count me in the extreme minority on Quinto. He is not in the least bit hot to me. For myself? Jake's got him beat hand over fist.
Perhaps if Jake had kept up his original persona, those comment counts would be turned around.
It's another OMG commenter deathmatch!!! rock 'em sock 'em, Dest !
I would just say that mr. Quinto is currently alot more relevant. Star Trek was very popular.
Jake hasn't been seen on screen for a couple years now. All he's been visible as is on magazine rag covers with IM.
Come on, though. Fierce? Destiny. That's laughable, I really have to say. Maybe I am in the extreme minority on this? Can we have a poll, please?
Hello my dear fellows,
This is it!!!! it's snowing here . I am so happy, you have no idea. Now I pray for the christmas day lol
Great great review special K , thanks you.
I am not so surprised about Jake performance. He is a subtle actor who doesn't need to make effort to seem natural and believable.The exact contrary of the methodic actors, more instinctive. Sheridan would be agree with me.
"Jake's acting is never forced but effortless and think that's why sometimes it can be overlooked and underappreciated. Many can overact a role, but it is a truly talented actor who understand how less can be so much powerful"
You said it all special K , It's the reason why I don't understand some hollywood critics.
In all honesty, after reading the list on the new "Hit guys" I releaved to see jake in the Ewan Mcgregor or Ethan Hawke team than robert and Zac's one. Far from me the desire to be mean BUT they are the "orlando bloom" of moment and in few time...I wouldn't bet on their future ( I may be wrong though)
It's better to be Jake than Mr Clooney because even if he is cool, funny,intelligent, makes good movies, takes part in good movies, despite all the respect I have considering the evolution of his career... either he is expressionless or plays the eternal favorite extra bright'smile play-boy of tabloids. The oscar academy didn't award an actor in 2006 but rather the best VIP of their system.
Besides, shame on me but who is Quinto ?????
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