Don't forget we will starting off celebrating the holidays, on Friday with OMG's 2nd annual Cooking Klatsch. Bring your recipes to share. Metric, English and US measuresments all are welcome. Appetizers, cookies, deserts, salads, main dishes, and hey drink recipes are alway welcome.
Jake's got a couple of appearances this week. First he is hanging with a clingy octopus on Sesame Street, this Friday. It is the Rainbow show, sponsored by the letter O and the number 12. And the word du jour will be separate.
Then on Saturday Jake will be hitting the Spike TV's Video Game Awards where he will be presenting the award Game of the Year. Jake's also bringing with him a special clip of Prince of Persia for the gamer crowd.
Disney must be confident in taking PoP straight to the gamers at the award show of the year. Maybe Bruck has broken the curse and made a the blockbuster video game movie all have been wanting over the years.
While Sesame Street and Video Game Awards seem unrelated, in a way the aren't. Both capture the imagine, encourage play, and creative, have monsters, and a lot of fun and games, and you can learn something before you realize it. But doubt that Elmo will be ever on Spike.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
It all fun and games...
Posted by
Special K
10:27 AM
Labels: Jake, PoP, Prince of Persia, Sesame Street, Spike's Video Game Award
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even their break-up is dead boring. every other celeb who is constantly in the rags gets lots of coverate with each new beginning and ending. this seems to be rather harsh, even for zzzzzzz reeke. i wonder if there is some retribution afoot for the way they've played it, or if possibly they realize that most folks just don't care? or possibly, they are waiting until they have something more definitive to say, since People did come out looking pretty unreliable with their announcement and almost immediate recall of said news. s.
one more thing from me and then i'll shut up for a few minutes.
did anyone else notice the sims between Jake with the octopus legs around his face and Austin with the mystery legs around his neck??? LOL! i know it's just coincidence, but i though it was funny. :)
You know what's odd. Why are the Gyllenhaals so odd about supporting the other person.
Maggie is in LA, her movie just premiered and there is no Peter on hand and not Jake on hand.
I just find the whole protecting their personal life way to much.
Perhaps Peter is off filming a movie, because I have seen he & maggie do red carpet together.
But enough is enough, if your the sibling of another actor why not show up for the others openings if you can. If your dating or bearding for over a month, stop with the hiding crap and just walk the carpet and answer the questions.
So of the most talented actor and actresses out there have no problem showing up with dates, spouses, siblings and so on.
Actually almost all the A-list academy winning stars aren't hiding. Even George Clooney shows up with his mom and current arm candy. Frankly so do his friends show up at these premieres. Heck even Brangelina walks the carpet together. Reese faked her happy marriage to parade around with her hubby for her oscar win.
It just so old and tired, beard or not. Get over yourselves, the better actors and actresses do.
This whole hiding stuff is played out and older than dirt.
Peter is with Ramona.
It is better NOT to take beards to the red carpet - the less lying the better.
Hello everyone!! Can't be too long as my lunch hour is about gone.
We had our little catered in holiday meal today: turkey, mashed potatoes, dressing, green beans casserole, rolls & what was that, cobbler I think? I mostly took the crumb topping, so I don't know what else was in there, lol.
This after our tumultuous monthly meeting last night where company rules were reviewed and practically a mob uprising took place. One co-worker was told to leave and another got close. It was ugly!!! and is the talk of the plant today.
But grudges didn't stop anyone from partaking in the holiday meal today!!! LOLLLL!
Man. If you don't work in a manufacturing plant, be glad you don't.
It is freezing today! It's 12 degrees and feels like -7. I don't know what that is in Celsius but it translates into one word - Cold.
Well, nothing else going on. I am full from my lunch and now get to sit at my desk, lol. All afternoon.
See ya all.
I thought it was bad because I had to put up with torrential rains this morning, but you beat me with 12 degrees PG.
There are plenty of ways to support your family without showing up on the red carpet. And maybe at this point in her career Maggie doesn't want to get attention just because of who she's with at an event.
The Rainbow show and a purple octopus. Oh my!
It just so old and tired, beard or not. Get over yourselves, the better actors and actresses do.
This whole hiding stuff is played out and older than dirt.
Passingby is there anything better you can do with your time besides looking for faults in the Gyllenhaals life? How about yours? At this point I would rather you continue your scary, intrusive and endless admiration for Austin and Sophia. What is Austin doing and what color underwear is he wearing. I'll be waiting for the color. Thanks
You must look in the mirror.
Your calling me intrusive and endless...
I'd say that the years that have been invested in ToothyTile, Jake & Austin on this board are way beyond the label you have given me.
Is this not the board that those who post usually spend hours finding hidden meanings in photographs of Jake, Austin and Reese & her children. Have you not been tracking all of Jake & Austin's moves for the last 3yrs looking for some tiny evidence to support your TT belief.
I'd hardly call the 20 times I have posted on this board near the level of some who post on this board daily.
Passingby you obviously just posted those last two comments. It is not normal having conversation with oneself. Maybe a good therapist might help.
Passingby, why do you care what the posters on this board think or do? It has nothing whatsoever to do with you. If it bothers you so much, stop coming here.
I don't pretend to be others and post to myself..
I'm also happy to learn that sometimes I am wrong. Jake did attend his sister's premiere.
Here is the link..,,20326060,00.html
Posted on WFT2
Anonymous said...
If Jake was there with Maggie how come there are no pics of him? With all the pics taken, I would imagine that any photographer there would have snapped a pic of Jake and Maggie walking together amd because it was her movie premiere, both of them would have posed for the pic. Reese is close to Maggie--LOL. Seems like People is still sticking to the Reeke is over.
passingby, I would use People as an example of journalistic truth and integrity.
I'd hardly call the 20 times I have posted on this board near the level of some who post on this board daily.
Please read my lips - you are the troll here.
It says they left together. Having walked by many a red carpet movie in NYC, paps do not hang out and take pictures of people as they are leaving, only as they are entering. It's possible Jake ducked into the movie after the paps were gone, or didn't walk the red carpet with his sister but still went.
But People could be making it up too.
And you know that bit about CAA came dirctly from PR, no other way they'd know about a private screening like that. Could be made up about her attending, or could be sociopath Reese trying to get attention and show how much she is loved.
Maybe not loved, more like "supportive". And beaming? Give me a f**king break.
LOL pic #2, it looks like he's giving the bird.
Idk if they count hair height but how tall is Jake,
6' or not?
Well, since that article had a mention of CAA, guess who provided all of the juicy details. Geez, even their PR department wants their name in the rags.
I'm so tired already of their PR, Reese and whoever else may be involved playing this thing out in the rags and on the internet. Enough already.
Love the title: Jake Gyllenhaal Steps Out - Without Reese.
Criminetley's. Give me a break.
People Magazine is the miniature golf course by which these players are playing on. They're providing the course and CAA and Reese are using them to play every hole, er I mean every calculated step that this break up/break is entailing. It's probably going to be the longest break up ever in the tabloids.
We'll still be here next spring watching them still breaking up. Gee. Are they or aren't they? I wonder. What do you think? I dunno; seems like one day they might be trying to make it work, the next she's trying to get over him. **Sniff**! Oh, it's just sooooo sad, so sad. Whatta world, whatta world.
Someone please wake me up when the stinkin' thing is over, will ya?
Reese is close to Maggie. Hmm. Yeah. So that's why she was joining Maggie, Peter & Jake on that bike ride in Italy.
Well, that was fun to rip. lol.
I must stop going to the first meetings at my work. The first ones are always the longest, the test balloon. I need to stop signing up for that one. After that disastrous one yesterday afternoon, I heard they had a "disclaimer" at the beginning of this one. If you have any questions or concerns, please take it up with your supervisor. This is not the forum to air them out.
lol. Thus, they had a peaceful one this afternoon while ours was the talk of the plant all day today. This is where I always have to try to step gently when hashing it over with my little buddy since she's union and I'm salaried. There's always a line there that sometimes can't be crossed.
*heavy sigh*.
And it's a big 11 degrees now!! We're supposed to get down to 3 tonight. It's times like these when everything creaks and cracks and groans. I almost thought the garage door wasn't going to open. It was like almost stuck from the ice. Then it creaked & groaned all the way up. lol.
Wish we could see Jake all duded up if indeed he was there which it kind of sounds like he was.
Well, since that article had a mention of CAA, guess who provided all of the juicy details. Geez, even their PR department wants their name in the rags.
It doesn't work like that PrairieGirl. CAA reps the talent. Talent hires public relations firms to rep them in public relations matters. Publicists aren't hired by CAA to rep their talent roster.
Okay, what you said.
Nothing like watching a good Rankin/Bass Christmas show. Santa Claus is Coming To Town.
"By order of the Burger Meister, Meister Burger!!!"
lol. I love the Burger Meister. He is a riot.
Hey there I am alive just a a little slower processing speed.: )
It is back to a borrowed desktop for a little bit until my poor little laptop gets repaired. The good thing is almost everything, (some things have gone to the ether (tear)), was backed up on my external hard drive.
There you are, Special!!
Computers can be so stressful, can't they?
First Major props to Wicked who made sure the post was up and there was new music for today.((Wicked))
((NG)) Great to see you.
M, thank you for Austin's quote of "if you are deeply, uncurably in love with someone, what are you going to do." I had wanted to include it but oh by that point I was close to have a fivehead from pulling my hair out trying to transcribe. I agree with you about him knowing exactly what that feels like for real. And that sounds like he is talking about the present.
The no job club update: Umployment has reached a decision that I am a US Citizen and Pennslyvania is not a foreign country.
Hi all...
I am playing games on pc and i like to more about gaming...
I like this article because it's about gaming...
Yayayay Spesh. Welcome to America. I'm sure you're gonna like it here! :)
Jake's change in attitude/hiding post Reeke has been a big turn off for me too. I saw BBM three times in the theater, countless times on DVD and own all his earlier movies on DVD, sometimes multiple versions of them. This was when he was being seen and photographed often by the paps and pre-reeke. He seemed to enjoy it, despite the hassle, and to be fond of the attention he got from his fans. But as of Rendition, he was in this turn your back, leave me alone mood, something he picked up from Reese. So, when faced with a movie I am not interested in, such as Rendition or Brothers, his leave me alone attitude makes me feel no obligation to go out of my way for him. I can wait for the movie to come to me.
Maybe he has the flu.
Maybe Atticus is being possessive and demanding and won't let Jake leave the house.
But as of Rendition, he was in this turn your back, leave me alone mood, something he picked up from Reese.
Jake isn't 5 years old, he didn't pick up anything from the beard - I think bearding with Reese The Bitch Witherspoon spoiled all paparazzi fun for Jake.
Reese Ringing in Christmas With Bling?
Insiders tell me that the small ribbon-wrapped box under Reese Witherspoon's Christmas tree is bearing a big, fat diamond ring. "Jake is planning to pop the question over the holidays and couldn't be more excited," my friend -- who gave me the exclusive scoop two years ago that the couple were dating -- tells me.
Just days after a false rumor circulated that the cute couple had split, Jake apparently decided the time was right to settle down and buy the ring. "Her children love him, his family loves her and now it's time to make it official," my source says.
"Reese is a traditional sort of lady, which is one of the many things Jake adores about her, and Christmas is her favorite holiday."
Let's hope she says yes to becoming Mrs. Reese Gyllenhaal ... we think it has a nice ring to it! Congrats in advance, you crazy lovebirds!
Reese Witherspoon, Jake Gyllenhaal About to Tie the Knot?
hehe Finally they are tying the knot!!! Wonder if it is blue ring LOL
Reeke bullshit engagement rumors #5. Or #6? LOL
the only thing under her Xmas tree is a pile of steaming poop that Atticus left before Jake packed his two overnight bags and left the beard
Well, first of all, hilarious video this morning on Wake Up With Al. University of Wisconsin cancels classes for the first time in umpteen amount of years and some of the kids spent the day having a snowball making contest. You should have seen the size of this humongous snowball that a bunch of students were hovering around, rolling and pushing it across their foot of snow. It was taller than they were. It was hilarious!! They were all hooting and hollering, holding up their arms like they were at a football game.
LOL. Love the spirit & fun of young people. That big snowball was just hilarious.
It's a cringe moment now anytime I go to and see how someone is using to play out their self-promotion and publicity fantasies.
While I believe she is behind this whole PR blustery, gusty big ol' bag of self-wind machine, when I pick on PR for orchestrating this Break Up PR Juggernaut, I have to include Jake's people a bit as well. Not Jake himself, though.
Until I see the first sign that he is a player as well, I think his silence/invisibility says that he doesn't want or need all of this self-fanning promotion that she's giving herself. Once again, this is all about her. Look at the home page yet again. "Blank's (insert any petname you want here) Sunny Outlook. Key words being "sunny" and "cheerful".
I could go on & on, ripping her a new one but this website isn't about her and I've probably spent way too much time already on the big puff of wind.
All I can say is what a PR Tool People is. They are the sole source right now.
Well, and it goes without saying so is JJ.
While I miss seeing the guy, I say thank goodness Jake is out of sight right now. To me, it shows the real grass roots of who this thing always is, always has been all about.
And I'm not saying he hasn't done his share. I'm not giving him a free pass; far from it.
But this whole thing right now? It's a big sandwich board of "Lookit Me! Lookit Me!"
bleah. I need to get something else on my tastebuds.
Something or someone tons more worthy.
Like a huge thanks to Wicked!!!! Wicked saved the day!YEA!!
LOL!! I could tell, too, because the music came on soon as I opened & blasted me out of my chair.
LOLLLL!! Thank you seriously, Wicked. A true gem.
the only thing under her Xmas tree is a pile of steaming poop that Atticus left before Jake packed his two overnight bags and left the beard
My shit is hot, big, good, and extremely aromatic and long lasting. Best gift ever!
Jake apparently decided the time was right to settle down and buy the ring.
ANOTHER ring?!
Mr. Gyllenhaal and all his diamond engagement ring buying is keeping us recession-free.
Now taking orders for Christmas and Hanukkah delivery.
*I'm gonna be rich!* and Reeke "story"
There was never any moving of the suitcases, that was just another bs story. If X17 paps actually saw that then why didn't they take a pic/video? Were they so stunned that they forgot??, LOL!!!
He never lived there so there was no need to move anything out, just another PR plant to make it look he lived there, to make it real they should have planted the story that a moving truck pulled up and removed his things.
It amazing how dumb some people are, believing any crap that is thrown out there.
from wft2
Jake's rep. is alongtime friend of Jake's Mom, his rep was the first to scramble and deny. Do the math.
What math?! Naomi and Reese don't rule the world....or Jake.
I for one never knew that until recently, interesting considering what has happened in the past few weeks.
Jake is dominated by women: His Mom, Reese,Maggie,his rep....
It amazing how dumb some people are, believing any crap that is thrown out there.
It's amazing how dumb some people are when they don't recognise a j.o.k.e.
The bit about the dog shitting might have given you a clue that it was a joke, clueless.
Hey, the Atticus poop link doesn't work, and here I had my credit card out ready to buy.
A Christmas engagement wouldn't surprise me, the thought has been in my head ever since we got the breakup story.
I've always found it interesting that all of the people Jake has working for him are women. Is that because of Naomi? I bet a male manager wouldn't have dreamed up all this romcom Reeke nonsense.
And have to agree with M. I find all the hiding the past few weeks almost as annoying as the daily coffee Reeke runs. He is clearly in LA. I still think it has to do with Reeke. Also agree that Jake doesn't seem to care too much about his fans. All part of the "I'm a mature straight man now" and "I am really really a private person" except for Reeking image.
I still think it has to do with Reeke.
Why would Jake make himself available to paparazzi and give gossip sites material for more "are Reeke together or not?" stories?
Two things:
I think he doesn't want to fuel more talk of them not being together by being seen alone. Let people think he is just busy with other things and doesn't have time for those coffee runs.
If this is what is going on, then I think the second part is that we all of a sudden get pictures of those crazy lovebirds around the holidays and after the big engagement announcement.
Someone has posted on WFT2 that Gawker thinks that the breakup may just be the usual HW runnup to the engagement. And also a Ted answering a letter saying he doesn't think Reeke is necessarily done and that Reese still wants that perfect boyfriend and perfect life, and doesn't want Ryan to beat her to settling down.
Reese still wants that perfect boyfriend and perfect life, and doesn't want Ryan to beat her to settling down.
Ryan left Reese for another woman - she doesn't get everything she wants.
I am just repeating what Ted said. Clearly he is getting mixed messages as to whether Reeke is done, and Ted gave his reasons why it is possible that Reeke will go on.
And personally I think Jake is so utterly lacking in balls that it would not surprise me in the least if he gave Reese what she wants. What is safer than a gay husband who is never going to leave you for another woman, and one who is so lacking in courage you don't have to worry that he'll grow a pair one day and do the right thing.
Don't think Jake's hiding.Brothers stuff last week. Out with Maggie and doing the VGA's this Saturday. With Austin in NC, looks like he has the bulk of the home stuff that has to be taken care and if he is doing another movie in a couple months he's got to do some prepping, (we know he does research) and I am sure that he has a lot of pr stuff that they are starting to get together for PoP. I just don't think he is making an effort in the least about Reese.
And personally I think Jake is so utterly lacking in balls that it would not surprise me in the least if he gave Reese what she wants.
Why would Jake care what Reese wants?
Jake's rep. is Mommy's long time friend!!!
Jake's rep. is Mommy's long time friend
Keep in mind that trolls KNOW everything.
This is probably all a run up to the major POP promotion. With a May release, they need to start building interest now and the spike TV thing tells me it is now in full force. Didn't someone say the bearding contract had another year to run, timed for after POPs release. They need to so something to create interest. Most telling to me - there is no explanation for Jake stiffing her at Thanksgiving. He spent it with the one he really wanted to be with.
Hmmmm. Search for Mama's facebook, and his rep. is on her friends page. Carrie B......, you know that last name, google it!
Hmmmm. Search for Mama's facebook, and his rep. is on her friends page. Carrie B......, you know that last name, google it!
Hey, the Atticus poop link doesn't work, and here I had my credit card out ready to buy.
Jake stiffing her at Thanksgiving
She wishes!
someone menitoned a while back that Jake would be more attractive to the teen crowd if he was single, so i can see this as being the end of Reeke, which proves he's straight, and now he will move on into single/available category so all the girls that still love him or that didn't know he existed pre-POP can go see his movie and dream about him. oh joy.
Facebook is the source for that "Mommy's long time friend" bullshit?!?
M, the stiffing her on turkey day is pure bs. The rags have no idea where either one spent that day.
The only clue for him: spotted at Newark airport that morning with Anne, flight from Pitt. No sightings of him until Friday afternoon in NY. He could have been in NY that day and spent the day indoors and away from tweets or he may have made a connecting flight from there and went to NY after.
Same with her. Last spotted in L.A. the day before, and then nothing until that Sunday where she was tweeted in Nashville. TN/L.A.? Like him there was no sightings of them on that day.
Notice the rags fanfic says "around Thanksgiving" and that she had invited "40 people" over. One would assume L.A. but she has family and a place in TN as well, which to me says that they of course made it up.
IMO she was prolly in TN through the weekend not only on that day which makes the "sighing" of her driving in L.A. over the weekend pure BS, i guess People forgot that they said that she was spotted in TN on Sunday, Sunday is part of the weekend, she was in both places????
BTW they got the Nashville/Sunday sighting from twitter!
Can't believe you would believe the utter rubbish published in rags and yes that includes People.
Sadly Sienna I think Jake is working very hard to get rid of the teen crowd and anyone else who would fall into the die-hard fan category. I don't think you spend your time reeking, dressing like a hobo, etc. if that is the crowd you want. You just have to spend some time on ONTD and see how different the pictures and vibes are from the actors who don't mind having those pesky fans.
And being married has never hurt those other two closet cases with their teen-oriented tentpole movies, Hugh Jackman and Will Smith.
The rags have no idea where either one spent that day.
Doesn't matter where they were.
The fact is that Reeke did not spend Thanksgiving together, that mush is true.
^^^ that much
someone menitoned a while back that Jake would be more attractive to the teen crowd if he was single, so i can see this as being the end of Reeke, which proves he's straight, and now he will move on into single/available category so all the girls that still love him or that didn't know he existed pre-POP can go see his movie and dream about him.
Agree..but it's too early. IMO he'll have to prove his capacity to want a committed relationship first, i.e. get engaged, then have it broken off right before POP. Girls can then dream about a hunky actor who's straight, who wants more than just one night stands, and who's eligible.
dressing like a hobo
"around Thanksgiving" and that she had invited "40 people"
Maybe it's me, but who the hell goes to a Thanksgiving party?! Like it or not, want to or not, most people spend it with family.
good point destiny... im sure he doesn't want to reinvent RP. however, imo, he's done the job he set out to do with R. he's made himself appear straight to anyone who doesn't put much thought into, and he seems like a great bf, doing all the things girls like to do. as for one night stands, there is no hottie hw boy less associated with 1 nite stands that JG. he's had 2 gfs in his whole life??? for 2-3 yrs at a time. that's pretty stable and committed, in my book.
gotta go get ready for trip. will check in later. hugs all around. s.
Maybe it's me, but who the hell goes to a Thanksgiving party?!
There was no party, just lame attempt to make Reese look good.
I've said for a long time, that dating a older women who's a mom with two kids,will not sell as well as a young single guy to gamers or to women who looking at him as a romantic hero. And before you play the Depp card into the discussion, Johnny's got 16 years on Jake.
Johnny's got 16 years, a LTP and two kids on Jake.
Not to mention talent and integrity.
They were gay rumour about Deep and his friend phoenix much much much long time ago, and then after Winona,drugs,Kate,drugs...and now stable life!
Dont get me wrong but I don't think he had an exemplary life.
"I've said for a long time, that dating a older women who's a mom with two kids,will not sell as well as a young single guy to gamers or to women who looking at him as a romantic hero"
Yeah I agree for women but gamers??
I doubt they could care about his private life.
*hopes all male gamers are stupid*
*hopes there are a lot of hot gay male gamers*
*and horny*
Here we go again.
I really don't think Jake was in LA over Thanksgiving.
I can't say anymore but I wanted to say that.
I spent my whole lunch hour behind slow people: slow people driving and slow people in Walgreens. grrrrr!
Why would Jake stay hidden during all of this? I'm not agreeing with you on this one, Destiny.
This is all about her. All the stories, except for that thing yesterday which was supposed to be about Maggie but turned out to be about Jake with a gratuitous mention of you know who who has to get her nose into everything.
Everything else has been about her.
I will stand totally corrected & then some if this whole thing turns out to be just a break, but at this point, I really don't think that's what it is.
And when did Ted say this was just a break? Ted has been speaking in the affirmative for his last several mentions.
LOLLLL! Lookit Heat Miser!! lol.
I can never see the avatars at home. I only see them on my work computer.
Dear Put a Fork in Gyllenspoon, ...
Because do you realize how it sounds?
Here we are picking on Reese for showboating for the paps & anyone who'll give a rat's ass, and because Jake's not doing it, it's because he's lying in wait to come out on bended knee to propose? That doesn't make any sense. And if he had come out last week, walking on the beach, shopping, having brunch with family, he would've gotten beaten for doing the same thing, showboating.
I don't understand how he benefits by lying under the grass.
And lastly, I'm not sure I understand why Christmas has to be a magical time for them to get engaged. We've been going through this for the past 3 years. We're still waiting for that Egypt trip. They were supposed to have gotten engaged over his birthday last year. Plus, I'm still waiting to see this starstudded necklace he was supposed to have bought her 2 years ago. Whoever said an engagement, if it ever had to happen, would have to happen at Christmas time? I don't get this.
I'm just puzzled how this has escalated to they must be getting engaged. Wow. Did those yogurt pictures look like that was even remotely close to happening? lol.
Those yogurt pics. Man, those will go down in infamy, won't they?
I'm just speculating PG based on what seems to be the usual HW PR storyline. I'd love to be wrong on all this. Jake avoiding being seen means he gets more bang for the buck if they are finally seen together. And I for one would not complain if we got pictures of Jake out and about doing his own thing, or at the premiere with Maggie.
Here's the full Ted post, so people can judge for themselves. Personally I don't think Ted thinks it is over. So I don't think the TT post is going to say what people are hoping for either.
Dear Ted:
Please, please, please, sweetie, what's going on with Jake and Reese? Are they finally "over" or aren't they? Yours is the only answer I'd trust.
Dear Put a Fork in Gyllenspoon:
Just from being cynical and in this damn city for too long I doubt they are actually over. Reese will want her perfect boyfriend and perfect life. Don't think for a sec she wants Ryan Phillippe to end up the settled one. Still, Jake isn't the guy for her. Hope she realizes it!
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