Dates to Note:
Tomorrow December 3, Jake is on Jimmy Kimmel (Check Local Listings)
Friday December 4, Jake is on Sesame Street (Check Local Listings)
Friday, December 4, Brothers Opens Nationwide
To kick of the holidays starting with Hanukkah - OMG's 2nd Annual Cooking Klatch Recipe Swap
on Friday December 11th.
Find a recipe you'd like to share with other, an appetizer, or dessert, main dish, side dish, or even a drink recipe. Come and share in the spirit of the holidays.
After such a long break from the interviews Jake came back to interviews just as funny, silly and charming as he has always have been.
The unscripted interview with Tobey and Natalie, gave some other things to notice not just Jake talking about his band name. Jake and the Merkins would work too with a little retro feel to it.
In the chat you see that Jake talks about hanging out with Tobey and his friends, as he did talking about hanging out with Jim, and working out with Tobey. While there was speculation that he did spend time with other people and only Reese, because he wasn't seen doing so has been now dispelled.
We also can tell that Jake while being environmentally conscious is not going to be going the vegan way, but his reaction here when Tobey and Natalie talk about possibly cheating by eating and egg.
Another thing that was interesting if you look at the large clip and in the clip were Tobey is talking about his Ipod and talking about being a father and his kids, you can see Jake subconsciously nodding with Tobey, as like he knows just what Tobey is speaking. Hmm makes you wonder why.
Of course there is Jake's discussion about his body art. Interesting that he put so much thought into it about what it should be, where it should be, and why. It sound like something Austin would work through if John had had to get a tattoo for JFC. The Celtic C representing the family he still holds to despite the issues coupled the wolf, the family bond vs. the wilding and lone wolf symbolic of Tommy who in a way l comes back to protect the pack. Speaking of tats, we know that the one on his neck, his knuckles, and inside his right forearm, but do you wonder if he will surprise with any more that can't be seen in an ad?
This time isn't not about the ice, it's the wolves. Think he's going be sporting this soon?
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
It's the Wolves!
Posted by
Special K
3:27 PM
Labels: Brothers, Jake, OMG Cooking Klatch, Three Wolf Moon
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i think jake really tried to go the girl route
... and failed, more than once, while dating/"dating" Kirsten.))
Said, you are such a homo.
great post today, Spesh. please don't get deported on a technicality. i really enjoy this blog and talking to people about all things jake, especially now that he's starting to really seem like jake again.
:) S!
Don't think they deport me for being born in Pennsylvania but you never know. LOL Luckily I have my birth certificate and could find it quickly.
Hooray for wolves! Great post - and yesterday's was so funny. I really don't know how you do it OMG! I found the tattoo history very interesting - from the family name standpoint as well. Looking forward to Bros.
Dear Ted:
You've gotten me addicted to your column over the years with your delicious Blind Vices. I've got a question for you: How do you think Shafterella Shoshstein feels about the end of Gyllenspoon?
Dear Interesting One:
I would bet she really doesn't care all that much.
Bitch-Back! Did Zac Take Rob's Hair?
Actor Jake Gyllenhaal was heavily influenced by his parents’ musical tastes and repaid the favor with a Guest DJ set dedicated entirely to family – from the folk song that his dad sang him to sleep to the live track that makes him sob on set. He also puts his performer hat on, with a host of great imitations – including a few of Director Jim Sheridan, who directed him in the new film “Brothers.”
1.) Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band - The River (Live)
2.) Burl Ives - The Fox
3.) Danny Kaye - Inchworm
4.) Saint-Saëns - Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso
5.) Loudon Wainwright III - A Father and a Son
Liza Richardson: Hi, I’m Liza Richardson from KCRW, and I am here with actor Jake Gyllenhaal. We will be playing excerpts of songs that have inspired him over the years as part of KCRW’s Guest DJ Project.
KCRW Radio
I dont want be a party booper here BUT. I smell a rat/set up. I hope I am wrong but I got the feeling today that we are all going to hear the week after Brothers offical premiere that reeke is engaged. I hope I am wrong but this is beginning to remind me of Rendition/Rome.
Dont let your guard down on these people friends. Again I hope I am wrong. I would love to see this charade end.
I was thinking of Inchworm on Sunday, and I hate to admit what made me thing of it, but will. It was, let's say "pop up tent" comments. And Inchworm Inchworm, Meauring the Marigolds, flew into my head. Of course I think of Dan Kaye doing this in Hans Christian Anderson and then my mind goes to him singing this to alleged long time lover Laurence Olivier in some surreal moment alone. That is one couple that fascinates and intrigues me because I think of the ying and yang of their acting projects.
I know I know.. hand me the keys.
KCRW is a station in Santa Monica. Funny how that all works, Jake's in Cali on Tuesday when others are in UK.
One question for the UK crowd - now its late. is their a current campaign this month on Domestic Violence there, or other Avon events. I just find it tell of all the weeks to go do press and get coverage that Ms. W picks this specific week to do it. Just a thought.
Reading the transcript of Jake at KCRW it says so much about his family, about fathers and sons, and I don't just think about him and his dad, but it is also a way of conveying feelings about being a father too. Can imagine him doing the same things sing the same songs his father did for him when he was little.
I like the diversity of his choices and his appreciate of each for difference reasons. And must admit The River can bring tears.
Just a reminder - you can listen or download Jake's radio show.
The KCRW piece was taped a while ago, not this week, nor last week. I think it was done in September. That's when KCRW first mentioned it.
Also, I was curious about all that Danny Kaye/Laurence Olivier stuff and found some interesting reading backed by hard facts in of all places his IMDB board. No truth to any of it.
/əˈlɛdʒd, əˈlɛdʒɪd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uh-lejd, uh-lej-id]
1. declared or stated to be as described; asserted: The alleged murderer could not be located for questioning.
2. doubtful; suspect; supposed: The alleged cure-all produced no results when it was tested by reputable doctors.
It has been alleged, and yes there is there are those who said it wasn't true, kind of like those who argure about Carey Grant and Randolph Scott, or Brando and Wally Cox, or Rock Hudson and blonds.
Here's a great picture of Olivier and Kaye.
Laurence Olivier and Danny Kaye
Very surprised but delighted to hear about Meredith Baxter coming out. Good article about her and her partner of 4 years and how Meredith decided to come out on AOL..
:) said...
forget the bitch and enjoy Jake's interviews.
Not watching Smiley till I know it is over. But I am still saying be careful. I dont trust these two.
I'm not totally letting my guard down, Tom. But at the same time, for right now, I'm enjoying him without the hanger on.
Believe me. If this thing doesn't come to fruition, I will be the first to let it fly. And you know I can.
But I'm not going to sour up right now. There's no reason to.
I'm enjoying him right now and laughing my head off at her because she is just a clown. She's a clown and I swear I will never, ever watch another thing with her in it again. I haven't bought Avon in months & months.
Hey, I just put 34C up, m. LJ is a Nightmare!!!! What in the heck have they done to that thing? It took me forever to put that thing up. I dislike it very intensely!!!!
Jake Gyllenhaal shines in an undeniably grown-up movie about love and loss in the shadow of Afghanistan
Of the three leads, Gyllenhaal gives the finest performance. He's jittery and charismatic -- his eyes shift uncomfortably, as if he were constantly looking for escape.
When Shepard and Gyllenhaal appear in a scene together, the air around them is charged -- it's as if the searching, vulnerable quality in Tommy's eyes registers as a taunt in the manly-man world of his father.
Jersey Tom said...
I hear ya S.
Hang on PG
Keep smiling Smiley.
SK Brothers is getting very mixed reviews. Def not a award contender. There are some pretty bad reviews out there also sorry too say. Lets hope better days are ahead. I still say Damn Yankees will put jake back on the A list. He needs to do that movie.
just to verify: is Reese who we suspect to be Shaftarella? if so, i wonder why he gave her a jewish sounding last name when she's not jewish. maybe it's more mysterious that way.
One rumor about Reese that she "took" a 100% discount on shoes.
Shafterella = Cinderella and her slipper. Shoshstein = Everything she does is for show.
thank you, wise and all-knowing decoder ring. i get the big picture now. gotta love our girl! ;p
Very interesting radio interview.
I found his comment about how he hopes his family to be very interesting aounding. The Inchworm song I found to be one of the more interesting choices, too, Special. Funny that he should choose that one now.
Well, what an exhausing night. We shall see, we shall see what tomorrow brings. I am looking forward to some good sleep at the moment, though, lol.
I missed Scooby today!!
aounding = sounding
I loved that radio interview. It's nice to hear what a wonderful relationship he had/has with his father. I am always jealous of people who had that since my own father deserted the ship very early. The song selections are quite eclectic. Interesting too about Danny Kaye, who yes was reportedly gay. Jake says he was strongly influenced by him and knowing that now, I can see that he has copied his style to an extent. Kaye was a big deal when I was growing up. I am sure I've seen all his films, though not in a very long while. Again, it was great to hear Jake's voice, his own thoughts and that he shared something very personal for a change. That is the way to earn fans.
I've been keeping an eye on Rotten Tomatoes, which summarizes and tallies reviews. Brothers is 50/50, with a lean towards the rotten, at the moment, based on 16 reviewers. Up in the Air, Clooney's new film, which also opens this weekend is running 88% positive with 40 reviews recorded. The question is why so few reviews of Brothers at this stage. I was not interested in the Clooney film based on the trailer, but after reading the reviews, it sounds really good.
oooooooooo, I won't let my guard down either, because that will mean they will be engaged. Everyone - don't let your guard down - we have the power to stop them getting engaged
Interesting report on Nikki Finkes blog on R. Everett/H. Bragman:
Coming Out or not
Also some good comments.
I did not know that ABC also cancelled Lamberts appearance at Jimmy Kimmel and New Years Rocking Eve.
Spesh, I have seen reports of the same anti-domestic violence campaign, with Reese fronting. Yep, thought the timing could be better!
I think the 'break-up' might be to free up Jake during Brothers, it wouldn't surprise me at all if it's back on again in time for PoP. But not laying any bets or feeling that strongly.
I can't believe Brothers opens tomorrow night and Jake is only being on one TV talk show. What happened to being on Ellen, Letterman, and all that? I think Jimmy Kimmel is one of those shows that's on really late - I'll have to check. Course, I don't watch TV anymore except Wake Up With Al, lol, so I have no idea how often it's been advertised.
Well, sorry Reeke, but your 15 minutes is already long over. Tiger, even Meredith Baxter, have totally stolen your little thunderstorm. Tiger plastered all over the front of US Reekly. This alleged "rough patch" not even making USA Today, CNN or the Enquirer.
And some may laugh at that Enquirer mention. But I'm telling you, that Enquirer breaks alot of stories. And of the times I've checked their website I've never seen Reeke make their page. Even this. Not a mention. would rather mention Zac Efron's worry about becoming another teen flash in the pan than mention this desperate clutch at publicity.
Take. The. Hint, pr. The only ones you got stirred up were us usuals, not the rest of those you wanted to have rubberneck.
Weren't counting on Tiger & his wife to steal the moment, were you?
I still think that's funny. Something's always stealing their thunder.
I know no one's interested in the Tiger story here but I have to wonder about this out loud. Strictly, strictly tossing it out in wonder over Tiger's hiding and not being seen. I just wonder if it's possible he had any physical signs of the issue, besides the car wreck injuries. Because it's interesting that he would not come out of wherever it was he was at in the house to come speak to the state troopers. The whole thing is intriguing, full of questions.
Oh well. lol. That thought just kind of came to me this morning while walking. While I was freezing in 24 degrees!!!
LOLLLLLLLLL!!! And on the heels of my comment, here comes this hilarious article I just found on the web. This is classic. It totally sums things up. Get this, you guys. I've never even heard of this site but this is a killer. I'm dying already.
It's called Heckler I can't copy & paste it without bringing in all kinds of garbo so I'm just going to give the site address. And they give a hilarious photo of you know who. This thing's hilarious.
Here's a sample:
And Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon don’t even have a cute Brangelina-style name. That’s possibly because it’d have to be Jeese or Rake or Withensphaan or Gyllerhoon or something crap like that, but it’s more likely to be because nobody cares.
Anyway, some people say that Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon have split up. Other people say that they haven’t. Please adjust the tragectory of your lives accordingly.
LOL. His opening line is awesome but I can't copy that w/o dragging along ads & whatnot.
Tobey has done only one talk show interview for Brothers as well. Natalie seems to have done more. Again wondering if Lionsgate was more focused on promoting Precious than Brothers, or if they are going to so few interviews now and see how Brothers opens and the award season and if they will tap Tobey and Jake in a couple of weeks to do interviews. As think that because Jake was working that he didn't do a lot either, because he had to two other co-stars to share the load.
It is quite extraordinary to have 3 big stars of the same age in what is essentially a pretty small film. You don't have to all the PR put on the biggest to carry the movie.
Brothers PR campaign was really different from what you expected. Definitely smaller budget, yes lots of ads but only till recently after the DGA screen in LA a few weeks ago. They did this virtual twitter campaign which I am interested to see how that translates in tickets sold.
Don't worry PG, by April you will be seeing Jake EVERYWHERE he is the star of Disney's tentpole for the summer and in a Jerry Bruckheimer movie, talk about a PR campaign. You won't be able to get away from Jake stuff. Make a list of shows and get ready to check them off, and he will do them all.
PG, how crazy is this that it is 60F here in New England this morning.
The thing I find interesting about the Tiger thing is how advertisers are sticking with him despite all the allegations of numerous affairs that are coming out. But how advertisers dropped Michael Phelps after a picture of him taking a hit off a bong at party.
What a contrast...
Austin at the USO events.
Happy, accessable and doing something worthwhile.
Jake.. hiding..
Austin is looking his best, happy and hold, he is working steady on a TV show and he is filming indy movies on the side. On the personal side he is making the rounds, in NYC, in Europe, in LA and Texas.
So, what point are you making exactly, passingby?
(reluctantly I ask - guess I'm asking just for the heck of it.)
And also, no sign of Austin since he got back. No Jake sighting either since Thanksgiving. Hmmmmm...making up for a little lost time? Perhaps so.
Special, it's freezing here!!!! We need some of that 60 degrees!
As usual Jake is doing just fine when he gets to do interviews on his own on tv/radio. I guess Brothers is easier to promote since he can focus on family and not leading romantic hero stuff (which will be the case with PoP). The insight to his relationship with his father in the radio interview was very touching. He sounded like the old Jake again.
Tiger. It seems that for sponsors/advertisers drugs and homosexuality are out of the question but cheating on your wife is understandable. Double standards.
I'm just making the point that Austin did not sell out and Jake did. I suppose when you reach a certain level of fame and then you hook up with somebody at that level it effects your life.
Dating A-list PR guarded Reese Witherspoon has not been a good thing for Jake. Or as believed on this board, fake dating Reese has not been a good thing.
Austin is with Sophia. They are a couple and not a fake couple.
They are such a contrast to what Jake & Reese were. Everything that Jake & Reese did was seperate, apart and guarded, that just isn't the case with Austin & Sophia. Sure they might not be talking about their relationship or walking red-carpets but they seem to be ok with having photos of them taken together at events recently, beginning with the marfta ball and then continued thru to the NYC movie premiere after party.
I don't believe that Jake & Reese have ever posed for a photo during an event together. An event that they were not promoting something.
All of their photos have been taken by the paps or a fan.
I suppose you pay a big price as you move up the gravy train in Hollywood. I think you really have to have your stuff together to make it thru A list status and live a normal life. It can be done, but it must by hard.
Hey Hello everyboy!
Hope you all fine today. It's raining and cold here, I hate that.
Fortunately all these "Brothers" videos warms me a bit. It's so delighting to see funny Jake with his costar answering spectators's questions. It's convivial and natural, so different of usual talks shows even if Jake would have been great in Letterman for instance. lol
I am eager to see this movie despite "the trajedy" of the story.I am specially intrigued by performances which seem intense.
You're right special k about the movie campain, very very singular and I would dare to say "intimate"
Movie like this don't bring a large audience anyways, more for people interested in dramatic interactions in closed circle kind of "8 clos" like we say in french.
More I read about "Love and drugs" more I wonder if it's a comedy, a love story or a satire? maybe the three. Sounds great.
Oh I love Jake music choice! Camille Saint-Saens!!! Suddenly I am shame you know, Saint-Saens is a french composer and never heard "introduction and rondo Capriccioso" before. Really happy Jake loves classical music, good to be so eclectic in taste. You know what, I am sure he would have enough sensitivity to play the life of a famous soloist or even conductor.
Just because Austin and Sophia spend a lot of time together whatever the events does not mean that they are a couple. Whatever happened to having friends? They have spent time together before and during that time Sophia went on record (twice) that they are just friends. And that Austin is one of her oldest and dearest friends. I see excellent chemistry and comfort between them but nothing more. To me they always look like they are just hanging out.
Sorry 8:54 was me again.
I would say, too, that Tiger has alot more $$$ riding on him and companies would be reluctant to let that go.
PassingBy, sorry I asked.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I respect it. At the same time, I think you're well aware that you're not going to find hardly anyone around here who believes that Austin & Sophia are a real couple. Don't make me laugh. Honestly.
Elinor - "intimate" is great word for the campaign, quiet came to my mind, but didn't fit, but intimate fits just right.
Jake shows a real complexity to his growing up, experiences that he has spoken of before and new ones he reveals gives new insights on him as person and as an actor.
Well than we can agree on this perhaps.
Austin & Jake have a very different approach to living life.
Jake life seems guarded, planned and calculated. Perhaps that is part of attaching yourself to a person who has young kids and and ex.
While Austin appears happy and as if he is living his life in the moment. Going new places an opening himself up to new experiences, such as visiting our troops abroad, making a solo trip to Italy this summer, flying into nyc for a movie premiere, checking marfta out, living by the ocean in sleepy Wilmington, attending the ACL's and socializing with people in his industry at events.
I agree he looks very happy. But he's been hiding too; he's allowed Jake to take all kinds of heat for 3 years while he gets to go about his life & career merrily on his way. That hasn't been right.
That's how I see it, passing by.
Special, I love the pictures you chose of Jake here. The guy looks 20 again. I'm still cracking up over that interview. And I know he acts young sometimes but you know what? I act young, too. And so do alot of my friends. Heck, I still watch Rudolph and all those Rankin/Bass shows without fail at Christmas time. And I love HR Pufnstuff. I know I spelled that wrong, lol. I think there's a difference between acting young and acting immaturely, i.e. spitting on people's shoes and throwing eggs at people.
Elinor!!!! So happy to see you.
And so tomorrow, do we get to see Jake with the octapi?
I am going to have to buy a new blank VCR tape tonight. I have absolutely no idea when Sesame St. is on in my area, lol.
Jake & Austin are not together, they hardly see each other anymore.
Austin is living his life, he hasn't done a thing to Jake.
Jake is the person who is a-list, who has gone out and attached himself to A-list divorced mother of two w/young children.
Jake's the guy who is in the headlines, the person who is interested in controlling his image and sticking with the leading male, family man image.
I don't think Austin even cares, he is living his life. Jake's the guy who making the millions of dollars and filming movies all over the world.
Austin is a working actor who has not benefited in anyway by his association with Jake. It hasn't gotten him work,it hasn't helped move his name up the gravy train and it hasn't made him richer either. If anything it has hurt him and labeled him, while Jake's name is already know and mainstream. Austin is the guy who is either the boyfriend, jon from cincinnati or Jake G's BFF and that doesnt help get you work, especially the Jake G's BFF part.
I doubt that Austin has handlers filtering his O&A's duriing OTH interviews or his USO apperence either. I'm sure he simply says that he doesn't wish to answer questions about his relationship with Sophia and goes on about his business.
While on he flip side Reese & Jake let their PR people issue warnings before they attend events rather than deal with the Questions on their own.
PG.... The HecklerSpray article was hysterical, and i think it sums it up nicely. Yeah, we care, and the folks over at GB care, and i imagine that's about it. Maybe i'm selling them short, but i just don't see many folks having much interest or emotion invested in them.
RE: Tiger - he's one of the top 3 athletes in the world, according to most sports authorities. He's also probably one of the top 10 best known figures in the world today. He is THE man. I'm sure no one is loving this, esp him, but cheater or not, he's still Tiger Woods, which means he's where the money is. They aren't going to let that go easily.
jmo. s.
Oh, and I had to add something. I hope no one thought I was expecting to see the "news" on or USA Today's headlines. I was referring to their Entertainment/Life sections. No mention whatsoever
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