"Austin is way cool! when i was there at the beginning of november ... they were filming and then during their break .. sophia and jana were play 'patty cake' and sophia just couldn't do it .. so austin grabbed a crew guy .. and he was like "this is how you do it!" and he was so good! lol it was funny!"

Patty Cake, Patty Cake,
Baker's Man;
That I will Master,
As fast as I can;
Prick it and prick it,
And mark it with a T,
And there will be enough for Jacky and me.
Mother Goose's Melody, (c. 1765)
But what letter on that cake be? A B, a T, a G?
Now who does a better Thumbkin?
..."where is ringman...where is ringman.."
Now who does a better Thumbkin?
..."where is ringman...where is ringman.."

Pictures:Lee_loverxox/OTH Forums; IHJ
Hi Elinor!
I'm probably not a good one to answer who Zachary Quinto is because all I know him from is Star Trek. I think he's very popular right now, though, Elinor. He's all over the gossip blogs seems like. He's probably got alot of other films to his credit; I just don't know what they are.
Well, today is the big Secret Santa Disclosure/Snack Party up front. I took my meatballs up there, yakked some but scurried back since I didn't participate in the Secret Santa part.
Fun time! Lots of food up there. Destiny, I had some veggie pizza. There were all kinds of little chopped veggies on a crust and I don't know what that layer was - cream cheese, maybe? It was pretty good!
And now I have to get off because I just enjoyed the rest of my lunch hour yakking with my lil buddy who was back here. lol. Her & I don't get to talk as much so I relish the times we have the chance.
See you all later!
Quinto played Spock in the new Star Trek movie, which was one of the biggest hits of the year. I don't think he has been in many movies. The other thing he is known for is the television show Heroes. I never watch it, but I think he plays one of the bad guys.
I don't find Quinto hot either, too much body hair for my tastes, for starters. But I do really like him, and I like reading all the comments from people who, for the most part, acknowledge he is gay but still find him incredibly hot. Man, you should see some of the comments about him, some of them are pretty explicit. :-D
I hear what you're saying about Quinto being more relevant, but with all the things going on with Jake, shouldn't he be getting more interest than he has? And I thought Ted said one of the reasons for Reeke was keeping relevant. And part of the problem is that so far PoP has not generated a lot of buzz either.
And if you think getting a lot of buzz doesn't translate into work, I present as exhibit A Taylor Lautner. Twilight may just be some teen franchise to some, but on the strength of the mania for the stars he already has himself a second franchise and he is not even 20 yet.
And by the way, Lautner in his Rolling Stone interview was asked directly about the rumors about his sexuality, and didn't deny the reporter's characterization of him possibly trying to find himself sexually.
I also don't think Orlando Bloom is a good comparison because, when you get right down to it, he is not a very good actor. These young kids coming up now are much better actors than similar type actors from older generations.
I'm hot
They call him Zachary Queento.
Yes Destiny I was a bit mean comparing those young guys with Bloom lol
I admit, maybe among the three, Robert has best chance to show his skills and not only the "hearttrob" role he plays in the "Barbara catland for teans" Twilight. He is british after all!lol
The two others I don't know really.
I think it's dangerous to start a career with franchise for a young actor because if this one is bad or even ridiculous like its the case for Twilight (IMO, sorry for those who love it), that mistake the opinion we have of the actors. Their parts don't exige the best of them. I am sure the young Kristen isn't bad neither Robert but they re wasting their time and their potential.
For actors who have already proved their talent in inde movies or others, the consequences aren't the same.
Thanks Destiny and Prairie Girl for the "Quinto explanation" lol
Star Trek succed here I think , not as much as in USA though and I am unable to give the name of stars who play in it.
I just saw a pic of him , not my kind of guy but he seems sweet and kind.
His dog Noah is hot!
OTH wrpping up filming and will be taking their holiday break this week.
Last night they had their holiday party. Wonder if Austin is hearing the Little Drummer Boy pounding in his head from "mas tequila" today.
Hey Tom, you said that Clooney won and ask and Brad and Johnny have been nominated. Jake was nominated and he has beating Clooney not once by twice in the same year. When? The BAFTA's he beat George who had two nominations. The BAFTA's are a lot less about politics and more about performance than the Oscars.
Last night they had their holiday party. Wonder if Austin is hearing the Little Drummer Boy pounding in his head from "mas tequila" today.
Wonder when we'll be hearing from passingby on how Austin and Sophia were inseparable during the party and that they're really dating.
That reminds me, Peter. We have to get BT a whistle and a drum for Christmas.
You're right Elinor about the dangers of franchises, but the buzz around some of the actors in Twilight just seems to be different, talent-wise. K. Stewart in particular will probably have a good career. I thought she was really good in Into the Wild, and I can't wait to see her play Joan Jett in the movie about the Runaways. And have to agree with you, British actors seem to get more training and are often better than Americans. Pattinson I think the jury is out, but I think has the potential to at least be a good character actor. He is certainly not a conventional leading-man type.
At lest as of last night, on the OTH forum boards time there was a lot of talk of Sophia definitely being at the party, but nothing confirmed regarding Austin--they were just "assuming" he must be there too.
And of course Passingby, despite protests to the contrary, is probably the one who posted at Spooky's yesterday claiming to see Sophin together. Same writing style, and what a coincidence, passingby just happened to see a comment calling them out at Spooky's. The little tirade this morning on the previous threat also gives it away.
lol, threat=thread
elminate "time" in that first line
Star Tracks
A newly single Jake Gyllenhaal charms the crowd during Spike TV's Video Game Awards at L.A. Live's Nokia Event Deck in Los Angeles on Saturday. The actor was on hand to present two awards – and offered a first look at his upcoming film, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
People magazine
I have to say I find Zachary Quinto, as we say we're I'm from, wicked attractive. I like his style a lot, and his unique looks. I tend to like men blessed with body hair, dark and handsome. Although a blond has been known to turn my head on occasion (think Heath Ledger). A guy with green hair has also been known to spin my head around (and around). Think Joker. ;)
I have had a crush on Mr. Spock for eons, and ZQ as the young Spock in Star Trek was awesome. I loved that role. :)
Great review of Bros., Spesh. Nice music today too.
I will say that I found Quinto very sexy as Spock. And even if he is not my type, I can certainly see his appeal. I also found that green-haired madman very sexy.
People is consistent and sticking with their story. They would have let it go if they didn't have a reason to keep with the storyline.
Me too! :) Wasn't Spock so hot? I love that he was a lot more passionate in the latest Star Trek, got the girl, got to make out with the girl too. In the old series, as much as I adored him, he held back his emotions. I guess that's why I tuned in every week. Chris Pine was great too as a young Capt. Kirk, but Spock has always been the alien for me. ;)
Spesh I was refering to Oscars. I loved that Jake won the Bafta for BBM but I bet George would have won if he had only been nominated for the one role.
Now I ask you, is this hot or not?
Blazing Hot
I will never forget Jakes speech when he won the Bafta for Best Supporting Actor. "This movie means more to me socially than artistically". I doubt he be allowed to say that today or ever again. Breaks my heart.
That's a great photo of Zach.
With People sticking to their story, I'm beginning to think that maybe the Reeke monster really is dead. I guess Reeke and Disney finally came to their senses and realized the damage it was doing and/or the contract was up and someone had the good sense not to renew.
I wasn't sure what to think about People's story either, but it did seem odd that they would have run with something without checking sources - but now, People couldn't have stated it any clearer. We'll see what happens.
Is always was, and still is, Bones McCoy for me. Have this thing for men with acerbic tongues and talented, skilled hands.
^^ :)
I don't think if George only got one nom would have made a difference Tom. The Brits have recognized Jake as very talented actor from the beginning, with The Evening Standard Theater Award for Outstanding Newcomer for "This is Our Youth", and their reception of Donnie Darko before anywhere else which made it into a cult classic it is. I think they continued the recognition of his stellar achievement in Brokeback with the BAFTA. There have been so many outstanding actors who have never gotten an Oscar but have been recognized world wide for the talent, ask: Richard Burton, Albert Finney, Peter O'Toole, and Cary Grant.
I agree Special, the Oscars are so often about HW politics and who you know, not how talented you are. Same with best picture wins, they rarely go to the ones that stand the test of time.
While some find ZQ confident, it comes off to me as a bravado bordering a bit on arrogance. Yes he has been in Star Trek, but he's a essentially a TV actor it's not enough for the movie size checks the attitude writes sometimes.
THE BEST pap vid of Zachary Quinto: ONTD - almost 30 pages and over 2400 comments it was so good. He's walking his dog Noah on a sidewalk in LA and is accompanied by 2 friends, 1 is dressed up as a butcher, the other is a steak (WTF?! this is in broad daylight in June). Noah smells something exciting up ahead and runs, dragging ZQ behind him and making him trip and fall and lose his glasses...and since he can't see he can't find them. By that time Noah is bored and ready to go on to the next smell. Then the steak gets caught on some bushes and can't move until ZQ helps him. Why Zachary was walking with a butcher and a steak we'll never know.
Good Noah very good.
Was that at Halloween, LOL? That sounds hilarious. Sounds like Velma always losing her glasses in Scooby Doo.
I'm trying, guys, but I just don't get it with that guy. Oh well, it takes all kinds for all of us to turn this world around. I'm sure there's someone I think is hot who would be a real head scratcher for everyone else.
Bones. Who up there liked Bones??? LOLLLL! Actually, now that I think about it, his authoratativeness and dark hair might be enough for me.
I never watched Star Trek, though, so I guess that's why I can't get into it.
Now a guy who was sexy in dark glasses, I thought, was Charlie Sheen in Major League. He killed me in those things.
Wag your tail and look adorable and you can get away with anything.
My take on that was Zach was trying to mess with the paps and Noah ruined it. I figured that he was making a statement about feeling like a piece of meat.
I don't think Zach is arrogant, but you know what, even if he is, I'll take an overly confident/arrogant actor who told his people to shove it when they suggested bearding over a Reese-whipped mama's boy any day of the week.
Self-confidence is extremely sexy, another big reason I think people like Quinto so much.
Jake lost that self-confidence, and it has really shown in that past couple of years. Hard to get people to believe in you when you don't even believe in yourself.
It is commonly believed that current slash fanfiction originated within the Star Trek: The Original Series fan fiction fandom, with "Kirk/Spock" stories – generally authored by female fans of the series – first appearing in the late 1970s.
The name arises from the use of the slash symbol (/) in mentions in the late '70s of K/S (meaning stories where Kirk and Spock had a romantic (and often sexual) relationship) as compared to the ampersand (&) conventionally used for K&S or Kirk and Spock friendship fiction. For a time both slash and K/S (for "Kirk/Spock") were used interchangeably. Slash later spread to other fandoms, first Starsky and Hutch, Blake's 7, and The Professionals, then many others, eventually creating a fandom based around the concept of slash.
Add me to the list that does not find Quinto the least bit attractive or sexy. I saw the new Star Trek and really enjoyed it. Chris Pine was more to my taste, but Quinto is a decent enough actor.
I did not realize Stewart was in Into the Wild. Great movie. I have not been able to watch it a 2nd time since the ending is so sad, but may have to watch a bit of it to see her.
Ah yeah, Chris Pine. He's right along my lines, too, m.
And that Jared Leto.
Drunk or tired?:
Sorry troll, that doesn't make Reese The Bitch Witherspoon look any better.
Exclusive: A Ripped Jake Gyllenhaal in 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time'!
Jake Gyllenhaal holds the fate of the world in his hands in 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time' from blockbuster producer Jerry Bruckheimer, in theaters May 28, 2010, and only we've got an exclusive look at new footage of a ripped Jake from the movie!
Much of the film was shot in the baking Moroccan desert and in London, and Jake trained for months to build and maintain his action-hero physique.
"I over-prepared myself because I never knew how much they were going to ask me to do, so I just made sure I'd be hopefully able to do anything," Jake told ET, saying with a shrug, "I guess I've gotten buff."
He added that when filming finally wraps, "It's going to turn into fat and I'm going to be happy."
In the sweeping fantasy-adventure Jake plays Dastan, a young Persian prince who must join forces with the beautiful and feisty princess Tamina ('Quantum of Solace' Bond girl Gemma Arterton) to prevent a villainous nobleman (Ben Kingsley) from possessing the Sands of Time -- a gift from the gods that can reverse time and allow its possessor to rule the world.
Watch ET for more 'Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time' exclusives!
ET Online
2009-12-12 03:44 pm UTC (link)
I'm from Southern California and I don't know him, but I spent an evening in his company and all he did was whine about women and keep asking, "Do you have any coke?" to my boyfriend's friend who was a coke dealer
And Reese was married for such man for 7 years???
Just how pathetic and dumb is that woman? No wonder she was happy with fake and gay "boyfriend"!
Thanks ET I was just getting ready to put that up. : )
ok... i know this is going to sound totally retarded coming from Anti-Reeke me... BUT...
i bought some of the rags this weekend and one of them has the weekly feature "Stars Gossip" and in this weeks gossip is a little pic of jake with his quote about getting naked with Anne and letting it all hang out or wtfe he said.
puh-leeze! that sounds so immature, and after hearing it for the 3-4th time on the heels of their break-up, it somehow makes it sound to me like he was cheating on reese with anne. i know that's not what he's saying, but that is what i get out of it, and i think if i was reese and we were together, i'd be pissed at him for saying that, and if we'd just broken up (real or fake) i would be pissed because it would make it appear that i'd just spent another big chunk of my life with a guy who couldn't be faithful to me.
i dunno. i'm not trying to pick the boy apart or rip him a new one or anything - and the truth is - he is still young and silly and prone to say dumb things at times. i say dumb things and i'm 44, so it's not like i have any room to throw stones. however, i just feel like that has an ugliness attached to it that could hurt her, and i think that's kinda tacky.
it's official. i'm a loony tune. sorry.
PG I was wondering if Jared Leto may be the musician who is planning on coming out in 2010. I remember the story that Jackie posted on WET2 about the guy working with a musican who was planning on coming out this year. The first name that came to my mind was Leto then Ricky Martin. It may be a lesser known name but we will see. Leto is very sexy and actually has a great body.
Post about Anne.
"Anne balances her career, boyfriend, friends and many gay boyfriends, and still manages to find time to give back:"
one of the gay bfs jake?
Awful Truth
Malta do you really believe a celebrity would spend time with complete strangers telling them his troubles and if so that is all that would show up on the internet? And who asks the same question about coke to a dealer over and over again especially one who's a stranger.
Around the time of the divorce someone posted the same story except it took place in a club in D.C. I bet it is the same person.
Don't believe every encounter you read online.
Yeah, Jared Leto is a cutie, Tom.
Just like Robert Buckley. That Buckles hardly takes a bad picture.
I still can't get over how short-lived Buckin was, lol. Dang. Some of us hardly got to have any fun with that. That Buckin thing was nipped at the bud. And I do mean nipped at the bud.
Vespy and I have about given up any hope of any Buckin action on OTH. Now there's some possible excitement on OTH. I'd love to see Julian & Clay on the screen together; see how it works. Sports agent and movie producer. Surely there's some kind of professional possibility there. Come on, OTH!!!
^^Verrrrry nice . . .
My type is usually Alien, Dark and Handsome, or Psycho, Chartreuse and Hansome - but I'll make an exception in this case. Jake was very "Dayum" in that shower scene in Brothers too. :)
New IHJ pics of Jakey's abs! New IHJ pics of Jakey's abs! I'm soooo excited! *faints*
Jakey no fakey
Well, I'm not fainting like Jerry B, but I'll tell you what....
lol. Everyone else can admire shoot, what's his name again? LOLLLLL! I just drew a blank.
I've got to scroll up a minute, be right back.
LOLLLLLL!!! Oh yeah Zachary Quinto.
snicker! Everyone else can sit back & admire ol' Quinto all they want. I'll sit back & suffer through looking at those new ones from ET.
I tell you what. You take those pictures and then some of those pictures of Austin...
That's a downright combustible combination right there.
If Jaustin were to ever come out in the near future (I know, I know, not happening, but this is just a daydream), that combination in color or black & white would pop those flashbulbs right from the get go.
Oscar winning performance.
Reese is single and not loving it
That's Reese Witherspoon's natural bitchface.
She was born with it.
That's downright scary, that face. And no, x17, it's not a split that's doing it. She feels like that all the time. She's an unhappy camper. All the time.
People magazine headline from this morning: Jake Gyllenhaal's Dinner Date - With His Mom!
It's almost scary to think that we may be able to enjoy for the first time in 3 years, a Reeke-less Jake. I know that most of us still hold that slightest of breath. Heck, when I came on to OMG, he was already Reeke-attached so I have no idea what it's like otherwise.
Boy, both of their publicists are using People.com totally to stage this thing, aren't they? People is orchestrating it all, doing all the groundwork.
That's how you know, people. All the believers in Reeke, who thought they could be real. This is how you know what a HW-staged production a relationship, any kind of relationship, can be. When it is handled by a high-profile, public-trusted, glossy go-to source like People magazine.
It's like watching a machine. Almost scary the way the public is treated with such disrespect.
Well, I have a one night dogsitting gig tonight. The wieners. And they have a new sissie, another wiener. I may be watching them over the Christmas holiday - still up in the air for certain. Thank goodness there's a connection at their house that I have always been able to use.
Hope everyone has a good day today. It's freezing here. Only 9 degrees.
After watching sister Maggie's new movie Crazy Heart, Jake Gyllenhaal and mom Naomi grabbed dinner together at Kate Mantilini in Beverly Hills. "They seemed to enjoy their soup [since] it was cold outside," a fellow diner says, adding, "Jake was looking good and super-attentive to his mother."
People is lazyyyyy
the dinner date with mom come from twitter.
I bet next time it'll be reeke dinner date :
"2 Hands Diamonds Cab for them! RT @JasHmineCorpuz Last night Jake Gyllenhall and Reese Witherspoon came in to eat. didn't get to see them"
twitter rule said...
People is lazyyyyy
the dinner date with mom come from twitter.
I bet next time it'll be reeke dinner date :
"2 Hands Diamonds Cab for them! RT @JasHmineCorpuz Last night Jake Gyllenhall and Reese Witherspoon came in to eat. didn't get to see them"
Dream on Babbler.
Tobey McGuire just got a Golden Globe nomination for best Actor for Brothers.
good for him but certainly not the most subtle performance of the movie.
Tobey has no shot at winning and will most likely not get an Oscar nomination. His competition is tough. Jeff Bridges, Colin Firth, Morgan Freeman and George Clooney are pretty stiff competition.
Tobey is definitely the 5th nominee on that list. I think Daniel Day Lewis or Matt Damon will get that fifth nom for an Oscar. Those two actors got a nomination for Best Actor in a Comedy/Musical. There are two categories for Best Actor at the Golden Globes. Drama and Comedy/Musical. Robert Downey Junior also got a nomination for Best Actor Comedy/ Musical.
No Globe nominations for Abbie or Maggie.
Golden Globe Nomination for NPH
Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role in a Series, Mini-Series or a Motion Picture Made for Television
Michael Emerson, "Lost"
Neil Patrick Harris, "How I Met Your Mother"
William Hurt, "Damages"
John Lithgow, "Dexter"
Jeremy Piven, "Entourage"
Yeah Neil!
Hello everyboy,
I hope you are all fine. Hey Prairie girl you have 9 degrees at your home? be brave lol it's freezing here too and I am kniting a hat and a scarf to face the cold.( not so gifted with my hands , wonder if I am going to finish it lol)
I am happy for Tobbey even if I am not a fan. Really satisfied to see Colin Firth and Jeff Bridges ( he deserved it), two actors I love.
But glamour VIP Georrrrrge again LOL. Ok I stop my complain and I even wish him to win an award as realisator on day ..but just as realisator!
I just watched the last documents about POP and It seems not so bad after all, images are pretty well made and jake growns on me as the prince.
I would want to see more infos about Nailed, love and drugs and source code though, didn't know david bowie's son was realisator !
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