......Some things don't.
And before the Olympics finish up we had to go there.
It's a little a trip in the way back machine, Olympic Style. (Guess soon the machine will be ditched for a dagger)
The year was 2006, medals, competition, Oscars, Lakers, and chatter and speculation was high.
First their was Sophia on the beach picture right after Lakers 1 and does any remember about a month after Lakers 2?
Something like this?
"US Weekly is reporting that Jake Gyllenhaal has a new girlfriend. She is Gretchen Bleiler, an Olympic snowboarder from Toledo, Ohio. She is supposedly moving to LA just to be with Jakey. Sounds like a perfect match since Jake has become this outdoor guy who spends most of his time biking, surfing, skate-boarding and more. I have not seen any pics of the couple together so stay tuned but it would be nice to see Jake move on from Kirsten and Austin : ) "Now Perez and US Weekly did have it up back then but mysteriously no more. Hmmmm Hmmm Hmmmmm. But thank goodness for Popsugar.
Gretchen was on the Olympic snowboard team again for this Olympics. But think it won't work out this time either. Not when you have Quatchi, there in Vancouver.You know how Jake likes to hang with a Sasquatch. You wonder, is it those brown eyes, those ears, that grin or maybe those big feet? And who knew that Quatchi's favorite color is chill blue?
Some things really don't change, do they? ; )
Saturday, February 27, 2010
As much as things change
Posted by
Special K
5:12 PM
Labels: Jake, Olympics, Sasquatch, Way Back Machine
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Name, everyone, name!! snap, snap!
Great contribution to the post but unfortuantely it's going to get deleted.
Jake gets rumored & paired up with more people, I swear. lol. If all these people were on a dance card, he would need a case of paper from Staples to cover it all.
Incredibly sad story about Marie Osmond's son. I saw the story on People.com where it appeared as a breaking story and it's taken a couple of hours for it to hit other websites.
I feel so bad for her and her entire family. How alone and despaired a person must feel to want to end their life. It's just heartwrenching. And what it does to those left behind. It's lifechanging and it's devestating.
I know I have said this before on WFT but ESPN magazine had an article on Gretchen Bleier and she and her boyfriend said they thought those Jake rumors were strange and they laughed at them.
February 27, 2010 5:25 PM
Hey doing this for you but this isn't WFT you gotta use a name over here.
OMG Special this song.
My bad about the Troubadour, I mixed up the clubs. Jake was at the Troubadour to see Mumford & Sons.
This song cracks me up and I have wanted to use it for ages. Cause you know it's all about the Quatchi. LOL
I had them covered, too, 1745, lol. Had it saved in case.
I'm off to have dinner with a friend and my sister who I've seen like only a couple times in 3 weeks. Need to feed the wieners.
And the sun is out today to beat the band. It is glorious out today.
That's it, you guys rub it in on how great the song is today, lol.
I'll see you all later. I need to get away from this thing.
Jake in NYC.
Twitters are tweeting.
Uh, yea. Jake Gyllenhaal has his arm around me. Bad pic of me tho. http://post.ly/PwEQ
about 1 hours ago via Twittelator
Celebrity spotting #2: Jake Gyllenhaal in Katz's Deli with a camera crew (photography). Very handsome in person. Quite nice to all the peeps about
3 hours ago via web
Ran into Jake Gyllenhaal in Economy Candy! (@ Economy Candy) http://4sq.com/4nXGfz
about 3 hours ago via foursquare
Another pic of Jake in NY.
Just finished getting my sick cut to do a photo shoot with Jake Gyllenhaal for GQ magazine but first I will challenge him to match with ...
about 6 hours ago
My cell phone
Actually I need another celebrity victim! I got Susan Surandon, mike myers, and Christopher Meloni!
I need a new victim! Jake Gyllenhaal......... You going down! For sure!
Cool to see Jake in NYC out and about. Good grief, though, was it a whirlwind tour or what?
With a camera crew? Wonder what for?
Funny pictures, too.
Thanks for posting the twitters!
Hey PG. I am around. between work and the Olympics I avent on line much. Plus the last set of sophin pics really but a bad taste in my mouth and it is just better for me to keep quiet for a while.
Seaweed got ur message. I did work a full day today. Will call you soon.
NG Spesh has my email address. She will forward it to you when you ask her to.
I wonder who the guy was next to Jake. No way that was Austin.
^^^ havent been on line much
PG, it looks like Jake was shooting pictures for a GQ magazine, wonder if we will see it for PoP promotion.
Think he's going to have a lot of busy weekends between now and May 1 pulling some double duty with Source Code and some pr stuff for PoP. Including a quick trip out to Vegas for the PoP showing at ShowWest. And then he is going to be going full force in May doing press for PoP.
The clip of Austin and Sophia at the airport looks like it was a time filler for TMZ's TV show, because checking the website there's not one mention of it there.
Didn't someone insist that Austin got a dog in Wilmy? But in the TMZ vid when the pap asks questions about the dogs, Austin looks at Sophia for her answers. If a pet is yours or if you're a couple who shares a pet, then you know the pet and you don't have to wait for someone else to respond to questions about the animal. They were her dogs; not his and not theirs.
I have one just like hers!
Walked down through Central Park late this afternoon on the way to dinner and a night out. It was so beautiful; even though it was been a couple of days since the storm there was still a lot of snow on the trees, which is unusual, especially since it was also a warm day.
I don't think I've heard this song since I saw the movie, I'd forgotten all about it.
Good catch about the dogs. Not that we don't know Sophin is not real, but for those who insist we just don't know about them. ;)
Tom, I'm curious, why do you say no way that is Austin in the People photo?
LOL "Jake". I bet yours has pink stones in it.
"Jake". I bet yours has pink stones in it.
They're blue to match my eyes.
My writing was stolen and not credited on your entry about Frances Faye. I wrote you an email and never heard back. Please add my credit. Cheers, Tyler
Sorry about that Tyler, I don't always get to the emails that often. I was trying combined several sources about Frances, I should have given you credit for some the quotes that I used. I will make sure you are listed at with credit.
Tyler I put a credit on the Spotlight.
I know its off topic, but I feel so bad for Marie Osborne for the loss of her son. Sad that someone so young was that unhappy. Heartbreaking.
so sarah's mom called Jake Gyllenhaal, Jake Jerkinoff. LMFAO.
about 2 hours ago via txt
http://twitpic.com/15rvac - i love him
about 5 hours ago via TwitPic
http://twitpic.com/15rv4a I took a picture with my cell phone?
about 5 hours ago via TwitPic
hahaha everyone buy the April issue of GQ magazine. me & my friends are gonna be in there with Jake Gylenhaal : D
about 5 hours ago via txt
hahaha everyone buy the April issue of GQ magazine. i'm gonna be in there with Jake Gylenhaal : D
about 5 hours ago via txt
tonight was the most fun night ever. meeting Jake Gylenhaal, Blue Man Group, and NYC with my girls. love my life. <3 about 6 hours ago via txt
toook a bunch of pics with Jake Gylenhaal. adorable guyyy, sweetest ever.
about 10 hours ago via mobile web
http://twitpic.com/15puaa- again!
about 10 hours ago via TwitPic
http://twitpic.com/15pu72 - jakeeyyy
about 10 hours ago via TwitPic
http://twitpic.com/15pu2m jake : )
about 10 hours ago via TwitPic
holy fucking shit i just met jake gillanalll!
about 10 hours ago via txt
HOLY SHIT. I just met Toby Mcguiree
about 11 hours ago via txt
so sarah's mom called Jake Gyllenhaal, Jake Jerkinoff LOL
Destiny I just dont think Jake would take the chance and be out in public with Austin like that. Plus the arm around the back doesnt look like a romantic gesture to me. I am not sure who the guy is and why he was cut out of the pic but I just cant see it being Austin.
It could have been Dad and they didnt wanna make Mom jealous. Or it could have been Chris or some other friend of Jakes and they just didnt wanna expose him to any romantic comments. Jake is gonna be single during Pop promotion but they will be very careful when it comes to any romantic ties with men. That is why Jake didnt go to the Lakers game alone and the str8 guy leg spread pose comments from posters were funny.
Jake sure is being real fan friendly lately. Sounds like he is taking his own paps with him to record this. Sure is a big change over the last couple of years. Jakle life is so orchestrated I wonder if he gets it confused with reality sometimes. I am sure Jake is not the only HW star who lives their life this way.
I think Jake was mirroring Maggies pose in that picture.
If that guy wasn't Austin it was definitely someone that is as tall as him. Jakes arm is going up in the picture and what we see in the picture isn't the top of the guys shoulder yet.
So the size alone would rule out Stephen and Chris, since they're both roughly the same height as Jake.
The pic was taken at an industry event. I think it's just the general public they don't want to know about their relationship, in the business they don't really care who knows. So it's not too out there that he would show up there with Austin.
I'm not getting your point about Jake and the Lakers game. Wouldn't he have gone all alone instead of with the one guy apart from Austin that he's had a lot of relationship rumors about if the rumors are what he wants to avoid at all cost?
As for Jake in NY: The camera crew following him around was for the photoshoot he was doing.
And all the fanpics just serve to prove that people do take pics of stars and post them when they talk about it on twitter. So we should be really reluctant to buy all the tweets right away that don't have pics to back it up.
So it's not too out there that he would show up there with Austin.
Austin was in New York on Sunday (late evening), that industry event was on Monday and Jake was in Montreal on Tuesday.
I know that picture is not much to go on but I agree with Stubborn.
Jake's arm is clearly "up". It's not straight across along the back of the seat. It's a small thing to notice but it's very obvious and impossible to argue against.
I hadn't noticed before but until Stubborn and someone else yesterday said the same thing. He does appear to be mirroring.
And if that is so, it's revealing and it's an endearing gesture.
To me, Jake gives off a totally different vibe in that picture. If people ever wanted to see the remarkable difference between "Reeke Jake" and "Jake", they would need to be open to comparing pictures of him with her and then look at a picture like this or one of him with Austin.
And it could be someone else close to him or another family member who lives in the LA area or something.
If it was Mr. G, I wouldn't be able to figure out why they would clip him out. Because that would have been the ultimate "Maggie's Men" shot. Her dad, her husband and her brother. So why would you edit Mr. G out?
Monday February 15 was a holiday (President’s day) and there was no OTH filming. Sophia was photographed at fashion shows that day with a girl friend and later alone returning to her hotel. Austin was nowhere around her. He did the photo ops on Sunday and then he may have travelled to LA from NYC. Even if he travelled Monday morning, with direct flights, the time difference and that he was not spotted anywhere else, it’s very possible that he was at the event with Jake on Monday. I believe it was Austin in the People Magazine photograph. The size of the man next to Jake, the type of jacket and hands match Austin’s.
LOL I hope it's not poor Evelyn. Posters already thought she was a boy in the backseat of Jake's car!
it’s very possible that he was at the event with Jake on Monday
It is very unlikely that Austin would go to LA for just a day to be with Jake. This weekend, Friday - Sunday, Jake is in New York, but Austin went to LA.
So it's not too out there that he would show up there with Austin.
Austin was in New York on Sunday (late evening), that industry event was on Monday and Jake was in Montreal on Tuesday.
But Austin could be in LA on Tuesday and Wed, he didn't have to rush back.
Maybe they didn't need more than a day to overlap, but someone else might have needed just one to be in LA longer.
Who? Someone small and not too tall.
Obviously Austin wasn't going to shoot until Sophia got back from Fashion Week, so he had time and could be in LA. And it looks like Jake had to get Montreal more than few days ahead of when rehearsals started.
Maybe they got a bonus of a night out together as they had that one day overlap.
And Jake out with Austin and the whole idea of him having his arm around him and you can only see part of him. But it is one thing that people know that he has his arm around a guy.
Sometimes a lot of tiny steps have to come before giant leaps. Maybe it's easing into bigger things and getting the public use to seeing Jake with guys again first, then seeing him with his arm around a guy with family,yet not show who it is, and then maybe seeing him out with Austin (biking, hanging, whatever casual thing) in the next few weeks/months, then maybe see them tpgether more and more in the summer.
You can get into the pool two ways, you can jump in or you can ease you way in it. But in the end you're in the pool either way. Maybe it's less about jumping and making a big splash, and really more easing into it and people just saying, hey when did you get here, I didn't realize you were.
The People pic was taken here. The restaurant/jazz club was closed to the general public that night; Crazy Heart was a private party.
"This weekend, Friday - Sunday, Jake is in New York, but Austin went to LA"
Austin arrived in LA on Wednesday. We don't know where he was this weekend. Maybe he was in NYC for the weekend.
Article re 2/15 Crazy Heart party: CMT News
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