There is something big happening this weekend, and not I'm not talking the Super Bowl. Fashion Week kicks off in NYC this weekend.
Now what does that have anything to do with Jake and Austin?
Yeah and?
Well who looooooooooves Fashion Week and goes to ever show she can get into?
Way back when two years ago, and a OMG missing poster when out Austin popped up with Matt Frost and Sophia at some Fashion Week after parties, and showing big blue to boot.
Way back when two years ago, and a OMG missing poster when out Austin popped up with Matt Frost and Sophia at some Fashion Week after parties, and showing big blue to boot.

Well anyway, now you would think that would mean Austin might be in NY this weekend ? But maybe not. Show after Show, photo op after photo op, swag bag after swag bag. Who has time for anything else but fashion. Clothes over Bros!

Nothing like a a few tackles, some holding, and little backfield in motion.

Hey it's the Super Bowl people what do you think I was suggesting? ; )
It's not everyday your movie get a 30 second 3 million dollar Super Bowl commercial.

Nothing like a a few tackles, some holding, and little backfield in motion.
Phialdelphia is getting clobbered. Over 18 inches and still snowing. The further South you go the worse it is. In the Balt/DC area there is already over 20 inches.
Hmmmmm. I wonder why Jake is in Austin, Texas. Does he know anyone there? I bet he is at the Super Bowl tomorrow and Austin goes to NYC for the fashion shows with his friend Sophia.
Austin went to Italy or at least he said he went to Italy after Maggies wedding and even took pictures. Those pictures probably were taken during the wedding time. PR was probably scared to death a photo would pop up while he was over there for the wedding and they needed a cover. No one knows fore sure when a pic was actually taken.
I bet Austin was an usher. I bet he looked so damn cute:-)
same clothes he wore that weekend
To be fair, you can't assume that the gasoline pics were taken the same day as the med center. Anyone who's followed Jake for a few years will tell you he has a tendency to wear the same clothes over and over. They're clean (I hope), he just likes the look and feel of the outfits I guess. For example look at IHJ here; same outfit worn 10/12, 10/15, 10/16, same tshirt combo 09/25 (that must've been what started it all, lol). [Btw ignore bottom pics...sorry but they're on the same page]
SinPantalones: RT @HeatherTx Spotted: Jake Gyllenhall in Austin Whole Foods [She says he's tall and has great eyebrows.]
23 minutes ago
bcperez: OMG!!!! Just saw freaking Jake Gylenhal on town lake! WTF !!!! Seriously!!!!!! Ahhhh
41 minutes ago
Don't you get it Tom? Sophia is busy in NY, Austin's in Texas with Jake.
I just saw a Peregrine falcon come to the bird feeder.
Don't tell "Birdwatch" that the falcon was at the birdfeeder for food....and I don't mean seeds.
peyton said...
Don't you get it Tom? Sophia is busy in NY, Austin's in Texas with Jake.
Hope ur right Peyton. By the way Good luck tomorrow:-)
Well if Jake is in Austin, Texas he sure is being a lot less careful.
Lance and Matthew - Good evening from the @livestrong and @jklivin families. Have a great wknd, y'all. #jkls.
about 16 hours ago
Yes, we know that carnivore. It's nature's way - and I didn't see any carnage because the birds all split.
Don't tell "Birdwatch" that the falcon was at the birdfeeder for food....and I don't mean seeds.
Kinda like you, eh? Always coming to OMG to pick about something. Get a life.
I have had a feeder and have been doing this survey for YEARS and I have seen a peregrine in this tree only three times in all that time, and never has taken a bird. I think the pair live in the area.
jake gyllenhaal is in austin. how do i know? he's sitting next to me at jo's.
8 minutes ago
SaraOsburn: ummm.Cass and I just ran into Jake freaking Gyllenhaal in Austin. best celebrity sighting ever. we acted like 2 school girls.
9 minutes ago
jake gyllenhal was at town lake this morning. i will find him by the end of the night and make him love me like a fat kid loves cake!!
4 minutes ago
Ok, so i swear i saw jake gyllenhaal running at town lake. i mean 80% positive. Is this possible?
2 minutes ago
I should say I have only positively identified a peregrine once in the entire time I have been doing this survey - which is years. They've got competition out there too - bald eagles, red-tailed hawks, kestrels and Cooper's hawks. They also eat rodents (so you'd better be careful, Carnivore). I don't appreciate ignorant comments by people who know nothing about nor care about biology and the environment, and think people couldn't possibly know certain things because they are as dumb as they are.
Cute post today Special.
Sure a lot of sightings of Jake, sounds like he's there for sure.
Hiya dest! Good tweets, aren't they :)
Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Jo's on South Congress. Brokeback.
7 minutes ago
evfurman: Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at Jo's on South Congress. Brokeback.
6 minutes ago from UberTwitter
CarmenForACause: ATX rocks! RT @RadioCass: Just met jake gyllenhaal. @saraosburn and I were geeking out. LOL
less than a minute ago from Echofon
It sounds like Jake's in Austin and all over town.
Wonder who he would say his favorite Austinite is? ; )
Hi London!! Yes they are very lovely tweets.
NYC got lucky and missed the snow completely, at least in Manhattan. Heard there might be a few inches out at Coney Island.
By the way, fashion week is next weekend, so we could still see Austin pop in NYC, it'll be interesting to see if he does.
No OTH filming for Austin and Sophia next week?
They can use stock footage of Brooke whining crying and fighting. They have enough for the rest of the season.
Um OMFG. Jake Gyllenhaal just walked right by me...
6:05 PM Feb 5th
@MaryWadeBell just saw Jake again... Should drive up to Austin...
28 minutes ago
From WTF2, BTW Fashion week in NY hasn't started yet:
No you wouldn't but he is a friend of Jake and Chris from MV, he moved to Austin to attend film school and stayed there. He did a very well received documentary a few years ago called Crawford. I think Jake was one of the backers od the documentary.
If you go to IHJ and look at the pics of when Jake was at the Bafta's in 2006, he is the guy that is holding the umbrella for Jake on the red carpet. It was speculated then that he was helping David by introducing him to some indie types.
He has Jake's Mom friended on his facebook:!/modigliani1
He has been in TX for 2 days and all the sightings are of him solo, just like he was in SF, hmm.
Decrypting the FB post the guy's name is David Modigliani
No way to know if Jake was solo, he could be with other people, including Austin, who I still think most people don't know.
And right, we're supposed to think Jake went to Austin to spend time with some guy's film he allegedly produced. If he'd done that there would be some mention of it. I remember this talk when Jake was seen in Austin around Austin's birthday, some people were desperate to come up with another reason why he was in Austin.
Jake Gylenhall (sp?) is at Jo's on South Congress.
about 1 hour ago
I'm at Jo's Coffee (1300 South Congress Ave, James St W, Austin) w/ 2 others.
about 1 hour ago
"No way to know if Jake was solo, he could be with other people, including Austin, who I still think most people don't know."
there would be mention of other people I think.
I find it hard to believe that Austin still wouldn't be recognized in the city he was raisedin after OTH at least. Hell even after JFC.
If he was with other people it would be mentioned.
There is a real push all day that Jake was in Austin for everybody else than Austin. Think many doth protest too much.
First it was Matt and Lance and then its a old friend from MV. The agenda that you don't want him to be in Austin with Austin rings loud and clear.
The weather has been lousy in NC coast this weekend with rain, maybe change of plans and Austin skedaddled back to Austin for an early Valentine hook'em horns. ; )
Unless a celebrity is with another celebrity, it is pretty rare for someone to mention in a twitter who someone is with when they have a star sighting. Not enough characters to get in all that information. People want to know where, they could usually care less about the who.
"The agenda that you don't want him to be in Austin with Austin rings loud and clear."
waiting for pics.
Its over for now. 28.5 inches in Phila. Over 30 inches in Balt/DC. More expected on Wed. What a winter.
Regardless of whether Jake is seen or photographed out with Austin in Austin, one thing is clear: he's out and about in a number of places where he can be seen. Jake wants us to know he is in Austin.
Wow, that is a lot of snow Tom. Hope it doesn't cause too much trouble for you and anyone else in such a snowy place.
Snow free in Boston. Crazy! But we may get some again with that Wed storm.
Be careful shoveling.
How many words can be used in a tweet?
You can use 140 characters (letters) in a single tweet
Jake Gyllenhaal (with space) is 15 characters or 10.71% of the tweet
Damn. It is hard to believe NYC and Boston didnt get hit. Especially NYC. The storm came from the West and the South. You just missed it Destiny. I am not digging out till tomorrow. It is not gonna be easy. Temps are really supposed to drop tonight.
Wonder what the Temp is in Austin, Texas. Maybe it is Grandmoms or Grandpops Birthday. Sorry to nonbelievers but if Jake is in Austin it has to do with Mr. Nichols.
my friend swears she saw jake gyllenhaal jogging in south austin today, i told her i'd consult twitter about it. anyone know?
2 minutes ago
@jennifersinski yes Jake Gyllenhaal is in town, was at a party for his best friend last night
half a minute ago
Party for Austin?
maybe rocknreality can tell us more. guess she/he means austin as best friend but who was at this party?
I doubt David is Jakes best friend.
This appears to be the only party Jake attened last night, unless he went to 2. If you read his previous tweets, he attened a I Luv Video 25th anniversity party, no mention of Austin or David who are minor celebs in Austin. unless he was there with David and he was introduced as his best friend:
weetlips777: I swear to god Jake Gyllenhaal was at the party I was at tonight...
about 17 hours ago from mobile web
Tom, you have no idea who Jake thinks is his best friend. david has been freinds with both Jake and Chris since the MV days, just because one is more visible doesn't mean he doesn't consider him a good friend.
It has been reported that Jake was one of his backers on the Crawford documentary, traveled to the UK with Jake in 2006 for the Baftas·and he and Jake's Mom have friended each other on their facebooks.
Don't you find it odd that Jake has been tweeted solo? When Austin was in ausrin previously he was tweeted because he was recognized.
Jake is doing the things he usually does when he is in L.A. and NY: Coffee, whole foods, etc.
I just am amazed at the sheer amount of possibilities that come out of the woodwork to why Jake is in Austin as soon as someone speculates that he could be there with Austin. Amazing!
It is amazing, isn't it Special. Heath shippers, Chris shippers, Austin haters, troll and babblers all trying convince us that jake is in Austin for any reason other than Austin.
Jake knows what we're going to think if he is seen there, and yet, apparently, if twitters are to be believed (not sure I believe all of them, but too many this time to think he is not in Austin), he was in some very public places.
Jake was not a backer of that film. He was one of many celebrities who saw it and lent their support to it in order to get it some publicity. You can check out who produced it on IMDB, nary a word about Jake, Mary Steenbergen, Ted Danson or any of the other celebrity supporters. And we're supposed to believe he traveled to Austin just because this guy is a friend of his mom's?
And if this guy is such a good friend, and someone that it was no problem for him to hang with, why didn't we get Jake in Austin during two+ years of Reeke????
Can you explain why Jake has been there solo for 2 days except for those 2 girls shushu and paige? And the Tweet about the party last night was probably the same I Luv Video party that he was at and no mention that he was withanyone else. And please don't play dumb and say that austin wouldn't be recognized, he sure was recognized before, that's why we knew he was there unless you think those were fake because he was with Sophia, LOL!!!
Love how you cherry pick things SK and ignore the possible David connection , or OMG!! He may be visiting people we know nothing about, imagine that! And Austin, a city that is very progressive and has a very active indie film and music scean, no way would jake or any other other person interested in those things wouldn't want to hang out there or have friends that maybe invited him for some Superbowl party, amazing!!!
I think you are annoyed that that he seems to be alone so far.
he could be there with austin like for others reasons too.
And please don't play dumb and say that austin wouldn't be recognized, he sure was recognized before
Read tweets - Austin was recognised: "Jake Gyllenhaal is in town, was at a party for his best friend last night".
Because Destiny, David lives in Austin, we barely saw Chris during that time. True he wasn't a backer, only sat on the film board in MV to review it and give feedback but if you check out the pics on IHJ from the Baftas in 2006, David is the guy holding the umbrella for Jake on the red carpet.
I think he may have been in the audience as well when he won, not sure. Sound like more than Mommy's pal.
You are off the radar if your home ase is un Austin, TX.
Why are you threatened by poor David???
I read the tweets duh, if he was recognized they would have named him like they did when he was there with Sophis, and don't tell me that chick didn't recognize him, please.
The party Jake attened was for some video store, unless Austin owns it, why would it be a party for his best friend? Maybe he went ti 2 seperate parties and the party for his best friend=austin was a superbowl party!
The legs around Austin's neck belong to Sophia. Check out the thick ankles on her.Those are the same shoes with the strap around her ankles in the photo above. Matthew Frost took that photo. Austin and Sophia have been together for several years. He dissappears on the weekends to spend time with her.
The legs around Austin's neck belong to Sophia.
Jake and Chris went to Austin, TX just in time for Austins birthday. They were not there the week before when the movie that you're talking about actually premiered.
Why are you threathened by poor Austin???
Where's BT?
Maybe at Grammy and Grampy Nichol's house in Austin.
The legs around Austin's neck belong to Sophia. Check out the thick ankles on her.Those are the same shoes with the strap around her ankles
My thighs are not that fat!
Kinda like you, eh? Always coming to OMG to pick about something. Get a life.
WOW. WOW WOW WOW. A comment about a peregrine falcon and the poster basically gets called a troll. This is why I really don't care for OMG; too many chips on shoulders, too much misdirected anger, and petty opportunists jumping at any chance to repel others from joining in the convo, no matter how minute the subject is. Sure it's probably just one rotten apple, but what a bad, sour and tainted impression it leaves on the whole blog and its contributors.
I don't appreciate ignorant comments by people who know nothing about nor care about biology and the environment
I am an ornithologist; I studied at Cornell. "Birdwatch" you need to stop jumping to conclusions and insulting others about their "ignorance" - especially when it is clear that the statement made in regards to animal behavior was accurate. I don't get it - why so much anger from you? You're doing a good, very much needed service that helps avian research statistics. A lot of people love and know birds; don't lash out at them.
Btw once I was out in the field and a male PF followed me and hovered for quite some time. It wasn't mating season so I knew it wasn't a territory/nesting problem. I'm small with dark hair; I think he thought I was a big mouse and he was trying to figure out the best way to snatch me up! I'll never forget the look on his face..and yes believe it or not, birds do have expressions!
Sorry for OT. Back to Jake in Austin. Or is it Austin in Jake in Austin? Heh.
Hi Suvee and UV, I saw all your talk over at GB about Jake's good friend David, and how Suvee said she was just going to "pretend" that is why Jake is in Austin even if it isn't the reason.
Whats up with the bird argument? Am I missing something.
I hope we get a pic of Jake in Austin.
Jake has never been seen with Austin in Austin even went he went there for his birthday. It would be an awesome sight to see. Maybe we will someday.
Man. This day was hilarious to come back to.
Jake in Austin and people come up with all kinds of alternatives for why he was there and who he could have been there for/with except Austin!!! Who we all know is from there and has family there.
Amazing. Just amazing. I think it's hilarious. I'm just enjoying it all.
Phew!! Just got back from dinner and a stop at the ol' apartment to get another carload of "stuff". That's the only bad thing about being away so long; trying to plan what you're going to wear for the next 3 weeks. lol. Multiple prs of shoes. Food. Awww..Curly's back on his couch. He has his own little loveseat couch that's his with his own pillow.
I'll have to take his picture and put it up. He really is a cutie and he's so good.
I'm really kind of flabberghasted with humor.
People arguing over who Jake's best friend (BFF) is. People trying to convince others that this David Modglianianiai guy is suddenly his best friend.
Unbelievable. If it wasn't so stupifying, I'd be laughing. But I'm too flabberghasted to laugh, I guess.
I like the tweet of Jake jogging in Austin. Sounds like something a visitor would do when they're staying at somebody's house, rather than a hotel when they would most likely use the workout room.
Tom, I think it was just a troll stirring. :)
This person thinks they are clever - they are the one who made the snarky comment to someone who was making an innocent comment. I think the PF was looking to take a crap on a good target - not only do they have expressions, but they know a BS story when they hear it.
I see Reese has been seen out with her real BF now. No need to hide.
I see Reese has been seen out with her real BF now. No need to hide.
That whole picture montage was another big laugh. That guy made her look like the size of Yoda. And of course, he's a work colleague!! If Reese went through eharmony, the computer would probably still spit out a work colleague.
^^I haven't seen it, but I read it somewhere. I just thought it was interesting - she must have someone in he life, and it's looking more and more like it isn't/wasn't Jake. Why is it so farfetched that it could be a work colleage?
The guy works for CAA and that looked like a business dinner with a photo op. Everything to make clients happy! lol
Looks like being the operative word, but who cares? It's interesting that the truth is coming out, that's all.
"I like the tweet of Jake jogging in Austin. Sounds like something a visitor would do when they're staying at somebody's house, rather than a hotel when they would most likely use the workout room.'
He was running around Town Lake, the Four Seasons hotel is situated around Town Lake, the jogging path passes it.
Go back to GB UV. We could care less what you think, babbling your nonsense when the only logical explanation as to why Jake is in Austin is because of Austin. Oh, that's right, you don't allow free speech over there, so no one can talk about Austin, so you have to come here.
Donnie Darko on at 1am on MTV.
I watch Donnie Darko all the time up here in heaven.
The guy works for CAA and that looked like a business dinner with a photo op.
ITA. Apparently he was the unlucky soul who drew the short stick when CAA had the "Who has to go on a public date with Bitchface because we can't get any clients to do it" lottery.
Plus, the guy to me "looks" gay. Don't ask me why, he just does. I'm sure the date set his mind at ease, if he had had any doubts in the past, about if being gay was the right thing for him.
If Reese's date wasn't gay before, he is now.
If babblers were not secretly worried that Jake is gay, they would not be so threatened by the idea that Jake is visiting Austin to see Austin. They try to convince themselves that Jake is straight, but there are too many signals otherwise to ignore.
No wonder Jake got out of LA. The rain has caused flooding, mud, and sinkholes. Many homes in Hollywood Hills are threatened. A house on Nichols Canyon slid down.
Huh, in those Tweets that placed Sophia in Austin, wasn't the person she was spotted with called 'that Jon from Cincinnati guy'?
No name, just a misspelling of a character he played several years ago.
I wouldn't call that being recognized.
The silence from parts of the fandom is positively Stalinist. I'm enjoying it.
_SpecialKay_: Lol went to bar 4100 and had drinks with jake gyllenhaal haha
about 1 hour ago from web
Location 33.852297, -117.839019
Anaheim, CA
He was running around Town Lake, the Four Seasons hotel is situated around Town Lake, the jogging path passes it.
Yeah, whatever. When you know his room number there, too, can you let me know? Oh! And whether it's a smoking or non-smoking room? Oh! And whether he's having Sunday brunch there this morning? That way, we can all discuss it here today. I'd love to speculate what he'll pick on the brunch buffet. hmmm....I would love it if he went for the scrambled eggs w/gravy, bacon and enchiladas. Wouldn't that be a hoot.
JoEllen is a dumpy small-town hausfrau trying to be good and stick to her bowl of dry salad, but unable to resist the call of the chocolate cake she keeps moving around from the icebox to the cupboard to the stove.
_SpecialKay_ 'haha no, just a damn good look alike, he was some chicks bf.....but he was nice :)'
Whole Foods Austin yesterday from FB: 'Ashley Aubuchon: Almost knocked down Jake Gyllenhall at work. He said sorry, i wished i could quit him.'
LOL. The nervousness is really giving me a good snicker, sorry.
You know, I reckon on the unlikeliest of notes, we could have a paparazzi pic of Austin & Jake having full-out, spitfirin' sex on the hood of Jake's car in a parking lot somewhere with both of them sporting deer-in-the-headlights eyes right at the camera, and some people would still, still come up with an explanation as to why it was happening, like perhaps it was really the shooting of a movie scene. "Oh yeah, that's why." or "Nooooo, I think that's really insert name of any other male. Said male's hair sometimes gets curly like that."
It's a good thing that these sightings of Jake in Texas are a little confusing and vague, as only Twitter can provide. Good thing there haven't been any Twitter mentions of Austin, because it could be a fullscale war on here, I reckon. And wouldn't that be untidy.
Funny, though. Austin being awfully silent right now. Last weekend, too. Not even any Sophin tweets. Rather strange.
And Curly is an absolute bed hog.
Geesh!!! I don't know how much he weighs, my guess would be 60-80 lbs. But there is no budging that guy. Some idiot called the house @ 4:30 this morning and I just about fell out of bed trying to answer it because Curly had me right on the edge. And it must be a king sized bed, for crying out loud.
Man. He is out, too. Not even getting up with me.
Oh oh! Got 'em stirred up, do I? Sorry, Special!
I gotta go shower now anyway. See if I can get Curly out of bed to go do his business before I leave.
She said if he doesn't want to go out, don't make him. But gee whiz, how can a dog hold it forever?
You all have a good morning.
David Modigliani is grey goose. That's why Jake is in Austin
All the tweets we have had from Austin so far and none from the Four Seasons Hotel.
He's staying at David's place.
Austin has spoken of his house in Austin being near Connie Britton's who was on FNL when Austin guest starred. There's no place like home.
Since he's the moniker giver, and the one who writes about this stuff, didn't Ted say that Gray Goose was an actor?
Is David Modigliani an actor?
Since Grey Goose is a brand of Vodka, and Austin Nichols is a brand of Whiskey, that Ted bestowed nickname makes sense.
Why Grey Goose for David Modigliani? What's the connection there? Wouldn't a nickname with a more artistic/artist bent be more appropriate?
Why Grey Goose for David Modigliani?
Ask UV, trolly and other babblers, that is their latest project - to convince the world that Jake can't be in Austin, TX to see Austin and his family, it has to be someone else!
that is their latest project - to convince the world that Jake can't be in Austin
lol, they are providing more evidence than you are for your Jake/Austin/BT stroll around Town Lake
What evidence, trolly? Do tell!
Jake is staying with his in-laws. Where else would he stay? I bet it is Grandpops or Grandmoms Birthday?
Posted on WFT2
From Facebook...
Katherine McIver: Jenny just texted me that Jake Gyllenhaal's at Ruby's!
Fri at 8:29pm
Libby McIver: that's cool... there will uber-A-Listers at Emi's place on Tuesday, but it's not official so I won't gossip. (But we might get to find out once and for who's back together with who....hint hint)
Yesterday at 9:23am
Raging Leonard: While everyone at work as wetting themselves over helping Jake Gyllenhall, I actually helped a real star today; Joe Ely. He was very plesant.
Yesterday at 9:11pm
Talk about misdirected anger - some don't like the fact that Jake was anywhere in the great state of Texas, and have to come here to harass and bully, either that or they are jealous of something. :)
If OMG considers me a bad apple, they can invite me to leave, but until then I will visit and post. Funny that a benign post about birds would bring these kinds of overly dramatic, condescending responses, but we've seen that before with the Babblefuhrer with many observances. UV/FL go home!
^^and add insecure about something to that list. :)
Jake gyllenhall sighting at jos coffeeshop
10 minutes ago
Location Carmen Sandiego [children's television game show]
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