Jake gave Maggie some sound advice about the Oscar race:
"There isn't actually anything at the end of the rainbow," "It's a lot of fun and enjoy it in that spirit. If you make it mean too much more than that, you'll probably go astray."
And with today being Shrove Tuesday,(Pancake Day) feel like we must pass on some advice ourselves. The rainbow is your own journey. But pancakes we got to step in. Because when uncle cred can't save them, that's bad, really bad, you got things stack up against you.
So Jake, listen up? Here's some pancake advice.Go Fresh - Use the freshest ingredients you can get your hands on. And maybe not go for the scratch, and just break down and use a mix like the rest of us.
Don't Batter the Batter - Don't over mix. Pancake batter should be mixed just until the wet and dry ingredients are combined. Don't worry about lumps. You want them. They'll cook out on the griddle.
Get a Griddle - Cast iron or electric griddles make great pancakes because they heat evenly and give you plenty of room to work.
Go Easy on the Greasy - A light coating of oil or non-stick spray at the start is all you need for most pancakes.
Ladle with Care - Using a quarter-cup ladle held very close to the griddle, pour the batter gently so that it spreads in even circles.
Keep it Neat - Don't let pancakes merge into each other, and avoid moving them while the first side is cooking - they'll brown more evenly if you leave them alone.
Flip with Finesse - Pancakes are ready to flip when their surface is covered with bubbles, their edges look dry and a peek at their undersides reveals a golden brown color. Turn them gently, barely lifting them off the griddle.
Finish with a Flourish - Presentation makes all the difference. Warm the plates. Serve pancakes with real maple syrup, warmed slightly, and softened or whipped butter. Garnish with fruit or nuts.
Know When to Hold 'Em - Keep pancakes warm by placing them on a cookie sheet between layers of cloth towels. They'll hold in the oven at 250°F for up to 10 minutes till you have the whole batch done.
Of course you could just go out for a Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity and be done with it.
Or maybe head over Ikea get you Swedish on.
Shrove Tuesday gets its name from the ritual of shriving, when the faithful confessed their sins to the local priest and recieved forgiveness before the Lenten season began.
Historically, Shrove Tuesday also marked the beginning of the 40-day Lenten fasting period when the faithful were forbidden by the church to consume meat, butter, eggs or milk. So if you had these things what do you do? Use up the milk, butter and eggs no later than Shrove Tuesday. So you add with the addition of a little flour, and do you get... pancakes..
Who would have thought that The Bard was a pancake kind of guy.
And to all the pancake deprived. Happy Mardi Gras!
I Have Wielded the Prince of Persia's Dagger
Wonderful post! :)
Especially the Shakespeare part.
I Have Wielded the Prince of Persia's Dagger
that's what he said
Fat Tuesday! Make my pancakes with gravy!
The CW renewed several of their shows today (including Supernatural and Vampire Diaries) but One Tree Hill wasn't one of them.
Jake's Monday night at X17
I think the Austin and Sophia photo ops are mostly to create publicity to save OTH. The CW is still deciding what to do with the show, but it doesn't look encouraging. It'll probably end this season.
Sadly, I have made bad pancakes a couple of times, even using a mix. Burned on the outside or raw on the inside, or even both at the same time, lol.
I'll eat them!
I'm going to say it. I feel bad for the people involved, especially the crew if OTH gets canceled, but think it could the best thing that could happen for Austin.
Maybe the CW would pick him up for a new show, I think he has enough of a following and they can see the potential. He also has a couple of indie movies coming out with Fence Walker and Beautiful Boy. Austin's not going to be without work too long, he's a hard worker, a great actor, and you only heard great things from his former co-stars, cast and crew.
Despite JFC's cancellation, it did one great thing, Austin seemed to leap in terms of his acting. I want him to get something that brings that out again. I don't think he's ever gotten that on OTH.
It's going to be pancakes for dinner for me tonight. I was supposed to go to church for pancakes, but I am not walking in this sloshy wet mix of snow/sleet/rain so I'm my own. Hello Bisquick.
I agree with what you said Special about OTH and Austin. Except I'm not so sure he'll get something else on CW, they may want all fresh faces in any new shows.
I think it's time for Austin to move on from OTH too. I am sure he'd find another job without a problem.
Blimey, the new friend isn't a patch on Austin. Let's hope old Gray Goose heads home soon where he belongs.
I love how any post that mentions Reese always turns to how bad the bearding was. Do you think the Jake's PR have got the message yet.
"Do you think the Jake's PR have got the message yet."
no they don't care of what the "jake is gay crowd" are saying.
honesty said...
"Do you think the Jake's PR have got the message yet."
no they don't care of what the "jake is gay crowd" are saying.
They should Jake is Gay.
"They should Jake is Gay."
you might be right, only jake knows the answer though.
besides I maybe wrong, he and his PR must care of gay fans opinions, after all they have to attract all the masses and gay crowd is a big part.
They are a huge part of Jakes fanbase and his most passionate. It is a shame he threw them to the wayside. My bet is that they come home quick with just a little nudge.
you might be right, only jake knows the answer though
Jake doesn't live in a bubble and being gay is hardly an Earth shattering secret - a lot of people know the answer.
Okay, there's something funny with those latest pics of Jake on OHJ.
What's up with that? There's no other explanation for that pic, is there?
Young guy.
Both guys well dressed.
And that guy ain't Austin.
And that's a good smirk on Jake.
I'm not going to insinuate where I don't know the situation or the who dat, but that looks like one thing to me.
A date. I don't care how it's spun.
And on that note, I'm off to Strouds.
T Bone Burnett, Ryan Bingham and Jeff Bridges are about to perform in a tiny jazz club. I'm sure everyone else here is an Academy member.
Elton John just played some country piano w/ Bridges, Bingham, and Burnett... despite not having a last name that starts with B.
Others tonight were more thrilled by Jon Hamm, Jake Gyllenhaal.
This date?
tbh I sense a tension/awkwardness about these pics here and at Godot, like Jake is cheating on Austin with this guy. IMO he wouldn't have driven the guy if he didn't want Austin to know/see any pics. The guy is either a friend of theirs or a fling that Austin is okay with. Shoot, maybe Austin was waiting at home for them, getting the jacuzzi ready and the 3 glasses of wine poured.
A lot of couples have agreements between them re sex with others. "Faithful" might mean saving a specific act to do only with the SO, while others are ok to do with flings. IMO Jake and Austin are like that especially being actors away from each other a lot and the many opportunities offered.
I think he was out with a friend of his, I really don't think it is a date. What I think he is doing is being seen out with guys again. I think there is a lot of ground work being laid out for things to come in the future. Especially with all the rumors of things changing and suggestions of possibly coming out. Think its about seeing Jake with guys again and get the public reacquainted with that again.
Prairiegirl leave it to you to point out the pink elephant in the room. TY.
I think the smirk might have be, "Watch this, they'll say that I'm dating you now."
What pink elephant?
This Oscar-nominated/winning actress has always advocated the crunchy, granola approach to life. Even her official bio boasted that she was raised in a family that valued intellectual pursuits over plastic surgery. That bio changed recently… along with her face. Really, girl, if you’re going to try to be coy about getting plastic surgery, maybe it would be better to not carry your overnight clothes in your hands as you exit a plastic surgery recovery facility. Then again, she’s not the only one in her family who cares more about image than reality. Yes, they’re racking up the dark secrets in that family. (Blind Gossip)
Maggie Gyllenhaal? But for some reason I don't see as her as the type. Maybe she was visiting Jakey who was getting his no-no tightened?
Jake can't go out with any guy without it being a date. He gets the crap when Austin is the one you should be pissed at for the shit he's doing. Forgot Jake's the one cheating. Maybe he's pissed at Austin for his date with Sophia.
I saw the BI from Dlisted last week or so on a board and they said there it was Maggie. The comments there that Maggie has had her eyes done, and from picture it looks like she's had her jaw and chin more sculpted and less jowly.
Jake had a really good nose job done year ago. And I remember someone saying that he had some work along his jawline done too around the same time.
Off the wall guess but the guy might be Jerry Bruckheimer's son.
He does have a son who's 21.
Does anyone have before and after pics of Jake and Maggie? I've never really noticed they had work done.
There's a Beverly Hils plastic surgeon whose name escapes me but he is known to perform somewhat non-invasive rhinoplasty. I know Jennifer Aniston went to him and I wouldn't be surprised if Jake went to the same doc.
I think the smirk might have be, "Watch this, they'll say that I'm dating you now."
And the guy doesn't look too happy, "Oh god I hope my boyfriend doesn't see this."
Or his girlfriend, lol
Three pics from Gossip Rocks forum back in 2005
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Gossip Rock Jake's nose job
Prairiegirl leave it to you to point out the pink elephant in the room. TY.
Yeah, I won't be blindly loyal. I'll give you all my loyalty in the world but don't make me look like a fool. You make me look like a fool and the loyalty is out the window. J & A or not.
Could be a friend but that kid is wearing a slinky shirt. And it's in the evening. And Jake's got a smirk on his face. 1 + 1 = what? Oops, LOL, that's 1 + 1 + 1, I guess. Looks like a date to me. That's all I'm sayin'.
And everyone here knows how I feel about "open" relationships. Open relationships are crap. My cubemate just had her divorce go through after having an "open" relationship.
We'll see. Could be he wasn't counting on having that pap see. Because it's funny how that camera shot is so close up. You can't even see the top of the car. It's all window.
And I could be wrong. Could be a long lost cousin. Or the paper boy. Or a neighbor. Or .....a friend. But the slinky shirt is throwing me off of that track.
Without facial hair he looks just like MK Olsen
IMO the guy is Bruckheimer's son.
I was hacked at Austin, of course. Did you not see my comment on that day? I'm not cutting him any slack either.
In my opinion, Jake & Austin could have the most ideal relationship in the world, complete with child.
But when one (in this case, both), fakes a relationship with someone else, even with all parties knowing it is fake, it is still showing disrespect to the union. I have the biggest problem with that.
And it was nice when Jake got out of it. But now here goes Austin. Doing the exact same thing all over again. When does it stop? How many times do you deface the ring? Not to mention the child at home.
But I don't want to go there. I thought I was all past that. A few more Sophin appearances or another one like this and I'll be back to where that person was who trashed me the other day, I forget that temporary name at the moment.
And this is the first one that is catching me off guard. I've loved all the others.
This one? This one looks totally different to me.
Alright, alright, now do you see why I'm not married?
I got the ol' jealous housewife thing going and I'm not even Austin!! LOL! I'm shouldering it for Austin.
Hey, it's the Mexican blood in me.
And now that I got that all out, let me say that I had the most excellent Fat Tuesday meal at Strouds. I refuse to pay $16 for fried chicken so I spent $17 for hamburger steak instead! LOLLL!
Give me a hamburger or salisbury steak any day over a real steak. Good friends and good food. Very hard to beat. We had an excellent time. And we had just the perfect waitress. Attentive w/o being intrusive. Brought us extra cinnamon rolls. Just excellent. When she brought us extra rolls to take home, one of our friends felt her bag and said, "That feels like two in there. She just earned herself a good tip." lol.
Stroud's and didn't get the chicken? Sacrilege!!!!
Pictures of Austin and video of Austin and Sophia in New York at Spooky's.
He is the gentleman but with the assistant/publicist more than Sophia.
Can I just say that the men's figure skating tonight is one of the gayest things I've watched in a long time (ducking under the coffee table). Not just Weir either. Takehashi, one of the Japanese skaters, struck me as a Japanese skating Adam Lambert. :-D Loved him.
gloriameti: was sad to have to cut my cali trip short but GLAD when I sat in my seat on plane and Jake Gyllenhaal sat down in front of moi!!!
about 1 hour ago
Hometown: Montreal
gloriameti: @elenaborsellino I know I though about it the entire flight!! Elena he is BEYOND words!!! GORGEOUS!!!
about 1 hours ago from web
^^both twitters were "from web" soooo it could be she could be at home in Montreal already or using a device right now that twitter records as coming from the web
I'm not ready to go there re whether it was a date or not. I will say that every time I've seen Jake with a presumed past lover like Matt Katz, Chris or even with Austin, he seems to be the one being courted, in the less dominant role and is not usually the driver, so the picture seems out of character for a date to me.
With all the time they spend apart, I would not be surprised if Jake and Austin allow some sexual acts subject to rules. They are pretty hot young guys so I can't see them abstaining or relying on their own hand all the time.
I though about it the entire flight!!
Opps I should read my own posts!
Russell Peters
42 Following
On Tuesday 16th February 2010, @therealrussellp said:
To all my Aussie and Kiwi peeps... Sorry about my tour rescheduling but I scored a sweet movie role along side Jake Gylenhall... I will be out there in may, please wait for me!
Russell Peters Wiki
I didn't know that the director nominated for Precious is openly gay.
Daniels is based in New York City where he, with his partner, casting director Billy Hopkins, raises his brother's two children
Lee Daniels Wiki
Johnny Weir and I have the same birthday!
Has this been posted already? Interview with director of POP Mike Newell - Slash Film
The King said: I like the look of you, boy.
I want to join the Olympics! Where do I sign up?
lol, the men love Jakey, don't they?
Boy, spooky has a great, great picture of a young Austin.
She also has a plethura of new fashion week Sophin pics.
I think I might nickname Sophia "window caulking" from now on. Silly putty? Play-doh? What else wraps, curls, conforms, spoons, waffle-iron presses like that girl does?
There we go, waffle iron, since it is the breakfast hour. LOL.
Holy cow. What a difference between Reese and Sophia. Sophin almost, almost gives me an unnatural, almost near appreciation for Reeke! lol.
Sophin has it over Reeke, hands down.
Get a room, guys!
lol. Geesh. I'm kind of flabberghasted.
Awww, those are nice Olympic pics, Jake. Thanks for the link. Yeah, I bet you wish you were there. Maybe that's where you're headed on that flight, eh?
I'm still reeling from those pics, lol. Holy cow. Talk about a possessive hand on his thigh. He's mine written all over that pose.
No wonder Austin was all sweaty! All that body heat. All that silk. All that rub.
Cooler subject!
Hey, on Wake Up With Al this morning, they showed some kid who made his own bobsled track. Showed him going down on his little plastic sled. It was pretty cool.
Alright, off to get ready. I want to hear what you guys think of those pics.
I can't imagine Jake being all that thrilled if he saw those.
4th in a row! Sorry! I totally missed your link up there, Special. But you didn't mention how up close & personal they were.
Since her last name is Bush I think a nickname like clinging vine or something garden-related would be appropriate! I don't garden though so someone else will have to come up with it. If they going to beard we are going to have FUN with the bush references! Jake's a rake and Austin is digging himself into a hole and Sophia leaf Austin alone! and Sophin is a bunch of manure...
Kuduz - a parasite that clings and grows rapidly on everything in its path while sucking out the life, leaving only brittle, lifeless sticks behind.
Then you look at the way Austin is holding her hand as they walk, his hand overtop, and keeping that one finger free for a quick escape if need be.
Many actors of the CW’s shows were at Fashion week. From OTH, Rob Buckley and Shantel (Quinn) attended many events too. There is an article on Vanity Fair about the CW filling all the seats of NYC Fashion Week. NYCFW
If you want to laugh at Miss Bush’s “innocence” when it comes to arranged photo op, take a look at this quote. After she worked the camera like crazy in all the events, she said she could do without the photographers. She is there just for the clothes:
One Tree Hill's Sophia Bush also loves the sartorial scene. "I could do without all the photographs though," said the CW star. Her main focus is to see the new designs. "If I had it my way, I would just sneak in and sit backstage and touch all the clothes and see all the girls." VF
Sophia said "If I had it my way, I would just sneak in and sit backstage and touch all the clothes and see all the girls."
mmmmmmm That would explain many things ;)
Craig Edwards
At the Getty Center with my folks. Jake Gyllenhaal is here with his kid.
Daniel Skinner
His KID? Wha Wha What?
Craig Edwards
Well, he was with somebody's kid. Could have been a nephew/neice situation, or a friend. He was also with a blonde woman who was probably a few years older than he. (not Maggie.)
Sun at 7:50pm
kid and blonde woman: BT and nanny?
If it was BT1 wouldn't you able to tell if it was a "niece or nephew" ie girl or boy, at this age?
Could it be it BT2?
Test screening of Zwick's Love and Other Drugs tonight. With Hathaway & J.Gyllenhaal, my hopes are high!
1 minute ago
"If it was BT1 wouldn't you able to tell if it was a "niece or nephew" ie girl or boy, at this age?
Could it be it BT2?"
BT2 or maybe BT1 had a hat or was dressed in a way it's difficult to tell the gender, and probably the guy focused mainly on Jake and didn't pay attention to the gender of the kid.
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