Jake and PoP'in crew lead the way in next month'sThe first kernel has popped now get ready cause after the first few you know it just keeps coming and coming.
But this is a great look at PoP and we are finding out and clearing up a lot of speculations associated with it.
It wasn't Bruck who picked Jake for Dastan, but director Mike Newell who approached Bruckheimer with Jake in mind. And Bruck didn't blink.
With Newell having known Jake since he was little you can see how having someone who has known you most of your life directing you could be benefit when taking a leap into the biggest chance and biggest production of your career.
"But there no getting around it, dropping a $200 m franchise on the shoulders of a sleepy-eyed 27-year old who's barely thrown a punch in his career was another massive gamble. "Yeah it is," says Newell. "But I 've known Jake since he was little and I'd seen this quality on screen. He's not like John Wayne, who's this massive block of wood. Jake - you can always see into him. He has a very soft and gentle side to him. He's an action hero made in heaven."Jake wants to be an action hero. "That what I would love to do. I have always wanted to do this - it's like a childhood dream. ...."
So is an action hero with a gentle side the action hero of the new millennium?
There's a lot more in the article, and just like there will be much much more PoPing up too.
Next week is the Toy Convention in New York, where toy manufacturers will be unveiling the toys for stores to buy for next Christmas. Betcha there's going to be a lot of PoP, and not just the kind you drink. But it does make you wonder if there is going to be a PoP pop. Hmmm Coke or Pepsi?
Your Hollywood Business Moment:
From Deadline Hollywood:
"I can't readily recall a direct link between a seasoned producer and a top-tier management firm like this, but Management 360 and The Mark Gordon Company have formed MG/360. It also cuts down on the likelihood of management company conflicts of interest and self-dealing. The venture is designed to develop projects using 360’s talent roster and Gordon’s producing expertise. The non-exclusive arrangement will initially focus on films — they’ve got a dozen projects in mind already — but will eventually encompass TV as well. Both sides will bring projects to the partnership, but neither will dismantle existing production operations."
"Gordon and 360 partner Guymon Casady told me the arrangement is an outgrowth of good experiences that Gordon Company’s Gordon and Bryan Zuriff had with 360 managers and clients on Source Code, The Details, and 2012."
Read the rest here.
Never realized that Kiki was in a part of 360 Management's client list.
A little early Valentine. (courtesy of Engreet)
It works. A future Jake movie, and things popping up. ; )
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Starting to PoP
Posted by
Special K
1:11 PM
Labels: Action Figures, Jake, PoP, Press
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Interesting that Newell was the one to pick Jake.
Can't see jake coming out before PoP or until any sequels have run their course.
Mike Newell is just a director, someone hired by producers, people who invest money and make all important decisions.
just a director, someone hired by producers, people who invest money and make all important decisions
"just a director" ??! That's why producers hire directors, for their expertise and they trust them to make good decisions. The producer/director relationship is the same as a sports team owner and the coach; the less interference and second-guessing from one side to the other lets each do their job properly.
That's why producers hire directors, for their expertise and they trust them to make good decisions.
Yes, good directing decisions. Not casting or budgeting decisions.
^^Don't forget their creative vision! Cute post today, Spesh. :)
Ted said:
Do you know if any of your closeted Blind Vices are planning to come out anytime in the near future? Possibly, just possibly, Toothy Tile
Toothy and Goosey? They're planning on making a big mess
Could it be that they are planning to come out in the near future?
What other kind of mess could they plan on making together?
Don't forget their creative vision!
Movie directors are extremely important, no question about it, but they are often hired after stars are attached to the project:
I've learned that New Line president Toby Emmerich is setting Bandslam director Todd Graff to helm Damn Yankees, a big-scale musical that has Jake Gyllenhaal and Jim Carrey attached.
Toothy and Goosey? They're planning on making a big mess
What other kind of mess could they plan on making together?
IMO "big mess" could be (1)coming out and wreaking havoc (2)lots of hot gooey sweaty wild unrestrained panting pounding throbbing animal sex (3)a huge meal
All three if they go out for Valentines Day dinner and have sex on top of the table.
My first thought was messy sheets, but then I am an avid slash reader. No question but that their coming out would create a big mess too, but go for it guys. Who cares if it's messy.
It sounds like Ted is hoping that Jake's return to self is a sign that he may come out sooner than later. I would not hold any hope out for before POP though. I'd bet anything Disney has a no out clause in the POP contract, at least for a certain time period of the films release. I am not sure how legally enforceable such a provision would be, but no one wants to piss off a major studio like Disney if they want to get a job in HW.
I take Newell's comments re picking Jake with a grain of salt. Before a film is released, every one loves every one, every actor is super talented and great to work with. Six months later the real story leaks out.
There is another advantage to having Newell knowing Jake as long as he has, that there would be less issues with Jake bring the fam with him. Newell would be a trusted ally for Jake to be able to have them there with him, as accommodate the special needs that Jake might have.
big mess = taking two year old BT and five of his playmates and Atticus on an all day picnic
Wow Ted is really getting my hopes up. Did the bearding bother Jake so much that he would consider coming out? Does Jake think it is inevitable that he will be outed soon if indeed he does have a family and wants to come out before he is and do it on his own terms. In my heart I know Jake is Gay and I would finally be proud of him. Got my fingers crossed.
I agree with Destiny and m. I can't see him coming out anytime soon, especially before PoP comes out. That would be absolutely incredible but it's not being realistic at all.
You know, in my opinion, Jake has already taken pretty big steps in about 1 1/2 months. Because let's face it, he was so deeply ingrained in the closet, that Ted had him practically buried 6 feet under in it. I have been ecstatically surprised to see Jake peeling those layers off like a snake sheds his skin.
oh my gosh, these strawberries I got at my local Hy Vee store salad bar are to die for!!!! Why did I only get two????
He's shown me that he does have a mind of his own in there; I have to say that I didn't think he did.
I'm proud of him now. He doesn't have to prove anything to me. I hope people don't get all whipped up expecting him to keep making gigantic steps like, within weeks or something. I'm happy with the way things are rolling along and we are able to see him looking so much more relaxed and I just never realized how uptight and teeth gritty he looked when he was with ol' Reesey.
I'm willing to take each day at a time and see what happens. Right now, I'm just enjoying seeing him able to be him and hoping that he & GG are having a happy time.
OTOH, I think I would probably buy all the People issues in the stand whenever the time came if we were ever in my lifetime, able to see a family picture of the Toothster, his Goose, and tiny Texans. I probably would spontaneously combust with happiness and wouldn't even be able to complete the purchase.
It would be a massive cleanup in Aisle Checkout.
lol. Clean up in Aisle 10!!!! Girl explodes clutching People issues in each hand!!! Box of Cheez Its nearby as Exhibit A!!!
Aw man, the KU girls lost. Hey! Guess who they were playing?
Hook 'em Horns!!!! Texas!!! If KU had had any offense whatsoever, they would've beaten them. grrrr. And it went into double OT, too.
Allen Fieldhouse is quite an arena; alot of history there, I guess. The men were to play tonight. And yes, we did make a stop @ the ol' Taco John's. Potato Ole's were everywhere!!
No doubt what ever they do will take time, and don't expect it sooner, but rather later.
And hey it's better to be more tortoise vs. hare because we remember what happened in that one.
They may be trying to lay down some ground work in preparation for the future.
I agree I dont expect Jake to come out before Pop. But if we are right and there is a family. Then it is just a matter of time. I would just love to see of couple pics of J and A to hold us over till then. That would be sweet.
dream on haus fraus
Buzz off, trolly.
trolly must know something big is coming from Ted
prairiegirl said...
I'm proud of him now. He doesn't have to prove anything to me. I hope people don't get all whipped up expecting him to keep making gigantic steps like, within weeks or something.
LMAO. Peegee, did you get "whipped up" when Jake was with Reese? YES.
The only reason you are not "whipped up" now is because his actions of late comply with what *you* think he should be doing.
You'll be "whipped up" again as soon as Jake does something that doesn't meet with your sanctimonious standards.
PG the self-confessed homophobe...telling gay men what to do since April 2008
Oh buzz off. For cryin' out loud, are you just sitting on your computer 24/7, waiting for somebody to say something you can jump on?
Sure I got whipped up. You saw it. I saw it. Everyone saw it. I had good cause. You must have been ecstatic during the Reeke days. Glad to hear it.
Are you not happy to see him happy now? I love it that Jake looking much happier these days is bugging people such as yourself.
did you approve Jake's bearding with Witherspoon?
did you approve Jake's bearding with Witherspoon?
I'm not one of his parents FFS.
I'm not a priest FFS.
I don't know his reasons for the things he does FFS.
I like Jake - and that means accepting all things about a person.
Why post on a supposed fan-site if you despise smething about him.
No one said anything about despising.
What really gets me is the holier than thou attitudes of naysayers. As if anyone has never, ever, ever, ever uttered one single discouraging word about a friend. A parent. A sibling. Their minister.
Give me a break.
Sorry prairiegirl, I was very harsh to you.
PG you are the best. You feel exactly the way most of us feel. Your right people who were reeke lovers hate seeing Jake having a good time and looking so happy out with friends and family.
Apology accepted but the words are already out and I know how you really feel.
Hey, guys, check it out!! I got pictures of Curly up on my blogpage.
I know, my New Year's resolution was to do better links. My directions are at home, tho. And technically, I still have 10 1/2 months left of 2010 to fulfill my resolution, LOL.
Sophia Bush is here with bf Austin Nichols at Provocateur for the Alice + Olivia presentation. So cute...
about 3 hours ago
Austin has his arm around Sophia, jamming to Mickey Avalon
about 3 hours ago
Austin told me his vday plans for Sophia but I promised I wouldn't tell anyone so that it's still a surprise for her! It's a doozy of a day
about 2 hours ago
Just Jared
So is the reason that Jared can't say anything is because Sophia checks not just his blog regularly and but his twitter too, to see if he's mentioned her? Really is she going to check it between now and and tomorrow - guess so.
Well that says something.
Pictures from the show's red carpet. She's going it alone. Sophia
Well, it's about time, Sophin!! I've been waiting. The whole world's been waiting. As if.
lol. Come on, jared, I want to see the pics. I want to see Austin's arm around her.
We fully expected to see this. No surprise.
I hope we get pictures.
And Beware, next time you want to address me, it's prairiegirl to you.
Did we fully expect to see this, PG? I didn't. I expected J/A and BabyT would be spending Valentine's Day together as a family. It just seems like one of those days to be all loved up with all your loved ones.
Holding her coat and purse?
I expected to see Austin & Sophia in NYC.
Who's to say the rest of the crew isn't on the east coast now? We don't know that they aren't.
It was expected that Sophia and Austin would attend Fashion Week. She does it every year and this time keep in mind the timing. The CW is deciding the fate of OTH right now with a likely chance the show will get cancelled. They need all the publicity they can get, either if their objective is to save the show or look for a new job.
CW Renewal statuses for all shows
THE CW is deep in contracts negotiations and is finalizing the paperwork for renewing : Gossip Girl, 90210 , Smallville , Supernatural , ANTM and The Vampire Diaries for next season. Expect official renewal annoucements for the above shows later this month.
One Tree Hill Season 8 Renewal Status: There are some messy contracts and negotations and it could go either way but even if renewed it will likely have budget cuts and maybe lose more cast members and producers. SOAPNET has the option of renewing it if the CW were to cancel it.
Spoiler TV
One Tree Hill’ Joins ‘Melrose Place’ in Danger of Cancelation
...both were not included on the fall line-up of The CW, unless they have other plans with these two shows, like a mid-season series or a summer series, these shows look like they are starring the grim reaper in the face.
OTH is performing better than Gossip Girls and 90210 but it’s in Season 8. It’s an expensive production and Mark Schwahn (the creator of the show) has no contract for next Season.
Kinda see Austin in the back in one picture. Wireimage
LOL maybe the real bearding contract is between Jake and Austin: whose turn it is.
Holding her coat and purse?
Downing tequila shots.
The other girl from OTH Shantel Van Santen (who plays Quinn) is also there with Sophia: wireimage.
Reasons I don't watch OTH anymore: (1)boring storylines (2) Brooke Davis Brooke Davis Brooke Davis i.e. unrealistic and awkward lines ~do the scriptwriters really think people talk that way? (3)Too many lookalike longhaired parted-in-the-middle brunette actresses
And Beware, next time you want to address me, it's prairiegirl to you.
No worries PraIrieGirl
next time you want to address me, it's prairiegirl to you.
Still telling people what to do...
^^Still here and complaining.
put a cork in it, gasbag
put a cork in it, gasbag
You talking to me?
If you're a haus frau - yes
What does 'haus frau' in internet blogger language mean?! Is a haus frau (1)a troll invading a site or (2)a name that trolls call the bloggers to insult them?
I think it is used to describe bloggers who think Jake is straight.
For some reason, trolls think calling someone a housewife in German works better than in English. Maybe it's because hausfrau has internal rhyme, but there are strong and intended misogynistic connotations in the use of hausfrau. Probably best to ignore it, though.
ITA with parties of the first part, I think it's Jake and Austin taking turns.
The writer here is using it of someone who doesn't think Jake is straight, but I would agree it is often used in the context you describe.
"lol. Come on, jared, I want to see the pics. I want to see Austin's arm around her."
You mean like this one?
<a href="http://othforums.com/index.php?topic=64954.4300Sophia and Austin>/a>
Sorry, correct link:
Sophia and Austin
How uncomfortable does Austin look? He's got himself bent in such a way and leaning forward that his noggin looks like it is the biggest part of him. And if you remember for his interview with Tony Danza he kept squeezing his thigh, because of being nervouse, it looks like he's doing that here.
Hey, thanks, Sophia Austin. That's what I was waiting for. Been a little too long since we seen Austin.
That's a pose, too.
No, I want the pic from behind. You know, where they're unaware there are cameras around. I want snuzzling. Real handholding. You know, not like that one lame attempt we had on the NYC sidewalk.
He looks pretty good there.
Man, that website is the Sophin version of another website I know that starts with a G. I couldn't take much of that, sorry. Hated to eat and run, but.....
You mean like this one?
Standby for all the Jaustinite excuses/explanations for this photo.
Anonymous said..
there are 3 new videos at sophiabush.com where sophia & austin comment on the epi sophia directed
February 14, 2010 7:32 AM
Hey, Happy Valentine's Day to you guys. I've got to head on out. And can you believe, go into work for a bit, too.
Ughhhh! What a way to spend a couple of hours on heart's day. I'll see if there's any unsuspecting male......naw, not there. LOL!!
What excuses? I'm loving it. I don't need any excuses. It is what it is. A posed picture to insinuate they're a couple.
And what about that is anything new here???? We've seen it for the past 2 1/2 years with Reeke.
Someone is going to have to pull up a captain's chair, better grab several Dasani's while they're at it, mmmmm, maybe a box of Cheez Its too to stave off the hunger pains if they think a picture like this is going to ever create reason to explain anything.
Has anyone watched the videos where Austin and Sophia do commentary for the OTH episode? Is it worth watching/listening to?
Sorry trolly, your dear FL was stupid enough to create "Jake Gyllenhaal - Straight man" blog and she got caught.
I'm glad you babblers are embarrassed about that! LMAO
Has anyone watched the videos where Austin and Sophia do commentary for the OTH episode?
Only 10 minutes, not very exciting.
We knew we'd get Sophin at Fashion Week, they've been doing that for years. And that photo of them is no different in tone than the one of Sophia practically sitting on Austin's lap a couple of years back--or the one of him with his arms draped around Matthew Frost.
Fruity Loops (FL) had a meltdown the other day because she realised that her little creation called Jakeisstraight.blogspot.com has been preserved for all time via a screenshot - proof of babbler hypocrisy
Special will you please delete Beware's comment at 8:04. Ty
I guess we shouldnt be surprised that Austin and Sophia are in NYC this weekend. Kind of dissappointing though. Maybe Jake is in NYC also. Now watch we will get some Jake photos placing him in LA this weekend. I am sure the JIS crowd is on a frantic search looking right now.
If pics of Jake and Austin were placed on GB I wonder how quickly they would be deleted. I like that SK doesnt delete what the JIS crowd posts here. It makes them look so bad.
Has anyone watched the videos where Austin and Sophia do commentary for the OTH episode?
First one. Laughed at Austin's "that's too artsy fartsy honey" and Jackson (Jamie) becoming a diva.
Watching OTH is bad but listening to Sophia go on and on about everything she did, is worse.
dear FL was stupid enough to create "Jake Gyllenhaal - Straight man" blog and she got caught.
The same way she got caught here.
Did hit the delete button a bit more than planned. Some of the stuff shouldn't have gotten deleted.
A ha!!
I have seen the light. I see what all the to-do was/is all about. I must admit I was underestimating. Wrong for chastising. Wrong for poking fun at. wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!!
Whole Foods is the bomb!!
I pledge to hereby never pick on Jake for being at Whole Foods all the time, 24/7, all over the continental USA. The guy does knoweth whereby to shop.
I thought why not pull into this place. It's right there on the way, staring me in the face. I'll just pull in and see what all the fuss is about.
Okay, I see, I see!
Actually, it's alot like Wild Oats, a health food store that I used to shop at before they went out of business. But it's even way better than Wild Oats.
It will have to be a special treat kind of place as I couldn't afford to actually grocery shop there.
But when I want a Virgil's root beer, some of my favorite healthy cereals on sale, and OH!!! the selection of cheeses...the teas!...the pastries!!! ...oh, yeah, the Virgil's...think I already said that although it bears repeating.
It ranks right up there with Dean & Duluca.
Jakey has very good taste. Good taste in men. Good taste in grocery stores.
Even bought me a .99 cent recyclable bag there for the next time I go.
Okay, I had to make a pitstop @ home, pick up all the mail. Eat my, oh my dog, I almost forgot!!!
Whole Food has.............
Breakfst Pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!
snicker. I know that I'm pointing out all the unhealthy sides of Whole Foods, but hey. Someone has to buy that stuff.
Okay, now, off to work.
Some one has my blogger ID
Comments are going to become moderated now. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Don't apologize Spesh. Wonder what's got them going today?
Happy Valentine's Day anyway! :)
Poor trolly,
trying so hard to change the past and pretend that babbler fuck ups never happened!
About the new Austin with Sophia pic, I like how Austin always has his phone close. Jake always does the same too. Sophia has her standard pose for pictures. Look at this comparison of Sophia with Austin yesterday vs an old pic of Sophia with a friend. Identical pose and body language: picture
What the heck is going on?
In the commentary, Austin says he wears a dress and that he has feminine legs. It’s funny how in a part he says that Lee (the guy who plays Mouth) needs a haircut and looks as if he’s been working out. He notices things that sound like two girlfriends talking.
Special, you're obviously getting a troll invasion by folks who think it's clever and amusing by stealing other blogger IDs. You know FL and UV don't post here. Why don't you remove those fake posts and let this place get back to some kind of normalcy. Thanks.
Comments are going to be moderated for a while.
Most of the stuff has or is going to be deleted from this morning.
We don't need that kind of stuff, it just creates strife.
We know what the focus is here, and that's what we need to keep in mind.
"And, in the end,
the love you take
Is equal to the love you make."
Happy Valentine's Day.
an old pic of Sophia with a friend. Identical pose and body language
LOL you're right. Sophia's Standard Pose #43 "My Dear Close Friend and Me Cozy on Couch"
I was wondering (I can't tell) if Austin's pinky fingers are in any pics. Is that why his hand is behind Sophia and the other tucked under his leg? Maybe a ring? Idk.
would be fun to know what Austin said to jared.
Reading some of the posts over at the OTH forum I can't help but think what a rotten, shameful thing it is for Austin and Sophia to lead their fans to think they're a real couple. Most of those fans over there are clearly teenagers (lots of mentions of school and school breaks).
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