To those in the US, Happy Presidents' Day. Which we celebrate the birthday of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, two of our great presidents both born in February.
Now Austin's got the Lincoln part of the day covered. (Remember Lincoln Booth in Pedestrian?) And great news from SoGoPro, they're is moving ahead and recently had meeting with investors.
"Hilarie and I had a another pitch meeting last week with a local investor here in Wilmington… let me tell you something folks, I was nervous going in… it's kind of surreal in a way… here we are asking for mountains of money from complete strangers and for them to trust us that we won't squander their hard earned capitol. ...."As a result of these meetings, we now have a couple of heavy hitters helping us out. These guys are huge additions to our team, not only very successful businessman in their own right but they also have great positive energy and more importantly they believe in us and our business model…We look forward to working with them for a long, long time. Over the next several weeks, we're going to have several more of these pitch meetings but I feel so much more confident of raising the funds needed for Pedestrian now that we have their support!" Onward, kt

Tonight on the Crazy Tree:
"At The Bottom Of Everything" (Maybe Everything should be the Barrel) Nathan tries to help The Real Housewife of Tree Hill Haley and Jamie deal with her mom/his grandma's seemingly hopeless situation,(Schwahn's song indeed) Brooke Davis(TM) and Julian navigate their volatile relationship in the midst of a hectic movie shoot. Which means again this week Brooke Davis(TM) whines cries and makes faces most of the show and tries to make Julian jealous while he tries to make a movie. But Julian make win this round of upping the stakes in "How do you 'them apples" poker, "running lines" with his leading lady. (How many people are hoping for this hook up)

And what's a day off without somebody PoP'in by.
Where can I buy my first little Jakey?
Where can I buy my first little Jakey?
They should be out by the spring
They should be out by the spring
Whut? Ohhhh you meant the toy.
I think that Jake and Austin are alternating bearding periods. They are buying time until PoP is released and Austin bearding now allowed Jake to finish Reeke. Jake is starting to be himself again. Ted is having hopes again in them. The bearding with Sophia is different from Reeke. They are friends and I think they get along well and it's light. They need publicity now that OTH is on the verge of being cancelled. I hate beardings but I understand why they are doing this. It's the only way they can generate publicity. It's also suspicious that Just Jared and Bonnie Fuller (ex-editor of US Reekly)'s Hollywood Life were the ones endorsing the bearding. The two main Reeke's promoters. I think the Austin and Sophia bearding will last for a while until the fate of OTH is decided and it'll be history as soon as they book their next job.
I agree with alot of what you said, 1400. I also think it has alot to do with OTH's fate. It also helps that it has taken some pressure off of Jake.
And love the plastic Jake action toys. LOL. Those are something. He's going to be everywhere; probably on my sweet tea McD's cup.
And I, for one, will be rooting for Julian & Alex to rock it tonight. Curley & me will be on his special loveseat and I'm going to make him watch it, too.
I think it's a switch off too. It was a long time for Jake. I don't think he wanted to go into the heavy media for PoP having to talk about it, because he was careful not the entire time. And honestly I don't think he could play along with that part of it.
Austin bearding with Sophia wasn't so hard to set up, they were friends who now work together. I don't want to see Austin become overshadowed by Sophia who seizes the advantages of access and exposure in this,t for her and forgets about Austin in all of it.
With Sophia having the propensity of dating co-stars, I'm sure as soon as there is a new project, Sophin will be over and she will be on to dating someone else.
Hopefully now that Jake and Austin have done their time in the faux, it will be done and over for good.
With Sophia having the propensity of dating co-stars, I'm sure as soon as there is a new project, Sophin will be over and she will be on to dating someone else.
I agree. She has Jennifer Garner syndrome in that she seems to fall for her co-stars regularly: Chad Michael Murray, Jon Foster, James Lafferty, now supposedly Austin... But she's already talking about wanting to do a movie after OTH wraps in April. I think the bearding will end around the same time, especially if OTH is cancelled. A source close to them will say they realized it was easier to be together away from prying eyes in Wilmington but they will stay friends, blah blah...
Valentine's Time line
Rock of Ages has two shows on Sundays. 3:00 and 7:30pm.
Obviously they didn't go to the 3pm show because they were at fashion shows all afternoon. So ok maybe they were at the 7:30 show.
They get out of the last show at what 5? And have to get to the theater by 7:15.
So you're looking at some time around 10 - 10:30 for dinner You end up finishing dinner at midnight.
There was no time to eat between the shows, and let's be honest finding food at fashion show, is like finding water in a desert.
Yeah it can work, but is that really that really romantic?
And after giving all that info on what they were doing, there were no pictures?
And this was all about Austin was supposedly doing for her for Valentine's. Not one thing about what she was going to do for him.
Most guys would say sitting through one fashion show would be a Valentine's gift to their date, not three, dinner and a show.
The Valentine's day itinerary was obviously just PR drivel. I still think that Austin's bearding is a bit of payback for his putting up with Jake's for so long. Amazing though that in both cases the women have managed to do nothing to make them look straight. I wonder if Ted will have any gossip to add in the next day or two.
Sophia is at another Fashion show today. No Austin around yet. I read on the OTH forum there is no OTH filming today (Presidents' Day).
You all know I usually love Austin and his quirky style, but I thought he looked uncomfortable, sweaty, and possibly like he'd knocked back a few tequilas already. Throw in how he was dressed, I thought he looked a bit like a hayseed. And it had to do with his lack of confidence and swagger. Same thing we saw out of Jake with Reese. Sigh....
Regarding the show and late dinner, living in NY I can tell you it is not that uncommon to go to dinner after the theater, even when the curtain is at 8:00. People in NY tend to go out later, and they usually don't have to be at work as early as people in the rest of the country.
In fact me and my girlfriend had a late celebration. First, we celebrated V Day on Saturday, in part to avoid the crowds and the way so many restaurants jack up the prices. We went to a movie and didn't end up at dinner in a small little restaurant back in our neighborhood until almost 10. The late hours didn't keep it from being a romantic evening.
The comments about Austin on the latest JJ post--what few there are--are pretty brutal. And he's barely mentioned on the ONTD Sophia post--I think she gets called a beard more than his name ever comes up. ONTD posters, while Sophia fans, are not OTH fans.
I suspect Austin thought Sophin would be a huge hit and wouldn't get the same kind of criticism as Reeke.
Is it really better to get such negative attention, rather than none??? It'll take more than the teenagers on the OTH forum for Austin to have a career.
I agree Austin looks awful. I cant believe Jake is letting him go through what he went through himself. I guess Jake thinks it wont be as bad for Austin because he knows and likes Sophia. Austin looks like a fish out of water. How ridiculous he looks sitting there with all those women. Jake and Austin should both be ashamed of themselves. Sophia is no different than reese. She looks like a desperate loser.
Those toys are also ridiculous. What a joke.
But did you spend the whole beginning of the day working the crowds at a public event?
Hurrying from one place to the next with 3 clothes changes in between?
Did you go to the movies probably not having eaten anything for hours?
By the time they were finished with the runway, they hardly had time to freshen up and then hurry to the play.
If they had wanted romantic (or even to look romantic), Sophia would have agreed to skip the last show of the day.
And nothing says romantic than telling the paps where it's possible to snap you that night.
Another reason I doubt they even went, Sophia supposedly made such a big splash with the paps today, they would have "caught" them at the play and/or the restaurant.
And, looking at the past appearances of Sophin, so far they've never gone anywhere without making sure there's a camera right there, so even if the paps didn't come themselves, they'd have made sure there were some pictures at least.
Austin is his own person and makes his own decisions. I think this is no different than any other time. I don't think Jake made him, or Jake let him, or allowed him. I think Austin decide to do it, and then they talked about it together make sure it's ok with the other. Just like Jake did before Reeke. Neither would do anything if it hurt the other, they would find another way.
I agree with Stubborn TB. And it was not only the musical and dinner, but seeing a private Guns N Roses concert too. Check the update on Just Jared . Also if she was up until late the day before with all the activities she had during the day, she wouldn't look as fresh as she is today at the show.
seeing a private Guns N Roses concert too
If they really did you know Austin was eying Slash's top hat the whole time.
Axl Rose Heads to Rose Bar for a Private Concert with GnR
Actually Austin might be wanting Axl's blazer.
Looks like GnR went on little after midnight.
Man did Sophin have a moment to breath at all yesterday. It seemed like it was nonstop.
So you're looking at some time around 10 - 10:30 for dinner You end up finishing dinner at midnight.
Huh? Does drive thru take that long in New York?
Spesh, in case you hadn't heard, Slash isn't part of GnR, and hasn't been since 1996.
Spesh, in case you hadn't heard, Slash isn't part of GnR, and hasn't been since 1996.
My bad. Ahhh well it's been a long time since I've kept up with GnR. 1996? Hell that's the probably the last time GnR played.
Really, how long did it for take Chinese Democracy too come out?
Comments on today's Awful Truth,
Lucien Mon, Feb 15, 2010, 7:19 AM
Well, I almost wet myself laughing at the question suggesting a Jake/Michele Williams hook up. Even Heath must be laughing somewhere at that one!
GAY Mon, Feb 15, 2010, 2:03 PM
I bet Jake G. and James F are thanking Mr. Pattinson for keeping the gaydar spotlight off of them for awhile. LOL.
LOLLLLL - did you hear it????
Sophia said sometimes Brulian was just "a big mess".
Boy, Austin looked really good in that sweater.
You know, the idea of Alex & Julian going to bed together would've worked soooooo much better last week's episode. It would've made so much more sense and been alot more believable.
When they try to do it tonight, it just looks like Julian's doing it out of sheer revenge or loneliness, not even because he wants Alex.
And you know what? I bet they didn't even sleep together. How much do you want to make a bet? Because I didn't see Julian on the other side of the bed.
This show drives me absolutely nuts. They'll have him remain oh-so-faithful to Brooke. Oh - excuse me. Brooke Davis.
Prairiegirl I'm on West coast so it's on in 2 hrs. When was it said? (so I don't have to watch the whole show!) What do you think it means in context to what Ted said?
Julian was in the shower and Alex was naked in the bed.
It's probably in the last 1/4, last 20 minutes of the show, Fantastik.
Brooke & that little guy who used to be a sports anchor (I don't know his name) are sitting on the couch at the bar and Quinn comes up to talk to them. Brooke & the little guy are rehashing their messed up romances and Brooke says sometimes her & Julian are a big mess.
LOLLLL!!! Can it be a coincidence?? Surely it is.
Ohhhhhh, hey I didn't see him in the shower! When did they show that? Maybe it was at that second I was picking up all the stuffing from the carpet from Curley's new toy I just gave him and he ripped off one of the legs already.
Boy, now I see Mr. Just Jared himself has put up an "exclusive" interview he did with mz. Bush.
He's really gone on her, isn't he? It's kind of entertaining.
Julian's sweater looks lot like the black one with the rolled shaw collar he was sporting a few weeks back, and looking a lot like someone else's.
So the question is was it a sweater he brought from home, or did he snag the sweater from wardrobe and start wearing it. I am going with the former and not the later.
And yeah the big mess.
Dear Ted:
It's Valentine's Day this weekend. Could you tell us something nice and sweet about our favorite Blind Vice couple Toothy and Goosey?
Dear Vicey Valentines:
They're planning on making a big mess; does that make you happy?
IIRC no one brought up that Ashley is Austin's sister's name.
I mean we all know it but IIRC none of us reminded us of it again with this letter.
Thanks for pointing it out, did we miss it.
I missed it because I didn't know what her name was.
I have to go google IIRC. I don't know what that is.
TDAT is on right now - I forget what channel it was on.
I passed by it during my search for the Westminster Kennel Dog Show. I'm hoping they have a Curley on there,
Prairie Girl They didn't show Julian in the shower, you heard it running when Brooke walked in and saw Alex in bed.
If I remember/recall correctly.
slaps palm against forehead.
Of course! lol.
I didn't hear it! Uh ----I don't have an excuse for not hearing it other than my hearing is bad???
As you can tell, you do the math, I drive my family/friends nuts when they watch TV/movies with me because I miss 1/2 of everything. I don't know what in the heck I'm doing but I miss alot.
TDAT's on FX now and again tomorrow.
JJ: How was Valentine’s Day yesterday?
SB: It was excellent! [The Broadway musical Rock of Ages] is astonishing. A friend of ours actually produced it and I’ve been hearing about it for so long and it was the first chance we got to see it. It was just amazing - it rocks! Everybody’s singing and clapping and dancing - it’s a really new way to do a Broadway show but it’s so fun!
Only mention of Austin, and not by name. And "a friend of ours" who's producing, maybe that could a be of friend of "their's"(J&A), who's been talking about it to Jake, for him as the lead?
Good ol' JJ. Hey, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't know what in the heck was going on with Sophin.
Canada got it's gold medal! It was incredible hearing the crowd singing Oh Canada just now during the medal ceremony. Congrats.
Okay, I cheated. A few people mentioned on an OTH forum board that sometime earlier in the season, Alex mentioned that she likes to leave the shower running while she sleeps.
Thus, leaving the door open for the big meet up to not have happened.
Well, I'm about to fall asleep in my chair. Didn't get any writing done tonight either. I'm really dragging along on that deal; struggling, struggling.
Oh well. Looks like it's the ol' Strouds tomorrow night. I will probably have to go apply for a bank loan before I go there, lol. Geesh.
Ted sure uses the name Ashley a lot in Toothy/GG letters. It's Austin's sister's name but maybe it also means something else too? There's a lot of things that have "ash" names in Asheville. Maybe that's where Jaustin goes?
There are a boatload of producers that produced Rock of Ages but one company, among all the named producers, jumped out at me - Relativity Media. Who you might know better as Ryan Kavanaugh. That would be the"friend" Sophia refers to.
Maybe they like Ashton Kutcher.
Ryan K, he was a producer on Brothers wasn't it? And didn't he make quotes about Reeke when Jake was filming?
Probably most people on this board don't know the logistics of Fashion Week. There is a park behind the New York Public Library (yes, the one from TDAT) and they have a big tent, and then some smaller spaces, all right there in the same place. No running from one end of town to another, with rare exception.
The shows Sophia and AUstin went to were at 2, 3, and 4. That's another thing, they're all short, under an hour. So they were probably done by 5. The designers provided Sophia with dresses, she probably changed in the dressing rooms used by the models. The show they went to was at 7:30--and it would be a ten minute walk, or under 10 minutes in a car. They probably had plenty of time to back to their hotel and/or catch a bite to east and drink.
Yes, Ryan was producer of Brothers. Just read a profile of him in Vanity Fair, it talked about the big premiere in NYC and how all these other important producers, studio heads, etc. came, as well as Tobie Jim and Natalie--but as we know, no Jake.
You just know Alex is in Julian's room so she can get some sleep, not because they've been up to anything. Too bad too.
Yup Ryan was the one who gave the quote to People about Jake in love with Reese
Just how serious is Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon's relationship?
"I just think he loves her," Gyllenhaal's producer pal Ryan Kavanaugh told PEOPLE at the 23rd Annual "Salute to Youth" dinner in Los Angeles on Thursday.
Kavanaugh produced the actor's upcoming film, Brothers, which he calls a "passion project."
"[Jake] has obviously had his fair share of dating," Kavanaugh says of Gyllenhaal's romantic life. "I think eventually you come to a place where you know what you want and seeing what we saw on the set, he was certainly completely devoted to her and really loves her."
"Producer Pal: Jake 'Really Loves' Reese
Funny how it all connects.
They like Ashley Tisdale?
Ted runs the letters as they are written and uses the name signed by the people who send them in. If there are a lot of letters from Ashley, it's either because someone is using that name because of the Austin connection, and writes in regularly, or several people use the name, for the same reason.
Toothy's plans for coming out are gone with the wind?
Are Ashley Madison clients?
What if the letter isn't signed with a name? Then Ted would use one. There's no way to tell which of his Bitch Back letters have the name on the original inquiry. Unless of course it was sent by you.
BT is twin girls?
Like Ashford and Simpson?
I'm his next beard! The story will be "we met on Jimmy Kimmel"
Named BT after a Disney character?
Fans of Asher Roth?
Someone's gaining weight from all the food BT is dropping?
"Ted runs the letters as they are written and uses the name signed by the people who send them in. If there are a lot of letters from Ashley, it's either because someone is using that name because of the Austin connection, and writes in regularly, or several people use the name, for the same reason."
If you read Ted long enough, you must know that he always includes clues in the question and person who sent the letter as much as in the answer. He chooses the letters he prints that have something he wants to say and sometimes he changes the names of the person or part of the questions to make a point. With Ted every word has a meaning.
Do you remember “Dick-in-son, Texas” in the Jake and Toothy questions when he was in Austin?
Someone's been shopping at ashley foods for a big blowout party they're planning?
My hunch is that Julian swapped rooms with whats her name so she can get some sleep before the next filming. Stupid episode. They are playing musical chairs with the couples. Another sign that they are about to jump the shark. I just wish Austin could land a decent part in a good show.
I noticed too that Austin was sweating at the fashion show. Big pit stains. Jake was that way once at some awards show. Anyway, it seemed out of character for Austin who is usually well put together. A sign that he was not all that comfortable. Based on the events he and Sophia attended, the whole weekend was obviously business, not pleasure. And the JJ press was just a planned part of the PR associated with it.
For anyone reading The Golden Boy, new chapter and they finally do it. Very hot.
Re Ted, he must get tons of emails. There were over 700 comments today, and I am sure many of those people email him about something or other as well. I don't know how he keeps up with it, even with interns. But he stays on topic with what is being discussed here and WFT2, at least as respects Toothy and Goose, so someone is assigned to pull out the Toothy/Jake and Goose/Austin questions.
Austin get the sweats every time he hits the red carpet, check out his forehead. His noggin is a shining. I don't think he's ever been comfortable doing all the red carpet and schmoozy kind of stuff.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Dear Gossip Boy
Dear Gossip Boy,
I am still on the fence if you are legit but I like you and I enjoy reading your site. I am a Ted Casablanca fan and I wonder, does he know your identity? I love Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols together. Any gossip on them to share? Could you tell us about them in a blind item?
Thanks Jen
Dear Jen,
Ted has heard of me but however he doesn't know about The Gossip Boy Site. See, people still think I am fake and this is a site of lies so I still have that going for me. As for Jake and Austin, I'm sure things will happen shortly and it won't need to be in a blind.
The Gossip Boy
Dear Gossip Boy,
I just found your blog & love it. What is your take on Toothy Tile? And Nelly Fang, from Ted Casablanca?
I am not going to sit here and pretend to know anything about Ted's BV's. I will say from reading them i have figured out most of them, but only because I have heard the rumors. Toothy, if he is who I think he is, is probably going to be not as Blind anymore. As for Nelly, I have no clue. I thought I did, then I was wrong. But with Ted's last BV, it makes me wonder if he isn't Spanish, with the mucho quote. And didn't Antonio Banderas once play a Vampire? Just wondering.
There once was a boy named Jake.
So lovely, yet quite fake.
He picked a girl, said "Let's give it a whirl,"
But alas, not a bed did quake.
Jake Gyllenhall, what can you say about such a man? He finally came to his senses and is no longer part of, what seemed to be, a full time acting job. No longer are we seeing seemingly staged photo's nor are we forced fed the idea of him and that peanut butter cup.
So, as the dust settles from the imploding of a showmance gone bad, we start to wonder if word on the street is actually true. Could Jake really be done pretending as everyone claims? I'm sure you have all heard the rumors, and probably even believe them.
More here
T Bone Burnett, Ryan Bingham and Jeff Bridges are about to perform in a tiny jazz club. I'm sure everyone else here is an Academy member.
about 5 hours ago fro
Elton John just played some country piano w/ Bridges, Bingham, and Burnett... despite not having a last name that starts with B.
about 4 hours ago
Others tonight were more thrilled by Jon Hamm, Jake Gyllenhaal.
about 1 hour ago
Chris Willman
Location Los Angeles
Bio Journalist
407 Following
Happy Fat Tuesday!
Jaustin celebrates Ashley Wednesday?
"T Bone Burnett, Ryan Bingham and Jeff Bridges "
They did the music for Crazy Heart.
I know Austin often gets nervous on the red carpet because of the interviews, but here he was just tagging along, other than making sure to blab to Jared about his Valentine's Day plans, just in case anyone go the idea he's just "friends" with Sophia.
And I can't help it, but I keep comparing him at those shows to all those pictures of the actors like Lutz and Pace sitting at the Calvin Kline men's shows. Now I know Austin could have never gotten anything like that, but when I look at those pictures, and the ones of Austin at the shows with Sophia, well, I can't help but thinking of all kinds of not very nice comparisons.
I just don't think it shows off Austin in a very good light, just like Reeke didn't show off Jake in a good light. He's getting a little long in the tooth to be playing up the quirkly, tag along I'm just there to support my girlfriend image for the tweeners and not caring how it looks to anyone else.
I find it hard to believe anyone else finds that appealing. And with SOGO busy trying to raise money with investors, wouldn't it be better for Austin to be presenting a more mature, sophisticated image if he wants to be in the film?
Regarding Ted, when he answered my letter from a few weeks ago it was verbatim, including the name I used to sign my question. And Tom has had a number of letters answered over the years, and they have always been signed Tom. I used to think at one time Ted changed the names, but not anymore. Where he gets creative is in how he addresses the letter writer.
Dear Ted:
Was reading some old Blind Vices and I have a random question for you. Who do you think is more famous? Jake Gyllenhaal or Alec Baldwin? Just wondering!
Dear Random:
While Jake was being all boresville with Reese, Alec was attacking photographers and calling his daughter a pig on her voicemail. It's a toss-up who's more famous, but Alec is definitely more infamous.
Bitch-Back! Danneel Can't Catch A Break
February 15 - Jake Out With A Friend In Hollywood
Pinky ring and a smile
Me think Jake is being real Toothy like. What happened to that broken heart.
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