It's not only Jake who puts a ring on it. Check out these pictures Austin did last year.You know how he showed off big blue, it looks like he's doing the same with this one.
Here you can see a tiny peek too.Hmmm looks familiar.
If you want to compare the two, check it out. (Hey have to make you work a little)
It seems that jewelry is something that has significant meaning for them. From big blue and Jake's black diamond, what they wear around their necks, golden rings and now these. Makes you wonder if these could be about an anniversary, or for something for the little finger for a little.
And for the "he wears it on his right hand" and "he wears it on his left hand" argument that is going to pop up.If you have noticed over the years how they walk side by side, each have a natural side to walk on. Jake to Austin's right, his left hand nearest to Austin's right hand. Maybe the rings are little something special for a digital dance.
How's that for an Austin Friday?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hello Pinkie
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Great posts the last few days. Love the rings. :)
I looooove this Aimee Mann song - always have loved her music. Thanks!
Very interesting observation about the rings.
You know the one thing no one thought of it, is that it could an early Valentine's gift. Maybe a reminder of whose he is, and instead of who everyone (public) thought whose he was.
Patti Stinger, Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo,(she's on Wendy Williams) said that she wanted to see Jen Anniston get with Jake, from a matchmaker perspective.
She says he loves kids, he's ready to settle down and that his energy is that he's ready to nest.
Girl only if you knew! : )
Good observation about the sides and the rings. Do they sit the opposite way tho? I only seen sitting pics at Lakers but maybe they are situated that way because the one who got invited (Jake) by the main honcho (movie company exec/Disney exec/Jerry) sits closer to said honcho and the guest they can bring (Austin) is farther down. I got that vibe even with Lakers Reeke with the pecking order of Jeffrey Katzenberg, whatshername and then Jake.
I had a bf who went deaf in his left ear when he was a kid. He made everyone walk/sit on his right side so he could hear you (or on his left if he didn't lol). LOL I got so used to it that I was always walking on everyone's right side or if I was on their left, leaning over and talking into their right ear! Anyway it's possible (altho chances are small) that Jake or Austin has a hearing problem. My guess is they probably walk on the same sides they're on the mattress.
I think most couples fall into a routine. I know I usually feel "odd" if I walk to the left of my girlfriend instead of the usual right, and then I kind of walk into her because I don't walk completely straight, etc. And yes, we stick to the same sides on the sofa and in bed as we do when walking. And believe me, I can't ever sit on the other end of the sofa, it feels sooo wrong. :-D
Hub and I sleep and walk on different sides but I think that's because he thinks it's polite to walk nearest the road!
A great Austin Friday :) Love the black and white photo.
RIP Olympic luger Nodar Kumaritashvili.
Couples defintely have sides. My husband is left handed (in fact every boyfriend I ever had was a lefty)and I am always to the left of him when walking or in bed. But when we are dining side by side, I am to the right to avoid his left and my right arm tangling.
I can see our guys giving each other gifts all the time. They both seem like such warm people and to have to hide your true feelings all the time would make having secret visible signals of commitment a natural way to deal with that.
It's those little things like having a side that says even more that they are together and have been for a long time.
wendymphoto: Jake Gyllenhal can sing! Oops- I think that's kd lang...
about 1 hour ago
^^Ya know maybe what Austin really said was "that kd can sing" seeing how Jake and kd lang look alike. Just sayin.
New POP pics/article in In Film magazine on IHJ.
opps ~ Total Film ~
PoP - Total Film scans
Another grey, whitish, frosty, balmy, ice melt dustish, drab, cloudy, blah looking day in JoCo. Man. I need me some spring. But at least it's not snowing. And it is 32 degrees, so says.
Got the laundry thing going. Everything has dog hair on it. Bull terriers shed. Alot. So everything is getting washed this weekend, Mr. Curly Sue!! Awww, he's so cute. He's soooooo good. We really dozed in this morning.
Going to see the KU women play b-ball this afternoon. We will stop @ Taco John's in Lawrence on the way in where Little Dog's Mama will undoubtedly, no question about it, order the Potato Ole's. LOLLL. Potato Oles. They are the sole reason for going to a T-John's. They're just tater tots, although the seasoning on them is quite exceptional, I must say. When we do something together, LD's Mama calls the shots. She's the tour guide. The Road Map. The Call Shot-er. The Queen Bee. The Ruler. The King Pin. The Decision Maker.
I drive her nuts because when we used to stop @ Sonic drive-in on the way home from one of her softball games, I would take forever to order. She said I should be ready as soon as the window is rolled down. I said their menu is huge and I have to study it. I never know what I want for sure. Miss Impatience.
Ahhhh, midwest living. It's exciting, isn't it??? lol.
C'mon, boys, you need to do something else exciting so we don't have to listen to old, brown & ivory colored memories of days gone by.
You know, I fret everytime I see promo pics and video from PoP. I just can't.....that hair.
It makes me want to climb to the highest point of their backyard deck here and shout to the suburban dozers "Why did they do that to his hairrrrrr??!!!!!! For cryin' out loud!! They had one of the best head of hairs in Hollywood and they had to apply Crisco shortening to it and flatten it out like it was a hippie hairdo from Happy Days!!"
I'm sorry but the hair is not sexy. And they want to appeal to all women out there??? Gay men, I'm sure, too, but I'm not sure what their preference in head hair is, lol. I just....aaaaarghh!!!
He looks awesome in white gauze. Great. Fantastic. The half open gauze shirt look is very appealing.
But dangit. If only.
Maybe it's just me. lol. I might be talking to myself here.
Oh, and I left one important moniker for LD's mama.
The Coupon Holder.
I'm sure she'll have coupons for T-John's. I hope so, anyway.
Dear Ted:
Do you know if any of your closeted Blind Vices are planning to come out anytime in the near future? ('Cause I would love that!)
Dear Come Out Already!:
Possibly, just possibly, Toothy Tile and Crotch Uh-Lastic.
Dear Ted:
It's Valentine's Day this weekend. Could you tell us something nice and sweet about our favorite Blind Vice couple Toothy and Goosey?
Dear Vicey Valentines:
They're planning on making a big mess; does that make you happy?
Dear Ted:
A question about this whole bearding business: Just curious, do beards always know that they are beards, as in they are aware of the true nature of the relationship? Or do they sometimes get enough of a resemblance of a regular marriage/boyfriend-girlfriend deal that they might be in the dark about their role?
Dear Bearded Beauty:
Most beards—or at least the ones with half a brain—know what's up. It's not too hard to figure out your boyfriend is just not that into you when his agent sets up your dates and you get zilch in terms of lovin' at the end of the night.
The Awful Truth
Ted said:
Do you know if any of your closeted Blind Vices are planning to come out anytime in the near future? Possibly, just possibly, Toothy Tile
Toothy and Goosey? They're planning on making a big mess
Could it be that they are planning to come out in the near future?
I think it is what Ted is implying in his reply. The person asked Ted to say something "nice and sweet" about Toothy and Grey Goose. Coming out would be something great. He hinted at what the "planning" means with the other Toothy question about coming out and Ted answers this question about Toothy and Goose with a hint that what they are planning would make the person who asks the question happy.
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