When some of us saw pictures of Maggie and Peter's wedding we started to speculate who the guy in the hat was standing next to Peter.
Yeah but why are we talking about this on an Austin Friday?
Well, someone sent me an email pointing out that the hat looked familiar. And they sent me a side by side too.
Now who was in the hat in one picture that looked so familiar?
The man in the back of this picture.
As they pointed out that that hat and the forehead look the same? What do you think?
And if the height thing is throwing you off. If you look at Jake and Papa G. When has his dad been taller than him? It looks like there are steps and levels behind the wall.
So maybe the guest to the wedding we all thought would be there was there all along.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Hat got your tongue?
Posted by
Special K
10:46 AM
Labels: Austin Friday, Hat, Weddings
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A bus was just in front, cars scattered around me, waiting for the light – rumbling – a slight shimmer of exhaust. It was just in front of the bus that I saw this man kiss another man, balanced on the cracked curb with only a dirt path behind him. Why did this kiss catch me – I’d seen plenty of men kiss each other before? The location was strange, sure, but that wasn’t it. The taller of the two was the one being kissed. The shorter man (a bit overweight) was also gently slipping a jacket over this taller man’s shoulders. The cars were edging forward now so my view was improving. Both men had shaved heads. Were they Buddhists? Were they gay? Their clothes seemed monkish, but maybe it was just that baggy fashion – hip, street-smart. It’s hard to remember. Actually the kisser – kissing the taller man on the face now again – then again – then again – seemed like a boy. Like a baby, even though he was probably thirty-five or forty. Too much affection for a man that age. Too much abandon. Was he retarded? Yes. No.
No Man’s Land
The picture is too dark to really see the hat clearly, but it doesn't look the same to me.
On that side by side, the one on the right looks like Peter.
Peter is not in the hat. The person next to Peter is the one we are talking about being Austin.
As you can see Austin was wearing the same kind of hat when he was in NYC for the Pippa Lee premiere.
I still wonder if Austin's trip to Italy that we saw was really him in Italy after the wedding, and the pictures and story showed up later.
I remember saying back then that Ms. W showing up was a really good way to distract from Austin slipping away after the wedding.
I can see Jake and Austin both showing up in hats to the wedding.
Deadline Hollywood
Makes sense to me. I will never be convinced that Ice Maiden was at that wedding. Never.
And it's plain as day to me now, Special, what you said from Day 1. That to hide Big, you have to go Big.
And while I was all busy cursing Reeke, pointing out all their fallacies, blowing up @ her, it was the perfect distraction.
How unusual was that for Austin to have gone to Italy just after Jake? By himself?? (Or was he supposed to have gone with his brother in law? I might have that one wrong. But in any case!)
How unusual for two guys to go to this wedding with a derby on? Why? How often are we seeing Jake with hats on now. He's flaunting that nice head of hair now, isn't he.
Until we see some absolute proof that Austin wasn't at the wedding, I won't be convinced that he wasn't there.
Because I sure as heck don't believe she was let inside the ropes. If she had been, you better believe she would've been snapped in one of those garden pics. Sure as I'm sitting here.
The shape of the head, forehead and ear match Austin and the hat is similar to the ones he uses. There is also his trip to Italy. I definitely think he was at the wedding and he’s probably that guy in the picture next to Peter.
Interesting about the director chosen for Damn Yankees.
Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway has revealed her family became Episcopalians after her brother came out.
The Devil Wears Prada star grew up as a Catholic in New Jersey but when Hathaway's brother Michael told the family he was gay, they decided to leave their faith.
Hathaway told GQ magazine: "The whole family converted to Episcopalianism after my elder brother came out. Why should I support an organisation that has a limited view of my beloved brother?" The actress said she was currently unsure about her own faith, saying: "So I'm… nothing [no denomination]. F**k it, I'm forming. I'm a work in progress."
She also discussed screen kisses in the interview, naming Angelina Jolie for having the best movie embraces. Hathaway said: "Full-on movie kissing … it’s a totally different experience. But really you have to be Angelina Jolie to pull that off and still look good. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I ain’t no Angie.”
Pink News
Could be him Spesh. Could be.
I am so excited about Jake doing Damn Yankees. I think it could put Jake back on the A list. Just got that feeling.
Um OMFG. Jake Gyllenhaal just walked right by me...
5 minutes ago
Location: Austin
Well, that day has come! lol
Anne is the best, isn't she? :)
Good for Anne and her family.
Anne, we are all works in progress.
Love that quote by her.
Both active NFL players Scott Fujita of the New Orleans Saints Brendan Ayanbadejo of the Baltimore Ravens have come out in support of Gay marriage and equal rights
Fujita told The Advocate "I think there will be a third player who expresses support for gay marriage ... and a fourth player, and a fifth, and so on. All it will take is someone who asks more guys their opinion. By and large, the business of football is still pretty 1950s, where the status quo and conformity to the principles of "just shut up and play football" are intact. But the athletes themselves are more than that. We're more than just football players, and many of us are much more open and tolerant than we get credit for. The reality, however, is that the locker room just isn't the place where these issues are discussed, and your everyday beat writer for the local sports page doesn't get paid to ask those questions".
Neither player is OUT but maybe this is their way of doing so in the NFL where no active player has ever came out.
The picture is too vague for me to speculate, but it makes sense that Austin was not only there but probably in the wedding party. Maybe the men all wore hats during the ceremony as Jake has one on too.
I wouldn't be surprised if Austin was at the wedding, not at all.
What's this tweet about Jake being seen in Austin, TX?
therealduffey: Jake Gyllenhall sighting outside of the place we ate. He went inside the yoga place before I could see.my heart stopped.
15 minutes ago
She's in LA on a trip.
I can see Austin wearing a hat because he has known after all these years, that he does have one distinctive feature that has gotten noticed in other photos with Jake.
There is something about both of them wearing hats that day, so it wouldn't look so out of place, and that I find truly endearing.
We've known for a while that Jake and Jim Carrey were signed on to do Damn Yankees. Jim was supposed to be playing Curly for the Farrelly Brothers Three Stoogies Movie, and was said to be putting on weight for that. But with that movie on hold a bit, I wonder if Damn Yankees will slide up the list and they will make Damn Yankees sooner rather than later.
I really want to see more of Jake's singing chops. We already know what Austin thinks "that kid can sing".
I really want to see more of Jake's singing chops. We already know what Austin thinks "that kid can sing".
Jake singin’ to his dad Stephen Gyllenhaal at seven years old.
hallieknoblauch: Just saw Jake Gyllenhaal with Shushu Kellie and paige. Literally made eye contact
about 9 hours ago
sweetlips777: I swear to god Jake Gyllenhaal was at the party I was at tonight...
about 6 hours ago
KMcKenna: Hangin out at the four seasons with Matthew mcconaughey. Love Austin!
about 9 hours ago
Dear Ted:
There have been rumors for years about Ricky Martin's sexuality. Then a year or so ago, around the same time you started mentioning Toothy and his BF bringing a little Baby Tile into the picture, Ricky announces he has twin boys. Any connection?
Dear Shake Your Bon Bon:
Do you really think Toothy would be so careless? He keeps his secret baby, well...a secret.
The Awful Truth
Well, I'm always a bit skeptical of twitter, but three different people have now seen Jake in Austin? Sounds like he is in Austin. Maybe that is also why the JJ pictures say they were from Feb. when IHJ has a January date on them--saved them up to make it look like Jake was in LA. Wonder if we'll get more like that.
Destiny, JJ often gets dates wrong on pics, he's lazy. If he bothered to check the source of the pics like IHJ, he would have seen that they were from the 31st. He got a hold of the pics 2/4.
IHJ has the correct date on them 1/31.
Sounds like 2 of the tweets were from some party, we should be getting more tweets if he stays around for the weekend.
IHJ has the correct date on them 1/31.
Yes, but IHJ posted those photos on Feb 4 too - for some reason Jake's PR / IHJ was 4 days late.
Destiny, great observation about the date change of the pic. I agree it would be a distraction from his real location. The February 4 date came directly from Flynet (12th row). The agency that works with his PR released the pics with the date already changed. I am sure it's for a reason.
There are 4 sightings in Austin, TX. One is at a party. The other 3 don't specify where.
Jake's PR has nothing to do with IHJ stop with the conspiricy BS, you are too old for that.
Stephanie post pics when she gets them, she works at a photo agency runed by a relative. She also has two other fandoms that she is into: Ben Barnes and Orlando Bloom so she may not be combing the files 24/7 regarding Jake. She is running the site solo since Ally has left the Jake fandom and only is involved whn there is a problem with the site.
If Stephanie is too slow or not intentive as you demenad, perhaps you should get your own site and pay for the pucs and post them in a timely matter.
If you really think IHJ/PR are in bed, then why the fuck do you go there constantly 24/7 playing with yourselves and examing pics?
The other 3: 1 where she said he walked by her, no mention where.
The other 2 is actually one: They saw him with those 2 girls, and one of the girls car was vandelized later. The assumtion is that these 2 were from the party since they are tweeted close together but they don't mention a party, could be at a resturaunt.
If Flynet has the date of the pics on 2/4, then where did Stepahnie get her pics since they are dated 1/31.
That means that IHJ/PR are not involved since she gave the correct date, same clothes he wore that weekend.
Is Flynet still working for Jake's PR?
Jake's PR has nothing to do with IHJ stop with the conspiricy BS, you are too old for that.
Don't play stupid.
You know that PR can put hold on paparazzi pictures. Did Jake's PR released "Jake and Ramona in NYC" pictures 3 or 4 weeks later?
3: 1. The woman who said he walked by, 2.the party and the 3.sighting of The tweeter that saw him with those 2 girls, the vandalized car tweet is from one of the girls that was seen with him so it was at the same place.
If he is still there, we will get more tweets like when he was in SF.
The deal is between Jake's PR and the photo agencies/gossip sites. Nobody is accusing IHJ of anything. They do a great job.
11:30 Then explain why IHJ has the correct date? And what the fuck does Jake have to do with pics of Maggie and Ramona? Maybe she didn't want them released. At the time there were several pics of her and Ramona that she had problems with including a set with her Mom. They were never released just the pics of her looking pissed at the paps.
Stephanie also broke a promise not to post pics of Maggie and Ramona after babygate and deleted pics of them if fans posted them on IHJ. She obviously had a change of mind in '09 probably due to the diminished traffic on the site and the defection of Ally.
Of course Maggie was more than happy to do a photo op last weekend, she was campaigning for a nomination. notice she and family are MIA after the nomination, i assume she is still in L.A.
One photo agency had the correct date, one didn't. Doesn't sound like any deal, if so both sets would have the same dates.
There was a rush to post the family pics, not so much of solo Jake pumping gas.
Maybe she didn't want them released.
Pictures were released = Maggie was OK with them. I don't know why Jake's PR didn't want those pictures out the same day, but fact remains that they demonstrated their intervention.
Man oh man. I'm not sure why the anger over picture dates. Why so quick to fly off the handle?
Hi guys!!!! Coming to you Liiiiiiiiive from Lenexa!!!
LOL, I don't mind saying where I'm at. I think that's funny. I'm in Lenexa. Lenexa Mile.
My roommate is going to get a good break from me, that's for sure. I have to go back later to get the rest of my stuff.
Got the perfect set up. Comfortable chair, nice table, big windows to see outside. Beautiful. Curly laying on his loveseat. He's very sad right now, poor baby. Mama was very emotional leaving him. I totally understand. Alot of pressure to make this good for him, good for them.
Beautiful home. Got everything. Great cable, lol. Always a plus. Luxurious bath. Ahhhhhhhhhh.
Oh!! And great location. Right by a Hen House grocery store and a .....Daylight Donuts!!! Oh, I love Daylight Donuts. Theirs are the best. I know what I'm getting on Sunday mornings, lol.
And internet connection, so you guys did not get rid of me, lol.
There was a rush to post the family pics, not so much of solo Jake pumping gas.
Check out occasions when IHJ posted 2 or 3 or 4 sets of Jake's photos from the same day.
If you really think IHJ/PR are in bed, then why the fuck do you go there constantly 24/7 playing with yourselves and examing pics?
Because PR makes mistakes.
I didn't know the Super Bowl was in Dallas, I guess? Must be playing at the Cowboys stadium.
Heck, I'm not even sure who's playing. Indianapolis, I know is one of the teams. I'll have to watch some of the game to see the commercials.
Sure would be nice if someone cleaned up their language on here. I'm not getting the outrage at all. Some kind of hot button was pushed, that much is for sure.
Of course Maggie was more than happy to do a photo op last weekend, she was campaigning for a nomination.
Bullshit. Voting for Oscar nominations was finished long BEFORE those pictures were taken.
Super Bowl's in Miami. The Colts play The Saints.
The pictures of Maggie and Ramona that were delayed for weeks were the ones with Jake and they were in Central Park in New York. That delay was strange, and weren't most of the pictures extreme close-ups? Make me wonder who else was there, and maybe they were making sure the pictures didn't show anything they didn't want seen.
My comment about the dates was directed at JJ, not IHJ. JJ has played games with dates on photos before. And We all know they hold things back, I remember TR saying stars rarely go out and about shopping, etc. on the weekends, even though sites like JJ make it sound that way.
LOLL! Hey thanks, CBS. Wow, I was way off. lol.
I didn't know it was in Miami. The ollllll' college stomping grounds.
I remember TR saying stars rarely go out and about shopping, etc. on the weekends,
Really? So a television actor (aka a "star") who works all week, Monday thru Friday, and doesn't have a chance to go to the supermarket or to Sephora, just doesn't go? Not every "star" in Hollywood has their own personal valet to do their errands. Some "stars" actually like to go shopping, etc.
What is your earliest memory?
I was tiny, less than three, looking up at my mom, who was pregnant. We were saying, "When is this baby going to come?" about my brother, Jake.
Guardian UK - Q&A: Maggie Gyllenhaal
OT -
Hooray! I'm doing an Audubon survey of birds today - and I just saw a Peregrine falcon come to the bird feeder. Talk about a coup! Hooray!!!! They used to be on the Endangered Species list because of DDT. :)
Congrats, birdwatch. That's quite a majestic looking bird.
The snow is melting fast off of the trees. We need it to melt before the next round comes.
^^He or she is very majestic PG, her profile reminds me of an Egyptian hyroglyph. What a beauty! :)
^^hieroglyph, sorry. :)
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