After all the critics, comments and buzz from Sundance and its opening weekend, this week The Informers were shut out.
The Academy Awards? Ok yeah. But something even more obtainable for The Informers.
Come one Land of the Lost, Something about Steve, even Academy Award nominee Sandra Bullock got one. Yet The Informers got nothing.
You know, despite what the critics and the box office said, maybe point is not getting one Razzie means The Informers wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be.
Mean there were some parts that were pretty damn good. ; )

It's kind of a shame that The Informers was neither good enought to get an audience, or bad enough to become a cult favorite.
Bubble Boy was brutally dissed by critics, but it did find a kind of cult following. I knew a lot of people who worked in video stores who loved to play it on their shift(BTW Do video stores exist anymore?), there are some really great lines in it, and all the times they have played it on TV grabbed fans.
There were lot of people who were surprised it didn't get a Razzie nom back in 2001.
Gil: Yes, the Round One. A holy messenger trapped in a living globe. We must find him and release him so that he will carry us, the only true believer, to the Kingdom of Heaven, while those who reject him will mutate and burn eternally on Planet PX41, and Planet PX42 if they run out of room. Now, if there are no further questions, let's move on to the buffet.
I didn't watch Bubble Boy for years because Leonard Maltin gave it a "bomb" rating. Then when I'd seen everything else Jake had been in, I finally broke down and watched it. I will never understand why it got some bad word either because I think it is very funny. It is one of those movies I always have to watch if I run across it on tv.
Well according to Kristen on E! Julian and Brooke will get back together.
Are Brooke and Julian over on OTH?
Didn't we call this one? Just in time for May sweeps.
I have to say I would rather see Julian with Alex.
Elinor and Destiny great to hear that you liked Jake's performance in Brothers. I just keep remembering the scene when Tobey's character gets off the plane and the family comes back through the gate past Jake. He said nothing, he just stood there, but everything going through Sam was telegraphed through Jake's eyes.
It was a great scene between Jake and Tobey in the kitchen too.
Maggie wakes to Oscar nom and gets pancakes
Maggie said she thought about going back to bed after hearing the early morning good news, but she says Jake insisted she stay awake and he made her coffee and pancakes
I am absolutely exhausted from laughing. Absolutely exhausted. That was one of the funniest 1/2 hrs of television I think I have ever seen.
Ed O'Neill (I can never remember his character's name) tapping bare butts with Cameron on Modern Family. And Cameron calling it butt bumping. Moon landing.
Phil!!! LOLLLLLLL - aka Mario. Getting caught in the Port A John!!! Minnie Driver coming home to rat chasing, son soaked in alcohol, daughter fighting with boyfriend and her husband "taking care of a little business". LOLLLLLLLLL
And the cupcake!!!!
Oh ----- and that little "pat" sound when Ed O'Neil bent down and bumped his butt against that guy's back. LOLLLL. "How 'bout a few more?"
"Why in the h--- couldn't she have seen him like that?"
That was just one excellent 1/2 hr of TV.
I was rolling on the floor PG almost from the first minute tonight! I was wondering if you saw it too. Ed O'Neill is so good in it, and so is the woman who plays his wife.
And its' a splash landing when you're wet from the shower, LOLLLLL!!!
I just hope it can stay this good and not lose steam after the first year like so many shows do. Anyone who has not seen Modern Family really should check it out.
Special, I thought the scene of Jake in the kitchen was one of his best too. I'd really love to know if he played that they way he wanted, or the way Sheridan did.
I'm sorry to hear Julian will be back with Brooke for sweeps. I was rooting for Alex too. I think this season has really been a total bust for Julian/Austin. I also hope it doesn't mean another round of Sophin doing the pap stroll.
Breannuhh: @jacky_y just met Jake Gyllenhaal....amazing. He's amazingly sweet. He held Jacky.
about 3 hours ago
Breannuhh: - Jacky and has a ring to it, eh?
about 3 hours ago
1. "Batman and Robin" starring George Clooney, Alicia Silverstone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Uma Thurman
2. "Battlefield Earth" (2000) starring John Travolta, Forest Whitaker
3. "The Love Guru" (2008) with Mike Myers
4. "Raise the Titanic" (1980) with Jason Robards, David Selby
5. "Epic Movie" (2007)
6. "Heaven's Gate" (1980)
7. "Sex Lives of the Potato Men" (2004)
8. "The Happening" (2008) with Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel
9. "Highlander 2: The Quickening" (1991)
10. "The Room" (2003)
Thanks to whoever posted that twitter pic. That was kind of cute. That gal comes through with her twitters, i.e. pictures! She had a picture of that van disel guy sitting in what looked like a fast food/diner booth. Good picture, too. Her one of Jake, though, is pretty distorted - must be a camera phone. All her pictures were cute - I kind of got wrapped up looking at them all, LOL.
Jake's a snowbird!! Couldn't take the winter weather.
Yeah, I'm sorry to hear Brulian is getting together again, too. Brooke is the one who makes it hard to root for them to get back together. She's gotten to be a whiney, all about me kind of character. And I've felt the chemistry totally disappear between them.
I don't know what the writers did to mess that all up but they did.
I like Alex because she has character. She has pizazz. She has life & spunk, even if some of it was nasty at the beginning. I thought Julian was a good play off of that.
I really cannot imagine there being droves of followers of this show this season. I couldn't get into it at all. And from all the screencaps I've seen, I prefer Clay with Nathan!! LOLLL.
Thinking about it a little, could be Brulian has suffered the same predicament that alot of predecessors have. Once the chase is over, all the thrill is gone. And unless the writers can keep the spice in it, you're doomed.
I.E. Scarecrow & Mrs. King. Moonlighting. Those are 2 shows that immediately come to mind.
Hmmmmmm...might be why I'm having some serious writer's block. I'm really struggling right now. As if I could ever call myself a writer. LOL. As much of a writer as a novice can be, I guess.
Watched bits and pieces of this weeks OTH again. Agree M, seems to be a bit more of Austin, don't mean time in the show. This episode was filmed after coming back from their break in Dec. Wonder if he was getting a lot of pancake breakfasts.
I don't know when I missed this but JJ had a post on Tuesday of Wentworth Miller. Boy, the ladies love Wenty.
But in the pics, it looks like Wentworth has grabbed some Starbucks in West Hollywood, it says. He has two cups in his hand, although none of the pictures show anyone else in his company.
The comments are funny because some of them wonder why he's never seen with a girl and one commenter picks on this "Ellie" by saying "You are ridiculous! How is a man walking down the street holding coffee cups “pretending to be straight”? Get a life."
And I had to laugh. Like carrying coffee cups is now going to be some revealing trait of some stars in Hollywood. Could be a new cultural hidden tattoo was established by the last 2 1/2 years. LOLLLL.
Anyway, gotta love Wentworth. Good to see he still has his fans even though he's not on TV right now.
A big part of Brulian's problem is indeed the chase being over, but they also got too bitchy with Brooke's character, and they turned poor Julian into her doormat.
Carrying coffee, lol. So, was someone off camera or in a car waiting for Wenty? Or is he a two-coffee man? I just saw something recently about him and Luke M. on DL. I know there had been some speculation about them possibly still being together, and I think someone was speculating that maybe now Prison Break was over they could work things out. But another poster said no, that Luke had moved on and had found someone new he was very happy with, and there was no chance of his getting back together with Wenty.
Sad for Wenty, but good for Luke for not putting up with the closet.
This song is funny sounding.
I just love my cupcake.
Prince Of Persia star Jake Gyllenhaal is quite a ‘goofy’ person, according to his co-star Gemma Arterton.
Arterton, 24, plays the role of Tamina opposite Gyllenhaal in the new movie, which is out later this year.
Asked about working with Gyllenhaal, she said: “He’s absolutely gorgeous and lovely, and quite goofy once you get to know him.
“The film was originally a video game so there was a lot of pressure on him from the fans, but he really went for it – he worked out every day, on top of filming. I’ve got no idea how he managed it.”
January 31 - At A Gas Station In Beverly Hills
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