Today's Out Spotlight is Roy Simmons, one of three former NFL players to publicly disclose his homosexuality.
Before coming out, Simmons, was "so deep in the closet he was behind it," said Armen Keteyian a correspondent on HBO's "Inside the NFL."
Simmons' football career ended 20 years ago, but his experience as an NFL player living a life of "lies" and "deception," as he puts it, would likely be the same if he were playing today. Out of the hundreds of gay or bisexual men estimated to have ever been on an NFL team, not a single one was openly gay before leaving the game.

Born Roy Franklin Simmons, November 8, 1956 in Savannah, Georgia, Simmons was offensive lineman for the New York Giants and then with the Washington Redskins from 1979-84, and played for the Redskins in Super Bowl XVIII in 1984.
In 1992, he came out of the closet as gay on the Phil Donahue Show. He then promptly disappeared. No more stories would appear about Simmons for the next 12 years.
Growing up he played a number of positions - offensive tackle, defensive tackle, offensive guard, nose guard and was recruited by a number of colleges, but wanted to stay in state close to home, choosing Georgia Tech. Simmons did well in school, both academically and athletically, and thought he'd be drafted in the NFL's first round. Even the scouting reports thought so but he didn't go until the eighth round to the Giants. Which he revealed was a devastating and humbling experience.

He went on to a successful career as as a lineman, all the while sshamed and isolated while struggling about being attracted to men and the central role of being rape by a neighbor when he was eleven. “As an adult, he tortured himself wondering--often while drunk or high on drugs--if he would have been straight if he had not been assaulted,” “He blamed himself and suffered from a diminished sense of self-worth and confusion over his sexual identity. ‘I think all my life it affected me,’ he said. ‘The acting out--the sex with the boys, the girls — the drinking.’ He used marijuana, cocaine to escape.

He went on to a successful career as as a lineman, all the while sshamed and isolated while struggling about being attracted to men and the central role of being rape by a neighbor when he was eleven. “As an adult, he tortured himself wondering--often while drunk or high on drugs--if he would have been straight if he had not been assaulted,” “He blamed himself and suffered from a diminished sense of self-worth and confusion over his sexual identity. ‘I think all my life it affected me,’ he said. ‘The acting out--the sex with the boys, the girls — the drinking.’ He used marijuana, cocaine to escape.
After his career ended he found himself still using, still struggling and sometimes homeless. He ended up hitting rock bottom but a friend was there to help pick him up and turn his life around.
Old friend from his days as a New York Giant brought him to Martha's Vineyard to take charge of his life, his addiction and his health. He told Simmons "I made a promise to help you, and now you must make a promise to help others. This is my way."
In 2003 Simmons reemerged breaking his silence in an interview in the New York Times (not in the Sports section but the Style section) sharing a compelling tale of a star athlete who hit rock bottom and was trying to get back up.
The article wove the difficulty of being black and gay--the “Down Low” concept where black men live a deeply closeted gay or bisexual life. And delving into the familiar territory of how hard it is to be a gay professional athlete. "The N.F.L. has a reputation," Simmons said, "and it's not even a verbal thing--it's just known. You are gladiators; you are male; you kick butt." Noting that he had significant relationships with women and daughter with his high school sweetheart, Simmons was asked if he saw himself as bisexual or gay? His response was I'm gay [laughs]. I'm a gay black man in America.
Also as a part of breaking his silence, Simmons revealed on World AIDS Day 2003 that he had been diagnosed with AIDS in 1997.
Old friend from his days as a New York Giant brought him to Martha's Vineyard to take charge of his life, his addiction and his health. He told Simmons "I made a promise to help you, and now you must make a promise to help others. This is my way."
In 2003 Simmons reemerged breaking his silence in an interview in the New York Times (not in the Sports section but the Style section) sharing a compelling tale of a star athlete who hit rock bottom and was trying to get back up.
The article wove the difficulty of being black and gay--the “Down Low” concept where black men live a deeply closeted gay or bisexual life. And delving into the familiar territory of how hard it is to be a gay professional athlete. "The N.F.L. has a reputation," Simmons said, "and it's not even a verbal thing--it's just known. You are gladiators; you are male; you kick butt." Noting that he had significant relationships with women and daughter with his high school sweetheart, Simmons was asked if he saw himself as bisexual or gay? His response was I'm gay [laughs]. I'm a gay black man in America.

Also as a part of breaking his silence, Simmons revealed on World AIDS Day 2003 that he had been diagnosed with AIDS in 1997.
He was scheduled to go to Israel on a spiritual retreat for a couple of weeks, and went to the doctor before he left. "I had been sick with all this stuff I don't get - earache, sore throat. He asked me when was the last time I was tested, and I said three or four years ago." He found out that then he was HIV positive.
"I was nervous. No one is totally sure. Especially when it comes to intercourse. Some people have blackouts that they can't remember [what they did]. Being told that I was positive, there's a shade of darkness that comes over you - fear, knowing that you're going to die. At that point, I had been clean for five years. I was a substance abuse counselor in East Hampton, New York. It was just shocking. Having to make that call to your mother - that was awful." Simmons also had to tell his daughter from a previous relationship, telling her - it wasn't easy. "A lot of crying, despair. Overall though, I am her Dad. And there is forgiveness."
In the Times article, reporter Maureen Orth explained why Simmons had decided to become more visible: “Mr. Simmons said he wants to reach athletes who may still be in the closet and as tortured as he was. … He said he hopes that by telling his story, he will help prevent other men in his situation, especially blacks, from putting male or female partners in harm's way."
In an other interview with the Washington Blade, and asked why he thought there were no "out" professional athletes on any team sports he said "If you're a player making X millions of dollars, are you going to come out of the closet knowing that it's going to affect your salary, and basically your life? Why would anyone take such a risk without having anything as a backup? Asked if it'd be different than if it were a superstar, who might have other options? He said "it'd be harder for a superstar, with endorsements, being known around the world. It adds up to money."
An interesting aside comes from Butch Woolfolk, a former teammate of Simmons: "I played with four gay guys. Roy is the only one I didn't know about."
"There remains little freedom for men like Roy Simmons in leagues like the NFL," Armand Keteyian said in his comments on his profile of Simmons for HBO.
"There remains little freedom for men like Roy Simmons in leagues like the NFL," Armand Keteyian said in his comments on his profile of Simmons for HBO.
Simmons, joins David Kopay and Esera Tuaolo as the only NFL players who have publicly declared they are gay. Tuaolo and Simmons, took very different paths toward self-acceptance, but both have said that coming out is the best thing they did.
In his autobiography, Out of Bounds (written with Damon DiMarco), is searing and brutally honest about his struggle with his sexuality, 20 years of drug addiction, prostitution, homelessness and depression and his recovery.
Simmon' s message is simple: "Respect yourself. Get tested. And be honest."
Simmon' s message is simple: "Respect yourself. Get tested. And be honest."
Another excellent and topical Out Spotlight, thanks once again! I just read an interesing article in today's Halifax Herald about the Olympics and a "Pride House" at the Olympic Village in Vancouver. It might make for good reading while still on the topic of sports and creating a positive and supportive atmospehere for gay athletes.
Pride House
And... while I'm at it, might as well bring this other Sports related story up here. This one in particular is very sad, and yet some hope can be seen in the way in which his family, friends, and his hockey team dealt with his being an Out athlete.
Brendan Burke dead at 21
Nice Spotlight Spesh. I think the time is coming soon where active professional athletes will have the courage to come out. I think the two athletes In the NFL who have come out in support of Gay marriage is the beginning of that trend.
Heart breaking story on the young hockey player Sewaweed. He is a hero.
Seaweed, thanks for sharing with both with us.
It is exciting to see that they have a Pride House for Vancouver and will be interesting the response of the athletes in the Olympic Village.
I remember reading about Brendan Burke and how supportive his family and team were when he came out, and how it was national news in Canada of his father, the GM for the Maple Leaf's support for him.
It is tragic that he was killed with such of a great future ahead of him.
Great Out Spotlight, again. There's no reason men and women can't be out, proud and great athletes. :)
Very sad about Brendan Burke.
Nice Spotlight for Superbowl Sunday. I agree with Tom about the two players supporting gay marriage being a sign that things may be changing.
Very sad about Brendan Burke; it's doubly hard to lose a role model like that as there just not enough of them.
I do think things are changing in television and certain areas of music--particularly indie music--and it is just a matter of time before things really break open.
I was just reading an interview with Vampire Weekend in RS this afternoon, and the keyboardist is gay. He said he only came out to his parents a couple of years ago (which is probably why there was no talk of his being gay in interviews a few years ago when their first cd came out) but that he has been out to his friends since college. Seems like I'm always coming across reference to gay band members when I read about newer indie bands.
Jake gyllenhaal is at home slice right now
That only means one thing: Austin's cooking dinner.
So we just ran into jake gyllenhaal at home slice. Beautiful
about 2 hours ago from txt
Home Slice Austin TX
Obviously, Jake is in Austin. And Austin is flying under the radar very well.
That's all I need to know. Only one reason why Jake would be in Austin.
Well, our snow is starting. Gee, I can't wait. Can't wait to shovel!
So is there supposed to be a PoP ad during this Super Bowl? I've had it on since I got back but I'm not actually watching it. I'm listening to it. Sort of.
I thought Carrie Underwood did a not very good job on that anthem. She sounded off key at times and then other times, was practically yelling it. Geez.
Well, I plan to get some work done in LJ tonight. Will check in to see if there are any more upset people, lol.
Yes there is supposed to be a PoP commercial during the Superbowl.
Underwood was not good, and the tight white outfit with the killer high-heeled shoes seemed all wrong. Maybe she couldn't breath and was trying to keep her balance, lol.
Just saw an ad for Robin Hood, that looks promising.
Oh hey Jake
Oh hey Jake Gyllenhaal.
2 minutes ago
no location
LOL, look at those girls. That picture is hilarious.
I tell you what, all celebs need to be aware of Twitter and the internet as a whole. There are people like these 2, LOL, who have camera phones at the ready.
Jake & Austin have to be aware of it.
Which just shows to me what a hassle and what stress to live in the hiding.
LOLL, these 2 girls killed me with their picture. That's funny.
someone is hungry
Someone has to be too full to taste the fried tuna milkshake Austin's making us for dinner.
I didn't care for her outfit either, Destiny, and usually Carrie looks awesome in anything she wears. It looked like an Elvis white jumpsuit.
Couple of commercials have been pretty good. I liked the Dodge car one where the guy says since he does all of that list of things, he gets to drive what he wants.
And the NCIS headslap commercial. lol.
LOLL, these 2 girls killed me with their picture. That's funny.
I'm laughing about how the person who took the pic had to stand up and try not to be obvious!
And I don't know what in the heck Monsters Inc is but that commercial about the boogie man was totally creepy. He was creepier than the Burger King guy. I hope no little kid saw that one - that'd give a kid nightmares for sure.
Excited about the Who, though. They ought to be pretty good.
It's too bad we can't see who is sitting across from him.
I wonder who the guy on his left is?
It sure looks like he is a member of the group and is looking at Jake. Maybe it is Austins Dad or Brother in Law.
It's not a midget bottle blonde.
So far like the Dorito commercial with the little kid telling the guy "2 things. 1. Keep your hands off my mama 2. Keep your hands my Doritos.
I can imagine somebody up popping up and down a couple of times, to try and get a get good picture of Jake. Oh yeah no one's going to notice that.
It looks like there is at least three people at Jake's table. But of course we can't get a peek at who's sitting across from him dammit.
But Jake is definitelty in Austin and looking great with haircut and a shave.
We sure know why Jack and Austin cant go out together. Because of Twitter and cell phone cameras.
That was the best commerical so far Spesh. The beer commericals have been pretty dumb.
I can imagine somebody up popping up and down a couple of times, to try and get a get good picture of Jake. Oh yeah no one's going to notice that.
No one at all!
We sure know why Jack and Austin cant go out together.
Wow, I can't believe what the Saints just did to start the second half!! Go Saints!
Or Jake and Julian.
Oh yeah, I forgot that one, lol! The little kid telling that guy to watch himself with his mom. That was a good one.
Poor Jake. Caught with his mouth full. lol. Those 2 girls are still killing me.
Ack, I almost missed it! That was a good spot to put it in. Everyone comes back for the beginning of the 2nd half.
That was quick. I didn't even see Jake's name - all I saw was J.B.'s.
It looks so serious. Aren't there any light moments in that thing? I swear, the Prince looked angry in every single scene.
Didn't see Jake's name either; wasn't crazy about the preview, it doesn't give you any sense of the movie or make you want to see it, imo.
Onside Kick was pure BALLS. Ballsier than casting Jake Gylenhaal as a Persian.
5 minutes ago
Loc: LA
Bio: Yeah, I'm one of the idiots behind LOST. And I have NO IDEA what the numbers mean.
the Prince looked angry in every single scene.
That's why I had him hang out with domineering midget 24/7P: to help him get into character.
In the trailer there are so light moments and the name Dastan means trickery so I think there will be some light moments to PoP.
It was a great spot for the ad. Over 125 tweets about Jake within minutes of the comercial.
The Megan Fox Motorola ad had me laughing out loud.
Well, I may have found the preview lacking, but posters on the DataLounge Super Bowl thread seem to like it.
Opps I was so distracted by Jakey's muscles!
the Prince looked angry in every single scene.
That's why I had him hang out with the domineering midget 24/7: to help him get into character.
Jakey-Poo screaming about a dagger. I'm refraining from the obvious joke. #SuperBowl
11 minutes ago from web
It was exciting to see, that's for sure. I just thought he looked angry in every scene. Maybe it's supposed to be a serious movie. I always associate Disney with at least a few laughs.
It was def. a good spot to air it.
LOL, yeah, I can see Jake easily being able to get into angry character. All he had to do was think about what he was doing at the time - hanging with her. That'd do it for me, too.
Thanks @jauntsetter for the awesome reco of Hotel San Jose in Austin. Not only grt hotel, but jake gyllenhaal there this w/e too!
2 minutes ago
CinemaReel: Prince Of Persia Super Bowl Spot: Jake Gyllenhaal turns back time in the desert.
Oh now, come on. We have to have Jake established at a hotel, don't we?
lol. That's too much.
This is better than a genie in a bottle.
It's the same hotel he stayed in with Chris back in 2007
Austin City Stroller Watch, film at 11.
Liked the VW Punchbuggie commercial with Tracey Morgan and Stevie Wonder. But I think the Sorento ad with the toys having the Hangover road trip win the car add so far. Sock monkey getting a knitted tattoo, Muno from Yo Gaba Gaba, the bear in the hot tub. Loved it. Liked the Late Night ad with Dave Oprah and Jay.
Being an animal person, my favorite is the Budweiser commercial with the horse and the steer. You could say it applies to a lot of things: Nothing comes between friends, especially fences.
None of the commercials have really caught my fancy.
It would make sense for Jake to stay in a hotel, it would probably really cause a stir with the neighbors to stay with Austin's family. And sometimes people just like privacy, space form the in-laws, etc. Me and my girlfriend always stay in a hotel when we visit her mom.
I did like the Letterman ad, so unexpected. I also always like the ETrade commercials with the talking baby.
I can't believe the Saints have gone ahead!! I'm kind of rooting for them; I'm so tired of the Colts. They've already won. It'd be nice to see the city of New Orleans be the champs.
Aw, Curly has destroyed one of his new toys. Finally got the squeaker out which I managed to get away from him. And I keep picking up pieces of stuffing everywhere, lol.
I suppose, Destiny.
It just seems kind of odd that this twitter came after the convo this morning.
I always have to be leery of some; I don't always believe them all.
LOL oh Destiny, you're always good for a laugh, old girl.
Go back to babble.
The woman does work in public relations, so yeah, could be a setup too PG, I did contemplate that. Also, how does she know he was staying there, as opposed to just seeing him say, at the bar? Someone on wft2 said it was the same hotel he stayed in when he was there a couple of years ago with Chris around Austin's birthday. So again, someone could be playing with that, or he really did stay there.
But at the end of the day it doesn't matter where he stayed, there's no other reason for him to be in Austin.
Saints do it!
jdunn187: Jake Gyllenhaal as "Prince of Persia?" Didn't know guy who cast Mickey Rooney as Mr. Yunioshi in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" was still working.
less than 20 seconds ago
OMG..this was the first time the New Orleans Saints have ever been in a Superbowl?! And they won! Great for them!
Congrats to the Saints! That's pretty great. I remember years ago, the Saints always used to have a losing record. It's good to see a team like that have a Super Bowl win.
Someone on WFT2 made a good point in that he has been eating out alot and drinking coffee, whatnot, for someone who would be staying at a home. Very good point. So I would be more inclined to believe he's at the hotel.
Maybe I could call that hotel and ask if they have had any requests for a crib, lol.
DO IT! Ask if they supply strollers too.
Say you're from Crib USA Inc., and there was a problem with some of them and you have to contact the guests to ask if their children have a rash!
"It would make sense for Jake to stay in a hotel, it would probably really cause a stir with the neighbors to stay with Austin's family"
lol. And booster seats!
Maybe Grammie and Grampy are having some full time spoiling time for the weekend, and J&A got a jump on some kid free celebrating next Sunday. Especially if Austin will be busy as the extra tall accessory for Fashion Week.
OMG I just realized....I thought the 2 girls were eating in another room with a glass divider or on a patio....looking at the pic again I think they were outside the window on a sidewalk!!
And booster seats!
Yeah! I forgot about those!
spoiling time for the weekend
Great. And guess who has to re-train him when he gets back.
Grammy and Grampie. LOL.
Yeah, LMAO, that's what it looked like to me, that they were outside. That picture just kills me.
Tom & I were talking the other evening. He said we should come up with a name for BT.
I suggested Junior.
Sock monkey getting a knitted tattoo.
That was great, wasn't it? I loved the Budweiser Clydesdale and longhorn calf too. :)
One of the beer commercials where light beer was brought home, and everyone started singing like T-Pain. The Coke commercial in Africa with Ravel's Bolero in the background. And The "Green" police. :)
Yay, Saints!
Glad to see the Saints won. A classic case of it's not over until its over. Personally, I had no favorite team this time. It just makes for a more interesting game when its relatively even and the outcome is not certain until the end.
I was so involved in the game, I did not pay much attention to the POP ad when it played. I'll have to watch it again on youtube. I laughed my head off at the ad with everyone at work in their undies. We are 100% "business casual" and over time its devolved to a point where I am not sure if people are wearing clothes or pajamas.
Ted seems to post about Toothy on Tuesdays. Hopefully he will have some intel about our duo and the Austin trip by then. Has he always had that link to send him tips? I never noticed it before. I am pleased to see Jake is gradually returning to his normal self.
. CBS came in for a considerable amount of criticism before the game when it refused to sell a commercial during the game to a gay dating Web site, But a gay couple appeared in a spot in the third quarter, for Motorola.
The spot featured Megan Fox in a bathtub wondering what would happen if she was to send a photo of herself out into the world. Among the vignettes of havoc was a scene of two men in a kitchen. One slapped the other in the face and the second man slapped back.
The implication was that Ms. Fox’s naughty pictures could even come between a gay couple. It was a nice moment of inclusion rather than exclusion.
^^IMO what a lame-ass excuse to say "Ok yeah there were gays in a Super Bowl ad"
I laughed my head off at the ad with everyone at work in their undies. We are 100% "business casual" and over time its devolved to a point where I am not sure if people are wearing clothes or pajamas. (m)
The CareerBuilder spot, part of a contest to get consumers to create commercials, was a joke about casual Fridays being taken to their illogical extreme. (NYTimes)
^^IMO the CareerBuilder ad was one of, if not the, best. Some of the ad-agency ads were shit and like it was said before, misogynistic. The Super Bowl dragged the equal rights way of thinking 3 steps backward to the caveman-mindset. Idk, maybe women and gays and people who support them, need to boycott the 2011 Super Bowl.
^^I noticed that the ads were much less sexist than other years, even a big improvement from last year. If you thought this year was bad . . .
It just goes to show that they don't need to resort to T&A and homophobic jokes to make funny and amusing commercials. I also loved the Google - Paris love commercial. I was ready to cringe about the GoDaddy ads, but even they were toned down this year. :)
^^oops, that was me.
Here's a pic of Austin and Sophia at Nicked LL's ranch (owned by Austin's family).
Sophia did say that she did own a gun and knew how to shoot during her interview on Craig Ferguson.
Don't know if that's going to help or hurt. Work? maybe. Dates? Not so much.
Every time I remember that hunting ranch, it disgusts me. I can’t stand cruelty to animals.
Sophia is Austin’s friend and co-star. There is nothing wrong with them hanging out. We know they've been in Texas together when they attended the Art of Elysium Halloween party. Also, her picture is not in the ‘family pictures’ folder. It’s in the general ‘ranch pictures’ folder with other guests.
She's probably shooting a .22 looking at the barrel and the stock of the gun. And she is shooting at a target.
Anything bigger the kick from anything bigger would knock her on her butt.
How would I know? I learned how to shoot, growning up with brothers. Funny thing, none of us do that now.
I seem to be in the minority when it comes to the Motorola ad--the two gay men were drawn very broadly so that you would know immediately they were gay. If there were plenty of other types of ads it wouldn't bother me, but it's clear that gays are only allowed to be represented one way in commercials.
I've grown attached to the name BT and Baby Tile PG. Also, I could never think of him or her as a junior because in the Jewish tradition you never have a junior, it's considered a bad thing (I can't recall exacly why though). Instead you're supposed to give your children a name that honors a deceased relative, it doesn't have to be an exact name, but just something similar. Some people do it with both the first and middle names, some just with the middle name.
Austin looks hot in camo. He could wear it when Jake wears his Santa hat and they could do Jarhead.
Dear Ted:
Grey Goose wishes he were Ewan McGregor! Why? Career-wise or relationship-wise? But Ewan is married with children!
Dear Det. Boyish:
The former. Grey has a family now.
Dear Ted:
Thanks for all the Ryan Gosling dirt! He is my favorite. I like the idea of Ryan and Anna Kendrick, but don't you think it's just a matter of when and not if he gets back together with Rachel McAdams? In my opinion, they are meant to be!
Dear Oh Dear:
You must be waiting for Gyllenspoon to get back together, too? That love ship has sailed for good.
Dear Ted:
In regard to closeted gay actors, I don't think Hollywood studios, agents, publicists, etc., give the American public enough credit. Of course, it'll be surprising for some to learn that their favorite stars are gay, but after the initial shock, I think most Americans will get over it and continue to watch their films or TV shows. Closeted gay/bi actors hurt the cause for gay rights just as much (perhaps even more!) as right-wing conservatives. These actors have so much power to help change the hearts and minds of the American public. By not being honest about their sexuality, these actors are condoning homophobia and marriage inequality. Toothy Tile, this means you!
Dear Ahead of the Times:
While you and I may see eye to eye, hate to say it, but I think some of the public does not. You'd be shocked at how many sheltered folks are out there still.
The Awful Truth
"Grey has a family now."
I love the name BT and Baby Tile too. I don't want to call the baby in any other way until we know his/her real name.
There were a lot of people that were not okay with people of color either--and still are not--but is that a reason to not use them in HW?? I really hate this line of thinking from Ted and others who seem to be apologists for the bigots and the oppressors, for lack of a better word.
Let them stay home or stare at a blank screen if they are so offended by gay people.
Maral624: @brianehaner me too! And they actually made Jake Gyllenhaal look Persian..I'm Persian, so that made me happy lol
25 minutes ago from web
"Let them stay home or stare at a blank screen if they are so offended by gay people."
ITA. Really, what are they going to do? Boycott TV and movies (which eventually get on TV anyway) and dvds? Boycotting TV is like boycotting water: it can't be done.
"Let them stay home or stare at a blank screen if they are so offended by gay people."
ITA. Really, what are they going to do? Boycott TV and movies (which eventually get on TV anyway) and dvds? Boycotting TV is like boycotting water: it can't be done.
No they'll boycott the advertisers. Or not go to the movies. All about the money. That's where they have their power.
LOL you're right about the advertisers, but still - that's like boycotting everything you buy.
A few people might initially boycott films, especially when just a few people are out, but really, if everyone came out, people would either have the choice of staying home and never seeing another movie or watching another television show, or getting over it. Same thing happened with black actors and the South.
I seem to recall that there was talk of a boycott of Disneyland because of their policies with regards to gay familiies, but funny, it either never materialized or failed. I guess that Creation World or whatever it is called in Tennessee was a poor substitute for Mickey Mouse.
What gay Hollywood needs
People don't like gays in HW but there are gays everywhere. If they only knew..they'd be boycotting their bank, grocery stores, lending companies, employers, airlines, malls, police services...
Blue star, blue stripes = it's a boy!
I'm Daddy's baby canine tooth.
aka Toothy's First Molar
Max! (as in maxilla)
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