Jake's night out.He picked a really good night to go.
The stars of Crazy Heart joined T Bone Burnett and Ryan Bingham for evening of music from the movie. Not only star Jeff Bridges performed , but co-stars Robert Duvall, and Harry Dean Stanton as well.But who was the biggest star who stunned the club crowd?
Jakey? The very dapper Mad Men himself Don Draper, John Hamm? Easy Rider Peter Fonda? Hans Zimmer? Oscar nominee Woody Harrelson? Or that another Oscar nominee that was there, sister Maggie?
Nope, not as much as this guy.
Elton John surprised the club and sat in on piano with Jeff Bridges for the closing song, I Don't Know.
Jake's now in Montreal for some pre-production, (or it is for production?) in for Source Code, and keeping his things close in the most stylish of ways.It may look like a clutch, but its actually a hip passport holder in his hand, and yeah he is kangarooing his phone in his hoodie pouch pocket, but that's where you'd keep yours if you were a Roo with a phone too. He just needs a kicky binder for all his paper work to finish the whole look.
Work it!
Gathering Sources:
There have been two actors added to the Source Code cast. And found out about both of them in the most roundabout ways. Duncan Jones slipped it in a tweet, “Just met with the lovely Vera Farmiga and Jeffrey Wright. Feeling quite thrilled to have two such scorchingly good actors in Source Code!”

Russell also let us in on that the shooting schedule has been moved up and now looks like it is starting next week. He has to report to set on February 23rd and the shoot is shooting until the end of March.
Jake vs. Joe Jonas playing tennis for Vampire Weekend.
Vampire Weekend Cast Jake Gyllenhaal, Joe Jonas, RZA, and Lil Jon In Next Video
Think Ghostface turned RZA on to Vampire Weekend? Probably. According to Anthem Magazine (via P4K), who talked to co-director Emmett Malloy (younger brother Brendan also directs), Ezra Koening came up with the video's tennis match concept on his own. RZA plays ref, Lil Jon is a tennis coach, and Gyllenhaal and Jonas are competitors. Malloy mentioned that band friend "Jenny," who looks like the same Jenny from their "Oxford Comma" video, stars.
Stereo Gum
The video will on Spinner.com tomorrow.
I like the idea of Jake doing music videos, although I sure didn't like the one he did for Jamie Foxx. I have high hopes for this one though, partly because I'm a big Vampire Weekend fan.
Openly gay former NBA player John Amaechi has dropped a bit of a bomb, telling the Daily Telegraph he would recommend that active professional soccer players stay in the closet.
I personally have spoken to 10, 12 current professional footballers who are gay, they exist, I promise you. As it happens none of them have asked me if they should come out. But if they did, I would tell them not to. I’m not a gay right activist. I don’t insist that they be a Joan of Arc. Why? Because that is what would happen: they would get burned at the stake. And how does that help anyone?
When asked if he was being a little dramatic, he said no.
... two days ago that principle photography starts in two weeks and again that he's filming in March. I doubt Jake will be filming as early as Feb 23 whatever Russell Peters will be doing.
I like the cast that Duncan is pulling together for it. From the script that is out there there are its not a big cast with 4 main characters and basically two basic sets/scenes. The same 17 minutes that Colter has to replay over and over until he figures it out, and back at command with his guide (Vera). Now that they've boosted Russell's part a bit it will be interesting to see who he is in the story.
....is the funniest man to walk the earth
Oh, that's awful. Who was that clown, I wonder? Hope it wasn't anyone I like.
I love Elton John.
Jake Tobey NY Time Magazine
This picture is incredible. Jake's eyes. You think it's the color that makes them so amazing, in but even in black and white it's that stare that pulls you into the picture. So intense. Talk about up staging Tobey without even trying.
Love how they put him in a studded leather jacket.
^^Very nice -
Great song today - reminds me of the Olympics.
^^Reminds me of The Cure. :)
I really like that picture of Jake & Tobey. Even Tobey has a totally different look to him there; I like the length & thickness of his hair. Like the leather jacket on Jake, too.
I told Tom that I wanted to take Curley home with me after this gig is up. I'm in love with Curley!!! I'm in love with my dog charge.
He was still upset when I got home tonight and only after we laid down for a little bit for a short nap did we finally get him out of his little scared funk. Now he's all back to snuff. Just going to be me and him all weekend as I'm missing out on my nephew's birthday celebration. Me & the Curlster. He'll get so much kissin' done on him, he'll be sick of me! lol.
That's an awfully short film shoot, sounds like. Maybe it's a short movie, too. I hope PoP isn't one of those 2 1/2 hr movies.
Disney has set two big screenings for ShoWest 2010: "Toy Story 3" and "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time."
The Pixar sequel will be screened March 16; the Jerry Bruckheimer-produced "Persia" will be shown March 18, the final day of the four-day exhibition confab in Las Vegas.
"The opportunity to showcase the story of 'Prince of Persia' and the beloved characters of 'Toy Story 3' in front of the important professionals of the motion picture industry and owners of theaters demonstrates the significance of this audience to forthcoming blockbusters," ShoWest managing director Robert Sunshine said.
An adventure fantasy starring Jake Gyllenhaal, "Persia" is set for theatrical release May 28. "Toy Story 3" -- the animated franchise's first 3D installment -- opens nationwide June 18.
Good news about the screening. One, it means the film is done. Two, showing it early means they feel good about it, think it will get good word of mouth.
IGN has put up another 3 minute featurette about PoP. This one is called "Creating an Epi"
Check it out: PoP- Creating an Epic
The more I see the more I can't wait to see it on the big screen.
chilibunny: Bradley Cooper is a gay in the Valentine's Day! ouch. what a waste.
00Clint: bradley cooper why did you have to be gay in valentines day
bryanisaac: Bradley Cooper and Eric Dane...hottest gay couple ever!
Jessica4225: Bahahaha! Eric Dane & Bradley Cooper are gay together in the V-day movie! Ummm...hottest gay couple on the face of this planet!!!
Samantha_C: Not sure how I feel about two of my favorite men bradley cooper and eric dane being gay together... Valentines day still pretty good
beelizdayyy: I am SOOO glad Bradley Cooper isn't gay in real life. :))
Teebiscuit99: Ahhh damn Bradley Cooper is gay!! Uggghh I'll be ok it's #justamovie
xlindseey: o m g i can't belive bradley cooper was gay w/ eric dane in valentine's day lol that threw me off completely
mkmande: @Lewis945 omg girllll I can't believe Bradley Cooper was gay. FAIL!!!
morvay: yeah, I said it. it was a fucking all-star cast. But Bradley Cooper plays a gay dude which completely blew my mind after seeing the hangover
west_jess: I'm so mad that bradley cooper was gay in that movie!
zachmarmon25: Bradley Cooper and Eric Dane need to be a real life gay couple. I can't stop picturing them together at the end of vday!
Dear Ted:
I was wondering if Toothy Tile has ever appeared on Oprah?
Dear Toooooothy Tiiiiile:
With all the people the daytime diva has chatted with, would that even narrow it down for you? Narrow it down better, baby!
Bitch Back
Interesting but not surprised at the Cooper tweets.
Never going to completely get rid of homophobia.
Never going to get rid of all racists--just look at all the angry teabaggers, a lot of whom are fueled by the fact they cannot stand having a black president.
The real question is whether anyone, we as a society, including HW, are going to cater to them.
And if you think it is okay to cater to fangirls in the name of a few extra bucks, then I guess we should not allow blacks to run for high offices either.
I read that the CW is deciding the fate of OTH in the next weeks depending on how Life Unexpected performs without OTH. After next Monday’s episode, OTH is in hiatus until April 19th. If Life Unexpected does well, then they'll cancel OTH. I wouldn’t be surprised to see more Austin and Sophia photo ops in the next weeks. They will do everything to have extra publicity. Robert and Shantel attended lots of events this week too. Either they are trying to save the show or they are looking for a new job.
It's gonna take some time. :(
OTOH, the newest PoP clip is the best I've seen yet - evertything looks so realistic! Loved the market/town scenes, and the landscape scenes - the color of the sand is gorgeous. Dastan looks magnificent on horseback, and I liked the "Give me strength . . ." part. :)
OTH has only 3 weeks of filming left for this season too. Their shooting schedule has them finishing up on March 15th. (And Source Code starts when?, but anyway) I'm sure they want a decision about the show while the cast and crew are still together. The news about some of them having to go to LA this weekend sounds like they are trying to get as much PR as they can, or make a pitch to SoapNet to pick them up. Schwahn seems to want to use their "private" lives to promote the show, so yeah can imagine the push for Sophia and Austin to be seen.
I think it's not Schwahn but the CW pushing the stars of the show to 'date' for publicity. They do the same with all the CW shows. Also the CW’s target audience is women 18-34 so selling ‘romances’ is the main part of their marketing strategy.
They must know that things are getting difficult for a renewal. Maybe they already know the fate but it’s not public. They have to shoot the finale and they are shooting episode 20 already. So they have just 2 episodes left to wrap up.
I don't think they'll go for Soapnet if they are cancelled. Maybe the meeting in LA has to do with the budget cuts and contract changes in case the CW is considering to renew or offering other roles/possibilities if they already decided to cancel.
I also read that the CW wants to broaden their target audience and will focus on developing other type of shows. Another factor that may influence OTH's cancellation.
Whose other private lives is Schwahn using? I haven't seen a mention of anyone else on JJ, but I don't read any other pr friendly sites.
January 20, 2010
Bitch-Back! Does The CW Force Their Stars to Date?
Dear Ted:
What in the world is going on over at the CW? Four hookups: Two dating couples in Sophia Bush/Austin Nichols and Ed Westwick/Jessica Szohr and two engaged couples in Jensen Ackles/Danneel Harris and Jared Padalecki/Genevieve Cortese. Seems a little coincidental. Is it possible they're all for real?
Dear Mini List:
And don't forget Blake Lively and Penn Bagdley. Plus, there have been a lot more behind-the-scenes hookups than you'd know. Chalk it up to the CW casting horny kids? As well as something a little less impetuous, more designing, to be sure.
If Austin is going to beard to save a crappy show, well, then, he deserves what he gets, career-wise.
Designing = Fashion Week?
I'm more looking forward to this RZA/Jake Gyllenhaal/Lil Jon/Joe Jonas-starring Vampire Weekend video than I am any film coming out soon.
33 minutes ago
Vampire Weekend, 'Giving Up the Gun' -- Video Premiere
I'm a Vampire Weekend fan. :)
bmeadors: jake gyllenhaal is hysterical in the new Vampire Weekend video http://bit.ly/aaLx54 (expand)
2 minutes ago
He's very good in it - the video is interesting too. It's like her greatest competitor is herself. Jake is adorable in it, and kinda sexy. :)
I like when he gives the "cut" motion across his throat and she trounces his butt and blows him a kiss goodbye. Ha! :)
oops that was me.
He's like that retro macho guy that women love to hate - overconfident, overly showing off his maleness, no contest, I can win over this chick drunk, etc. But still kinda cute.
No anons. Put a name on it before it gets deleted.
OK, 12:47 was Walcott again. :) And I still love today's song.
AndyTowle: Watch: Jake Gyllenhaal Showcases Stripper Talents in Vampire Weekend Video http://bit.ly/aBVqY3 (expand)
half a minute ago
I think that when he gives the "cut" motion across his throat, he looks like Austin for a second. Very weird. It must be true couples end up looking alike ;)
Posted on WFT2 by IMDB (LAOD paige)
Just saw “Love and Other Drugs” last night at a preview screening in Pasadena. I don’t know what I was expecting, maybe just another idiotic rom-com, but this movie is original, funny, unbelievably sexy, and really moving. And it’s about something. Have to admit I’ve never been much of a Jake Gyllenhaal fan, but here – as a slick Viagra salesman – he’s not only charming and witty, he’s also got this new, warm, strong and quiet leading man thing going. Anne Hathaway meanwhile burns up the screen, and not just because she’s naked half the time. Even when she’s dressed you simply can’t take your eyes off her. I thought she was good in “Rachel Getting Married,” but in this one – as a free-spirit arty girl with early-onset Parkinson’s – she’s very funny and really hard-core. My guess is another nomination will be coming her way.
I find it strange that SoapNet would consider funding OTH. Is there any actual proof they are considering it or is this just OTH fans campaigning for a pick up? Ever since that worked with Roswell back in the day, all fanbases think they can get another network to pick up their show. It usually doesn't work.
SoapNet is owned by ABC and primarily shows their soaps and cheap reality shows. They pay for syndication rights to air repeats of OTH, OC, etc and a few Canadian shows... But that is much, much cheaper than actually footing the bill for a show like OTH where at least three of the actors are going to expect big bucks with their contract negotiations.
IMO, if the CW doesn't pick up OTH then it's toast. Last year they picked up eleven shows including returning shows and new ones. So far they already have five locked down for next season and there are a few high profile pilots being considered. It will be interesting to see how this goes.
Not supposed to watch videos at work, but I broke down and watched the VW video. It's funny and cute.
LAOD seems promising, but I don't know that I trust reviews from an early screening,no way of knowing whether the audience was made up of friends, etc.
I think it is odd that Ted didn't say anything about Austin and Sophia at Fashion Week.
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