We know Jake was seen out in LA again couple nights ago and something else was seen again. His ring. We'd all agree it's great seeing both. Now there are a couple things we'd like to see that are better ; )Up close and inn more detail we see that there is a little something to it. Some letters ring the band.
We've seen this ring before. It's a ring that Jake has worn in the past that says Carpe Diem.
Seeing Jake and all the talk from Ted, do you think he's taking the opportunity now to "Sieze the Day" ? And what do you think that could mean?
What's one ring without another. Got a better look at Austin's new ring during Fashion week.
It looks like a signet. Wonder if there is a special insignia of inspiration for him too.
You can check out more pics here.
But this snap sums up the whole misadventure.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ring Leader
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But this snap sums up the whole misadventure.
LOL it sure does!
Dear Ted:
I have a question about Toothy Tile: did he start out his career being funny or as a serious actor? Thanks!
Dear 20 Gay Questions:
Depends on how you mean—stage, screen, otherwise? But, let’s say this much: Toothy certainly became best known for being uber serious.
Dear Ted:
My question for you: like actors, do musicians have "handlers" or suits who reign them in from time to time? It seems J.Mayer's douchebaggery multiples exponentially each week and I wonder where his team is hiding. It seems actors are told who to date, to stay in the closet, and how to maintain a well crafted persona. I assume there is more freedom in the record biz? What’s the explanation for why Toothy is still in the closet and Kanye and Mayer are left to their own devices?
Dear Singin’ Out of Tune:
Musicians definitely have handlers, but not even the best in the biz can stop some of these celebs from showing their true colors. But who do you think prods these screw ups to make public apologies afterward?
Bitch Back!
I guess that snap sums it up - Whew! Glad that's over with. :)
Nice song today.
That ring is not new, it was given to him by his mother, I remember him talking about it and him wearing it before. Why is he wearing it again after not wearing it for almost five years? I think his Mother is staying at his place in L.A. while Maggie and Peter and Ramona are in a hotel. Probably the first time in ages he and his Mom were under the same roof in awhile and he decided to wear that ring, to say "hey mom,look i still have the ring you gave me!
Why do I think his Mom is staying with him?
Well due to his crazy father we know that Mom is living with Maggie and Co in Brooklyn . When She and Co came to L.A. to stay for the awards season, there were sightings of Mom there as well.
I don't think Jake has his place in the HH anymore, but bought a smaller place in Venice. smaller as in a bit too small to have Mom, Maggie and co to stay in comfort until after the Oscars, but mom, yes.
The studio put up Maggie and family in some swank hotel as is the custom.
So Jake is back under mom's thumb IMO. He also looks a bit drunk in those pics, not good.
Yes we have seen this ring before, but you left out the part that it was a gift from his mother several years ago.
I always thought that it was a dig at him for quitting school, she wasn't too pleased.
Probably the first time in ages he and his Mom were under the same roof in awhile and he decided to wear that ring, to say "hey mom,look i still have the ring you gave me!
What are you babbling about?!?
With fans like "Diem" who needs enemies?!
Maggie talked staying with Jake and watching the sun rise. Only place you can catch it like that is Malibu not Venice. Hotel room is a perk for her nomination she said that on Access Hollywood.
His mother gave him the Diem ring,he spoke about it in interviews. The ring is several years old.
Maggie and Jake say a lot of thngs in print, doesn't make it true. Sounds more embellished, watching the sun rise, yeah right.
Malibu? I thought he got a place East?
He has been papped and tweeted in BH/WEHO/Venice, where is Malibu coming from? The joke comment on DL? You should know better to believe someone making a joke on a anon. gossip site!
Yes she is at a hotel now, they aren't going to fit the bill for Mom so if she is still in L.A. like I suspect, why not stay with her son?
Remember the Malibu neighbor who said Jake lives with Austin and their baby? What Maggie said about watching the sunset at Jake's home definitely fits Malibu.
^correction: sunrise, not sunset.
Maggie and Jake say a lot of thngs in print, doesn't make it true.
Trolly, you should be quiet.
I'm not even going to bother commenting on Jack insinuating that Naomi (NOT mom! Naomi. Is. NOT. Your. Mom) was living on the street for the last few weeks while the Gyllenhaal-Saarsgard family took up the place in the cardboard that is Jakes house. Or the fact that he suddenly has a house again, when before he supposedly stayed at his parents/moms/relatives place all the time...
I was looking for the interview where Jake was talking about the rings because I'm pretty sure he said that one of the two gold rings were from him mom, but never specified whether it was the Carpe Diem or the Create on.
Didn't find it yet, but I found this while googling:
This is the headline that JustJared has up in his 2006 archives (search for Jake, there's only one entry for him on that site).
And this is the headline you get when you actually click on the post.
Looks like Jared went through his posts and edited out the Toothy Tile mentions. Pretty obviously, too, since he usually only uses these weird rhymes in his headlines.
Great catch Stubborn. It's the same that Perez did. He edited all the old Jake posts. It's the before and after they received payments/made a deal with Jake's PR.
Great work, Stubborn!
A quick google search brings up the following...
- Reese Witherspoon & Jake Gyllenhaal Spend Memorial Day In Malibu
- Jake Gyllenhaal Takes Reese Witherspoon's Kids Hiking in Malibu
- Jake Gyllenhaal and Tour de France legend Lance Armstrong join actor Matthew McConaughey for another long bike ride through the canyons on Malibu
- Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal at the beach in Malibu, CA
- Jake Gyllenhaal with friends in Malibu
- Jake Gyllenhaal with German Shepherd Atticus on 11th March 2006 in Malibu Beach
Awesome work Stubborn! Gold Stars for you! What great detective work.
Not only Perez, but TMZ took off all their pictures of Jake and Austin together. The stories are there but no more pics.
Anon you have 10 more mins to get claimed or it's out of here.
I left quite a few gifts there too. Good times!
New pics at IHJ
I'd be surprised if Jake is living in Malibu, between the cost, the mud slides, the fires, etc. And why someone thinks you'd see a sunrise in Malibu, but not elsewhere in LA, is beyond me. Depends upon high up you are, what is blocking your view, etc. I'm also puzzled as to why the troll thinks that Naomi absolutely has to be in LA--maybe she's back in NY enjoying the peace and quiet.
I still don't think there ia second BT, Ted has barely said a word on that subject, and I seem to recall a recent letter when the question made reference to a child/children and Ted answered in the singular.
Also, why would Jake go out with a baby, but not BT?
I've seen plenty of kids around the age of 2 or 3 that I wasn't sure of the sex, ones I thought were boys but were so pretty they gave me pause, or ones I thought were girls but had very short hair and generic face and clothes. And if they're in hats and coats (unless they're hot pink with flowers) it is even harder to tell.
Also, if there is a second BT, where were they if that was BT in Paris??
I don't think that guy would have used "kid" if it was a baby. Also, maybe he thought it was a boy, but threw in niece after hearing from others about Ramona??? And I don't think it was Ramona, who seems to be given to dressing in frilly, very girly clothes.
Probably the first time in ages he and his Mom were under the same roof in awhile and he decided to wear that ring, to say "hey mom,look i still have the ring you gave me!
Naomi was in LA on January 29th as per pics of her on IHJ.
Maggie and family was staying at Jakes on February 2nd at the least when she found out about the nominations.
You said that now after Maggie got nominated this was the first time Jake and Naomi stayed under the same roof. This means February 2nd at the earliest.
But since you said that Jake only started wearing the ring because Naomi moved in, that means around February 10th.
Which means you're saying that Naomi stayed where exactly in those two weeks?
Oh no wait, Jake wanted to show his mom he still cares about the ring, which he proved by having to search for it for two weeks!
You realize that when you type something here it stays even for your next post? Amazing, I know!
But sadly it also means you can't change stories that fast. Bummer, huh?
Yes, great work on JJ. Didn't know that about TMZ, that surprises me.
I bet you did, Atti, unless Daddy was a good man and picked up after you with his scooper.
Short, short lunch hour today. All I can say is hi.
And I bet everyone's glad of that since my rant this morning, lol.
So I bid you peace and don't worry, I will be in a glorious mood when I get home tonight.
I've seen plenty of kids around the age of 2 or 3 that I wasn't sure of the sex, ones I thought were boys but were so pretty they gave me pause, or ones I thought were girls but had very short hair and generic face and clothes.
The way to find out is to look affectionately at the baby and say "Well, who do we have here?" ~ the parent will start talking and give the name/gender every time.
If you look back TMZ has deleted a lot, if not all, of the pics in old posts. IMO it has more to do with server space or too much hotlinking was going on or maybe they moved to a new host and couldn't/wouldn't transfer the old files.
Why take out a baby and not a toddler. Well baby is not much easy to keep track off, toddlers tend to much more mobile, and probably wouldn't be as chatty as toddler either. And let's face it,a precocious two year brings attention without even trying. And yes parents do have special one on one time with their kids.
Ted mentioned a second BT and hinted a birth around the time Jen Garner had her second on, just like he mention BT1 was going to be born close to the time Naomi Watts has her first one. So that means that BT2 would have been born a little over a year ago. That's why you didn't see them in Paris, they weren't born yet.
Ted has mentioned about a second child but you're right not lately but maybe because the questions have been about BT, and no one's asking about BT2. Ted doesn't answer what isn't asked. But he did talk about an expanding family.
PG, crazy day for me too, my lunch as been cut short, so I'll be back to tonight to talk about Sophin when I have a lot more time.
I wonder if expanding is a reference to his mom and sister spending time with him on a regular basis??? Also, why not refer to Baby Tiles?
There is a long residential street near the coast named Ashland Avenue in Santa Monica/Venice Beach.
Jake in Montreal
My guess is still that Jake and Austin may have taken kid/kids to Texas to stay with the Nichols while he and Austin are both working.
Sophin is getting a little sickening. Austin is beginning to look as miserable as Jake was.
You're right, Tom.
But just like Reese, ol' Sophia ain't! She's eating it up.
All he had to say was "No."
That's all I'll say. All he had to say was no. "One show's enough." Last time I checked, he was over 21.
Parents don't always take both/all kids with them on outings. My brother takes my niece when it's artsy involved. LOL, I don't know when he's taken my nephew - he's so glued to that Wii & Nintendo DS, it's hard to even get him to go to the mall. Say "buffet" out to eat, though, and he's there, lol.
But when they're little like that, I can imagine it'd be alot easier to just take a baby than a toddler, too. Even though it would've been nice to let the toddler stretch his/her little legs.
It's been a pretty bad winter when it's in the 30's but the sun is out and the kids are all outside skateboarding and down the street, they're playing basketball. Cabin fever!!
Hey, nice looking Montreal pics. Lookit his winter parka with the hood. Awwwww. I guess that's his that he's making her carry since she already has one on. I want to see him all bundled up with that hood up.
Special, did you guys get more snow last night? The weather channel guy said Boston/NY just got about 5 more inches yesterday.
I'm excited. Tonight it's Stroud's leftovers.
I wonder if it pissees Jake and Austin off that so many people dont believe their crap.
I laugh when people say "Oh you cant get mad at them because they are not doing what you want them to". If you think that take a look at many of the pics of reeke and sophin. Jake and Austin look like a couple of spineless losers. I wonder if they are doing what they want to do themselves? Sad life and shame on them if not.
About sophia. If she was such a good friend of jakes and Austin she wouldnt be participating in such homophobic trash.
Dont wanna hear "it is to protect the baby oh it Ok". No its not Ok. It is awful and hateful.
The holding the hand pic just pushed me into reeke mode. Not a happy camper.
The Jonas Bros vid was these tweets:
Prepping the shot where a flaming tennis ball is hit towards camera. #terribleidea #earlywrap #imnotcomplaining http://yfrog.com/1d4u6hpj
9:23 PM Jan 25th
My bad, it was a flaming racket. On with the 14hr. day slaves! http://yfrog.com/1yrmuyj
9:26 PM Jan 25th
Jake Gyllenhaal just showed up. For some reason.
9:32 PM Jan 25th
What!?! Lil' Jon is here. What?!?
10:53 PM Jan 25th
Devin Doyle
Yes, snow here, the kind that clings to the branches like icing, and heavy like cement on your shovel. Just enough to blanket everything only to disappear in a few days.
Found this on a OTH page:
This is one of the many articles that are being released after the CW did not give early renewal to an 8th season of One Tree Hill. If they are smart, they will give us ONE MORE SEASON!
“Wilmington-filmed “One Tree Hill” is in its seventh season, but the show is in limbo for an eighth year.
Wilmington is nicknamed “Hollywood East.” The problem is “One Tree Hill” is one of the only things currently filmed here, so if there’s not an eighth season, many businesses who rely on TV and movie productions will likely suffer. So will other businesses.
The Dixie Grill on Market Street downtown has been used as a setting for several episodes, leading fans to stop by for a meal. The same goes for the Port City Java across from OTH’s “Clothes over Bros” set on Front Street.
Both business say losing the show would likely hurt their bottom line.
Today the CW announced early pick-up commitments for five of its shows for next season. “One Tree Hill” was not on that list. No word on when the network will decide the young adult drama’s fate.”
Credit: WWAY3
Well, it sounds to me like OTH is leaning towards getting the axe.
I, for one, would be elated. Sorry about the residents & business of Wilmington. It all had a "smalltown" appeal to it, the whole idea of filming there, the stars acclimating themselves to the town, becoming part of the community, etc etc, blah blah, all that good little stuff.
But I've had it now with Sophin and that show just is not what I thought it could be. If the end of OTH would mean the end of a needed vehicle for Sophin, then I say bring the axe down!!
Sophia enjoying Sophin just a little too much in my estimation and Austin unable to put his foot down to her physical sandwich wraps.
It sounds like lot of the OTH cast is heading out to LA this weekend. Circling the wagons, or to plead their case?
As many One Tree Fans know, the second annual Celebrity Autograph Fundraiser; to help support a Wilmington police officer that died in the line of duty, is being held on Saturday February 20th at Walmart in Wilmington, NC.
Locals as well as OTH fans from afar are driving or flying into town to meet their favourite cast members and support this great cause. This was a successful fundraiser last year with OTH cast members Sophia Bush, Austin Nichols, Lee Norris, Cullen Moss and Vaughn Wilson lending a few hours of their time to support a great cause.
This year, a new batch of cast members were scheduled to appear, they included Robert Buckley, Shantel VanSanten, Jana Kramer, Jackson Brundage, Antwon Tanner, Cullen Moss and Vaughn Wilson. However, it has just been officially posted on the Wilmington Police website that Robert Buckley, Jana Kramer, Shantel VanSanten and Antwon Tanner will NOT be attending. It lists “scheduling conflicts” as the reason why. .....
....the people who are organizing the fundraiser ... said that they received a call last night saying that Rob, Shantel and Jana now have to be in LA this weekend and can no longer attend. He thinks it has something to do with the show not receiving early renewal for Season 8,.... also said that [they are] working closely with a lady from One Tree Hill and they are trying to get at least two core members to stop by the fundraiser.
CONFIRMED: Shantel VanSanten is back on for sure she will be there but only for one hour.... JAMES LAFFERTY will also now be attending but, he can only do one hour.
Mitch Ryan, who plays Alexander McQueen will also be there. They said tomorrow they MAY have one more cast member confirm.
if there’s not an eighth season, many businesses who rely on TV and movie productions will likely suffer. So will other businesses.
It's not OTH's responsibility to economically support a town. CW doesn't stand for "Charity Weekly"
The b&w pics from the fav film vid are at IHJ. Jake's face must be made out of rubber he has so many expressions.
Here's the link for the favorite performance of the decade video
Video - A Decade of Favorites - NY Times
IHJ Screencaps
Hmm, yeah, something may be up. Circling the wagons, lol.
Tom, I agreed with your comment about the guys not looking happy about doing what they were doing.
What gets me and you made a comment about it, too, is what is up with Sophia taking advantage like that? She's supposed to be their friend. Okay, so you're going to fake a relationship to help save your show, maybe in the process help your friend out, too.
So why grandly embellish the whole deal? She went over the top with those fashion week photos in my opinion. How is that being a friend by taking advantage?
For all the razzing we gave Reeke for being so unenthusiastic & lame in their PDA, Sophia leaps over Reese like Edwin Moses in a race to the finish with her draping all over Austin.
I'm really surprised everyone around here is so blase about those pictures. If that had been Jake & Reese, you better believe this board & WFT2's would've been lit up like Clark Griswold's house at Christmas time.
If the CW does not pick up OTH, SoapNet has the opportunity to pick the show up. But one of the biggest things about the show for both networks, is budget OTH is going to have to a big budget cut to be renewed.
I wonder if the cast is going out to LA for a little schmooze meet and greet with SoapNet, to CYA.
Huh. Yeah, you're right, Special, you guys are already going to be in the 40's tomorrow. That's the best kind of snow. When it melts off right away.
I'm going to miss my nephew's birthday for the first time since he was born. The familly's celebrating this weekend. I just finished shopping for him tonight and will send my present down with the family on their journey to Wichita. Hopefully if the weather isn't too bad.
That snowboarding is pretty cool looking. That's neat that it is an Olympic event; I didn't know it was.
What is Soapnet? It must be a cable channel. And how big of an audience can that have? That can't be that whippy of a deal.
Man, what a long day. But I still wanted to get in my two cents about Sophin at Fashion Week.
I think Sophia is a naturally warm and touchy-feely kind of girl. I've seen a lot of other pictures of her being that way with friends. In comparison, Reese is cold and seems to be uncomfortable with pdas, even with her children! In other words, Sophia doesn't have to act when she's with Austin, and usually the same is true for Austin, so its no wonder that Sophin looks real, whereas Reeke did not.
Regarding the hand on knee picture, Tuesday night watching the couples competition in skating, one of the American pairs was made up of a very young girl, and a guy who is married to someone else. I couldn't help but notice that while waiting for the scores from the judges that the guy placed his hand/arm on his female partner.
I think Sophia is just very comfortable doing things like that. Like those pictures of her with a girl on the dance floor, being very touchy feely, and the picture of her with Austin from a year or so back at the Fashion Week party.
That being said, doesn't take away from the fact that they still want people to think of them as a couple--with Austin directly talking to Jared--or the fact, that Austin seemed uncomfortable, unlike other times with Sophia. Was it the event, and knowing how ridiculous he looked? Was it the level of lying he knew he was doing? No way to know. But it seemed to me he didn't even seem particularly happy to be with Sophia, unlike every other time I've seen them together.
One other thing, if Austin really has no interest in women, why in the heck should Jake care about Austin being with Sophia. People talk about Austin making Jake jealous or getting even by bearding, but I just don't see it.
Now, Jake out with that guy, whoever he is, and Jake smiling like he just swallowed the canary, well that is a whole new ball game. Even if they have an open relationship, which I think they do, and regardless of whether that guy Jake was with was a friend or a hookup, if I was Austin I would be furious. Austin busy bearding while Jake is seen out and about with a guy having fun, something Jake and Austin can't be seen together doing. And seeing that smile? Also, if it is a hookup, well, its one thing to have an open relationship, another to see photographic evidence.
Oh, she's touchy feely alright, Dest.
I think there's a difference, though, between sitting close, entwining arms, etc. and puzzle-fitting your body up against another. The hand on the thigh? Another over the line gesture, just like the assgrab. If that was my guy or girl, as the case would be?
My SO would definitely hear about it and it wouldn't be happening again.
Sophia knows exactly where the cameras are at all time. Look at the link I put in the post. Even walking she's looking straight into the camera while Austin is just trying to get ahead. She is in total pageant mode, smile wave walk.
I think the one reason he is holding her hand the way he is in the walking pictures, is so she can't grab or touch him. Look at the one picture from the Alice & Olivia show Austin's (black sweater) is pushing his hips forward I think so she can't put his hand on his butt.
In some pictures he is truly the accessory others times she just objectifies him. She is assertive in a different way than Reese, almost like a guy is with a hot girl he brings to a party, like "see was I got".
I think Sophia enjoys the celebrity side of things more than the acting, the being seen and the perks of it. I think she knows the advantages of Austin and the access she can get, for example"their friend"Ryan K. I think its more about getting out of that B- list and moving up the ladder that she see the opportunity of this.
I just think it's a total disrespect for your relationship.
Disrespect for the relationship that you're in and for the friendship that you share with the one you're bearding with. Where do you draw the line?
I don't understand how people can draw graphs and charts regarding what physical touches and sex acts are "okay", what's "allowed", and what's not. When you are in love with someone, maybe this is just me. Maybe I'm just too old school about this. But when I am with someone in a serious relationship, I do not expect to be going over a TPM report over what body parts are touchable, what acts will be okay, and what nights of the week are a Get out of Jail Free.
I think that's being on the road to splitsville. Because the first time someone finds out or sees it in front of their eyes, that's a whole different story and feelings get hurt. If you are really in love, it's going to hurt. And why would you ever do that to someone you love? That makes absolutely no sense to me. And I cannot believe men can be that different from women in that regard. Men cannot be that unfeeling and casual.
Unless it's just a casual relationship.
Sophia has known Ryan K for years. I haven't seen any evidence that he's helping her career in features at all.
Sophia has always wanted to be seen at Fashion Week.
The Fug Girls of New York Magazine even created a Sophia Bush Award for Fashion Week, back in the Fall 2009
This prestigious award is presented to the celebrity most egregiously overbooked each Fashion Week. Ironically, the starlet for whom it is named did not appear once. We missed her. Thank God we had Kelly Rowland to keep us warm at nearly every show we attended. “She’s in that group, Destiny’s Whatever,” we overheard one woman say of Kelly, and it’s exactly that kind of half-baked information the pop star turned Project Runway replacement host was in the front row to correct. It was Destiny’s Child, and that was forever ago, duh.
Fug Girls 2009 Wrap Up
And I think that's why those pictures of Jake with that guy, whoever he was, are disturbing. Hopefully, hopefully, that was a friend. Rather young looking friend, though. He definitely looks several years younger than Jake.
But thinking about what m said, too, is it would be odd to see Jake in the authorative role because he just doesn't come across that way. Which does lean me towards....well, it's just hard to speculate on those pics much as I want to because they did strike out at me in a way that I hope they weren't.
I really want to give the benefit of the doubt because I don't have any idea who it is or what the event was so I need to shut the heck up about it.
Wow, where did the time go? My Curley boy is somewhere sleeping.
LOLLLL! Poor lil guy. I somehow shut him in their closet tonight for a few minutes. I was changing and I heard this door shut but had no idea what the noise was for sure. Anyway, I couldn't find him, couldn't find him, called his name over & over, heart in my throat.
Soon, I heard this muffled barking and so I kept calling his name and lo & behold, I opened their walk in closet door and he came out.
Poor baby!!!! LOLLLL. Awwwww, I don't know how that happened. Man, scared me to death.
Before I hit the hay, I wanted to say I liked those b/w pictures of Jake.
He looks older there, not in a bad way, just in a natural progression of age kind of way. But he can look so different all the time. In these pics, he looks like an older man. Like, like....a dad!! lol.
His face reminds me of Dana Carvey in some of them.
Still think he was just out to go listen to some music with friends, no biggie.
Wonder if Jake's in Montreal getting set about a place to stay that fits all the specs he needs.
PG, you're going to get a rep for keeping dogs in the closet. Run Atti Run.
I don't think Sophia gains much by being seen with Austin. She has always gotten as much attention as she wanted, and JJ and other sites have always run pictures of her, especially at Fashion Week. And yes, she's aware of the cameras, but so what? Again, fashion shows have always been a big part of her publicity. Nothing new. I'm sure JJ would have given her a big post this year with Austin, it's just that Austin, Sophia and their people obviously planned on selling Sophin as a couple.
I really don't get all this blame the beard for everything Jake and Austin do when out with Sophia and Reese. THEY DON"T HAVE TO BE THERE. THEY CHOSE TO BEARD AND GO ALONG WITH THE GAME.
Sorry for shouting, but it really riles me up to play up Jake and Austin as poor helpless victims of these women.
I've seen references to Sophia and Ryan K. in connection with that Elysium charity, long before Sophin.
Oh, and Sophia using Austin to get ahead? ROFLMAO. If Austin had so much power he wouldn't be stuck on a crummy soap like OTH. He clearly has not benefited from all his connections--or Jake's. Of course when you're so deep in the closet and its so dark you can't even find your own hand you're not about to do anything to help the boyfriend you've been so desperate to hide.
Too bad for Austin he doesn't have a boyfriend like Matthew Bomer's, who some people think probably used his position as the pr guy for the USA network to put in a word for his boyfriend.
Sophia's gotten more press with Austin than the entire she dated her other co-star James Lafferty,on the list of OTH guys she's gone out with.
The last time she got this much press was when she was Chad. But "it's her show" now, she's a smart girl, she knows she has to sell it. Don't think she didn't know that going into this, or that she was going have to get some projects lined up when OTH went bust.
I don't thin Austin uses Jake to get ahead. And I don't think he wants too. I think he wants to make it on his own work and acting. And I think that is one thing that has made his and Jake's relationship last. That isn't about careers, but their love for each other.
Even if Jake isn't helping Austin, which I agree is not happening regardless of the reason, I just don't see that he has any connections or power that is going to help Sophia.
And in the past I've always had the feeling Sophia didn't want to use who she was dating to get publicity, which is one of the reasons I used to like her, which I don't so much anymore. I seriously doubt Jakes Lafferty wanted their relationship spread all over the tabloids, and neither, apparently, did Jon Foster.
I don't like famewhores, whatever package they come in. Although I still think this is all about Austin, not Sophia. The fact that Austin is using a fake relationship to get publicity just really sinks my opinion of him, just like it did with Jake. And coming after Jake, and seeing what harm it did for Jake, well, that just makes Austin ten times the fool Jake was.
You know, I always got constantly accused of blaming Jake, but not Austin. But now that Austin is doing the same thing, I'm blaming him too.
I just think it is unrealistic to blame just Reese and Sophia for everything. Talk about a double standard. Saint Jake and Saint Austin, and the whores Reese and Sophia trying to bring them down, poor helpless boys, like Eve in the Garden of Eden.
James, not Jakes, lol!
I don't want to piss any one off, but it had to be about 70 degrees here today. Rain coming in for the weekend, but the day was absolutely beautiful. Jake is probably in shock at the winter weather.
The big problem with OTH is that they are pushing the envelope with story lines. If they renew it another year, god only knows what they will come up with. Julian could always move on to another movie shoot, even if it does renew. I think Austin said in a recent interview that he did not know what he would be doing next year. And someone has to be home for baby tile.
Bearding sounds easy when they are sitting around, nursing a glass of wine, saying how hard can it be. But the reality of living a lie, pretending, watching very word you say is a whole other matter. Reality vs fantasy.
We need to keep emailing Ted for clues about baby tile(babies?) and Goose. I have emailed him several times, but no luck getting a reply to any as yet.
Well here it is your chance to vote if OTH should be canceled or not over on Zap2it.
Should OTH return for Season 8
I think you are making a huge deal out of nothing with Sophia’s way of touching Austin and with the guy seen with Jake in the car.
About Austin and Sophia, I believe they are of course bearding and this is why their PDA has increased, but first they are actors, they play a couple on the show and they are close friends. Their physical barrier is down already and they are used to each other’s bodies. In addition Sophia tends to be a touchy person. You can see all of her pictures, she always tends to touch and hold the person she is with. Actors kiss and touch on screen and it means nothing. This PDA is the same that acting Brooke and Julian on screen. No difference. Why would Jake be jealous of that? He won’t be jealous of Austin having sex on screen (think about his many nude scenes in the informers, six feet under or house of usher), why he would in these pics. Also if Jake has to be jealous, more probably it was of Rob Buckley being there with Austin at Fashion Week too, after seeing their chemistry on the behind the scenes videos and Ted's hints.
The belief that Jake always has to be sexually involved with every guy and girl he is seen is just ridiculous. He can have friends and have a good time. There is nothing wrong with that.
About the guy in the car, I don’t see anything that would imply an attraction. You will laugh but I see a resemblance in the guy’s features with Jake. Compare the ears, the shape of the chin and mouth. It’s like an uglier version of Jake’s features. Maybe he is a cousin. They were probably attending the crazy heart event that night with Jeff Bridges and Maggie was there too. It was a family related event.
Austin and Sophia have known each other for ages and hand-holding would be quite normal, I've held hands with gay friends while walking down the street. I don't see that kind of chemistry between them, not like the chemistry between Austin and Hilarie, for instance (who would not have been made into a couple, since she left the show). There's the unmistakeable look of manufacture about Sophin, though, as with Reeke.
Oh, I agree about the manufactured look, monk. And the groundwork was laid at the beginning when JJ kept wondering out loud if they were "re-igniting" their relationship.
Points well made & taken, PDA. It seems hard to believe, anyway. The more I think about it, Jake's facial expression would undoubtedly been a heckuva lot different. Probably was taken before that musical event, like Special said.
Now the touchy feely thing I still have a problem with and will stand by my lonesome on that island. I won't change my mind on it but I see where you and Destiny are coming from. I just don't agree, but that's fine. There are sure a ton worse things to disagree on, lol!
Poor Curley!!!! I've traumatized him again. I always wake up to my Ipod and for some crazy reason, I turned the music off while I putzed around changing his water and whatnot. I heard him bark but didn't go in there. He never came out like he always has so I went into the bedroom and my alarm had come on. His mama told me he hates noises like the smoke alarm and he does startle easily. He was laying on the bed trembling, ears back. Boy, I had to talk him down from that. He's fine now but geesh. I know not to do that now.
m, I love it that Jake's up there probably freezing his hiney off. LOLLL! I want to see him in a big parka, hood up, can't hardly see his face, gloves on, squinting against the blowing snow. He's been snowbirding, anyway. Time to face the winter like everyone else, lol. I know, I'm mean.
Notice how you never see stars with gloves on? I loved the pictures on JJ of Jessica Biel & Justin in NYC walking in blustery snow, shielding their faces & bodies from the wind. Great action shots. I should've noticed if Justin had winter gloves on.
Destiny, you've got the Garden of Eden story all wrong.
yes jake is smiling in this pic with the guy. He seems happy and specially amused ( IMO) by paps.
Is it the first time we see him happy hanging out with people other than austin? no. Should we think each time he looks happy by someone it must be a date ? no.
Scoopedup! Movie screening at pasadenaaaaa
about 9 hours ago
Handsdown my favorite movie of all fxcking time! Ilovemovie screenings!
about 4 hours ago
@_nesnah it was Love and other drugs. ft jake gyllenhal and anne hathaway.
about 4 hours ago
You just had to rub it in didn't you M. ;) This is one of the worst winters ever. Usually we get a few warm days here and there, but this year nada.
Sister Mary, I am far from an expert on the Bible. How did I get it wrong?
Is it the first time we see him happy hanging out with people other than austin? no. Should we think each time he looks happy by someone it must be a date ? no.
Got it already, thanks anyway! PDA already explained very well.
that is one funny looking dog!
Sorry Destiny - I love everyone here, didn't mean to sound troll-ish.
To me, The Garden of Eden in literature is just a symbol of a place of carefree paradise in and of itself - a place of love, no value judgments.
The story of Genesis is where Adam and Eve come into the picture. I didn't think that Eve corrupted anyone. But it should be expanded to include all couples. :)
But that's JMO! :)
So in other words, God did create Adam and Steve too. :)
I din't take you as a troll Sister Mary, just someone who might know more than me.
When I wrote that last night I was just thinking of those people who interpret the story to mean that women are evil, and that is why men have to be saved from them and/or have control over women, and why women can't participate fully.....A very narrow view, and not one shared by most people, although I do think most people think of Eve as the bad temptress in the story.
I apologize to Special and anyone else who may have been offended by my rant last night. I was tired and cranky, and while I have no regrets about expressing my opinion about the situation, I certainly did not mean to attack anyone personally here on the board for having different views, and I fear in the light of day I may have done that.
No need to apologize, we should be able to express whatever we are feeling I think - we all get tired and cranky, and sometimes the most innocent of comments might strike someone the wrong way. The real offensive posters are quite obvious, and Special took step to remove. :)
Thanks Sister Mary.
din't?? Boy, I really am tired.
Awwwww, Atticus!!! That's a dog like Curley!!
He's cute. They do have funny shaped heads, don't they? Shhhhh! Don't tell him that. He thinks he's Grade A Prime Dog. And he is.
Poor lil' guy. He was so traumatized by my stupid Ipod dock. I'll never turn my music off again.
I love your avatar PG! I want one of those dogs, they are soooo cute. But I don't think my cats would be too happy, and if I'd had a dog this winter I wouldn't have been too happy either.
New pictures at IHJ
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