Talking about the similarities between Jake's and Austin's interviews, started to think about being influences and picking up little things from the people you spend time with. Starting thinking about how things evolved and thought about another thing we've can see. Austin's autograph.These are when from Austin just starting out.
And you then you can see how more letters are distinguishable.
And now at the end of last season you can see what it is now.
We know he was taught all about the business, girls, life, so maybe it covers sometimes some of your autographs too.
Photos: ANJ and IHJ
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Evolution of an Autograph
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Funny how he's switched over time so people can actually read it, and he also put some thought into how it looks because the "signature" on that OTH poster is pretty artistic looking too.
I wonder how he signs when he's doing a lot of them, though. Does he really want to print out his entire name every time?! Jake's sig on stuff when he's doing massive autographs is a big J and a big G, a midsize L, a few curlies in between and a long line at the end. I imagine Austin's is a big sharp A, a friendly N and some hilly scribbles representing ustin ichols.
He crossed his t. But I wonder what it means that he doesn't dot his i's.
Plan said
Reese was photographed yesterday again on a date with the CAA agent, it’s clear she is fast creating another romance so that she can also move on from Reeke. I know she wants the publicity a new romance brings, but I wonder if it’s also to lower the impact that if Jake comes out in the near future, she is far away from him and already moved on with another guy.
I had kind of thought the same thing. Especially since it is someone who is with her management it was easy to pick up and create a new relationship. And the way they are playing it that is serious already vs. the cat and mouse game Reeke played in the beginning. I wonder if she knows what he is planning and she wants to get as much as she can in and create a buffer before it all happens.
And I also agree with you about how quickly things move through the news cycle. It just gets rolled over and rolled on.
I don't know a thing about writing analyzations. All I ever care about is if I can read it.
I wasn't arguing with anyone earlier, Destiny. I honestly don't have a strong 100% opinion anymore on why Reeke started. Was it because of BT? Or PoP? Perhaps it was both. I don't know - it honestly doesn't matter to me anymore. It's kind of over & done with. Even if the bearding was something that Jake was just all gung ho about doing, I think he found out it wasn't near what it was cracked up to be.
I myself think it took a tremendous physical, emotional & mental toll on him. It took years off of him that he's never going to get back and who knows what the stress level did to his inner system & psyche. And we all waste days, hours, time in general. I've thrown away days that I'm never going to get back.
So to me it doesn't matter anymore why he did it. He paid for it. It's time for me to let it go. I hope he's moved on and wants to be truer to himself in more positive ways. That's one thing about bad experiences. What can we get from them to produce a positive result or blessing? If he can turn it around and come out of it having learned something about himself and turn it into a good thing, then it wasn't all for naught.
I was just agreeing with Plan about their theory on the impact of coming out with BT. I wasn't entering that fray because I don't know enough to speak intelligently about it.
And as for Sophin? I'm one of the biggest bashers of Sophin and still am. That hasn't changed. I'm not going soft on Austin by any means.
But I still say that Sophia could do it without taking advantage. Could Austin get in her face about the ass or thigh grab once the camera's off? Sure he could. Did he? Heck if I know. Maybe he didn't even care.
I'm just looking at his body language in the concert picture. He's leaning back and his fingers (not even his hands) are so light on her waist that it doesn't even qualify as a hold. It's a finger dusting. That picture is telling me that he is not into that with her especially since I'm sure he knew & she knew that camera was on them at that time and clicking away. He knew that camera was on and his body posture is telling me he did not feel right or good about what he was doing.
That is still irrelevant as to my opinion that she's taking advantage of their situation.
And I could change my mind after a few more. Hopefully OTH gets the big Axe-ola and we don't have to analyze it anymore.
The latest gossip about OTH is that they are going to film two endings, one in case there is a season 8 and another one in case it gets cancelled. They'll finish filming March 5 in Wilmington and then move to Utah until around March 16 when they'll wrap for the season.
The rumor about OTH is that the CW is leaning towards renewing Life Unexpected and cancelling OTH. OTH is on hiatus until April, so they are going to see how Life Unexpected performs in the OTH time slot in the next weeks, and then see the ratings that OTH have when they return in April. Apparently they’ll wait until then to decide.
I am sure there will be more Austin and Sophia photo ops in the next weeks to keep the interest in the show and have publicity.
I hope Austin moves on from OTH and this bearding soon.
PG never apologize foer a vibrant discussion. I like a good argument, and if everyone agreed with me if would not be any fun.
Interesting theories about reese moving on so fast. In the latest JJ article it works in how much she trusts this new guy. Hmmmmm.
More food for hought-- so there was nothing in the beardin contract qbout his not coming out? That kind of surprises me, but maybe that is part of the ugliness Ted is hinting at.
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1 Flag of United States 8 11 12 31
2 Flag of Germany 8 11 7 26
3 Flag of Norway 7 6 6 19
4 Flag of Canada 8 6 2 16
Go USA, Germany, Norway and Canada.
All this talk about J and A coming out. I just dont see it. I would love it but I just dont see it. I will say it again. We been down this road before and I just cant get my hopes up. I think we will see Jake beard again soon. I really do.
TMZ TV just now had a spot on Bushnic at an airport waiting for some pit bull dogs to arrive. ??!!
It was on around 6:25 pm, about the last story. Something about they were waiting for their dogs to be taken off a plane. I didn't catch which airport. The person/pap explaining the encounter said they're bf/gf. Harvey seemed unimpressed ~ he didn't agree or say anything with the bf/gf comment. IIRC he was asking more about the dogs. It comes on again here at 11:30 pm so I'll watch it again. The ep isn't on their website yet.
Opps it is on the website! TMZ Live 02-24-10. I guess Part 3?
Fuck. Sorry I'm all screwed up, I didn't know what day it was lol. It's not on the site yet but the link I gave is where it will be, when they release it, probably in a few hours. (I was going by the "Octomom crazy laugh" caption, it was on the ep with Bushnic today not yesterday..??)
I know that Sophia did have her dog or dogs? in Wilmington during the season. Since they are wrapping the season in Utah. Which BTW still trying to figure out what the point of it is. OHHHHH,Please don't say they are going to time travel AGAIN and Julian is premiering the movie at Sundance and they're all there. If the series ends will Lucas and Peyton pop up somewhere on the streets of Park City too?
That ep was worth seeing just for Hugh Jackman alone. He was being followed in an airport by some paps and after he goes thru a door, he's so polite that he automatically holds it open for them lol.
That stuff about Reese being "in the best mood" ever and all the other garbo with it is about as believable as a Dr. Seuss story.
Isn't she a joke. I think she must use a ladder to lift herself up so high. In the best mood ever. What in the heck? As opposed to what exactly? The worst mood ever?
The best mood ever. That sounds like something Elle Wood would say, doesn't it??
I bought Curley a new toy at PetSmart tonight, luckily only spent $5.99 on it. He's totally destroyed it. Went right for the kill - the squeaker.
All the stuffing is spread out all over the dining room carpet and the cute little blue dog is a collapsed wad of what-was-once velvety soft but now slimey material.
I also tried to buy him a new package of hypoallergenic Hill treats because his bag is about all one but you need a prescription for them. And they were on the counter, too. What in the heck? Why would you need a prescription for those?
Boy, I had to run a whole bunch of clothes and extra food back home. I'm getting very, very sad about leaving Curley. I'm going to miss him so much.
I'll start watching the wieners (crazy little Maizie!!) Sat night and finish with them on Thurs. Then I'll be able to be home!!!
oops! all one = all gone. lol. He's still ripping up his new toy. He has got some ferociously strong teeth. The sounds of him ripping his toys up is rather violent sounding.
in the best mood ever. Man, what writer/admin got paid to come up with that real winner of a line??
I could've come up with something better than that!
Of course she's in the best mood ever! She has a new victim and even better, he's at her mercy if he wants to keep his job at CAA intact.
My mom had a dog that would rip his toys to shreds like that. My mom took to buying him stuffed animals at the Goodwill Store instead of new dog toys.
Tom, I'm not getting my hopes up either. I just feel like Ted has lead us on one too many times, not to mention Toothy is likely to get cold feet even if he is thinking of doing something.
My dog chews his toys a little but the problem is he'll only play with toys that are pink. Not hot pink, it has to be a soft baby pink. Do you know how hard it is to find dog toys and balls in soft pink?!
Special do you know if Austin is a night person or a morning bird?
Sophin got Sophia back on TMZ. Last time was 2yrs ago. TMZ
Special, the music player hasn't been playing for me for the last couple of days?????
I love multiple question marks, lol.
My last morning at Curley's house with "my" Curley. Sob!!!!!
Sure will be funny to go back to my bed, if only for one night.
Man, what is up with the snow again?? Destiny, stay away from the parks! I heard the city is asking residents to stay away from the parks due to the death of a man when a snow-laden tree limb fell on him.
Special, are you all getting it, too?
The story on the death of the whale trainer at Sea World is horrible and so tragic.
You know, why do we need these animal parks that cage big animals like these, as glorious and fascinating as they are? This particular whale had a history. He was involved two other times with pulling people under water and they both died. Although one of them sounds like was someone not even qualified to be in the tank, but still.
Why was this particular whale even still being used? I wouldn't have trusted him.
I don't think keeping big whales like this in captivity just for the purpose of shows to earn $20 or whatever a ticket is an admirable thing. Animals are animals and you never know how they're going to react, just like with oh, what's that tiger trainer's name who almost was killed in Vegas? I can see him but I can't remember his name.
Senior moment! LOL.
I gotta go get ready. Signing off from Curley's house. :-(
I loved how Harvey was when the girl explained that Austin is on OTH now and he and Sophia play bf & gf, and are dating in real life. Harvey looked in the other direction away from the cameras, made a wide gesture with his hands and dismissed her info. He knows. He knows.
Dear Ted:
Hello from India! Absolutely love your column. Is Sophia Bush as sweet as she appears or is there a lot of high-school Brooke in her? Also what's with her dating only One Tree Hill men? Thanks.
Dear Shady Sophia:
The very sexy Sophia is a sweetheart, for sure, but she's as completely innocent as she appears to be—for example, her very questionable taste in men à la her newest relaysh with Austin Nichols. She'll learn soon enough.
Ted said: "she'll learn soon enough"
I think Ted is referring to Toothy and Goose's plans to come out in the near future. Ted is in a sarcastic mood today with Sophia.
The full episode of TMZ show is up on the website now.
TMZ on TV Thursday
It's around 17:20. He's got his hands in his pockets the whole time. They are waiting for her dogs, because she says they're pit bulls, and that's the kind of dogs she has. Sorry Sophin fans there's no open coat snuggling in this airport. Nuns would be proud. Not only is there room for the Holy Ghost between them, but the whole Trinity.
L, not sure if Austin's a late owl or a morning bird. When he was doing JFC he was up before the dawn to get down for the best waves at daybreak, but we've seen him out late in the city that never sleeps too.
PG, I'm not having a problem. Is anyone else with the player? It is a flash player so it might have something to do with the flash on your laptop.
PG, I'm staying out of the park, as beautiful as it is. Sigh. So I settled for taking the bus along the park, which took forever today because of the weather, but it was worth it. If only it would snow just in the parks and not on the streets.
And I totally agree with you about people using wild, dangerous animals in shows. It's not fair to the people, and it's not fair to the animals.
Interesting answer from Ted. I know in the past Ted has referred to her as being as bitchy and conniving as Reese, so yeah, got to think he's being sarcastic.
I can't hear it either - but I'll check out the flash. ITA about the animals too - it's unfair to keep an animal in captivity, and expect him not to behave like an animal! I think zoos and other places that keep animals in captivity have passed their usefulness, it's such a Victorian concept to me. You no longer need to look at an exotic animal from behind bars. Unfortunately, it may be the only way some animals can be preserved, as their numbers drop to frighteningly low numbers in the wild. I read recently that 4 white rhinoceros were released into a preserve in Africa, who are basically almost extinct in the wild. They have been driven to extinction by poachers; an entire animal destroyed for their horns. The world population for humans is 7 billion and growing by the minute. Every time an animal goes extinct, it's a sadder world IMO.
The commentary of the TMZ video is so sarcastic. Harvey is laughing with irony and the woman says something like "they work together in the show, this is how soulmates get together in real life" or something like that.
I agree with you about keeping animals in zoos, etc., in part because of the reason you give Me 2, and in part to teach people to appreciate wild animals. It's using animals in shows that can't be safely trained and/or animals that don't probably enjoy being made to do tricks that I find troublesome.
The music player is not working for me today either, haven't had problems on other days.
^^This is why talk of Avatar's message being "hokey" gets to me. Someone said to me that they enjoyed the special effects, but the message was 4th grade level - so I said to him that apparently it needs to be dropped to the 3rd grade level, because people aren't getting it. ;) To paraphrase Groucho Marx, I wouldn't want to be a part of a world with only others like me as members.
Sounds like TMZ ran with the Sophin piece just so they could make fun of it. Doubt they thought it was newsworthy in of itself.
I loved the message of Avatar too.
Now I know there are a lot of Christians who are very involved in environmental issues, but some of those fundamentalists believe that it is their right, and almost obligation, to destroy the earth. And of course those fundamentalists are exactly the ones that have gone into other counries to "convert the natives" and get them away from their nature-based beliefs.
I really felt like Avatar was taking on that issue, and gave it some depth you wouldn't expect in a movie like that.
ITA! Thank you. :) That reminds me of those recent comment from The Vatican, of all places, putting down the message of Avatar. You wonder why it was so threatening.
I hope this blind item is true. Why don't more stars do things like this?
This young actor is quickly working his way up in Hollywood. He has been doing anything he can imagine to cement himself in the industry. He almost didn't get the role that made him who he is because his sexuality is not hidden with people in the know. It's not that he flaunts it, it's quite the opposite. He doesn't even mention it at all, and has never been with a man. Or a woman for that matter.
He refuses to play the dating game anymore since the one time they convinced him to do it, he ended up looking like a bigger ass than before. Now he just plays the type that is too busy for a relationship and refuses to do what is told. When threatened that if he didn't, no studio would ever work with him, what did he do? He told them he would make his own movies and that they could replace him and THEY could come up with a reason why. He knew he was instrumental to the studio and used it to his advantage.
He promised would ruin the fame that they so quickly built up by exposing all of their PR set-ups. And if that were to happen, the world would implode. He got into the shark tank and fought fire with fire and won. Some older actors should take a page from his book. Not James Franco (The Gossip Boy via ONTD)
The "shark" hint points me towards Taylor Lautner, because he played Shark Boy. But if it's not Taylor, then I'll say it's anybody else in Twilight. Actually, let's just say it's EVERYBODY in Twilight.
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