Jake out enjoying a Sunday with Maggie , Peter and Miss Ramona at Ammo restaurant. Love seeing him having a great time with family.
Jake is looking really good, that bit of bedhead is totally working, he found his favorite jeans again, and rocking the henleys.
And speaking of seeing things. Is there something familiar looking about the "man in back". Could this be another "man at the farmer's market" moment?

We do know someone likes Sundays with little Ammo.
You know if it was, that would be Duckie.
Tonight on the Crazy Tree:
In the chaos surrounding an '80s alumni dance at the high school, Haley's birthday is forgotten, Jamie is left home alone, and Nathan and Clay are stranded 200 miles from Tree Hill. Meanwhile, Brooke's appearance at the dance with Alexander forces Julian to relive his dorky adolescence in an episode dedicated to the memory of John Hughes.
Wow, good find/memory recall on that quote of Austin's regarding Ammo, Special. I wonder if Austin wasn't in LA for the weekend.
Great, great pictures. Ramona looks so happy; she reminds me of Matilda Ledger there the way she's skipping along and the look on her face.
Maggie looks like she could be a walker. She has some muscular calves/knees. Very fit!
And Jake? Already said above. Looking real good.
I notice in this one and one of those others from White Shirt Friday or whenever it was, lol, that he sure is holding onto that phone. Like he needs it at the ready. Can't depend on that vibrate in the pocket. Can't count on always hearing it when it's tucked away either. Should be able to. But sometimes when one is separated for even just a little while or about to be separated...and a young parent...
Happy family. Great pictures.
Already said above = already said in the previous thread.
Short night. Sunday nights are always disastrous for me because I always stay up too late.
Everyone have a great Monday.
Wow. Everyone looks great! It sure does look like a certain someone is there too.
Oh, I'm so upset I missed the Jeff Beck tribute to Les Paul last night, and the Grammy awards! I hope they'll have some of it on YouTube. I went to the movies to see The Blind Side. What a great story. Also, Tom Ford's A Single Man looks great - beautifully and stylishly filmed, from the trailer I saw recently.
Congrats to Kathryn Bigelow! I haven't seen The Hurt Locker yet because I missed it when it was playing in my neck of the woods, but I hope they'll show it again pre-Oscar time. Looks like Kathryn Bigelow and James Cameron and will be vying for Best Director this year! I am glad a female director is being recognized, and for a war tale at that. :)
I'll have to watch OTH tonight - Pretty In Pink, The Breakfast Club, and Ferris Bueller I think was my favorite - anyone? anyone? Always cracks me up.
OMG - I just read the previous post about Zachary Quinto playing George Gershwin - just inspired casting! There's a resemblance. Gershwin is my idol. I saw years ago the musical play George Gershwin Alone at the theater, and it was so great.
Have a good Monday, all.
Sunday nights are always disastrous for me because I always stay up too late.
Sunday nights? Or do you mean Monday mornings?!
The joy of coming out:
Gareth thomas' new found happiness
How are these pictures great? Peter is walking way behind his wife and child, barely even looking at them. He looks completely disinterested in them, and when he does look at them he seems almost angry.
Not nice at all.
Peter and Jake are discussing something, Maggie and Ramona are singing.
Peter is deep in thought, uncle Jake smiles sweetly at Ramona
Looks like Peter left his sunglasses in the car. He's trying to look down and he's squinting against the sun!
MoneyHoney87: ooo jake gyllenhaal is coming to town! time to put my stalking hat on lol :)
2 minutes ago
Wow, great catch on the photos. It sure does look like Austin.
Great news about Quinto. And finally, maybe we're getting someone who is going to do the right thing and support an actor like Quinto, who is in the glass closet and refuses to play the bearding/tabloid game. I've long wondered why someone like Spielberg, a strong supporter of gay marriage, couldn't do something like this. And yes, a biopic of Gershwin isn't an action movie or traditional leading man movie, but it is a step in the right direction.
Two good bits of news to start out the week.
And I hear you PG on Sunday nights, I usually stay up late too. But last night was a bit brutal because a friend and her 3 year-old son ended up staying over after he threw up when they got in a cab to go home, and the poor kid was crying and fussing all night.
George Gershwin or his brother was gay. It might have been both of them, I can't remember.
I couldn't remember which one either, or if it was both, which is why I said the film wasn't a conventional leading man role. I figured even if he was straight, it still isn't the same as playing someone like, say, Johnny Cash.
It doesn't take away from Quinto getting the role, as we know HW loves to use straight men to play gay.
Neither of the Gershwins were gay.
Both George and Ira were happily married and straight.
Cole Porter was bisexual, perhaps that's the composer you were thinking of.
Wow, that does sound like a rough night last night, Dest.
Office is another nuthouse today. Everyone on their walkie talkies, loaders, supers stressed out. My big buddy having nicotine fits all morning, lol. Poor guy. He's crucial to this new system and if he's not on the walkie talkie with someone, it's the phone, or one of his two computers. He has two monitors on his desk.
So at 0930, he was reminded that all the loaders go on their 15 min. break, so he's all excited. "Oh good! I can go have a smoke!" (All smokers have to go smoke in the "Smoke Shack" out in front which isn't a hop, skip & a jump from here either). So he leaves to go head up there and he no sooner leaves, and the BB and one of the whse supers comes in and right away, BB is hollering his name, where is he? Where'd he go? And then they get on their walkie talkies, hollering for him. "Where're you going????" because, lol, they can look out the windows that overlook the warehouse floor and they can see him trying to make his escape.
LOLLLLLLL. Poor guy. Caught!! snicker. They let him go have his cig. Killed me. Man, he no sooner left and they came in, looking for him. And when BB needs you, she is hollering everywhere for you..
So I have no privacy again today. Visitors everywhere in the office. Loaders constantly coming up here with their scanners all stressed out, having problems. Oh gah, here comes another one.
Smoke Shack. Does anyone else have one of those? Because we're a food plant, all cig smoke must be contained!!!!. It's smoked glass and it looks like a big ol' bus waiting area.
Everyone calls it the smoke shack, LOLLLL. I even heard an LTL driver call it that not too long ago. Even he knew about our smoke shack. LOL. I like to sing Smoke Shack to the B-52's song, "Love Shack".
LOL. Kills me.
Okay, I need to do some writing now before my lunch hour is gone.
Well I first saw the picture the guy in the background jumped out at me and I immediately thought that looks like Austin with his beard grown out. The hair, his fivehead, the ear, the sunglasses. At first I wasn't sure about his height, since the women with him looks almost as tall as him, but if you look closely you can see you can see her shoes, but it looks like they are at his calf height. Which meant she was standing on step.
PG, I thought of Matilda too when I saw Ramona skipping and her expression. I love the boundless joy that kids have, no worries, no problems, just the joy of the moment.
I just saw that black coat and it made me think of Austin.
Wish I could hear Shotgun. I love that song! I've got Popfusion playing, that's why I can't hear it.
Lunch hour about over. Got some writing done - very crucial moment going on and fun to write.
Talk to you all later!
It also looks like the kind of shirt Austin would wear.
They don't have smoke shacks here, but nobody is allowed to smoke in any public places or places of work. In NYC that largely means tall office buildings, and everyone has to go down and smoke on the sidewalk. Don't know about other kinds of buildings.
Oh, I'm looking at the wrong guy.
LOLLL PG, were you looking at the blond woman??
Kate McGarrigle's Funeral was held today in Montreal and Rufus and Martha Wainwright both sang in celebrating their Mom's life...
Rufus & Martha Wainwright
bridgetxalena: Jake Gyllenhaal, you are so gay for Austin Nichols, srsly.
16 minutes ago
This is DataLounge. We have FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE that George Clooney is gay and Jake Gyllenhaal is raising a love child with Austin Nichols!
DL thread: Which Hollywood actors do we know for sure to be closeted homosexuals?
as one of jake G's malibu neighbors. you will not only find out that he's gay, living with Austin, but there is a baby. i shit you not. (posted 01/22/2010 @ 05:20PM)
Why doesn't neighbor take a pic?
Do you take pictures of your neighbors, 3:38 PM?
If they were Jake, Austin and BT, and if I posted that statement on Data Lounge, you can bet your ass I would take pics.
Pictures, and only picture will do it. It's simple, if you want someone to believe this bulls_it, then post the pictures. Until then, it's all smoke and mirrors with no reflection.
You should give up trolling and telling us what to do.
Thanks Seaweed for the link about Rufus and Martha singing at their mom Kate's funeral. I was really struck by what Rufus said about missing his mom's hands, because it was one of the first things I said after I lost my mom too.
Why do all of our neighbors have periscopes? Oh that's right, to check out the moon phases and the constellations. Cool!
Wow, I never realized how many birdwatchers there are in Malibu. Our street must get a whole lot of rare species flying in for the winter.
The guy sure does look like Austin directly from the side but the middle picture of the bottom set where he is facing forward makes me think it is not Austin. Def cool though that jake and his family were at a restaurant which Austin really likes.
I couldnt agree more with folks saying that Jake is looking good. Darn good.
This reminded me of that Austin photo by Matthew Katz-Frost.
Designer Karl Lagerfeld has dumped his longtime muse Brad Kroenig for French model Baptiste Giabiconi. Unknown a year ago, Baptiste Giabiconi, originally from the city of Marseille in South of France, is now the muse of highly publicized Karl Lagerfeld, artistic director of Chanel and Fendi ...
NSFW - High Heels
Covering for Anon @ 20:34
hope someone makes a list of the references in this episode of One Tree Hill. It's been years since I've seen most of these movies and it's driving me crazy trying to figure it out...
February 1, 2010 8:34 PM
You forgot to put a name on it, Anon! I've been popping in & out of my bedroom where I have OTH on because I've been efiling my federal since seven o'clock, I think, LOL!! I only pop in when I hear Julian's voice.
OTH does not get to rule the big TV. It is relegated to my little bedroom TV, lol. "Funny Girl" is on TCM and that overruled.
Oops, Anon, looks like I cut off your "I" at the beginning of your sentence. Sorry!
Federal taxes are done! Finis! Mommy is very happy. :-)
I don't think I have the patience for state tonight. Maybe tomorrow.
Alright, is it just me or does the Brooke Davis/Julian pairing seem to have lost its zip big time? What happened????? I know I haven't watched it in awhile but gee whiz. They've flatlined out as if they're on a cardiac reading screen.
Julian has more chemistry with Alex than Brooke. I felt so bad for Julian - poor guy. Brooke is so hung up on herself - what happened to her character? They messed it up.
And since I'm crying the blues, I would also like to say that while I like Sophia's voice? It's so darn husky and low, I can't hardly understand her. I don't have any problem understanding anyone else.
Man, don't you love my cupcake? I had to get rid of the red box of choc's. That was too bright for me. This cupcake is kind of sexy, I think. lol. Can a cupcake be sexy?
Am I talking to myself out here?????
I agree with Tom. I'm not so sure that's Austin. It kind of looks like him but I'm just not sure. Okay, I'm done. Time for some dessert!!
It will be my sugar-free double chocolate pudding cup loaded with dollups of Lite Cool Whip until it's falling off of the sides, LOLLL. Those things aren't very big to begin with and that whipped cream can only be vertically piled so high until it starts to fall over. It's like a house deck of cards - see how high you can go!
Jake bathroom
That thing is a hoot except for the picture of the Twin Tower tragedy. If only he hadn't used that, it would've been 100% awesome.
That guy is funny, though. That's pretty good for an amateur video.
Those other pictures are absolutely hilarious. Patrick Stewart holding his head. American Idol Crying Girl. LOLLLLLLL!! It took me a couple of times to remember who that was. The glue.
Thanks for the link. That was a gas.
This picture is going to get me out of my car. LOL.
Spoiler Alert for tonight's OTH
Some of the Hughes stuff I saw first pass.
Forgetting Haley's birthday 16 Candles
Jamie home alone - Home Alone
Clay and Nathan - 200 miles from home Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Mouth and getting date - Weird Science
Alex's outfit - Sloane Peterson - Ferris Bueller
Julian's outfit - Duckie - Pretty in Pink
Brooke remaking her dress - Pretty in Pink
Haley's outfit - Sixteen Candles
"I can't forget they forgot my frickin birthday" - Sixteen Candles
Clay's hat when riding in the pig truck - John Candy - Plane Trains Automobiles
Julian and Brooke in the car in the shop. - Sixteen Candles
Mouth's date getting her hair caught in the locker and getting it cut out - Sixteen Candles
Song: Don't you forget about me - Breakfast Club
They guys shaking the door and shadows at Jamie's house - Home Alone
Scene with Nathan and Haley at the car - Sixteen Candles
Nathan and Haley - birthday cake - Sixteen Candles
Jamie making a giant pancake and using a snow shovel to flip it. - Uncle Buck
Watched the link . Don't know if it was real or what but the pictures that went with the call were funny,except that 9/11 one. I agree with you PG.
If it is for real, can't imagine how insane that must be to get followed like that.
Wouldn't that be awful? lol.
I didn't know Home Alone was John Hughes. I love Home Alone. Home Alone 2 is one of my favorite Christmas movies.
I think that was a great thing to do to pay tribute to him. I hand it to OTH for their creativity in some of their episodes. Last year it was the 40's show. Great ideas.
Well, my state tax is filed and so that is all done!
So where was everyone from Saturday night who wanted positive Jake/Austin talk? Where were they today?
I got the feeling it was just a joke and a way to complain about bad phone service. When have you ever seen a club bathroom with that much light. :-D
Haven't seen OTH, got home too late, hopefully I managed to record it right.
PG, you are killing me with that cupcake.
Well, tonight's episode was cute but yeah, I am so over Brooke and Julian. They really screwed up that plot line. I swear Austin has put on weight. He needs to trim up a bit. Not a lot, but the camera adds pounds.
I haven't clicked on all the links yet, so am not totally up to speed. But I do worry about Rufus with his mom gone.
Caught in the Act!
Jake Gyllenhaal spent his Grammy Sunday hanging out with sister Maggie Gyllenhaal and her family over brunch at Ammo Café in Hollywood. "Jake was in a great mood and very playful with his 3-year-old niece, Ramona," a brunch guest says, adding that the actor even shared food with Ramona.
Good morning OMG fellows,
I hope it'll be a marvellous day for you all.
Those pics are wonderful really, it always great to see jake hanging with his familiy and specialy maggy who seems so down to earh and simple , peter as well.
And Ohh how pretty Ramona is! enchanting little girl and she looks like a sweet little princess in that dress, so cute. Seeing jake's look to Ramona, he must love her badly and I think he will be a loving dad someday( yah I don't believe he is a father presently)
The guy in background could have been Austin but he seems less tall and has more weight no? While this shirt is austinesque I would'nt say for the beard, austin never wouldn't let his hairs grow like that LOL
I breath at last, not sick anymore. My cold is gone thanks to a miracle I am going to tell you: in my obsession to take natural remedies, I read on a blog that if you put few cut ognons in your room preferably near your bed during night, the smell of the ognon which spreads sulphur can ease sneeze and cough. No kidding, I saw a change and now I am better. Ok that sound crazy, a grandmother old little receipe maybe but.... old things works better sometimes.
Hey Prairie girl I read your This is it review, I would like to see it now. I hesitated before because I feeled it was purely business on his death but hearing you it is worth it.
I just saw extracts of Grammy award and thought his kids was superb and so mature for their age,really I hope they will be preserved from showbiz as much as possible and I wish them a happy chilfhood, the one their dad never had.
One last thing
Yesterday evening I saw Jim carrey and Ewan Mcgregor on a french TV show and I was surprised to hear "I love you philipp morris" was produced by Luc Besson because no Hollywood productors wanted to do it!! Incredible, They accepted for BBM but not for Philipp Morris?? yet the homosexuality isn't really the main subject and it's more on a humoristic angle and even that it was too chocking???
I can't understand really!
Oh well , the movie is released tomorrow like Brothers: maybe I am going to see both.
michaelwryan: Wow, Maggie Gyllenhaal was nominated for best Supporting Actress for Crazy heart.
less than 20 seconds
Off to see the list of oscar nominated and while I am greatly happy for Maggie, the charming carrey mulligan, the talented jeremy renner and jeff brifdges( the four best IMO) I am perplexed for the rest!
the VRP Geooooorge Cloney again !! what a change lol, surely for the oscar of the more influent acto of HW. Ok "up in the air" sounds great but clooney plays...clooney like usual.
Avatar in best film category! yes Technicaly and visually it's revolutionnary but come'on the scenario is too weak! Box office hit explains a lot I think.
Meryl streep? great great actress yes but "julia" isn't a really good movie and not her best performance.
Penelope cruze????? why her and not marion cotillard then?
Sandra bullock ? ok maybe she deserves it I can't judge.
I don't know it seems others movies would deserve to be in the list!
well I didn't see "precious" and " a serious man" but I love colin firth.
Ok maybe I am too mean lol
Congratulations to Maggie Gyllenhaal Oscar nominee. Thats awesome.
Maggie & Ramona at Mozza yesterday
One thing that bothers me about seeing Jake with his family is that if there is a BT how sad it is that he doesnt have that child with him. Even with some of the possible evidence that we have seen of the existence of BT it makes it hard to believe there is one and if there is how bad that make Jake look. I know this is not a popular thing to say but it is so hard not to think about.
I'd had that thought too Tom, but decided I was going to bite my tongue for a day.
Elinor, agree with what you said about the Oscar nominations, although I do think Push and Serious Man were worthy nominations. Good news for Maggie, but that is a tough category.
Maggie Gyllenhaal is in Los Angeles, and it's been a whirlwind so far for the supporting actress nominee, up for playing a single mother in Crazy Heart. She never saw this coming.
"Because I didn't get any other nominations, I was so surprised," she says. "I was completely shocked and so excited. I love the movie and I feel so proud of it. I'm excited about celebrating it and getting dressed up. I haven't done work I'm more proud of."
One of the first calls this morning came from her on-screen love and best actor favorite, Jeff Bridges. "Jeff called me this morning. He was barely even making words. He was kind of singing and moaning. He was so excited. I feel thrilled," says Gyllenhaal.
Her day, thus far, has been all about family.
There's a sense of excitement at home, because her husband Peter Sarsgaard's film, An Education, is also up for best picture.
"We woke up at 5:30," says Gyllenhaal. "I've been up forever already. I just got up really early and had coffee with my brother (Jake Gyllenhaal) and my daughter woke up. I haven't had a second to breathe."
She might have a mimosa to celebrate, but her night is wide open. "I don't know what I'm going to do," says the actress. —
Maggie Gyllenhaal: Truly 'surprised... shocked... excited'
Dear Ted:
Are Ricky Martin and his two boys Toothy's partner Grey Goose and their Baby Tile?
–Ted Fan
Dear Journalist:
No, Toothy is far more secretive at pulling stunts than Ricky!
Dear Ted:
With Valentine's Day approaching, could you tell us which is your favorite Blind Vice couple?
Dear Lover:
As if there's any question: the not still-not-entirely doomed Toothy Tile and Gray Goose
Dear Ted:
Did Jamie Foxx have a "Blind-Vice party" that Page Six called a "pre-Grammy award bash"? Love your column!
Dear Blame It:
Clever one you are.
The Awful Truth
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