Sometimes it takes just that one little thing to find that spark of a connection. Got sparked late late last night and thought.
These shoes look familiar. But where?Well what else would a Girlfriend wear to the party? A Clint Black T? Guess you can't take the Southern (Gothic) out of the Girlfriend.
Now for the Musical Daily Double.
They might not have done it at the show but do you think this is Austin's favorite Fergie song?
Drinks start pourin' and my speech start slurrin'
everybody start lookin' real good
That Grey Goose got your girl feelin' loose
Now I'm wishin that I didn't wear these shoes
It's like errytime I get up on the juice
Paparazzi come and put us in the news
girl or is that grrrl?
Now what you think London Bridge is that's up for you.
Now the double shot. Another show Austin caught was GnR was in NYC as part of the Faux Fashion Flabulosity. Now the question is: Was he checking or out Axl's ring? (I mean, how could you not.)
Or was he doing some research, but not for him?
A while ago Rolling Stone online floated a wild casting for Axl for a Kurt Cobain biopic. Well Universal dusted off the script again and have Oren Moverman, who gained acclaim for his directorial debut “The Messenger”, to rework the screenplay and direct the film. But can J match Axl's snake move? Hmmm maybe Austin could be the best judge for that.
Much thanks for Spooky and Vespy over at ANJ for sparking me today. From ashes rises a Phoenix.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lot's of Q's about A.
Posted by
Special K
2:16 PM
Labels: Austin, Austin Friday, Girlrfriend, Jake, London Bridge, Sparking
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Sometimes a beard is a good thing. It can tell you how long a shoot will be. Spring time in Canada for Jake.
@ManMadeMoon Is the beard staying until the end of filming? Next stop ZZ Top biopic. Best of luck.
6:35 AM Feb 25th via web in reply to ManMadeMoon
@outsideorg It is indeed a shooting beard. It will remain until May 1st. ;)
6:36 AM Feb 25th via TweetDeck in reply to outsideorg
:) Cute post today.
LOL at the London Bobby scene. :)
Sorry, Queen's guards, I meant. :)
The pleading begins.
Please Save OTH
Don't jinx us spesh! We just got hammered with snow! Not spring time yet...usually becomes really spring in April.
Sorry, I meant winter can go way far into May. Keep fingers crossed!
He really wore the boots from the Boyfriend and Girlfriend short? That really cracks me up.
I feel bad for everyone involved with OTH and for wanting it to end this year. Or I'd settle for them breaking up Brulian and letting Julian ride into the sunset to make his movies. I think a long stay in CW country would not be good for Austin's career.
Just passed Jake Gyllenhaal on Main/EDG...double take...noticed blk puffy coat/fur trim, non-year-rounder look, then the JG smile
5 minutes ago
Location Martha's Vineyard
@FrannyBabb I had to stop to let Jake Gyllenhaal cross the road yesterday. True story.
about 3 hours ago
Location: Los Angeles
That LA tweet is fake, Jake was in Montreal yesterday:
Duncan Jones: So... today is a big one. First full rehearsal of Source Code with ALL our extras... glorious madness! Start shooting next week!
9:34 AM Feb 25th
Short flight from Montreal to MA, but a lousy weekend to hit the Vineyard. Only thing to do would have drinks just like the weather, Dark and Stormies.
i`m a big olympic geek these days. i know norway is meeting canada in curling, but i think anything else than silver would be a surprise.
i`m not holding my breath for jake and austin to come out, but i can`t lie. that would make me a he.. of a happy woman. though, i would be surprised, so i don`t think so. just would be a he.. of a surprise then:)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Friday Blind item
I'm sure you all remember about the video that accidentally caught two male co-stars kissing during a party. The network was insanely looking for this tape knowing that if it ever got out it would destroy all the hard work they put into the show.
The man who recorded the kiss, husband of someone on the crew, had been interrogated as if he were a terrorist. The network actually hired A-list investigators to track this tape down. And it turns out, someone who worked on the show had stolen the camcorder on their way out of the party. Funny thing is, investigators never would have found it if it hadn't been for this person's loose lips. Oh, and that viewing party that I went to last night that they hosted to watch the men finally get outed.
I must inform you that I saw this recording with my own two eyes. I know who the kissing suspects were supposed to be, but when I saw this tape, I didn't see what the commotion was about. If you knew who it was, you could kind of make it out, but the party was so dark and the guys were in the background. I don't see why the network was so enraged at two shadows making out in a corner.
Don't get me wrong, if the tape got out, clear picture or not, shit would have hit the fan. But naturally, someone at the party told the bosses where to find the tape. Hey, everyone wants a promotion, right? And it couldn't have been more perfect timing.
See, these guys have super plans for the future. And this gay kiss coming out would change their whole image. Not the fact that they were gay, but the charade that they have been keeping up to please everyone around them. I could tell you who I saw on the tape, but I'm not comfortable kicking people out of the closet. Perez, I am not. But I will tell you this, that kiss was hotter than any kiss you will ever see on their show or at any formal event.
When one of the boys found out the tape was recovered, he was finally able to enjoy the weekend he had planned. But the other guy was a little upset. He actually wanted the tape to come out due to guilt he felt for lying to his fans and to his family. Plus, he knew he had gotten in way over his head with current situations and thought of the tape as his ticket out of the closet. But when he voiced those opinions to his boyfriend, he was stunned to learn that his boyfriend did not feel the same way at all.
His feet were firmly planted in the closet and he had no intention of ever coming out. He told me himself that he has no desire to live as an openly gay man. He comes from a big family that would never approve of such a thing and he isn't a big fan of the gays either. Shocking, I know, but true. He says the whole gay lifestyle is something he would never want to be part of and couldn't imagine walking down the street holding his boyfriend's hand.
So now, one guy is thrilled that he can stay hidden, while the other guy is wondering what he has gotten himself involved in. Not only is hie living a lie with a woman, but now he has realized the guy he gave his heart to has no desire of sharing the fact that they are in love with anyone. Now, he has become a ticking time bomb that is very close to exploding. Hell hath no fury like a gay man scorned.
Gossip Boy BV
Everybody's saying Jared and Jensen.
puffy coat/fur trim
Don't worry. They were all rescue dogs.
tom, me and my husband were just talking about you since you mentioned you would like to visit scandinavia. if you alone ore with a friend should decide to go to norway, just contact me. we can pick you up, show you around and you can stay with would be super-great to meet you:)
TMZ Austin Sophia LAX YouTube
I had to stop to let Jake Gyllenhaal cross the road
LOL she's calling him a chicken. Maybe for not having the guts to come out?
Remember when Jake was photo'd at the airport on his way to Montreal? The lady walking beside him was carrying a "puffy" coat with a fake fur trimmed hood.
LOLLL - when I see "puffy coat", I think of George Castanza with his big puffy coat. Gortex, wasn't it?
Was Jake wearing a puffy shirt?
Great catch, PG. The tweet says black but in the pic it looks dark navy ~very easy to confuse the two so yes I believe they are the same coat. If Jake was at a Montreal restaurant late last night it could be because he was waiting for a flight (commercial or private). If you're leaving between 12 am and 5 am it's better to just stay up!
You're pretty comfortable up there, huh Bubble Boy?
norwegian girl said...
tom, me and my husband were just talking about you since you mentioned you would like to visit scandinavia. if you alone ore with a friend should decide to go to norway, just contact me. we can pick you up, show you around and you can stay with would be super-great to meet you:)
Wow NG that would be a thrill. I will give SK my email so we can keep in touch.
Norway should def be proud of their accomplishments in these Olympic games.
Should we send LisaPyden this and ask her if it's the same one?!
George "can't stand ya" Castanza. LOLLL!
The low talker who designed the Puffy Shirt.
"But I don't wanna be a pirate!"
I signed off a wee bit early this morning. You've got me all evening. Curley's mama & papa won't be landing until later. When I told Curley his mama was coming home, his ears perked up.
One thing I've always noticed alot when I watch all these dogs is the day their owners get back, alot of times they'll be restless. They'll look out the windows alot and especially the borders know what "mama" means. I think alot of times dogs have a sixth sense when their owners are getting close.
I can't decide whether to go to Tanner's for more fish n chips or find some other alternative. No Schlotzky's around to get their great tuna sandwich. They make an excellent tuna sandwich. Not familiar with any Mexican restaurants around here where I could get cheese/onion enchiladas.
That TMZ cubicle convo was interesting to watch. Harvey (I think he's such a nice looking guy - I really like him) acts like he doesn't even know what OTH is, lol.
Harvey used to be on Greta's show on Fox when I used to watch her all the time. He seemed like a very nice, credible person.
I wonder when that video was supposed to have taken place. OH OH. Curley's chewing on his new $5 Wal Mart toy I got him today. There went one of the eyes. And the little Superman scarf is gone too. I wonder where in the heck that thing went.
Harvey (I think he's such a nice looking guy - I really like him)
LOL me too! And i usually don't find his type attractive but there's something soooooooo sexy about him. Btw anyone remember the Lakers pic of him last year sitting courtside next to Zac Efron and whoever that girl is he hangs out with? Well Harvey's young gorgeous bodybuilder chiropractor bf Andy was sitting on the other side of him. Their legs were touching, they're obviously a longterm couple but no one makes a big deal out of it. I'm also wondering in some blinds where Ted has mentioned Toothy and a gay journalist (talking, flirting), if it's Harvey. Everyone assumes it's Ted talking about himself but it very well could be him.
do that tom:)
I think Harvey's sexy, too, L. He comes across as very confident and seasoned. lol. Seasoned. What in the heck does that mean in a man? I dunno but that's how he strikes me.
Where's the Lawry's????? LOLLL
Hey, you guys, listen to this. Here's another 'take that' by the ex.
Today's issue of People magazine fresh out on the stands, March 8 with the always gorgeous Carrie Underwood on the now-slightly wrinkled cornered cover (from Curley as he came to see what I was doing with their printer and he stepped on it. Brother).
Your favorite & mine - Reesey.
Full page article on pg 21.
It's been about three months since her split from Jake Gyllenhaal, 29, and Reese W. isn't looking back. The actress, 33, has moved right along in the romance department, quietly seeing Hollywood agent Jim Toth, 39, of the powerful Creative Artists Agency, where W. is a client. "It's not exclusive," says a source close to the actress. But that doesn't seem to bother her. "She seems genuinely happy with her life and excited about the future--whatever it holds."
another excerpt:
'has had her fair share of romance woes but seems to now know just what she wants. "She's not looking to get married. She's over that because she's been there and isn't thinking about having more kids," says the source. Meanwhile, the mother of two has been declaring to friends that "she is single," claims another source. "Reese genuinely seems content with life right now," says the source. W is certain things will fall into place. says the pal, "She's open to dating and finding love, and she doesn't seem regretful at all."
^^^^ Remember all of that. Is it setting up for anything? File it away in the ol' mental file and keep it at fingertips' reach.
And what a kick in the head.
Jake Who??
Man. That's harsh.
Speaking of TMZ TV. The smallish guy who always wears the newscap hats/berets, usually has stubble, the one with the high-ish voice? I'm 99% sure he was the one who Jake kicked at the courthouse. Same voice.
I'll rub something on Harvey's meat.
OK probably a stupid question but when I go to Special's TMZ TV link I see the "TMZ ON TV - Watch the full Episode!" with an arrow pointing to the right, but all that's offered is short selected vid clips from the latest shows. Nothing is longer than about 2 minutes and Bushnic isn't on any of them. Wtf? Is the full episode somewhere else?!
Ok wait i found it. It was behind the vid clip window, just a tiny strip of a red link that showed up when I put my mouse over it and clicked real fast. WTF?! Anyone else have that? Weird.
I didn't have that, L, but I do know that I need a Flash Player update, lol, which might be why my music isn't playing. I keep hitting "Remind me Later". I hate updates. Then they want you to restart your computer and I don't like that.
I did watch the video if it's the one of the cubicle convo.
The You Tube link somebody posted tonight is just the part of the show with Austin at the airport.
That Gossip Boy item is very interesting. And if true, sad, and I hope the one who wants to be out finds the courage to walk away an d find someone who'll treat him right.
Another guess at Gossip Boy
Lucy said...
Everyone's guessing Jackles but let me throw in another possibility: George Eads and Erik Szmanda of CSI. I read 6-8 months ago about how they've been dating for a while and were making out at a private CSI event, leaked from an insider who was at the party. And then magically Eads announced he was engaged to a woman a few months later while sort of "breaking up" with Szmanda (on orders of tptb) but not totally (they have sex when Eads wants it). I can very easily see Eads being the scared type, enough to beard.
that kiss was hotter than any kiss you will ever see on their show
Exactly. When does CSI ever have hot romance? Never.
Anybody in the Southern CA area who wants to see a test of Love and Other Drugs, March 3rd.
Check this out: Free Screen Movie Love and Other Drugs
Special, if you're still up, you might want to check your email please!!
Shake said ...
Anything by a determination to start a seed. ..................................................
All the earthquakes and tsunamis lately. Haiti, yesterday a 7.0 in Okinawa then this morning Chile got an 8.8. I hope the quakes stay away from N. America. Yikes.
rociocartes: On a happier note... Jake Gyllenhaal & Austin Nicholls <33
11 minutes ago
They have fans worldwide in all time zones! Australia is almost a day ahead of us, I think.
Probably my most enjoyable reunion moments last night. Curley's mama left everyone in the car and ran inside to see her boy. Was he happy! He ran to the vehicle insearch of his dad. She was so happy to see him.
**sigh**. And all 3 of them standing at the glass door watching me leave.
And then Curley left! What the heck?! lol.
Aw, as it should be.
Lunchtime tsunami predicted for California. What goes good with tsunami?! Salami? Jello?
Here are two links to a picture in that same People issue I was talking about. This one is kind of interesting so those of you who aren't snowbound might want to swing by Borders or Walgreens this weekend and check this one out in a more up close manner.
Towards the front is a picture of Maggie & Peter at a party posted as being on Feb 15. Jake to her right.
Jake sitting awfully close to the arm of a man's suit. But this person is cropped out of the picture. Thanks to Special for her help with putting the pictures in a format where we can all see them without having to stand at a checkout counter.
Jake in People
Jake in People 2
Shake 'n Bake?
And that blue dot down in the corner is imaged over the hands of whoever that is so you can't see real details except for the fingers and that there's a dress shirt cuff beyond the suitcoat sleeve.
LOLL! My first scan on my printer. That was pretty exciting in itself. I know it's kinda sloppy but People didn't have this picture on their website last night.
Now we know Austin was in NYC all day/evening in NYC. Would he have had time to catch a flight to LA the next day in time for this event? We didn't hear anymore from Austin the rest of that week. I can't remember about Jake.
And Jake has on a pretty thick silver chain in the picture. I don't know if you can tell that in this picture.
But whoever this is, is practically in Jake's armpit, lol.
The end of the dark sleeve is in the area of Jake's lap/near his hand, as if person had their hand on his leg or holding hands. Jake is wearing a chain around his neck. What a strange/awkward arm position he's holding. But he looks awfully happy. The area under the blue circle is interesting. Whose fingers are those and what is the white thing, a cuff? The napkins were black. I have to say that the jacket fabric looks like one Austin has worn.
I didn't think about it being the napkin. That would explain that. Because under the blue circle (how irritating is that blue circle, anyway? lol) it looks to me like two long fingered hands clasped either together or around a drink, I can't tell.
Darn that blue circle!
And Jake's shoulder? That's along the back of that booth is kind of sloped upwards.
Awkard angle because Jake is mirroring his sister's position - arm around the shoulders of their companion. She's drapping over Peter, Jake is over....?
A very intimate gesture. And it's obviously a man.
Under the blue circle is the dark-suited man's hand only.
blue's clues.
Where's Nick Stokes and Catherine Willows when you need them? Where's the machine that can zero in on tiny wine glass reflections to see what's on the other side of the room?
Maybe Austin was mmmm, under the table.
That pic was taken the same night as this:
You can see Jake's white t-shirt here. Don't think it's the same guy because the guy in the People pic looks like he has on a white shirt, the cuffs and a jacket.
They could have been sitting with a group of people (non-celebs) and they just wanted to get the celebs in the pics.
This was the night of that concert and if I remember, they were with a group of people.
Wow, you are gooood, pic.
That'd be kind of an active night, though, wouldn't it?
Who cropped that guy out, anyway? lol. Darnit, what is up with that.
Not an active night IMO: This is the night of that concert and it sounded like an industry type thing. I assume after Maggie and Co. stopped by this place fro drinks. I bet the pics on IHJ were taken right after they finished their drinks, Jake looks a bit tipsey as does his goofy looking friend.
I say that they were with a group of people that night and Jake and the guy in the car left seperately and Maggie and Co including the guy with the white cuff left seperately.
Most likelythis was a fan pic that was taken and was sent to People, I say this because it would have surfaced earlier plus paps are not allowed into clubs and bars to take pics, also Maggie and Peter wouldn't allow it, for a fan probably.
The pic doesn't look professional, looks odd, and the person may have cropped out the person because they were a non-celeb or people did because they were a civilian and couldn't ID them.
People would use a fan picture? Boy, I don't know about that.
Well, interesting, anyway.
Rags like people and Us on occasion will use fan pics. I don't know if this pic has an agency tag on them but like I said, paps would not be allowed to take pics in an establisment like that and unless Maggie has her own personal photographer following her around on events to take pics, I bet someone was at that establishment and asked to take a pic and they said yes. Most likely this person has done this before and People may even pay them a few bucks. It would also explain why the pic wasn't on their site.
Most likelythis was a fan pic that was taken and was sent to People
They would pose like that for a fan picrture? I don't think so.
Pose like what? With her arm around Peter? Why not? They were in a good mood. You obviously have never took a pic of a celeb while out and about, they would pose like that for a fan if they were in a good mood. It certainly not a pap pic, no way would they be allowed to come in and take pics like that unless they were invited.
If it was a professional pic, Jake would be looking at the camera as well, he looks oblivious like the person asked for a pic of Maggie and Peter only and Jake was an after thought.
Unless this pic was taken by someone from CAA and was tagging along since they were just at that concert/event that was most likey an industry event. If that is the case that person takes crappy/amaturish photos.
What CAA has to do with Crazy Heart promotion?
Someone on this thread thinks that pic is a profesional shot, taken by a pap which is ridiculous. It looks like a fan pic.
The only way for that to be a professional pic is if a photographer from CAA was tagging along since the concert they attened before was an industry event.
Maggie, Peter, Jake and I think Jef are all repped by CAA, and this pic is tagged as a Crazy heart celebration, that's where Crazy heart promotion comes in, simple.
Jake doesn't seem concerned about being in the pic or the person next to himor else he would not e in the photo.
CAA does not promote movies.
Pic, we're all just speculating here about the picture. No one's opinion is going to be black & white, cut & dried about it; there is no way to tell.
Let people discuss it without slapping the hand down on everything and cutting everything off at the quick. There's no need for it.
Good grief.
Oh geez, does everything have to be spelled out? The photo in People magazine says that they were celebrating Crazy heart. The photo is dated 2/15, the same night Maggie and Co were at that concert where T-Bone Burnett and Elton John performed. That concert was at some Jazz club and was described as an A-list crowd which included Maggie and Jeff who are in Crazy heart and Burnett who wrote one of the songs. CAA reps all of these people there for the concert/event IMO was CAA "sponsered".
The pic in people says that they were getting together to celebrate Crazy heart, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that they went to that place after the concert for drinks.
Someone on this thread is upset that Maggie and Peter posed for a fan pic and it ended up in People magazine for some odd reason.
That is not a pap pic, Maggie and Peter would have asked to have them escorted off the premises.
What makes this pic any different than the pics fans take and are posted on twicpic among other places? Is it because it ended up in a rag? It's not the first time a fan pic was used by a rag, if it was a professional shot it would be on IHJ or peoples site.
And yes we know that CAA doesn't promote movies.
Use your brain for once.
I don't see anyone upset except you, pic. The rest of us are just enjoying looking at the picture.
There's no need to be insulting. "Use your brain for once". That's rude. And go ahead - bash me, I don't care.
Gee whiz, why do people have over something that wasn't even asking to be rude about? It's just a picture. We're discussing it.
I'm not seeing the need to be rude to people over it. For gosh sakes.
Maybe I shouldn't have even put the stinkin' thing up.
It's a nice quiet Saturday morning. Sun's out. Wonderful day.
and then there's someone like you. Makes Eyore look like little Shirley Temple.
Someone on this thread is upset that Maggie and Peter posed for a fan pic and it ended up in People magazine for some odd reason.
That's not a fan picture.
WOW, great catch PG. If I had been looking at People I don't think I would have caught that. He definitely has his arms around that person and I do think it is man because it does look like a jacket. And darn that blue dot, but those fingers look long and thin, like Austin's.
Austin could have easily made it back to LA for something on the 15th, either taking a red-eye, or even a morning flight gets you into LA early in the day because of the time difference. We know Sophia was seen alone at Fashion Week events on the 15th.
My guess is that someone associated with the event took photos.
I love the sentiment of that Chinese post above.
Thank you, Destiny.
Ignore them PG, they're just upset because of what you found. The rest of us love you for finding this.
Sweet Child of Mine is one of my favorite rock and roll songs of all times. Not a short list probably, but still, this song never loses its power for me. For me the demise of the original Guns and Roses and Axl Rose's problems over the years are one of great tragedies of rock and roll.
If that's not a fan pic, than what type of pic is it? A pap? If so is it tagged with an agency? If so, which one? Why hasn't IHJ posted it since it's a professional photo and which L.A. establishment would allow a profesional photographer into their space to take a photo.
If it was taken by a pro, then it was by invitation by Maggie which would make sense since she is promoting Crazy heart, which means that it was a photographer from CAA (yes they have their own photographer) and it was not a casuall shot.
Jake seems relaxed and unconcerned.
Someone on this thread would like to think that it was a pap pic and they were forced to crop the pic, would fit your paranoid conspiricy theories which falls apart that's why you are not commenting that the pic was taken the same night of the concert.
And I have this issue right in my hot little hands and it is of my opinion that this person is smashed up under Jake's arm. And that perhaps he is so casual and unconcerned looking is that he is accustomed to having this person up close against him like this.
Awful lot of people on this thread named "someone", lol.
11:32 AM, you are the ONLY one who mentioned paparazzi, NO ONE ELSE said anything about paparazzi.
People magazine and Jake's PR would cropp ANY picture as they please.
And I could be wrong. I wasn't there.
But I'm looking right at the picture and you can tell by the way Jake's shirt is all wrinkled up that there is something/someone against his body.
I reckon it could be the waiter. You know how those TGI Friday waiters are - some waiters can get awful chummy, lol. I've had a few like that, join the table.
I like how Jake's shoulder is kind of "up" trying to fit along the back of the seat. That looks kind of uncomfy.
Covering for Anon up there who forgot to put their name on:
Well at least Destiny acknowledges that the pic was taken by someone asociated with the event, this photo was taken after, so the person was part of the group and sent the pic to People. The event was attened with a lot of CAA people including Jake, Magie, Peter, T-bone, etc so it wouldn't be surprising if a CAA photographer tagged along. It would also explain why it never turned up on fan sites.
February 27, 2010 11:38 AM
I agree with Dest and the rest who said the picture was taken with someone who was at the party, and less likely a fan. Not an official photographer, or a pap, but someone who was invited and on the list. Everyone was too comfortable in the picture for it to be a pap kind of pic.
It could be Austin, we know that Sophia was in NYC for fashion week for a few day after Sunday alone, and that Julian really has no scenes that don't revolve in Brooke Davis(TM)universe. And hey where is it easier to get a non-stop to LA than from NYC? And if you are up all night watching Axl you could just sleep it off on the early morning flight.
The only other person I thought it could be would be Papa G, who could have come out for the bash,definitely for Maggie.
It doesn't look like the Troubadour which would have been dark inside, and look darker in the pictures. The show there might have been later in the evening. This looks like it was earlier and you know it the setting reminds me of Jar, the colors and the woodwork.
Makes you wonder if Jake's smirk in the car, was that he pulled off one on the paps that night, driving away with another friend and Austin was in another car. And we don't know where Jake was from or to do we?
Not a fan or pap photo for sure, they wouldn't be allowed in a small private event like that. People at the event knew they could let their hair down without having to worry about word getting out, and without having to worry that photos they didn't want seen would get out.
Contrast that with the one taken outside. You can't control who is outside a venue, so that is why Jake was not seen leaving with Austin. Makes you wonder if someone tipped off the paps about Jake inside the event. Maybe Jake was giddy because they were pulling a fast one on the paps??? This latter is pure speculation by the way, before someone jumps all over me and questions how I could possibly know. I don't. Just having fun thinking about it.
JInx Special!!! LOL!
My cousin & his family are vacating their home to head for higher ground. They live in Hawaii and have been told that it could be bad and to get out. This is the son of my Vegas aunt who used to live here. He just got married in October.
And my Uncle & Aunt from San Antonio are on a cruise ship that was headed to Hawaii. My aunt was talking to him on the phone but then lost the connection. I said well, his phone could have died. Could have hit a dead spot. Could be the phone lines are all overloaded with people trying to reach their family members/friends.
Could be lots of things.
I do believe it is a sign, all of these bad weather events and crazy, once-every-10-years kind of weather events. Might not even be in the next 10 years, but I believe they are all a sign.
Tom, where in the heck are you? Are you just glued to your TV watching those Olympics? Have you taken any kind of breaks to eat and let Maggie Moo out? She does need to be let out once in awhile, you know. LOLLLL!!
I'm trying to picture you with your bowl of popcorn in the easy chair, glued to the TV with the abacus, keeping track of the medal count.
So you guys think this was a small private event?
What would that remind you of then? An exclusive celebration?
An event where a certain tiny person apparently wasn't allowed in past the bouncer with the password??????
I dunno, that's just what's striking out at me about it all, reminds me sort of.
thinking good thoughts for your family PG, and for anyone else who may be in danger.
I do think it was a private event PG, having to do with the Oscars.
That picture does cheer me up PG, but I'm probably going to pay for it later, what with Sophin in LA and OTH trying to get itself renewed.
I know. Here's a few sandbags, Destiny, let's hunker down. lol.
I guess it's not nice at all for me to wish OTH to get the axe. After all, there are hundreds of other people involved; people who need the job and income. And I'm not talking about the actors, but the folks like myself, the grunt workers. The ones who fetch the coffee, who run the errands, who need the work.
Just more people who would be out of work so that's not good.
Way to go PG. That picture is very revealing. Jake is way close to the man. He has his arm around him, like its a date or done all the time. Even if Jake was trying to be out of the picture so that it was just of Maggie and Peter, he would not do something like that, be that close. And the circle is placed to hide the man's ring. You can make out that he has a ring on and very long fingers.
Makes sense to me that even at public events, at some point the crowd thins and you relax amongst your peers, let your guard down. We know Austin and Jake are open with his family and they've been open in HW too. I'm not surprised that People used that shot but I am that Jake's PR allowed it.
You can make out a ring M? What kind, and on which finger? I do think they look like Austin's fingers.
So, the big question of the day, was letting this photo out a deliberate "accident"?
It doesn't look like the Troubadour which would have been dark inside, and look darker in the pictures. The show there might have been later in the evening. This looks like it was earlier and you know it the setting reminds me of Jar, the colors and the woodwork.
Except it isn't. That pic was taken inside Vibrato Jazz Grill up on Beverly Glen where the Jeff/T-Bone/Elton gig was.
Marie Osmond's teenage son just committed suicide. I wonder if he was gay?
You hit a bulls eye with those People photos PG.
You know how you can tell? One or more people at WFT2 start talking about Jake's chemistry with various women, and which would he be better with, and then you get some mentions of Heath, and showing Chris some love (Jake just had to have been in MV, no matter how little sense it makes to be there less than a day in the middle of winter).
It's always anyone but Austin. Well, those people are going to be in for as much of a shock and meltdown as the babblers if Jake and Austin ever do come out.
Jake just had to have been in MV, no matter how little sense it makes to be there less than a day in the middle of winter.
Visiting the best friend always makes sense.
And believing that someone mistakenly thought they saw Jake when he was more likely to have been in Montreal or NYC makes even more sense. If nothing else, it would be so much easier for Chris to come down and spend the whole weekend in NYC.
No way of knowing if Marie's son was gay, but the fact that there were stories about Thursday being the 10th anniversary of the suicide of a mormon gay man who couldn't reconcile being gay with his faith does make me wonder.
Memorial for Gay Mormon
Oh yes 4:18/Bingo (and I'm guessing JerseyTom). It's a conspiracy. We at WFT purposely jump around different topics JUST TO IGNORE AUSTIN. We discuss Jake's past onscreen chemistry with Heath and other actresses JUST TO IGNORE AUSTIN. We theorize about possible chemistry Jake would have, if he were straight, with other actresses JUST TO IGNORE AUSTIN. We mention Martha's Vineyard JUST TO IGNORE AUSTIN.
You should name this board JAB. Just Austin Blog.
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