It was reported that both Jake and Matt Damon (someone who Jake said he'd like to have a career like) passed on the lead in James Cameron's Avatar. Were the both unsure of Cameron's vision or doing something more like Arrested Development's Tobias Funke's "I'm afraid I just blue myself". Are both them left blue because they passed on the biggest movie in history?
Cameron said he only offered the role to them to placate the studio chiefs at Fox, who wanted a bankable star to offset some of the risks and expense. That's like being the frumpy cousin who has to be in the wedding party because your mom's their aunt.
"I don’t think they ever had a problem with the CG, “ Cameron said. “Honestly, did I go out and try to woo them? No. I had my heart set on Sam. Maybe they sensed my lack of 100% commitment from me. Maybe it was the subject matter. This was a big 'Star Wars'-type movie. They’re both serious actors.”
Maybe they didn't want the time commitment Avatar was going to take. Or learn a new language.
Jake's done a lot of serious work, but it was little boy in him who also wanted to be a superhero who it seems led him to being a Prince. Back when Jake was doing press for Rendition he said in an interview "I have definitely wanted to play superheroes in the past,but for one reason or another, it hasn't ever worked out." We know he had been up as Tobey's possible replacement in Spiderman, he's name was connected with both the Green Lantern and Captain America, and that he was considered for Batman.Then came Prince Dastan. Some don't get why he picked it but from director Mike Newell's quote you can see why PoP had its appeal to Jake. "You couldn't just have a hunk. "He's got a sort of cheeky, devil-may-care light in his eye and at the same time he has a sensitivity, delicacy and thinness-of-skin. He is glorious looking, but you wanted more than that. You wanted women to be interested in him not just as a piece of eye candy. ... It was a huge opportunity to do a thinking woman's action hero.", He could be a blend, he could be super/action hero but he didn't have to give up all the other qualities from the kind of previous roles he's played. It wasn't a complete 180 but more like a 90 degree change in direction.
One thing Jake did made perfectly clear for PoP. No sandals. He didn't want a swords and sandals movie. Don't think it was about showing off the tootsies. Since he's a fan of the flip flop.
Just think he just knew it has better shot not being a flop at the box office if they left the sandals buried in the sand.
No worries Jake will be working a little blue (pill) this fall, when Love and Other Drugs comes out.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Blue it?
Posted by
Special K
4:28 PM
Labels: Jake, Little Blue Pill, PoP
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Who else is doing what Bomer is doing that I am calling out, while praising Bomer? And what can I say, but that I see shades of gray, but apparently it's either black or white for you Special.
And after years of my railing about the HW system, I can't believe you're actually acussing me of supporting it.
What I'm supporting is change.
When I look at Bomer I see change, and I see a man who is probably going to be completely out in the next few years.
When I look at Jake and Austin, I see two people putting up as many barriers to coming out as they can think of.
And I'm sorry, but wearing matching pinky rings while bearding is not something I think should be cheered and applauded.
The cynic in me thinks Jake is just desperate to get some gay butts into the theater seats for a movie that "sucks".
But you say Hall is doing something good. He is not he is perpetuating what you have been railing against all these years.
I don't have a problem with people having to do what they have to do for whatever reason they feel. And I have consistently said that. And I have never said that people need to be outed either.
It is their own choice. Hall has the choice. Bomer has the choice. And so does Jake and Austin.
The problem I have is after reading all this time of you calling things out black and white about Jake and Austin, and what they've done you now say there are shades of grey. Which is it.
IMO you both have valid points. How about agreeing to disagree?! Time will tell with Jake & Austin and Boner & Halls and Hollywood & Bearding. Let's just hope we're all still around by that time, and that the nursing homes have free internet and arthritis-friendly keyboards!
You're probably right about my reaction to Jake and Austin's bearding being black and white. There is some behavior that I find so reprehensible that I can't find any gray in it, for better or for worse.
Well, actually I can find a bit of gray in bearding. What you said you did for a friend, who was still very young and dependent on his parents, that I can see as gray. No one who is gay will tell you that children/teens/young adults dependent upon their parents financially should be forced out of the closet or shouldn't be protected, if need be.
But Jake and Austin are well-off, presumably have the support of their families and friends, and will be 30 this year.
You're probably right about throwing up the white flags, lol. Hard to do with new bearding pictures to fuel the fire.
One more thing, and I'll stop for now. How can you find any gray with Austin upping the bearding everytime we turn around?
It is illegal for Jake and Austin to come out. They are prohibited from doing so on account that national, as well as the international, death rates would spike to all-time highs because of the general public having massive heart attacks.
I agree we both have valid points and to me most things are a grey scale.
Dest and I can go rounds, and we both know that we don't see eye to eye on everything but we also both respect each other having their own opinion and not afraid of saying it. We know we will still hang out and go have a drink together at the end of the day. And yes white flag up.
So you are judging someone without having any proof - and lets face it - there is no proof of Jake and Austin being lovers nor that BT exists.
shhh, You can't tell this to Destiny or Tom. But they go bananas and Ape Shit Crazy bitchin about J/A bearding. LMOA
With no Proof at all.
Pitiful really
go have a drink together
Just make sure you mix your own and don't look away from the glass for even a second.
Special K said...
Then Hall must be ashamed of his partner Tom.
Yes Hall and Boner are ashamed of their sexuality. I dont give them a free ride. But bearding is so in ur your face. It's digusting for two grown men who supposingly have a family.
Boy do I wish we could all go out together for that drink!
So tell us Precious why Jake and Austin are wearing matching rings on the same finger.
The Precious said...
So you are judging someone without having any proof - and lets face it - there is no proof of Jake and Austin being lovers nor that BT exists.
shhh, You can't tell this to Destiny or Tom. But they go bananas and Ape Shit Crazy bitchin about J/A bearding. LMOA
With no Proof at all.
Pitiful really
Go %$#@ yourself.
Let's invite some beards!
are they wearing "the matching ring all the time" ?
"are they wearing "the matching ring all the time" ?"
Sometimes they wear the pinky rings and sometimes they wear their matching wedding rings on their necklaces.
I grew up in LA. When I was little I always wondered why they would name a hospital after a poison: Cedars Cyanide.
Just saw the JJ picture. That should quiet any coming out rumors.
Austin can take the pinky ring and do you know what with it. What a loser.
I grew up in LA. When I was little I always wondered why they would name a hospital after a poison: Cedars Cyanide
It remind me of that joke in John Irving's World According to Garp. A guy takes the taxi to hospital in Boston and the driver says Peter Bent?(Brigham, the hospital) And the guy says she nearly bit it off.
"Sometimes they wear the pinky rings and sometimes they wear their matching wedding rings on their necklaces."
and sometimes jake wears nothing or different rings, necklaces...
Yes Hall and Boner are ashamed of their sexuality.
Simon Hall is OPENLY GAY father of three children.
How do we know Simon Hall and/or his company is responsible for keeping Matt Bomer closeted? Is MB represented by him or is there proof they are actually connected other than the gossip? I haven't really kept up with the facts so I am just curious what is actually known...
February 2008
Thanks in part to surrogacy coordinators Growing Generations, gay Hollywood is in the midst of a baby boom.
When Simon Halls went to his two-year-old son’s first music assembly at preschool this past fall, he was hardly the only single dad in the audience beaming with joy. He may well, however, have been the only single gay dad who was expecting twins in the spring. Still, says Halls, who represents such stars as Jude Law as the co-CEO of PMK/HBH public relations, “In L.A., it’s not that big of a deal.” The parents of his son’s classmates, he says, don’t even blink when they hear that he’s having his second and third children with the help of a surrogate, just as he had his first. “They just see me and my son showing up at assembly, living our very normal lives,” he says.
W magazine
You know, I'd be alot happier and alot more supportive (don't you just hate that word now? I do.) of these 2 guys if they would knock off the kind of crap Austin has participated in that is now on Just Jared.
Welcome to Jake's World for the past 2 1/2 years, Aust. They're trashing Sophia. They're picking on you. And they're calling you guys out on what this Cockroachella Revisted stands for.
Aw, I should've changed my avatar while I put this up.
I cannot believe this. And check Austin out. He acts like he can barely stand to put his fingers on her. He's holding onto her like she's a bird egg. Love the comments from that notorious "insider witness" who says they were touching all night and looked "so in love".
Good gosh. Boy, we didn't get a break for long, did we?
Special, I'd like to request that that name-calling comment from the previous thread at 15:18 be removed?
Simon Hall is OPENLY GAY father of three children.
Simon Hall is not OPENLY GAY about his partner.
I'll make this one short because I'm in a good mood.
I cannot be happy or excited about the possiblity of matching rings while Austin's wearing his while re-creating Cockroachella.
It's a Milkbone and my support won't be bought or pacified.
Simon's partner is a grown man who makes his own decisions about his life and career.
LOLLL-on JJ, right below Cockroachella II is a post on Avon Lady. The chosen pic is typical scowling Reese. Now that's the Reese I recognize, lol.
I don't know who that imposter has been the last couple of months. I kept thinking it was Gloria Gaynor but wrong age I'm sure.
Simon's partner is a grown man who makes his own decisions about his life and career.
So can Jake and Austin.
So can Jake and Austin.
The point is that Simon Halls is an openly gay man, that Matt Bomer lives in the glass closet and that Jake and Austin are in the closet and use beards.
It looks like Austin was trying his best for distance. Look how his feet are set in those pictures and he's leaning back at weird angle and not that pleased at that move Sophia did. She looks like she is leaning back a little to far because he stepped back.
But the come on the timing of the pictures is not a coincidence. Either OTH scrambling to get anything to get renewed or it is so dead that it is for pr to try and get the name out their for new projects.
Not worried that Austin won't find work. The other half of the leaning tower of faux, not so sure about.
Those rings aren't matching, jake is wearing the Carpe Diem ring his mother gave him several years ago, it's very visible.
The ring Austin is wearing has no such writing from what I can see, just a plain ring.
The only matching is they are wearing them on their left pinky ring.
Damn sophia has her ass pushed right into Austins crotch. I guess Austin isnt arrogant enough to give his fans the finger.
The rings are irrelevant at this point. It doesn't matter if they're matching or not.
Don't ya just love though how someone's always right there to disprove any connection between the two guys? Heaven forbid should there be any connection between them.
They must be sitting on their computer 24/7 just waiting.
The rings make a lot of people very nervous. We saw this when Jake's put his back on. We see this every time Austin wears a ring or when you see them with their rings on chains. Even more so that Ted still refers to the long time love for each other. As much as those people want to not believe or want them to be over those things remind them that it's not, and it gets a lot of people really bothered.
Not bothersd, just wonderd why someone would post that the rings were matching when they cleary are not.
We have no idea why Jake decided to wear his Carpe ring his mother gave him and hasn't worn in 5 years.
We also have no idea why Austin is wearing a different pinky ring at that concert, or how long he had it.
It has nothing to do with 2 men wearing rings that don't match 9why was austin wearing that singet ring, any meaning?)I just find it puzzling why there is a need to lie, or misslead. If you actually believe in something, there would be no need to do that.
And PG, Stevie Wonder can see that they don't match, but a poster above claimed that they were and noone botherd to correct them.
One picture of Austin cracks me up. The look on his face when Sophia is leaning on him, it's like if I stand here really still this will be over quicker.
But enough of that what Black Eye Peas/Fergie song do you think was Austy's fav?
Okay, folks, I am having the Hamburger Helper Asian Beef Fried Rice tonight. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Well, I've calmed down quite a bit. Gee whiz. Did it have to be so much like Cockroachella??? Could they have come up with something different at least? Couldn't Sophin have huddled and come up with a different play? How about a flea flicker? That surprise!, didn't-see-that-one-coming play?
Think you're right, Special. They're looking desperate.
As you can see from my post up above, I could care less right now about the stinkin rings. They are irrelevant to me; I don't need to study them. I don't want to study them.
I'm not going to obssess about them. I don't need to. I believe the guys are together and rings are not necessary for me to believe they're in a committed relationship.
Jared Eng REALLY likes Sophia and Austin :)
#40 Just Jared @ 02/23/2010 at 7:41 pm
We’re completely aware that the same few are making inappropriate comments over and over again while using different usernames. If you don’t have anything polite to say, then don’t bother saying anything at all. This kind of behavior is immature and will not be tolerated.
Sophia Bush & Austin Nichols: Black Eyed Peas Concert!
Austin has had a pinky ring since last year when he was photographed with it on by Davis Factor.
Jake wore another one of his rings years ago that had another inscription early in his career to inspire him. Then he said he didn't need to wear it he accomplished what he wanted.
Maybe the carpe diem is back because he is going to make sure he does seize the day now. It looks like he has for all the things and people Jake's brought back into his life since the bearding was done.
Austin signet is new and from the way he fingered it during fashion week and the look on his face it was obvious it was a link to someone who wasn't sitting next to him. (ahem)
Will say it again to me that new ring was a gift from Jake. They seem to both hold special connections with rings and talismans, charms and chains.
The comments aren't that positive about them on JJ. WWBDD? (What would Brooke Davis Do) She can't punch 'em so I guess she'll just get Jared to delete them.
Does he do that with everyone or just Sophin, I wonder?? I admit the comments do get ridiculous & old. And he would know if it's the same people over & over. That's embarrassing.
But still. It does show extreme partiality. the guy is crushing on Sophia, I swear.
The more I look at that one picture of them, the more I have to shake my head. Austin is leaning back as if he'd like to disappear into that barrier he's up against. And his hands! They're barely touching her.
Why, why, why, why. Why would you make yourself do something like that if you didn't want to? I honestly just do not get it.
Sophia Bush & Austin Nichols' Fergalicious Night Out
Does he do that with everyone or just Sophin, I wonder??
Just for Sophia and Austin.
Jake stopped wearing the Carpe ring along with all his other rings at the end of 2005, way before Reese.
He had one ring that he wore when he was first starting out to and he stopped wearing that one way before dating Kiki.
He took all of this rings off when BBM came out, along with all the other bracelets and stuff he used to wear. No doubt from his management urging him too.
He did wear his black diamond engagement ring to himself before that too. Who tells the press he bought an engagement ring for himself?
When Jake was with Reese, Jake did wear a ring, a gold band on chain just like we saw Austin wore a gold band on chain when he took his shirt off at ACL.
Again this jewelry thing really gets people's goat.
I'm with PG, the rings are meaningless in light of what they are both doing. Austin could wear a ring on every finger and it still won't make up for the bearding. Nor will the fact that Jake is wearing some little saying that is supposed to inspire him, all while Austin beards away, and Jake is probably planning on bearding with someone on his next movie set.
They are both fools.
PG, you are a treasure.
I haven't gotten all bothered by Sophin because, IMO, it's so exactly like Reeke. Roo much coincidence. Just read this latest about the Black Eyed Peas concert, almost verbatim. I do think a lot of it is to promote the series - just part of the job, one of the things you really would rather not do but it's part of work.
I have always found J&A to be romantic, that's why I follow it. I have a big interest in the furtherance of equal rights for gays and lesbians too, but what first drew me was J&A's romance. I love that that's how Ted still describes it. I don't know why the rings gets people all in a tizzy either.
that should read "Too", not "Roo". Thank you! :)
Just did a quick check in before leaving the office and see all the hoopla. All the bearding in the world is not going to make either man straight. I guess it had to come to this. Austin not having a girlfriend for the last what 5 or 6years puts too much heat on Jake's gayness. Poor Austin, he looks as miserable as Jake used to. Next I expect Jared to list all of Jake's grade school dance class partners as former girlfriends.
We have not heard from the where's the proof person in quite a while. I think we scared them off but now their courage is back.
Man, I need a drink. I've been laying off while on allergy med, but tonights the night to knock one back.
#40 Ava @ 02/23/2010 at 8:49 pm
If you can’t take the heat Jared, then you shouldn’t put up all these pr-approved posts and promote bearding. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors, the stories, etc., and I seriously doubt you think this relationship is real. I think it’s a shame that a gay man actively promotes such homophobic behavior.
I still remember your posts from the old days, when you weren’t afraid to speak your mind, and when you yourself referred to Jake as Toothy Tile.
LOL, m. I know. It's like all of a sudden it's time for "Jake! This is Your Life!! Here's every female you've ever shared a room's oxygen with!"
And then as the emcee is taking notes on his slateboard, Jake's manager leans in close and points at a name, whispers near the emcee's ear.
"What? You say he what? He was her lab partner in 8th grade Science? Hell yeah, we can use that! That oughta qualify. What's her name again, you say? It was the briefest of romances, we'll say."
LOL, man, Curley is driving me nuts tonight. Hey, that fried rice wasn't so bad. But they don't have any soy sauce that I can find.
Curley nudges his big nose against you when he wants your attention. He does it alot. Right now, he's "woof'ing" and jumping up and down. That's because he wants some Monteray Jack cheese.
Hi ME 2, welcome. I know. I shouldn't let Sophin get to me but this latest one did set me off for awhile.
But when unfriendlies start trying to strike while the iron's hot, it's time for me to hunker down and put my upset-ness aside.
Okay, I need to work on some work-related stuff. must stay off OMG. Must stay off OMG.
ebfmark: Jake gyllenhaal sitting at the bar with me and Bella in Montreal (Skye says I can't say which restaurant)
25 minutes ago
That's so funny about your dinner PG, I just made my own version of "hamburger" helper--only I use vegetarian "ground beef" and throw in some vegetables and spices.
It is exactly the same pattern as Reeke. The increasing frequency, getting photos where you wouldn't expect to see paps (I've never seen them at concerts in NY, despite the fact that there are always reports of celebrities at concerts), the "she looked so in love" and Austin looking miserable (how does that help his career?) Speaking of photos, I find it very odd there are no photo credits for them at JJ. He always credits the agencies photos came from.
Don't stay away PG!!!! Okay, maybe we'll let you take a break. :-D :-D
Actually I'm counting down the minutes until the new episode of White Collar. I don't know if anyone else watches it, but the building they use for Bomer's apt. in the show is in my neighborhood! Not a place I walk by regularly, but boy would I love to catch them filming.
where?? I'm calling it, it's mine all mine.
I think a lot of us could use a drink M. Maybe Special can break out that blender of hers and whip us up some Margaritas.
Jared has started deleting comments. Amazing how he does this for their posts and not others. He has had a thing for Sophia forever, but it makes you wonder what she asked in exchange her exclusive interview with him for fashion week.
Cleaning off the bar in the dining room, grabbing the blender lots of ice the top shelf libations and a lot of salt.
No one argues about the rings on my necklace *cries*
I wonder how Jared decided what to delete; looks like the entry Before Jared Deletes is still up, which surprises me, but yeah, the number of entries has dropped by what, 6 or 7 entries?
I think it is unrealistic to expect Jake or Austin to have come this far with the Reeke bearding and give it all up with only 90 days left to POPs opening. That is what it was all for after all. And Ted is keeping up the pressure with Toothy mentions a couple times each week.
Seems to me too that the longer there is silence about OTH, the more likely it is not going to be renewed, on the CW at least.
Dear Ted:
With all due respect to his acting abilities, Toothy Tile has never come across in any of his roles as some supermacho, ladies' man character. I'm not sure most of the movie-buying public buys him as a romantic lead as it is, and he certainly couldn't pull of a Barney-like part like Neil Patrick Harris. I guess what I'm saying to Toothy is: "People aren't going to be shocked, believe why deal with the hassle?"
Dear Know-It-All:
Love how some folks, from the comfort of their anonymous computers, tell other folks how easy it is to jump off that cliff.
403.No jump Jake Tue, Feb 23, 2010, 9:46 PM
"tell other folks how easy it is to jump off that cliff" Jake is afraid of heights and had a stunt double do the jump off the cliff in BBM.
We’re completely aware that the same few are making inappropriate comments over and over again while using different usernames. If you don’t have anything polite to say, then don’t bother saying anything at all. This kind of behavior is immature and will not be tolerated.
anyone with a brain realize that the same obsessed poster scour the internet looking for J or A pics and leave the most hateful and immature post everytime J or A are spotlighted. Everyone now knows the posters are either frome WFT2 or OMG! Everyone knows. It's probably the mean poster LOL or her/his alter ego Said! And maybe Tom!
We have not heard from the where's the proof person in quite a while. I think we scared them off but now their courage is back.
Man, I need a drink. I've been laying off while on allergy med, but tonights the night to knock one back.
I don't know M, but it seems like you wake up to a drink, one before out the door to work, at lunch, sneaking one in during break, the commute home and right before dinner. Oh, forgot, while passing the time away obsessing about Jake and Austin's romantic love for each other while on the computer. Oh, and just one for a nightcap. Your fairytale comments seem to expose your daily past time right out in the open.
Everyone now knows the posters are either frome WFT2 or OMG! Everyone knows.
Trolly, you always know everything! lol
Trolly, you always know everything! lol
^^ We've found the poster whose comments were removed by JJ.
Our trolls are pathetic.
Speaking of photos, I find it very odd there are no photo credits for them at JJ.
One more thing - photos are from Friday, why did JJ and E! Online need 3,5 days for posting them?
Dear Ted:
I'm not so sure about Robsten anymore. I want to believe but there was no love at the last award show. Maybe they are just good friends. If they have that much clout, why is Summit telling them to cool it? I would never see the last Twilight film if Summit even considered recasting the two! Let's face it, Ted, I just don't think they're together—it's just a really big PR stunt to have people see their movies! I'm sad. But thanks for trying to convince us they are real. Keep trying!
Dear Debbie Doubtful:
The problem with that theory is that it doesn't make any sense. If Robsten was a PR hoax, the sneaky duo would be staging photo ops left and right. Have you learned nothing from Gyllenspoon?
Dear Ted:
I guess many of us think we know the identities of Toothy Tile and Grey Goose, but I was wondering if there were any other Hollywood pairs like them out there—i.e. both dudes (or girls) are in the public eye? Also, I know fans sometimes like to imagine that people are together, like in the case of Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto in Star Trek, but are there any current colleagues who are or were more than friends and would America be shocked by it?
Dear Close and Closeted:
Am I reading this right—are you honestly asking if there are other closeted gay couples in Hollywood? Duh. And gay couples have on-set hookups just like their super-horny straight costars. Think about that next time you're at the movies.
Dear Ted:
Hey boy, with all this love your precious Twi-hards and Jackles peeps are getting from your intense love of those pairings, you never talk about your Blind Vices anymore. So do me a fave and answer a couple of questions on a couple of older Vices: Does Grey Goose mostly work in television and how does he keep their forbidden love child from the paps when celebrities can't walk out the door without being stalked? And how's Dashed Dingle-Dream's relationship with his own beard going now that Judas has cut him off for good?
Dear Of Vice and Men:
It's not hard for celebs to keep their private lives out of the press if they really want them to remain a secret—à la Baby Tile. Publicity is a nasty little game and stars are usually willing to air their own dirty laundry—although seemingly against their will—to stay in the spot light. And DDD and his beard have the same relaysh as all bearding situations: unsatisfying.
Dear Ted:
I love the Vampire Diaries. Anything going on with Nina Dobrev & Paul Wesley or Nina and Ian Somerhalder?
Dear Dear Diary:
If you're young and hot and have a show on the CW, you're basically required to—at least appear—to date your costar. Call it the "Gossip Girl Precedent," it keeps the buzz going for the usually ratings challenged shows.
Dear Ted:
Is Baby Tile human, feline, canine or equine?
Dear Smarty Pants:
Come to think of it, I didn't say kitty, puppy, or pony—did I?
Ted said: "If you're young and hot and have a show on the CW, you're basically required to—at least appear—to date your costar. Call it the "Gossip Girl Precedent," it keeps the buzz going for the usually ratings challenged shows."
the CW and One Tree Hill publicity = Austin and Sophia bearding.
Well, that just gives me another reason to hope they just cancel OTH, and that Austin doesn't end up on any other shows on that network. And for all of the actors sake on OTH, I hope they don't drag it out, so that they can put themselves in the running for new shows that are already starting to cast.
Maybe if they paid more attention to the quality of the shows and less to arranging fauxmances, the CW would do better.
Just finished first rehearsal with Jake Gyllenhaal and Michelle Monaghan... Good actors, make u step up ur game!!
3 minutes ago
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