Out and about in NYC yesterday.
So come on what's the deal... why did I always wind up in the story?What are you talking about?
You know, on Ugly Betty.
What can I say, you're hot, boys like you, you usually dress well, and the writers loved you.
Wilhelmina: I assumed since you're off to work for Vogue now, you wouldn't be here this morning.
Marc: Oh stop. My head may belong to Anna Wintour, but my heart will always belong to you. And Jake Gyllenhaal. But mostly you.

(check out it around the 1:15 mark)

Is that your farmers market shopping cart following us for the last six blocks?
Matthew Todd
Can people say some nice things out loud. Stressful day. Need cheeriness :-) #grouphug
14 minutes ago
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James Moore
@MrMatthewTodd Puppies! Rainbows! Cakes! Glitter! Jake Gyllenhaal naked!
13 minutes ago via Twitter for Mac
Now can I ask you something Jake?
Is that your farmers market shopping cart following us for the last six blocks?
lol. How'd the ol' cart get to Brooklyn, anyway? No, wait, Special, the organic cotton lining is missing.
Looks like America Ferrera. Am I right? Looks like a place on the Lower East Side around Elizabeth Street but I may be wrong.
Happy Monday everyone!
Yes it is America, they've been hanging out together lately. Thanks for the guess about where they are, I had no idea.
It says where they were on JJ.
Yes, it is America and yes they were at Fat Radish yesterday. She and Jake have been seen several times around the city, and at Soul Cycle together.
Jake was seen with and photographed her husband Ryan last Monday before Jake grabbed a cab.
I hope you get a chance to watch the video, it is an extra for Ugly Betty, and even in the extra's Jake is a part of the recurring storyline for Marc.
Hi Roma! Good to see you!
Slain Scottish Bartender Beaten, Set On Fire In Possible Hate Crime
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The body of bartender Stuart Walker, 28, was found Saturday morning following his savage murder in the town of Cumnock, Scotland. Police say the victim was tied to a lamppost, brutally beaten and set on fire, possibly because he was openly gay. “Stuart was a gay man and this will be one of the things that is looked at, but by no means the only thing,” a police insider told the Scottish Sun. An update from the Daily Record says the victim might have been sexually assaulted before he was killed.
In their grief, Walker’s friends and family are crying out for retribution: “The people who did this to our Stuart had better emigrate to another country,” said one of the victim’s relatives. “They have ripped our family apart.” A campaign has begun on Facebook to reinstitute hanging to punish the perpetrators of this heinous act. “And Walker’s former coworker Kazza Sutherland told the Telegraph, “Hopefully justice will be served and… those who did this go to Hell.”
We’re pretty sure there’s a deluxe suite in Hades waiting for the monsters responsible
Need more evidence that more need to come out and speak up world wide.
Yeah, that story is just awful Tom. :-(
Love Depeche Mode, love this song.
Well heres Jake hanging around with a married woman again. No evidence of a single life for him.
That story about the death in Scotland is awful. I'll have nightmares about it for sure. And yes, this is why more people well known in the public eye have to be honest. Being gay is no different than being left handed. Nothing to be ashamed of.
That story about the death in Scotland is awful. I'll have nightmares about it for sure.
I would agree.
I would like to suggest that in the future on stories this graphic, that maybe we might think about posting some kind of discretion of content warning beforehand.
The details of this story were extremely gruesome. I think support, outrage and sympathy can be given for beliefs and causes without always needing to know every detail of the horrendous crimes. It just might be considerate to know beforehand of the option to know what is ahead.
Yes let's sugar-coat the reality of these crimes against gay people. Disgusting.
How does a polite request to provide a brief disclaimer at the beginning of a post with explicit violence equate to candy coating?
Just like with explicit sexual content tags like NSFW, I see no problem with a brief disclaimer being posted before detailed descriptions of violence to caution readers of the gruesomeness ahead.
These crimes are truly senseless and need to end. Bullying needs to end. People need to work together toward acceptance and understanding.
I think many times it is not a celebrity who makes the most impact on people's attitudes, but the people closest to you.
Those who you know, who are your friends and neighbors that have the most impact. Because they are you, they are your community, your friends, your family, your life.
We need to be there for those people in a way that they recognize they can share their lives with us, without judgement or condemnation, that we support them and will be there for them.
It is not easy for everyone to come out. For some it does for others it's harder or takes longer. It's been said by so many, it is a journey.
It is an honor when someone knows that you care about them so much that they share something so important in their life with you.
Just as the violence toward LGBT individuals and bullying needs to end, Clueless the name calling and hateful language at others need to end too.
PG was not disagreeing with the sentiment and what Tom was sharing, she was talking about how such a graphic story affected her. When you are calling for tolerance, you need to look at how you interact with others. There are much better ways than to disagree than how you did.
I think the realities of the hate for Gay men in the world should be posted in full detail and I will continue to post them. If SK wants to delete them she has the right. It is her blog.
Yes this was intended to make Jake and all the others who could make a difference look bad. It is why I still am passionate about this blog. I am not here to protect or coddle Jake.
It is not easy for everyone to come out. For some it does for others it's harder or takes longer. It's been said by so many, it is a journey.
I truly truly believe it is time for the individual journeys to end. Too much is at stake. Self centered egotistical reasons to stay in the closets are wrong. I believe that with all my heart. No more excuses. These thype of crimes continue and will continue to occur. Humanity has the responiblility to change attitudes and seek the most severe punishments for these type of crimes.
I see no problem with a brief disclaimer being posted before detailed descriptions of violence to caution readers of the gruesomeness ahead.
Please. The report posted was already sanitized and did not contain "detailed descriptions of violence". If they published the autopsy report, then maybe then you could clutch your pearls and call it gruesome.
Joey Cocco
Jake Gyllenhaal just said he liked my hoodie on the 1 train.
32 minutes ago
Barry Yoko
Today is the best day yet! Great way to start my morning saw Jake Gyllenhaal he's amazing!
47 minutes ago
Once again, no one indicated that Tom should not have posted the details of the Scottish incident. What was pointed out was that a brief disclaimer like "The following post contains explicit violence" might have been in order. How ridiculous to suggest that this story would need explicit details of an autopsy to be considered gruesome. What planet do you live on?
My opinion on this topic is that trying to guilt or bully someone to come out is probably not the best technique if you want to achieve the end I think you're going for here. Often the victim of the personal attack tends to just become more stubborn and unwilling to hear what you have to say. They, in turn, begin to view themselves as the persecuted and the victim. Just another opinion.
Just as the violence toward LGBT individuals and bullying needs to end, Clueless the name calling and hateful language at others need to end too.
Sorry, there was no hateful language or name calling. I was describing the comment, not the poster.
Once more: Yes let's sugar-coat the reality of these crimes against gay people. Disgusting.
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