It looks like Jake is done with Enemy so why didn't head to ComicCon today with Mike and David to talk about End of Watch?
EoW did release a new clip for Comic Con and it looks like Jake is getting busted on his fancy coffee.
If you remember they improvised a lot of the dialogue themselves. And check out Jake doing his impression of his partners cousins.
Will we see Jake head west before he starts rehearsals for his play? You'd think he want to get a little West Coast in with EoW based in LA.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Regular or Fancy Joe?
Posted by
Special K
5:10 PM
Labels: Coffee, Coffee Tawk, East Coast West Coast, EoW, Jake
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It appears the film has been well received at Comic-Con. That's a good thing. That improvised clip was naturally funny. I've always got the feeling that Jake is a naturally funny person. I would love to see him in a slapstick/raunchy comedy. Not every film project he does has to be serious and oh so important. Sometimes a successful silly comedy can do wonders for a person's film career and image.
As EOW come closer to it's opening I'm assuming Jake will be doing most of the promotion on the East Coast. I mean he has to focus all his energy - at the moment - on the play, not just in the previews of the play, but also when it opens which happens to be around the time EOW opens in theater. So he'll probably doing the East Coast Night Talk shows - which are normally filmed during the day, the morning shows, entertainment shows, etc. When the film actually has it's celebrity premier he'll probably get the day off from the play in order to attend. Probably one day for the West Coast premier and the other for the East Coast.
Not sure. But I guess that's how it would happen.
I speculated the scene in the trailer I posted was improvised. And it looks like I was right.
And it looks like EoW is winning fans too.
Based on seeing the Comic-Con panel for End of Watch I’m sold. Director/Writer David Ayer is a gritty dude and the film was shot in a mere 22 days … after four months of training and rehearsals with stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena. The trailer and clips they showed were unlike anything you can see on the big screen (or small) today. The cops are good guys fighting bad in South Central. And it looks phenomenal. Read on for highlights from the panel.
The trailer is out there, but the new scenes that were shown were unique.
The first scene was Jake’s voice over talking about what it’s all about, how these cops are a family who stand together to fight bad. The entire scene is from the vantage of the cop car camera while on a chase through back alleys, narrow roads and busy streets of South Central. The car gets cornered, the bad guys come out shooting, we see Jake & Michael’s characters get out and take them down in a shootout.
The second scene is the reverse of the guys inside the cop car. They’re teasing each other, Michael suggesting Jake should date a Mexican girl, Jake does an imitation of how a Mexican girlfriend would talk to him, then Michael does an impression of white guys and their obsession with fancy coffee. Then a call comes in. The scene is charming, completely inoffensive even though they’re teasing each other about race and all one take. Later in the panel we find out that shot was improvised.
The last scene is Jake and Michael arriving at a house fire. A woman comes running out screaming her daughter is in the house. Jake bolts into the house, gets the girl, but the smoke and heat are too much, Michael is in behind him, things look bleak. The realism in the scene is startling.
Director David Ayer knows a lot of cops and has done his research. Apparently everything that happens in the movie is pretty much real. He told a story of these two cops he knows who have made a pact that were they ever SOL one would kill the other and take care of his family.
The unconventional camera coverage was chosen because David has the philosophy that with YouTube and video games the audience has learned to view footage and come to expect a certain level of reality in ways big studios don’t show. They built cameras to show the POV of the actors. Michael had to spend a lot of time running with one of these cameras strapped to his chest, which was hard because when he started he was out of shape and Jake loves to run.
At the core of this film, for writer/director Ayer is the heart.
The training Michael and Jake went through was rigorous police training, SWAT training and martial arts training. It created the camaraderie and family bond that cops have that really shows what it looks like for real cops living real lives. Apparently all the cops who have seen the film are blown away by it.
.They did ride alongs with police from the LA County Sherrif’s Gang Unit, the LAPD and the Inglewood PD. The first ride along the guys did the cops were really funny and jokey and at first they thought they weren’t taking their jobs seriously, but when it was time to go into action the guys were bad asses, the joking was a way to blow off steam.
Despite 22 days of principal photography, they rehearsed certain scenes that would be ad libbed like 100 times, so when it got time to do it all the work they’d done made them ready.
David Ayer said that Jake and Michael are now better trained than some LAPD officers. And he wrote the script in just 6 days.
Hobbits. But that said, it was still refreshing to see David Ayer's End Of Watch receive its premiere in Hall H today.
For the movie is a straight-up cop film, with no genre trappings or gimmicks, which follows LAPD partners Jake Gylleenhaal and Michael Pena on a typical day in their lives; a day that soon threatens to turn deadly when they're marked for death by a notorious gang.
Ayer has been here before - he wrote Training Day and Dark Blue, wrote and directed Harsh Times and Street Kings, all of which dealt with corruption in the LAPD, but this one promises to be different, and is based on real-life experiences of policemen friends of his.
“They’re good guys, they believe in the mission but they’re street-smart and they’re bad dudes," he said. "It's like a marriage, and in a marriage you don't get shot at. Well, it depends on where you live."
The film is also set apart by its shooting style, with Ayer capturing the action on a series of found-footage style camera, from dashboard-mounted cams to iPhones. He even strapped cameras to his actors. "I thought, how is this guy going to make a movie?" mused Pena. "It was all POV, POV, POV, POV. He strapped a camera onto me, he built all these weird contraptions - I was like a Mexican RoboCop!"
Ayer and Pena brought some footage from the film, and it looked impressive, from a very funny ridealong scene where Pena's frequent cursing is bleeped out, to a much more intense sequence where he and Gyllenhaal are called to a burning building, and endure a close shave with some falling masonry. It doesn't feel like a found-footage movie, it feels fresh and new and vibrant. "We shot it over 21 days," said Ayer. "The cameras I needed simply didn't exist. I had to build them. And the script exploded out of me in six days."
I never want for Jake to be embarrassed professionally. I'm glad it sounds successful.
But I'm sorry. I have to put a real human angle on it.
And the fact that this great movie slammed Jake and Austin back into the closet once it had successful screenings, making both of them lie and deny each other as well as presenting themselves as being offspring-free, nothing supersedes that for me.
Everyone wants to do something wonderful at their job. We all want to succeed. But if that something "great" makes me have to lie and deny my better half and children? That is one big tainting on what should otherwise be a golden moment.
I don't know. What is wrong with us that we compromise ourselves and our integrity for the glory of something in our career rather than honoring ourselves and those we love the most?
Time for a momentary change of subject for a Twitter interlude:
Lauren Evans @laurenMevans
Couldn't have asked for a better night
12h Lauren Evans @laurenMevans
@AUS10NICHOLS good to bowl with someone just as bad as I am haha
2:52 AM - 14 Jul 12 via Echofon •
Lauren Evans @laurenMevans
Amazing people = #austinnichols
1:40 AM - 14 Jul 12 via Echofon •
A day of fine art in Paris ------>
View photo
9:46 AM - 13 Jul 12 via WhoSay •
Just as we have had all week, it looks like some more contradictory tweets tailored made for misleading and confusing. If Austin were still in Paris, which he is trying to imply with his “A day of fine art in Paris” tweet and uploaded WhoSay photo of a Picasso painting, at 6:46 p.m. (Paris time), on a Friday night (July 13th).
Yet, another tweet appeared at 1:40 a.m. PST early Saturday morning from a Lauren Evans @laurenMevans a gal in California who writes “Amazing people = #austinnichols.” Then she tweets that she loves the people she’s currently with, insinuating that she’s with Austin at 2:26 a.m. And, by 2:52 a.m. she thanks Austin for being as bad a bowler as she her. So essentially from these tweets, Austin appears to have hopped on a plane, to fly approximately 11 hours to Los Angeles and then says when the suitcases hit the floor, “You know, I have an inexplicable urge to go bowling at 1 a.m.!” No jet lag, no need to even unpack.
**Heavy Sigh**
More senior moments for mr. Nichols, I see.
Why does this girl @laurenMevans tweet in the present sense that it's good to bowl with Austin?
Yet on that same day he tweets that he's enjoying fine art in Paris?
His time management is just a big mess right now.
Oh, and very interesting to note something. Ms. @laurenMavens just so happens to follow the verified accounts of Shantel, James Lafferty, Daphne Z, Sophia and Austin. And she has been following Sophia and Austin for a longer time than the others.
I just found that rather interesting is all I'm sayin'.
It’s nice to know that Austin wanted to go to the Centre Pompidou Paris, which is one of Europe’s largest museums of Modern Art. Not only that, but the Pompidou Centre is one of the busiest museums in all of Paris. Yet, somehow not one person recognized Austin while he was there. Unlike on Tuesday, when people walking down the street, took pics with him everywhere. All I can say is that it was a good thing Austin has a thing for bowling or no one would have recognized him over the past three days. A real blow to his fragile ego. LOL!
And so this is how you treat your French fans who unabashedly showered you with affection and attention.
By telling them you're still in their city enjoying the art. And they are tweeting at you, asking if you're still enjoying your stay and you're not even there.
Thereby making them look like fools.
That's a real show of respect after such a wonderful experience at Comic Con, isn't it.
Sounds like Austin probably flew back to the U.S. before Friday, just like somebody else we know.
It does sound like that Interesting.
Jake looks very relaxed in that clip. I hope the films is succesful, for his sake.
As for Comic Con and his no show, I cant help but notice that Henry Cavill was there the same day. No clue if those rumors of a dalliance with Henry are true, but I can see Austin saying no way I want you in the same town with him again, so Jake stays in NY or Paris or wherever he really is.
I think things got a little crazy for PR once Jake was sighted in Austin, Texas.
My aunt always wants to go to Olive Garden, lol. And it's so embarrassing because every time we go, her and mom always ask for extra bread sticks even though the entree has already come. And so then they ask for a bag to take the extra bread sticks home so they don't go uneaten. Geez!!
Maybe Austin is also handling Jake's Outlook Calendar since the boys seem to have miscalculated dates. If Jake said on the Comic Con video that he couldn't make the convention because he was filming An Enemy, I wonder why the big grand announcement was made all over twitter that filming was officially done as of mid-day on Thursday the 12th which was followed by the equally cyber viral announcement that he was officially on his way from Toronto to New York City, complete with picture proof from a restaurant. See? There he is. Eating in the Big Apple. On the 12th. Which was followed by someone else insisting that they saw him in Toronto. For sure. Lots of confusion. Lots of identification insistence. 2 days prior to the EOW panel in San Diego.
Although not a peep about filming going on that I see anywhere. In fact, there's an awful lot of silence going on all over. The only thing louder than the cyber silence is the deafening ignorance of the question as to why he didn't go. It just seems to be an unquestioned acceptance.
Because the other thing you have to acknowledge is that obviously it had been planned for a little while that he wouldn't attend because he had already filmed the little intro video for the convention presentation explaining that he wouldn't be able to be there because he was filming.
Maybe airfares were just too high.
It is so hot here. You look outside and everything is brown. Even the trees' leaves are drying up. And I guess there's no reprieve this week either. 100's are in the forecast. Phew. May as well be inside working when it's like that all week.
Because the other thing you have to acknowledge is that obviously it had been planned for a little while that he wouldn't attend because he had already filmed the little intro video for the convention presentation explaining that he wouldn't be able to be there because he was filming.
Plus, Jake knew that EoW was going to be at Comic Con for months. He could have easily asked for a day or two off. It's done all the time. In fact, Jake did not film An Enemy on Saturdays anyway. Remember that was his day "off" so he could pimp his heterosexuality in NY and try to make it work with Minka-poo.
One of my favorite times of the year. Philly Qfest. Ushered yesterday and today. Got to meet a couple of the actors. Even the guy who stole my heart last year. Benjamin Lutz :-) Back again next weekend. Damn work interfers with having a good time.
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