Today's Out Spotlight is about SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders). Started by lesbian and gay activists and aging service professionals in 1978 as Senior Action in a Gay Environment, the New York based organizationan is the world's oldest and largest non-profit agency addressing the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender elders.
A watershed moment came October 12-14th , when the AARP — the largest advocacy group for Americans over 50 — for the first time sponsors a major national conference focused on gay and lesbian aging. It's being organized by SAGE. There are 2.5 million LGTB seniors in the United States. Workshops included a whole array of issues: mental health care and suicide prevention, transgender seniors, rising levels of HIV/AIDS among gay men over 50, and special challenges facing elderly gays in suburbs and small towns.
SAGE works with LGBT elders to address and overcome the challenges of discrimination in senior service settings, while also being an essential component in the creation of informal caregiving support, and development of new "family" networks. SAGE's programs include:
* The nation's first Friendly Visiting program for frail and homebound LGBT seniors
* The country's first support group for LGBT seniors with HIV
* The nation's first program dedicated to caregiving services for LGBT seniors.
* The nation's first LGBT Senior Drop-In Center,
* The creation of the first national conferences devoted to LGBT aging concerns
* The only Robert Wood Johnson Foundation "Faith in Action" grantee (of more than 2,000 nationwide) specifically targeting GLBT older people for supportive services.
With all the great advancement in LGBT civil rights, many senior care providers never stop to consider that their older clients may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. And those who do may not know how to provide services in culturally-sensitive ways. As a result, many LGBT seniors often avoid seeking needed services out of fear of discrimination. It is those kinds of issues that SAGE and other organizations for LGBT seniors addresses.
There is tendency for LGBT seniors to go back in the closet, particularly in situations where they are most vulnerable, such as when accessing home health care or residing in assisted living or residential care facilities. Can you imagine how after living your life openly, you find yourself going back in the closet? Because of fear of homophobia for your healthcare or housing? For some who fought in the early days they are going back into living situations with those people who they are fighting discrimination against 40 years ago. Even most basic rights such as hospital visitation or the right to die in the same nursing home are regularly denied same-sex partners.
One study indicated that LGBT seniors may be as much as five times less likely to access needed health and social services because of their fear of discrimination from the very people who should be helping them.
And then there's the whole social isolation that has an enormous impact in the health and well being of LGBT seniors. With LGBT seniors twice as likely to live alone than heterosexual seniors, more than four times as likely to have no children, the informal caregiving support we assume is in place for older adults may not be there for LGBT elders.
And its not just healthcare, it is housing and income issues. Many LGTB seniors do not have the pension or the survivor benefits of their partners, they have no legal rights from the government. Some LGTB seniors worked in professions or positions that did not have pension plans. Many were freelancers, artists, performers where pension plans where never a part of the picture. While many see the LGTB community having disposable income, that could be true of the younger generation, but not that of those in their 60's, 70's and 80's.
And even sadder many LGBT seniors experience social isolation and ageism within the LGBT community itself.
SAGE and other organizations around the country are working hard to change these things. There are a growing number of retirement communities, senior housing and other high-end housing options targeting LGBT seniors. But there hundreds of thousands of LGBT seniors who will be aging in place in their own communities, SAGE is work to provide programs and services giving them the link they need to a safe and welcoming community.
While most here are not even close to retiring, there is so much to learn, do and act to participate in the good work that SAGE and other agencies like SAGE do. It is all about becoming aware and educated that reduces the prejudices and increases diversity and acceptance.
There is a great documentary on LGTB seniors and those who are trying to serve them called Ten More Years. The entire documentary is up on LOGO. Encourage everyone to take a look at a clip or two or but hope people will take the time to watch the whole thing.
Aging as Ourselves - LGTB -San Diego
Azetca : 50+ LGBT Latino/Latina Community
American Society on Aging Lesbian and Gay Aging Issues Network (LGAIN)
Gay Retirement Guide
Griot Circle - LGTB Elders of Color
National Center for Lesbian Rights - Elder Legal Issues
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force - Aging
New Leaf : LGTB Senior - SF/Bay Area
AP: Gay Seniors
LOGO --- Documentary : Ten More Years
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Out Spotlight XXXXVII
Posted by
Special K
8:16 AM
Labels: LGTB community, LGTB seniors, Out Spotlight, SAGE
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Later, he asked his mother what she had said to him to influence his decision. "I didn't say much," she said. "I only asked him one question -- what do you think Jesus would do in this situation?"
The best part of the Big Gay Mormon Wedding article.
Prairiegirl etc, it's important to remember that Babblers are not Jake fans. They are Reese fans first and foremost. And they only like this relationship because it is supposed to make their idol look more desirable and give her one up on the man who dared to leave her.
No. Babblers are Jake fans first and foremost. They only like this relationship because it makes their idol (who is of course their fantasy boyfriend) look straight. When Reeke breaks up, it will be poor, poor Jake, he was too good for her, I never liked her, she wasn't good enough for him, she's too old, ugly, etc.
Babblers have to like Reeke and Reese, they have no other option.
Because true Jake fan can't question him - Jake can't lie and Jake can't date a bitch.
Another great Out Spotlight today -
I love the acronym of this support group, "SAGE" - as in your wise edlers, your keepers of history, much life experience, with many stories to tell. Don't get me started on the Native American tribal culture again, and how wonderful to have a place in society for all its members, and reverence for its older members, I could go on for days, I adore them so much! Our culture has a history of sending its elders out to pasture, even if they still are vital members of society, just judging them from the outward appearance instead of the wonderful things they still have to offer. It's good to know that AARP recognizes SAGE too, for all the benefits and lobbying support they can give for elder needs of any sexual orientation.
This is why NO on Prop 8 is so important, it's not only the right to marry whomever you love, just like the majority of our society, but the larger civil rights issues of survivor benefits, health benefits, and just the respect of being another's partner as husband or wife, etc. that the majority take as a given. There are creative legal ways to get some of these benefits, but GLBT people shouldn't have to do that, they should have these rights and benefits as a given, as much as any straight married couple does.
Nice to hear about Steve Young and his wife's work against Prop 8, and the Big Gay Mormon wedding. Just goes to show that people are individuals first, no matter what their beliefs. I'm glad to read that someone actually asked themselves first "what do you think Jesus would do in this situation", instead of just automatically reacting and judging. And of course, my forever idols, The Beatles, "All you need is love, love is all you need."
FLF, loved your chicken post, and thanks for Frankie singing today. ;)
Also, I am no longer reading gossip mags. I never did before, because I never followed things like this before, and the only time I see them is in the salon, and I'm no longer reading them.
Spesh, what would we do without your rose-colored point of view. Thanks! :)
Yay! An extra hour today.
First of all, it is a tremendous treat to hear Frankie this morning. And I love his intro. I tell you what, one of my favorite movies is Pal Joey and that guy was so darn sexy in that. I can understand why people like my mom said he just made the girls swoon. That guy had that "something." Here's to the old schoolers like the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Frank Sinatra.
Just to extend a minute on the previous thread and what Dee said. I couldn't do without our OutSpotlights - they are a great education. I think right now that the reason the tone on Jake has turned so negative is because of the turn his life & persona have taken. The reason Reeke is brought up so much is that is virtually all he is about right now. That's all we are seeing of him in printed media and on the internet, our only sources right now. Save a couple of photos of him by himself in the course of a year either at the airport or on a movieset, that's it. That.Has.Been.It. The rest of his life has disappeared (I know, I know..that's all he wants us to see, the rest of his life is private, blah, blah, blah). And since Reeke is all he is about, gee, could that be reflected in the tone of his fans' voices? And what does that say about him?
Gee, another negative-toned comment. LOLLL! See what I'm saying? lol, man you just finally laugh. There's nothing else you can do.
Now, for something worthy of positive note. Outstanding OutSpotlight today, Special. It strikes a special chord with me because I have a soft spot for our seniors. Not that children don't deserve their attention, but I think our seniors are just as important and yet they seem to be a forgotten group. Our seniors have already traced our steps. They've seen things that we have yet to realize or understand. And our 85-95 year olds are walking history books. They have such wonderful stories to tell and they love to tell them.
And I wish everyone, Hollywood especially, would think about this. We are all going to be there someday, Lord willing. Not all of us; no one knows what the next hour brings. But the majority of us will be there. We're going to get the grey hair. The liver spots. The paperthinned skin. The arthritis. The slowed steps. The bad hearing. The increased lack of memory. The disrespect of younger people. The inattention of advertisers and the feeling of loss for days long gone by and never to come again. And the loss of friends & family as peers & siblings pass away, leaving them alone. And lonely.
These people deserve all the love and care we can give because they have paid their dues. They've worked all their lives, 8 to 5 for years & years. They're in need of our utmost respect and a rest long due as they live the remainder of their days on this earth.
And it pains me to think of their days spent in a reverse cycle due to their sexuality? To have to backpedal? No. That's not the way and it shouldn't be the way. Standing ovation for the likes of this SAGE. There are people out there doing great things for others; paving the way; giving of themselves and establishing a better quality of living for those in the future. Because this demographic of seniors, straight or non-straight, is only going to increase as the Baby Boomers age. So inspiring.
And what is a Senior Drop In Center? Is that like a community center for seniors to gather?
Before I end this comment, not to make it sound like being a senior is the total end of the line, lol! You know our 70 year olds today are like our 50-60 year olds from yesterday. We are living longer and I tell you what, there are some 70 to 80 year olds out there who travel more than I do. Several months ago, an obituary of a local 90 year old man caught my eye because in the last year of his life, he had just purchased a computer and had learned about email. How inspiring is that??
Sorry for the superlong post. I get to talkin and
:) said...
Babblers have to like Reeke and Reese, they have no other option.
Because true Jake fan can't question him - Jake can't lie and Jake can't date a bitch.
Without reeke my life would be not worth living :-)
not be
Thank you so much for this spotlight! As someone who is retired and a "senior" I really appreciate this. Sometimes I feel soooo old among the rest of you. But this great site and my continued fascination with Jake and Austin, keeps me coming back.
Joker, I think there are plenty of people here who are no longer spring chickens, myself included. Thanks as always for an interesting Out Spotlight, and I'm really enjoying the Frank Sinatra too.
LOL Tom. And PG, you beat me to what I was thinking when I saw the comments in the previous thread. Even when it comes to his movie work anymore, it all still seems to be about the Reeke. So instead of getting pictures of Jake going about his work on the sets of Nailed and PoP, our first look at these movies is just more of the same.
With those ridiculous pictures from the set of PoP, imo Jake's transition to tabloid Jake was complete. I'd like to focus on other aspects of Jake's life, like his work, but Jake himself is making that impossible to do.
As usual, a very interesting and informative topic. Prairie Girl, dont get me started on paper thin skin. I look in the mirror some days and can swear I now see every vein in my body.
A lot of people say Baby Tile can't be because of their careers, age etc. But around the time of surrogate planning and conception, Austin was expecting to be in a long running successful series filming entirely in So Ca. JFC. Who would expect a Milch venture to not be a hit. Things did not work out, just like the bearding has not worked as planned.
Could not agree more with the sentiment that Jake has disappeared. He exists only as an after thought to Reese. Ironically, this to me reinforces that he has something very big to keep private. Because it is so out of character with how he was raised and who he was.
Have to laugh at people trying to post with other identities. Maybe because I am an avid reader, but everyone has a distinct, recognizable, writing style. It's so easy to spot a fake. But like you say, you cant control what people do on the web. Just be amused that they are so threatened by the truth.
"Orlando Bloom, coming out for gay night at The Brig in Venice, Calif., with a guy friend. The British star was at the bar, having a drink – and a great time. "He was smiling, laughing and talking with his buddy," says an onlooker. The place was packed but Bloom and his pal stuck it out until past midnight.",,20237038,00.html
I adore Frank Sinatra! So what he turned out to be a thug. I adore Jake. So whut he's a - whatever he is.
Who cares!
wbooops! that's me, above!
One of our good friends is a guy from church who just turned 94. We recently went out to lunch with him and were all driving home in a friend's convertible and had the '70s tunes cranked up. We were all dancing and waving our hands out of the roof, including our 94 year old friend. He is so fun and really, really gets up to mischief. He figures at his age, what is anybody going to say to him?
Doing the post I watched the documentary on Logo and its really good,hope that even if you get a couple minutes you can watch a segment or two of it.
Interesting about AARP and SAGE. I'm not old enough for AARP but I wonder if anything's been in their monthly magazine about SAGE. As far as I know (which is little) all retirement communities require is residents over a certain age. I don't know if same sex couples are ok with them altho I imagine there are alot of women living together because most of the men (husbands) die earlier, but whether there's alot of lesbians I don't know. In the retirement communities I imagine the hetero widows wouldn't mind having lesbians in there ..less competition for them to catch a man. LOL. There's a movie love story to be made from there somewhere.
My 85 year old Grandma goes everywhere with her best friend, a lady who's 87 and also a widow. They told me everyone thinks they're a couple and they don't correct anyone either because they think its fun to keep everyone guessing and let them think they they have hot forbidden sex going on at their old age. LOL Go Grandma!
Great stories Wicked and Chris.
There are a few retirement communities for gays and lesbians. I remember reading about one in New Mexico.
What a great Out Spotlight today. We are all headed in the same direction when it comes to the aging game, some of us are just a little further along the line I suppose. I'd like to know that someone is looking out for those older members of our community now and that the much needed services will be available when we all need them.
We all have our own stories to tell and wouldn't it be nice to catch up with some of these elder gay folks and take the time to listen for a change.
Cheers to everyone, have a great week.
Lately I've been wondering where in the world is Frenchy??? Has anyone heard from her up in Quebec. I miss her comments and outlook on things, especially as she's a fellow Canadian.
Another person I'd love to hear from and know how he's been doing lately is Valentino. He had such a great introduction to WFT and I'd just like to know how he and his BF have been doing with their life together.
Hey everyone, back from a Sunday with the family. My aunt returns to Vegas on Tuesday and she & my mom have had a bang up time this past week with another friend of theirs. Everyday, they were out gallavanting around. I think it's great. I wish she didn't have to go back. It was funny to watch my mom interact with her sister in the backseat of the car and at DQ; sometimes it's almost as if I were seeing them 50 or 60 years ago when they were kids. In all our older people's faces, you can see how they were when they were youths. There are glimpses of an ornery girl or a ladies man and it really is a beautiful thing.
When I started going back to church about 14 years ago, I met more older people than ever before, especially in my Sunday School class and through homebound/nursing home visits. I loved listening to how they grew up, how things were during the depression, riding in buggies, and how they struggled to make money. But senses of humor never leave. We had more laughs in class than anywhere. I miss that class terribly & will remember it always.
Wicked, that sounds like it was a blast. 70's music and hanging out of the car singing & dancing with the arms. That is right up my alley. Isn't 70's music great? Er, wasn't 70's music great. lol. And I think that's great about your grandma, Chris. I'm glad she has such a good friend.
m said:
Ironically, this to me reinforces that he has something very big to keep private. Because it is so out of character with how he was raised and who he was.
TA, m. I still don't think though that it calls for this VegasStrip-style of bearding. I mean, is/was it all for PoP? Is that what the whole thing is for? To get that role? That's what the cost is. And whose call is this whole charade. Disney's? Reese's? His? Their managers' agency? I think Ted is insinuating it is both Reese & Jake.
Well, I was supposed to be going over my health care enrollment package this weekend. Heavy sigh; that sure didn't get done. I have 2 days to get it done. Guess I could take a look at it now, lol. But I don't want to!!
heavy sigh. guess maybe I ought to.
Tomorrow night starts a new class! It's a continuation of an art appreciation class that I took last year and was soooo inspiring. It was so educational and I hope some of the same class attendees return. Never paid an ounce of attention to a Vermeer before; never realized there was so much an artist was trying to get through in their painting. Really looking forward to this one; Art of the Nativity. I hope Sister Wendy is involved!
Hey, m, this is kind of funny. There's a fanfic story out there that was really good, although only 1 chapter was posted. Brand new story. It was just updated yesterday, Nov. 1. And the first chapter? Posted April 25. Lol! Giminy's, I see why you say you only like to read completed stories. Sometimes it is sheer torture waiting for an update. So many people were whooping it up that they updated their story, but we all hoped we don't have to wait another 7 months for the next chapter, lolll! It is a good one, though. 365 Days.
Okay, now pardon while I drag out the enrollment info and get on the website.....see ya :(
Prairie Girl, I read the first chapter of 365 days and enjoyed it very much. I printed chapter 2 earlier today, but am still catching up on the stuff that posted while I was traveling so did not even notice the huge gap. Did you ever start The Ties that Bind? Another one that has not updated in months, hell maybe even in a year. I've given up on it. The price to pay for fan fic/slash.
The reason I have not posted is that last Tuesday my boss at work
Terry called me and asked me to come in and help finish up a rush
order and so I did! I guess we will finish up later this week and
I and some others will be laid off
again due to lack of work! It is a
hard time for everybody! Anyway, I
also agree that Jake has changed in some ways! I wish that they would show what he does for leisure these days? I guess they
will show him shopping with Reese!
I realize that he is going to live
his life the way he wants. I just
hope that his life includes the
gorgeous Austin! I will admit that
there are times that I doubt that
there is a Baby Tile! If there is,
I hope that the baby is being well
taken care of!! That is one thing
that drew me to OMG-the story of
J&A! In my heart, I really hope
that they stay together! All I
hope is that whatever happens, you
keep OMG going! It is a great place to express yourself in a neat way even if nobody agrees with you!! Why don't we have a recipe day maybe the middle of
November-one Thursday or Friday?
Does anyone have the recipe for
Jake's baked ziti? Sorry for such
a long post but just wanted to check in. I will catch you guys later on in the week!! I agree with you-Ted is really going after
Toothy Tile these days!!
NY Times - Weddings
Erik Hyman and Max Mutchnick
MAX MUTCHNICK has “shpilkes.” Mr. Mutchnick, who used the Yiddish word to describe his restless energy, didn’t become a creator and executive producer of the sitcom “Will & Grace” by being a blushing wallflower. “I’m a big personality,” said the impulsive Mr. Mutchnick, 42, who melds borscht belt shtick and urbane wit in his writing and his life.
So it was unusual for him to be intimidated by Erik Hyman, an entertainment law associate at the Los Angeles firm Loeb & Loeb. “He’s out of my league,” was Mr. Mutchnick’s initial impression. “I’m Mel Brooks, and he is Anne Bancroft. He’s this sophisticated, elegant guy, and I’m the kind of guy who would have a piece of toilet paper stuck to my heel.”
Within three months they were talking about having children, and 20 months later, in September, a surrogate gave birth to their daughters, Rose and Evan.
Marriage was a tougher issue. “I always thought it was silly to get married if it didn’t matter legally,” Mr. Hyman said. That changed in May, after a California court legalized same-sex marriages. Still, as new fathers in the process of moving into a new residence, their preference was to wait before planning a wedding. But Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative aimed at banning same-sex marriages that is up for a vote Tuesday, altered their time frame.
“We wanted to be a part of the wave of same-sex couples getting married before the election,” said Mr. Mutchnick, referring to the more than 22,000 lesbians and gay men who have wed there in the last five months.
On Oct. 25, the couple vowed their love before Rabbi Lisa Edwards as they stood beneath a vine-cloaked pergola on the grounds of their Tudor-style Beverly Hills home. Each of their 30 guests participated in the combination wedding and Jewish baby-naming ceremony. The bridegrooms doted on their six nephews and four nieces while pacifying their infant daughters with their pinkies.
“I told Max and Erik they can interrupt at any time,” Rabbi Edwards said, as Mr. Mutchnick, always the producer, abruptly halted the proceedings to turn off a fountain that was burbling off-cue. “He’s a show runner,” Mr. Hyman said with an amused sigh. “He likes to run a show.”
NY Times - weddings
That 2nd chapter is great, wait til you read it. And it is so long. I know, isn't that funny? April to November, lol! Well, if it wasn't so tragic, it would be funny. I'm going to check out Ties that Bind; something about that title rings a bell. I know I've seen that title before. One of my most favorite ongoing ones is In Plain Sight but she only updates about once a month of so. groan,. I'm dying for an update. Talk about torture.
I had emailed the author of 365 Days several months ago and I do mean several,, lol. I had forgotten all about it. Then she emailed me several weeks ago and said sorry, she had just read my email but to watch out soon for an update. I about fell out of my chair. You're right, such is a price to pay for getting hooked onto a story.
Hi Kacie! Great to hear from you. I'm glad you got called in for a few days. Bet it was good to get in there & help out. Isn't it funny how you eventually miss everybody and your everyday workroutine? I know I love my vacations now more than ever, but I always miss the everyday chat & laughs. And everytime you come back from a break, seeing everybody is like this wonderful honeymoon period. Then that first email or phone call comes and....well, there goes that honeymoon period. It's back to reality. lol!
I agree with you, Kacie, on several of your points. Just what does Jake do with his leisure time; we don't see that anymore unless there's a shopping bag or cardboard coffee cup involved. Man, that is sad, isn't it? Now that I think about it, it makes me kind of grin. As much as that guy drinks coffee or cappuccinos, or whatever in the heck kind of coffee drink that is, he must be absolutely hooked on that caffeine. lol. I'll drink a Starbucks about once every couple of months; been nursing a couple of gift cards since the beginning of the year. That guy looks like maybe he drinks that stuff every day! phew. That's some heavyduty caffeine there. One thing you don't usually see in celebrities' hands is soft drinks or cans. We have a couple of girls in the office that as soon as they've sat down to work, you hear that Pop! of the poptab on their Diet Coke or Dr. Pepper. 7 o'clock in the morning and it's pop city, lol. Do you drink pop, Kacie? I try not to do it too much. Now my buddy @ work has gotten me hooked on adding some of those Crystal Light powder things into my Culligan's water. Geez, what a horrible habit to have started.
Well, have a good week, Kacie, great to see you! : )
Hey, Kacie, two things for you next time you comment; Can you have any sweeteners like Splenda or NutraSweet? If so, which one do you prefer?
And next time you come back, tell me what your go-to recipe is. You know, the one that is your no-fail favorite? Do you like to cook alot? Try new receipes? Oops, that's more than two things, sorry!
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