Excuse us for a moment while Americans take time to recognize a historic moment in our nation's history. Yesterday we elected Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States and the first African American President in our history. We have come a long way from in the where we started and we saw dreams spoken over 45 years ago, become reality. While some may not have voted for President Elect Obama, all must recognize that this is a new day in our nation.
Now back to the forest or is it the tree?Looking at some forums, most OTH fans are really liking Austin. There's a few c words thrown around and I mean the good kind. Chemistry, Charm, Cute. They are not all thrilled with his past with Peyton, or the prospect of hooking up with Brooke, because they know it will just make Peyton look better. And yeah some have said - "doesn't he look like Shane West?" Austin is getting attention from both critic and the fans. And that is only his second episode! Wanna make a bet that Julian sticks around for those two extra episodes CW asked OTH to do?
But here's something else to think about. CW is looking to bring back Melrose Place and Mark Schwahn the creator of One Tree Hill is heading it up. Is OTH a testing ground for Austin and would Schwahn bring him on Melrose? Well he's set if they all moved back to the apartment complex with the pool isn't he?
But who would he play - would the make him into Jake Hanson? Dr. Michael Mancini? Billy Campbell? Or would he be Matt Fielding? And if they bring Heather Locklear back Austin would have worked with a trifecta of hot 80's blondes. But Austin, get it in your contract that you want creative input in the script and story, and try to get a director/producer credit for at least one show in year 2.
As much as wanting to see him weekly on TV there would be some downsides. There has to be PR from the network to promote their show. And saying that, they want to people to get to know their stars. This could mean that Jake might not be the only who has to be inventive with his private life. How would this be received?
And finally some really big big news from one of us.
present the
World Premiere
"The Viva Voce Virus"!
surreal cinema, featuring the World Premiere of "The Viva Voce Virus,"
presented by The Portland Women's Film Festival (POW Fest) as part of
the Siren Nation Festival.
"The Viva Voce Virus" is co-directed by Kimmo Moykky and Portland's
own Kathleen Bryson.
London actress Ronnie investigates a mysterious disease
from Hollywood's yesteryear: a disease that makes actors keep
mum about their same-sex love affairs, a sickness seemingly spread by
frothy blue drinks and perfume atomizers. It's a "wild, vivid, surreal
sci film... a Kenneth Angerish adventure through the history of the
closet," says Friction Magazine.
We will also present a preview of the upcoming documentary, "Five Star
Museum: Exotic World and the Burlesque Revival", produced by
Portland's own Courtney Herman.
Doors open at 6:30 pm at The Hollywood Theatre, located at 4122 N.E.
Sandy Blvd. in Portland, Oregon. Tickets are $5 for the screening or
$25 for a festival pass. More information is available at
www.sirennation.org/, www.powfest.com/ and
Congratulations Daff! You have worked so hard to bring this to screen and we are all so proud of you!
Pictures: Austin Nichols Journal/Spooky
Someone is reporting about a visit to the set of Prince of Persia.
Sounds like they were showing off the set and swords for the press.
And that Jake's in England.
Prince of Persia Set Visit
I'll give it a read, Spesh. Sounds exciting!
Wow, lots to be happy about - I'm so proud of our country. Could have been a little prouder of CA, very disappointed in that. This issue is not over, so don't lose hope. Change takes time, as we have witnessed in our historical election this year. I think the issue will just be taken back to court again, hopefully won't make it to a constitutional amendment. CA has a different process than other states. Maybe some of our legal eagles out there might know the process?
Big congrats to Daff about Viva Voce Virus. :*
I was a big fan of Melrose Place, so that would be great if Austin is on that too.
I love peanut butter cookes too, Kacie, can't wait for your recipe.
Wow, wouldn't that be great if this guest stint on OTH would lead to a regular role on another show, even a new Melrose Place? I used to watch that a little bit, lol. I always liked the character of Matt, played by Doug Savant, I think it was.
Thanks, Kacie! Yeah, I hear ya about the price of Splenda. I don't know why that one is the most expensive of all of them. Hey, I needed one of your nightowl moments this morning, Kacie. NETB & I were holding down the fort for awhile. I woke up @ 02:02 for some stupid reason and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and got on the ol' laptop. Found NETB up, huh NETB? We had a good time. You could've joined us!
Beef Stroganoff and peanut butter cookies - sounds great! You're going to have to dig those out now, you know. ;)
Boy, I still can't get over Ted. He's practically carrying a scrolling banner across the internet screen, lol. You know, he's doing everything in his clues & letter names. He is like on a mission with blinders on, headed straight for the finish line. And how unusual is it to have Austin in a question? I mean, as popular as he is on OMG, the guy is not a household name anywhere else really, particularly the HW gossip blogsites. Don't get rankled by that comment, Special & Destiny, lol - I know you 2 are fans on an elevated level. I'm not talking about his talent or anything, just that he's not a big name. So, I think that just accents the fact that all of a sudden Austin appears in his letters.
It's a yogurt lunch today! Great Value brand Lemon Chiffon. We are busier than all get out, but at least I have a bit of a lunch break.
Congratulations Daf! If you're lurking, that is great news about the movie.
It's great that Obama got in, but man, do I feel down about all the initiatives involving gay rights. The focus was on California because, but gay marriage also got rejected in Arizona and Florida, and then there is the adoption ban in Arkansas. I shouldn't be surprised about California, but I am. also think that some mistakes were made on the No on 8 side, including not getting thing off the ground sooner, particularly in raising money, and some early commercials that were not very good.
PG, I know Austin isn't that well known. :-) I'm assuming that question came from someone who follows TT gossip.
It would be great if Austin got another series, but I'm holding out hope for something more offbeat. I'm enjoying him on OTH, but at the same time I don't know that I'd want to see him be a regular on a show like that, but at the same time I know it's not easy for most actors to get work, and that everything he gets will get attention and give him a chance to grow some more as an actor.
...."Maybe they were all otherwise engaged trying to help defeat Prop 8, which makes gay marriage illegal in California? Very happy for the Obamas, truly I am. Hard to be ecstatic, though, right now.
Do you have any idea how demoralizing it feels to reside in a state where residents have voted to improve the rights of farm animals but lessen those of gay men and women? Say baaahh if you love Jesus!
And no, I have no intention of moving; the fight has only begun. Get ready for it, everybody. This will change. Just ask Ellen and Portia—and more than a few legal types—if you don't believe me."
I wonder if Reeke will get married. Because of what Ted's doing now [forced to prove him wrong] or because this is why Ted is doing it [outing Jake because he really is planning a wedding to stop the gay rumors]. Or 3rd choice: maybe Jake wants Ted to do this so he won't have to marry Reeke.
I have the recipe from my mother's cookbook, You have to sift flour and soda together. The
other recipe is similar to Beef
Stroganoff. Do any of you have
any good recipes for something like a pizza casserole or something good for pork and beans?
Also, do any of you have any great
recipes for cheese balls? I cannot
hardly wait until November 20th.
I may not take part in the movie
discussions all the times because
it is hard sometimes to find the
movies. Just a thought-do you
think that Jake could or would sue
I guess the next thing we will hear is that Jake and Reese have
married secretly and that Austin
and Sophia Bush are now engaged!!
This is getting so ridiculous!!
It does get awfully tiresome at
Chris - I'm going for #3
I think Ted was used to float things way back when- when they were there was talk about coming out.
I think Ted is being dispatched again for duty.
I am elated and defeated. Happy about Obama, very disappointed about prop 8. Embarrassed, actually. I do expect there to be a legal battle about this and for it to appear on the ballot again. The yes on 8 campaign was very organized and well funded by outsiders. No on 8 seemed to be adrift. Oh, well, on to Jake.
Always happy to see Ted reaffirm Austin's place. Every so often I drift towards maybe it's Chris, but Ted brings me back to Austin. Thank you. Ted is relentless and there seems to be no end in sight for his campaign. Keep it going, Ted. The letter about Jake being so bland now is close to the line -true, but clearly about Jake, not Toothy.
I want to see Austin on a series, but I'd like something more meaty than Melrose Place and definitely not a remake. A Dr., a policeman/detective, something more gritty. And on HBO or Showtime so we can see some skin. Yes, lot's of skin.
Some new set pics of Austin on spookys site, if you are a friend. Austin is smokin hot. Smokin.
The new Austin pics from yesterday are here
Austin Journal
and Spooky also has a lot of Austin OTH info, pics, screencaps, clips, promos, articles, etc that is updated daily here:
OTH info
I think that they'll get married soon, whatever the reason is.
It's a good day today.
Just had to say...
Congratulations to all my American Friends from up here in Canada for electing such and enlightened man. Your country and the world will now be better places for us all.
John McCain was truly a "Class Act" with his concession speech. President Elect Obama covered all the bases in his victory speech, it was an honour to watch it live and to be a part of this historic event.
Now, the sooner Mr. Bush is on his way to retirement and put out to pasture the better for America and the world.
I was going to save it for tomorrows post but Kate at WDW has it up already.
It looks like we will get a sneak peak of Jake and the Prince of Persia tomorrow on Entertainment Tonight. Check you local listings.
This and the mention on the blog about being at Pinewood and the PoP sounds like they were doing the on set PR interviews and extras for PoP when it comes out in 2010.
Michael K is evil. J/K! He put up a link for a live feed of puppies and they are so cute that and now I'm stuck watching I need to get things done. Damn you Michael K damn you. : )
Hate to say it but I'm not interested in PoP anymore. What is it going to be Jake running around with a sword acting butch. BFD. and YOU KNOW there will be mention of his girlfriend Reese worried about his safety on set or some bullshit. They'll put in a hetero image in there somewhere.
BTW IHJ has a shitload of new/old Jake Kerry election voting pics and old set pics up. Jake smiling, friendly, and relaxed. Enjoy it becaues we won't be seeing him anymore. Goodbye old sweet Jake. Used to like/love/admire you. Now with New Jake, not so much. hell- now not at all.
All I see is puppies sleeping. Hmm wonder if some of them are mine heh. Special come over here and you can watch me sleep anytime and pet me and brush me. I'll even roll over and move my leg real fast over and over for you if you rub my belly the right way.
also think that some mistakes were made on the No on 8 side
Yeah, like framing it as a gay marriage v. Mormons rather than an equal rights issue.
Congrats to the Viva Voce Virus!
I especially like that pic of Austin walking up to the white van, drinking coffee. It's mainly from the back and you can see that the back of his hair is cut pretty severely. Leave it to him to do something interesting with his hair. But even better, his back, those long legs, that long torso - beautiful, just beautiful.
Congratulations to everyone in the US on your fantastic new president. The world seems a much better place today.
Also, could Austin get any cuter in those OTH pics. He just gets better and better.
Wow, Austin does look great in Spooky's pics. Looking forward to next Monday. I forgot to mention that Sophia is really pretty, and has an attractive voice - I like her character too. :)
I have naps to take dinner to eat bones to bury toys to chew fleas to srcatch but here I am watching puppies sleep. Special k is evil.
Thank you, guys! Excited about the premiere tonight. :)
Oh my dog, those puppies are so cuuuuuuute. I could just jump in there & squeeze them to death. You have to wait forever to see any of them move, though. I like the one on its back. One of its brothers/sisters is piled on top of her. The little pads on the bottom of their paws are so cute. When they're puppies like that, those pads are so soft. I have a thing for dog paws. But don't worry, Atticus, lol, I wouldn't try to play with your paws. Just your face makes me a little nervous.
Wow, so many sad faces around here. Come on, you guys. You're giving Reeke's handlers exactly what they want. And I mean exactly. This is exactly what they're waiting to hear and see. The ship going down. The heartlight going out. The white flag being raised up. The dirt being thrown onto the casket. The mournful cry of the coyote. The For Sale sign going up in the window. The big, futile onside kick. The big Quarterback fall on the ball. The folding up of the tents. The putting away of the toys. The pulling of the plug. The Big Needle of Euthanasia. The big Throw In of the Towel.
No, no one says you have to jump piggyback onto Reeke & wave the Reeke flag. But it's not 4th down & 40 yards with :06 to go, either.
Yup, time for a little pep talk here to the troops. We're all in need of it, it would seem.
In all seriousness, though. How happy do you think it's going to make The Other Side to read all these woe is me's. You know that PR is like a school of sharks sniffing the blood of surrender. They can feel it. They can sense it. And they're getting giddy because the crew at OMG is getting discouraged to the point of giving up on their man. This is a big part of what they've been doing it all for. The Myla's. The Rome. The Cabo. To put to rest communities like this.
And get mad at me for saying this; I'm putting it out there - go ahead - react. Beat me up.
Give up the ship now?? Then what? If & when Jake says sayanara to Reeke, then you're going to come back all eager beaver? All's well that ends well? All's forgiven? Jake & Austin Forever?
We're going through a rough time. I'm guilty as anyone of Reeke Fatigue. And there are alot of other fish in the sea. Worthwhile fish. Worthwhile real-life people. But what I would miss? The people here. All of you. I look so forward to your all's terrific sense of humor. Your sharp eyes. Your overall knowledge.
And sometimes you do need to just take a break. A mental health time. But I'd hate to think of anyone disappearing into oblivion. Despite this really rough period, it's still a fun ride for me. Am I one of the few? Tell me I'm not. ;(
Yeah its tough, but come on you don't think that Jake doesn't get to see Austin during all of this time. No way. When there's a will there's a way. Hey it might bring the intrigue that they seem to find.
Amex Black Card, a phone call, a plane ticket and in few hours and hello gorgeous.
And Reese? Well she's going to be spending quality time with her most favorite guy in the whole wide world. Oscar? No not this time, this time it's Vince.
you don't think that Jake doesn't get to see Austin during all of this time.
Talk to me, Spesh. Talk to me. I hear it. Gosh, I sure hope so. Man, all these new pictures of Austin cropping up are enough to send a few beads of sweat across the brow. It'd be mighty hard to leave that stateside, lol.
I think there probably is alot going on behind the scenes that we don't see. There has to be. And it has to be kept tightly under wraps or the whole cover is blown. Just makes it tough for the faithful because there's no visual proof.
Hey, Special, while you're on here, check your email. I sent something that's good for a chuckle. Kinda proud of the 2 questions I came up with. You don't have to use them, but they are good for a laugh.
While watching Election coverage this morning saw a few commercials for Four Christmases. The movie doesn't look remotely interesting and doesn't look funny. Being that it's supposed to be a romcom that's bad. If the movie bombs, will we get a triple overload of Reeke (maybe Reese can co-ordinate a photo shoot were Reeke gets coffee after running and then Jake walks towards the car holding Ava's hand, Reese's hand and has Deacon on his shoulders all at the same time) or will Reese finally give Jake his walking papers? Hopefully it will be the walking papers.
Thank you U.S.A.
Congratulations Mr. President.
And also mucho congrats to (((Daff))... and since I'm here lots of hugs to the OMG gang! XOXOX
Oh yeah Austin is looking fine. Very Very fun. But come on only Austin would wear corduroys. I think he's going to try and bring them back.
Yes you look at the old pictures of Jake and see that beautiful spirit he let shine. And you catch glimpses of that special spirit when he's alone or with anyone who's not Reese. I don't think he wants to share part himself with her.
What is the hardest is only seeing the image and not hearing him interact with camera. Because we are not seeing all of him. Its been a year since the last had a interview with him. Hear that voice and listened to his laugh. Its been too long. Because you know when he goes back out for interview, that Jake that draws people in will come out. The funny, sweet, slighty goofy, Jake.
A big part of Jake's charm is his the connection with people and with the camera. We haven't seen that in a long time. We need to see that again.
Pictures are one dimension, and Jake is not a one dimension guy.
I hope that we get to see some of Jake's boyish fun and excitement of getting to play a real life action figure in one of the biggest playgrounds.
Can't you see him swinging the big sword around and showing his moves.
Amex Black Card, a phone call, a plane ticket and in few hours hello gorgeous.
Love it!
Hi ((((Frenchy))))! Missed you. :*
my goodness, frenchy! Hello there!
Hey, I have a question for you. Aren't you the one who had some carpal tunnel problems with your hand or wrist or something?
I was on vacation a little while back and during that time, aHEM, was on the laptop quite a bit. And now my right inner elbow hurts on the inside where it is always resting on the dining room table. I'm like, oh nooooo, guess what that's from. lol. It's a little better now but I may have to take some self-imposed sabbaticals if it doesn't get better. I'm on the computer all day at work but I think it's from being on the laptop at home in addition to that.
Anyway, would be funny if it wasn't you after all that blabbering. Hey, and I can't figure out who your avatar is. I don't recognize him.
(maybe Reese can co-ordinate a photo shoot were Reeke gets coffee after running and then Jake walks towards the car holding Ava's hand, Reese's hand and has Deacon on his shoulders all at the same time)
(((Frenchy))). Hope all is well up your way.
Austin is looking gorgeous in those new photos. Nobody looks better in a pair of jeans than that boy.
Tried watching the puppies, but I only saw one, and it quickly disappeared. Too bad, now that the election is over I need something else to occupy my time. I know, believe it or not J&A are not the only things I've obsessed over in the past year.
The puppies are back in their bed conked out from a crazy running dinner time with mom. But puppies sleeping are still just way too cute cute cute.
What is interesting to think about doing is to lay side by side pre-Reeke pictures of Jake and then Reeke/Tabloid Jake. It's too obvious.
It's like night and day. And it's wayyyyy too obvious to be waved off. Sometimes pictures can be deceiving depending on the angle. But in cases where you have Jake holding little Boo and smiling for the camera, proudly holding his puggle and then walking through an airport with CampReeke in tow, looking forlorn and pretty unhappy, pictures tell 1000 words.
Heyyyyy, I wore corduroys today! Powder blue ones. Are cords out of fashion, lol??
Austin's been ahead of the curve on some with his fashion choices. Remember the whole vest thing, and two season later - vests. So PG you are ahead of the fashion forefront.
So is that like a live webcam, then? I saw alot of them. They were all sleeping.
Went out to get gas. 1.97 at QT. So now that the election is over, will it go back up? I put the "gas question" to the girls at work yesterday because I never get any answers from anybody on it. They're the ones who said gas plummeted because of the election. So now will be interesting to see if it does go back up. Hope not. Only cost 6.75 to fill up.
Headed off to the b-room for the usual M-W-F calesthenics. Calesthenics that really never seem to put any muscle on, lol.
Hope tomorrow there will be a few fireballs thrown in the direction of Kansas because at least that would mean there is still some blood pumping out there in OMGland. Go ahead - let me have it. I can take it. Sometimes, lol!
Jus a little toughlove is all. And aimed at myself as well, believe me. Good gosh, haven't I been on here enough grousing & whining? But I wouldn't fight for you if I didn't care.
Anyways, sweet dreams to those still up. Sweet dreams, dearest Special.
Prairie Girl, I have not given up the ship, or lost my faith yet. I am a very patient person, although I did expect to see Jake in another movie before 2010. I am not sure that is going to happen.
Isn't Jake supposed to be using an english accent and talking that way all the time to not lose it. I think that may be why he's been avoiding interviews. I guess we'll see if he talks with an accent in the POP interview tomorrow.
I do think Jake and Austin see each other regularly. Too many unaccounted for days in Jake's life.
I want a puppy. Can I make just one or do they get made in sets of 6?
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